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  • @mateusland5848
    @mateusland5848 4 года назад +12

    I was extremely blessed by this teaching, praise God for your life Dr. White.

  • @CharlieJulietSierra
    @CharlieJulietSierra 4 года назад +12

    I love listening to James White. He has a way of putting things that most lack.

    • @Dragontron20
      @Dragontron20 3 года назад

      He is Christ like in that he speaks as one with authority. We should strive to do the same. Jesus gave us that authority.

  • @jvro8343
    @jvro8343 4 года назад +11

    Lovely james praise the Lord bless you

  • @bunnylady6758
    @bunnylady6758 3 года назад +3

    To God be the glory for Dr White. I like watching his videos and debates.😊

  • @traceylok675
    @traceylok675 4 года назад +4

    Very powerful word. 👍🏼

  • @maryloulongenbaugh7069
    @maryloulongenbaugh7069 Год назад +1

    I love the radical message of Jesus Christ. Talking with the unbelievers of the world is 2 dimensional-we believers have a faith, home, and God for all eternity.

  • @shawnstephens6795
    @shawnstephens6795 4 года назад +21

    He's wearing Joseph's multi-colored robe.

    • @franklogan494
      @franklogan494 4 года назад +3

      I agree, it is a very nice coat!!

    • @ibperson7765
      @ibperson7765 2 года назад

      Let’s sell him into slavery and take it

  • @TheRealJackRyan
    @TheRealJackRyan 4 года назад +2

    Gold - please keep up this fight

  • @jamessheffield4173
    @jamessheffield4173 3 года назад +1

    He avoids the effect of Post Modernism on critical text theory.

  • @muhammedeminali3627
    @muhammedeminali3627 Год назад

    Imam Abu Yusuf al-Qadi and Imam Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan ash-Shaybaniyy and others. He said in his book:
    “تَعَالى عن الحُدُودِ والغَاياتِ والأَركانِ والأَعضَاء والأَدَوَاتِ. لا تَحوِيهِ الجِهَاتُ السّتُّ كَسَائِرِ المُبْتَدَعَاتِ”
    which means: Such is the saying of Imam Abu Ja^far who is among the heads of Salaf.

  • @LookOutForNumberOne
    @LookOutForNumberOne Год назад +1

    This guy is just a Van Til CLONE.

  • @jorgelopez-pr6dr
    @jorgelopez-pr6dr 8 месяцев назад


  • @Freethinkingtheist77
    @Freethinkingtheist77 3 года назад

    I have so much time for James White - he has helped my own walk immeasurably and I am far more open to presuppositional apologetics as a result of listening to the Dividing Line than I once was.
    I agree with almost everything in this talk, but I'm not sure I agree with his stance that, if a person suppresses the truth then, when you give them more truth, they will suppress that too. Surely the Holy Spirit can use any truth to work in a person's heart? This assumption appears to be the basis upon which White advocates presuppositionalism alone (verging on the 6th 'sola'?) However if the Holy Spirit can use any truth, even the classical apologetics of, for example, William Lane Craig, then surely we can find merit in the many apologetics methodologies rather than being dogmatic over there being one scripturally faithful way?

    • @Vae07
      @Vae07 2 года назад +4

      His point is that nothing you can say will convince an unbeliever unless God spiritually regenerate that persons heart first.

  • @jmwSeattle
    @jmwSeattle 3 года назад

    Creation + evil but no God doesn’t make sense. Therefore the existence of evil proves the existence of God,

  • @muhammedeminali3627
    @muhammedeminali3627 Год назад

    Ever since people innovated the dogma of joining others in worship along with Allah, Allah had been sending Prophets and Messengers to His devotees in order to invite them to the worship of Allah and Allah Alone, to order them not to ascribe partners unto Him and bring them out of the darkness of polytheism and into the light of Monotheism. All the Prophets preached the belief in the Oneness of Allah. The following verses from the Noble Qur’an illustrate this fact:
    “Indeed, We sent Nooh (Noah) to his people and he said: ‘O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilaah (God) but him. (Laa ilaaha ill Allaah, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah). Certainly, I fear for you the torment of a great Day!’” (Al-A’araaf, The Heights 7:59)

    • @philosophicalneo
      @philosophicalneo Год назад +1

      islam was purely a political movement inspired by power and rooted in heretical philosophies

  • @aservantofJEHOVAH7849
    @aservantofJEHOVAH7849 3 года назад

    Heads exploded all across Christendom when the new world translation, entirely in keeping with the rules of Greek grammar, inserted the definite article at John1:1c. There were even erroneous claims that it was the first/only translation to render the verse thus. Jesus is not a God insisted opponents. Well here's my question. If Jesus is not a God,how can he be JEHOVAH,whom the bible plainly declares to be a God.
    Deuteronomy4:24ASV" 24For JEHOVAH thy God is a devouring fire, a jealous God."

    • @jamessheffield4173
      @jamessheffield4173 3 года назад +1

      Exodus 3:14
      “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” John 8:58
      Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

    • @aservantofJEHOVAH7849
      @aservantofJEHOVAH7849 3 года назад +1

      If you get a copy of the septuagint you will see for yourself that Moses was told to say that 'ho on' and not 'ego eimi' had sent him at exodus 3:14. His everlasting personal name is given at verse 15. 'Ego eimi' is not a divine title Interestingly only the God and Father of Jesus i.e JEHOVAH God is ever referred to as 'ho on' in the new testament see revelation1:4.

    • @jamessheffield4173
      @jamessheffield4173 3 года назад +1

      @@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 It is true that, in the Septuagint version (the Greek translation of the Old Testament), the translation of Ex.3:14 is ego eimi ho on ("I am the One who exists"). But it is important to note that the Septuagint is actually attempting to translate this difficult Hebrew phrase, and it is of no small significance that the translator felt the need to use two different forms of the verb "to be" to do so. Neither of these forms is future, by the way, nor is either form potential (we might have expected an optative or a subjunctive). The point is that even in the third century B.C., the Hebrew "eyeh 'asher 'eyeh" really was difficult to do justice to. Given that immediately after this, God tells Moses to tell the Israelites that "'eyeh" has sent him (using only one half of the repeated verbal coupling), Jesus statement "I am" seems as close as one might come to quoting this passage in Greek (or any other language). So there is really no doubt whatsoever that Jesus is directly and deliberately referring to Exodus 3:14 with these words, regardless of the exact phraseology used by the LXX. Similarly, in Rev.1:8, the Father describes Himself as "ho on, kai ho en, kai ho erchomenos" - "the One who is, and who was, and who is coming". Both renderings have, to my mind, one and the same central objective: to make clear that God is the author of all existence, of all creation, and that He is supreme within that creation, being both the definition and the ruler of the very notion of being and existence. The use of the divine "being" Name in Exodus chapter three (by our Lord Jesus in Christophany acting for the Father) served to put the Israelites on notice that this God is in no way comparable to the gods with which they were familiar (so neither is His Name comparable). In John 8:58 and elsewhere, Jesus makes it clear that He is that very same One, and anyone familiar with the meaning and the translations of that famous Hebrew passage should have recognized this.

    • @aservantofJEHOVAH7849
      @aservantofJEHOVAH7849 3 года назад +1

      If the passage is so vague it certainly can't be use as a prooftext. John8:58 our Lord is responding to a passage dealing with age not identity. Where ever our Lord speaks clearly about the relationship between himself and his God he makes clear the utter superiority of JEHOVAH as at John20:17, John14:28,John7:19, he also makes statements that JEHOVAH would never utter as at John8:50.

    • @jamessheffield4173
      @jamessheffield4173 3 года назад +1

      @@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 it has been clear as day for 2000 years for those willing to see. BTW the Septuagint gas always been used by the GREEK Orthodox, and guess what their language is? Both the West, Oriental, and the Greek agree Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, Greek triad. Acts 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

  • @nicholasmusic-l3e
    @nicholasmusic-l3e Год назад


  • @raysonraypay5885
    @raysonraypay5885 Год назад


  • @aservantofJEHOVAH7849
    @aservantofJEHOVAH7849 3 года назад

    Psalms83:18KJV"18That they may know that thou alone, whose name is JEHOVAH, Art the MOST HIGH over all the earth." Note please there is but one whose name is JEHOVAH. Note also that this one is the MOST HIGH. Thus if ones God is associated with multiple co'equals (e.g the Trinitarian Jesus). He is not the Lord JEHOVAH.

    • @philosophicalneo
      @philosophicalneo Год назад

      Genesis 19:24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah-from the Lord out of the heavens
      There were various manifestations of the Logos throughout the Old Testament - the burning bush, the Angel of the Lord, etc.
      Unitarianism is an early Christian heresy discussed and refuted in the 3-4th centuries.
      Become more educated please

    • @aservantofJEHOVAH7849
      @aservantofJEHOVAH7849 Год назад

      @@philosophicalneo a manifestation of JEHOVAH is not JEHOVAH the manifestation must be distinguished from the real thing. JEHOVAH'S angel is subordinate to JEHOVAH.
      BTW the apostle Paul distinguishes the angels that spoke with Moses from the prehuman logos. In the Book of Hebrews.
      Hebrews:2-3 NKJ"For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just [b]reward, 3how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him,"
      Note please that a distinction is made between the angels through whom Moses receives the law and the Logos through whom the gospel of the kingdom is first preached.

    • @philosophicalneo
      @philosophicalneo Год назад

      @@aservantofJEHOVAH7849 refer again to the verse in Genesis I posted.
      The Lord witnessed the Lord destroy Sodom and Gomorrah
      Explain this verse through your unitarian model.

    • @aservantofJEHOVAH7849
      @aservantofJEHOVAH7849 Год назад

      @@philosophicalneo of course JEHOVAH bears witness to his own actions but to leap from this obvious conclusion to therefore JEHOVAH must be three in one is nonsensical.

    • @andrelgospel3029
      @andrelgospel3029 Год назад

      Proverbs 30:3,4

  • @jakubkrticka1040
    @jakubkrticka1040 Год назад

    Ts ts ts....He said the right side of the road is the right side....well I agree...but he still uses inches, miles, pounds...
    Im sorry NA, GB....but thats just evil 😉

  • @alexanderescoto7037
    @alexanderescoto7037 4 года назад +2

    Are you steeling doug wilson jokes or are you both steeling them from some one else?

  • @rhondahauser1750
    @rhondahauser1750 3 года назад +1

    As James White says, compare with the (3) recognized English versions (Wycliffe, Tyndale & Geneva ) before the KJV and then the versions after, with the KJV. This will reveal truth.
    “Only Begotten Son” is written before the KJV and in the KJV, and removed from most versions (modern day versions published after 1960), ASV, NIV, NASB, RSV, NLT, etc. (This is a title of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God)! There is only one “ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, JESUS! He was begotten of the Father, he was born of a verging both, he was without Sin, he rose from the dead, JESUS, the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON.
    Also look for the word “Lucifer”, it’s written in Isaiah 14:12 in the Wycliffe, Tyndale and Geneva versions, and the KJV, and removed from the NIV, NASB, EVS, NLT, Message, ASV, etc (All published after 1960), with the exception of ASV.
    This is the name of Satan, which has been removed.
    The Word “JEHOVAH”, is written in the Wycliffe, Tyndale, Geneva and KJV, and removed from ALL versions written after 1960, including the NKJV. (JEHOVAH is a name prophesied forward to the New Testament, who is Jesus, read Exodus 6:3, Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 12:2 & Isaiah 26:4, this will interpret the word Jesus in the NT, your everlasting strength and your song, God almighty over all the earth (Revelation 1:8, written in ref, Jesus speaking, he is the Almighty) , your salvation -SAVIOUR.
    JEHOVAH is written in all caps.
    If you remove all vowels from JEHOVAH (there are no vowels in Hebrew), you will have JHVH, the 4 letter Hebrew word for God! And all modern day versions have removed “JEHOVAH”.
    Look at Revelation 22:14 the word “commandments” has been removed and replaced with “wash you robes”. The instruction in Revelation 22:18,19 says we are not to add or remove from the prophesy of this book, and that is exactly what has happened in (Modern day versions).
    Because in all versions there are instructions and through a process of elimination we can remove false (manmade versions). Selling Bibles makes a fortune.
    All versions which have removed the Titles of God are counterfeit versions, IF YOU FOLLOW GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS!
    That eliminated all versions written after 1960 as true translation. BAM! They are paraphrased versions (manmade.
    Now we have the recognized English ASV, published in 1901.
    It used the word JEHOVAH beginning at Genesis 2:4 the problem with this is that the
    B I B L E says, by the name JEHOVAH he (God) was not know unto Abraham, Issac and Jacob by the name JEHOVAH, but by the name Almighty.
    Therefore, we know that man has removed the title of God, which is LORD and added JEHOVAH in place of.
    Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them.
    Instructions: Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22:18,19, same instruction in the Old and New Testament, nothing has changed in all versions.
    For I testify unto EVERY MAN that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If ANY MAN shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
    19 And if ANY MAN shall TAKE AWAY from the words of the book of this PROOHESY, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
    We are not to add or remove from God’s word.
    All versions who have removed “Only Begotten Son, JEHOVAH, Commandments, Lucifer, etc. are counterfeit versions.
    Now we have (4) recognized versions to put through the Test.
    (2) follow the Bible translated from Latin into English (Wycliffe (Catholic Bible), and Tyndale), and (2) follow the translation, translated into English directly from Hebrew and Greek (Geneva and KJV).
    All versions published after 1960 follow the Wycliffe, Catholic version translated from Latin.
    The Geneva and the KJV are very similar, with one main exception, that the KJV is the ONLY version authorized by a KING (authority).
    Remember God appoints Kings and yes many were and are evil, but the pattern in the OT reveals God uses holy men under the king for his purpose.
    2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
    21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

    • @philosophicalneo
      @philosophicalneo Год назад

      the KJV removes the canonized books passed in councils of carthage and hippo in 395ad.
      It does not uphold actual biblical canon, it is a bastardized version of the true Bible and there is no way one can be intellectually honest and believe otherwise.
      this is literal historical fact, so I recommend you look past the 16th century

  • @muhammedeminali3627
    @muhammedeminali3627 Год назад

    Allâh created the universe, He exists before the space and the time. God exists without place and does not depend on time. we do not say "where" or "when" or "how" about Allâh.

    • @duffgordon9005
      @duffgordon9005 10 месяцев назад

      Jesus Christ changed water into wine, healed people from a distance, Raised his friend Lazarus FRROM a 4 day death, where he "stunk" ..TO PROVE HIS CLAIM TO BE THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD. Now, what did Mohammed do?

  • @emmaduddin1275
    @emmaduddin1275 4 года назад +1


    • @imamjimjamlawrence
      @imamjimjamlawrence 3 года назад +8

      Then why does the Quran lie about Jesus dying, and being resurrected?

    • @ShaunAntonyWalsh
      @ShaunAntonyWalsh Год назад +1

      God's name is YAHWEH.... Allah is not God