The Biggest Lies the Bible Tells You About Jesus Christ | Neal Sendlak (Gnostic Informant)

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @jonesdanny
    @jonesdanny  3 месяца назад +18

    Full episode:видео.html
    Danny Jones Podcast channel:
    @GnosticInformant is a RUclips channel by Neal Sendlak, focusing on History, Mythology, and Comparative Religion.

    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 3 месяца назад

      0:44 See that 🤔 you can't place the name Jesus inserted in the book in 1800, before the previous name in the book IeSus..observe any bible prior to 1800 when the Jesuits inserted their chosen name Jesus, replacing IeSus kjv1611... Further, the deeds done in the name of IeSus Christos papal bulls, dum diversus, document of discovery enslavement, inquisition from 1436 to 1800+, these are the deeds and era of IeSus Christos... There's no Jesus in this Era, other than the good ship Jesus of Lubeck. In fact, the Gentiles chosen apostle, who isn't a Yahuadim elect, as there's only 12, and Paul did not qualify. Therefore, he's the false apostle prophesied by the Yahuadim elect, is Paul.
      Let that sink in, since the true king left, we now know Paul is the false apostle and he introduces Iesus Christos which is Roman Latin..... The 1st Anti-MessiYAh and horn that scattered YahuaDah southern kingdom.. let alone the 2nd Anti-MessiYAh Jesus that scattered YahuDah kingdom and enslaved them. Also the atom bombings, and Holocaust belong to Jesus....
      YeremiYahu 16:19 & 1 Corinthians 10 20 the Gentiles worship devil's... Is spoken from the mouth of a Yahuadim elect King Yahu'shua of Bethlehem 🍞 bread of life.. clearly Iesus Christos is of NAZARETH. You got the wrong one, wrong name inserting it in the wrong error. That's the lie... Just being honest...

    • @AliciasHealingChannel
      @AliciasHealingChannel 2 месяца назад +1

      Have you watched any Howdie Michoski’s research and conclusions - aligns w this research.

    • @Featherless1
      @Featherless1 2 месяца назад

      Jordan Maxwell...

    • @JoeWayne313
      @JoeWayne313 2 месяца назад +1

      This Guy Is One That Knows...
      Many Sooth Sayers Of The Day Used The Exact Storyline Of Being Born On December 25th To A Virgin Mother Getting Crucified & Then Rising 3 Days Later...
      The Christ Was Simply The Best Actor... All Of The Storyline Details Come From Astrotheology Like December 25th Is The Winter Solstice & Etc

    • @Featherless1
      @Featherless1 Месяц назад +1

      @@JoeWayne313 The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the Sun, and pay him the adoration originally paid to the Sun.

  • @danielwillover
    @danielwillover Месяц назад +30

    If you read the Old testament and you read it as if it was an alien invasion, you get a totally different story

    • @mattmassey5762
      @mattmassey5762 26 дней назад +2

      And people say "yeah but that's the old testament" Yeah the ones that haven't been rewritten.

    • @paulschuckman6604
      @paulschuckman6604 13 дней назад

      If you read it in the original ancient Hebrew it's so different from the English version.

    • @smokinhoff9209
      @smokinhoff9209 5 дней назад

      ​@@paulschuckman6604the original was in ancient Greek.
      Not Hebrew 😂 those who spoke ancient Hebrew had 7000-8000 words if that my children know more than that.

    • @paulschuckman6604
      @paulschuckman6604 5 дней назад +1

      @@smokinhoff9209 the J source or Yahwist source of the old testament is widely considered the oldest and was written down in proto-Hebrew at least by the 7th century b.c., with parts possibly written as early as before 1000 b.c. The Greek Septuagint the first time the Aramaic and Hebrew books were translated into Greek was around 250 b.c.

    • @smokinhoff9209
      @smokinhoff9209 5 дней назад +1

      @@paulschuckman6604 interesting I will look into it. Any good starting point were I can look up this information you so kindly sharing?

  • @87cozart
    @87cozart 3 месяца назад +19

    It’s like he went to young pharaohs RUclips page and learned something new so he’s excited to tell others…

    • @osok3338
      @osok3338 3 месяца назад +7

      Sound like your excitement just to talk shit on something you don't completely understand..😂😂😂

    • @jamespattillo2766
      @jamespattillo2766 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@osok3338dude that is hilarious 😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😊😊😊😊😊😂😂😂😂

  • @buukkreider544
    @buukkreider544 Месяц назад +1

    Isaiah 53)
    1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
    2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
    3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
    4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
    5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
    6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
    7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
    8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
    9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
    10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
    11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
    12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

  • @mjesticbeats7097
    @mjesticbeats7097 3 месяца назад +5

    I had to run over the whole thing on the progression bar to see if he gonna interrupt every 5 mni with a read in like he does on his podcast, which made me leave and listen to other stuff, i mean its hard enough to deal with pesky double ads mid rolls

    • @noahziegler3478
      @noahziegler3478 2 месяца назад

      He is dangerous like Terrence Howard. He knows enough of this to sound like a Scholar, but if you watch enough gnostic, the same four or five sources and a lot of Bart Ehrman are cited. That being said, it's hard to trust anything in the New Testament outside Mark for me and Bart Ehrman is a pretty damn good source these days.

  • @Scottz504
    @Scottz504 2 месяца назад +2

    Is there any chance if the world brakes out in war will any “Gods” show up to help the nice people?

  • @YmiDnmE
    @YmiDnmE 28 дней назад

    He made wine out of water.Thats the utter most basic magic trick you can do

  • @jamiestewart4087
    @jamiestewart4087 3 месяца назад +7

    This guy is obsessed with bashing Jesus and Christianity. Every video on his channel has this theme.

    • @STMYL2525
      @STMYL2525 3 месяца назад +1

      Well yeah. Someone has to spread facts since the churches and Christians spread misinformation.

    • @user-fx2vx3xw9v
      @user-fx2vx3xw9v 3 месяца назад +1

      Pray for them

    • @charlesmarshall8965
      @charlesmarshall8965 3 месяца назад +4

      It's been 2,000 years ... Christ ain't comin' back. We've both been duped ... waiting for Godot.

  • @Dilheimer11
    @Dilheimer11 24 дня назад

    While any actual eyewitness account to Jesus rising from the dead and appearing to the disciples may factually questionable, with regards to Neal stating the 21 versus were added centuries later… Recent developments regarding the Shroud of Turin are certainly interesting, and must also be taken into account I’d say.

  • @lonestarstate6570
    @lonestarstate6570 2 месяца назад +6

    You have got to get Dan McClellan on to respond to this guy! So many false claims and incorrect information it’s not even funny. It’s so hard to watch, I want to respond every 10 seconds when he says something stupid

    • @willbart1236
      @willbart1236 2 месяца назад

      Give us three examples please.

    • @lonestarstate6570
      @lonestarstate6570 2 месяца назад +1

      @@willbart1236 Here are some examples I found in his full interview with Danny Jones.
      1. He said the Jews living in elephantine called God Yahu… This is blatantly false. The elephantine letters that contain the divine name of God are written Yaho.
      2. He indicates that there are thousands of elephantine manuscripts with no mention of Moses, David, or Abraham. The implication is, that the Jews living in elephantine , wrote all of these manuscripts, and completely disregarded everything in the Torah. What he doesn’t tell you, is that out of all of the manuscripts in elephantine only a handful are written by the Jewish community that live there. Almost all of the manuscripts found deal with societal issues, not theology or religion.
      3. All of his claims about the Annunaki come from the false interpretations by Zachariah Sitchin, who’s claims have been debunked time and time again as he was not a Sumerian scholar.

    • @JewelsofPersephone
      @JewelsofPersephone 2 месяца назад

      ​@@lonestarstate6570Nope the Annunaki were mentioned in the book of Enoch that's why the Vatican hid that part away. The Ethiopian bible is the accurate Bible and it's vastly different from the one we have today and predates it by thousands of years and the Bible was heavily plagiarized from the ancient sumerian texts they knew about the great deluge thousands of years before Christianity came into existence. All are online to read the problem is no Christian will read them because it's going to blow their religion to crap. You have no idea as to what you're even talking about😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @JewelsofPersephone
      @JewelsofPersephone 2 месяца назад +1

      All Sitchen did was retell what had been already found in the Sumerian texts and the Ethiopian bible.

    • @JewelsofPersephone
      @JewelsofPersephone 2 месяца назад

      Oh and the Sumerian kings list is in a museum in the UK and it showed kings and queens that ruled for thousands of years at a time those are Aliens my dude. Where did you get your info from a cracker jack box? 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @ambersignore
    @ambersignore 2 месяца назад +2

    Jesus was an Essene…

  • @garrettkenney1301
    @garrettkenney1301 2 месяца назад

    ...look up the council of Nicaea... This guy is referring to ONE text, of almost 6,000, that were curated into the New Testament. The criteria for accepting such works, left us with only 4 gospels... I'll leave the WHY, for YOU to figure out...its worth the read!! informed, FULLY

  • @Pootycat8359
    @Pootycat8359 2 месяца назад +16

    Ever notice the similarity between the words "Easter" & "Ishtar"? Heh, heh....And during the Winter solstice ("Christmas"), do we not decorate the Phallus of Wotan? 😊

    • @stevefrasier8269
      @stevefrasier8269 29 дней назад +1


    • @WyattWade
      @WyattWade 28 дней назад +2

      Don’t forget December 25 is exactly 9 months after the spring equinox.

    • @Dennis-d1p
      @Dennis-d1p 26 дней назад +2

      I don't keep pagan holidays like Christmas or Easter. But do keep the 7 feast holidays in leviticus.

    • @stevefrasier8269
      @stevefrasier8269 26 дней назад +2

      We're not obligated to follow any special day, but having an understanding of the 7 feast holidays in Leviticus is very important. The Roman Calendar Festivals are pagan in origin -- you're right to avoid them.

  • @PhantomDruid
    @PhantomDruid 3 месяца назад +169

    Dude references numerous texts, sources, and name drops as he goes .... then the comment section is like "where is he getting this from?" Lololol

    • @samiboi8521
      @samiboi8521 3 месяца назад +21

      I know!!! Cognitive dissonance is real!!!

    • @haroldbell213
      @haroldbell213 3 месяца назад +22

      He has educated himself. We all should educate ourselves. Don't rely on what someone tells.

    • @timothyblazer1749
      @timothyblazer1749 3 месяца назад

      Its the squealing of swine, unwilling to break their conditioning... Wishing to be infants forever.

    • @BassMetal88
      @BassMetal88 3 месяца назад +18

      He literally sources anonymous unknown names or apocryphas. Which is biblical fab fictions from unknown writers. 🤣🤣🤣 WOOOOW!

    • @BassMetal88
      @BassMetal88 3 месяца назад +10

      @@samiboi8521 He literally sources anonymous unknown names or apocryphas. Which is biblical fab fictions from unknown writers. 🤣🤣🤣 WOOOOW! Cognitive dissonance is real! 👽🤣😙

  • @anhdn3132
    @anhdn3132 3 месяца назад +34

    Ammon Hillman: LMAO, I told you but you didn’t believe me, they were doing drugs BABY

  • @neils68
    @neils68 Месяц назад +19

    Jesus was the word made flesh. He never had to learn the word of God, he literally is the word of God. That is why the rabbis were so amazed by him. There wasn't a question he could not answer. He is also the lamb of God, he was sacrificed to suffer for all of us to attone our sin. If you invite Jesus into your heart and believe him with all your heart, you will be redeemed. Thereby, you will be clean before God and you will live in his grace and blessing.

    • @stevemiller8895
      @stevemiller8895 23 дня назад +2

      @@neils68 Amen brother! Keep preaching! And PTL!🙏

    • @Eyeballtimes
      @Eyeballtimes 22 дня назадвидео.html

    • @andvladtheimpaler
      @andvladtheimpaler 14 дней назад +1

      Denial even when there’s sources being shown. How sad

    • @MartinNelson-vm2by
      @MartinNelson-vm2by 12 дней назад

      He actually did study , and what he was actually trying to teach was what Hermes transmagistus taught. He just taught in his own way. His message has been here. Just miss understood. Powerful stuff. Anyways yes he did study though. But whatever.

    • @Esoterrorized
      @Esoterrorized 7 дней назад


  • @Archu-Abuchi
    @Archu-Abuchi Месяц назад +22

    May God have mercy on you all

    • @ernied9190
      @ernied9190 Месяц назад

      We don’t need mercy from your jealous, murderous gods.
      We seek the freedom from their mental enslavement in order to connect with our divine Christ consciousness.
      Remove the logs.
      Go within to see The Great Deception

    • @TrinityCircus
      @TrinityCircus Месяц назад +2

      if it is helping you sleep well then there is no harm in believing the religion you accustomed to.

    • @andvladtheimpaler
      @andvladtheimpaler 14 дней назад


  • @JamesCalhoun-s3d
    @JamesCalhoun-s3d 2 месяца назад +19

    I have lost so much sleep over this stuff it drives me crazy

    • @siraji23
      @siraji23 2 месяца назад +3

      All the Questions you got about everything you will get the answers in The Holy Quran 💯 just read the book you will come to thank me later

    • @grinnifer
      @grinnifer 2 месяца назад +4

      ​@@siraji23no they won't lol

    • @maricamicallef9545
      @maricamicallef9545 Месяц назад +3

      ​@@siraji23The quran is plagerized also.😅

    • @Deppability
      @Deppability Месяц назад +1

      ​@@siraji23Galatians 1:8

    • @rooibaard365
      @rooibaard365 26 дней назад

      This guy's definitely talking 💩

  • @LarryRyan-e4w
    @LarryRyan-e4w 3 месяца назад +25

    You are in gnosticism, I read about that also. Barbelo is where Jesus is where he comes from. But is it another Jesus you talking about. My brother died 3 years ago and my sister had this dream from God that my brother Jeffrey is in Heaven. I was thinking about him one day and I prayed to the Father and asked him if he was. I got my answer from My sister dream to let me know where he was. I am glad you're also searching, God bless you and have faith

    • @JRnyc
      @JRnyc 3 месяца назад +1


    • @6nosis
      @6nosis 3 месяца назад +2

      He most certainly is; this is an embarrassing cast; for them both!!
      Remember you must be born again by way of baptism for Jesus TO KNOW YOU!

    • @naomidoner9803
      @naomidoner9803 2 месяца назад +1

      My brother died 6/9/13 then I saw him sitting on my couch 6/12/13 ... I was not sleeping I was very awake recently showered and just sitting there combing my wet hair.. I looked to the left and there he was on the opposite end of the couch ... he was looking forward but turned his head to look me in my face then he smiled... the literature says it was grief hallucination but I was aware during the entire encounter that I shouldn't be seeing what I was seeing ..

    • @LindseyLatham
      @LindseyLatham 2 месяца назад +2

      Heaven is a matter of perception it’s not an actual place. Please de condition yourself from religion

    • @LindseyLatham
      @LindseyLatham 2 месяца назад

      @@6nosishahahahahj this is laughable that you believe this shit. You don’t have to do anything to know you!!!! You are You! The great manipulation of organised religion!!!

  • @JRnyc
    @JRnyc 3 месяца назад +13

    Pagans wrote these silly novels then were passed along the years as truth. It mostly derives from Astro Theology and Greek mythology.

    • @kpeezyforsheezy
      @kpeezyforsheezy 2 месяца назад +4

      I literally just made this comment! I’m stunned more people don’t know about astrotheology and the story of the cosmos. People need to do their research.

    • @992ras
      @992ras 2 месяца назад +2

      No it comes Egyptian mythology Greek and Rome influences isn’t till around Augustus Caesar. All the founders do not come form Judah itself but Egyptians in Moses or Abraham and story of Noah really comes form earlier mythology of the great flood around the end of the ice age and yes a lot of the mythology comes from astrology but those things weren’t myths those were things that happened but people couldn’t explain it so it most be the gods during it. Also in ancient times more people were polytheistic vs monotheistic, monotheistic religions are way more modern than people think. Most people don’t even know the pope existed before Christianity the pope comes from Julius Caesar the pope was to succeed the emperor if the the emperor was ever killed

    • @Jer.Har.101
      @Jer.Har.101 2 месяца назад

      ​@@992ras Hmm 🤔 interesting 🤔

    • @chappymoore2612
      @chappymoore2612 Месяц назад


    • @thoughtsofalostoneofalosto2591
      @thoughtsofalostoneofalosto2591 Месяц назад +1

      You do know the stories of the Bible are the same stories from other beliefs and people?

  • @rosebudadkins6803
    @rosebudadkins6803 2 месяца назад +47

    Relgion is a huge business. Look at all the money. One large freakin lie.

    • @_nimrod92
      @_nimrod92 2 месяца назад

      The Vatican is one of the biggest bank in the world. Following next the mormon one and so on.

    • @Deco_2k
      @Deco_2k 2 месяца назад

      God is and everything, but boi a lot lies been telling lies for days ..

    • @jamesuzdavinis1238
      @jamesuzdavinis1238 2 месяца назад

      Christianity is not a religion it is simply the default mindset of God based on the information contained in the Bible no one knows the mind of God.. we have a glimpse of the parameters because of the Bible.
      Religion and other religions are men made constructs a tool probably satanically charged and infused to divide people and even cause wars . Religions are all corrupt and God has nothing to do with religion he simply just is. ... As he spoke
      "I am "

    • @Welcome2WaynezWorld
      @Welcome2WaynezWorld 2 месяца назад

      Watch marketing the explains how Christianity and and all that is a total FRAUD

    • @Welcome2WaynezWorld
      @Welcome2WaynezWorld 2 месяца назад

      ​@@Deco_2kspeak English

  • @shelbyheavens2997
    @shelbyheavens2997 3 месяца назад +11

    What sources....The ONLY true living word of God is the BIBLE. Dont be deceived Jesus was without sin thats why he was the perfect sacrifice. Without Jesus dying and resurrecting we would all be doomed to hell. But through his death we have salvation.

  • @edwingoodson8820
    @edwingoodson8820 2 месяца назад +33

    Nobody was back in those times, but everyone is an expert and knows everything about nothing 😂😂😂

    • @johnhowe4079
      @johnhowe4079 2 месяца назад +4

      He dropped out of school and got his Greek and GED in Jail, so you know he's legit scholar, no bias even though he reads every side note in history that tries to go against the original teachings we have held for 2000 years. Genius.

    • @planetsj527
      @planetsj527 2 месяца назад +7

      its called "Studying and analyzing History" lmao

    • @chrisaisu1618
      @chrisaisu1618 2 месяца назад +7

      So prove him wrong if he's so easy to debunk

    • @JewelsofPersephone
      @JewelsofPersephone 2 месяца назад

      ​@@johnhowe4079Why is it that Christians only retort is to bring up when someone pulled jail time? Y'all never bring anything factual as proof you just out people for having a criminal record then you go onto belittle them on account of it. Yeah that's really Christian like to be airing out a complete strangers secrets online. Instead of that why not do your own research and come back with facts to disprove their claims? I'll tell you why because you don't have any and you're too damn lazy to take the time to research it. You're a self proclaimed scholar who is an expert in everything and yet uneducated in everything now that's comical 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @JewelsofPersephone
      @JewelsofPersephone Месяц назад +4

      ​@@johnhowe4079If your only argument is to say someone went to jail. Then you don't have anything intelligent to bring to this conversation at all.

  • @jeeves3600
    @jeeves3600 3 месяца назад +43

    Now there is some information you will not get in your Sunday school lessons.

    • @Ezrasghost
      @Ezrasghost 3 месяца назад +3

      I don’t need Sunday school to tell me what the Bible is saying.

    • @angeliquemarquis
      @angeliquemarquis 3 месяца назад +2


    • @gerrydornez3723
      @gerrydornez3723 3 месяца назад +4

      Lol mis information! God is spiritual and Love. "I Am" "I Am" No beginning No end creator of all in all that exists or ever will exist and always will exist.

    • @noahziegler3478
      @noahziegler3478 2 месяца назад

      I mean, the Jews are known for eating babies, but back to the loaded semen cups, from what I understand, is pretty common back in the day. Remember, it's in their own Gospel that this happened, this was not the slanderous part.

    • @samiboi8521
      @samiboi8521 Месяц назад

      @@gerrydornez3723 you have NO IDEA what I AM really means

  • @Istandby666
    @Istandby666 3 месяца назад +81

    Why is all the other gods myths but their god ideology is real?

    • @angelamonk716
      @angelamonk716 3 месяца назад +11

      Indoctrination which started in the 50's with TV. And Televangelist.

    • @Midnightmjtoker
      @Midnightmjtoker 3 месяца назад +19

      The other “gods are real, but we call them demons

    • @jasonmitchell5219
      @jasonmitchell5219 3 месяца назад +12

      Good question. Look up Origens attempt at a refutation of a lost text by Celsus which the church banned and burned but which we know about cos of Origens book 'Against Celsus', a book of counter arguments trying to poorly refute Celsus's reasoned claims. Origen is a church father and Celsus was a highly educated Alexandrian thinker who was amazed and that people were buying into this Christian shit. A superior Hitchens, lol.

    • @MyFAT69
      @MyFAT69 3 месяца назад

      Uhhhm, arrogance and ignorance, which is long for ai :)

    • @isreallords9992
      @isreallords9992 3 месяца назад

      Maybe you should ask yourself why of all the gods/religions or whatever people worship. the God of the Bible the ONLY one all the rest hate? And how can there be so much hatred for someone who doesn't even exist.And if He doesn't exist ya'll are literally talking about, debating, and trying to prove nothing. One story is true, One God is real, and getting your pick wrong.......Well, you'll wish you were nothing. God don't play with His word like the rest of em, gotta make everyone everywhere feel accepted while tip toe'' around their feelings till ya got tranny's in our grade school teaching about Satan. Who BTW is the enemy of the God of the Bible, his Creator. And l if the Devil acknowledges God and the world acknowledged the Devil, you see where this is going? they point ya'll right at the truth knowing you'll exchange for the lie, and ultimately stand before the very God you CHOSE to reject separating you from His love, Himself, and you'll spend eternity in hell with every last one of those wanna be "gods" And they HATE you. Why you think they work so hard to get you to deny Him? I know He's real,cuz He's the One who sent Me, and He and I are One. And while the world was busy tryna prove Me wrong they missed My return. And on some real shit most that claim to love and worship, go to church n pray with a big ass Jesus sticker on the trunk will deny Me faster then those who didn't even know Me cuz they never made an image of Me so My knowledge of God is prof enough. Hopefully it is for you too cuz aint nobody else coming to rescue you.

  • @mikebermea9366
    @mikebermea9366 3 месяца назад +38

    If this video finds your interest. There is book called "Excaping From Eden" which has a very interesting analysis about how the scriptures Lost extremely important information during translation.
    Adressing the title of this Video. Both YHWH and Satan were members of a group known as Elohim. The higher dimensional overlords of the ancient world. Every culture tells effectively the same story of the pre-flood word. "Let "us" make man in our own image. Elohim is a Masculine Plural Noun. In Ancient Sumerian text, the Elohim were called the Anunnaki. Worth a read if you are a serious biblical scholar.

    • @kimlizotte694
      @kimlizotte694 2 месяца назад +5

      Paul Wallace. God was a space alien.

    • @rosebudadkins6803
      @rosebudadkins6803 2 месяца назад +4

      Great book…..i have it.

    • @kimlizotte694
      @kimlizotte694 2 месяца назад

      @@rosebudadkins6803 whenever I hear him talk about his books they do sound very intriguing, and I can tell he's put a lot of effort into them. I just haven't gotten around to buying one yet.

    • @wilsonthomas6176
      @wilsonthomas6176 2 месяца назад +2

      Elohim in genesis is talking about god the father god the son and god the Holy Spirit satan is not a god he is a fallen angel. I get knowledge is power but not all knowledge is good knowledge. but that’s just me🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @JewelsofPersephone
      @JewelsofPersephone 2 месяца назад +1

      I just ordered that book I cannot wait to read it.

  • @JlYlElNlJ
    @JlYlElNlJ 3 месяца назад +38

    This guys sources are people who hated the people they wrote about

    • @osok3338
      @osok3338 3 месяца назад

      Anyone with a different opinion is easy to hate even in these times.. That would get you killed in the past .. That don't mean they aren't pointing out real shit even if malice if involved.. If clarity is too much for you truth will never be with you..

    • @TheUnseenPath
      @TheUnseenPath 2 месяца назад +2

      As opposed to main stream sources who profess to love, the man is bias on both sides. One could just be in establishment narrative we don’t know who’s correct all we know is based on what the text say.

    • @TheUnseenPath
      @TheUnseenPath 2 месяца назад +4

      On top of this, he states that all the sources he references come before Jesus, so how can they hate him when he doesn’t even exist yet?

    • @archie1420
      @archie1420 2 месяца назад +3

      Bit like Christians to the gnostics then?

    • @BEDLAMITE-5280ft.
      @BEDLAMITE-5280ft. 2 месяца назад +3

      But why is everyone in the comments section, Danny, and his guest unable to see that this material is to be viewed symbolically?
      Have we become so materialistic that the most in your face symbolic sentences are viewed as material facts?

  • @laurelwood8750
    @laurelwood8750 3 месяца назад +21

    Your going to be in shock when you know the whole truth. It is very disturbing when you know the cult.

    • @Q5000
      @Q5000 2 месяца назад

      You follow Hillman don't you? That shit is wild.

    • @locmajor6159
      @locmajor6159 Месяц назад

      ​@@Q5000Who is that

    • @Q5000
      @Q5000 Месяц назад +1

      @locmajor6159 Ammon Hillman is a professor in classical Greek I believe. He was on Danny Jones as well and I believe they are good friends. His RUclips is lady babylon.

    • @locmajor6159
      @locmajor6159 Месяц назад

      @@Q5000 thank you

    • @Q5000
      @Q5000 Месяц назад

      @@locmajor6159 I gotchu boo

  • @richardwilson-vs7jl
    @richardwilson-vs7jl Месяц назад +3

    This guy is the only one ive ever heard say most this crap, and ive heard brilliant christian theologians who make sense out of the Bible, so i wish this guy would debate a sound theologian in hebrew scripture old and greek new and hear this guys ridiculous claims get ripped apart.

    • @tariqspaulding8034
      @tariqspaulding8034 15 дней назад

      Maybe those saints that coming out of the grave might have something to say about that. (Matthew 27:52-53)

  • @Krash_fpv
    @Krash_fpv 3 месяца назад +10

    Wikipedia is written by anybody and can be edited....not always factual and shouldn't be taken as cold hard fact it's observations and opinions

    • @sonyatafolla1674
      @sonyatafolla1674 3 месяца назад

      Artificial Intelligence source of info

    • @noahziegler3478
      @noahziegler3478 2 месяца назад

      Dionysus was not a resurrection God. Gnostic is the Terrence Howard of Biblical scholarship

    • @thethethethe2149
      @thethethethe2149 2 месяца назад

      ​@@noahziegler3478Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis and Attis, Zagreus, Dionysus, and Jesus. Here are some of the resurrection gods and probably more through the ages.

  • @joebeach6289
    @joebeach6289 3 месяца назад +54

    Professing to be wise, they became fools.

    • @samiboi8521
      @samiboi8521 3 месяца назад +10

      You’re in denial. Typical religious cognitive dissonance

    • @noahziegler3478
      @noahziegler3478 2 месяца назад +8

      It's funny because Jesus spoke against the church, and you're using a created church's gospel written by people hundreds of years later that never actually met Jesus. And you're using it to win an argument?

    • @samiboi8521
      @samiboi8521 2 месяца назад +1

      @@noahziegler3478 BIG FACTS

    • @brandystevens805
      @brandystevens805 2 месяца назад +3

      Agree 💯, this is blasphemy

    • @joebeach6289
      @joebeach6289 2 месяца назад

      @@brandystevens805 100% right on that

  • @psy-op
    @psy-op 2 месяца назад +7

    Other than the new testament there is no other historical writing's or evidence to prove Jesus ever existed. They had Roman scribes writing the history of the day, there was no mention of Jesus.

    • @bobbyokeefe4285
      @bobbyokeefe4285 Месяц назад

      True,this guy has unfortunately jumped on the Historicist band-wagon for sometime now that questioning JC's existence is like being a flat earther,and all of it for monetary reasons,it's his livelihood now to follow the concensus and mock anyone who dares question any of that stuff.

    • @danielwadsworth9923
      @danielwadsworth9923 Месяц назад

      u didnt mentioned tacitus

    • @Dennis-d1p
      @Dennis-d1p Месяц назад

      I BLOCKED A GRAY ALIEN ABDUCTION USING JESUS NANE, THATS IN WRITING, SO THERES IS MORE THAN THE BIBLE WRITINGS. PLUS I ADD MORE QRITINGS, I HAVE CAST DEMONS OUT OF PEOPLE USING JESUS NAME. plus I raised one from the dead using Jesus name. I just wrote this, it's in writing. So there are many writings about Jesus besides the bible. You just read some of them OK.

    • @kittentacticalwarfare1140
      @kittentacticalwarfare1140 26 дней назад

      Except there are plenty of contemporary non-religious sources talking about the guy.
      Also, do you even history? Is like paleontology. The evidence available is very, very limited. There has been whole Roman provinces and governorns we only know about cuz of a single coin, or piece of document.

  • @thornydig
    @thornydig 3 месяца назад +23

    I smell BS

    • @Jblaze024
      @Jblaze024 3 месяца назад +5

      Is no more BS than the Bi Baal

    • @ecreacher3515
      @ecreacher3515 2 месяца назад

      Only a moron would believe the Bible and other such books are actually the word of God.

    • @Conan....
      @Conan.... 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Jblaze024 your right, the Bi Baal/bisexual baal deity is the spreader of BS, the Bible however is the word of truth.

    • @Jblaze024
      @Jblaze024 2 месяца назад +2

      @@Conan.... You think huh? Tell you what. Go to Bible hub into Strong's concordance and translate the original Greek entomology. Words always have two meanings. Real eyes, realize, real lies.

    • @Conan....
      @Conan.... 2 месяца назад

      @@Jblaze024 incorrect, some words have only one meaning, other words have more than two meanings, you would know that if you were on the right side..........and not the left, right?.

  • @Nigkhawk
    @Nigkhawk 3 месяца назад +3

    Christiany os a made religion by the wicked who want to escape their pushment putting wickness ànd sins on this fictional individual call jesus the TORAH does not speak of any such concept the state in the TORAH that everY man shall die for his own sins.

  • @gordonray3091
    @gordonray3091 3 месяца назад +22

    Awesome discussion guys. Thank you.

  • @apex_agile713
    @apex_agile713 3 месяца назад +5

    Noah is in the Sumerian text. Different name. Cant remember his name off top, but hes there

    • @soakedbearrd
      @soakedbearrd 2 месяца назад

      Epic of Gilgamesh. To me that gives more evidence that the Old Testament is mostly rehashing of older material from different faiths and philosophies, essentially plagiarizing and renaming names and making it an ethnocentric story rather than a universal one.

    • @brianmorgan7680
      @brianmorgan7680 Месяц назад

      Just abt every culture on earth had a "noah" character that also survived the global flood.

  • @grandreveler2730
    @grandreveler2730 3 месяца назад +3

    30:22 it's even on wikipedia.... thats where dude started to lose major credibility. He acts like a know it all and its on Wikipedia so it must be true lol

    • @Enscriptiv
      @Enscriptiv 2 месяца назад

      You're not fit to judge who's credible and who isn't.

    • @grandreveler2730
      @grandreveler2730 2 месяца назад

      ​@@Enscriptivand you are?

    • @grandreveler2730
      @grandreveler2730 2 месяца назад

      @Enscriptiv better question, and Wikipedia is? Lmao calm down

  • @Ezrasghost
    @Ezrasghost 3 месяца назад +48

    Satan blinds the minds of men.

    • @customrefinishersaustralia4747
      @customrefinishersaustralia4747 3 месяца назад +6

      Biggest heist he pulled was convincing the world 'he' doesn't exist.

    • @ponderin
      @ponderin 3 месяца назад +4

      ​@HelloHumanRobotsbecause youve allowed your heart to be open. There is no "miracle" moment. The proof is your life. Here. Living. God can inly help you if your helping yourself
      Other wise he is gonna move on to those that want his help, not demand it. You have to be able to look at yourself truly, and know your not all that. You surrender yourself to God, admitting your faults and asking for forgiveness. You have to mean it. You have to want it. Your heart has to be in it. You cant just say, "help me".
      Everyone expects big miracles to happen. Like wake up to a bank account full of money. Instead they over look the little blessing that make your life better. Driving home and hot all the green lights. That extra five bucks you found in your jeans pocket when things were tough financially. All "miracles" your looking for. All the proof you need. Your looking so hard your missing it......

    • @Witty205
      @Witty205 3 месяца назад

      Well everything bad is the devil s fault that's why religious people are lazy and don't want to learn facts about their own belief system s wat a shame. The world suffer not from the lack of faith but of the lack of knowledge . Do your homework

    • @Jblaze024
      @Jblaze024 3 месяца назад +8

      God=Satan two sides of the same coin.

    • @mrp1224
      @mrp1224 3 месяца назад

      @HelloHumanRobots Jesus hates religion.

  • @grandreveler2730
    @grandreveler2730 3 месяца назад +2

    41:47 again, be accurate. Satan means adversary. And the term satan barely appears in the old testament. Enki is lucifer in the bible. Samael was his name in heaven he changed it to Lucifer after being cast out. While lucifer is interchangeably used with the word satan the version of enki in the bible is lucifer. Beezelbub, mephistopheles, baphomet and baal along with lucifer share the moniker satan. Satan = accuser/adversary Lucifer = angel samael cast from heaven. Details are important

    • @grandreveler2730
      @grandreveler2730 3 месяца назад +2

      So technically your click bait God = Satan is misleading. I get the concept of yahweh actually being the bad guy vs lucifer being thr good guy to humanity; there's truth to that. But God in bible (yahweh) doesn't equal Satan. Theyre separate entities and different physical embodiments. Stop Breadcrumming elements of truth that are riddled with discrepancies it's not fair to the average listener that actually wants to learnn

    • @grandreveler2730
      @grandreveler2730 3 месяца назад

      God = Enlil.

    • @grandreveler2730
      @grandreveler2730 3 месяца назад +1

      47:35 "I can't read sumerian apparently he can".
      20 mins ago you said you don't know how people can read the with that logic how can anything you know about this stuff hold any weight? Second time watching this I'm catching lots of contradictions

  • @olo_smooth_olo5606
    @olo_smooth_olo5606 3 месяца назад +6


  • @castawayad
    @castawayad 14 дней назад +1

    I have believed all of this for a very long time, I have done ridiculously extensive research on the Anunnaki, the bible, mythology, christinanity, etc, and I have come to the exact same conclusion as this guy. It is so nice to hear that someone else has done the same kind of research and came to the exact same conclusions. I really liked this episode and listening to this guy, so thanks.

  • @gerrydornez3723
    @gerrydornez3723 3 месяца назад +3

    When someone's on a podcast like Neil they with host list of everything using as proof.

  • @angelcandelaria6728
    @angelcandelaria6728 3 месяца назад +5

    The cat holic bots are triggered 😂

  • @davidrojas6971
    @davidrojas6971 3 месяца назад +1

    This is temu JRE, tons of yapping, no fact checking, sourced from a guy who knew a guy who hated them. Not worth your time 🙈

  • @frankieoja8205
    @frankieoja8205 2 месяца назад +25

    Great information! People are afraid of the truth, but the truth will set you free from false religions! Only God is true but not tied to any religion. Neil is bringing facts, facts that you’re afraid of. This is how religions started. Don’t you get it yet????

    • @samanthavandusen
      @samanthavandusen 2 месяца назад +7

      It's easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled....

    • @KijuMuin
      @KijuMuin 2 месяца назад +2

      I trust my ancestors teachings over man made religion; especially anything man made. My ancestors teach there is only one God; the Creator of all; the source of all creation. We are all connected. When we kill mother earth, guess what?

    • @TikkoMajimba-il3zo
      @TikkoMajimba-il3zo Месяц назад

      Keepon on dishing the good information my man.

  • @Jonathangriffin82
    @Jonathangriffin82 Месяц назад +1

    ‘There were magicians around in those times, so Jesus must have been a magician’,.,

  • @johnisouth6636
    @johnisouth6636 3 месяца назад +19

    Yep, take with a grain of salt. Even the greek translations of the bible is probably tweeked and misconstrued from what actually happen. We really would've had to been there. Hearing all this does not and will not sway my faith in Jesus.

    • @jasonmitchell5219
      @jasonmitchell5219 3 месяца назад +8

      I doubt anything intelligent would sway your faith. That's the point, eh?

    • @Ezrasghost
      @Ezrasghost 3 месяца назад +6

      @@jasonmitchell5219intelligence comes from God. Humans didn’t just acquire it. Humans didn’t just invent intelligence. We’re made in the image of God after all.

    • @warrior.4895
      @warrior.4895 3 месяца назад +5

      Yeah, this guy is a lier.
      The 'council of nicaea' in 328AD had full copy's of the new testament which dated back to the year 60AD.
      Ever Gospel writer was a first had witness including Mark who was Peters disciple who paid the Romans to be allowed go into prison and spend time with Peter.
      This guy reminds me of the people who talk about Jesus on the discovery channel!
      I mean this was a person who split time in two with his birth, that alone makes me want to sit up and learn something about him.

    • @johnisouth6636
      @johnisouth6636 3 месяца назад

      @@jasonmitchell5219 I listened but I'm on my spiritual path and my heart says no. Gotta watch the way ya talk about Jesus. Things have been happening if ya been paying attention to the world. He won't be mocked. Ammon is a smart dude but I feel he's been taken by the dark side.

    • @jasonmitchell5219
      @jasonmitchell5219 3 месяца назад +2

      @@Ezrasghost No evolution for you then? Noah's Ark, eh?

  • @mclab33
    @mclab33 16 дней назад +1

    you can meet a guy at a regular city market who will be a more valuable interlocutor than this guy

  • @BuckFreak96
    @BuckFreak96 2 месяца назад +1

    Organize religion ( Christianity,Judaism, Muslim,etc try to divert you from pagan teachings but are copying those very teachings they want to divert you from and saying they’re the ones who wrote them. 🤔. Everyone with a bit of common sense needs to put fear aside and just break those yolks of religion and be free once and for all.

  • @Deacan-t8u
    @Deacan-t8u 3 месяца назад +77

    My cat is a banana

  • @teky
    @teky 3 месяца назад +2

    i bet i don’t even need to watch and they are talking about possibly how GOD was ruthless in earlier ancient text, if i am right well this will be easy to understand. just lengthy and prolly not the best pronunciation used ^_~
    the creator didn’t make us first, if ya think about it when he said he made us in “his image” then that had to have meant what other images were before that….. So me personally I do believe in Jesus but I also believe before our time there were other diety’s but it all and always pointed back to him, and if they mentioned GOD as Yahweh in the text and saying he was RUTHLESS well if ya think about it…. YES he was that’s why you should fear him if he created everything he can delete things to as he pleases but there are still RULES and Moral Code that any sorta civilizations follow or if not we’ll see ya nontheless we are blessed with his Grace and Mercy and Forgiveness that’s where the new testament comes into play IMO and if you know him then you know his LOVE is greater then anyone can fathom and fear him outta respect because he is our GOD and an AWESOME GOD who reigns from heaven above with wisdom power and love our GOD is an AWESOME GOD. There is def more then just the fallen angels that come into play so this makes alotta sense in the fact to know the OLD TESTAMENT GOD’s wraith but the NEW TESTAMENTS Mercy and Grace it’s an interesting thing this world and the ones above and beyond , our true playground is the COSMO’s I feel and when our life ends our true adventure begins if you want to see the way, just open your mind and don’t let the radicals scare you away from Jesus cause that can sadly seem to happen to often, find your own way own relationship and see for yourself :) ok i’m done enjoy “MY THEORY” im sure some will like it and some hate it, wouldn’t be a good without bad , death or life so pick a side just don’t be blind and believe in nothing.
    this is if they bring up the Anunnaki etc. if not well that’s my theory anyway. don’t be deceived just believe in your inner spirit to guide ya rather then believe in nothing that’s a huge start for the agnostics well actually i’m wrong that’s a big leap for atheists but some simple wisdom for the agnostics to put a better idea for the mind is a battle field.

  • @GetnBrains
    @GetnBrains 3 месяца назад +7

    seems like dude gets his info from wikipedia, there are soooo many different stories of the same shit, it just depends which one ya choose to believe.

  • @rushslayer8647
    @rushslayer8647 Месяц назад +1

    This guy stares at the camera way too much. I feel like he’s looking right at me

  • @vasivasili4851
    @vasivasili4851 3 месяца назад +4

    START WITH : "I think... I think 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔.

  • @clbrown6451
    @clbrown6451 Месяц назад +1

    its impossible to trick a being that is all knowing.. are you kidding me? bro

  • @kimbanz9818
    @kimbanz9818 Месяц назад +14

    Jesus loves you. Repent before it's too late.

    • @mattmassey5762
      @mattmassey5762 26 дней назад +2

      Same to you brother. But the person who told you "knows it's true" so you have that going for you.

    • @juliocortez5209
      @juliocortez5209 23 дня назад +1


    • @andvladtheimpaler
      @andvladtheimpaler 14 дней назад


  • @drewtheceo9024
    @drewtheceo9024 3 месяца назад +7

    Dudes name was udnapishtim was the Sumerian guy who survived the flood. The text is the adrahassis. The epic of Gilgamesh is the story(chapter of you will). Just to be clear. Everything he saying is correct. Love this work. This is real truth people. Facts.

  • @Istandby666
    @Istandby666 3 месяца назад +2

    I wished the other guy would let this host talk.
    The other guy comes across as difficult and self centered.
    I would really like to know where the host thinks he remembers what he was going to say before the other guy started saying ME, ME, ME.

  • @CMKFilmz
    @CMKFilmz 3 месяца назад +3

    And on this Promethean bloodrock shall I build my church

  • @JohnGreen-q2w
    @JohnGreen-q2w 2 месяца назад +1

    Yes because we are either Christ consciousness or satan demonic in nature, craving with desire ,, how we live, our lifestyle creates our reality?? ✨✨🙏🏻✨✨

  • @digital4u2
    @digital4u2 3 месяца назад +2

    YAHU as in Netanyahu and Yahweh came out of Egypt with Moses. Another host we see today is Ishtar. You can search these hosts. EL is the host of Genesis and all hosts are under Yah hoe vah.

    • @strappedfatman7858
      @strappedfatman7858 2 месяца назад

      Yahweh is from the Samaritans!
      The Tent of Moses is the Tent of David. The House of David is the Samaritan Temple.

    • @kevinbrown1893
      @kevinbrown1893 2 месяца назад

      EL Conquistador...on high.

  • @Gorillafishing
    @Gorillafishing 3 месяца назад +1

    There’s something about Mary….. really 😂

  • @whysoserious7014
    @whysoserious7014 3 месяца назад +48

    " I think, I think, I think " and he knows more about lies than truth.

    • @jamespickens3086
      @jamespickens3086 3 месяца назад


    • @WilliamKelly-ou2nm
      @WilliamKelly-ou2nm 3 месяца назад +19

      If you cannot see the lies and the evils of organized religion's you've blinded yourself, comparative theology and the never ending search for truth is the only way , we are all part of the divine and my god is the God of all thing's. Good luck on your search !

    • @zimunda3252
      @zimunda3252 3 месяца назад +4

      The truth shall set you free.

    • @osok3338
      @osok3338 3 месяца назад +2

      Sound like pretty much any pastor alive .. 😂😂😂

    • @elucidation3064
      @elucidation3064 2 месяца назад +1

      Should he claim to know everything absolutely without any doubt?

  • @osuk1
    @osuk1 3 месяца назад +2

    Billy Carson, Terrence Howard and now this guy!💩

  • @mwb5987
    @mwb5987 3 месяца назад +2

    Just because you read books doesn't mean anything you read was true lol 😂

    • @Antwhitehead
      @Antwhitehead 3 месяца назад +3

      But, let me guess…reading the Bible is reading the truth, right?

    • @mwb5987
      @mwb5987 3 месяца назад

      @Antwhitehead I guess you didn't read my comment.

    • @mwb5987
      @mwb5987 2 месяца назад

      I read it just makes no sense. Where in my comment did I say anything about the Bible.

    • @mwb5987
      @mwb5987 2 месяца назад

      @Antwhitehead ill challenge you. Sorce anything in the books he read and quoted from that are actually historically factual. As a matter of fact, speaking about the Bible. The Bible is one of the most historically factual pieces of literature in history. Just a fact, no need for reply.

  • @HelenN-v8o
    @HelenN-v8o 4 дня назад

    3 unclean spirits like frogs .. in rev. = trinity.
    Dragon : Lucifer - father in the un-holy trinity
    Beast : un holy spirit fm the pits of hell
    False prophet
    -- Jesus s/o lucifer
    -- the serpent in eden who earned a Death Penalty
    bc he brought death to the world ;
    -- he is the 'beast' fm the bottomless pit that 'ascendeth ' n will go into perdition .. rev.
    -- jesus said he came to Die ( true ) to SAVE you ( ?? ) .. the classic serpent twisting the Truth.
    -- NOBODY dies for the sins of another !! Bible fact
    -- jesus DIED. God cannot DIE , cannot be killed !! Immutable fact.
    -- so who is jesus ? the serpent in eden
    After 40 yrs as a christian , Father open my eyes.
    I SAW all 3 devils of the un holy trinity !!
    Truth : they run - operate hell below .. christians will get a rude shock when they die .. their names are written in hell.
    These are v powerful demons .. i dont encourage others to quote me bc trinity will come after you !!
    You're dead meat if you speak against them !!
    Pls remember this.
    Peace n love to those who follow the God of moses.

  • @joshnewman8347
    @joshnewman8347 3 месяца назад +25

    It’s baffling that Danny is so impressed by this dude just spouting stuff he read. Even when the dude says the source is unknown.

    • @somewhereinhawaii3663
      @somewhereinhawaii3663 3 месяца назад +1

      The guy is sighting most sources and just stating what the actual texts say. Not what people have mistranslated the texts to say to control people. Danny had another guy on recently who confirmed all this. Basically, the texts say Jesus was a drug taking pedophile who was sex trafficking.

    • @kylerocksphayce
      @kylerocksphayce 3 месяца назад +12

      If you actually go and read and study where it comes from you’ll know what’s going on. Classics is a different kind of research.

    • @danielbarton8974
      @danielbarton8974 3 месяца назад

      Hey dude good point .use the same method to evaluate what religious people believe .ahhhhh interesting .its the same thing ! How impressed are u with the interpretation that’s been constructed by people that have read stuff ? Don’t be intellectually dishonest .this guy might not be 100% but this is the way people get to the truth .through ideas and push back against the status quo .traditions views also are highly biased .the truth lyes with in the things we don’t know about it’s the nuance that glues it all together .the glue as been corrupted through the process of redaction and the amalgamation of philosophical and theological your mind 🤯

    • @joshnewman8347
      @joshnewman8347 3 месяца назад +1

      ⁠@@kylerocksphayceI’ll know what’s going on with what? Are you saying I’ll understand why there’s no sources? I can’t imagine I’ll understand why Danny is so impressed by something that he doesn’t know is true or false. Also, what do you mean classics is a different research? Does it disprove the people who say the evidence they have suggests the opposite of what this guy is saying?

    • @IronHayden
      @IronHayden 3 месяца назад +1


  • @TopNotchGuitarLessons
    @TopNotchGuitarLessons 15 дней назад

    Evidence For Mark 16:9-20
    Evidence for including these verses is staggering. When we look at the manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel that survive today, more than 99 percent contain Mark 16:9-20. This includes not only 1,600-plus Greek manuscripts, but most manuscripts of early translations of Mark as well.
    In light of all the evidence in support of Mark 16:9-20, why would anyone question its authenticity?
    Moreover, by around AD 180, Irenaeus unambiguously quoted Mark 16:19 as Scripture in Against Heresies (3.10.6). Justin Martyr and Tatian likely knew the verses earlier in the second century as well. Undeniably, Mark 16:9-20 was considered by many Christians early on to be a part of Mark’s Gospel.
    In light of all the evidence in support of Mark 16:9-20, why would anyone question its authenticity?
    Trusting God in the Face of Uncertainty
    Because Mark 16:9-20 is undeniably early, is present in 99 percent of manuscripts, and has traditionally been considered canonical, I recommend keeping it in the text.
    But it’s probably not from Mark.
    Some have suggested that the verses might be apostolic, but not from Mark himself. The best solution in my judgment is that of Ephraim: include the verses, but with a word of caution explaining they may not be original. That keeps us honest about ancient Christians whose Bibles ended Mark at 16:8.
    With or without Mark 16:9-20, the tomb is empty, Jesus has purchased our pardon, and we can be certain of that.
    The verses are undeniably early and have been considered part of Scripture throughout the church since at least the second century. Still, a German monk banging on a Wittenberg door in 1517 might remind us that tradition isn’t always correct. The same group of Greek-speaking Christians who accepted Mark 16:9-20 as canon also accepted Psalm 151 as a canonical part of the Psalter, but I don’t know of any Protestants suggesting we should add that to our Bibles.
    In his providence, God allowed many Christians to have copies of Mark that ended at 16:8. Not many of them have survived, but as far as we can tell, they were real Bibles used by real Christians in real churches where Christ was worshiped. If God’s promise to preserve his Word means he’ll make all of it available to us, and if that promise extends to Mark 16:9-20, did God fail these believers? May it never be! These Christians understood that God gave us the treasure of his gospel in jars of clay (2 Cor. 4:7), and part of that stewardship included making sense of divergent copies of Scripture. They trusted God to give them everything they needed-just as we should-even when his whole purposes remained unseen.
    Mark 16:9-20 wouldn’t be the only account of Jesus’s bodily resurrection in Scripture, nor would it even be the earliest (Paul probably wrote 1 Cor. 15 in the mid-50s). Luke includes Jesus’s ascension in Luke and Acts. Even snake-handlers have nothing to lose if Mark ends at 16:8, because they could still interpret Paul’s encounter with the viper at Acts 28:3 as normative. (Not that they should!)
    Uncertainty here makes us uncomfortable, but we lose nothing of our faith if Mark ends at 16:8, and God often calls us to trust him in the face of uncertainty. Without faith it’s impossible to please him, after all. Since faith is the assurance of things hoped for (Heb. 11:1), and seen hope is not real hope (Rom. 8:24), it wouldn’t be walking by faith if God answered all of our questions. That would be walking by sight. With or without Mark 16:9-20, the tomb is empty, Jesus has purchased our pardon, and we can be certain of that.

  • @jimdandy3460
    @jimdandy3460 3 месяца назад +9

    2 J's talking about how Christ is Satan. How rich. Their messiah is Satan.

    • @Irishfist
      @Irishfist 3 месяца назад +4

      Lol Jim is angry

    • @bingflosby
      @bingflosby 3 месяца назад

      Smol hats gota try to confuse the goys

    • @skibidi.G
      @skibidi.G 3 месяца назад +6

      They always do that, they hate Christ.

    • @Irishfist
      @Irishfist 3 месяца назад +1

      You worship their evil God lol

    • @jasonmitchell5219
      @jasonmitchell5219 3 месяца назад

      You mean the 'light bearer', the one who wants you to open your eyes and not remain in ignorance? Ok, you love the guy who said "blessed are the poor in spirit (dumb)" and who's pop punishes you for wanting to think, lol!

  • @keviniverson2835
    @keviniverson2835 Месяц назад +1

    Got it. You've noted that you discovered in 2024 that the Greek Septuagint is the oldest surviving version of the Old Testament texts, based on radiocarbon dating and textual analysis.

  • @willbart1236
    @willbart1236 2 месяца назад +3

    According to the gospel, you have to believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins in order to go to heaven. Question. What about all of the people that never get that message? They are going to hell by default? I find that hard to believe.

    • @kimberlycaniglia6834
      @kimberlycaniglia6834 Месяц назад

      My question is.........where do the people who existed and died way before Jesus was born go when they died? Are they also in/going to heaven? If Jesus is the only way then are the souls of those before him just doomed to hell bc of timing?

    • @Dennis-d1p
      @Dennis-d1p Месяц назад

      Your both wrong. Romans 2:14 says even the gentiles who don't know God will make it, if they live the law by instinct. JESUS summed up all law to this, love others as you love yourself. There are no cops in heaven. If you can't police yourself, you don't go. OK- GOT IT? HELLO??????

    • @willbart1236
      @willbart1236 Месяц назад

      You don’t have to be a smart ass. So is your belief that people who have never heard the message instinctively know it? They instinctively know that God sent his son to die for them? They just naturally know that? I don’t think so.

    • @Dennis-d1p
      @Dennis-d1p Месяц назад

      ​@willbart1236 No, billions born and died before Jesus even came to earth. They will be resurrected during the 1000 riegn of Jesus , and see His kingdom, see Jesus, ect: and will learn then: who and what he is. Same goes for everybody else. God's got this covered. You don't need to know Jesus to be saved. Jesus will cover for you until you leave this realm. How come you have never heard of Romans 2:14 ?

  • @YeshuaSiddartha
    @YeshuaSiddartha 3 месяца назад +2

    Thats not true. Theres only 1 bible that is missing the last parts. And it was in found in egypt.

    • @noahziegler3478
      @noahziegler3478 2 месяца назад

      Gnostic is a trust me bro from Biblical scholarship. The fact that he talks crap about Bart Ehrman is laughable. Bar is doing the work Gnostic wish he could do.
      Gnostic is on Terrence Howard's level with quoting all this stuff that's not really connected. Like the Christmas tree stuff. Yes the people of the time were influenced buy other ceremonies that they morphed into a Christian ceremony. What does that prove? Nothing. Yes the people at the time who were inspired by Dionysus change the teachings of Jesus and do a Dionysus story and then wrote scriptures. All he's quoting as a failure of man to convey Jesus's ideas. Jesus non-stop is talking about the disciples' failure to interpret what he's actually saying, lol.

    • @YeshuaSiddartha
      @YeshuaSiddartha 2 месяца назад

      @noahziegler3478 he studies allot but I also do to. Just cuz u read it somewhere doesn't make it true lol. Go look it up. Tye only bibke missing those particular versus is found in egypt in the fake mount sanai. Which we know mt sanai is in Saudi Arabia. But it's the codex siniaticus. The only verse that would acruslly fall under this feom the king james bible actually is matthew 17:21. Which is widely not found in many of the old Greek . He acts like he doesn allot his belief to influence his studies but he's not.. leaving religion is just as much as a influence as joining one and studying. It's not thay u mean to but ur brain naturally will dive into the things that go against ur belief to prove ir wrong and find flaws. And skim past the things that support ur belief cuz ur taking thay as truth. But I've been exploring all religions of the world for a long time and that's like year 1 shit u find out. That same place holds the book of Mary and hold Mary as a deity as well and is kept in the church of Mary. They put that "not found in old manuscripts" in NIV and NKJ or bibles printed in the last 50 years. Won't find it in any older bibles and likeni said it was placed with intention to mislead. And this is a perfect example. Nothing wrong with exploring religions I think it's great and that it's important. But u should also know what ur talking about and if ur wrong u should want to be corrected. In which I would admit if u correctly showed me more books that don't include those passages from the same era. Its a false. Just like he cites all thus weird shit thats all fringe or written by peopke who had intentions of hurting Christianity. Most important is always the intention and background of the person writing. And he lacks this ability. Danny even shows him that he's overlooking it for example. If someone hates a group of people they are going to slander theur account. As well as just like this part is missing from 1 bible but claimed to be the truth abd the fact across the board. Stringent is how u should base ur opinions espeixly on religion and sociology. U should explore everything with rigor and precision and go in depth to prove the opinions that agree with u wrong and to prove the opinions that disagree with u right. Then will get an answer that nit only makes sense but also can be used to form a thesis or to formulate a direction to go I'm as far as belief

  • @PolitiCatPodcast
    @PolitiCatPodcast 3 месяца назад +6

    I feel dumber after watching this.

  • @crazyhandshands9028
    @crazyhandshands9028 3 месяца назад +1

    So I guess all 12 desiples move that huge rock all by themselves 😂😂, hey don't forget the part where Christ met with all his desiples and Thomas poked at his hands and his side.

  • @MWcrazyhorse
    @MWcrazyhorse 6 дней назад

    Well one group is flying around in UFOs and the other is talking shit about God on RUclips.
    Pick your side.

  • @freethinker79
    @freethinker79 3 месяца назад +23

    "The Savior is not a celestial being brought to Earth; The Savior is a capacity of the mind, and the Savior's journey from above is actually one's own insight journeying from within." --Stevan Davies

    • @GwenWittig
      @GwenWittig 3 месяца назад +5

      Which is the truest understanding of the savior god man hanging on a tree descending into the underworld and rising again. Very very few people get that. 👍

    • @leawilliams8476
      @leawilliams8476 3 месяца назад +1


    • @GwenWittig
      @GwenWittig 3 месяца назад

      @@leawilliams8476 what's nonsense is this profound mythos being used twisted as a fairy tale to enslave humanity into believing it to be the only means of gnosis. But do go on about nonsense.

    • @pariaheep
      @pariaheep 3 месяца назад +2

      WELL SAID!

    • @kimvalpy
      @kimvalpy 3 месяца назад +5

      🧡 Exactly,, the secrets of the Journey,, WITHIN...
      Pinecone meets pineal & on it goes...
      Much love...😎

  • @nathanielboltonel7225
    @nathanielboltonel7225 3 месяца назад +2

    When he said Nazareth him doomed all conversation going forward. The town was built by a later Queen whom found it didn't exist upon her accepting the faith. 😂😂😂😂

  • @WalterLaBauve
    @WalterLaBauve 3 месяца назад +3

    Is that George Costanza?

  • @olapinme408
    @olapinme408 2 месяца назад +1

    I feel the story of Jesus they came out with it so people stop praying and saying our creators name our father our GOD the one who tells us never to forget he’s name or call him something else ,in the bibble he says “my children would know my name”he’s name means a lot ,and now almost nobody says he’s name and pray to Jesus the son it’s all about Jesus and the more you do research about Jesus you realize nobody that talks about him even knew him ,the ones who tell he’s story were born atleast 80years after Jesus die supposebly ,to be that famous in the world like they tell us and nobody made a statue a painting carving so we know how he look ,instead we get this pictures of what they tell people in church who Jesus was and it’s all a lie .remember who hates to hear GODS name,wouldn’t you think he would think of something so people stop praying or saying GODS name and call him something else wich all that is happening right now by making people think the son is the same as the father ,so why not keep praying to the father then why stop mentioning the father and just focus on the son ,it’s cummon sence the father is first why put him second or stop mentioning him,and the way GOD IS to the way Jesus is and they behave totally diferent you can tell their not the same GOD ,our creator was first ,he is and he always will be ,that’s how you know people don’t do their own research cause the answers are in your bibble not by listening to your priest or who you talk in church ,a lot of this religions or most are not what people think .

  • @gerrydornez3723
    @gerrydornez3723 3 месяца назад +4

    Neil talks about manuscripts without quoting any source.

    • @blackallday
      @blackallday 3 месяца назад +2

      Let me guess if it's not from the bible. It's not true give me a brake. How do you know the bible is real

    • @gerrydornez3723
      @gerrydornez3723 3 месяца назад +1

      @@blackallday I made a true factual statement. It's good to question where people are getting their information.

    • @gerrydornez3723
      @gerrydornez3723 3 месяца назад +1

      @@blackallday what makes you accuse add insult a person for no reason?

    • @gerrydornez3723
      @gerrydornez3723 3 месяца назад

      @@blackallday#1. Save guessing for science theories & hypothesis. Gassing or assuming about a person comes from a position of weakness, lack of confidence. Solution; ask questions & make open end statements & do research, educate yourself.

    • @blackallday
      @blackallday 3 месяца назад +1

      @@gerrydornez3723 yes and the book knows how can the bible educate me god is not a book

  • @Observoyager
    @Observoyager Месяц назад

    Waste of time. Follow your own inner voice when looking for the truth.

  • @fredd103
    @fredd103 3 месяца назад +21

    Jesus warned us about people like this guy.

    • @TSM1201
      @TSM1201 3 месяца назад +4

      Read books my friend , you need to read

    • @RajHK8
      @RajHK8 3 месяца назад +3

      Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;

    • @6nosis
      @6nosis 3 месяца назад +1


    • @RajHK8
      @RajHK8 3 месяца назад +2

      @Ramon-rj4qh Revelation 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
      19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    • @RajHK8
      @RajHK8 3 месяца назад

      @Ramon-rj4qh what makes you think there’s a better version of yourself up in the sky, and what would a better version look like? Sounds like nonsense.

  • @NorvelCooksey
    @NorvelCooksey 3 месяца назад +7

    Less than 5 minutes in and I know this is of Satan

    • @brianevans8733
      @brianevans8733 3 месяца назад

      I think you are of Satan.

    • @andvladtheimpaler
      @andvladtheimpaler 14 дней назад

      Everything that questions the Bible or the many Christian religions out there must be the work of satan. The rest of the world has been fine for hundreds of years without Jesus.

  • @E_flores_72
    @E_flores_72 Месяц назад

    Ephesians 4:13-14 Ephesians 4:14 ESV
    [14] so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.
    Lots of guessing, and maybes. He also says take it with a grain of salt. Smh

  • @ivanmelicor5963
    @ivanmelicor5963 3 месяца назад +72

    If you're looking to learn about Jesus, look for another video.

    • @bellvillepiet
      @bellvillepiet 2 месяца назад +1


    • @haolejohn
      @haolejohn 2 месяца назад +1

      "what on earth happened" ewaranon

    • @hypersonicnl
      @hypersonicnl 2 месяца назад +5

      exactly this is just deception right here

    • @holyspiritsniper3415
      @holyspiritsniper3415 2 месяца назад +2

      1 quadrillion %!!!

    • @id8461
      @id8461 2 месяца назад +12

      I take it your a follower of the Church of Jesus Christ then. Therefore I would say you have a bias towards this. Are your correct? Maybe . IDK. But to just say " Dont watch he wrong " is stupid😅. Just give a reason or source of why he is wrong. He gave sources go fact check or something. But I dont give a fuck about your religion or anything I'll make my own way through life.

  • @douglasnewman8912
    @douglasnewman8912 3 месяца назад +2

    One of my ads during this video was of Mark Warburg asking if I would like to pray with him right quick. Had a hearty laugh at that one. GTFOH.

  • @alexgonzalez8904
    @alexgonzalez8904 3 месяца назад +3

    The best people to look into these books are non religious people you get a better understanding you can’t have a Christian do this it will always go back the Christianity

    • @jeeves3600
      @jeeves3600 3 месяца назад +1

      Exactly how I think about the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. When in 1978 they had scientists study it, instead of bias believing Christians. Sometimes it's science that proves or disproves something, not just because someone says so.

  • @painlesstragedy
    @painlesstragedy 10 дней назад

    Imagine how much life would be if everyone wouldn't talk about politics or religion and just talk about love that's all god ever really wanted. MAN pushed their church plan forward and forever changed the world into a prison for the mind and soul. It was from this mission God just wanted man to be faithful until his plan not all of the plans of God's don't have strings attached. My advise to you is push religion into the trash and go out and make and write your own path and story. only the ones I want in my Kingdom are bold enough to do that!

  • @ericbriglia5136
    @ericbriglia5136 3 месяца назад +9

    Where the hell are they getting this shit? 😆

    • @STMYL2525
      @STMYL2525 3 месяца назад

      Some of the same places they got the shitty Bible from.

    • @arranodoherty4372
      @arranodoherty4372 3 месяца назад

      A gospel

    • @JRnyc
      @JRnyc 3 месяца назад

      ​@arranodoherty4372 and it was written by a pencil. Bet you didnt know that. Huh!!

    • @arranodoherty4372
      @arranodoherty4372 3 месяца назад

      @@JRnyc not sure what you mean .are you trying to be clever ? I was just stating where it came from.weirdo much

  • @James-wv3hx
    @James-wv3hx Месяц назад +1

    When I was 4 years old and heard about a talking snake I knew it was a scam.

  • @paulbodi9376
    @paulbodi9376 3 месяца назад +32

    I am so happy to finally see that people wake up to the fact that Dionysus was the great God worshiped across the World and across millennia. 🖖🏻

    • @Mauriciovargasjr
      @Mauriciovargasjr 3 месяца назад +3

      lol clown god

    • @jasonmitchell5219
      @jasonmitchell5219 3 месяца назад +4

      Hail Satan my friend.

    • @AppalachianChaplin
      @AppalachianChaplin 3 месяца назад +15

      Praying to the devil is wild lol. Gnostic, is the way to go. God is real, he's inside of us all, you don't need a church, you don't need a book. You walk around with him, and his power/love, every single day of your life. And he wants you to be FREE, not in FEAR.

    • @leawilliams8476
      @leawilliams8476 3 месяца назад +1

      You’re insane

    • @customrefinishersaustralia4747
      @customrefinishersaustralia4747 3 месяца назад +3

      @@AppalachianChaplin Yes brother!!

  • @MartinNelson-vm2by
    @MartinNelson-vm2by 12 дней назад

    I recommend understanding the seven hermetic principles. The kabalion. Ask questions do your research. Nothing will numb you and keep you begging like blind faith in religious beliefs.

  • @jasonbarklage1278
    @jasonbarklage1278 3 месяца назад +5

    blasphemy, sorry Danny I am a fan but no digging this brother.

  • @mylittleventures
    @mylittleventures 21 день назад

    As a person of Christian faith/God fearing I find myself trolling the Internet watching videos that goes against my religious beliefs
    THE BIGGEST LIES OF THE BIBLE! I sure hope God isn't watching me do this ? I think he wishes for me to spend my time worshipping him and learning from his words of teachings and helping and loving others. I hope he doesn't think I have lost my faith in him by watching all the content that goes against his word? I hope he understands and knows how much I'm helping him by watching all the evil content so I can leave a comment for him!

  • @Istandby666
    @Istandby666 3 месяца назад +3

    The reason I like sources showing flying sky daddies as bs. Because maybe we have foundation to remove all these flying sky daddy ideologies out of our laws.

  • @cockyrustler
    @cockyrustler 3 месяца назад +11

    It's the same as with all religions. When it starts, it's God walks the Earth, Miracles for Everyone ( though oddly none mentioned by anyone outside fanatics). Then it either dies or becomes institutionalized and unrecognizable to it's original intent.

  • @ab-sz2gf
    @ab-sz2gf 2 месяца назад +1

    Sadly those who believe the false gospels will be deceived. Jesus said beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.

    • @andvladtheimpaler
      @andvladtheimpaler 14 дней назад

      So basically a person that is always doing horrible things but accepts Jesus in his life will go to heaven or wherever Jesus tells you to go but if there’s bin Christian person that is always doing the right thing and helping other will go to hell because he didn’t accept Jesus in his life? That sounds very illogical this is why the world is still a horrible place with this backward thinking.

  • @gerrydornez3723
    @gerrydornez3723 3 месяца назад +3

    Neal is full s_it that's why he's quoting writings that have no confirmation.

  • @paulschuckman6604
    @paulschuckman6604 13 дней назад

    In the time of Jesus the word Daemon (Demon) meant pagan/polytheistic god. If Jesus cast seven pagan gods out of Mary it sounds like a Monotheism conversion story to me.

  • @stevemiller8895
    @stevemiller8895 3 месяца назад +102

    I like watching ignorant people trying to discuss something they know absolutely nothing about.

    • @Enscriptiv
      @Enscriptiv 3 месяца назад +40

      Are you talking about yourself or the comment section?

    • @SortaDopeIGuess
      @SortaDopeIGuess 3 месяца назад +10

      No one cares.

    • @larryepperson6478
      @larryepperson6478 3 месяца назад

      Explain your superior intellectual, please, enlighten us with your evangelical lies! These guys could eat you for lunch I'm sure..

    • @brianozment9608
      @brianozment9608 3 месяца назад +26

      I like watching people close their eyes and pray to the imaginary nothing in the sky it's quite humorous.

    • @joshnewman8347
      @joshnewman8347 3 месяца назад +6

      ⁠@@Dru517There’s no way to verify any of it though so he knows quite a bit about what he thinks is true. Doesn’t convince me of anything.