I absolutely love the idea of solo raiding, where you get to practice mechanics yourself without the added pressure. Hell even converting to a 4 man raid would be so helpful and feasible for those that don’t have 7 people to coordinate and play with.
I was just thinking the same thing about the 4 man raid. A large issue with my group, before they all gave up due to stressing out with the raids, is that we never had a complete party, so we had to rely on outsiders to join. And though we had a few well adjusted people who didn't mind that most of the group was learning, more often than not we had people who either were spazzing out over failed attempts, or they would seem to be not trying at all. And I know there's clown, but I wanted to do my first Vykas with guildies who mostly quit before they reached her. Sure, there's busses, and I don't doubt I can learn her in an hour or so (thanks to guides) if given the chance, but not everyone wants to "waste" time on just some random. I also don't want to NOT learn and just get carried. But yeah... 4 man might be another solid alternative to solo content for older raids. Let's you coordinate still.
also will solve gatekeeping, its just enoing getting judge by gear, i have seen dis gatekeeping before in other games and it ended with a emty server with 100-200 whales left and then in the end the shutdown the server, bc of greed and only selfish top 200 players that dont help new players progress and only party with people that already have juiced up gear from the raids, and the people that need the gear the most the keep them in the cold, ore the need to add reward system to help new players progress and reward them with gold. how more people help new players progress how bigger succes the game become also, bc the carrys if the help new players less people stop play, game will grow and it will become more ezz to find partys any time of the day. right new on some servers its just emty Qs you can,t even try the content bc no party ore take hrs to find people ore you need to login add the right time, night time the worst no night grinders atleast on me EU server, i also wish a solo mode its enoing to relie on other people to progress, you wanne grind 18 hr a day and then you get gatekeept by not finding partys ore other things, the 1 time a week is already a grind lock in some form
about the gatekeeping i recently came back and im still around abrel kuku gearing ilvl just got into kayangel and my friend and i took it upon ourselves to find a group of new players through your lost ark lfg server and we've been teaching them raids and doing groups with them and its honestly been a lot of fun, a few jails but i like the feeling of getting peoples feet in the door to what i find the most fun and addictive part of lost ark to be, the raiding.
For the gatekeepers. I’m brand new to this game only been playing a few weeks and I’ve done all quests naturally instead of paying. I only have 2 alts and I’m 1440 on my main. I did Valtan for the first time after being rejected numerous times because my gems and engravings weren’t end game. I watched the guide videos over and over again to make sure I didn’t make us wipe. To then be rejected party after party was annoying. Finally someone let me in and I didn’t die at all and found it fairly easy for my first proper raid. I will always let people play and if they die I will try and help them, because that’s how I want to be treated. Now if you get told numerous times and you don’t listen then that’s fair enough, you deserve a kick from party but to be fair I’ve only come across 2 toxic players during my 180 hours in the game over the past few weeks. For an MMO I don’t think that’s bad.
The problem is people most people you'll find are not playing for fun. They are probably on their 3rd character doing the same raid in a row after doing all the other dailies and just want to get the rewards and fk off as soon as possible. If they could pay to skip the raid and get the rewards i'm sure many would do it.. I f*cking despise that so much in games... Like, why are you rushing the videogame ? Why do you care so much about progressing a character that you basicaly just want to skip the game ? So what if there's someone new ? Stop treating the damn videogame like a job and chill. The combat is fun, just enjoy it even if there's someone struggling. As long as the person struggling isn't a troll ofc. If you're not someone who enjoys helping people then... just get static groups. This game's community has been sh*t since the very start when it launched globaly. Even in dungeons, people would not speak and instantly quit if a wipe happened. And that's if you didn't get a whale that is already overgeared and kills the bosses in 10 seconds. I really enjoyed dungeons, especially when the group struggled. Everythime i saw that there was a whale in the group i would just want to afk. "Like, great this cunt is about to waste my one entry into this Abyss Dungeon with rewards this week". Then the problem just gets 2.5x worse in raids.
Thats the thing from keeping me logging in again. When I opened my adventure book and realized that i need to do all that all over again , i instantly closed and uninstalled the game.
I have to say that after playing 6000 hours in Lost ark I found many design mistakes in every aspect of the game. The two most important currencies in Lost ark are your time and your money. If you take in consideration that most gamers play MMORPGs for enjoyment, distraction, interaction with other players or to get a kick of dopamine when get they get a item, Lost Ark has it. However, it is in broken puzzle form that is incredibly stressful, difficult and time consuming to back together. The important part here is the currency of time, this game demands too much of it. Lost ark raids are indirectly on the punishing side and what I mean by this is that people will jump on you if you make a mistake that wipe the raid and people will quit the raid after one wipe. For players in Lost Ark wiping in a reclear raid is a nono because it is consider a waste of time when you have to run a bunch of alts in the same raid. Speaking of alts, nonmatter anyone tell you about you not needing alts in lost ark is pure BS. If you don't have alts it will take you 1000's of hours to do all horizontal content in the games. If you don't have alts it is impossible to play this game without swiping your credit card. Every material you need to upgrade your character in the game is time gated if you try to play for free. Alts help you to get materials to sell for gold and mats for your main, is the only way you can progress your main as a free to play. If your try to go into a raid party finder without being deck out, over geared you won't get in. ( it took me one year and half to get Light of salvation 30, farming every event with cards, venders, and Mary's shop, people expect you to have it and also there's the dark salvation set, lol), now cards are more easy to get than before. This is what make the game difficult, the fact that this so called gamers expect you to be like them. If you miss the first week of a raid release where everybody is learning the raid and doing pugs you are out of luck cause after that every party finder will be 10 clears of more or no raids for you. Some players are nice and do learning pts and welcome new players, but those are few where it should be more. A way to fix this problem can be training program for all players where players can practice and learn raids meaning a tutorial where all mechs can be practice. There are tutorials in the Lost Ark for Guardian Raids, but the funny part of it that is hidden under a horribly design quest where you have to SAIL all over the map to get the tutorial for each guardian. Why tutorials that so crucial for a game is hidden from the players. I know that during the raid NPC try to tell you what to do when a mechanic is about to happen but that's not good enough. Gamers demand too much from game developers to get entertainment not taking in consideration that games are just that a way to entertain yourself not a way of life.
Yep! Especially the ten clears as I got my Akkan title this week and after that I have not logged in again and feel like I can now slow down until December with Voldis.
Not only lack of raid experience is cause of gatekeeping, but also a skill requirement to do so. If someone is bad at recognising patterns and reacting fast they will die no matter how strong/knowledgeable they are.
I like the derailing feel more natural like a just a normal conversation rather then hard focus on topics :) always nice seeing saint and Stoopzz doing stuff
I love Saint and Stoopz and I get there's hype for the changes and the new raid (which I am actively watching on Twitch)... but I also remember when Lost Ark launched and a ton of sponsored streamers started playing and a week later, most of them dropped it. Now there are Lost Ark ads all over twitch and many of these streamers who have fed accounts are now joining the jumpstart servers and, well, it's just not a realistic picture of what the grind is like. I don't play Lost Ark anymore because it was so exhausting and because of the gatekeeping and I'm pretty sure some of the same practices that don't respect players' time will return.
1:24:25 , yeah but can i have all this fun completely f2p, with 0 alts, just 1 character?? I'm someone who quit 1 month after west launch. So i remember that was not the perception then.
Yes, thats the whole point of hyper express. It pretty much gets you raid ready off the jump. All the raiding fun is available completely f2p, and you can progress your character at a good rate. The only reason you'd ever swipe is for skins (which u can also get f2p with gold off the market) or if you're impatient and want to brute force your character's progression.
I would love to solo raid, the pressure of feeling like you will fail 8 people is hard on you for hours. Also I haven't played for ages but I hope gatekeeping is or will get better.
Knowledge reset is actually a big brain play; I managed to clear G4 Breel HM, formerly G6, after reset by impostering under the guise of not knowing the new changes.
Sadly I think I burnt myself too hard on the state of the game prior to the updates in the past few months. I don't think I can ever go back to Lost Ark unless the at least the alt gameplay goes away, or the dailies/weeklies are reworked more significantly. The game's design is purely motivated by the cash shop and it shows in how tedious it is to progress without swiping.
I'm going back tonight and i'm not making a single alt. Gonna play once in a while, use rest bonus and if I can't keep up, I will just quit for good. Giving the game a last chance because the raids are so well crafted.
10:04:50 please hand this on: I found that actually a big part of the jump start players are actually former veterans! Those that are kinda bored from their server. Several even told me they have several account to use the jumpstart server etc (but first of all their main account of course)... Also others seem to be pretty hardcore that joined. Tons going 6 chars right away, making other players/friends burn out ETC. So people from the old servers that were playing each day, they then jump on the jumpstart server, too and shout at people in raids or RATHER simply kick them and don't invite. Stuff like twink run, fast runs, no noobs runs. It exists plenty. At least on EUC. So this system doesn't work as intended. EASY to solve though: Simply hinder people that are veterans - who have played the last month before that for more than - let's say - 20++ hours to join the server. (time should make sure it differs people that onnly TRY from actual veterans) I mean I'm usually ALL against keeping players out. BUT here it's EXACTLY for that reason that is the goal: Resetting information, having new players have an opportunity to play the game with other fresh people.
i just imagine that valtan as solo content or 4 people raid would be really sick most of the mech is not really punish people for failling so they can easy rework them so that would work
This is why game devs should start trying to copy what other successful games how done to keep their community happy. One example is where they always put out surveys every patch encouraging their audience to voice their thoughts of the current content and state of the game. Surveys are a very good way to show that as devs, you are open to the voice of the people that play your game.
Its on the devs to fix gatekeeping not the players. Toxicity and gatekeeping is a product of game design. Why are new players thrown into punishing raids with raid wipe mechanics? Make an easy mode, give them an alternative progression, those are things that would fix gatekeeping.
I think Koreans already saw last years events in the other regions where people left in droves and questioned some of their own mentalities. I remember quitting EU at 1370 ilvl, 1-2 months after glavier release. It was shortly before goldriver left. So, I dont know, if the doomong happened later and just recently and it trickled down from korea to the rest of us. The game after a few months were left in droves. Its simply too much complicated systems to the power creep. Its so much to understand and you cannot make costly mistakes all the time in finding out. Daily chores is a type thing that many left as well. I left, because it wont end and I will never be "up there"...and I also couldnt play down to friends with lower levels because it would be a timewaste I felt like. And then so many catch up events or events in general, that were as bad as UNA tasks...that u HAD to do to stay half relevant. And all that community destroying chores just to be first in new raids or say raids as the only content. There will be no chill, laughing community but only chores.
To add: Run around in a chill game like gw2. There is endgame in various places but its just skill based. Everything else is chill from max level and you grind into essentially convinience in getting some legendaries, etc. Run around a map with no clue? You can ask and get help, joing commander tags and within that people are willing to explain stuff. U simply participate and ONLY raids need to be done with proper groups (but also isnt a matter of gear at a certain point). Raids, fractals, wvw and pvp is more toxic of course. Raids and fractals is just learning mechanics and yohr rotations and find a group to train. Wvw is from casual to sweaty but people will explain, but it takes some months to get good and pvp is like every pvp (a lot to learn on how to counter other classes, etc.)
6:00 it is indeed SLIGHTLY weird you're in the same house during the podcast, but sitting in your own rome each. Just a joke but indeed kinda reflecting in what age we live :D
1:06:00 Can I add that it's not obvious at all, that you are supposed to watch 3rd party Videos about the game, when joining a party? It's actually kinda hardcore to watch guides before you join any run or party. Back when I started playing games, you will be surprised, but people were actually talking tacs. Before each boss the leader explained the tacs and in special cases assigned some roles. It also added a social thing. And didn't take much time either. There was no shouting at newbs out of random and then acting like it's the biggest crime without even having asked him her, why or similar. When people assume others are like them only playing that game, and can't IMAGINE people are different outside of that little culture. It's literally in any culture you go, people always get super offensive and mad at you that you don't behave like them, be it when joining any game, or anything in real life actually (see Nerd meets real life clips) but also other - though not all sub cultures have super mean people. The world is the total opposite of tolerance, and there is not much done about iit, those that in politicians that care about it in PUBLIC aren't tolreant at all in private or how they and their party acts longterm, anything else is a lie. I.E. I beat all wow until panda without A SINGLE video, and it was always good and smooth. No one ever complained. I.E. I beat all star wars knights of the old republic (it's still running and patched and good) without watching a single video about anything, and it was always good and smooth. (Of course you could for the jumpn run puzzles that you did solo, and I did for solving some new ones for myself) There were even Riddle runs organised within my guild, where one would lead through the hidden world riddles (jump puzzles basically) each weekend. Fun fact those even required some group play, so that's a reason, but also just for fun. I think all the stress, having to win, FOMO, - also caused by Amazon and the original developer smilegate, they are certainly part of why people behave this way (intrusive, demanding, mean), but also P2W stuff and people needing to grind quick. All these unfun things causing ppl to get too serious about a game. It's quite sad actually when you think about it. Of course I beat several content in LoA now, too, adapting. But dude is it a different experience to what what I am used to from MMOs in terms of what I mentioned: Playing the game and interactions, certainly less fun, less social, less cozy: In WOW people started to complain about playing-the-ui back then. And this is also not good gameplay and removing fun from a game; But again in LoA having less game is that you constantly almost for everything (have to) use 3rd party tools/information/guides/videos, EVERYTHING. You are not in the game to learn!!! You are on websites, youtube, looking at excavation maps (exact position), you look at mokoko maps and else. There is no reason to LOOK and EXPLORE anything ingame. A Solution could be more random positions and else for stuff like Mokokos, sites, some bosses, ofc predefined pos so they do not bug, but more varience, so you are more incentivized to just play. Anyways as mentioned the main reason isn't really that but that people kinda "need" to speed through. This is certainly incentivized by the developers, they pressure alot, limited time events, fomo, you name it.
Writing down thought as I go through the video: 23:10 People kinda want to prog on release week because gatekeeping is ridiculous. Even my main barely can get accepted, and it's well kitted out. If you don't have full lvl 10 gems 90+ qual etc etc you're just being gatekept for a long time, till you find a group willing to give you a chance.
Even before chatgpt was a thing, ffxiv can let you do solo raiding with ai teammates. It is time for lost ark to add that feature, at least for practicing.
31:35 Honestly I feel like the constantly moving goal post is by design. They want you to be a mono gamer and only play 1 game or pay money to get out early. I think they aim to make money off this because they know people don't want to wait around farming dailies and would rather take a break and then pay to catch up. I don't think you should have to pay to catch up though. Like wow I think you should be able to play a few weeks finish the grind and take a break with an expectation you need to pay money when you come back. Its the constant treadmill or pay money that feels greedy and off putting to me more then playing many alts. If you could finish the season grind on 1 alt in 4 weeks or play 6 alts and finish it in 1 week either way would be alright for me its more the fact you cant finish by design so they can make money off people that want to pay to be there first while not playing. I dont really have the issue cuz I actually prefer to let others do the raid first and then watch a guide lol but I still find there approach to monetization to be off putting because it comes off greedy.
My only problem with LoA is gatekeeping. I don't want to be stressed out when I play a game or have anxiety. I want to have fun. They fix this and I will suckle on the teet of smilegate.
1:12:00 I think Saintone is saying that so well. People value there time toooo much. Too much stress, too much Fomo, too much speed. And this is incentivized by the developers quitely much. I'm not saying it's all their fault, and certainly not speaking of purpose to cause trouble, (their purpose is to have many players by those tricks) however it's certainly a big part of OUR problem. BACK in older MMOs, you weren't that way: When I played star wars the old republic (btw still good to play) when we did grouping we NEVER cared about slight waste of time, cause there wasn't any pressure or so. You simply wanted to do that one content within a week, and it was okay. If you did more you could but no must. Who did more characters could, but it wasn't necessary for anything. People wanted to enjoy their time, and they did it INGAME, people talked to each other when they figured someone is new. Of course there was always something to do, but it's not THAT important, it's rather content as an option, as content being there, not having to do cause the event lasts only a few weeks, or all the reasons you can think of why someone is having a "disadvantage" in lost ark......
At 2353 Saintown talks about people wanting to have like multiple characters to do current Content and so ever since week one people have been asking for five times clear on Akkan for re- clear parties and my artist is my only character at that level of play it and it’s crazy
If they somehow make raids more welcoming, make solo versions of all raids, or make raids less about wipe mechanics to help with gatekeeping then I would be more willing to hop back in. I loved Lost Ark when I played but Brel gatekeeping and homework made it too much. Making solo versions of raids would be huge because then there is less pressure to do homework and you can progress at your pace rather than suffering from FOMO if you don't do dailies consistently.
less raid wipes would definitively help. I really like how they changed the golden meteor mechs of Brel, and if they continue to make those changes the game would be healthier and less gatekeeping. Regular players shouldn't be pushed for people trying to bus the raid, if they are going to bus just let them bus. People still bus with all the wipe mechs anyway, just get rid of them and let people enjoy the raids.
I played last year and got up to iLvL 1100. I was just chillin, chopping trees, collecting cards, sailing around, getting seeds, filling out adventure tome. Couldn't care less about advancing iLvL. Chaos dungeons were really fun, but started to dry up and nobody did them at my level anymore, and I couldn't do them by myself. Same with some other raids. Now coming back I'm forced to iLvL 1250. The game is telling me that I'm playing it wrong, and I should only care about iLvL and doing the latest content. If there were single player versions of raids, or just bots to fill in if no players are available, that would be fine by me. I would actually like the game again. The game has such rich art style and world design, but the advancement mechanics are not designed for me. It's like if the game was just cookie clicker with ASCII graphics and a big ITEM LEVEL! counter, most of the player base wouldn't notice.
The only problem I have with this game (that makes me unwilling to come back), is the fact that I CANNOT do any raid on the raid machine. I know both of you do have experiences in other MMORPG. Have you ever seen a MMORPG that raids cannot be done in the raid matching machine? I haven't, tbh. In LA, either no one's queuing in slot, or the game itself is discouraging people to play in slot by destroying player's fun and having wipe mechanics that can be triggered by other players. NGL, I think, the only relevant content of this game, should just be the latest raid, and let people get all the gear/level below that, so that they will ONLY be gatekept in the LATEST raid, not EVERY single raid.
1:39:05 instead of making old content solo make it fewer people. like valtan with 3 other people would be so much more fun. like that i could 100% convince my friends to hop on jumpstart. same with vykas if that fight was 4 players it would make it easier as a new player but also keep group play at early state of game.
In my opinion, the issue with gate keeping can be fixed with the single player raid mode. By having a player complete the raids solo, it will provide them the knowledge necessary to do them with a group. Of course, with lesser rewards for doing it solo, that way it’s more lucrative to do them in a group.
@@HorizonMediaGaming Mechanics are the same. Mechanics that require more than one player in the raid? Building synergy? That takes time, of which, Raid Leaders are not going to be very lenient with theirs. If the solo raid is somehow solving mechanics that require more than 1 player, are you going to be able to perform those same maneuvers while with players and without wasting too much time is the question.
apart from the inmense grind that is not for everyone and the fact that getting gold is kinda limited by time. one of the bigger issues to me is the community. people don't have any patience even in prog raids or in even in jump start servers The amount of bad experiences i had in party finder is kinda insane. not even having a guild or friends completely erases the problem.
I quit because the time it takes to look for raid groups is longer than the actual raid itself. And support shortage. Unless those are resolved, no really going back.
Hm. The largest issue I have with the game is just not being able to aquire large amounts of gold outside of legion raids. And I mean, I get that the whole game revolves around the raids, but I don't really like that at all :0 I suck at raiding due to low end hardware, really bad memory, and hand eye coordination, so it's basically impossible to do anything above Valtan. I'd rather play a game like destiny 2, where endgame content is optional, not required. Even if the difficulty of raids is lowered, I still don't see myself ever going above clown.
Instead of giving bozo set like deep dive I think they should just give LOS18 for new players so they can get into raid quicker but caveat is no additional against demon dmg that way they have to farm for the cards for the end game
nice video what i can think about for gatekeeping implementing a mentor system where you get exclusive rewards only if you mentor new player mokkokos and for the card honestly the only way i can see it is having a portion in market making some card packs tradable and untradable so they can be a bit of a balance
I would 100% do jumpstart, but all the money I spent on my actual account would suck to lose, mostly skins. Since these do not transfer over. I have a hard time justifying playing on jump start. Also your jumpstart character will not transfer over to your main roster kind of sucks. on a side note, I get raid anxiety the pressure of having to know everything before you get to set foot in the raid is so stupid, some people just be built different and as a older gamer it's gotten worse over the years. I even had anxiety over calligos because everyone expects you to know it before you get a chance to experience it. I decided the best way to learn it was just to solo it. Learn the mechanics on my own and then join groups and it works.
i reached 1580 with my first char ever yesterday. i played the last story express and i had a couple of alt's to help earn gold and it still took me until now, the oreha mats and shards are the main thing. so thats like what now? 2 month i guess?
So...I'm confused a little,just wanted to play after several months of break to see Souleater ...but using powerpass gave me a 1415 item level and all skills unlocked,which I'm not familliar with ,don't know how they work,so how about to start playing from level 1 without using it ?
I would love for Lost ark to pick back up on the playernumbers and getting rid off all those doomers for good. I feel like we are in the New World era of the game right now where the game needs to redeem itself again to regain peoples trust. I feel like the direction the game is going is a rly good one and I think the current playernumbers do not do this game justice. We gotta get back on the road and enjoy the game for what it is
i got a 10k gold bar from doing a chaos dungeon at specifically 1:33:48 while they where talking about the fate embers and I will forever open this time stamp when im running chaos dungeons
Lost Ark pvp was one of those things i did accidentally cause I had nothing else to do. And it went from frustrating to really fun really fast. Then chores racked in and it would take me like 6 hours to get through them. So i started cheating on chores and abandoned pvp.
Game still feel like a job. D4 isn't as good but at least I can pick up and play D4 anytime I want, as long as I want and don't feel like I have to play everyday.
I think they should release the 16raid (keiser if not mistaken) and more massive raids like that to be able to go with a big clan and kill the boss like 30 man raids to really feel like a mmorpg, with that in mind also solo raids for people that like more to play solo should be available, for example Prokiel should be release as a solo content that gives rewards instead of only be in trixion that would be lit
Short answer - no. Game have big flaws in its core progression system and its never gonna be fixed. Also making raids easier or more "welcoming" wont help Lost Ark to get players back or having new players - the game have ton of content which is obsolete for no reason and biggest misstake devs do is trying to focus on endgame raids to progress. Believe me, random player got overwhelmed with mechanics and different gearing min-max things game throw on him - new players dont wont to hop up to end game, they need meaningful progression curve when they can actually feel their character and get used to.
idk, I like the idea of having some kind of seasonal related thing like in other games but in my head I always thought its going to be a SINGLE character in a completely new server, no such thing roster just i.level and the point would be to encourage people to try new classes at the peak of the game while not having to dedicate so much roster on a character you dont like, and with every X amount of time you could graduate the character into a server of your liking having an entire roster on ez mode which will merge in 6 months from now with the rest of us feels a bit concerning not sure about the policy of the game having 2 rosters, like can you funnel gold from one to another by market(talking after the merge) if no does someone really looking after it? since the market is still full of sus trades so idk how I feel about it on one side I feel like people will make 6x same support char to funnel their gems from one another to save costs and basically build up gold to funnel their main roster = more gold on the server on the other hand.. i guess more supports in 6 months? got so many questions
So i'm planning to return in jump-start. Let's say I will south vern pass + mokoko express my main. Can i only story express 1 alt, or all alts? If i'm going for the 1 main + 5 alts roster
As much as id love to see you guys experience the msq in ff14 it would still be cool to have you experience some of the really cool fights especially since you can sync them all to get a similar experience to launch.
so I just need clarification on one point when it comes to jump-start servers, will it be a character in my same old account that won't have access to any of my roster stuff and at some point ill be able to merge it with my old characters and get back on the main servers? or will have to be a brand new account and they will be their own servers without really merging with other servers?
Brand new server, brand new account with no merges to your old character. Basically starting all over again but at a very expedited rate where they give a bunch of stuff just to have fun
See, the issue with nurturing new players is AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT S#. The game is WAAAAAY too time-consuming for me to have any remote chance of having the time to help new players. The best I can(and will) do is occasionally accept a low-roster/ilvl character into stacked runs where I know we will steamroll. If we had more free time I'd be way more open to help more new players. One huge improvement would be making it 3 gold earners. I'd still play 4, but that's cuz I want to, not because I have to for gold.
If they start making legion raids soloable, i would straght up come back to the game anytime i think i want to play lost ark i just remember having to pug a group or having to get a bunch of people together at the same time and i immediately lose any interest in playing the game being able to play this game solo would instantly make me play it hardcore again i don't want them to just be practice i want to be able to solo every raid in the game and get rewards for it if there are no rewards for them then it's a pointless waste of time so i hope they don't do that
a MMO that requires you to have 30 main characters that you have to no life will always have a low player pop. Other than that this game would probably be decent to play but i cant stand having to play so many different chars when i only want to play 1-3
if they gonna release tier 4 and "recicling" existing legion commanders please make whole raids inside arkesia as "commanders invasions", fighted over regions (in separate istances obviously) and please give some new life to the map of the game cause it's always deadge empty lands of nothing interesting. (except vernese forest, that region shall be deleted :D )
I havent even started to watch if they say you should try it out BIG NAH , never had so life-changing experience with a game in my 11 years of gaming. but if you still want to try it out BE really Prepared
1:21:45 I actually think legacy scouter is one of the worst suggestions for a new player because they simply do no damage. On paper in trixion they do good damage and players like Kanima mvp all the time on it, but it just doesn't pan out in raids using DPS meter. All legacy players I've ever played with since release (even ones with 10 gems and 1810 spec) do 30-50% less damage than others similar to Blue GL. I don't know where the failure point is -- it's either way too hard to actually implement the damage or the western guides suck (huge problem for many classes for us -- look at paladins that STILL use charge because of the awful maxroll guide). Gravity Destroyer and Barrage Arti are good choices for new players as well in my opinion (becomes somewhat problematic starting at Akkan only) in addition to Pistoleer, Nightmare EW DE, AT Scouter, LC Sharpshooter, Paladin. Legacy players also tell me it's pretty tiring and boring from the high APM which I guess is probably why they do so poorly in actual raid.
Yeah the only reason charge on paladin is ever something you would even consider is if you play full spec, which would be very niche for some kind of coordinated oneshot pull. I cringe every time I see it xdd
Nah my friends easily doing 70-85% of the top tiers dps in raids with lvl 10s and they have lvl 10s/9s and i as a blue am doing 40-60% max( only get closer to 60%+ when im with the better synergy/supports)
If the premise is just doing the most damage with the most investment, then you are absolutely right for evo scouter. But as a new player, you would want low-medium investment classes that will allow you to experience more of the game as your gold can be better utilised. As Santoine said, he is also not suggesting "difficult classes" for new players as the focus should be to learn the game rather than learn the class itself; of course nothing wrong with enjoying a steeper learning curve on a dps but that's where dps loss would be anyway other than just "the class does no dmg". Evo isn't as that much higher apm than deadeye/at scouter if you're actually trying to do dmg on all these classes, and because evo's spells just come up within its own rotation, you dont have to think much about "how to cycle" after putting a few hours into it. I'd say the loss of dmg on most evo players is just that they're already on autopilot on not trying to squeeze out the maximum damage from their rotation; but they do more than enough damage in all raid content with their 2 gem + cheap high spec. So really, your concern isn't one that is for new players but for someone who has a hard-on for MVPing.
@@grayson6615 The fact is that the difficulty of a class is applying your potential damage in raid and not dying. Legacy scouters are easily the least performant class among the playerbase next to blue gunlancers so I'm convinced that it's a difficult class and therefore not suitable for beginners. That's my point because the class obviously has the same potential as any other. Doing damage (including providing it indirectly through utility) is your primary concern as a DPS and it's weird to frame that as "having a hard-on for MVPing". I don't think gold investment is a major concern for what class to play, especially what to main. You should be primarily concerned with the class fantasy/feel/aesthetics that will motivate you to keep playing the game. So really even the idea of "suggesting" a class to play isn't that useful as you have to find the one that suits you the best anyway.
@@Gworzor i dont know about what kind of evo scouters you play with, but it is very easy to push out consistent damage as an evo scouter, and even harder to die unless you have no idea what's going on in the raid, but dying due to lack of raid knowledge is not unique to any class. The point being made was that due to the ease of execution of evo scouter's kit, your concern would not be to do huge monkey damage, but to learn the raid itself; understand boss patterns, boss mechanics etc. Evo scouters not doing alot of damage is mostly seen at the peak. a decent scouter would still match well vs a decent deathblade, but a great scouter would probably still be outdamaged by a great deathblade. but that's not the point for a new player unless they're damage chasing then it's just "show them the tier list" rather suggest a class. These suggestions by Saintone is really just to shift the focus off the class and into the game itself. There is nothing wrong with class swapping once you understand the core of the raids. You can make all the meta mvp classes and not like to raid with any of them, and that's fine. You can make all the zdps classes and have fun running around at mach5 in a raid, that is also fine. As a DPS player, sure you'd want to MVP; but when you're learning the game (new player btw), MVP is the least of your concerns.
I don't understand why people keep saying that solo content will be so great because you can learn to do the mechanics on your own. Name one mechanic in any raid that can be done by one person, I'll wait. Every mechanic, if there will even be that many, in those solo raids will not be the same as the ones we have right now so what are they really learning? On another note, you guys cut each other off a lot. Like a lot a lot.
Starforge PC's Respect Your Time: starforgepc.com/Stoopzz
I dont know if many people would get this reference. S tier plug lol
I absolutely love the idea of solo raiding, where you get to practice mechanics yourself without the added pressure. Hell even converting to a 4 man raid would be so helpful and feasible for those that don’t have 7 people to coordinate and play with.
I was just thinking the same thing about the 4 man raid. A large issue with my group, before they all gave up due to stressing out with the raids, is that we never had a complete party, so we had to rely on outsiders to join. And though we had a few well adjusted people who didn't mind that most of the group was learning, more often than not we had people who either were spazzing out over failed attempts, or they would seem to be not trying at all.
And I know there's clown, but I wanted to do my first Vykas with guildies who mostly quit before they reached her. Sure, there's busses, and I don't doubt I can learn her in an hour or so (thanks to guides) if given the chance, but not everyone wants to "waste" time on just some random. I also don't want to NOT learn and just get carried. But yeah... 4 man might be another solid alternative to solo content for older raids. Let's you coordinate still.
Raids should have an easy mode without insta-death penalties like Valtan Grabs
@@gadsanchez4929 out of the all things of the game you complain about fucking valtan grabs lolmao
also will solve gatekeeping, its just enoing getting judge by gear, i have seen dis gatekeeping before in other games and it ended with a emty server with 100-200 whales left and then in the end the shutdown the server, bc of greed and only selfish top 200 players that dont help new players progress and only party with people that already have juiced up gear from the raids, and the people that need the gear the most the keep them in the cold, ore the need to add reward system to help new players progress and reward them with gold. how more people help new players progress how bigger succes the game become also, bc the carrys if the help new players less people stop play, game will grow and it will become more ezz to find partys any time of the day. right new on some servers its just emty Qs you can,t even try the content bc no party ore take hrs to find people ore you need to login add the right time, night time the worst no night grinders atleast on me EU server, i also wish a solo mode its enoing to relie on other people to progress, you wanne grind 18 hr a day and then you get gatekeept by not finding partys ore other things, the 1 time a week is already a grind lock in some form
I can listen to Saint for hours , great video big fan.
about the gatekeeping i recently came back and im still around abrel kuku gearing ilvl just got into kayangel and my friend and i took it upon ourselves to find a group of new players through your lost ark lfg server and we've been teaching them raids and doing groups with them and its honestly been a lot of fun, a few jails but i like the feeling of getting peoples feet in the door to what i find the most fun and addictive part of lost ark to be, the raiding.
For the gatekeepers. I’m brand new to this game only been playing a few weeks and I’ve done all quests naturally instead of paying. I only have 2 alts and I’m 1440 on my main. I did Valtan for the first time after being rejected numerous times because my gems and engravings weren’t end game. I watched the guide videos over and over again to make sure I didn’t make us wipe. To then be rejected party after party was annoying. Finally someone let me in and I didn’t die at all and found it fairly easy for my first proper raid. I will always let people play and if they die I will try and help them, because that’s how I want to be treated. Now if you get told numerous times and you don’t listen then that’s fair enough, you deserve a kick from party but to be fair I’ve only come across 2 toxic players during my 180 hours in the game over the past few weeks. For an MMO I don’t think that’s bad.
The problem is people most people you'll find are not playing for fun. They are probably on their 3rd character doing the same raid in a row after doing all the other dailies and just want to get the rewards and fk off as soon as possible. If they could pay to skip the raid and get the rewards i'm sure many would do it..
I f*cking despise that so much in games... Like, why are you rushing the videogame ? Why do you care so much about progressing a character that you basicaly just want to skip the game ?
So what if there's someone new ? Stop treating the damn videogame like a job and chill. The combat is fun, just enjoy it even if there's someone struggling. As long as the person struggling isn't a troll ofc.
If you're not someone who enjoys helping people then... just get static groups.
This game's community has been sh*t since the very start when it launched globaly. Even in dungeons, people would not speak and instantly quit if a wipe happened. And that's if you didn't get a whale that is already overgeared and kills the bosses in 10 seconds.
I really enjoyed dungeons, especially when the group struggled. Everythime i saw that there was a whale in the group i would just want to afk. "Like, great this cunt is about to waste my one entry into this Abyss Dungeon with rewards this week".
Then the problem just gets 2.5x worse in raids.
I wish I would of spent the 2000 hours of time I put into this game going to the gym
The only thing I'm not liking about jump start is the lack of skill point access. I don't want to grind those out again.
Honing rates also ass. Not free at all
Thats the thing from keeping me logging in again. When I opened my adventure book and realized that i need to do all that all over again , i instantly closed and uninstalled the game.
I have to say that after playing 6000 hours in Lost ark I found many design mistakes in every aspect of the game. The two most important currencies in Lost ark are your time and your money.
If you take in consideration that most gamers play MMORPGs for enjoyment, distraction, interaction with other players or to get a kick of dopamine when get they get a item, Lost Ark has it.
However, it is in broken puzzle form that is incredibly stressful, difficult and time consuming to back together. The important part here is the currency of time, this game demands too much of it.
Lost ark raids are indirectly on the punishing side and what I mean by this is that people will jump on you if you make a mistake that wipe the raid and people will quit the raid after one wipe. For players in Lost Ark wiping in a reclear raid is a nono because it is consider a waste of time when you have to run a bunch of alts in the same raid. Speaking of alts, nonmatter anyone tell you about you not needing alts in lost ark is pure BS. If you don't have alts it will take you 1000's of hours to do all horizontal content in the games. If you don't have alts it is impossible to play this game without swiping your credit card. Every material you need to upgrade your character in the game is time gated if you try to play for free. Alts help you to get materials to sell for gold and mats for your main, is the only way you can progress your main as a free to play.
If your try to go into a raid party finder without being deck out, over geared you won't get in. ( it took me one year and half to get Light of salvation 30, farming every event with cards, venders, and Mary's shop, people expect you to have it and also there's the dark salvation set, lol), now cards are more easy to get than before. This is what make the game difficult, the fact that this so called gamers expect you to be like them.
If you miss the first week of a raid release where everybody is learning the raid and doing pugs you are out of luck cause after that every party finder will be 10 clears of more or no raids for you. Some players are nice and do learning pts and welcome new players, but those are few where it should be more. A way to fix this problem can be training program for all players where players can practice and learn raids meaning a tutorial where all mechs can be practice. There are tutorials in the Lost Ark for Guardian Raids, but the funny part of it that is hidden under a horribly design quest where you have to SAIL all over the map to get the tutorial for each guardian. Why tutorials that so crucial for a game is hidden from the players. I know that during the raid NPC try to tell you what to do when a mechanic is about to happen but that's not good enough.
Gamers demand too much from game developers to get entertainment not taking in consideration that games are just that a way to entertain yourself not a way of life.
Yep! Especially the ten clears as I got my Akkan title this week and after that I have not logged in again and feel like I can now slow down until December with Voldis.
Bruh, took you 6k hours to notice that? Lmao
this game would be good if it didnt require you to play every single class in the game
If they ever decide to make the game to not require playing alts, that day I'd think of coming back. Until then is not worth going back imo.
I quit in april and absolutely nothing they've done would make me want to return.
Not only lack of raid experience is cause of gatekeeping, but also a skill requirement to do so. If someone is bad at recognising patterns and reacting fast they will die no matter how strong/knowledgeable they are.
its cool and all but why the fuk wasnt the game good when we had 300k players and its good when we got 20k? thoughts?
I like the derailing feel more natural like a just a normal conversation rather then hard focus on topics :) always nice seeing saint and Stoopzz doing stuff
44:00 best way to enjoy games is to delete and ignore reddit completely
I love Saint and Stoopz and I get there's hype for the changes and the new raid (which I am actively watching on Twitch)... but I also remember when Lost Ark launched and a ton of sponsored streamers started playing and a week later, most of them dropped it. Now there are Lost Ark ads all over twitch and many of these streamers who have fed accounts are now joining the jumpstart servers and, well, it's just not a realistic picture of what the grind is like. I don't play Lost Ark anymore because it was so exhausting and because of the gatekeeping and I'm pretty sure some of the same practices that don't respect players' time will return.
1:24:25 , yeah but can i have all this fun completely f2p, with 0 alts, just 1 character?? I'm someone who quit 1 month after west launch. So i remember that was not the perception then.
Yes, thats the whole point of hyper express. It pretty much gets you raid ready off the jump. All the raiding fun is available completely f2p, and you can progress your character at a good rate. The only reason you'd ever swipe is for skins (which u can also get f2p with gold off the market) or if you're impatient and want to brute force your character's progression.
I would love to solo raid, the pressure of feeling like you will fail 8 people is hard on you for hours. Also I haven't played for ages but I hope gatekeeping is or will get better.
1000 hours played only was able to complete Argos
I tried LA at launch, it was getting skill points that got me bored, excited to give it another shot with the new classes I’ve missed out on.
Knowledge reset is actually a big brain play; I managed to clear G4 Breel HM, formerly G6, after reset by impostering under the guise of not knowing the new changes.
Sadly I think I burnt myself too hard on the state of the game prior to the updates in the past few months. I don't think I can ever go back to Lost Ark unless the at least the alt gameplay goes away, or the dailies/weeklies are reworked more significantly. The game's design is purely motivated by the cash shop and it shows in how tedious it is to progress without swiping.
I'm going back tonight and i'm not making a single alt. Gonna play once in a while, use rest bonus and if I can't keep up, I will just quit for good. Giving the game a last chance because the raids are so well crafted.
Same here... But gonna try Simons idea maybe
GW2 is def really easy to get into, amazing variations as well with WvW and Conquest too. Def recommend for those who want to scratch that itch
Doing any high-end endgame content is a nightmare
10:04:50 please hand this on: I found that actually a big part of the jump start players are actually former veterans! Those that are kinda bored from their server. Several even told me they have several account to use the jumpstart server etc (but first of all their main account of course)... Also others seem to be pretty hardcore that joined. Tons going 6 chars right away, making other players/friends burn out ETC. So people from the old servers that were playing each day, they then jump on the jumpstart server, too and shout at people in raids or RATHER simply kick them and don't invite. Stuff like twink run, fast runs, no noobs runs. It exists plenty. At least on EUC. So this system doesn't work as intended. EASY to solve though: Simply hinder people that are veterans - who have played the last month before that for more than - let's say - 20++ hours to join the server. (time should make sure it differs people that onnly TRY from actual veterans) I mean I'm usually ALL against keeping players out. BUT here it's EXACTLY for that reason that is the goal: Resetting information, having new players have an opportunity to play the game with other fresh people.
i just imagine that valtan as solo content or 4 people raid would be really sick
most of the mech is not really punish people for failling so they can easy rework them so that would work
This is why game devs should start trying to copy what other successful games how done to keep their community happy. One example is where they always put out surveys every patch encouraging their audience to voice their thoughts of the current content and state of the game.
Surveys are a very good way to show that as devs, you are open to the voice of the people that play your game.
Great podcast, I actually like when you guys go off and ramble.
Its on the devs to fix gatekeeping not the players. Toxicity and gatekeeping is a product of game design. Why are new players thrown into punishing raids with raid wipe mechanics? Make an easy mode, give them an alternative progression, those are things that would fix gatekeeping.
I think Koreans already saw last years events in the other regions where people left in droves and questioned some of their own mentalities. I remember quitting EU at 1370 ilvl, 1-2 months after glavier release. It was shortly before goldriver left. So, I dont know, if the doomong happened later and just recently and it trickled down from korea to the rest of us. The game after a few months were left in droves. Its simply too much complicated systems to the power creep. Its so much to understand and you cannot make costly mistakes all the time in finding out. Daily chores is a type thing that many left as well. I left, because it wont end and I will never be "up there"...and I also couldnt play down to friends with lower levels because it would be a timewaste I felt like. And then so many catch up events or events in general, that were as bad as UNA tasks...that u HAD to do to stay half relevant. And all that community destroying chores just to be first in new raids or say raids as the only content.
There will be no chill, laughing community but only chores.
To add: Run around in a chill game like gw2. There is endgame in various places but its just skill based. Everything else is chill from max level and you grind into essentially convinience in getting some legendaries, etc.
Run around a map with no clue? You can ask and get help, joing commander tags and within that people are willing to explain stuff. U simply participate and ONLY raids need to be done with proper groups (but also isnt a matter of gear at a certain point).
Raids, fractals, wvw and pvp is more toxic of course. Raids and fractals is just learning mechanics and yohr rotations and find a group to train. Wvw is from casual to sweaty but people will explain, but it takes some months to get good and pvp is like every pvp (a lot to learn on how to counter other classes, etc.)
As someone who got back into messing around with MapleStory because of Stoopzz, I would love to watch the boys fuckin around in other MMOs
6:00 it is indeed SLIGHTLY weird you're in the same house during the podcast, but sitting in your own rome each. Just a joke but indeed kinda reflecting in what age we live :D
What a banger of a thumb! Just know we will hunt you down if it’s not true XD love you stoopzz
I want to konw that I'm also abroad now, what vpn do you use to do Korean server?
1:06:00 Can I add that it's not obvious at all, that you are supposed to watch 3rd party Videos about the game, when joining a party?
It's actually kinda hardcore to watch guides before you join any run or party.
Back when I started playing games, you will be surprised, but people were actually talking tacs. Before each boss the leader explained the tacs and in special cases assigned some roles. It also added a social thing. And didn't take much time either. There was no shouting at newbs out of random and then acting like it's the biggest crime without even having asked him her, why or similar. When people assume others are like them only playing that game, and can't IMAGINE people are different outside of that little culture. It's literally in any culture you go, people always get super offensive and mad at you that you don't behave like them, be it when joining any game, or anything in real life actually (see Nerd meets real life clips) but also other - though not all sub cultures have super mean people. The world is the total opposite of tolerance, and there is not much done about iit, those that in politicians that care about it in PUBLIC aren't tolreant at all in private or how they and their party acts longterm, anything else is a lie.
I.E. I beat all wow until panda without A SINGLE video, and it was always good and smooth. No one ever complained.
I.E. I beat all star wars knights of the old republic (it's still running and patched and good) without watching a single video about anything, and it was always good and smooth. (Of course you could for the jumpn run puzzles that you did solo, and I did for solving some new ones for myself) There were even Riddle runs organised within my guild, where one would lead through the hidden world riddles (jump puzzles basically) each weekend. Fun fact those even required some group play, so that's a reason, but also just for fun.
I think all the stress, having to win, FOMO, - also caused by Amazon and the original developer smilegate, they are certainly part of why people behave this way (intrusive, demanding, mean), but also P2W stuff and people needing to grind quick. All these unfun things causing ppl to get too serious about a game. It's quite sad actually when you think about it.
Of course I beat several content in LoA now, too, adapting. But dude is it a different experience to what what I am used to from MMOs in terms of what I mentioned: Playing the game and interactions, certainly less fun, less social, less cozy: In WOW people started to complain about playing-the-ui back then. And this is also not good gameplay and removing fun from a game; But again in LoA having less game is that you constantly almost for everything (have to) use 3rd party tools/information/guides/videos, EVERYTHING. You are not in the game to learn!!! You are on websites, youtube, looking at excavation maps (exact position), you look at mokoko maps and else. There is no reason to LOOK and EXPLORE anything ingame. A Solution could be more random positions and else for stuff like Mokokos, sites, some bosses, ofc predefined pos so they do not bug, but more varience, so you are more incentivized to just play. Anyways as mentioned the main reason isn't really that but that people kinda "need" to speed through. This is certainly incentivized by the developers, they pressure alot, limited time events, fomo, you name it.
nice to hear saintone talk about his experience
watching podcasts are more fun than playing it 😂
if Lost Ark had solo raiding or some other solo form of progressing, I'd for sure come back lol
Writing down thought as I go through the video:
23:10 People kinda want to prog on release week because gatekeeping is ridiculous. Even my main barely can get accepted, and it's well kitted out. If you don't have full lvl 10 gems 90+ qual etc etc you're just being gatekept for a long time, till you find a group willing to give you a chance.
Even before chatgpt was a thing, ffxiv can let you do solo raiding with ai teammates. It is time for lost ark to add that feature, at least for practicing.
"I dont have trouble getting through this game" my borther in cristh people donate millions of gold to you.
31:35 Honestly I feel like the constantly moving goal post is by design. They want you to be a mono gamer and only play 1 game or pay money to get out early. I think they aim to make money off this because they know people don't want to wait around farming dailies and would rather take a break and then pay to catch up. I don't think you should have to pay to catch up though. Like wow I think you should be able to play a few weeks finish the grind and take a break with an expectation you need to pay money when you come back. Its the constant treadmill or pay money that feels greedy and off putting to me more then playing many alts. If you could finish the season grind on 1 alt in 4 weeks or play 6 alts and finish it in 1 week either way would be alright for me its more the fact you cant finish by design so they can make money off people that want to pay to be there first while not playing.
I dont really have the issue cuz I actually prefer to let others do the raid first and then watch a guide lol but I still find there approach to monetization to be off putting because it comes off greedy.
My only problem with LoA is gatekeeping. I don't want to be stressed out when I play a game or have anxiety. I want to have fun. They fix this and I will suckle on the teet of smilegate.
1:12:00 I think Saintone is saying that so well. People value there time toooo much. Too much stress, too much Fomo, too much speed. And this is incentivized by the developers quitely much. I'm not saying it's all their fault, and certainly not speaking of purpose to cause trouble, (their purpose is to have many players by those tricks) however it's certainly a big part of OUR problem. BACK in older MMOs, you weren't that way: When I played star wars the old republic (btw still good to play) when we did grouping we NEVER cared about slight waste of time, cause there wasn't any pressure or so. You simply wanted to do that one content within a week, and it was okay. If you did more you could but no must. Who did more characters could, but it wasn't necessary for anything. People wanted to enjoy their time, and they did it INGAME, people talked to each other when they figured someone is new. Of course there was always something to do, but it's not THAT important, it's rather content as an option, as content being there, not having to do cause the event lasts only a few weeks, or all the reasons you can think of why someone is having a "disadvantage" in lost ark......
At 2353 Saintown talks about people wanting to have like multiple characters to do current Content and so ever since week one people have been asking for five times clear on Akkan for re- clear parties and my artist is my only character at that level of play it and it’s crazy
If they somehow make raids more welcoming, make solo versions of all raids, or make raids less about wipe mechanics to help with gatekeeping then I would be more willing to hop back in. I loved Lost Ark when I played but Brel gatekeeping and homework made it too much. Making solo versions of raids would be huge because then there is less pressure to do homework and you can progress at your pace rather than suffering from FOMO if you don't do dailies consistently.
less raid wipes would definitively help. I really like how they changed the golden meteor mechs of Brel, and if they continue to make those changes the game would be healthier and less gatekeeping. Regular players shouldn't be pushed for people trying to bus the raid, if they are going to bus just let them bus. People still bus with all the wipe mechs anyway, just get rid of them and let people enjoy the raids.
I played last year and got up to iLvL 1100. I was just chillin, chopping trees, collecting cards, sailing around, getting seeds, filling out adventure tome. Couldn't care less about advancing iLvL. Chaos dungeons were really fun, but started to dry up and nobody did them at my level anymore, and I couldn't do them by myself. Same with some other raids. Now coming back I'm forced to iLvL 1250. The game is telling me that I'm playing it wrong, and I should only care about iLvL and doing the latest content. If there were single player versions of raids, or just bots to fill in if no players are available, that would be fine by me. I would actually like the game again. The game has such rich art style and world design, but the advancement mechanics are not designed for me. It's like if the game was just cookie clicker with ASCII graphics and a big ITEM LEVEL! counter, most of the player base wouldn't notice.
Nice to see a podcast from you, it's been way too long since the last one and I think it's the best content that you put out
The only problem I have with this game (that makes me unwilling to come back), is the fact that I CANNOT do any raid on the raid machine.
I know both of you do have experiences in other MMORPG. Have you ever seen a MMORPG that raids cannot be done in the raid matching machine? I haven't, tbh. In LA, either no one's queuing in slot, or the game itself is discouraging people to play in slot by destroying player's fun and having wipe mechanics that can be triggered by other players.
NGL, I think, the only relevant content of this game, should just be the latest raid, and let people get all the gear/level below that, so that they will ONLY be gatekept in the LATEST raid, not EVERY single raid.
1:39:05 instead of making old content solo make it fewer people. like valtan with 3 other people would be so much more fun. like that i could 100% convince my friends to hop on jumpstart. same with vykas if that fight was 4 players it would make it easier as a new player but also keep group play at early state of game.
In my opinion, the issue with gate keeping can be fixed with the single player raid mode. By having a player complete the raids solo, it will provide them the knowledge necessary to do them with a group. Of course, with lesser rewards for doing it solo, that way it’s more lucrative to do them in a group.
You honestly believe raid leaders are inviting someone who only has solo raid experience over others who have actual experience?
If the mechs are the same but just one player, yes. The only diff at that point is synergy and uptime.
@@HorizonMediaGaming Mechanics are the same. Mechanics that require more than one player in the raid? Building synergy? That takes time, of which, Raid Leaders are not going to be very lenient with theirs.
If the solo raid is somehow solving mechanics that require more than 1 player, are you going to be able to perform those same maneuvers while with players and without wasting too much time is the question.
can you also make a short version of this video?
apart from the inmense grind that is not for everyone and the fact that getting gold is kinda limited by time.
one of the bigger issues to me is the community. people don't have any patience even in prog raids or in even in jump start servers
The amount of bad experiences i had in party finder is kinda insane. not even having a guild or friends completely erases the problem.
peepotalk i know this is a lost ark podcast. any way cool topics, loved the talk with saint. hopefully they improve the game so we can enjoy it more
I quit because the time it takes to look for raid groups is longer than the actual raid itself. And support shortage. Unless those are resolved, no really going back.
Another banger
Hm. The largest issue I have with the game is just not being able to aquire large amounts of gold outside of legion raids. And I mean, I get that the whole game revolves around the raids, but I don't really like that at all :0 I suck at raiding due to low end hardware, really bad memory, and hand eye coordination, so it's basically impossible to do anything above Valtan. I'd rather play a game like destiny 2, where endgame content is optional, not required. Even if the difficulty of raids is lowered, I still don't see myself ever going above clown.
Instead of giving bozo set like deep dive I think they should just give LOS18 for new players so they can get into raid quicker but caveat is no additional against demon dmg that way they have to farm for the cards for the end game
nice video what i can think about for gatekeeping implementing a mentor system where you get exclusive rewards only if you mentor new player mokkokos and for the card honestly the only way i can see it is having a portion in market making some card packs tradable and untradable so they can be a bit of a balance
I would 100% do jumpstart, but all the money I spent on my actual account would suck to lose, mostly skins. Since these do not transfer over. I have a hard time justifying playing on jump start. Also your jumpstart character will not transfer over to your main roster kind of sucks. on a side note, I get raid anxiety the pressure of having to know everything before you get to set foot in the raid is so stupid, some people just be built different and as a older gamer it's gotten worse over the years. I even had anxiety over calligos because everyone expects you to know it before you get a chance to experience it. I decided the best way to learn it was just to solo it. Learn the mechanics on my own and then join groups and it works.
How is this game compared to Poe? Poe 2 on the Horizon too
i reached 1580 with my first char ever yesterday. i played the last story express and i had a couple of alt's to help earn gold and it still took me until now, the oreha mats and shards are the main thing. so thats like what now? 2 month i guess?
So...I'm confused a little,just wanted to play after several months of break to see Souleater ...but using powerpass gave me a 1415 item level and all skills unlocked,which I'm not familliar with ,don't know how they work,so how about to start playing from level 1 without using it ?
I would love for Lost ark to pick back up on the playernumbers and getting rid off all those doomers for good. I feel like we are in the New World era of the game right now where the game needs to redeem itself again to regain peoples trust. I feel like the direction the game is going is a rly good one and I think the current playernumbers do not do this game justice. We gotta get back on the road and enjoy the game for what it is
i got a 10k gold bar from doing a chaos dungeon at specifically 1:33:48 while they where talking about the fate embers and I will forever open this time stamp when im running chaos dungeons
If your looking to get into Lost Ark and want to play with chill people what discord group do you recommend?
saintone wearing that Stone Island yurrrrr
Still saying this since day 1. Give me a damn way to earn real gold outside of raiding.
Lost Ark pvp was one of those things i did accidentally cause I had nothing else to do. And it went from frustrating to really fun really fast. Then chores racked in and it would take me like 6 hours to get through them. So i started cheating on chores and abandoned pvp.
Game still feel like a job. D4 isn't as good but at least I can pick up and play D4 anytime I want, as long as I want and don't feel like I have to play everyday.
I’m thinking of jumping back in. The grind was just too much
Just make the honing rates way better and stone cutting easier and people would come back in the west
I think they should release the 16raid (keiser if not mistaken) and more massive raids like that to be able to go with a big clan and kill the boss like 30 man raids to really feel like a mmorpg, with that in mind also solo raids for people that like more to play solo should be available, for example Prokiel should be release as a solo content that gives rewards instead of only be in trixion that would be lit
You guys going through M+ would be sick!
Short answer - no. Game have big flaws in its core progression system and its never gonna be fixed.
Also making raids easier or more "welcoming" wont help Lost Ark to get players back or having new players - the game have ton of content which is obsolete for no reason and biggest misstake devs do is trying to focus on endgame raids to progress. Believe me, random player got overwhelmed with mechanics and different gearing min-max things game throw on him - new players dont wont to hop up to end game, they need meaningful progression curve when they can actually feel their character and get used to.
On what region are they playing? US West or US East?
The solution to gatekeeping is easy, just allow people to reset your gate and don’t get any rewards for the gate you have already done.
Wait sorry TLDR. Can someone tell me if new players don't need to finish the story once before using the pass? thanks
my question is, does it still feel like a job where you have to log in almost everyday. or can i play it cassually maybe 3 days a week couple hours??
it's getting better but still a second job simulator
There should be in game help tips for mechanics on raids so people can learn it
idk, I like the idea of having some kind of seasonal related thing like in other games
but in my head I always thought its going to be a SINGLE character in a completely new server, no such thing roster just i.level
and the point would be to encourage people to try new classes at the peak of the game while not having to dedicate so much roster on a character you dont like, and with every X amount of time you could graduate the character into a server of your liking
having an entire roster on ez mode which will merge in 6 months from now with the rest of us feels a bit concerning
not sure about the policy of the game having 2 rosters, like can you funnel gold from one to another by market(talking after the merge)
if no does someone really looking after it? since the market is still full of sus trades
so idk how I feel about it
on one side I feel like people will make 6x same support char to funnel their gems from one another to save costs and basically build up gold to funnel their main roster = more gold on the server
on the other hand.. i guess more supports in 6 months?
got so many questions
So i'm planning to return in jump-start. Let's say I will south vern pass + mokoko express my main. Can i only story express 1 alt, or all alts? If i'm going for the 1 main + 5 alts roster
1 alt only for story express
They should have a pitty system for quality
As much as id love to see you guys experience the msq in ff14 it would still be cool to have you experience some of the really cool fights especially since you can sync them all to get a similar experience to launch.
so I just need clarification on one point when it comes to jump-start servers, will it be a character in my same old account that won't have access to any of my roster stuff and at some point ill be able to merge it with my old characters and get back on the main servers? or will have to be a brand new account and they will be their own servers without really merging with other servers?
Brand new server, brand new account with no merges to your old character. Basically starting all over again but at a very expedited rate where they give a bunch of stuff just to have fun
See, the issue with nurturing new players is AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT S#. The game is WAAAAAY too time-consuming for me to have any remote chance of having the time to help new players. The best I can(and will) do is occasionally accept a low-roster/ilvl character into stacked runs where I know we will steamroll.
If we had more free time I'd be way more open to help more new players. One huge improvement would be making it 3 gold earners. I'd still play 4, but that's cuz I want to, not because I have to for gold.
logs into lost ark; sees every raid room is a sale run or a non first clear friendly ; leaves.
If they start making legion raids soloable, i would straght up come back to the game
anytime i think i want to play lost ark i just remember having to pug a group or having to get a bunch of people together at the same time and i immediately lose any interest in playing the game
being able to play this game solo would instantly make me play it hardcore again
i don't want them to just be practice i want to be able to solo every raid in the game and get rewards for it
if there are no rewards for them then it's a pointless waste of time so i hope they don't do that
I would say warlander is a pretty easy MMO pvp game & it came out recently
a MMO that requires you to have 30 main characters that you have to no life will always have a low player pop. Other than that this game would probably be decent to play but i cant stand having to play so many different chars when i only want to play 1-3
Lost Ark Reboot Server when
We’re so back boys
I really hope they give atleast epic runes tbh. I tried playing as a new player and with low level runes and playing as sorc is so bad. :(
if they gonna release tier 4 and "recicling" existing legion commanders please make whole raids inside arkesia as "commanders invasions", fighted over regions (in separate istances obviously) and please give some new life to the map of the game cause it's always deadge empty lands of nothing interesting. (except vernese forest, that region shall be deleted :D )
I havent even started to watch if they say you should try it out BIG NAH , never had so life-changing experience with a game in my 11 years of gaming.
but if you still want to try it out BE really Prepared
1:21:45 I actually think legacy scouter is one of the worst suggestions for a new player because they simply do no damage. On paper in trixion they do good damage and players like Kanima mvp all the time on it, but it just doesn't pan out in raids using DPS meter. All legacy players I've ever played with since release (even ones with 10 gems and 1810 spec) do 30-50% less damage than others similar to Blue GL. I don't know where the failure point is -- it's either way too hard to actually implement the damage or the western guides suck (huge problem for many classes for us -- look at paladins that STILL use charge because of the awful maxroll guide). Gravity Destroyer and Barrage Arti are good choices for new players as well in my opinion (becomes somewhat problematic starting at Akkan only) in addition to Pistoleer, Nightmare EW DE, AT Scouter, LC Sharpshooter, Paladin.
Legacy players also tell me it's pretty tiring and boring from the high APM which I guess is probably why they do so poorly in actual raid.
Yeah the only reason charge on paladin is ever something you would even consider is if you play full spec, which would be very niche for some kind of coordinated oneshot pull. I cringe every time I see it xdd
Nah my friends easily doing 70-85% of the top tiers dps in raids with lvl 10s and they have lvl 10s/9s and i as a blue am doing 40-60% max( only get closer to 60%+ when im with the better synergy/supports)
If the premise is just doing the most damage with the most investment, then you are absolutely right for evo scouter.
But as a new player, you would want low-medium investment classes that will allow you to experience more of the game as your gold can be better utilised. As Santoine said, he is also not suggesting "difficult classes" for new players as the focus should be to learn the game rather than learn the class itself; of course nothing wrong with enjoying a steeper learning curve on a dps but that's where dps loss would be anyway other than just "the class does no dmg".
Evo isn't as that much higher apm than deadeye/at scouter if you're actually trying to do dmg on all these classes, and because evo's spells just come up within its own rotation, you dont have to think much about "how to cycle" after putting a few hours into it. I'd say the loss of dmg on most evo players is just that they're already on autopilot on not trying to squeeze out the maximum damage from their rotation; but they do more than enough damage in all raid content with their 2 gem + cheap high spec. So really, your concern isn't one that is for new players but for someone who has a hard-on for MVPing.
@@grayson6615 The fact is that the difficulty of a class is applying your potential damage in raid and not dying. Legacy scouters are easily the least performant class among the playerbase next to blue gunlancers so I'm convinced that it's a difficult class and therefore not suitable for beginners. That's my point because the class obviously has the same potential as any other. Doing damage (including providing it indirectly through utility) is your primary concern as a DPS and it's weird to frame that as "having a hard-on for MVPing". I don't think gold investment is a major concern for what class to play, especially what to main. You should be primarily concerned with the class fantasy/feel/aesthetics that will motivate you to keep playing the game. So really even the idea of "suggesting" a class to play isn't that useful as you have to find the one that suits you the best anyway.
@@Gworzor i dont know about what kind of evo scouters you play with, but it is very easy to push out consistent damage as an evo scouter, and even harder to die unless you have no idea what's going on in the raid, but dying due to lack of raid knowledge is not unique to any class. The point being made was that due to the ease of execution of evo scouter's kit, your concern would not be to do huge monkey damage, but to learn the raid itself; understand boss patterns, boss mechanics etc. Evo scouters not doing alot of damage is mostly seen at the peak. a decent scouter would still match well vs a decent deathblade, but a great scouter would probably still be outdamaged by a great deathblade. but that's not the point for a new player unless they're damage chasing then it's just "show them the tier list" rather suggest a class.
These suggestions by Saintone is really just to shift the focus off the class and into the game itself. There is nothing wrong with class swapping once you understand the core of the raids. You can make all the meta mvp classes and not like to raid with any of them, and that's fine. You can make all the zdps classes and have fun running around at mach5 in a raid, that is also fine. As a DPS player, sure you'd want to MVP; but when you're learning the game (new player btw), MVP is the least of your concerns.
I don't understand why people keep saying that solo content will be so great because you can learn to do the mechanics on your own. Name one mechanic in any raid that can be done by one person, I'll wait. Every mechanic, if there will even be that many, in those solo raids will not be the same as the ones we have right now so what are they really learning?
On another note, you guys cut each other off a lot. Like a lot a lot.
the long podcasts are nice
id love to seeyou 2 play ashe of creation when we get the alpha 2 when ever that ever get's released !
LA has a community problem. I quit because of the toxic party finder not the grind. Make raid matchmake viable for all raids except the new one.
an "mmo" with somewhat easy to jump into PVP would be Destiny 2 - but i've never found anything else.
i kinda miss lost ark so this was perfect timing, looking forward to seeing if this vid answers if this Jump Start thing is for me
It was never better. In fact Id kinda wish this was the state it was released.
I would love to see u guys test out new MMOs, Not old ones. But still mainplay and cover Lost Ark.
Great talk