There are unwritten easements at times. Easement by prescription (adverse use over a period of time). That said, I'm not really understanding what the issue here is, if access to her restaurant still exists
If his deed does not have any mention of an easement, then u have been violating his property rights and liberty since first day of using his land w/o permission. He has ALL the rights to his property, u have NONE.
If it was necessary, the county could take the purchase the property. Or you can say thank you for sharing your property for 6 generations and give him free dinner.
The dudes grandpa got paid for the roadway and no updated deed with the roadway removed was ever filed because the deed changed hands without survey. A proper title search will find the ordinance, or instrument that bought/took the roadway
She thinks she's entitled to use other peoples property . Gross, who does she think she is ?
He fenced his land-- um how did that affect her liberty??? As she clearly stated it does not affect her business.
It's his land!
No lady your 'liberty' does not include using someone else's property free of charge.
What about his liberty and ability to enjoy his own property? Obey the bounds of the line and stop being a karen.
Unless there was an easement granted that was in writing he can fence his property off and not allow citizens to access it.
There are unwritten easements at times. Easement by prescription (adverse use over a period of time). That said, I'm not really understanding what the issue here is, if access to her restaurant still exists
If roles were reversed she would be the most bitter spiteful human being on the plant no doubt.
These people need to pay him for an easement.
IF you want to use his land pay him for the privilege he's the one paying taxes' on it
If his deed does not have any mention of an easement, then u have been violating his property rights and liberty since first day of using his land w/o permission. He has ALL the rights to his property, u have NONE.
"my liberty is effected" talking about not being able to use somebody elses land... tf is wrong with people
This is the way I see this. this lady was able to use this mans land for 18 years. Now he does not want to share. Simple as that.
Google maps show designated city road and utilities going through the property. In other stories, city has filed an injunction.
his road is her liberty and quality of life ?? what about his ??
Create a toll and charge people to use it.
If it was necessary, the county could take the purchase the property. Or you can say thank you for sharing your property for 6 generations and give him free dinner.
The dudes grandpa got paid for the roadway and no updated deed with the roadway removed was ever filed because the deed changed hands without survey. A proper title search will find the ordinance, or instrument that bought/took the roadway
Her business is taking away my liberty. Now it’s mine