GIVEAWAY ANNOUNCEMENT THAT ENDS 22ND FEBURARY 2025: I'm doing a giveaway for $6000 (2 winners for $3000 each) to celebrate upgrading my system so I can record and upload content in 4k. Sharing the love. Same way to enter as the last 30 odd giveaways, best of luck everyone!
I’ve been familiar with Conrad Golden for some time, he’s either the most committed satirist or he’s serious, and based on times I’ve talked to him, he’s serious.
"Fully automated luxury communism" gives me the image of humanity in WALL-E. Which in turn, was the result of a hyper-capitalistic society where a megacorporation took control of the world's governments and destroyed the planet.
Socialism is when the gamer completes the game fast. And it's *more* socialism, the faster they complete it. And when they complete it *REAL* fast, it's communism.
That's precisely why he added the "I'm sure I'm going to rustle some feathers by saying this" in the last tweet of the thread, as a protection blanket against criticism, whenever someone says something like that it's a red flag that they're not able to handle criticism and will continue to delusionally believe in their opinion even after being shown valid counterarguments
You forgot the "Luxury gay" part. It's actually "Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism", but I'm assuming Mr Conrad, being a filthy centrist, does not about the middle part, which really just goes to demonstrate the political center's laziness and unwillingness to achieve anything for themselves. Rather, they prefer to put everyone else down to elevate their own egos, which does not help themselves or society. This pattern of lazy or unwilling centrists holding everybody else down is demonstrated in western governments as well, as Europe, the historical center of political radicalization, as declined from nearly 40% of the world's economy in 1970 to only 20% today. This is due to the guilt of being the home to extremist governments in the past, so they only elect centrist neoliberals to their governments, which then damage their countries through the inherit laziness mentioned previously. 1/69,420
@@Ethan11892 he never even reached Fully Automated Gay Space Communist Cowboys!! Truly a disgusting centrist, this is further proof Centriside is needed!
At least it makes it harder to follow for people that don't have a perfect grasp on the english language. Ngl im still not sure i fully understand what his arguments were, even after really trying. So its harder for me to make an opinion or reason against them.
The worst parts of the 'intellectual' internet aka people who watch Jordan Peterson and think that makes them superior (not saying Peterson is bad, just some of the people that idolize him) are the types to unironically bring up IQ and shit like that because they're scared of not being good enough Source: I like JP and I hate most of the people who also like JP
@@JEST3R_ JP is great, have you seen the "the telegraph" interview? it's great and heartwarming. and i'm sure he would never play the "well i have a high iq"-card like *some* of his followers do.
@@chrisakaschulbus4903 Saying Jordan Peterson is great is ignoring a lot of awful things. Firstly one of his main influences in terms of psychology is Jung someone who is not particularly respected, now I’m sure he knows much more about psychology than me and I’ll say he’s probably a good psychology professor. However as soon as he leaves psychology he goes insane, claiming that there are “post-modern neomarxists” something that is philosophically incoherent (it’s like saying there are married neo-bachelors) or claiming that’s the ancient Chinese might have known about DNA because they painted snakes intertwined. Not to mention his self-help work which is incredibly by the numbers, he really has not contributed anything new or worthwhile to society. The only reason he got popular was because he lied about a Canadian law (bill c16) saying it would make it illegal to misgender someone, when in reality it made trans people a protected class which gives them certain protections, none of which would make misgendering them illegal. How do I know this? The bill passed ages ago and so far there has not been a single arrest on account of this law, he was demonstrably false.
@@teejayburger2136 "he really has not contributed anything new or worthwhile to society." wow, just... wow. even if the rest is true, there are many people that peterson did help. guess they are all liars... have you watched interviews of him? especially the most famous ones where you can see how the hosts try to manipulate what "he is actually saying" He has very valid opinions on this progressive culture, feminism, classes, how we handle politics, why activists do what they do, gender pay gap and all that. Also ignoring the many examples of "feminists" trying to shut him down. He has good reasons why he does what he does.
@@chrisakaschulbus4903 but he hasn’t contributed anything new, all of his self-help is derivative and old. None of it is new. I’m not saying it hasn’t helped people, but it also is nothing special
At first I thought: "ok, let's fall for this piece of clickbait and see what mild stupidity he's talking about." Now I know better. It really was clickbait. This man's tweets have opened my eyes and my mind to the truth of speedrunning and the reality behind this (POINTLESS) practice, which only serves to feed perverted sexual adventures and create sexualized archetypes that defy nature and evolution. No wonder I always got rock hard watching Viper play GTA.
DarkViper Au is a man of the devil .. only now I have just realised due to these tweets that he is merely deceiving us in order to fulfill his deepest demonic sexual fantasies .. what a loser man , UNSUBBED !!
@@SnoppleWopple a lot of mottos arguments are based off of the insinuation that his chat shares the same opinions and values as Matt, even to a political level. That’s why he’s able to be reinforced in his arguments and present points in this manner. While I don’t necessarily agree with the speed running argument, the way Matt combats this and makes it into content shows that he doesn’t have a coherent argument against it. In the past, he has also jumped the gun on his opinions of people, which could contribute to your notion that he is “scary.” In reality, he’s just an argumentative person and more laid back people would find this type of jump-the-gun and passionately argumentative behavior to be uncomfortable. Matt isn’t scary at all in my honest opinion, he’s just willing to go all in on arguments and create emotion behind his arguments.
stalin truely was the first speedrunner. i remember his insane run of the communist party back in 1927. he had some rng though because trotzki's run was clearly dead at that point
Josip Broz Tito became the first person to beat his speedrun in 1947 and on and off until 1953. Eventually Tito held the record until 1980. To this day Tito is actually the greatest speedrunner and even survived 25 assassinations meant to sabotage his run. Although some say Tito only need one shot to sabotage Stalin’s last speedrun and got away with it…
Also kinda buffled me how someone can call out speedrunning as a whole using a point of "doing smth badly". How tf can a speedrun be successeful if it isn't good? what defines good? what's success? what is life? rings a bell, huh It's different compared to work, pretty obvious, and speedrunning is just a part time hobby (well, you can make a living doing anything these days, mostly, so i'm basically saying nothing here) so it doesn't have to bring in politics of all things as a high interest point of actual activity (of speedrunning)
well i feel like you could argue in a story based game that you’re skipping over the experience, but i don’t really think that’s a problem. speedrunning just crosses a bit more into the realm of “sport”, rather than experiencing the art how it’s meant to be experienced the first time through. which is perfectly fine, it’s just different. besides, no one ever speedruns their very first time through a game.
And it's not like people ONLY speed run the game and nothing else. Speedrunners truly love the games they run, unless it's a meme game of course. Nobody buys a good title for the sole purpose of beating it really really fast.
I'm going to have to agree with Matto here: I think (and hope) that this thread is a joke. The "new sexual archetype based on speed" line is just too on the nose and hilarious to be a legitimate philosophical argument.
The thing is if it is bait, it is such good satirisation of Jordan Peterspn's beliefs that it's genious. It's in the same boat as Peterson calling women the evil self eating snake.
@@benitomussolini7436 yooo you have a point, someones narcissistic, uninformed rant speak is the same as someone showing their support for a marginalized community
Crazy how speedrunners invented the concept of "doing something quickly". I didn't know it was communist to do things quickly, nor did I know it was a sexual thing. So that's nice. But easily my favourite part of this is how he starts by saying speed runners are lazy (which, of course is also communist), and then immediately says they put in more time & effort than the average person in the next tweet
He also said speedrunners stifle creativity by... sharing their accomplishments, upon which others can build/improve. His brain worms have brain worms.
@@PrismariLaura this is what happens when you are intelligent enough to understand capitalism, but still naive enough to accept it as good. He *needs* to view "intellectual property" as a force for good
Frankly as much as I love politics I prefer not to talk about it with people not on my spectrum of the political aisle yes I know this is echo chamber but frankly I am not interested in listening to the other side know it would be a waste of everyone's time
@@kurtpunchesthings2411 it's incredibly important to talk to people with different ideologies, if they're willing to listen to you and vice versa. On the internet it's all too hard
@@KickstandOptional "I simply can not believe it! I have used my legs to quickly elevate my self in a way that lifts them off of the ground then turned my body by exactly three humdred sixty degrees, then when my virtual crosshair was over an enemy military combatant I pulled the trigger of my semi-automatic American sniper rifle which uses .50 caliber bullets and by complete chance the projectile which launched out of the weapon hit the enemy resulting in their death, without me ever having to go through the process of using my visual organs to look through the scope on this weapon to ensure the shot would be accurate!"
I am absolutely convinced that this man had his girlfriend stolen by a "speedrunner" and this was the only way he could rationalize it to make himself feel better about it. He just wasn't the right sexual archetype for her... damn "fastest mario('s)"
This guy's completely on point. As a *communitarian,* I focus not on being an entrepreneur genius megamind like Eloon Tesla but on how many shiny coins I'm able to obtain in Yoshi's Island: Vice City in a determined time limit so I can succeed in the sexual marketplace (laissez-faire socialism).
@@ignacymoscickifilms670 Yeah, and some people actually think Elon Musk isn't just some rich douche whose "inventions" are just patents he bought from other people, don't make it any less troll lol
Oh shit, right, i even forgot about the Elon Musk statement, that's how ridiculous it sounded to me! WTF was that supposed to mean, can anyone explain, honestl????
I've never watched a speedrun and thought "The act of speed running is definitely leftist propaganda" and I don't know how any rational human could ever come up with such a ridiculous idea. Like you said, I really hope that it's a joke
They reference GDQ's well-documented SJW infestation but for some reason specify "from the very beginning" which is not the case so I'm guessing it's just stupidity
Can we even define the two sides as liberal vs conservative anymore? They're both gradually joining alliance, even liberals are being considered right-wing by the twitter brigade these days lol
@@NitroNuggetTV The problem is the crazier the extremists get, the less attention the moderates will have, which will lead to more generalization that the extremists represent the majority.
Michael is just another communist, he is distributing wealth forcefully, taking from the rich and giving it to him, the elite. Then he buys expensive cars and yachts with that money, living lavishly, just like every communist does. So of course his deep state handlers will give him the protection. Not very good joke, but it is better than the pun i tried to make it to work, "witheness protection".. that was a dead end, but a good pun.
It's the exact same thing. There are certain things that radical Christians dislike because they believe they lead to "devil worship". And there are certain things that radical rightys dislike because they believe they lead to communism.
unless you're handing over surplus value 80 hours a week for a boss that will force you to work overtime despite losing your entire family to covid just the night before then you're a radical leftist trying to destroy conservative values.
the worst thing is that the me from 5 years ago would have aggreed with the tweets..... 12yr old me was this intoxicated by far right influencers its sickening. atleast hbommerguy got me out of that shithole and has made me based
Those tweets are exactly to bait guys like what you were, with so much insanity that you can't fix yourself after the far right craziness indoctrinates.
That guy is straight up insane, he claims to be pro-freedom with his profile text and yet he wants rules put on how one should play video games. How one enjoys and consumes entertainment.
Actually this had nothing to do with satisfying women with a big dick and was about how entrepreneurs are the alpha species. Still ridiculous, but please get it right.
@@a-1455 Ah yes. Just like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) has republican leadership elected democratically by the people- the name says so, and names are clearly never, ever wrong or misleading.
This is so relateble, lmao. Sometimes my first reaction on something incredibly stupid is "it must be a joke, this is no way that it's possible to be this dumb".
Ditto. When I hear some people's ideas, I can't help but wish they were joking. But the longer we speak, the more I realize they're actually serious about their dumb shit and the quicker my initial smile morphs into a grimace. Such people make me question why I consider myself an idiot.
I would just like to remind everyone that Jung (along with Freud)'s work is almost entirely psudo-science and is not even taught in modern psychology courses, save for the history of the field.
Exactly. It's taught in Psych the same way that Copernicus is taught in Physics. "Yeah the guy had some decent ideas for his time, but his house was built of straw. We have bricks now."
@@Bayoll I'm not sure with Jung, but with Freud he was essentially a broken clock that was right twice a day. He was a cocaine addict who would often put out denounced theories, such as his infamous "penis envy" theory in which, to make it short he stated that all women wanted to be men and developed straight as to compensate for their lack of penis, and that weaving and braiding was first invented by women to braid their pubes and hide the fact they didnt have a penis
That's like fundamentally not true though. For over half a century there's been an immense effort made to distance psychology from early psychoanalytics as the field has strived to establish itself as a scientific discipline. However, nowadays you see tons of revitalized interest in both their works among other early psychonalysists like Otto Rank, especially in the field of terror management theory. In fact it's really fascinating just how close much of what they proposed was to our understanding of it today; they pretty much nailed the behaviour and the reasonings, and really just missed the mark on the fundamental underlying causes (i.e. not a latent urge to have sex with your mother). It still gets touted that Freud was the founder of the discipline but his theories were all so wacky and look how far we've come, but that's solely perpetuated because people would rather discount it all for how absurd it sounds and place themselves in opposition so to appear as the more sound-minded and less incestuous theorist of the two. This shit is literally old as the field is. Psychology is by far the most divisive, broad, and argumentative science there has ever been; I have literally never met two psychologists that agree. And what this has meant is that many theorists have been saying their own flavour of the exact same shit for the better part of a century now without even realizing it, because they refuse to read nor associate with the other guy
@@lLenn2 He read the tweets because they were dumb, he barely even elaborated on it, he just thought that reading it out would be funny coz of how stupid it is. Idk why people get so triggered when politics is brought up even in the smallest capacity, someone like Matt is obviously gonna have a very strong political opinion and be well versed on at least the basics of other political ideologies.
@@Will-bn9km Sry, bud, but Matt doesn't know what he's talking about. He basically personifies exactly what the comment is talking about. It's cringe to watch him just dig himself a bigger hole. The tweet might be exaggerated and the person is definitely full of himself, but there is an underlying truth to it. Putting a spotlight on it has just magnified not only the authors stupidity, but also the hard reality that people go into speedrunning because they have no other talents in life or have severe mental disorders. You might want to deny it because it's an uncomfortable truth, but to everyone else it's as clear as day. I say you go for it, but don't pretend like you're some big-brain doing important things and changing the world with your slacktivism.
@@lLenn2 If you know Matt you know he isnt full of himself, dont let the views and thumbnails and the subs fool you. But he does deserve to be thankful and confident in who he is, hes done alot for himself, him commenting on this isnt him being arrogant, its him realising the stupidity in it. Who's to say what people should enjoy and pursue in life? The dude essentially saying speedrunning is for losers, but how can so many live streaming speed runs get so many views, people are clearly interested and somewhat fascinated by it, and it does brighten peoples day. Saying that someone lacks talent so they resort to speedrunning is weird because you are essentially saying, because the job doesn't require activity and physical energy, it's basically bullshit when that's not true. They may be sitting down looking at a screen but they still gotta put in the mental work, at the end of the day why would people wanna watch a speedrunner who is struggling to speed run? To rule out any benefits of speedrunning streamers or speed runners in general is stupid because everyone is interested in different shit, why do you think people claim that content creators save their lives? It's just ignorant to dismiss the value in stuff just because it appears easy. Calling speedrunning an act of the "radical left" is dumb and just makes the guy come across as what hes trying to pit speedrunners as.
As a communist I can say that Marx wrote about speedrunning in Das Kapital Vol.2 chapter 8, and Lenin expanded on Marx's thoughts in State & Revolution chapter 3 (Where he says that the goal of communism is to put women as the protagonists of video-games) which culminated in Stalin's infamous Moscow to Berlin speedrun that changed forever the course of history But in all seriouness it is hard to verify if the tweets were a satire due to the sheer ammount of ridiculous "hot takes" that are spewed by fans of jordan peterson on twitter, although this thread does read like a bad copypasta
At first I was thinking “Oh, someone who doesn’t like speedrunning. Alright, though I don’t agree with it, I respect your opinion.” Then they took a HARD left when they introduced politics. Then another when they added sexualities. Then yet another when they somehow related it to Communism. Wat
@@TheVolginator did you *still* not listen to the end of the video?! quite literally said he hoped we had a good time listening to him read the tweets. even if satire it is a thing to laugh at
I actually talked to someone a few or two ago who legit said "streaming, making videos and playing video games is a waste of time because it's doesn't benefit you" and you should "take up hobbies that benefit your life like cooking, reading books or playing chess" like he does
To truly enjoy this enlightened experience, you'd have to be hearing it out next to a fireplace while playing Nocturne op.9 No.2 by Chopin, sipping on the most expensive of wine, on a chair partially made out of gold. or some sophisticated-sounding shit like that idk
Love how he starts by basically saying speed running is pointless because someone else did it but worse. Yeah I guess we could say that about professional sports, farming, car manufacturing, making fire and just about everything else Humans have ever done. Because as we all know once something has been done once it will never be improved upon. Why would I try to make something better when it's already been done the 'correct' way?
Those tweets are a work of art, they need to be hung in a museum. If it is satire then they deserve all of the congratulations, it's so perfectly written.
I wouldn't put it past a supposed jordan peterson fan from saying such incredibly dumb things. But nevertheless, whether it's a joke or not it is still ultimately amusing.
@@cartooonman8626 I disagree with the Sargon of Akkad remake. Peterson is more of a fan of Jung, Adler, Freud, and Piaget than Sargon. If you are referring to Carl Benjamin than I don’t see the issue there or if the he you are referring to is the poster in the video than I do apologize.
@@Sonic_Time_Traveler im refering to the poster who used to be biggest fan of sargon before sargon said that white women role in society is to breed with white men
Except, see, physical sports are nonsensical, but they're fine because they don't attempt to build a new sexual archetype, unlike the fully automated luxury Communism that is a speedrun. Yeah that's basically what he said in a rebuttal. I'm not even paraphrasing the intended message all that much.
I'm liking this style of content as well as the grade a under a one you did, love your speedruns and challenge runs but more of this as well would be much appreciated as well
GIVEAWAY ANNOUNCEMENT THAT ENDS 22ND FEBURARY 2025: I'm doing a giveaway for $6000 (2 winners for $3000 each) to celebrate upgrading my system so I can record and upload content in 4k. Sharing the love. Same way to enter as the last 30 odd giveaways, best of luck everyone!
Rest in peace this comment, it’s very dead and I’m sorry for your loss
@@woofyou1186 F
Glad you're finally covering my favorite sexual archetype... Fastest Mario
Wassup EZ
Luigi on the crossway
Fastsex Matto*
contrary to public belief Mario is not the best sexual archetype its sonic, radical leftist /s
hey, loved ur icarly speedrun livestreams
this HAS to be satire, i refuse to believe this was written in confidence by a sane person.
He used the term "Petersonian"; he's too far gone
He’s a far right person on the internet. They sound insane but it’s always what they believe
Look we are on the internet. This is clearly real and a proof we live in the darkest timeline.
I’ve been familiar with Conrad Golden for some time, he’s either the most committed satirist or he’s serious, and based on times I’ve talked to him, he’s serious.
Nope, it’s just your average Twitter user
"Fully automated luxury communism"
Conrad Golden: They are both the same picture
Fully automated luxury communism sounds great tho.
Rolls-Royce communism
Fully automatic luxury gay space communism
@@user-kl6lo7hx4w For real, I wouldn't want to live in a straight Earth communism. Give me gay space or give me death 😤
"Fully automated luxury communism" gives me the image of humanity in WALL-E. Which in turn, was the result of a hyper-capitalistic society where a megacorporation took control of the world's governments and destroyed the planet.
Communism is when you complete the original mario under 10 minutes, and the more under 10 minutes it is, the more communister it is
this says a lot about society
-some guy on twitter
@@luciano_trivelli e
@@luciano_trivelli everything
Vuvuzela 80 billion run's dead.
Socialism is when the gamer completes the game fast. And it's *more* socialism, the faster they complete it. And when they complete it *REAL* fast, it's communism.
Fucking how it's just a fucking video game
@@mcmayo7870 this is satirization*
*something intended to be so far fetched that it becomes funny***
***something you dont have*
@@ratvaporizette no
@@mcmayo7870 It's a meme you dip.
@@ratvaporizette no
This is the type of guy to say "You guys are just mad cuz I spoke the truth" after losing an argument.
That's precisely why he added the "I'm sure I'm going to rustle some feathers by saying this" in the last tweet of the thread, as a protection blanket against criticism, whenever someone says something like that it's a red flag that they're not able to handle criticism and will continue to delusionally believe in their opinion even after being shown valid counterarguments
"Why are you booing me, im *wrong"*
"They are aiming to make a new sexual archetype based on "Speed" rather than "doing things right"" So...basically a quickie?
Gave me a good chuckle there. Nice
i shouldn’t have laughed so hard at this
Get rid of the BJs, and gimme a BLJ.
I didn’t even know speedrunning could be political, but here we are
You can make anything political by failing to understand politics. Idk what the original guy is smoking, but I want some of it
@@Eshyyyyy I’ve had what that guy had in 2016. Trust me, you don’t want it.
Obviously speedrunning video games is the left's way of implementing radical gay space communism vevuzela no iPhone big guberment. Wake up sheeples.
@@dubspool same, i was so tweaked out i thought Hillary had a chance!
@@untiworddoc i wont be surprised if there are 'people' that actually believes this
This man really ranted all the way over to “fully automated space communism” and wasn’t even halfway finished with the thread lmao
This is going to be wild
You forgot the "Luxury gay" part. It's actually "Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism", but I'm assuming Mr Conrad, being a filthy centrist, does not about the middle part, which really just goes to demonstrate the political center's laziness and unwillingness to achieve anything for themselves. Rather, they prefer to put everyone else down to elevate their own egos, which does not help themselves or society. This pattern of lazy or unwilling centrists holding everybody else down is demonstrated in western governments as well, as Europe, the historical center of political radicalization, as declined from nearly 40% of the world's economy in 1970 to only 20% today. This is due to the guilt of being the home to extremist governments in the past, so they only elect centrist neoliberals to their governments, which then damage their countries through the inherit laziness mentioned previously.
@@Ethan11892 Please make the other 69 thousand comments
@@Ethan11892 he never even reached Fully Automated Gay Space Communist Cowboys!! Truly a disgusting centrist, this is further proof Centriside is needed!
Michael was indeed in witness protection and DarkViperAU can’t say nothing
You sure that wasn't in the addendum's addendum?
There are cougars in missions
underrated comment😂😂
Hey Davyyyyyyyyy
"Let's use all the long words I know to convey absolute nonsense" LOL
At least it makes it harder to follow for people that don't have a perfect grasp on the english language. Ngl im still not sure i fully understand what his arguments were, even after really trying. So its harder for me to make an opinion or reason against them.
That’s Jordan Peterson for you
Basically how Michael trying convince Trevor that Brad still alive
That's what matt does all the time! LOL the hypocrisy
@@markian76 No, Matt actually says something.
That guy dropped some master level bait
I guess you could say he's a
Bait master
I wish it was actually bait
it's not bait, he's got a history and is consistently like this
Graknorke A long career of doing a little trolling perhaps? It requires some dedication but it’s a possibility.
@@SomeOne-vf1rs its called he has done a little trolling
"dumbest tweets that will ever exist"
that's gonna be hard for twitter.
Definitely up there tho
id say it meets expectations lmao
@@mackenzief5280 even so, it COULD have been worse...
@@mackenzief5280 fair, but I expect the worst from Twitter.
I saw someone argue that owning a house is a liability compared to owning an NFT profile pic just yesterday
Those tweets give off a "you need a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" copypasta vibe
The worst parts of the 'intellectual' internet aka people who watch Jordan Peterson and think that makes them superior (not saying Peterson is bad, just some of the people that idolize him) are the types to unironically bring up IQ and shit like that because they're scared of not being good enough
Source: I like JP and I hate most of the people who also like JP
@@JEST3R_ JP is great, have you seen the "the telegraph" interview? it's great and heartwarming.
and i'm sure he would never play the "well i have a high iq"-card like *some* of his followers do.
@@chrisakaschulbus4903 Saying Jordan Peterson is great is ignoring a lot of awful things. Firstly one of his main influences in terms of psychology is Jung someone who is not particularly respected, now I’m sure he knows much more about psychology than me and I’ll say he’s probably a good psychology professor. However as soon as he leaves psychology he goes insane, claiming that there are “post-modern neomarxists” something that is philosophically incoherent (it’s like saying there are married neo-bachelors) or claiming that’s the ancient Chinese might have known about DNA because they painted snakes intertwined. Not to mention his self-help work which is incredibly by the numbers, he really has not contributed anything new or worthwhile to society. The only reason he got popular was because he lied about a Canadian law (bill c16) saying it would make it illegal to misgender someone, when in reality it made trans people a protected class which gives them certain protections, none of which would make misgendering them illegal. How do I know this? The bill passed ages ago and so far there has not been a single arrest on account of this law, he was demonstrably false.
@@teejayburger2136 "he really has not contributed anything new or worthwhile to society." wow, just... wow. even if the rest is true, there are many people that peterson did help. guess they are all liars...
have you watched interviews of him? especially the most famous ones where you can see how the hosts try to manipulate what "he is actually saying"
He has very valid opinions on this progressive culture, feminism, classes, how we handle politics, why activists do what they do, gender pay gap and all that.
Also ignoring the many examples of "feminists" trying to shut him down.
He has good reasons why he does what he does.
@@chrisakaschulbus4903 but he hasn’t contributed anything new, all of his self-help is derivative and old. None of it is new. I’m not saying it hasn’t helped people, but it also is nothing special
At first I thought: "ok, let's fall for this piece of clickbait and see what mild stupidity he's talking about."
Now I know better. It really was clickbait. This man's tweets have opened my eyes and my mind to the truth of speedrunning and the reality behind this (POINTLESS) practice, which only serves to feed perverted sexual adventures and create sexualized archetypes that defy nature and evolution. No wonder I always got rock hard watching Viper play GTA.
DarkViper Au is a man of the devil .. only now I have just realised due to these tweets that he is merely deceiving us in order to fulfill his deepest demonic sexual fantasies .. what a loser man , UNSUBBED !!
(fastest Mario)
@@ivyivyyiivvvyyyyvy DO NOT talk about these sexual archetypes! They defy nature and evolutuon!!!
You forgot to put speedrunning in quotations mate
Fastest DarkViper is the best sexual archetype (SUBCONSCIOUS)
Matto goes so hard with his disses that just reading a dudes tweets is enough of a burn
When Matt get's serious it's actually scary.
@yefdafad k
@@SnoppleWopple a lot of mottos arguments are based off of the insinuation that his chat shares the same opinions and values as Matt, even to a political level. That’s why he’s able to be reinforced in his arguments and present points in this manner. While I don’t necessarily agree with the speed running argument, the way Matt combats this and makes it into content shows that he doesn’t have a coherent argument against it. In the past, he has also jumped the gun on his opinions of people, which could contribute to your notion that he is “scary.” In reality, he’s just an argumentative person and more laid back people would find this type of jump-the-gun and passionately argumentative behavior to be uncomfortable. Matt isn’t scary at all in my honest opinion, he’s just willing to go all in on arguments and create emotion behind his arguments.
@@aiydanf can i get a tldr
@@aiydanf ok
stalin truely was the first speedrunner. i remember his insane run of the communist party back in 1927. he had some rng though because trotzki's run was clearly dead at that point
Is matto a serial killer then?
He truly pioneered the human rights skip
@@sirpretzel822 the human rights dlc only came out with the post wwii update tbh
GTA Online hackers can only dream of reaching his KDR
Josip Broz Tito became the first person to beat his speedrun in 1947 and on and off until 1953. Eventually Tito held the record until 1980. To this day Tito is actually the greatest speedrunner and even survived 25 assassinations meant to sabotage his run. Although some say Tito only need one shot to sabotage Stalin’s last speedrun and got away with it…
first thing that came to my mind: speedruning isn't doing things fast and bad, it's doing it fast and good, aka achieving the goal, beating the game
Also kinda buffled me how someone can call out speedrunning as a whole using a point of "doing smth badly". How tf can a speedrun be successeful if it isn't good? what defines good? what's success? what is life? rings a bell, huh
It's different compared to work, pretty obvious, and speedrunning is just a part time hobby (well, you can make a living doing anything these days, mostly, so i'm basically saying nothing here) so it doesn't have to bring in politics of all things as a high interest point of actual activity (of speedrunning)
well i feel like you could argue in a story based game that you’re skipping over the experience, but i don’t really think that’s a problem. speedrunning just crosses a bit more into the realm of “sport”, rather than experiencing the art how it’s meant to be experienced the first time through. which is perfectly fine, it’s just different. besides, no one ever speedruns their very first time through a game.
Hell, even if it was a half decent point, why tf it gotta be political lmao.
And it's not like people ONLY speed run the game and nothing else. Speedrunners truly love the games they run, unless it's a meme game of course. Nobody buys a good title for the sole purpose of beating it really really fast.
@@anzacxlag2606 everything is political. For one, the stupidity of this Twitter thread for example
I'm going to have to agree with Matto here: I think (and hope) that this thread is a joke. The "new sexual archetype based on speed" line is just too on the nose and hilarious to be a legitimate philosophical argument.
The thing is if it is bait, it is such good satirisation of Jordan Peterspn's beliefs that it's genious. It's in the same boat as Peterson calling women the evil self eating snake.
@@mahmutcankaya3321 It really is. It's only one step removed from something that sounds like an argument he might legitimately try to make.
it wasn't bait.
It's not. He had a history of the biggest simping for far right internet figures you could imagine well before this tweet
Just the word "Petersonian" is enough to immediately discard this series of tweets
Same for when people have a gay or trans flag in their pfp
@@benitomussolini7436 "They/Them"
@@benitomussolini7436 yooo you have a point, someones narcissistic, uninformed rant speak is the same as someone showing their support for a marginalized community
@@Ch3dlan thanks for understanding
@@Ch3dlan not sure its really marginalized at this point
Well, at least he wrote speedrunning as one word
Sped running
@@boopjackrex7598 Sped ruining
Spe ru
@@boopjackrex7598 sprinting
Good pfp
This sounds like a tweet a speedrunner would post after failing to reach top 1 because of 0.001 second
smoll pp speedrunner lmao
Friendly(jerky) Baron?
@@boopjackrex7598 I'm not kidding when I say, I didn't know about him when I posted this comment
@@AtomicSuperior you need to watch matt's rants about friendlybaron
@@regrubcivals2954 yes i did after it was mentioned above
If being good at speedrunning makes you a radical left then I guess I'm a radical right haha
I'm so bad at video games
You just made my day
Take the like
Don't worry guy with a Old Ezio pfp, you are good at videogames, you just don't have the same amount of skill to speedrun, neither do I
You are still radical though
"Cries softly to self"
@Alejandro gomez trying to finish a game as fast as possible
the "and in a petersonian sense" line is the entire reason i'm still thinking about this tweet
Crazy how speedrunners invented the concept of "doing something quickly". I didn't know it was communist to do things quickly, nor did I know it was a sexual thing. So that's nice.
But easily my favourite part of this is how he starts by saying speed runners are lazy (which, of course is also communist), and then immediately says they put in more time & effort than the average person in the next tweet
He also said speedrunners stifle creativity by... sharing their accomplishments, upon which others can build/improve.
His brain worms have brain worms.
@@PrismariLaura this is what happens when you are intelligent enough to understand capitalism, but still naive enough to accept it as good. He *needs* to view "intellectual property" as a force for good
If anything speedrunners embody the same mindset as a hard core capitalist who constantly works to make money.
Factory’s quaking rn
@@shinygiveaways1920 if corporations shared their trade secrets
I’ve had enough political conversations online to know that engaging in conversation with that person would literally go nowhere….
Frankly as much as I love politics I prefer not to talk about it with people not on my spectrum of the political aisle yes I know this is echo chamber but frankly I am not interested in listening to the other side know it would be a waste of everyone's time
Well yeah because it's obviously bait
@@kurtpunchesthings2411 it's incredibly important to talk to people with different ideologies, if they're willing to listen to you and vice versa. On the internet it's all too hard
@Paul Martin most people refuse to listen to any other point of view, that's the main issue
@Soda King please start talking to people with an other opinion again. :/ it is so important!
This has to be the biggest bait in the history of the internet
I’m apart of the right and I think this is also bait or some shit
Conrad has been doing this shit for years if it's a bit it's been a loooong con
@@KodicMavery that sucks
@@danielleighton4161 lmao, Fr 😂
Idk man this seems to be a sincere belief, considering how many years they've been pedaling this stuff.
A philosopher railing against someone wasting time. That's pretty funny.
A former philosophy student myself, I like to describe the field as "the art of using as many words as possible to say as little as possible."
"I simply can not believe it! I have used my legs to quickly elevate my self in a way that lifts them off of the ground then turned my body by exactly three humdred sixty degrees, then when my virtual crosshair was over an enemy military combatant I pulled the trigger of my semi-automatic American sniper rifle which uses .50 caliber bullets and by complete chance the projectile which launched out of the weapon hit the enemy resulting in their death, without me ever having to go through the process of using my visual organs to look through the scope on this weapon to ensure the shot would be accurate!"
@@KickstandOptional You mean politicans learned that from philosophers?!
@@MajkaSrajka They're both in the bussiness of "wasting time", so they lean heavily upon eachother.
@@arandomsupra "omg I did a 360 no scope"
I am absolutely convinced that this man had his girlfriend stolen by a "speedrunner" and this was the only way he could rationalize it to make himself feel better about it. He just wasn't the right sexual archetype for her... damn "fastest mario('s)"
Interestingly, he's in an open relationship.
So what you're telling me is that he was cucked by Darbian
This is basically all that fascism is.
A speedrunner with a girlfriend... Now who's being ridiculous? 😂
This guy's completely on point. As a *communitarian,* I focus not on being an entrepreneur genius megamind like Eloon Tesla but on how many shiny coins I'm able to obtain in Yoshi's Island: Vice City in a determined time limit so I can succeed in the sexual marketplace (laissez-faire socialism).
when he stated elon musk i finally understood how troll that was
Mr president? i thought you died in 1946
I thought we already had that point at "the fastest Mario" and "fully automated luxury communism"
And not when he thought Jordan Peterson had an ideology he could cite?
@@Peasham Some poeple think that actually xD
@@ignacymoscickifilms670 Yeah, and some people actually think Elon Musk isn't just some rich douche whose "inventions" are just patents he bought from other people, don't make it any less troll lol tf did that guy manage turn speedrunning into a philosophical thesis about sex, politics, communism and Elon Musk??? ._.
One word. Twitter
I've no idea. This guy's brain is too advanced for us, common humans, who like seeing "fastest Mario"
That's what happens when you drink the incel philosophy kool-aid and spend too much time on Reddit.
U can turn anything into something about Elon musk if u try hard enough
Oh shit, right, i even forgot about the Elon Musk statement, that's how ridiculous it sounded to me! WTF was that supposed to mean, can anyone explain, honestl????
I've never watched a speedrun and thought "The act of speed running is definitely leftist propaganda" and I don't know how any rational human could ever come up with such a ridiculous idea. Like you said, I really hope that it's a joke
They reference GDQ's well-documented SJW infestation but for some reason specify "from the very beginning" which is not the case so I'm guessing it's just stupidity
I guess the far right isn't charitable then if they say GDQ is leftist sjw bd :p
Play game fast = leftist communist sexual archetype. I have no idea.
Once upon a time I would have said it must be, but these days? It's probably a genuine belief.
@@naga5707 that makes no sense. GDQ has absolutely been infested with SJWs
Conservatives: Why do liberals make everything political?
Also Conservatives:
No conservative thinks like this
Can we even define the two sides as liberal vs conservative anymore? They're both gradually joining alliance, even liberals are being considered right-wing by the twitter brigade these days lol
@@redsmoke6541 yeah no shit. I was joking around lol
@@NitroNuggetTV The problem is the crazier the extremists get, the less attention the moderates will have, which will lead to more generalization that the extremists represent the majority.
Is this the warm up before you start talking about how Michael was never in witness protection?
Michael is just another communist, he is distributing wealth forcefully, taking from the rich and giving it to him, the elite. Then he buys expensive cars and yachts with that money, living lavishly, just like every communist does. So of course his deep state handlers will give him the protection.
Not very good joke, but it is better than the pun i tried to make it to work, "witheness protection".. that was a dead end, but a good pun.
“There are dangerous elements within it” gives off the same vibes as a Christian saying “D&D will lead you to the devil”
It will , didn't you know this already?
It's the exact same thing. There are certain things that radical Christians dislike because they believe they lead to "devil worship". And there are certain things that radical rightys dislike because they believe they lead to communism.
This is pretty much it. He's malding about AGDQ etc supporting “sjw” charities, and is now making upreasons to justify it.
Hey I played D&D once and now I bathe in goats blood weekly.
But isn’t the objective usually to take or break his sh*t?
So basically “you’re hobby doesn’t help me so you’re wasting your life” and “you’re helping others so you’re a communist” put into one
unless you're handing over surplus value 80 hours a week for a boss that will force you to work overtime despite losing your entire family to covid just the night before then you're a radical leftist trying to destroy conservative values.
he should have just tweeted that..
Could have saved a ton of people from reading like 20 tweets of this bullshit
@@PHiNiX But it doesnt sound as woke
@@arandomsupra fair enough
Thank you so much for translating.
the worst thing is that the me from 5 years ago would have aggreed with the tweets..... 12yr old me was this intoxicated by far right influencers its sickening.
atleast hbommerguy got me out of that shithole and has made me based
Those tweets are exactly to bait guys like what you were, with so much insanity that you can't fix yourself after the far right craziness indoctrinates.
This tweet is more idiotic than it is far right.
Honestly yeah, no mention of the need for speed runners to be extinguished
If you use the word based unironically, you need to get locked up from society, seriously
hi Based on what logic?
That guy is straight up insane, he claims to be pro-freedom with his profile text and yet he wants rules put on how one should play video games. How one enjoys and consumes entertainment.
to be fair, many people who are """pro-freedom""" have a big problem with people doing what they want.
so that point isn't surprising at all
@Stevean2 Seek help.
It's funny to me how you guys had this dispute under this type of video
@Stevean2 You are pathetic. You lost the moment you started going on your little rant.
"Speedrunning is leftist propaganda"
**drone strikes cougars to finish GTA under 60 seconds**
"Speedrunners finish quickly, I satisfy my women herp derp, it's all about sex lol, what losers herpa derp derp."
Ok Freud, settle down.
Oh yes I speedrun only to get chicks, they swoon at the thought of completing Skyrim in just over 20 minutes
Even Freud would look at Conrad here like he's the biggest idiot in the world.
Tweeter mad cause he didn't get sub on any%
Don't disrespect Freud like that please
Actually this had nothing to do with satisfying women with a big dick and was about how entrepreneurs are the alpha species.
Still ridiculous, but please get it right.
“radical left” “borderline communist” so the radical left isn’t communist but almost??? What does this dude consider the “radical left” lmao
That just proves he's not trolling but he doesn't know what he's talking about. Both the radleft & far right *are* commies
@@a-1455 bro the far right are Nazis not commies
@@samgomez2064 really... Does the name *National Socialism* tells you nothing?
Well these replies are really something alright.
@@a-1455 Ah yes. Just like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) has republican leadership elected democratically by the people- the name says so, and names are clearly never, ever wrong or misleading.
Basically what he said: "Your speedrun? More like OUR speedrun"
This is so relateble, lmao. Sometimes my first reaction on something incredibly stupid is "it must be a joke, this is no way that it's possible to be this dumb".
Ditto. When I hear some people's ideas, I can't help but wish they were joking. But the longer we speak, the more I realize they're actually serious about their dumb shit and the quicker my initial smile morphs into a grimace. Such people make me question why I consider myself an idiot.
I have to believe in my heart that this isn’t bait, otherwise our race has ascended to a level of baiting thought impossible by our ancestors.
I think it's because it's become too easy to blend in with idiots now
Duh, everybody knows that the best speedruners in history were Stalin and Fidel Castro.
Starve the population %
@@tunderstorm2769 best joke i've seen in my life
Wtf now I love speedrunning
I would just like to remind everyone that Jung (along with Freud)'s work is almost entirely psudo-science and is not even taught in modern psychology courses, save for the history of the field.
It is, unfortunately, still taught as rote in entry-level philosophy in Australia
Exactly. It's taught in Psych the same way that Copernicus is taught in Physics.
"Yeah the guy had some decent ideas for his time, but his house was built of straw. We have bricks now."
Can you elaborate? I'm actually curious.
What makes their idea psuedo science?
@@Bayoll I'm not sure with Jung, but with Freud he was essentially a broken clock that was right twice a day. He was a cocaine addict who would often put out denounced theories, such as his infamous "penis envy" theory in which, to make it short he stated that all women wanted to be men and developed straight as to compensate for their lack of penis, and that weaving and braiding was first invented by women to braid their pubes and hide the fact they didnt have a penis
That's like fundamentally not true though. For over half a century there's been an immense effort made to distance psychology from early psychoanalytics as the field has strived to establish itself as a scientific discipline. However, nowadays you see tons of revitalized interest in both their works among other early psychonalysists like Otto Rank, especially in the field of terror management theory. In fact it's really fascinating just how close much of what they proposed was to our understanding of it today; they pretty much nailed the behaviour and the reasonings, and really just missed the mark on the fundamental underlying causes (i.e. not a latent urge to have sex with your mother).
It still gets touted that Freud was the founder of the discipline but his theories were all so wacky and look how far we've come, but that's solely perpetuated because people would rather discount it all for how absurd it sounds and place themselves in opposition so to appear as the more sound-minded and less incestuous theorist of the two. This shit is literally old as the field is. Psychology is by far the most divisive, broad, and argumentative science there has ever been; I have literally never met two psychologists that agree. And what this has meant is that many theorists have been saying their own flavour of the exact same shit for the better part of a century now without even realizing it, because they refuse to read nor associate with the other guy
These are the type of people who think they are smart but are actually very unintelligent.
His arguments:
-sports suck
-you can sexually identify as a speedrunner
I mean
Based tho
The idea that intellectual property legislature still exists to benefit the individual got a laugh out of me.
literally just saw this tweet, i cannot tell if he's just a master shitposter or if he's serious
Imagine making 15 tweets about some dudes just playing games faster than an normal players
"They will just experience what a casual player experiences but faster."
damn, they should make an esport out of that
I didn't know Matto was interested in speedrunning. I have been a subscriber of his for over a year and never saw him do it
@@ammarslhim7934 it's because he was put in witness protection
@@1ztype343 good one
@@1ztype343 fair enough
Ah the dark humor! this one was good, i laughed and felt bad for Matto
This man really said we should be patenting speed run tech
the darkest timeline
Idk he does have a point. The first time I did a Blj in Mario 64 the voice of Karl Marx sprung into my head. Guys might be on to something. /s
Whenever I do any skip in hollow knight stalin is all I think about
You know when you put /s it kinda spoils the joke
"The Dumbest Tweets That Exist"
You know how little that narrows it down?
Tbh most tweets by people with gay or trans flags in their pfp are pretty dumb
its pretty sad, that im really confident, that they're people like him out there
I want a new DarkViper series being "Speedrunner narrates tweets", you did that so well.
I love him reading this. Matto needs to read more stupid tweets.
Matto needs to stop doing politics.
@@lLenn2 He read the tweets because they were dumb, he barely even elaborated on it, he just thought that reading it out would be funny coz of how stupid it is. Idk why people get so triggered when politics is brought up even in the smallest capacity, someone like Matt is obviously gonna have a very strong political opinion and be well versed on at least the basics of other political ideologies.
@@Will-bn9km Sry, bud, but Matt doesn't know what he's talking about. He basically personifies exactly what the comment is talking about. It's cringe to watch him just dig himself a bigger hole. The tweet might be exaggerated and the person is definitely full of himself, but there is an underlying truth to it. Putting a spotlight on it has just magnified not only the authors stupidity, but also the hard reality that people go into speedrunning because they have no other talents in life or have severe mental disorders. You might want to deny it because it's an uncomfortable truth, but to everyone else it's as clear as day. I say you go for it, but don't pretend like you're some big-brain doing important things and changing the world with your slacktivism.
@@lLenn2 If you know Matt you know he isnt full of himself, dont let the views and thumbnails and the subs fool you. But he does deserve to be thankful and confident in who he is, hes done alot for himself, him commenting on this isnt him being arrogant, its him realising the stupidity in it. Who's to say what people should enjoy and pursue in life? The dude essentially saying speedrunning is for losers, but how can so many live streaming speed runs get so many views, people are clearly interested and somewhat fascinated by it, and it does brighten peoples day. Saying that someone lacks talent so they resort to speedrunning is weird because you are essentially saying, because the job doesn't require activity and physical energy, it's basically bullshit when that's not true. They may be sitting down looking at a screen but they still gotta put in the mental work, at the end of the day why would people wanna watch a speedrunner who is struggling to speed run?
To rule out any benefits of speedrunning streamers or speed runners in general is stupid because everyone is interested in different shit, why do you think people claim that content creators save their lives? It's just ignorant to dismiss the value in stuff just because it appears easy. Calling speedrunning an act of the "radical left" is dumb and just makes the guy come across as what hes trying to pit speedrunners as.
@@Will-bn9km lol, tl;dr, Matt is totally full of himself.
As a communist I can say that Marx wrote about speedrunning in Das Kapital Vol.2 chapter 8, and Lenin expanded on Marx's thoughts in State & Revolution chapter 3 (Where he says that the goal of communism is to put women as the protagonists of video-games) which culminated in Stalin's infamous Moscow to Berlin speedrun that changed forever the course of history
But in all seriouness it is hard to verify if the tweets were a satire due to the sheer ammount of ridiculous "hot takes" that are spewed by fans of jordan peterson on twitter, although this thread does read like a bad copypasta
Socialism is when you speedrun in games. And it's more socialism the more you speedrun. And if it's a **REAL** lot of speedrunning, that's communism
20 yards of speedrunning gta V
This would make a fun copypasta.
Sonic wants to seize the means of production
At first I was thinking “Oh, someone who doesn’t like speedrunning. Alright, though I don’t agree with it, I respect your opinion.”
Then they took a HARD left when they introduced politics. Then another when they added sexualities. Then yet another when they somehow related it to Communism.
Things went from 0 to -100 real quick
Don't you mean hard *right?* ba dum crash
@@MineNAdventurer take 3 90° turns left. Where do you end up facing?
Infront of your problems
by the way, Matto has a Masters degree in psychology and philosophy so he has a bit more nuanced knowledge than random on the street.
@@TheVolginator but he just said at the end of the video that he thinks it's a joke
@@TheVolginator Didn't he literally say at the end of the video that he thinks it's a joke tho
@@TheVolginator I mean you can’t be sure when it’s Twitter
@@TheVolginator maybe to see his subscriber's opinion on this, i can just guess
@@TheVolginator did you *still* not listen to the end of the video?!
quite literally said he hoped we had a good time listening to him read the tweets. even if satire it is a thing to laugh at
I actually talked to someone a few or two ago who legit said "streaming, making videos and playing video games is a waste of time because it's doesn't benefit you" and you should "take up hobbies that benefit your life like cooking, reading books or playing chess" like he does
*Chess streamers exist*
@@elseggs6504 *And DarkViperAU is one of them.*
Or at least he streams and plays chess occasionally, so...
Cooking is a pretty useful skill, but it doesn't need to be a hobby to get the job done.
Dude got a degree in Philosophy and found Twitter as the only place to use it
If you somehow manage to speedrun a game in 0 seconds, you'll become Marx himself.
This guy is the living proof of "source: trust me bro"
This is my suicide note.
The great Perun I know would never end his own life! He'd die greatly and heroically invading the middle east for some reason...
This was amazing. This is some top-tier trolling. Thanks Matto.
I love how his logic is awful for speedrunning, but it works for the statement "twitter users are all stupid"
RUclips was running in the background when this came on, I thought Matto had gone insane
You know it's a banger when the tweet ends with "1/14"
it becomes 15 later
dude had to make it LONGER
I broke with laughter when I saw the 15 just sneak in there
“No wait, he’s got a point”
Karl Marx emerging from the afterlife to create a Twitter account
@Smith Rockford based marx?
@@fiammaorsmth9840 always was.
@Smith Rockford I honestly doubt most of the people who hate on Marx have read a page of his work lol
@@echo5327 I doubt any of the people who praise Marx have either
@@yeetthegargantuanleviathan6216 Your doubt is because you lack a brain, and reasoning is not something you learn. Neither reading books.
"Well you see, beating cooking mama 2 FAST is actually radical left."🤓
Its so strange that they say its doing it fast over doing it right when speed running is all about doing a lot of things perfectly.
The total tweet count jumped from 14 to 15 midway through lol
We all did or said something stupid in our lives before 🤦🏽♂️
But was it 15 tweets long?
“Tweet one of fourteen.” Jesus I fucking died when I saw that
Now THAT is quality bait. Masterclass in trolling
Wait, was that sonic the hedgehog video... That I thought was a shitpost.. based on that tweet? Or... Oh my god
The worst part about this, they could probably write a 160 page thesis for some social studies and get a good rating.
To truly enjoy this enlightened experience, you'd have to be hearing it out next to a fireplace while playing Nocturne op.9 No.2 by Chopin, sipping on the most expensive of wine, on a chair partially made out of gold.
or some sophisticated-sounding shit like that idk
Love how he starts by basically saying speed running is pointless because someone else did it but worse. Yeah I guess we could say that about professional sports, farming, car manufacturing, making fire and just about everything else Humans have ever done. Because as we all know once something has been done once it will never be improved upon. Why would I try to make something better when it's already been done the 'correct' way?
I love him uploading everyday :)
Who don't love a DarkViperAU upload?
u mean every hour
@@kanekiff5329 Is it a bad thing??
English is not My first language so all I understand is: If you are a Speedrunner You are not only comunist You are also Bad at sex
Those tweets are a work of art, they need to be hung in a museum. If it is satire then they deserve all of the congratulations, it's so perfectly written.
I love the new penguinz0 type vids, i just like matto speaking about something
about something
I wouldn't put it past a supposed jordan peterson fan from saying such incredibly dumb things. But nevertheless, whether it's a joke or not it is still ultimately amusing.
This whole set of tweets reads like a c-rate college paper that was made up in the last minute.
matto's commentary and rant videos like these are so entertaining it's scary
"You're a beta male, Sonic"
I already lost my stuff at "petersonian sense" 😅😂
He said Peterson is a centrist, so it's obvious that he's joking.
Depends on what you define as centrist.
No he isnt joking
He used to be sargon of akkad biggest fan
@@cartooonman8626 I disagree with the Sargon of Akkad remake. Peterson is more of a fan of Jung, Adler, Freud, and Piaget than Sargon. If you are referring to Carl Benjamin than I don’t see the issue there or if the he you are referring to is the poster in the video than I do apologize.
@@Sonic_Time_Traveler im refering to the poster who used to be biggest fan of sargon before sargon said that white women role in society is to breed with white men
Hey Looked buddy, I'm you, and i see a great future ahead in you life, but you need to help me
Holy hell
Nice to meet you Mr. Viper
Tell me what happen To human in future
"the critique also applies to physical sports"
Oh boy we got a good boy chonker right here
Except, see, physical sports are nonsensical, but they're fine because they don't attempt to build a new sexual archetype, unlike the fully automated luxury Communism that is a speedrun.
Yeah that's basically what he said in a rebuttal. I'm not even paraphrasing the intended message all that much.
I'm liking this style of content as well as the grade a under a one you did, love your speedruns and challenge runs but more of this as well would be much appreciated as well