As per usual, lots of love to everyone who has watched through this. Been a pleasure to make, tho it took a fuck ton of time as per usual. Something I wanted to say tho, is how and why the end of the video looks the way it does. As you may or may not know, there are multiple scripts to every video, of which I usually pick one. I do this, because I want to put things in different ways and then mush all of them together into a final script, which then is what you are hearing. Some of the things that are not at the end of the video in text form, are phrases I thought were impactful and good at putting things into perspective and which were at that point in one of the other scripts, but where I did not manage to fit them into this video.. Just by watching through it, it is probably difficult to read it at the same time as you are hearing something else, so I want to apologize for every second wasted pausing at these points. Yea, there will be more on this presumably, but the next video is a hell of a task, so I might slip another video between this one and the other 2. But I dont have any strict plans and lets just say we'll see. Always happy for any (positive and negative) feedback in the comments, so if you have any of that, pls giv, pretty please. So uh yea, have a nice days ig (and thanks for reading this if you did)
amazing how detailed and structured the video is. There is a lot of work behind the whole video, so make sure to like the video and subscribe to phinix to see more of this unique stuff. was an honor to help with the cinematics :D
As usual, marvellous video. I loved the detail you went into, but also how you found the perfect example for the message you wanted to convey. It is more than evident to me that you have created a real culture surrounding your community. It is so pleasing to see so many people writing structured comments and giving examples of their own. It really gets you thinking about some things. I hope you will continue these videos for a long time coming! ❤️❤️
Thank you for the kind words. Yea, I am happy to see that too and I am hoping to explain to people, that while I appreciate these comments, the devs would probably a better way to put them. Sure, I am trying my best to show pro and contra viewpoints when proposing something to the devs or just mentioning something in my videos, but it would probably be more impactful if the devs just got a similar message multiple times, but from slightly different viewpoints and differently qualified people in the community. I think this way it is just 1, potentially biased, overweight german guy trying to voice the concerns of a hand full of people on his own. Which, yk works just fine, but I feel like there is room for improvement.
I highly appreciate that someone finally talks about all these. I don't think anyone ever did that before... Critical Ops doesn't want to be as competitive as we think it should be. While the game currently has basically every base mechanics to be the mobile version of CS, the developing rather moved into a casual direction. The whole crouching system ruins the need of recoiling, since it decreases it. But the biggest issue of the game is the simplicity of all of the maps. Utility usage is much more random than it should be in a tactical shooter like this. All you can do is throw it in front of you, because the maps always have a ceiling part, so you are not even able to change the enemy teams line-up right at the beginning of a round. Maps are extremely small and pirimitively structured, every time with only 3 directions (2 longs and a mid). In the past updates, the developing team made almost every enviroment wallbangable, most of them for no reason (you are now able to kill someone hiding behind statue 4 from bar...). Critical Ops hasn't got any professional players. There are several things causing this. One thing is that it's community is way too small, there is not enough competition to fight yourself upwards. Other thing is that all the well builded game mechanincs are ruined by high aim assist, crouching recoil and stupid wallbangable enviroments, which also doesn't forces the player to practice. And another thing is that the maps are so basics and oversimplified, that none of them forces the players to communicate and hardly plan their positioning and movement, mostly because rotations can happen fast and utility usage is not useful or gamechanging enough. I quitted the game like a year ago (after playing for more than 4 years, experienced how Critical Ops's T1 clans work) due to my job. The game is awesome, it is really gave me one of the greatest experience in multiplayer gaming, but we have to understand that Critical Force is not mainly focusing on to build the competitive scene, but rather building a higher community (in count). That's the reason of every oversimplified desicion by them, to involve more players to play this game. The more casual a game is, the higher playerbase will it have. And as last, the game is lacking with these problems, yes, but please, do not say that only the came can be accused, because the modesty, the laziness and the "accolade" from lower skilled players are also a part of that lacking.
Wow.. Yea, lots of true things in this comment, thanks for writing it. Parts of that I will look into in the future once the aim assist topic is done. I think what most of the devs get wrong is, that comp and casual scenes in a game is not an either or. They can exist alongside each other and they do in basically every big comp game there is. There are only very few games that are successful as a competitive game, while having close to no casual players. I feel similar about the maps and I think this will be what I will look into next. Thanks for leaving that comment, loved reading it.
we have to appreciate all the work he put into the video, even though it's only 5 minutes long you can see that a lot of work went into it. good video and a good explanation why aimassist is so broken in c-ops👍
as I said in the vid, its really weird atm. I dont think there is any way from the players side to fix that. Unless we have a gentleman's agreement from all players not to abuse it, but that is blasphemy in 2022
I played a couple CSGO styled games on mobile that's have aim assist like SO2, forward assault, counter attack online and always wonder why is c ops sensitive so weird and why I miss so many bullets at an enemy in the game game but I think it's the aim assist that throws me off
From what I know it does, but in a completely different way. The way it apparently works is, that the aim assist is on the bullets, not on the crosshair. This would mean, the game notices that a bullet may be slightly off and it would correct it slightly. This is where the nuts running accuracy in standoff comes from. I dont think the system is fairer or better than what we have in c-ops, just a different approach. The sweetspot is probably somewhere in the middle.
Damn the work done on this video. It was deserving to wait for your explanation like your point on aim assist always use to feel incomplete or not so informative. But this video cleared my doubts. One more thing i found it myself while playing that you might have found in your research long ago. Is that there is one more factor to win to meta to abuse in this game. That is if you wanna win 1v1 situation its also about who is the one to shoot first. The damage hit aim deflection which u explain in one video that your aim deflects to random direction whenever getting hit in this case even if you aim better countering the enemy is way harder. Thats why sa48 sometimes op if its on right hands who can shoot way faster. Then everyone in that lobby
Bringing back the old aim smoothing would also make this game more skill based and you will actually have to rely on game sense instead of just your crosshair
I played in 2019 and I was a sub for riot and I got on today for the first time and ever and went negative and I have screenshots of 70 bombs in pubs now I’m poop?
You gotta be kidding me. Thought turning off my aim assist would make me better but I turned it off got pretty good played comp and just kept getting shit on
Even outdid the editing of your last video. Great job. Sadly aimassist will always be a thing in mobile gaming just like it will always be for console players, fingers just arent as good for aiming as a wrist and arm. Aimassist being unreliable simply does not outweigh the negatives that come with just aiming with a thumb often times on a small phone screen.
Did you try playing without aim assist? It is very playable. But you will have to really master your sensitivity for playing any good and for being consistent. That's where practice comes in. Plus there is gyro for phone players that is really accurate.
The thing is tho, most mobile comp games are already played on 0 aim assist. Most codm and pubgm players already play without it because of how much it can fuck you in certain situations. I dont think it is fair to remove it completely for casual players and I think if we just used the maps we have right now and removed aim assist, the game would be even more ct sided, because it is just close to impossible to hit these small pixel angels that every map is cluttered with. I feel like both mobile gaming and console gaming could be played on a decently high level without aim assist, but I feel like having a small bit of help every now and again will probably be the best balance between having gameplay both be skillbased and enjoyable, but also watchable. You wouldnt want to have 3 magazines fired in a single gunfight without any damage dealt because nobody can hit each other. Tho I dont think this would happen, we'd need to see.
Alteer du bist so mega klug, wenn die dev's auch nur für 5 minuten dir zuhören würden, wo du erklärst wie sie das spiel noch retten könnten, die würden das sogar schaffen xD Im ernst, du hast so viel ahnung vom spiel, versuche doch (also wenn es villeicht möglich ist) die devs zu kontaktieren und denen direkt in privaten konversationen tips und vorschläge zu machen. Weil klar, "ths dead game" warscheinlich ist das spiel dir nivht mehr soo wichtig, aber villeicht doch noch etwas. Immerhin, diesd vielen jahre die du gespielt hast, du könntest ja villeicht versuchen noch das spisl zu retten (ja gut klingt unmöglich) aber daran zu denken ist schon schön. Viel mehr leute müssten deine videos sehen. Cheeseman ist ja auch schon quasi raus, villeicht könntest du ihn kontaktieren das er auf seinem riesigen channel von dir was posten soll, villeicht sogar ein gemeinsames video wo ihr beide auf die punkte kommt, die dieses spiel so kaputt machen. Wenn es viele leute sehen, werden ja die devs villeicht etwas mehr auf die leute hören anstatt random sachen zuzufügen die niemand auf diesem planeten wollte
Also. Mich selbst klug zu nennen wäre mies abgehoben also sag ich einfach danke xd Die Devs hören mir zu, bzw. haben sie meine scripts schon Monate bevor die Video rauskommen. Ich denke, dass man dem Spiel wieder Leben einhauchen könnte, aber das liegt halt weniger am Spiel und mehr an der Community, wenn man bedenkt, dass quasi das selbe Spiel vor 4 oder 5 Jahren noch perfekt spielbar war. Die Devs haben sehr viel mehr Ahnung von dem Spiel als ich, deswegen lass ich die auch schön ihr Zeug machen, ich steh denen halt nur mit Feedback zur verfügung, wenn die mal was wissen wollen aus der Perspektive von nem Player, weil die haben obviously keine Zeit dafür gleichzeitig Player und Devs zu sein. Das Spiel is halt krass nostalgisch für mich, aber ich spiel es mehr wegen den Leuten mit denen ich es spiele als wegen dem Gameplay an sich. Ich versuche mein Bestes das zu tun was für die Zukunft des Spiels getan werden muss, soweit ich das als Spieler kann. Im Endeffekt müssen die Devs das ihrem Creative Board vorlegen und gut dafür argumentieren, und damit hab ich dann logischerweise nix zutun. Cheese is ein Lieber, aber der wird mir nicht seinen Channel zur verfügung stellen xd Er weiß von dem was ich mache denk ich, und wenn er den Willen verspürt mir dabei zu helfen, is er dazu natürlich herzlich eingeladen, aber ich werd ihn nicht danach fragen. Der Typ is selbst ein viel beschäftigter Mann und der hat denke mit seiner Identität als Pro Player, als Content Creator und seinem RL gleichzeitig mehr als genug im Kopf xd Klar hätte ich Bock mit ihm über seine Ansichten zu quatschen, aber zum einen passt das so Null in seinen Content und zum anderen hab ich auch keine Ahnung wie sehr ihm das Spiel überhaupt noch an Herzen liegt. Ich meine, er is da ja schon seit Jahren so tief drin mit Feedback und so, denke er wird auch enttäuscht sein dass sich Jahre lang nicht um seine Meinung geschert wurde. Was man halt bedenken muss is, dass die Devs die damals so viele Sachen falsch gemacht haben, komplett andere Leute sind als die die jetzt versuchen die Scheiße wieder auszulöffeln. Die Devs aktuell reden mit ihrer comp scene und ihren Influencern, welche zum Großteil leider weniger qualifiziert ist um realistisch umsetzbares Feedback zu geben als damals, und nur die Devs selbst wissen wie viele laufende Kosten sie monatlich decken müssen (würd mal schätzen, dass das locker 500k sind) und daher sind viele Features die für die Community sehr random erscheinen häufig entweder einfach nur dazu gedacht die monatlichen Kosten zu decken, oder die bauen auf Sachen auf die sonst noch so in Arbeit sind. Sowas sieht man nach außen in der Regel nicht immer direkt, aber das hat schon alles Hand und Fuß was die da machen.
originally been my viewpoint, tho I think a full rework could be even better. More difficult and more time consuming to make and fully get right, but it could end up being better.
@@PHiNiX aim assist sure is important for the game. It is like training wheels for beginners. I think that there is no need for it in competitive play. It would be like using training wheels for a bike race. Gyroscope gives you more mouse like control over aim, don't you think?
Devs have my scripts for months in advance. Idk about twist, I think he is busy enough with everything, so if he sees it, thats fine, but I wont send it to him.
I feel like it should atleast be nerfed,like.. it should give more of a disadvantage of using it than just extra recoil and adjusting the aim assist to a specific level that fits each player the most should be more rewarding other than just making it 100 with no thought in mind.
I personally think that there have to be adjustments made to it eventually. Current system is flawed and I will be getting into that more relatively soon. I mean, putting the maximum at what currently is like 30 or 40 is going to do something. but with the current system, I dont think it is possible to balance it sufficiently by just changing a few numbers. Probably a good short term solution, but not something to stick with I dont think.
I feel so too, but I don't think it is that easy to make a large scale change like that. Aim Assist has been there since the beginning pretty much and like 8 years of changes and updates would all need to be slightly adjusted for aim assist to be changed. Lots of effort for something that will end up losing them casual players most likely.
The thing is tho. it was usually older devs holding things back. They wanted as little communication between devs and community as possible and that obviously made things pretty bad. But now, like all of those guys don't work there anymore. We now have completely new devs like Cale and Zenklar that are actively talking to the community as much as possible and the more arguments are made for a certain point, the more likely it is to be looked at and evaluated by the devs. Sadly this is not what the community is about. They don't offer constructive criticism and if they do, it usually lacks the farsight on how these changes will impact the financial side of the game in the long run. I am trying my best not to do that. Best example is the crosshair smoothing update. The update would have nerfed aim assist, given players another aspect of mechanical skill to learn and it would have been another point where knowledge would have been power. The whole change, already pointed out by the devs to take a lot of time to get used to, was hated by the community without even understanding it. That change executed would have made the game more skillbased and just objectively better and more playable within a month or two. The Community didn't bother to read through the explaination of crosshair smoothing or extensively try it in the beta and with their negative reviews in the app stores, reddit and on discord , forcing them to take the update back. At this point, we have a 180 degree turn from how the devs operated in 2017, 2018. back then, the community had ideas that would have improved things, just for the devs to not listen and focus on nothing but their own agenda. in contrast to that, we now have devs offering a way out of the shitty meta we are in, with their community not listening and wanting as little change as possible, simply ignoring all the problems and pretending like everyone who points them out is just trying to cover up for being shit. motherfucker, the game is trash enough for me to not play it actively for the first time in like half a decade. the community got nothing but themselves to blame the the current situation, mainly due to ignorance and secondly because they have no clue how extensive and time consuming the work on "small changes" can be.
@@PHiNiX true that its a decent part of communitys fault but the game doseant even have a stable anticheat or prevention from hackers in higher ranks (Twist made a video about how to prevent it and even talked to devs only to for them to say that they are working on it or they will think about it) so naturaly they dont really trust the devs to make new updates becouse its already hard to find non hacker/ghoster games but now they will need to adjust to new updates (btw im talking from third perspective becouse i dont play this game alot these days) and also im not really shitting on the devs becouse CFE should do something about becouse if the devs try to implament something new without cfe admision they could get fired or work overtime without a pay (becouse cfe didnt ask for them to do it) so in my opion its kinda cfe faults becouse if they just do something they could fix this game
Well, twists video largely goes of CSGO logic, which does not really apply to c-ops in this case. I dont think there is any malicious intent in twist's case, but most of the things he is saying are just hardly technically possible in a mobile game. CFE, are basically the creative direction for the game. All they care about is money and how the company can expand in the future, but this is not even something bad or unusual. The devs have to do their best to reach the goals set to them. The community is not supportive in any way shape or form, because the majority of it do not contact the devs upon finding bugs or exploits, they either make fun of it on youtube for money and exposure, or they keep it a secret to abuse it for as long as humanly possible. Both of which help the players' agenda, not the game. This is pretty much 99% of the community interaction nowadays. very few people actually try to enjoy the game, most just milk it till it's dead. This is a shit state to be in, and you can trust me that the devs are trying their best to change that, or the part that is in their control at least.. i dont like the wording in "they cannot even have a stable anticheat" its not like that is an easy task. PC game companies put millions or even billions into that and are not successful, so expecting a mobile game company to do it with a fraction of the workforce and funding is blasphemy: Once again, most hackers come from the community and are tolerated and even celebrated for what they do. This has to change and this is also not something that is the case in most pc games. We cannot change how well the anticheat detects people, we can only change how the game deals with hackers. And this is something that barely anyone with a following is talking about and if they are its usually "the anticheat sucks" or something like that, which yk, is not that helpful.
@@PHiNiX oh well guess i misunderstood some thing, but even without huge amounts of money some hacks could be fixed like radar(heres a vid from royal skyline explaining it afew years ago around 4mins in he axplains radar parвидео.html some methods still could be posible to implamate ) and i think speed hacks could also be sorted out so as to fully blaiming the comunity for the state of the game is not right but i see that some of the points i made earlier were wrong
I am not fully blaming the community, tho I am saying that current devs have to work with code made by other people that they cant even talk to, to get an explanation on how certain stuff works or was intended to work. This is a difficult situation to be in and all things considered they are doing a decent job. Lets see how the anticheat looks after it is updated because I think that is going to fix quite a few things.
As per usual, lots of love to everyone who has watched through this.
Been a pleasure to make, tho it took a fuck ton of time as per usual.
Something I wanted to say tho, is how and why the end of the video looks the way it does.
As you may or may not know, there are multiple scripts to every video, of which I usually pick one.
I do this, because I want to put things in different ways and then mush all of them together into a final script, which then is what you are hearing.
Some of the things that are not at the end of the video in text form, are phrases I thought were impactful and good at putting things into perspective and which were at that point in one of the other scripts, but where I did not manage to fit them into this video..
Just by watching through it, it is probably difficult to read it at the same time as you are hearing something else, so I want to apologize for every second wasted pausing at these points.
Yea, there will be more on this presumably, but the next video is a hell of a task, so I might slip another video between this one and the other 2.
But I dont have any strict plans and lets just say we'll see.
Always happy for any (positive and negative) feedback in the comments, so if you have any of that, pls giv, pretty please.
So uh yea, have a nice days ig
(and thanks for reading this if you did)
amazing how detailed and structured the video is. There is a lot of work behind the whole video, so make sure to like the video and subscribe to phinix to see more of this unique stuff.
was an honor to help with the cinematics :D
As usual, marvellous video. I loved the detail you went into, but also how you found the perfect example for the message you wanted to convey. It is more than evident to me that you have created a real culture surrounding your community. It is so pleasing to see so many people writing structured comments and giving examples of their own. It really gets you thinking about some things. I hope you will continue these videos for a long time coming! ❤️❤️
Thank you for the kind words.
Yea, I am happy to see that too and I am hoping to explain to people, that while I appreciate these comments, the devs would probably a better way to put them.
Sure, I am trying my best to show pro and contra viewpoints when proposing something to the devs or just mentioning something in my videos, but it would probably be more impactful if the devs just got a similar message multiple times, but from slightly different viewpoints and differently qualified people in the community.
I think this way it is just 1, potentially biased, overweight german guy trying to voice the concerns of a hand full of people on his own.
Which, yk works just fine, but I feel like there is room for improvement.
I highly appreciate that someone finally talks about all these. I don't think anyone ever did that before...
Critical Ops doesn't want to be as competitive as we think it should be. While the game currently has basically every base mechanics to be the mobile version of CS, the developing rather moved into a casual direction. The whole crouching system ruins the need of recoiling, since it decreases it.
But the biggest issue of the game is the simplicity of all of the maps. Utility usage is much more random than it should be in a tactical shooter like this. All you can do is throw it in front of you, because the maps always have a ceiling part, so you are not even able to change the enemy teams line-up right at the beginning of a round. Maps are extremely small and pirimitively structured, every time with only 3 directions (2 longs and a mid). In the past updates, the developing team made almost every enviroment wallbangable, most of them for no reason (you are now able to kill someone hiding behind statue 4 from bar...).
Critical Ops hasn't got any professional players. There are several things causing this. One thing is that it's community is way too small, there is not enough competition to fight yourself upwards. Other thing is that all the well builded game mechanincs are ruined by high aim assist, crouching recoil and stupid wallbangable enviroments, which also doesn't forces the player to practice. And another thing is that the maps are so basics and oversimplified, that none of them forces the players to communicate and hardly plan their positioning and movement, mostly because rotations can happen fast and utility usage is not useful or gamechanging enough.
I quitted the game like a year ago (after playing for more than 4 years, experienced how Critical Ops's T1 clans work) due to my job. The game is awesome, it is really gave me one of the greatest experience in multiplayer gaming, but we have to understand that Critical Force is not mainly focusing on to build the competitive scene, but rather building a higher community (in count). That's the reason of every oversimplified desicion by them, to involve more players to play this game.
The more casual a game is, the higher playerbase will it have.
And as last, the game is lacking with these problems, yes, but please, do not say that only the came can be accused, because the modesty, the laziness and the "accolade" from lower skilled players are also a part of that lacking.
Yea, lots of true things in this comment, thanks for writing it.
Parts of that I will look into in the future once the aim assist topic is done.
I think what most of the devs get wrong is, that comp and casual scenes in a game is not an either or.
They can exist alongside each other and they do in basically every big comp game there is.
There are only very few games that are successful as a competitive game, while having close to no casual players.
I feel similar about the maps and I think this will be what I will look into next.
Thanks for leaving that comment, loved reading it.
we have to appreciate all the work he put into the video, even though it's only 5 minutes long you can see that a lot of work went into it. good video and a good explanation why aimassist is so broken in c-ops👍
very well edited video. well done for the time and effort you put into these videos.
I usually aim heads normally but because of aim assist it would take my aim down or when I’m shot it would go down which would lower the damage
So should i play like i dont have aim assist even though i have it on?
as I said in the vid, its really weird atm.
I dont think there is any way from the players side to fix that.
Unless we have a gentleman's agreement from all players not to abuse it, but that is blasphemy in 2022
@@PHiNiX aight
great stuff ur really underrated as a c-ops youtuber
when pro moments
I prefer content with actual value tbh.
How do you manage to make such high level production videos man it’s just insane 🔥
wasting way too much time is probably the answer you are looking for,
thanks tho
I played a couple CSGO styled games on mobile that's have aim assist like SO2, forward assault, counter attack online and always wonder why is c ops sensitive so weird and why I miss so many bullets at an enemy in the game game but I think it's the aim assist that throws me off
So2 has aim assist? Lol?
From what I know it does, but in a completely different way.
The way it apparently works is, that the aim assist is on the bullets, not on the crosshair.
This would mean, the game notices that a bullet may be slightly off and it would correct it slightly.
This is where the nuts running accuracy in standoff comes from.
I dont think the system is fairer or better than what we have in c-ops, just a different approach.
The sweetspot is probably somewhere in the middle.
Great video idk why this channel is underrated :(
Thanks my dude.
Damn the work done on this video. It was deserving to wait for your explanation like your point on aim assist always use to feel incomplete or not so informative. But this video cleared my doubts.
One more thing i found it myself while playing that you might have found in your research long ago. Is that there is one more factor to win to meta to abuse in this game. That is if you wanna win 1v1 situation its also about who is the one to shoot first. The damage hit aim deflection which u explain in one video that your aim deflects to random direction whenever getting hit in this case even if you aim better countering the enemy is way harder. Thats why sa48 sometimes op if its on right hands who can shoot way faster. Then everyone in that lobby
Bringing back the old aim smoothing would also make this game more skill based and you will actually have to rely on game sense instead of just your crosshair
I really liked crosshair smoothing.
Most people didnt, so we dont have it anymore.
Bro fr... I hope u dont give up making these types of vids
not any time soon
Die Präsentation war gut, du hast frei gesprochen und viele Bilder benutzt!
Und die Überschrift hat er schön ausgemalt
I played in 2019 and I was a sub for riot and I got on today for the first time and ever and went negative and I have screenshots of 70 bombs in pubs now I’m poop?
You gotta be kidding me. Thought turning off my aim assist would make me better but I turned it off got pretty good played comp and just kept getting shit on
Why is your video so good bro
cuz it took a ton of time xd
Even outdid the editing of your last video. Great job. Sadly aimassist will always be a thing in mobile gaming just like it will always be for console players, fingers just arent as good for aiming as a wrist and arm. Aimassist being unreliable simply does not outweigh the negatives that come with just aiming with a thumb often times on a small phone screen.
Did you try playing without aim assist? It is very playable. But you will have to really master your sensitivity for playing any good and for being consistent. That's where practice comes in. Plus there is gyro for phone players that is really accurate.
@@Sam-yg9cv u use gyro?
I play with gyro sometimes. Most of the time I play without gyro.
The thing is tho, most mobile comp games are already played on 0 aim assist.
Most codm and pubgm players already play without it because of how much it can fuck you in certain situations.
I dont think it is fair to remove it completely for casual players and I think if we just used the maps we have right now and removed aim assist, the game would be even more ct sided, because it is just close to impossible to hit these small pixel angels that every map is cluttered with.
I feel like both mobile gaming and console gaming could be played on a decently high level without aim assist, but I feel like having a small bit of help every now and again will probably be the best balance between having gameplay both be skillbased and enjoyable, but also watchable.
You wouldnt want to have 3 magazines fired in a single gunfight without any damage dealt because nobody can hit each other.
Tho I dont think this would happen, we'd need to see.
Alteer du bist so mega klug, wenn die dev's auch nur für 5 minuten dir zuhören würden, wo du erklärst wie sie das spiel noch retten könnten, die würden das sogar schaffen xD
Im ernst, du hast so viel ahnung vom spiel, versuche doch (also wenn es villeicht möglich ist) die devs zu kontaktieren und denen direkt in privaten konversationen tips und vorschläge zu machen. Weil klar, "ths dead game" warscheinlich ist das spiel dir nivht mehr soo wichtig, aber villeicht doch noch etwas. Immerhin, diesd vielen jahre die du gespielt hast, du könntest ja villeicht versuchen noch das spisl zu retten (ja gut klingt unmöglich) aber daran zu denken ist schon schön. Viel mehr leute müssten deine videos sehen. Cheeseman ist ja auch schon quasi raus, villeicht könntest du ihn kontaktieren das er auf seinem riesigen channel von dir was posten soll, villeicht sogar ein gemeinsames video wo ihr beide auf die punkte kommt, die dieses spiel so kaputt machen. Wenn es viele leute sehen, werden ja die devs villeicht etwas mehr auf die leute hören anstatt random sachen zuzufügen die niemand auf diesem planeten wollte
Mich selbst klug zu nennen wäre mies abgehoben also sag ich einfach danke xd
Die Devs hören mir zu, bzw. haben sie meine scripts schon Monate bevor die Video rauskommen.
Ich denke, dass man dem Spiel wieder Leben einhauchen könnte, aber das liegt halt weniger am Spiel und mehr an der Community, wenn man bedenkt, dass quasi das selbe Spiel vor 4 oder 5 Jahren noch perfekt spielbar war.
Die Devs haben sehr viel mehr Ahnung von dem Spiel als ich, deswegen lass ich die auch schön ihr Zeug machen, ich steh denen halt nur mit Feedback zur verfügung, wenn die mal was wissen wollen aus der Perspektive von nem Player, weil die haben obviously keine Zeit dafür gleichzeitig Player und Devs zu sein.
Das Spiel is halt krass nostalgisch für mich, aber ich spiel es mehr wegen den Leuten mit denen ich es spiele als wegen dem Gameplay an sich.
Ich versuche mein Bestes das zu tun was für die Zukunft des Spiels getan werden muss, soweit ich das als Spieler kann.
Im Endeffekt müssen die Devs das ihrem Creative Board vorlegen und gut dafür argumentieren, und damit hab ich dann logischerweise nix zutun.
Cheese is ein Lieber, aber der wird mir nicht seinen Channel zur verfügung stellen xd
Er weiß von dem was ich mache denk ich, und wenn er den Willen verspürt mir dabei zu helfen, is er dazu natürlich herzlich eingeladen, aber ich werd ihn nicht danach fragen.
Der Typ is selbst ein viel beschäftigter Mann und der hat denke mit seiner Identität als Pro Player, als Content Creator und seinem RL gleichzeitig mehr als genug im Kopf xd
Klar hätte ich Bock mit ihm über seine Ansichten zu quatschen, aber zum einen passt das so Null in seinen Content und zum anderen hab ich auch keine Ahnung wie sehr ihm das Spiel überhaupt noch an Herzen liegt.
Ich meine, er is da ja schon seit Jahren so tief drin mit Feedback und so, denke er wird auch enttäuscht sein dass sich Jahre lang nicht um seine Meinung geschert wurde.
Was man halt bedenken muss is, dass die Devs die damals so viele Sachen falsch gemacht haben, komplett andere Leute sind als die die jetzt versuchen die Scheiße wieder auszulöffeln.
Die Devs aktuell reden mit ihrer comp scene und ihren Influencern, welche zum Großteil leider weniger qualifiziert ist um realistisch umsetzbares Feedback zu geben als damals, und nur die Devs selbst wissen wie viele laufende Kosten sie monatlich decken müssen (würd mal schätzen, dass das locker 500k sind) und daher sind viele Features die für die Community sehr random erscheinen häufig entweder einfach nur dazu gedacht die monatlichen Kosten zu decken, oder die bauen auf Sachen auf die sonst noch so in Arbeit sind.
Sowas sieht man nach außen in der Regel nicht immer direkt, aber das hat schon alles Hand und Fuß was die da machen.
👍hope this issue gets to CF
I think it will.
Why not add a cap for the aim assist depending on your rank?
For example elite ops caps at 50, spec at 60, masters 75, diamonds 85 etc.
everyone would smurf on iron accounts in scrims and stuff..
would also somewhat be bullshit.
people would literally be punished for improving.
@@josh-nf7yk huh?
Banning aim assist in competitive games as well as diamond and above ranked is the best thing to do imo
originally been my viewpoint, tho I think a full rework could be even better.
More difficult and more time consuming to make and fully get right, but it could end up being better.
@@PHiNiX aim assist sure is important for the game. It is like training wheels for beginners. I think that there is no need for it in competitive play. It would be like using training wheels for a bike race. Gyroscope gives you more mouse like control over aim, don't you think?
POV: You studied the game
big studying yes
Did you try showing your videos to critical ops devs or even Twist he wants to help the game as well and might help you connect with the devs
Devs have my scripts for months in advance.
Idk about twist, I think he is busy enough with everything, so if he sees it, thats fine, but I wont send it to him.
I feel like it should atleast be nerfed,like.. it should give more of a disadvantage of using it than just extra recoil and adjusting the aim assist to a specific level that fits each player the most should be more rewarding other than just making it 100 with no thought in mind.
Tho I keep it as 80% but we don't talk about that
I personally think that there have to be adjustments made to it eventually.
Current system is flawed and I will be getting into that more relatively soon.
I mean, putting the maximum at what currently is like 30 or 40 is going to do something.
but with the current system, I dont think it is possible to balance it sufficiently by just changing a few numbers.
Probably a good short term solution, but not something to stick with I dont think.
@@PHiNiX hm
Nc video! Subbed
thank you,
and thank you
Bruh you have all the facts
not all of them, but yk, i'm trying my best
the next thing c ops should be taking into their updates from you fr bro , aim assist just worsens the scene
I feel so too, but I don't think it is that easy to make a large scale change like that.
Aim Assist has been there since the beginning pretty much and like 8 years of changes and updates would all need to be slightly adjusted for aim assist to be changed.
Lots of effort for something that will end up losing them casual players most likely.
o sim
Good vid that shows why the game is broken but ofcourse nothing will happen while cfe owns cops
The thing is tho.
it was usually older devs holding things back.
They wanted as little communication between devs and community as possible and that obviously made things pretty bad.
But now, like all of those guys don't work there anymore.
We now have completely new devs like Cale and Zenklar that are actively talking to the community as much as possible and the more arguments are made for a certain point, the more likely it is to be looked at and evaluated by the devs.
Sadly this is not what the community is about.
They don't offer constructive criticism and if they do, it usually lacks the farsight on how these changes will impact the financial side of the game in the long run.
I am trying my best not to do that.
Best example is the crosshair smoothing update.
The update would have nerfed aim assist, given players another aspect of mechanical skill to learn and it would have been another point where knowledge would have been power.
The whole change, already pointed out by the devs to take a lot of time to get used to, was hated by the community without even understanding it.
That change executed would have made the game more skillbased and just objectively better and more playable within a month or two.
The Community didn't bother to read through the explaination of crosshair smoothing or extensively try it in the beta and with their negative reviews in the app stores, reddit and on discord , forcing them to take the update back.
At this point, we have a 180 degree turn from how the devs operated in 2017, 2018.
back then, the community had ideas that would have improved things, just for the devs to not listen and focus on nothing but their own agenda.
in contrast to that, we now have devs offering a way out of the shitty meta we are in, with their community not listening and wanting as little change as possible, simply ignoring all the problems and pretending like everyone who points them out is just trying to cover up for being shit.
motherfucker, the game is trash enough for me to not play it actively for the first time in like half a decade.
the community got nothing but themselves to blame the the current situation, mainly due to ignorance and secondly because they have no clue how extensive and time consuming the work on "small changes" can be.
@@PHiNiX true that its a decent part of communitys fault but the game doseant even have a stable anticheat or prevention from hackers in higher ranks
(Twist made a video about how to prevent it and even talked to devs only to for them to say that they are working on it or they will think about it) so naturaly they dont really trust the devs to make new updates becouse its already hard to find non hacker/ghoster games but now they will need to adjust to new updates (btw im talking from third perspective becouse i dont play this game alot these days) and also im not really shitting on the devs becouse CFE should do something about becouse if the devs try to implament something new without cfe admision they could get fired or work overtime without a pay (becouse cfe didnt ask for them to do it) so in my opion its kinda cfe faults becouse if they just do something they could fix this game
Well, twists video largely goes of CSGO logic, which does not really apply to c-ops in this case.
I dont think there is any malicious intent in twist's case, but most of the things he is saying are just hardly technically possible in a mobile game.
CFE, are basically the creative direction for the game.
All they care about is money and how the company can expand in the future, but this is not even something bad or unusual.
The devs have to do their best to reach the goals set to them.
The community is not supportive in any way shape or form, because the majority of it do not contact the devs upon finding bugs or exploits, they either make fun of it on youtube for money and exposure, or they keep it a secret to abuse it for as long as humanly possible.
Both of which help the players' agenda, not the game.
This is pretty much 99% of the community interaction nowadays.
very few people actually try to enjoy the game, most just milk it till it's dead.
This is a shit state to be in, and you can trust me that the devs are trying their best to change that, or the part that is in their control at least..
i dont like the wording in "they cannot even have a stable anticheat"
its not like that is an easy task.
PC game companies put millions or even billions into that and are not successful, so expecting a mobile game company to do it with a fraction of the workforce and funding is blasphemy:
Once again, most hackers come from the community and are tolerated and even celebrated for what they do.
This has to change and this is also not something that is the case in most pc games.
We cannot change how well the anticheat detects people, we can only change how the game deals with hackers.
And this is something that barely anyone with a following is talking about and if they are its usually "the anticheat sucks" or something like that, which yk, is not that helpful.
@@PHiNiX oh well guess i misunderstood some thing, but even without huge amounts of money some hacks could be fixed like radar(heres a vid from royal skyline explaining it afew years ago around 4mins in he axplains radar parвидео.html some methods still could be posible to implamate ) and i think speed hacks could also be sorted out so as to fully blaiming the comunity for the state of the game is not right but i see that some of the points i made earlier were wrong
I am not fully blaming the community, tho I am saying that current devs have to work with code made by other people that they cant even talk to, to get an explanation on how certain stuff works or was intended to work.
This is a difficult situation to be in and all things considered they are doing a decent job.
Lets see how the anticheat looks after it is updated because I think that is going to fix quite a few things.
My man’s copying thumbnails for views 💀
well, not really
My man's a simp 💀
No need to cry
what makes you think I am?
@@PHiNiX you clearly are crying about hackerrs now aim assist
have not mentioned hackers once I think and proposing changes ≠ crying.
@@fainzios5679 You probabaly another boosted kid lmao
Wie lange hast du für das Video gebraucht lmao
30 stunden ca
+ 3 scripts
@@PHiNiX damn
Ich bin's Tim
I bims 1 tim
Lmfao thats the biggest cap i have ever seen
There s not aim assist anymore but now in tdm as a master ex spec i get more fked by golds and neg kd than specs in rank how is this possible?