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So , can you even imagine the ma's totally changing the context of Rev.1v8 ... I am so glad I have come across your channel. I would love to donate but as soon as I am able I will discuss it with you in an email.
You’ve got a very good understanding of JW history and theology and their unique take on things. I was one for many years. I appreciate the way you talk to people in a direct yet respectful way, but get to the root of the matter. While still ‘in’ the organization I never knew about the house that was built in the Rutherford era (Beth sarim, I believe it was called, unless I’m remembering incorrectly) supposedly for the returning prophet Isaiah and others, which Rutherford then lived in through the Great Depression. I often wonder if my mom ever knew anything about that. I doubt she did. It took a good while for me to come out of that organization. I never thought I would. The “sickness” of 2020 was the catalyst for me. I couldn’t believe they recommended everyone take “the treatment” while they shut operations down ,essentially . After that I began examining a lot of things and listening to other teachers and reading the Bible outside of the guided way the organization has the people read it. It was eye opening. I’m thankful for the knowledge I did receive during my years as one. The knowledge of the scriptures was there, although the meanings were tainted sometimes. There are a lot of good people there, and I still love my former brothers and sisters, but I hope they find their way out of that trap. Thanks for this video and what you do, Matt.
@@lionoffirerawit’s great that you are now free to serve the living God. Read John 1:1-3 and believe what it says directly to you. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God . …….
I went from Catholic to JW. One confusion to another. When I finally decided to ditch it all and read and study myself, for the first time in my life I started receiving truth / revelation/ clear understanding from God Himself. Hallelujah. Miracles do happen. My witness friends want nothing to do with me, and the Catholics don't care about the bible at all so...I'm happy to fellowship with God and my parents only. ❤️
@@Kim-js8jf I definitely know what you mean… the saddest thing is when people recognize the falsehoods and leave, but then decide they no longer believe in God. Glad you are making your way in the walk with Jesus as well.
People who want to learn the truth may have conversations with JWs for months. What can anyone teach a JW? People become JWs leaving their former religions taking God's command to those who love Him seriously. Get out of all religions. (Rev 18:4). Obviously JWs will know what falsehoods they left. What 'NEW" thing can anyone teach a JW?
This is the same tactic I use with Mormons as well as JWs. I learned a few years ago that trying to appeal to them through scripture took a lot of time and was difficult because of the fundamental difference in interpretations we have. At the end of the day if their profit that revealed these revelations, turns out to be incorrect, then all of their beliefs are incorrect. Quickest way to cut to the core.
Brother! I think you are missing the whole reason for Jesus Christ's ministry! he came to save & build us up, not to produce an army of argueing, bickering, 'know it all' people who seem content to prove themselves right & others wrong! ( Rom 14:4)
@@kiwihans100 No, Jesus did NOT come to "build us up." He came to make us realize we are sinners and cannot do anything to save ourselves short of putting our faith in Him and his sacrifice on the cross. Scripture tells us explicitly and repeatedly to call out and expose false teachers and false teaching whereever we encounter them. The whole overlook blasphemy for the sake of unity in the body is from Satan, not of Christ.
@@kiwihans100 Brother! I think you are missing the seriousness of the issue! If their teachings are wrong, then those who see the error must speak out for the sake of the truth of the Gospel! "Oh, that you would bear with me in a little folly-and indeed you do bear with me. For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted-you may well put up with it!" (2 Cor 11:1-4) "I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed." (Gal 1:6-9)
@@kiwihans100 Scripture is totally against you. Why you've taken Romans 14:4 as a proof text is beyond any thinking person. In any case, you're saying that Paul was wrong for arguing with non-believers: "On three Sabbath days he argued with them from the scriptures, explaining and quoting passages to prove the necessity for the death of Christ and his rising again from the dead...He felt compelled to discuss the matter with the Jews in the synagogue as well as the God-fearing Gentiles, and he even argued daily in the open market-place with the passers-by." (Acts 17)
John 14:6 invalidates the Governing Body’s very existence: “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”” No other intermediaries.
It has been said, "in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God." The Word became flesh and dwelt among men. He became the ultimate blood offering to create an escape from the sin of the flesh. More a doctrine of Love, Grace, Mercy
@@thewildkids406 yeah, but Jehovah witnesses says in their bible new world translation of the Holy scriptures, this istranslated as “and the word was a god,” their claim is that Jesus is a god, not the god, they said, because the definite article ( “the” ) is not used before god ( Greek, Theos ) when referring to “the word” in John 1:1-3, but you know, there are three main problems with this line of reasoning, and Jehovah witnesses knows it, 1-the predicate nominative in Greek does not normally take the definite article, the definite article is used in these cases to distinguish the subject from the predicate, thus, the lack of the definite article would be grammatically expected in this verse in expressing “and the word was God,” 2-Jehovah witnesses translate the word theos ( god ) as Jehovah ( or the god ) numerous times when it does not have the definite article when it refers to the Father ( see Matthew 5:9, 6:24, Luke 1:35, 2:40, John 1:6, 12, 13, 18, just to name a few from their new world translation of the holy scriptures, 3-Jesus is referred to as theos with the definite article many times elsewhere in scripture ( see Titus 2:13, John 5:17-18, 8:57-59, 10:30-38, 20:28, revelation 22:6, again, these are the three main problems with this line of reasoning.
@thewildkids406 The only change in that transaltion was 'and the word was (a) god' not God himself. as in Lord & lord, Father-Son, he can not be 'with his father as the first born Son being (created) and be at the same time 'God' his father. The creator! Can he?
@@matrix5062 yes, that's the two parts of the trinity. God the Father, is all encompassing, and above all of creation, the Son is God manifest in flesh, a humiliating thing to have done. We would be restricting an Almighty God to say He couldn't do that. Besides the fact that the invisible realms exceed the visible by about 99.99%
Luke 12:42 And the Lord said: “Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master WILL APPOINT over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time? Did Jesus make a false promise? The GB is not an intermediary to get to God. It is a body Jesus appointed to look after Jesus' affairs ON EARTH. It was active in the First Century. Ceased to operate after Satan took over the church. The GB was reappointed after Jesus' return. How else can 9 million JWs conduct the same affairs in 240 countries in an organized way. Jesus doesn't shout instructions from heaven. He uses his appointee.
Hi Matt, JW. Followers are a very strange group of people. As we all know, once u deviate from their scripted line of answers they are lost and have no answers. Thanks for sharing that Matt. 🙏❤️
Matt - great approach! I liked the bit about false prophets. There are alot of those guys out there today - charlatans - all aching for money and attention. A true prophet (one whom the Holy Spirit gives the gift of prophecy to) has a relationship with God, and is strengthened by Him to be obedient in that gift, to whatever God wants, even at the expense of his own life. The gift of prophecy is to be used for the benefit of others, so that they may know God, and end up giving Him praise.
Yeah Seriously. The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
I had confrontations with nearly 20 JW in USA and in Egypt and none of them ever could answer my question: "Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus is archangel Michael? " They either immediately ran away or gave me irrelevant Bible verses that I so easily refuted. In Hebrews 1 it explicitly says that Jesus is not an angel and in countless verses it says that he is God, The Son of God, and the son of Man.
@@johnsmit5999 That's not even close. This means that the voice of the archangel will accompany the lord not that this is his voice. check the verse in the expanded bible version
It is Christ who descends with the voice of the archangel, and John 5:25 confirms this point. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live." John 5:25 "So the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God” and “and they that hear shall live.” (John 5:25) confirms that they will hear the sound of the voice of the Son of God; and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 confirms that they will hear the sound of Michael the Archangel. It is the same voice, the voice of the Son of God, is the voice of the Archangel.
@@watchmanofthenight2700 No it's not the same voice as he says, "and now is, ". In John 5:25 he is talking about the voice of God that is now causing people to repent not the voice accompanying the second coming that is later. And don't try to debate with me an idea that the bible explicitly denies twice in Hebrews 1 that Jesus is not an angel by mixing different verses from different parts of the bible that neither talk about the nature of Christ.
I don't debate the Scriptures, they speak for themselves. Both these verses refer to the same event where Jesus comes to take dominion of His Kingdom, and that time is confirmed in Daniel 12:1-2. In Daniel, the words 'stand up' are used. This phrase means to take dominion of a Kingdom, which takes place at the very same time, and the very same event being depicted in each of these verses. Notice- And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. "some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Now notice in John 5:25-29 for the context, and to confirm that this is the same event. Jesus is speaking. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. John 5:25-29 In Daniel, we have: some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And in John, we have: unto the resurrection of life... (and) unto the resurrection of damnation. These descriptions depict the harvest of the earth at the last day, when Christ, the captain of the Lord's Host will return with His Host/the angels, being the reapers that will cast the tares into the fire, and the wheat into His barn.
Mentioning 1975’s failed prediction of Armageddon would have eliminated his excuse. ‘Stay Alive Till 75’ was their rally cry. I bought their ’Bible’ and spent hours discussing doctrine with them to no avail. I love your channel.
I’m glad that you are enjoying the videos. I’m planning to do another video with all of the false prophecies. They seem to claim 1975 wasn’t an official prediction from the organisation. I’ll have to look into it more. It seems like it’s more of covering their tracks.
@@lionoffireraw the thing is that it was, but yes they back tracked on that. My parents were pregnant with me in 75, and the elders were mad that they built a house and got pregnant bc Armageddon was coming. My dad said they all were preparing and questioning anyone who wasn’t preparing for it.
The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
Two Jehovah Witnesses came to my house to evangelise me. I became a Christian at University, and knew my scriptures. I had a bit of a run in with the Seventh Day Adventists claiming to be the “True Church “. The Jehovah’s Witness’s came to my door and I had time on my hand. I was determined to outtalk them, and not chase them away. After two hours, they were going around in circles, not responding appropriately to scriptures in the Holy Bible. They decided to leave, and I waived them good bye! They never came back, refusing to come back for a further engagement.
“New Light” will always be their escape route when caught in a historical conflict. They don’t stop to think how insane it is to believe that scripture on new light was written specifically for them.
JWs say after John died the church fell into apostasy with new, wrong teachings. What if the development of the Trinity was actually new light? If the JWs get to claim new light for 150 years why can't the historic church get the same margin?
But the bolthole of new light has a fundemental flaw... New light by definition if it is to regarded as truth, is saying that knowledge about a topic is increasing= not being contradicted. Again, if so ,then new light cannot contradict a previous view because that would imply that the preceding view was inadequate- or worse still - wrong. That, in turn, calls into question the quality of the new light. And a prophet who misleads is a false prophet. A cursory examination of the Bible confirms that OT prophets were not contradicted by a preceding prophet.
People are easily deceived. The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
@messiahcomplex1126 ... if one has discernment, then it's easy to tell if a person is a fake,or not. Weak people,are easily deceived because they are: needy, gullible,broken and lazy. You, cannot just lump all people into the same category,Mate!
@ i think your underestimating the power that sin has to blind those who commit such and ALL have sinned and until one has repented they remain deceived.
Don't waste too much time. You planted a seed of doubt and that it's the best you can hope for. The Watchtower Governing body has never been correct on any of their escatology.
I have yet to see anyone successfully evangelize a Jehovah's Witness. In fact, when some do come out for other reasons, they either become atheists or enter into another false system. When studying with them, they are adamant about attacking the trinity so that if you are with them for any period of time the trinity doctrine many times will not even be considered. Trial and error is all that we can continue to do.
I try to give them hard questions to ponder. Rarely is anyone ready to convert at the moment of evangelization. Like Paul said, one plants, another waters, but God brings the increase. Though an important doctrine, I wouldn't try to reason with them about the trinity. The same goes for Muslims.
As an ex-JW, I disagree. If you are a born again believer, the Holy Spirit will teach you all things, including the trinity, the rapture etc etc. it takes a while to unlearn the lies but all things are possible with our mighty and wonderful Lord Jesus. Ask, seek, knock - it’s all there for the asking. 🙏🏻🙌
@maranatha8524 that is so promising to hear. May I ask, did you come out on your own or were you disfellowed for your changing beliefs or perhaps something else? Did coming out have anything to do with someone on the outside showing what the Scripture really says? And one last question, have you been able to convince any JW's to reconsider?
@@BornagainE My husband and I left at the same time after my husband started asking questions about Jesus. He saw a video by Ray Comfort which prompted questions about salvation and what the scriptures truly said. The JW elders couldn’t competently answer the questions and were non-sensical which made us very uneasy. After much prayer and searching their corrupted bible, we realized Jesus wasn’t in their Kingdom Hall and they were not Christians; they denied Jesus’ divinity and His commands. In plainer words Jesus called and we answered. We tried to convince others but were quickly classified as apostates and disfellowshipped. It’s our sincere prayer that we sewed many seeds for our Lord before we left. We haven’t heard from any past JW friends in over 6 years.
Good video information Matt. I live in a remote area and we do get irregular visits from JW’s. They know I’m a Christian and drop in for coffee or a cold drink on a hot day and we chat about their beliefs and mine and they generally always try to say their belief is the same as mine, whereas they know I’m never going to go with that 😊 I enjoyed this video and will gently put it into the next conversation I might have with them (although they haven’t been back for a time).
Thanks for this video Matt. I left SDA church some years back that also has false prophet (she prophesied things that didnt happen). Myself & group of my friends started noticing things were off & found the Bible verses such as Jeremiah 19 (specifically vs 24-32). Aswell as Deutereonmy 18: 22 as you stated. The danger is that parts of the Bible are then interpreted through the false prophets false prophecy teachings. In my experience the churches approach was very law/works-based. Thankfully, Galatians 3 brings us into the real truth of who is the head of the church - only Jesus Christ. In 2020, after re-dedicating my life to Jesus Christ alone, I had a desire to look at the origin of religions & theories etc. What I found after research was that CT Russell & EG White belonged to Freemasonary. I believe with all my heart that Jesus leads us into all truth. God bless you. ❤
Hopefully a ‘two hour’ discussion with a JW will have sown some doubt. However, I have undergone many Biblical ‘ping-pong’ matches over the years and have just ended up exhausted and frustrated. I have concluded that to ask the question - ‘What hope of Salvation can you give a dying man?’ can confront them with a dilemma that they cannot address. Also sharing a brief testimony of how I am certain beyond certainty of my Salvation. It is so easy to get sidetracked into their ‘learned’ proof verses which are very often quite obscure Old Testament verses and/or completely out of context references that one quickly becomes bogged down with little hope of getting back to original ‘argument’. I rely solely on Romans 9: ‘9 -11 ‘……that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame….’ If you can totally persist and focus only on these verses and NOT get sidetracked, it can be a very powerful argument and very uncomfortable for them.
What can anyone 'teach' a JW? Many of JWs were once members of various churches. So logically they would know of the tricks of the trade on how to make Jesus into God. What can any church member who has contentions with other church members on what they believe, teach a JW? Anything in particular?
I think pointing out false prophets is one of the best things to do..I once was a mormon believer..someone I know is a JW..He was the one pointing out false prophesies in the mormon church. I already had my doubts, but it helped. I left. After watching a Mike Winger video about the false prophesies in the JW organisation, I searched an online archive for the pages of these books, and on their own website for the watchtower editions with the prophesies etc (it's still on their website!!), writing everything down, downloading the pages, to eventually confront him with their own false prophets thru their own writings. I think it's the only thing I can do to try and wake him up. He has asked ne so many things to send him why he should believe things otherwise than what he has been taught, last thing he asked was about the trinity..nothing is changing his mind. I am 45, and have known this man since highschool. Ofcourse we are not actual friends, because they are not allowed to have friendships outside JW's organisation. I am also slowly working thru a book that debunks their book 'what does the bible really teach' chapter by chapter..not sure how I can use that, yet..but the false prophets might just, hopefully wake him up..
The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
Rutherford never prophesied anything at all. He gave an EXPLANATION of his studies on what he understood about the Jubilee cycles. Hus understand was that the 70th Jubilee cycle would be in 1925 and form what he understood that would probably mean some big changes. It would be beneficial if you actually read the whole book and the whole Watchtower article instead of just accepting the small bits and pieces without known context is dangerous as it shows tat your information is not credible
Very informative i have a friend who is JW and a challenge to talk to but keep sharing scripture with them and praying for them. Thanks for this subject ❤
I have to admit that witnessing to JWs, Muslims, and Catholics is frustrating (we dont see Mormons here). I quoted all these prophesies to one who said "the light gets brighter as we get closer". I also like to use Psalm 102 (Yahweh) versus exact same words in Hebrews 1 used about Jesus. I had one guy stumped til the lady one said "well that's agency for you" and he seemed to accept that. It takes the Lord to open eyes, but applying scripture to oneself makes us even more grateful that we have a hope.
Don’t let them get away with “the light gets brighter” talk. A false prophecy makes someone a false prophet. Period. Also, if the light gets brighter (which is a misapplication of Proverbs 4), I’d ask them, what else could you be wrong about now then? I would ask, did God give him that false prophecy? Or did he make it up out of his own imagination? If it wasn’t from God, then what else are they claiming is from God, which actually is not from God? Just some thoughts!
Matthew 24:24: "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect". - False prophets are definitely the thing to watch out for as we move further into the end times! Praying for all of us to stand firm & be led in Truth by the Holy Spirit. God bless and thank you for another amazing video brother! ✝
The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
@@messiahcomplex1126 "In view of these tremendous facts, don’t let anyone worry you by criticising what you eat or drink, or what holy days you ought to observe, or bothering you over new moons or sabbaths. All these things have at most only a symbolical value: the solid fact is Christ." The Bible disagrees with you. BTW, do you think Sunday worshippers are going to hell?
Yes, they do the same thing with the Comforter that Jesus promised would come. We know clearly from the context that Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit. It is crazy!
Often when I speak with JWs I make it clear that I am willing to submit to the truth given in the scriptures (Galatian 1:8&9) and fitting within the context of the scriptures as a whole (2. Timothy 2:15). When they say that homosexuality is sin I can agree with them, because this is made clear in the inspired scriptures. Or if they say sexual intimacy outside of marriage is sin, again I can agree, because this is found in scripture. However there is something much more important than that. The most important question is: "What name must I call on to be saved from my sins and be reconciled with God?" They will usually quote Joel 2:32 "Whoever calls on the name of Jahweh (Jehovah) will be saved" I can only agree -- but then I point them to Acts 4:12 it is stated: "there is salvation IN NO ONE ELSE for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven which has been given among men by which we must be saved" in the verse before it is clear he is speaking about Jesus the cornerstone of our faith who was rejected. Is this a contradiction? No! But to call upon Jesus is to call upon Jahweh our Savior! And throughout the rest of the book of Acts the listeners were told to call on the name of Jesus for salvation. The JWs in my city are literally terrified and pack up and flee when I ask them to explain Acts 4:12 to me.
They regard the roots or origin of a holiday or the symbol of the cross or many other things as a paramount importance. If they deem something with a pagan origin, they reject it. All JWs know that principle, but when it comes to the beginnings of their own religion, that principle goes out the window. They don't celebrate Christmas because they say that hundreds of years ago, it was a pagan celebration. Very hypocritical.
It is still a pagan celebration, it doesn't matter what you think. What matters is what Jehovah thinks, he knows where it all began, the origin and does not approve of it, Your opinion does not matter, you must change you opinion be cause Jehovah will not change his
@@tomarnott949 Watch "Lion of Fire Raw" recent video on Christmas. Where in the bible does Jehovah say He doesn't approve of Christmas? It doesn't. Your opinion doesn't matter either. You may have to change your opinion.
It’s always good to “call someone out” in a loving , respectful and biblical manner! A couple of weeks ago I was stopped by some Mormon missionaries and offered some Bible studies. What they did not realise when they approached me was that I am an excommunicated Mormon! 😳. Way back in the ‘70’s at the age of 17 I was manipulated into becoming a member of this church. I explained my experiences and told them my life long resentment of the way things had been dealt with. I also had a lengthy discussion about biblical truths (having studied the Bible for 10 years now). They still asked if I would like like studies. So, I saw an opportunity for further discussion to enlighten them. They took my number but I have NEVER heard from them! I suspect they are perfectly aware that I’d make a bad student. Also, their whole life is entrenched in doctrines from their own false books that, in truth, they’re really not interested in knowing the truth. The majority of the time generations of their families are Mormons, as are their friends, and they’d lose too much! Interesting video! Thank you! 🙏🙏🏾🙏
@@Georgelooney87 Jesus is not God, he is the Son OF God. That which is OF God is no God The kingdom of God is not God The angels of God are not God. The finger OF God is not God The Son of God is not God. What is it, that people completely ignore the OF word.
@pmac_ Jesus is called "everlasting father" in Isaiah. In one of the gospels, he identifies himself as the "i am", the owner of the sacred name of God, YHWH as revealed in Genesis, John 1:1 "the word was with God and the word was God", referring to Jesus. That's just 3 examples off the top of my head, and I am very rusty at the moment with my Bible knowledge. We cannot fully understand the identity of God. There is an element of mystery. From the scriptures, though, we have to conclude that even though Jesus is the son of God, he is also the second part of the godhead, also fully God.
For a hundred years the Watchtower society taught that you should worship Jesus. For over 30 years the New World corruption of the Bible translated Hebrews 1:6 as "But when he again brings his First-born into the inhabited earth, he says: "And let all God's angels worship him." Who in their right mind would put their entire trust in an organization that is confused on a topic as basic and as important as who deserves to be worshipped? Some other good questions: Does John 1:3 mean that Jesus is the eternal, uncreated Creator of all created things, namely God? Uh, or did he create himself? What is the greatest name of all? Philippians 2: 5 "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but poured Himself out by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross. 9 For this reason also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father."
This is correct! They only want them using j w . o r g and years back they asked for all the old literature and Bibles back. I kept mine, it’s old, and still has the free mason wording they removed.
@@RedNicole22 : You really do not expect people to fall for such nonsense. The Libraries of JWs have all the publications on display. Even their website has references to the older publications. Come come!
The JW’s have a set agenda when knocking on doors. When challenged from the Bible the only explanations are from what they rehearsed from Watch Tower material. These videos have given me so much information on their false teachings. Keep up the good work!
A non witness here but they sure are correct about the bible clearly stating there is no Trinity.. please friends the more you learn about the bible the more truth sticks @lionoffireraw
@@Nzbrandon When you read the Bible carefully, you'll see that the Trinity is implied even in Genesis! It may not be explicitly mentioned, but it's there. And when you get to the NT, it's quite clear that Jesus claimed to be God in terms of what he did and said, even though he never stood up and said, "Hey, people, I'm God" in so many words. He forgave sins (God's sole prerogative); look at the miracle of the wine at Cana and the feeding the 5000 in the light of both the Jewish blessing, and the manna in the wilderness. Look at his answer to the high priest when he was on trial - and look at the reaction of the high priest to what he said. Look at the reaction he got when he said, "Before Abraham was, I am." They weren't wanting to stone him for bad grammar! Look carefully at the miracles, which John calls "signs". Look at all the I AM sayings.
@@phillipcollins9290 like the I am saying the blind man said in John 9:9? ego eimi (is the blind man claiming to be god? 😂 Of course not) reading both context jesus was claiming to be the Messiah and the blind man was claiming to be healed hence both were agreeing to the statement people were asking .... John 10:29-38.. he's claiming to be one of the sons of God.. highlighting psalms 82 in the council of God's.
My last conversation with a Jehovah's Witness was brief-just a quick "hello" and "goodbye" that lasted about ten seconds. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only God; He is, was, and will be. There is no other name above Jesus, who died for our sins on the cross and now sits at the right hand of God the Father.
This Jesus Christ said his father was the only true God. Also, Jesus's name is Yahoshua, which means "Yah saves", Yah being the short form for Yahovah, which literally means "who is, who was, and who will be". What do you think halleluYah means? Praise the lord? It means praise Yah, who is the Father of all creation, including Yahoshua, this man Jesus that you worship, who also said not to worship him.
@@Theories_4_Real Where did Jesus say not to worship Him? Luke 24:52-53 And they worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising and blessing God. Amen.
@@johnsmit5999 “see my hands and my feet, that I am he; handle me and see, because a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me having.’” Luke 24:39 “God is a Spirit, and those worshipping Him, in spirit and truth it doth behove to worship.’” John 4:24 Yahoshua is a man, flesh and bone. God, Yah, is a Spirit Yahoshua is not God Btw, Luke 24 is the same setting where Thomas said "my lord and my God", only Luke doesn't record it. So in that setting with Thomas, Yahoshua declares he is not God by stating the obvious, that he is flesh and bone. Thomas was giving glory to God because He raised a man from the dead and seeing is believing
That is exactly what JWs believe. Acts 7:55 But 'Stephen', being full of holy spirit, gazed into heaven and caught sight of God’s glory and of Jesus standing at God’s right hand, Stephen sees God seated and Jesus standing by Gods side. The issue is that many want to believe that God can do both at the same time.
Ellen Gould white is the number 666, that in revelation 13:18 is talking about, did you know that? here’s why, Ellen GoV-LD-VVhite = 50 + 50 + 5 + 50 + 500 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 666
Well done Mark ,they should be able to answer every question asked ,I would of gone further and ask to speak to one of the elders. That answer of its a hundred years ago holds no water. In my opinion any religion is a crutch for getting through life ,there is over 400 religions and they all think they are the one. No one knows our future until we die,people should use their own brains. Love from the U.K.
The truth is that Jesus has proved himself reliable to answer all the big questions of life: origins, destination, morality, and meaning. Attempts to undermine the veracity of the Bible have failed for millennia. The Bible has been proven reliable historically and archaeologically, and fulfilled prophecy proves its Divine origin. The historic resurrection proves that Jesus is in fact, God. He fulfilled numerous specific prophecies, claimed to be God in the flesh, and then backed it up by rising from the dead. When anyone claims that we can’t know the answers, or something is not possible, they don’t realise that the answers have already been revealed. All of this truth is well-established, and even a cursory look on the Internet will reveal the evidence for this. The problem is that they don’t want to believe. They set up an arbitrary, subjective standard of evidence, (which means nothing), so in their minds they feel justified in not believing. But all the evidence is there 😃 See the channel: “Testify”, for evidence. ✅ Historical reliability of the gospels ⬇️ ruclips.net/p/PLbVf0T8-zFVhvQKOcYzK_57dYUr20lHWB&si=xmw74vVtGFwxTI61 ✅ Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus ⬇️ ruclips.net/p/PLbVf0T8-zFVhNhIx3lLZCDRhrdsD7vRS1&si=9XV8uKOKcVRMRXWs
Thats a total LIE! I am not a JW, but all the ones I have met are happy to answer questions when peacefully & respectfully asked! They appear to me as intellegent, polite people who know their bibles often much better that the 'nominal' so called Christians I have met!
@@Sportliveonline Of course my friend, if you believe something, you stand by it! However, Though I dont belong to any church or faith, I feel I can stand back and observe the history of Religion since our Lord Jesus said "Love one another" I dont see that very often, just what Paulwarned against in 1 Cor 1 about "divisions".
Agree with you about JW being polite and eager to answer any question...if able. I know they do not believe we have a soul and go to heaven or hell. Instead we all live once and die. When judgement day comes, we will all be resurrected to either eternal life or death. They refer to Genesis where it states that man is a living soul...meaning a body containing spark of light, a spirit if you will, that goes back to God upon death, just like you pull a cord from an electrical socket, electricity will cease to flow. I challenged that idea by referring to King Saul´s encounter with the prophet Samuel. Samuel had died, leaving Saul bewildered on what to do in time of crisis as he had relied on Samuel to tell him of advice or demands from God. In desperation he asked his men to search for a witch to conjure up the spirit of Samuel, even though he himself had made a rule that forbade such practice with a death sentence. He found one in Endor that conjured up the spirit of Samuel who gave him the message that he would die in a coming battle. Now, in accordance with their belief, we have no soul so therefore the spirit of Samuel must be a devil in disguise. If that is the case, why is this not mentioned ? Nowhere does it say that an evil spirit was conjured up to look like Samuel to give the false impression that it was in fact the prophet. Jesus also met the spirits of Moses and Eliza...would hardly write such a thing if it was false. The JW guy then referred to the book written by Solomon where it is written that all our thoughts die with us...no activity after death. I pointed out that these chapters and verses were thoughts of life in general written by Solomon, a sort of reflection of how futile it is for us to gather things such as riches, since it will be of no use to us after death. It is not words dictated to us from God. Which also make me wander why God did not tell any prophet to write down any message mankind could benefit from. All we get are warnings of death and destruction if we choose not to obey God, as well as instructions to sacrifice countless animals to satisfy this war God´s hunger. The holy Quran is more direct, a written message direct from God himself.
I’m glad you pointed all of this out. When I have tried to share about the false prophesies, my JW family says “Oh they were just so YOUNG in the truth, just were WRONG back then. So! They were just EXCITED and at least they are HUMBLE and change teachings when God reveals it to them.” The new Governing body member says they don’t have to apologize when they get things “a little bit wrong”, and that God reveals “when they need to know the new light.” So apparently in 1968-1975 we needed to think the end was coming and tell everyone in our towns this.” That we “needed that at that time?” I never thought I’d turn 13 in 1975, because I never felt good enough and many lost so much because of the lies! Crazy! Nonsense! Nevertheless that is what the leaders keep telling them, contrasting them as “humble enough to change” while other churches stay “in darkness.” (I keep being told as my family parrots the leader’s statements. )They are refusing to see that they are false prophets, but somehow saying they were humble, and earnest…Cognitive dissonance…The leaders keep giving these excuses right now. They even did two sermons that talked about “Not dwelling on the past, and not reminiscent or thinking about past times.” Then one on “not thinking too much” or something like that! Total mind control, and that is why you are being met with this reaction you got. Sounds like you did penetrate his defense. I hope he keeps seeing more to build on this. If you see him again, I’d encourage him to find old books, read them, because the leaders are doing mini references to some of the books, but of course after telling people how “the books brought so many people in.” (Like Millions Now Living Will Never Die.) Well, the leaders didn’t mention the false prophesies within those books, but were talking them up. That and the 7th Volume of the Scriptures that came out when Rutherford began. Well, they recently talked that one up! The Governing Body was saying how it brought people “into the truth.” Only problem with that book, is it was proven so false! False prophesies within. But since Brother Losch says it’s a great book…we’ll encourage that man or any JW to read the book themselves. Ebay, maybe Amazon or PDFs from computer scans. Wow will that wake them up! Good back up for what you said. 😉
i was 3 generation born into the jehovah witness cult im 40 i left at age 19 . They have there own bible the watchtower prints . An there founders predicted armmagedon was coming in 1914 then when it didnt they said 1914 was when satan was cast out of heaven . How could any one that reads the whole book of John an would think jesus is the son of god . they teach jesus is micle the arkangel . The only way to God is threw Jesus christ ❤
My family was all of one Christain Faith. One married a JW and she was, I think pressured into the JW fold we thought, but we did not interfere with the married couple. She argued with her Christian mother and in retaliation she converted 2 of her sisters knowing how the family would ultimately break up. She was not a good daughter to her mother and knowingly caused her mother much suffering. The family was broken. I watched as a child & did not take sides as I wanted to keep my family. The next generation grows up. The children of the JW left their families when grown. We aren’t who we were when left as Christian’s. Tragic and for what? One woman who became a JW. I’m an old lady now, have my own Christian family but I still feel sadness for my grandmother and her one rebellious angry daughter. May God forgive us for failing to love. We are free to chose but never when it causes division. That’s not love.
I don’t necessarily think there are prophets today as there are prophets in the Old Testament, but I do believe that God can give someone a prophecy at his discretion. I think it’s rare especially where the church is already established and more common when Gospel is going to new frontiers. I’m cautious but open to the gifts. Neither a continuationist nor a cessationist. I believe the Spirit can give them still today but they are not as common as in the Early Church. What’s your take Matt?
As an ex JW I can tell you that the only way to get through a witness is by showing them through the scriptures that their doctrines aren’t biblical. They have an excuse for false prophesies made by the organization and it’s very hard to break that wall. You need to show them that their Bible is a mistranslation and only then, maybe you’ll get through.
Zechariah 13:2 “In that day,” declares Jehovah of armies, “I will erase the names of the idols from the land, and they will no longer be remembered; and I will rid the land of the prophets and the spirit of uncleanness. 3 And if a man should prophesy again, his father and his mother who caused his birth will say to him, ‘You will not live, because you have spoken lies in the name of Jehovah.’ And his father and his mother who caused his birth will pierce him through because of his prophesying.
I had a bible study in the early 70's. Then they were looking to 1974 as the end of "this system of things." I said I don't believe you have any scriptural foundation for that statement and no one should point to that date as being significant. At that time many of the brothers were using that date in their door to door work. After 1974 I challenged the elders of the local church. They said "The governing body did not "actually" say that it was the "end of days." To which I said "You are liars'. And left the organisation. Pity really there were some lovely people in the congregation. Anyway after being in the wilderness for many years I know what I believe and I do tend to hold my own council unless asked. Anyway, God bless. Have a lovely day.
My 10 year old daughter passed in 2007, it was well publicised locally, as a family, utter devastation followed. Within days of her passing, we began to recieve a barrage of letters condemning us to eternal hell, the majority were hand written and with postmarks from allover the country. Yep, you guessed it, they were all from JEHOVAS WITNESSES. As you can imagine, they get a warm welcome from me when they knock on my door. Thanks for listening. ❤
I think some of the motivation for joining JW is psychological in nature. I am a team manager with 10 people on my team, one of them is a JW and have had multiple conversations with this employee. This employee has intense needs for validation and recognition, and I think is excited by the fact she may be a part of a club that claims they know and follow the truth. But I notice a similar issue with her, she doesn't seek with her mind. Basic doctrine is lost on her and she hasn't sought the truth by reading the Bible. Seeking the truth with a sound mind that isn't swayed by your emotions is so key. I think she has chosen the 'meaning ' that comes with joining an exclusive club, rather than soberly coming to the truth by reading her Bible.
Except, the Bible calls anyone that makes a false prophecy, a false prophet. And God does not appoint false prophets. Joseph Rutherford was a false prophet and a fraud. That verse about the light getting brighter is completely misapplied. BUT, if it were true, that would mean that anything that the organisation believes right now could actually be wrong, and changed down the track. This means that this organisation cannot be trusted. Check out the channel “Light over Dark Ministry”
This highlights the main problem with this religion: they are so eager to defend the indefensible, so convinced to know the truth when it´s all lies. What use is it to make a combat out of every conversation only to "prove" that their peculiar wisdoms are correctly concluded from a book that they have manipulated themselves? Do they really want to "save" anybody, and from what? Isn´t it rather a method to soothe their ever knocking sense of doubt and bad conscience?
Two jw come up to me one day so I asked them if God talks to people nowdays and they told me that God doesn't talk to anybody nowdays. I told them that God has talked to me and they walked away.
As a JW myself of some 35 yrs but somewhat faded, it is true that one of the main areas that JW leadership (and the JW followers) have always had major credibility problems - is in the fact that many statements and proclamations made or alluded to from late 1800's onwards and made with confidence (that it was revealed truth) which DID NOT materialise. I personally always felt that the past JW leadership had always been far too focussed on creating dates etc believing only they (being guided but NOT inspired by God) could somehow discover a secret calculation within scripture and work out when this system should end. Their credibility therefore becomes time dependent, especially with the major proclamation regarding that the generation of 1914 would still be present when the system ended. They were so confident on this major proclamation - as revealed truth - that it formed a very major plank of their theology. The leadership however says they are NOT inspired from God (which due to the many failed proclamations makes that self evident) but they DO say that they are GUIDED by God to write and interpret scripture to provide " spiritual food at the proper time". How does that work? How can they GUIDED by GOD to teach but not INSPIRED by God? The Bible itself says that the writers were inspired (or moved by holyspirit) to write things down for the purposes of teaching and relaying information particularly to those who wish to be Christians. So if JW leadership have made many false proclamations in the past, then clearly by the bible's own definition, they CANNOT be guided by God!! Its self evident as the WT would often say!! I challenge any JW to offer alternative reasoning. When a JW is confronted with this, they simply cannot mentally process this information as it leads to conclusions they cannot accept. JWs are discouraged to think "critically" on such matters (such as what the Boreans were doing - by checking the scriptures). JWs are taught that they CANNOT understand the Bible UNLESS all such "interpretation" comes thru the GB and the "writing committee" as they are the keepers of truth and bible interpretation. The belief is that ONLY the GB (as the self appointed faithful & discreet slave) receive Bible "truths" directly from God (and yet not inspired???) and they disseminate this to the JW followers as "new light" (which may of course change later- think beards for men & women's wearing pants). So though JWs are encouraged to read and study the bible, they should do so only by using WT supplied study literature - though there are some external resources that the WT does also use. If some enthusiastic JWs got together as a small group to study and meet separately but including the designated "meeting times", this would be very much discouraged and would raise all sorts of congregational issues ESPECIALLY if non-JW approved material was being used. Woah.. a very big No No. So dont be too hard on the JWs who come to your door. Most are good people and are generally focussed on preaching "the kingdom" message. But the JW org is not for everyone and some of its practices ARE questionable. I think whatever plans God/Jehovah has for humans will work out for the best and wickedness as we see today will be no longer and humans will be able to reach their full potential.
I am not a JW, but agree with your basic points, and appreciate your insights here. Most JW's are decent people. They aren't the only Christian or religious group with problematic doctrines and practices. it's one thing to point out differences, and stand up for the doctrine you believe is correct. It's another thing to malign people and treat them like crap 'cause they come to your door. The last JW's that came to my door weren't trying to slam me with their doctrine. It was during the Great Recession and it was tough times and they used to Bible to try to give some encouragement. I told them I was aware of their doctrines and didn't agree with most of them -- I was honest about it. They were honest enough to choose a verse to try to encourage in tough economic times. Fair enough. You can stand for that you know or believe is right, but it's not like JW's are doing anything except promulgating their beliefs. They're not harming anyone, really. If you're polite, they're polite.
Not only did Rutherford make this prophecy, he had a 10 bedroom mansion built in San Diego for those prophets to live in when they came back. The house was named Beth Sarim, it still stands and can be seen to this day. It is located ag 4440 Braeburn Rd, San Diego, CA. Go take a look!
Hallo und beste Grüße aus Deutschland! Ich sehe deine Videos gerne und finde sie großartig! Hattest du auch schon Begegnungen mit der Neuapostolischen Kirche, der NAC? Auch eine Gruppe, welche man ähnlich der JW sehen könnte. Leider kennt man diese Sekte kaum. Vielleicht machst du zu der NAC auch mal ein Video, wenn es passt. Würde mich darüber freuen, bin dort dieses Jahr ausgetreten. Alles Gute dir, Gottes Segen und Kraft!
Those inventive Mormons with their fertile imaginations came up with a defense against accusations of false prophesy. They claim that when Joseph Smith was wrong, he was speaking as a man, but when he was right, he was speaking as a prophet. How's that for inventiveness?😂
Ask them why congregation members have been allowed to get away with child abuse. What was the faithful and discreet slave doing telling the elders to hide these criminals and not contact the police. The Kingdom Halls have now been put into trusts to prevent anyone claiming compensation.
My experience with JW is that they teach the Bible well and they question certain things like birthdays, new year celebrations and Christmas as being pagan way back. But when I look at vids here on YT where people get questions about God, marriage and modesty, I have the same answers. I feel like it is like tasting wine, some are experts other can only know the difference between red and white. What connect us are more than divide us. We will never know how many angels can fit on a needles point.
I scared a lady witness a few weeks ago, i live in a very quiet area,,out the corner of my eye,i saw a woman coming down the path, thinking it was my partner i opened the door,gave our customary greeting to her, (a zombie growl / roar ) and went away .After a while no sign of my partner in the house,,so went back to the door, there was the witness woman looking confused, and startled , further up the path was another woman , standing back in "reserve" , i said i was busy and she went away. I told my partner when she came in, how I'd just made a witness shit herself,----- she was highly amused.😊
The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses deny it's a prophet. This is to avoid the criticism of this excellent video. However, read this, "... people should listen to the plain preaching by the remnant prefigured by Jeremiah, for these preach to men the present-day fulfilment of Jeremiah's prophecies. Who made them a prophet to speak with the authority that they claim? Well, who made Jeremiah a prophet?" Watchtower Jan 15, 1959
The problem with religions is that they are so poorly defined and open to much interpretation… resulting in the myriad of different “flavours” we have today! That’s what you get when man has his first stabs at trying to understand the world around him in his innocence and ignorance. We now know much much more about this world we live in, surely It’s time people took ownership of the problems we’ve caused and spent the time fixing and making life better for all. Love and inquisitive curiosity is reason enough for life and truth it’s measure. Love and peace all
What nearly every single Jehovah's Witness also doesn't understand is that, Joseph Rutherford believed that it wasn't the Holy Spirit that spoke to him. But rather, the Angels transmitted God's ideas to him directly into his mind. It took me months to track down a copy of the Watctower publication where Rutherford penned this.
Being a Christian means having a personal relationship with God. You don’t need someone else to tell you what you hear directly from God yourself. God speaks to me directly because I am unique. JW’s have a one solution fits all attitude forgetting that everyone is unique and different, so are their circumstances. 🏴🇬🇧🙏♥️
So because you are unique, God almighty, creator of the entire universe, chooses to speak to you directly??? Wow! What is so unique about you that God Almighty chooses to speak directly to you?? I would think that when God chooses to speak, it is very profound and important. Do you mind sharing with me what God said when God spoke directly to you? I can't wait to hear. Thanks.
Hi Matt, I always wondered about them thinking only 144,000 people will be going to heaven. They base this on the verse in Revelation that talks about the 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel of young men who have not known women. Which as far as I can tell ahs absolutely nothing to do with who will go to heaven and who will not. Have you asked them about this idea? If they don't think Jesus is God why do they follow His teachings? Do they think he was just a prophet like the Muslims do?
Luke ch.6:44KJV"For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes." The bloodstained fruit of christendom clearky show her to not be a tree planted by the God and Father of Jesus the Lord JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH has exalted himself above the false gods including christendom's three headed god by blessing his devotees with a prophesied global peace the false hofs can never replicate.
I have shown JW's Revelation 1:8, “I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga, says Jehovah God, “the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.”, and asked them who is talking? The answer is Jehovah God. Then I show them Revelation 22:13, "I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." I again ask them, who is talking? The answer again is Jehovah God. I then drop down to 22:16, ‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star.’” I smile and say, "Isn't it wonderful that your bible states 'Jesus is Jehovah God?'" The NWT entirely removes Matthew 17:21; 18:11; 23:14; Mark 7:16; 9:44, 46; 11:26; 15:28; Luke 17:36; 23:17; John 5:4; Acts 8:37; 15:34; 24:7; 28:29; and Romans 16:24. The revisers cast doubt upon Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11. There's more deception, error, falsehoods, and lies, but these are enough. May the Lord bless you.
What is interesting about your comment is the ESV and NIV removes the same passages in agreement with the New World Translation. The speaker of this video will refuse to address this agreement between these translations.
I welcome the JW's. I dont critisize them or their religeon. I listne, and i talk about the constant love that i experience directly from Jesus and what He did for me on the cross.
And one more thought: Why oh why would you put your faith in any mortal man that takes literal collections from their "flock".....while allegedly preaching the good news in that building? JW's do not take collections in their Kingdom Halls
You did well . As new light coming at the right time would be an answer or your talking to far in the past , i think once they become believers and feel they will met again with dead ones and live on a paradise Earth , it is next to impossible to reason
Yes. But I always bring it back to the fact that it was objectively a false prophecy, and that makes him a false prophet. New light doesn’t change that.
@@lionoffireraw I understand what your saying , i met a female jw and i started learning but i was also doing what your told not too and looking what other people were saying , I can see where they added words changed words but there is no way i can get though to my female friend , i was just saying how she would answer my concerns , keep up the good work
Look, we shouldnt judge a religion by iuts mistaken understanding of prophecies. Why not? because Jesus faithful disciples did thus by asking him "Are you going to restore Israel at this time?" ( Acts 1:6). He just kindly counselled them. He didnt, like this poster and many others, ridicule & criticize 'end time' groups for 'jumping the gun' also! No one 'church' or 'religion' has got it all right anyway! Being over keen on the Lord's retirn is not a crime or a proof of one not being a Christian.
@@dirkfirkle73 Look! There are many examples of early Christians claiming that "The Lord's return is imminent!" would you like a few quotes? So I take it from your quote of matt 24:36 you dont believe in the 'trinity'? ( footnote; The JW's only claimed that the 'end will come in 1975, which was a YEAR. Jesus mentioned a "a day or hour"!) Ok a "year" is wrong too!) I do feel your focussing on the JW's has an agenda behind it? Were you one once?
OK, but if the JW's are wrong, they're wrong. They have no problem telling the rest of Christianity that they're 'wrong' -- in fact, they refer to all other denominations as false religions, even going so far as to accuse some denominations of being part of the Babylon system mentioned in Revelation. Some JW's even go so far as to say all other denominations are 'daughters' of the 'harlot church'. In other words, all other denominations are false, and pagan in origin. If the JW's don't want to be criticized for false prophecies or false predictions, or false doctrines they may hold, then perhaps they should refrain from criticizing other denominations.
@@chriscampbell9191 Its true what you say! however some religions dont mind which church you belong to, wheres as some believe THEY are the true church! Actually the word 'church' doesnt mean a particular organisation byt "The whole association of brothers in all the world" as Paul said. Jesus used the word 'ecclesia' meaning CONGREGATION. So where "two or three are gathered in his name" (Matt 18) which could be your family! THIS is Christ's 'congregation! paul warned us NOT to form sects and religions that will always cause division and strife. ( see 1 Cor 1:10-17)
@@chriscampbell9191 You are right! But if thats wrong to judge other faiths, then we shouldnt do so either! (My father was in Dachau concentration camp with the JW's and told me they wouldnt 'heil' Hitler, unlike the catholics & protestants who prayed for him & the nazis every sunday! 20,000 went in only 8,000 came out! very brve"! and with a strong Faith in God!) Ive ment many JW's. They are good people, as with other faiths. God will sort it all out, not us!
As an exJW I recommend you and the audience who might have a family member or any dearone in the JW cult to make the question a bit broader. Why and How? See, you have pointed to Rutherford as to a person. And even you are right and Rutherford was no doubt a false prophet, the mind of a JW is not able to comprehend that they are followers of a man or a group of man. What needs to be emphasised is that JWs believe Rutherford was the 1st member of the "Slave" who is the only channel of communication. Also what you need to do, is, not to be sticked to the Rutherford, but to give the JW an opportunity to use his argument... ok, we are 100year later. What I mean is, do not stick to Rutherford, but to all representants of the Slave in their History. I would go: OK, lets assume that if only the Rutherford was a false prophet, maybe God corrected it and the other representants of the "Slave" were right in their prophesies. In this time a JW would probably argue that the Slave is not a prophet. It is easily defended by their own literature stating the Slave is the prophet. Next I would ask: Would you agree to take a brief history check through your other representants like the Knorr and later the Governing Body and find out if their prophesies performed better? If the JW hesitate because he knows some failures, than you can go: Seems you are not sure or are you hidding soma negative facts proving my point? Mostly they do not know anything about their history. And you can show the failed prophesies and changed dogmas of Knorr and the GB too up to recent years, clearly declaring that every single representative of the JW leadership, self declared prophets, were false prophets: Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Governing Body...
'That men may know that you Jehovah are the most high over the Earth'. 'God sent his only begotten son'. Jehovah and Jesus 2 seperate beings! Only get to Jehovah through Jesus! Again 2 seperate beings! When Jesus was nailed to the stake he cried out to Jehovah,not to himself!
for me, the overarching heresy of Jehovah’s Witnesses is there insistence that Jesus is not deity. They affirm that Jesus Christ is not Emmanuel God in the flesh. The logical corollary to this is that Jesus was just a man and from what we know in holy scripture, there is only one man who was ever righteous, and that is Jesus Christ. So, if Jesus was not God in the flesh and He was just a fallen piece of human flesh then the damning reality of this heretical Arian doctrine now becomes blatantly obvious. His blood is just the blood of fallen flesh. And here is how you put it to the JW adepts at the front door, trying to earn their salvation. You ask them this. IF JESUS BLOOD IS TAINTED BY THE SIN OF FALLEN MAN, WHERE IS THE BLOOD OF ATONEMENT? WHERE IS THE BLOOD OF ATONEMENT FOR SIN. Then you put it to them. If your faith is not in God’s ANOINTED ONE, With the sinless body and blood of our communion, YOU HAVE NO BLOOD COVERING FOR SIN! Unless you repent and renounce Jehovah’s Witnesses you are headed for a lost eternity apart from God.
I knew of a family that were JW....the father was only a JW for the free monthly huge food basket that is available,,,He was a horrible pill addict..the JW Church paid all of his bill for almost for a year until they found out the truth about him from a fellow JW member...he was 'cast out"....
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so you are a grifter
So , can you even imagine the ma's totally changing
the context of Rev.1v8 ...
I am so glad I have come across your channel. I would love to donate but as soon as I am able I will discuss it with you in an email.
That was supposed to read
( jW's..... Not ma's )
AI keeps changing my spelling. God Bless
You’ve got a very good understanding of JW history and theology and their unique take on things. I was one for many years. I appreciate the way you talk to people in a direct yet respectful way, but get to the root of the matter.
While still ‘in’ the organization I never knew about the house that was built in the Rutherford era (Beth sarim, I believe it was called, unless I’m remembering incorrectly) supposedly for the returning prophet Isaiah and others, which Rutherford then lived in through the Great Depression. I often wonder if my mom ever knew anything about that. I doubt she did.
It took a good while for me to come out of that organization. I never thought I would. The “sickness” of 2020 was the catalyst for me. I couldn’t believe they recommended everyone take “the treatment” while they shut operations down ,essentially .
After that I began examining a lot of things and listening to other teachers and reading the Bible outside of the guided way the organization has the people read it. It was eye opening.
I’m thankful for the knowledge I did receive during my years as one. The knowledge of the scriptures was there, although the meanings were tainted sometimes. There are a lot of good people there, and I still love my former brothers and sisters, but I hope they find their way out of that trap.
Thanks for this video and what you do, Matt.
Thank you very much for sharing this. I’m glad that you got out. I pray these videos continue to bless you. Matt
@@lionoffirerawit’s great that you are now free to serve the living God. Read John 1:1-3 and believe what it says directly to you. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God . …….
I went from Catholic to JW. One confusion to another. When I finally decided to ditch it all and read and study myself, for the first time in my life I started receiving truth / revelation/ clear understanding from God Himself. Hallelujah. Miracles do happen. My witness friends want nothing to do with me, and the Catholics don't care about the bible at all so...I'm happy to fellowship with God and my parents only. ❤️
@@seanrathmakedisciples1508 For sure! Thanks!
@@Kim-js8jf I definitely know what you mean… the saddest thing is when people recognize the falsehoods and leave, but then decide they no longer believe in God. Glad you are making your way in the walk with Jesus as well.
He had a 2 hour conversation with a JW. My last discussion with a JW was 2 minutes.
Just give them tracts, just like they give us.
I enjoy spending time talking with them and asking questions. Unlike so many people, at least they want to talk about spiritual things.
They want to talk about Watchtower and ot false teachings.
People who want to learn the truth may have conversations with JWs for months.
What can anyone teach a JW? People become JWs leaving their former religions taking God's command to those who love Him seriously. Get out of all religions. (Rev 18:4).
Obviously JWs will know what falsehoods they left. What 'NEW" thing can anyone teach a JW?
Can you tell me Jim, what is the "good news of the kingdom"?
What is the gospel of Christ?
This is the same tactic I use with Mormons as well as JWs. I learned a few years ago that trying to appeal to them through scripture took a lot of time and was difficult because of the fundamental difference in interpretations we have. At the end of the day if their profit that revealed these revelations, turns out to be incorrect, then all of their beliefs are incorrect. Quickest way to cut to the core.
Brother! I think you are missing the whole reason for Jesus Christ's ministry! he came to save & build us up, not to produce an army of argueing, bickering, 'know it all' people who seem content to prove themselves right & others wrong! ( Rom 14:4)
Today’s prophets are only interested in profits?
@@kiwihans100 No, Jesus did NOT come to "build us up." He came to make us realize we are sinners and cannot do anything to save ourselves short of putting our faith in Him and his sacrifice on the cross. Scripture tells us explicitly and repeatedly to call out and expose false teachers and false teaching whereever we encounter them. The whole overlook blasphemy for the sake of unity in the body is from Satan, not of Christ.
@@kiwihans100 Brother! I think you are missing the seriousness of the issue! If their teachings are wrong, then those who see the error must speak out for the sake of the truth of the Gospel! "Oh, that you would bear with me in a little folly-and indeed you do bear with me. For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted-you may well put up with it!" (2 Cor 11:1-4) "I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed." (Gal 1:6-9)
@@kiwihans100 Scripture is totally against you.
Why you've taken Romans 14:4 as a proof text is beyond any thinking person.
In any case, you're saying that Paul was wrong for arguing with non-believers: "On three Sabbath days he argued with them from the scriptures, explaining and quoting passages to prove the necessity for the death of Christ and his rising again from the dead...He felt compelled to discuss the matter with the Jews in the synagogue as well as the God-fearing Gentiles, and he even argued daily in the open market-place with the passers-by." (Acts 17)
John 14:6 invalidates the Governing Body’s very existence: “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”” No other intermediaries.
It has been said, "in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God."
The Word became flesh and dwelt among men.
He became the ultimate blood offering to create an escape from the sin of the flesh.
More a doctrine of Love, Grace, Mercy
@@thewildkids406 yeah, but Jehovah witnesses says in their bible new world translation of the Holy scriptures, this istranslated as “and the word was a god,” their claim is that Jesus is a god, not the god, they said, because the definite article ( “the” ) is not used before god ( Greek, Theos ) when referring to “the word” in John 1:1-3, but you know, there are three main problems with this line of reasoning, and Jehovah witnesses knows it, 1-the predicate nominative in Greek does not normally take the definite article, the definite article is used in these cases to distinguish the subject from the predicate, thus, the lack of the definite article would be grammatically expected in this verse in expressing “and the word was God,” 2-Jehovah witnesses translate the word theos ( god ) as Jehovah ( or the god ) numerous times when it does not have the definite article when it refers to the Father ( see Matthew 5:9, 6:24, Luke 1:35, 2:40, John 1:6, 12, 13, 18, just to name a few from their new world translation of the holy scriptures, 3-Jesus is referred to as theos with the definite article many times elsewhere in scripture ( see Titus 2:13, John 5:17-18, 8:57-59, 10:30-38, 20:28, revelation 22:6, again, these are the three main problems with this line of reasoning.
@thewildkids406 The only change in that transaltion was 'and the word was (a) god' not God himself. as in Lord & lord, Father-Son, he can not be 'with his father as the first born Son being (created) and be at the same time 'God' his father. The creator! Can he?
@@matrix5062 yes, that's the two parts of the trinity.
God the Father, is all encompassing, and above all of creation, the Son is God manifest in flesh, a humiliating thing to have done.
We would be restricting an Almighty God to say He couldn't do that.
Besides the fact that the invisible realms exceed the visible by about 99.99%
Luke 12:42 And the Lord said: “Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master WILL APPOINT over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time?
Did Jesus make a false promise?
The GB is not an intermediary to get to God. It is a body Jesus appointed to look after Jesus' affairs ON EARTH.
It was active in the First Century. Ceased to operate after Satan took over the church.
The GB was reappointed after Jesus' return.
How else can 9 million JWs conduct the same affairs in 240 countries in an organized way. Jesus doesn't shout instructions from heaven. He uses his appointee.
Hi Matt,
JW. Followers are a very strange group of people. As we all know, once u deviate from their scripted line of answers they are lost and have no answers.
Thanks for sharing that Matt. 🙏❤️
Seeing that many JWs were once church members, what "NEW" thing can anyone teach them?
Is this a yes to the God of Jesus Christ?
Revelation 3:12
Absolutely not so, they just refuse to argue with idiots
@michaelmason1429 I will answer any question you may have.
A tremendous amount of "prophets" spouting today. Be discerning.
I completely agree.
Matt - great approach! I liked the bit about false prophets. There are alot of those guys out there today - charlatans - all aching for money and attention.
A true prophet (one whom the Holy Spirit gives the gift of prophecy to) has a relationship with God, and is strengthened by Him to be obedient in that gift, to whatever God wants, even at the expense of his own life. The gift of prophecy is to be used for the benefit of others, so that they may know God, and end up giving Him praise.
Thanks, Matt. I'm looking forward to more content on this. They are extremely hard to reach. 👍❤✝️
Yeah Seriously. The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
I had confrontations with nearly 20 JW in USA and in Egypt and none of them ever could answer my question: "Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus is archangel Michael? " They either immediately ran away or gave me irrelevant Bible verses that I so easily refuted. In Hebrews 1 it explicitly says that Jesus is not an angel and in countless verses it says that he is God, The Son of God, and the son of Man.
The closest I've heard them get to answering that question is by saying the Lord returns with the voice of an archangel. I love your answer!
@@johnsmit5999 That's not even close. This means that the voice of the archangel will accompany the lord not that this is his voice. check the verse in the expanded bible version
It is Christ who descends with the voice of the archangel, and John 5:25 confirms this point.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live." John 5:25
"So the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God” and “and they that hear shall live.”
(John 5:25) confirms that they will hear the sound of the voice of the Son of God; and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 confirms that they will hear the sound of Michael the Archangel.
It is the same voice, the voice of the Son of God, is the voice of the Archangel.
@@watchmanofthenight2700 No it's not the same voice as he says, "and now is, ". In John 5:25 he is talking about the voice of God that is now causing people to repent not the voice accompanying the second coming that is later. And don't try to debate with me an idea that the bible explicitly denies twice in Hebrews 1 that Jesus is not an angel by mixing different verses from different parts of the bible that neither talk about the nature of Christ.
I don't debate the Scriptures, they speak for themselves.
Both these verses refer to the same event where Jesus comes to take dominion of His Kingdom, and that time is confirmed in Daniel 12:1-2.
In Daniel, the words 'stand up' are used. This phrase means to take dominion of a Kingdom, which takes place at the very same time, and the very same event being depicted in each of these verses.
Notice- And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
"some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
Now notice in John 5:25-29 for the context, and to confirm that this is the same event.
Jesus is speaking.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. John 5:25-29
In Daniel, we have: some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
And in John, we have: unto the resurrection of life... (and) unto the resurrection of damnation.
These descriptions depict the harvest of the earth at the last day, when Christ, the captain of the Lord's Host will return with His Host/the angels, being the reapers that will cast the tares into the fire, and the wheat into His barn.
Good information, and you handled that situation very well. 😊
Truthful information apart from God being a Trinity 😅😅
Wow Matt thank you for the video.
Mentioning 1975’s failed prediction of Armageddon would have eliminated his excuse. ‘Stay Alive Till 75’ was their rally cry. I bought their ’Bible’ and spent hours discussing doctrine with them to no avail. I love your channel.
That was almost 50 years ago, so he probably would have said the same thing.
I’m glad that you are enjoying the videos.
I’m planning to do another video with all of the false prophecies. They seem to claim 1975 wasn’t an official prediction from the organisation. I’ll have to look into it more. It seems like it’s more of covering their tracks.
@@lionoffireraw the thing is that it was, but yes they back tracked on that. My parents were pregnant with me in 75, and the elders were mad that they built a house and got pregnant bc Armageddon was coming. My dad said they all were preparing and questioning anyone who wasn’t preparing for it.
The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
@@messiahcomplex1126 Do you eat pork or shrimp or...?
Thank you. Great video! Currently praying for loved ones that are JW. ❤❤
Two Jehovah Witnesses came to my house to evangelise me. I became a Christian at University, and knew my scriptures. I had a bit of a run in with the Seventh Day Adventists claiming to be the “True Church “. The Jehovah’s Witness’s came to my door and I had time on my hand. I was determined to outtalk them, and not chase them away. After two hours, they were going around in circles, not responding appropriately to scriptures in the Holy Bible. They decided to leave, and I waived them good bye! They never came back, refusing to come back for a further engagement.
“New Light” will always be their escape route when caught in a historical conflict.
They don’t stop to think how insane it is to believe that scripture on new light was written specifically for them.
I’d ask them: what else do you have wrong now then? (It would literally be anything).
They don’t realise this craziness!!
Ask them so in another 50-100 years is the new light today? Will it become old light. If true then, then your believing old light today. Lol
JWs say after John died the church fell into apostasy with new, wrong teachings. What if the development of the Trinity was actually new light? If the JWs get to claim new light for 150 years why can't the historic church get the same margin?
But the bolthole of new light has a fundemental flaw... New light by definition if it is to regarded as truth, is saying that knowledge about a topic is increasing= not being contradicted. Again, if so ,then new light cannot contradict a previous view because that would imply that the preceding view was inadequate- or worse still - wrong. That, in turn, calls into question the quality of the new light. And a prophet who misleads is a false prophet. A cursory examination of the Bible confirms that OT prophets were not contradicted by a preceding prophet.
It puzzles me that someone would actually think he’s a prophet.
That's, "narcissism" at it's utmost!🤦
People are easily deceived. The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
@messiahcomplex1126 ... if one has discernment, then it's easy to tell if a person is a fake,or not. Weak people,are easily deceived because they are: needy, gullible,broken and lazy. You, cannot just lump all people into the same category,Mate!
@ i think your underestimating the power that sin has to blind those who commit such and ALL have sinned and until one has repented they remain deceived.
@messiahcomplex1126 I'm not underestimating anything. You, are jaded and cynical because you choose that route!
Don't waste too much time. You planted a seed of doubt and that it's the best you can hope for. The Watchtower Governing body has never been correct on any of their escatology.
Very well done, Sir! I’m going to use that.
They also said that 1975 was going to be the END.
I have yet to see anyone successfully evangelize a Jehovah's Witness. In fact, when some do come out for other reasons, they either become atheists or enter into another false system. When studying with them, they are adamant about attacking the trinity so that if you are with them for any period of time the trinity doctrine many times will not even be considered. Trial and error is all that we can continue to do.
Yes, it's the Holy Spirit that's going to open their eyes. All we can do is help.
I try to give them hard questions to ponder. Rarely is anyone ready to convert at the moment of evangelization. Like Paul said, one plants, another waters, but God brings the increase.
Though an important doctrine, I wouldn't try to reason with them about the trinity. The same goes for Muslims.
As an ex-JW, I disagree. If you are a born again believer, the Holy Spirit will teach you all things, including the trinity, the rapture etc etc. it takes a while to unlearn the lies but all things are possible with our mighty and wonderful Lord Jesus. Ask, seek, knock - it’s all there for the asking. 🙏🏻🙌
@maranatha8524 that is so promising to hear. May I ask, did you come out on your own or were you disfellowed for your changing beliefs or perhaps something else? Did coming out have anything to do with someone on the outside showing what the Scripture really says? And one last question, have you been able to convince any JW's to reconsider?
My husband and I left at the same time after my husband started asking questions about Jesus.
He saw a video by Ray Comfort which prompted questions about salvation and what the scriptures truly said.
The JW elders couldn’t competently answer the questions and were non-sensical which made us very uneasy.
After much prayer and searching their corrupted bible, we realized Jesus wasn’t in their Kingdom Hall and they were not Christians; they denied Jesus’ divinity and His commands.
In plainer words Jesus called and we answered.
We tried to convince others but were quickly classified as apostates and disfellowshipped.
It’s our sincere prayer that we sewed many seeds for our Lord before we left.
We haven’t heard from any past JW friends in over 6 years.
Sounds like you left him with something to chew on. Good stuff Matt! 😊
what about the the generation end time 1914 prophecy
Good and useful information. Thank you, Matthew!
Good video information Matt. I live in a remote area and we do get irregular visits from JW’s. They know I’m a Christian and drop in for coffee or a cold drink on a hot day and we chat about their beliefs and mine and they generally always try to say their belief is the same as mine, whereas they know I’m never going to go with that 😊 I enjoyed this video and will gently put it into the next conversation I might have with them (although they haven’t been back for a time).
Thanks for this video Matt. I left SDA church some years back that also has false prophet (she prophesied things that didnt happen). Myself & group of my friends started noticing things were off & found the Bible verses such as Jeremiah 19 (specifically vs 24-32). Aswell as Deutereonmy 18: 22 as you stated. The danger is that parts of the Bible are then interpreted through the false prophets false prophecy teachings. In my experience the churches approach was very law/works-based. Thankfully, Galatians 3 brings us into the real truth of who is the head of the church - only Jesus Christ.
In 2020, after re-dedicating my life to Jesus Christ alone, I had a desire to look at the origin of religions & theories etc. What I found after research was that CT Russell & EG White belonged to Freemasonary.
I believe with all my heart that Jesus leads us into all truth. God bless you. ❤
That’s great!! Praise God
Isaiah 8:10, 2thimoty 3:7-9, 2Peter 2:1-3.
@@lionoffirerawIsaiah 8:10, 2thimoty 3:7-9, 2Peter 2:1-3.
You are aware that mormonism is so akin to Freemasonry a non-mormon Freemason can hum along to some of the chants?
Hopefully a ‘two hour’ discussion with a JW will have sown some doubt. However, I have undergone many Biblical ‘ping-pong’ matches over the years and have just ended up exhausted and frustrated. I have concluded that to ask the question - ‘What hope of Salvation can you give a dying man?’ can confront them with a dilemma that they cannot address. Also sharing a brief testimony of how I am certain beyond certainty of my Salvation. It is so easy to get sidetracked into their ‘learned’ proof verses which are very often quite obscure Old Testament verses and/or completely out of context references that one quickly becomes bogged down with little hope of getting back to original ‘argument’.
I rely solely on Romans 9:
‘9 -11 ‘……that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame….’
If you can totally persist and focus only on these verses and NOT get sidetracked, it can be a very powerful argument and very uncomfortable for them.
What can anyone 'teach' a JW? Many of JWs were once members of various churches. So logically they would know of the tricks of the trade on how to make Jesus into God.
What can any church member who has contentions with other church members on what they believe, teach a JW?
Anything in particular?
I think pointing out false prophets is one of the best things to do..I once was a mormon believer..someone I know is a JW..He was the one pointing out false prophesies in the mormon church. I already had my doubts, but it helped. I left. After watching a Mike Winger video about the false prophesies in the JW organisation, I searched an online archive for the pages of these books, and on their own website for the watchtower editions with the prophesies etc (it's still on their website!!), writing everything down, downloading the pages, to eventually confront him with their own false prophets thru their own writings. I think it's the only thing I can do to try and wake him up. He has asked ne so many things to send him why he should believe things otherwise than what he has been taught, last thing he asked was about the trinity..nothing is changing his mind. I am 45, and have known this man since highschool. Ofcourse we are not actual friends, because they are not allowed to have friendships outside JW's organisation. I am also slowly working thru a book that debunks their book 'what does the bible really teach' chapter by chapter..not sure how I can use that, yet..but the false prophets might just, hopefully wake him up..
The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
Rutherford never prophesied anything at all. He gave an EXPLANATION of his studies on what he understood about the Jubilee cycles. Hus understand was that the 70th Jubilee cycle would be in 1925 and form what he understood that would probably mean some big changes. It would be beneficial if you actually read the whole book and the whole Watchtower article instead of just accepting the small bits and pieces without known context is dangerous as it shows tat your information is not credible
Very informative i have a friend who is JW and a challenge to talk to but keep sharing scripture with them and praying for them. Thanks for this subject ❤
Yes I looked into this before... Maybe about ten years ago... And Get the same answers you.. Jehovah witnesses are Not theologist.
I have to admit that witnessing to JWs, Muslims, and Catholics is frustrating (we dont see Mormons here). I quoted all these prophesies to one who said "the light gets brighter as we get closer". I also like to use Psalm 102 (Yahweh) versus exact same words in Hebrews 1 used about Jesus. I had one guy stumped til the lady one said "well that's agency for you" and he seemed to accept that. It takes the Lord to open eyes, but applying scripture to oneself makes us even more grateful that we have a hope.
Don’t let them get away with “the light gets brighter” talk.
A false prophecy makes someone a false prophet. Period.
Also, if the light gets brighter (which is a misapplication of Proverbs 4), I’d ask them, what else could you be wrong about now then?
I would ask, did God give him that false prophecy? Or did he make it up out of his own imagination? If it wasn’t from God, then what else are they claiming is from God, which actually is not from God?
Just some thoughts!
They say this but have you seen Mark Sanderson say "That would be rather presumptious"... ?! By the way, very, very good video. Thanks
Matthew 24:24: "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect". - False prophets are definitely the thing to watch out for as we move further into the end times! Praying for all of us to stand firm & be led in Truth by the Holy Spirit. God bless and thank you for another amazing video brother! ✝
The only way to identify a false prophet is if they add to or take away from Gods instructions in the Bible, aka attempt to lead you away from the God of Israel. Like changing the Sabbath to another day for instance like the Catholic Church does, and all her daughters.
@@messiahcomplex1126 "In view of these tremendous facts, don’t let anyone worry you by criticising what you eat or drink, or what holy days you ought to observe, or bothering you over new moons or sabbaths. All these things have at most only a symbolical value: the solid fact is Christ."
The Bible disagrees with you.
BTW, do you think Sunday worshippers are going to hell?
My Muslim friends think Deuteronomy 18 is referring to Mohammed. Same with Isaiah. It blows my mind.
Yes, they do the same thing with the Comforter that Jesus promised would come. We know clearly from the context that Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit.
It is crazy!
Yeh, it’s desperate!!
Often when I speak with JWs I make it clear that I am willing to submit to the truth given in the scriptures (Galatian 1:8&9) and fitting within the context of the scriptures as a whole (2. Timothy 2:15). When they say that homosexuality is sin I can agree with them, because this is made clear in the inspired scriptures. Or if they say sexual intimacy outside of marriage is sin, again I can agree, because this is found in scripture. However there is something much more important than that. The most important question is: "What name must I call on to be saved from my sins and be reconciled with God?" They will usually quote Joel 2:32 "Whoever calls on the name of Jahweh (Jehovah) will be saved" I can only agree -- but then I point them to Acts 4:12 it is stated: "there is salvation IN NO ONE ELSE for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven which has been given among men by which we must be saved" in the verse before it is clear he is speaking about Jesus the cornerstone of our faith who was rejected. Is this a contradiction? No! But to call upon Jesus is to call upon Jahweh our Savior! And throughout the rest of the book of Acts the listeners were told to call on the name of Jesus for salvation. The JWs in my city are literally terrified and pack up and flee when I ask them to explain Acts 4:12 to me.
They regard the roots or origin of a holiday or the symbol of the cross or many other things as a paramount importance.
If they deem something with a pagan origin, they reject it.
All JWs know that principle, but when it comes to the beginnings of their own religion, that principle goes out the window.
They don't celebrate Christmas because they say that hundreds of years ago, it was a pagan celebration.
Very hypocritical.
It is still a pagan celebration, it doesn't matter what you think.
What matters is what Jehovah thinks, he knows where it all began, the origin and does not approve of it,
Your opinion does not matter, you must change you opinion be cause Jehovah will not change his
@@tomarnott949 Watch "Lion of Fire Raw" recent video on Christmas.
Where in the bible does Jehovah say He doesn't approve of Christmas?
It doesn't.
Your opinion doesn't matter either.
You may have to change your opinion.
It’s always good to “call someone out” in a loving , respectful and biblical manner!
A couple of weeks ago I was stopped by some Mormon missionaries and offered some Bible studies. What they did not realise when they approached me was that I am an excommunicated Mormon! 😳. Way back in the ‘70’s at the age of 17 I was manipulated into becoming a member of this church. I explained my experiences and told them my life long resentment of the way things had been dealt with. I also had a lengthy discussion about biblical truths (having studied the Bible for 10 years now).
They still asked if I would like like studies. So, I saw an opportunity for further discussion to enlighten them. They took my number but I have NEVER heard from them! I suspect they are perfectly aware that I’d make a bad student. Also, their whole life is entrenched in doctrines from their own false books that, in truth, they’re really not interested in knowing the truth. The majority of the time generations of their families are Mormons, as are their friends, and they’d lose too much!
Interesting video! Thank you! 🙏🙏🏾🙏
No one is above God.God IS God.
Jesus is God
Jesus is not God, he is the Son OF God.
That which is OF God is no God
The kingdom of God is not God
The angels of God are not God.
The finger OF God is not God
The Son of God is not God.
What is it, that people completely ignore the OF word.
@pmac_ Jesus is called "everlasting father" in Isaiah. In one of the gospels, he identifies himself as the "i am", the owner of the sacred name of God, YHWH as revealed in Genesis, John 1:1 "the word was with God and the word was God", referring to Jesus.
That's just 3 examples off the top of my head, and I am very rusty at the moment with my Bible knowledge. We cannot fully understand the identity of God. There is an element of mystery. From the scriptures, though, we have to conclude that even though Jesus is the son of God, he is also the second part of the godhead, also fully God.
Yes the father is the god 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 and Jesus is the one Lord
@@Georgelooney87that denies the attributes of the Trinity ... The son isn't the father 😅🤣
For a hundred years the Watchtower society taught that you should worship Jesus. For over 30 years the New World corruption of the Bible translated Hebrews 1:6 as "But when he again brings his First-born into the inhabited earth, he says: "And let all God's angels worship him." Who in their right mind would put their entire trust in an organization that is confused on a topic as basic and as important as who deserves to be worshipped? Some other good questions:
Does John 1:3 mean that Jesus is the eternal, uncreated Creator of all created things, namely God? Uh, or did he create himself?
What is the greatest name of all?
Philippians 2: 5 "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but poured Himself out by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross. 9 For this reason also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father."
And now we know why the JWs are told to get rid of their old materials.
This is correct! They only want them using j w . o r g and years back they asked for all the old literature and Bibles back. I kept mine, it’s old, and still has the free mason wording they removed.
@@RedNicole22 : You really do not expect people to fall for such nonsense.
The Libraries of JWs have all the publications on display.
Even their website has references to the older publications.
Come come!
The JW’s have a set agenda when knocking on doors. When challenged from the Bible the only explanations are from what they rehearsed from Watch Tower material. These videos have given me so much information on their false teachings. Keep up the good work!
I wish I could witness like that to Jehovah witnesses. My memory is awful
The more you learn, the more it sticks!!
yer the generation of 1914 prophecy
A non witness here but they sure are correct about the bible clearly stating there is no Trinity.. please friends the more you learn about the bible the more truth sticks @lionoffireraw
@@Nzbrandon When you read the Bible carefully, you'll see that the Trinity is implied even in Genesis! It may not be explicitly mentioned, but it's there. And when you get to the NT, it's quite clear that Jesus claimed to be God in terms of what he did and said, even though he never stood up and said, "Hey, people, I'm God" in so many words. He forgave sins (God's sole prerogative); look at the miracle of the wine at Cana and the feeding the 5000 in the light of both the Jewish blessing, and the manna in the wilderness. Look at his answer to the high priest when he was on trial - and look at the reaction of the high priest to what he said. Look at the reaction he got when he said, "Before Abraham was, I am." They weren't wanting to stone him for bad grammar! Look carefully at the miracles, which John calls "signs". Look at all the I AM sayings.
@@phillipcollins9290 like the I am saying the blind man said in John 9:9? ego eimi (is the blind man claiming to be god? 😂 Of course not) reading both context jesus was claiming to be the Messiah and the blind man was claiming to be healed hence both were agreeing to the statement people were asking .... John 10:29-38.. he's claiming to be one of the sons of God.. highlighting psalms 82 in the council of God's.
Excellent info! Thanks.
Good on you bringing up the failed prophecy of the JW cult!
Great job❤
My last conversation with a Jehovah's Witness was brief-just a quick "hello" and "goodbye" that lasted about ten seconds. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only God; He is, was, and will be. There is no other name above Jesus, who died for our sins on the cross and now sits at the right hand of God the Father.
I think one great way to share with them is by telling your personal testimony of coming to salvation.
This Jesus Christ said his father was the only true God. Also, Jesus's name is Yahoshua, which means "Yah saves", Yah being the short form for Yahovah, which literally means "who is, who was, and who will be". What do you think halleluYah means? Praise the lord? It means praise Yah, who is the Father of all creation, including Yahoshua, this man Jesus that you worship, who also said not to worship him.
@@Theories_4_Real Where did Jesus say not to worship Him? Luke 24:52-53 And they worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising and blessing God. Amen.
@@johnsmit5999 “see my hands and my feet, that I am he; handle me and see, because a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me having.’” Luke 24:39
“God is a Spirit, and those worshipping Him, in spirit and truth it doth behove to worship.’”
John 4:24
Yahoshua is a man, flesh and bone. God, Yah, is a Spirit
Yahoshua is not God
Btw, Luke 24 is the same setting where Thomas said "my lord and my God", only Luke doesn't record it. So in that setting with Thomas, Yahoshua declares he is not God by stating the obvious, that he is flesh and bone. Thomas was giving glory to God because He raised a man from the dead and seeing is believing
That is exactly what JWs believe.
Acts 7:55 But 'Stephen', being full of holy spirit, gazed into heaven and caught sight of God’s glory and of Jesus standing at God’s right hand,
Stephen sees God seated and Jesus standing by Gods side.
The issue is that many want to believe that God can do both at the same time.
Millions of People Will NEVER Die WITHIN/ Spiritually.
NOT Million will Never Die Physically.
Seventh Day Adventists have a false prophet as well. Ellen White. Her predictions are really absurd.
Absolutely! Got tee-shirt & threw it away!! PTL.😊
Ellen Gould white is the number 666, that in revelation 13:18 is talking about, did you know that? here’s why, Ellen GoV-LD-VVhite = 50 + 50 + 5 + 50 + 500 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 666
Well done Mark ,they should be able to answer every question asked ,I would of gone further and ask to speak to one of the elders.
That answer of its a hundred years ago holds no water. In my opinion any religion is a crutch for getting through life ,there is over 400 religions and they all think they are the one. No one knows our future until we die,people should use their own brains. Love from the U.K.
The truth is that Jesus has proved himself reliable to answer all the big questions of life: origins, destination, morality, and meaning.
Attempts to undermine the veracity of the Bible have failed for millennia. The Bible has been proven reliable historically and archaeologically, and fulfilled prophecy proves its Divine origin. The historic resurrection proves that Jesus is in fact, God. He fulfilled numerous specific prophecies, claimed to be God in the flesh, and then backed it up by rising from the dead.
When anyone claims that we can’t know the answers, or something is not possible, they don’t realise that the answers have already been revealed.
All of this truth is well-established, and even a cursory look on the Internet will reveal the evidence for this. The problem is that they don’t want to believe. They set up an arbitrary, subjective standard of evidence, (which means nothing), so in their minds they feel justified in not believing. But all the evidence is there 😃
See the channel: “Testify”, for evidence.
✅ Historical reliability of the gospels ⬇️
✅ Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus ⬇️
Thats a total LIE! I am not a JW, but all the ones I have met are happy to answer questions when peacefully & respectfully asked! They appear to me as intellegent, polite people who know their bibles often much better that the 'nominal' so called Christians I have met!
there is a element of arrogance im right your wrong attitude
@@Sportliveonline Of course my friend, if you believe something, you stand by it! However, Though I dont belong to any church or faith, I feel I can stand back and observe the history of Religion since our Lord Jesus said "Love one another" I dont see that very often, just what Paulwarned against in 1 Cor 1 about "divisions".
Agree with you about JW being polite and eager to answer any question...if able. I know they do not believe we have a soul and go to heaven or hell. Instead we all live once and die. When judgement day comes, we will all be resurrected to either eternal life or death. They refer to Genesis where it states that man is a living soul...meaning a body containing spark of light, a spirit if you will, that goes back to God upon death, just like you pull a cord from an electrical socket, electricity will cease to flow. I challenged that idea by referring to King Saul´s encounter with the prophet Samuel. Samuel had died, leaving Saul bewildered on what to do in time of crisis as he had relied on Samuel to tell him of advice or demands from God. In desperation he asked his men to search for a witch to conjure up the spirit of Samuel, even though he himself had made a rule that forbade such practice with a death sentence. He found one in Endor that conjured up the spirit of Samuel who gave him the message that he would die in a coming battle. Now, in accordance with their belief, we have no soul so therefore the spirit of Samuel must be a devil in disguise. If that is the case, why is this not mentioned ? Nowhere does it say that an evil spirit was conjured up to look like Samuel to give the false impression that it was in fact the prophet. Jesus also met the spirits of Moses and Eliza...would hardly write such a thing if it was false. The JW guy then referred to the book written by Solomon where it is written that all our thoughts die with us...no activity after death. I pointed out that these chapters and verses were thoughts of life in general written by Solomon, a sort of reflection of how futile it is for us to gather things such as riches, since it will be of no use to us after death. It is not words dictated to us from God. Which also make me wander why God did not tell any prophet to write down any message mankind could benefit from. All we get are warnings of death and destruction if we choose not to obey God, as well as instructions to sacrifice countless animals to satisfy this war God´s hunger. The holy Quran is more direct, a written message direct from God himself.
I’m glad you pointed all of this out. When I have tried to share about the false prophesies, my JW family says “Oh they were just so YOUNG in the truth, just were WRONG back then. So! They were just EXCITED and at least they are HUMBLE and change teachings when God reveals it to them.” The new Governing body member says they don’t have to apologize when they get things “a little bit wrong”, and that God reveals “when they need to know the new light.” So apparently in 1968-1975 we needed to think the end was coming and tell everyone in our towns this.” That we “needed that at that time?” I never thought I’d turn 13 in 1975, because I never felt good enough and many lost so much because of the lies!
Crazy! Nonsense! Nevertheless that is what the leaders keep telling them, contrasting them as “humble enough to change” while other churches stay “in darkness.” (I keep being told as my family parrots the leader’s statements. )They are refusing to see that they are false prophets, but somehow saying they were humble, and earnest…Cognitive dissonance…The leaders keep giving these excuses right now. They even did two sermons that talked about “Not dwelling on the past, and not reminiscent or thinking about past times.” Then one on “not thinking too much” or something like that! Total mind control, and that is why you are being met with this reaction you got. Sounds like you did penetrate his defense. I hope he keeps seeing more to build on this. If you see him again, I’d encourage him to find old books, read them, because the leaders are doing mini references to some of the books, but of course after telling people how “the books brought so many people in.” (Like Millions Now Living Will Never Die.) Well, the leaders didn’t mention the false prophesies within those books, but were talking them up. That and the 7th Volume of the Scriptures that came out when Rutherford began. Well, they recently talked that one up! The Governing Body was saying how it brought people “into the truth.” Only problem with that book, is it was proven so false! False prophesies within. But since Brother Losch says it’s a great book…we’ll encourage that man or any JW to read the book themselves. Ebay, maybe Amazon or PDFs from computer scans. Wow will that wake them up! Good back up for what you said. 😉
The early creeds are in the Gospels, and in the letters circa ad34-36they have not changed and are the same now as they were then. No mistakes.
i was 3 generation born into the jehovah witness cult im 40 i left at age 19 . They have there own bible the watchtower prints . An there founders predicted armmagedon was coming in 1914 then when it didnt they said 1914 was when satan was cast out of heaven . How could any one that reads the whole book of John an would think jesus is the son of god . they teach jesus is micle the arkangel . The only way to God is threw Jesus christ ❤
Amen! This is similar to SDA's 1844 prophecy of Christ's return obviously wrong! I think these movements came from the Millerites in that era.
John 17:3
And this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
@thewildone-e6w Amen!
Absolutely brilliant!!
Two hours of YOUR life you won’t get back 🙄🤣🤣🏴🇬🇧🙏
My family was all of one Christain Faith. One married a JW and she was, I think pressured into the JW fold we thought, but we did not interfere with the married couple. She argued with her Christian mother and in retaliation she converted 2 of her sisters knowing how the family would ultimately break up. She was not a good daughter to her mother and knowingly caused her mother much suffering. The family was broken. I watched as a child & did not take sides as I wanted
to keep my family. The next generation grows up. The children of the JW left their families when grown. We aren’t who we were when left as Christian’s. Tragic and for what? One woman who became a JW. I’m an old lady now, have my own Christian family but I still feel sadness for my grandmother and her one rebellious angry daughter. May God forgive us for failing to love. We are free to chose but never when it causes division. That’s not love.
I don’t necessarily think there are prophets today as there are prophets in the Old Testament, but I do believe that God can give someone a prophecy at his discretion. I think it’s rare especially where the church is already established and more common when Gospel is going to new frontiers.
I’m cautious but open to the gifts. Neither a continuationist nor a cessationist. I believe the Spirit can give them still today but they are not as common as in the Early Church.
What’s your take Matt?
The Founder of the JWs claimed the second coming of Christ, the claims were repeatedly never fulfilled.
As an ex JW I can tell you that the only way to get through a witness is by showing them through the scriptures that their doctrines aren’t biblical. They have an excuse for false prophesies made by the organization and it’s very hard to break that wall. You need to show them that their Bible is a mistranslation and only then, maybe you’ll get through.
Thanks so much 👍🏼
@ great video btw.
Zechariah 13:2 “In that day,” declares Jehovah of armies, “I will erase the names of the idols from the land, and they will no longer be remembered; and I will rid the land of the prophets and the spirit of uncleanness. 3 And if a man should prophesy again, his father and his mother who caused his birth will say to him, ‘You will not live, because you have spoken lies in the name of Jehovah.’ And his father and his mother who caused his birth will pierce him through because of his prophesying.
I had a bible study in the early 70's. Then they were looking to 1974 as the end of "this system of things." I said I don't believe you have any scriptural foundation for that statement and no one should point to that date as being significant. At that time many of the brothers were using that date in their door to door work. After 1974 I challenged the elders of the local church. They said "The governing body did not "actually" say that it was the "end of days." To which I said "You are liars'. And left the organisation. Pity really there were some lovely people in the congregation. Anyway after being in the wilderness for many years I know what I believe and I do tend to hold my own council unless asked. Anyway, God bless. Have a lovely day.
My 10 year old daughter passed in 2007, it was well publicised locally, as a family, utter devastation followed. Within days of her passing, we began to recieve a barrage of letters condemning us to eternal hell, the majority were hand written and with postmarks from allover the country. Yep, you guessed it, they were all from JEHOVAS WITNESSES. As you can imagine, they get a warm welcome from me when they knock on my door. Thanks for listening. ❤
I’m sorry for your loss 😢
@lionoffireraw thankyou ❤️
I think some of the motivation for joining JW is psychological in nature. I am a team manager with 10 people on my team, one of them is a JW and have had multiple conversations with this employee. This employee has intense needs for validation and recognition, and I think is excited by the fact she may be a part of a club that claims they know and follow the truth. But I notice a similar issue with her, she doesn't seek with her mind. Basic doctrine is lost on her and she hasn't sought the truth by reading the Bible. Seeking the truth with a sound mind that isn't swayed by your emotions is so key. I think she has chosen the 'meaning ' that comes with joining an exclusive club, rather than soberly coming to the truth by reading her Bible.
All of their past mistakes are explained as old light, it’s only new light they’re interested in.
My first question would then be, what else have you got wrong now that will one day be old light?
Crazy isn’t it!
All men are imperfect and God uses imperfect men to share his word. The light is getting brighter as the end draws near.
Except, the Bible calls anyone that makes a false prophecy, a false prophet. And God does not appoint false prophets. Joseph Rutherford was a false prophet and a fraud.
That verse about the light getting brighter is completely misapplied. BUT, if it were true, that would mean that anything that the organisation believes right now could actually be wrong, and changed down the track. This means that this organisation cannot be trusted.
Check out the channel “Light over Dark Ministry”
This highlights the main problem with this religion: they are so eager to defend the indefensible, so convinced to know the truth when it´s all lies. What use is it to make a combat out of every conversation only to "prove" that their peculiar wisdoms are correctly concluded from a book that they have manipulated themselves? Do they really want to "save" anybody, and from what? Isn´t it rather a method to soothe their ever knocking sense of doubt and bad conscience?
Two jw come up to me one day so I asked them if God talks to people nowdays and they told me that God doesn't talk to anybody nowdays. I told them that God has talked to me and they walked away.
Very well spoken spot on dude.😊
As a JW myself of some 35 yrs but somewhat faded, it is true that one of the main areas that JW leadership (and the JW followers) have always had major credibility problems - is in the fact that many statements and proclamations made or alluded to from late 1800's onwards and made with confidence (that it was revealed truth) which DID NOT materialise. I personally always felt that the past JW leadership had always been far too focussed on creating dates etc believing only they (being guided but NOT inspired by God) could somehow discover a secret calculation within scripture and work out when this system should end. Their credibility therefore becomes time dependent, especially with the major proclamation regarding that the generation of 1914 would still be present when the system ended. They were so confident on this major proclamation - as revealed truth - that it formed a very major plank of their theology. The leadership however says they are NOT inspired from God (which due to the many failed proclamations makes that self evident) but they DO say that they are GUIDED by God to write and interpret scripture to provide " spiritual food at the proper time". How does that work? How can they GUIDED by GOD to teach but not INSPIRED by God? The Bible itself says that the writers were inspired (or moved by holyspirit) to write things down for the purposes of teaching and relaying information particularly to those who wish to be Christians. So if JW leadership have made many false proclamations in the past, then clearly by the bible's own definition, they CANNOT be guided by God!! Its self evident as the WT would often say!! I challenge any JW to offer alternative reasoning. When a JW is confronted with this, they simply cannot mentally process this information as it leads to conclusions they cannot accept. JWs are discouraged to think "critically" on such matters (such as what the Boreans were doing - by checking the scriptures). JWs are taught that they CANNOT understand the Bible UNLESS all such "interpretation" comes thru the GB and the "writing committee" as they are the keepers of truth and bible interpretation. The belief is that ONLY the GB (as the self appointed faithful & discreet slave) receive Bible "truths" directly from God (and yet not inspired???) and they disseminate this to the JW followers as "new light" (which may of course change later- think beards for men & women's wearing pants). So though JWs are encouraged to read and study the bible, they should do so only by using WT supplied study literature - though there are some external resources that the WT does also use. If some enthusiastic JWs got together as a small group to study and meet separately but including the designated "meeting times", this would be very much discouraged and would raise all sorts of congregational issues ESPECIALLY if non-JW approved material was being used. Woah.. a very big No No. So dont be too hard on the JWs who come to your door. Most are good people and are generally focussed on preaching "the kingdom" message. But the JW org is not for everyone and some of its practices ARE questionable. I think whatever plans God/Jehovah has for humans will work out for the best and wickedness as we see today will be no longer and humans will be able to reach their full potential.
I am not a JW, but agree with your basic points, and appreciate your insights here. Most JW's are decent people. They aren't the only Christian or religious group with problematic doctrines and practices. it's one thing to point out differences, and stand up for the doctrine you believe is correct. It's another thing to malign people and treat them like crap 'cause they come to your door. The last JW's that came to my door weren't trying to slam me with their doctrine. It was during the Great Recession and it was tough times and they used to Bible to try to give some encouragement. I told them I was aware of their doctrines and didn't agree with most of them -- I was honest about it. They were honest enough to choose a verse to try to encourage in tough economic times. Fair enough. You can stand for that you know or believe is right, but it's not like JW's are doing anything except promulgating their beliefs. They're not harming anyone, really. If you're polite, they're polite.
Not only did Rutherford make this prophecy, he had a 10 bedroom mansion built in San Diego for those prophets to live in when they came back. The house was named Beth Sarim, it still stands and can be seen to this day. It is located ag 4440 Braeburn Rd, San Diego, CA. Go take a look!
Hallo und beste Grüße aus Deutschland!
Ich sehe deine Videos gerne und finde sie großartig!
Hattest du auch schon Begegnungen mit der Neuapostolischen Kirche, der NAC?
Auch eine Gruppe, welche man ähnlich der JW sehen könnte. Leider kennt man diese Sekte kaum.
Vielleicht machst du zu der NAC auch mal ein Video, wenn es passt.
Würde mich darüber freuen, bin dort dieses Jahr ausgetreten.
Alles Gute dir, Gottes Segen und Kraft!
Those inventive Mormons with their fertile imaginations came up with a defense against accusations of false prophesy. They claim that when Joseph Smith was wrong, he was speaking as a man, but when he was right, he was speaking as a prophet. How's that for inventiveness?😂
try the 1914 generation prophecy of JW`s
Actually, they can't say that if it was codified in the Doctrine & Covenants, where Joseph Smith was speaking as a prophet of God.
Ask them why congregation members have been allowed to get away with child abuse. What was the faithful and discreet slave doing telling the elders to hide these criminals and not contact the police. The Kingdom Halls have now been put into trusts to prevent anyone claiming compensation.
That’s right out of the ballpark 👌
Thank you for the video
My experience with JW is that they teach the Bible well and they question certain things like birthdays, new year celebrations and Christmas as being pagan way back. But when I look at vids here on YT where people get questions about God, marriage and modesty, I have the same answers. I feel like it is like tasting wine, some are experts other can only know the difference between red and white. What connect us are more than divide us. We will never know how many angels can fit on a needles point.
As someone who was raised in a JW household, theres a lot more than 1 question.
Amplified Version Matthew 24:28:31 Amen!
NKJV Matthew 24:29:31 Amen!
I scared a lady witness a few weeks ago, i live in a very quiet area,,out the corner of my eye,i saw a woman coming down the path, thinking it was my partner i opened the door,gave our customary greeting to her, (a zombie growl / roar ) and went away .After a while no sign of my partner in the house,,so went back to the door, there was the witness woman looking confused, and startled , further up the path was another woman , standing back in "reserve" , i said i was busy and she went away.
I told my partner when she came in, how I'd just made a witness shit herself,----- she was highly amused.😊
The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses deny it's a prophet. This is to avoid the criticism of this excellent video. However, read this, "... people should listen to the plain preaching by the remnant prefigured by Jeremiah, for these preach to men the present-day fulfilment of Jeremiah's prophecies. Who made them a prophet to speak with the authority that they claim? Well, who made Jeremiah a prophet?" Watchtower Jan 15, 1959
The problem with religions is that they are so poorly defined and open to much interpretation… resulting in the myriad of different “flavours” we have today! That’s what you get when man has his first stabs at trying to understand the world around him in his innocence and ignorance. We now know much much more about this world we live in, surely It’s time people took ownership of the problems we’ve caused and spent the time fixing and making life better for all. Love and inquisitive curiosity is reason enough for life and truth it’s measure. Love and peace all
What nearly every single Jehovah's Witness also doesn't understand is that, Joseph Rutherford believed that it wasn't the Holy Spirit that spoke to him. But rather, the Angels transmitted God's ideas to him directly into his mind. It took me months to track down a copy of the Watctower publication where Rutherford penned this.
I enjoy talking with them, if only to utterly confound them and leave them wondering why I was so strong in soft rebuttal
Being a Christian means having a personal relationship with God. You don’t need someone else to tell you what you hear directly from God yourself. God speaks to me directly because I am unique. JW’s have a one solution fits all attitude forgetting that everyone is unique and different, so are their circumstances. 🏴🇬🇧🙏♥️
So because you are unique, God almighty, creator of the entire universe, chooses to speak to you directly??? Wow! What is so unique about you that God Almighty chooses to speak directly to you?? I would think that when God chooses to speak, it is very profound and important. Do you mind sharing with me what God said when God spoke directly to you? I can't wait to hear. Thanks.
Hi Matt, I always wondered about them thinking only 144,000 people will be going to heaven.
They base this on the verse in Revelation that talks about the 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel of young men who have not known women. Which as far as I can tell ahs absolutely nothing to do with who will go to heaven and who will not.
Have you asked them about this idea? If they don't think Jesus is God why do they follow His teachings? Do they think he was just a prophet like the Muslims do?
I live in Tokyo, Japan and these JW people are VERY relentless !!!
Amazing they forget the biblical punishment for false prophets.
Another nail in the coffin of JW doctrine
I had a conversation with a male jw I couldn't believe how angry he got towards me each time I proved the cult is fake.
Thankyou when the Jehovah's next come by I will ask
Luke ch.6:44KJV"For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes."
The bloodstained fruit of christendom clearky show her to not be a tree planted by the God and Father of Jesus the Lord JEHOVAH,
JEHOVAH has exalted himself above the false gods including christendom's three headed god by blessing his devotees with a prophesied global peace the false hofs can never replicate.
Read the Bible, not the watchtower, and pray earnestly before you do that God will indeed open your eyes.
I have shown JW's Revelation 1:8, “I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga, says Jehovah God, “the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.”, and asked them who is talking? The answer is Jehovah God. Then I show them Revelation 22:13, "I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." I again ask them, who is talking? The answer again is Jehovah God. I then drop down to 22:16, ‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star.’” I smile and say, "Isn't it wonderful that your bible states 'Jesus is Jehovah God?'"
The NWT entirely removes Matthew 17:21; 18:11; 23:14; Mark 7:16; 9:44, 46; 11:26; 15:28; Luke 17:36; 23:17; John 5:4; Acts 8:37; 15:34; 24:7; 28:29; and Romans 16:24. The revisers cast doubt upon Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11. There's more deception, error, falsehoods, and lies, but these are enough. May the Lord bless you.
What is interesting about your comment is the ESV and NIV removes the same passages in agreement with the New World Translation. The speaker of this video will refuse to address this agreement between these translations.
My daughter is a JW and I pray that she will come out of that organisation but her conviction is so strong its quite unsettling.
the generation of 1914 doctrine
I had cheese toast cooking once they didn't care and it got burnt ! Still healing
I welcome the JW's. I dont critisize them or their religeon. I listne, and i talk about the constant love that i experience directly from Jesus and what He did for me on the cross.
And one more thought: Why oh why would you put your faith in any mortal man that takes literal collections from their "flock".....while allegedly preaching the good news in that building?
JW's do not take collections in their Kingdom Halls
Thank God 4 you
God bless you 🙏
You did well . As new light coming at the right time would be an answer or your talking to far in the past , i think once they become believers and feel they will met again with dead ones and live on a paradise Earth , it is next to impossible to reason
Yes. But I always bring it back to the fact that it was objectively a false prophecy, and that makes him a false prophet. New light doesn’t change that.
@@lionoffireraw I understand what your saying , i met a female jw and i started learning but i was also doing what your told not too and looking what other people were saying , I can see where they added words changed words but there is no way i can get though to my female friend , i was just saying how she would answer my concerns , keep up the good work
Look, we shouldnt judge a religion by iuts mistaken understanding of prophecies. Why not? because Jesus faithful disciples did thus by asking him "Are you going to restore Israel at this time?" ( Acts 1:6). He just kindly counselled them. He didnt, like this poster and many others, ridicule & criticize 'end time' groups for 'jumping the gun' also! No one 'church' or 'religion' has got it all right anyway! Being over keen on the Lord's retirn is not a crime or a proof of one not being a Christian.
@@dirkfirkle73 Look! There are many examples of early Christians claiming that "The Lord's return is imminent!" would you like a few quotes? So I take it from your quote of matt 24:36 you dont believe in the 'trinity'? ( footnote; The JW's only claimed that the 'end will come in 1975, which was a YEAR. Jesus mentioned a "a day or hour"!) Ok a "year" is wrong too!) I do feel your focussing on the JW's has an agenda behind it? Were you one once?
OK, but if the JW's are wrong, they're wrong. They have no problem telling the rest of Christianity that they're 'wrong' -- in fact, they refer to all other denominations as false religions, even going so far as to accuse some denominations of being part of the Babylon system mentioned in Revelation. Some JW's even go so far as to say all other denominations are 'daughters' of the 'harlot church'. In other words, all other denominations are false, and pagan in origin. If the JW's don't want to be criticized for false prophecies or false predictions, or false doctrines they may hold, then perhaps they should refrain from criticizing other denominations.
@@chriscampbell9191 Its true what you say! however some religions dont mind which church you belong to, wheres as some believe THEY are the true church! Actually the word 'church' doesnt mean a particular organisation byt "The whole association of brothers in all the world" as Paul said. Jesus used the word 'ecclesia' meaning CONGREGATION. So where "two or three are gathered in his name" (Matt 18) which could be your family! THIS is Christ's 'congregation! paul warned us NOT to form sects and religions that will always cause division and strife. ( see 1 Cor 1:10-17)
@@chriscampbell9191 You are right! But if thats wrong to judge other faiths, then we shouldnt do so either! (My father was in Dachau concentration camp with the JW's and told me they wouldnt 'heil' Hitler, unlike the catholics & protestants who prayed for him & the nazis every sunday! 20,000 went in only 8,000 came out! very brve"! and with a strong Faith in God!) Ive ment many JW's. They are good people, as with other faiths. God will sort it all out, not us!
@@dirkfirkle73 Sorry, what do you mean?
As an exJW I recommend you and the audience who might have a family member or any dearone in the JW cult to make the question a bit broader. Why and How? See, you have pointed to Rutherford as to a person. And even you are right and Rutherford was no doubt a false prophet, the mind of a JW is not able to comprehend that they are followers of a man or a group of man. What needs to be emphasised is that JWs believe Rutherford was the 1st member of the "Slave" who is the only channel of communication. Also what you need to do, is, not to be sticked to the Rutherford, but to give the JW an opportunity to use his argument... ok, we are 100year later. What I mean is, do not stick to Rutherford, but to all representants of the Slave in their History. I would go: OK, lets assume that if only the Rutherford was a false prophet, maybe God corrected it and the other representants of the "Slave" were right in their prophesies. In this time a JW would probably argue that the Slave is not a prophet. It is easily defended by their own literature stating the Slave is the prophet. Next I would ask: Would you agree to take a brief history check through your other representants like the Knorr and later the Governing Body and find out if their prophesies performed better? If the JW hesitate because he knows some failures, than you can go: Seems you are not sure or are you hidding soma negative facts proving my point? Mostly they do not know anything about their history. And you can show the failed prophesies and changed dogmas of Knorr and the GB too up to recent years, clearly declaring that every single representative of the JW leadership, self declared prophets, were false prophets: Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Governing Body...
Thank god I'm an atheist !!! Man created the god concept.
I don't have enough faith to believe that nothing created everything and that my ancestor is a bacteria haha. Sci-fi on steroids!
'That men may know that you Jehovah are the most high over the Earth'. 'God sent his only begotten son'. Jehovah and Jesus 2 seperate beings! Only get to Jehovah through Jesus! Again 2 seperate beings! When Jesus was nailed to the stake he cried out to Jehovah,not to himself!
for me, the overarching heresy of Jehovah’s Witnesses is there insistence that Jesus is not deity. They affirm that Jesus Christ is not Emmanuel God in the flesh. The logical corollary to this is that Jesus was just a man and from what we know in holy scripture, there is only one man who was ever righteous, and that is Jesus Christ.
So, if Jesus was not God in the flesh and He was just a fallen piece of human flesh then the damning reality of this heretical Arian doctrine now becomes blatantly obvious. His blood is just the blood of fallen flesh. And here is how you put it to the JW adepts at the front door, trying to earn their salvation.
You ask them this.
Then you put it to them.
If your faith is not in God’s ANOINTED ONE,
With the sinless body and blood of our communion,
Unless you repent and renounce Jehovah’s Witnesses
you are headed for a lost eternity apart from God.
I knew of a family that were JW....the father was only a JW for the free monthly huge food basket that is available,,,He was a horrible pill addict..the JW Church paid all of his bill for almost for a year until they found out the truth about him from a fellow JW member...he was 'cast out"....