In 2020 I was angry and upset with the bishops and their handling of COVID by shutting down public Masses, angrily I thought about this and how much I missed receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. I thought about those who were sick, alone in nursing homes “What would Mother Theresa do?” I thought “Why isn’t God doing anything about this?” I heard a voice from deep inside, that said, I made you for this purpose. I began to cry, and since then have been bringing the Eucharist to the homebound - what a blessing it has been for me!
This past Sunday's Sermon by Bishop Baron was very powerfully and personally incredible - i never heard the story of Jonah broken down like Bishop Baron did. I encourage all to re-watch this! best 15 minutes spent this day!
I was without confirmation for 15-25 years after infant baptism and 1st communion. Confirmation changed everything. I am grateful 🥲 for the Catholic Church. God🌈⭐️⚡️🌨️thanks!!!
I frequent the Adoration Chapel at my parish. I try to go every week. Once there I am always moved to pray for all the others who are there praying as well. I ask Jesus to watch how fervently they pray and to please grant their prayers if it is God’s will. What a simple way to pray for others!
Mr. Barron, I think I speak for all of us when I say THANK YOU for all you do in the name of truth (God). You draw us all closer with your thoughtfulness and sincerity.
Thank you so much, Bishop Barron! I love these 2 points of your talk. 1) We are not Angels, we have real physical body. Since I always hear some high educated Christians say they do not need church to tell them what to do, they are able to talk and hear Holy Spirit directly talk to them! Your statement gave a good reason 2) There are two types of poor people, one is the intellectual poor and the other is the material poor. For sure , your work is for the intellectual poor. In this society a lot of intellectual people have suffered spiritual poor although they have rich material life, who are the people gain the world lost their soul.
I think we should set our eyes on God; love God with our heart, soul and mind and then love neighbouring as we love ourselves. I guarantee you, you try to do that you will be spiritually great
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home, and within my family. Amen." *- Prayer of Saint Gertrude the Great*
Each time this prayer is said, it allows 1,000 holy souls in purgatory to enter into Heaven and to see God. There' video of the prayer on YT you can pray with.
Church, please help facilitate the meeting of people so that conversations, friendships and learning can happen. Instead of waiting for happenstance and serendipity, create meeting places and events.
I’m very lonely, no family, can’t get communion at home, disabled and can’t work, I’m in the uk and no one helps one another. There’s no community in church here
I read your comment and your situation. It really touched me. Your comment is 3 months old . I hope that by now you have found what I think too is so very necessary. Having a sense of community. Being able to share in it . Able to receive and better still being able to give. For what it’s worth, I tell you thank you for sharing your plight as I too have the same situation. Maybe the same feelings. However, knowing I am not alone and having these things addressed lightened my load. There has got to be some way of changing our situation. Anyway, if things have not gotten better for you please don’t give up. This world needs people like these two fellas and people such as yourself. The three of you helped me this day. So, I thank you .
*Bishop Barron:* As Christ bore the sins of the world and offered forgiveness to us, so we can bear each other's burdens physically yes, but more importantly spiritually. I can through my prayer help to bear the burden of someone, and that is a huge part of prayer.
God bless Bishop Barron for his videos "instructing the ignorant" like me. I need to type up a list of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and tape it above my desk to encourage me to perform them. In Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical Caritas in Veritate (Love in Truth), section 7, Pope Benedict XVI wrote that to love another person is to both (1) will the good of the other (which is the theological virtue of love) AND (2) take effective steps to achieve that good. Performing Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are examples of taking steps to achieve "a" key good of another person and a good of oneself (in being more loving).
Digging to uncover those doubts in people is a very important point! Our society is so "me" focused, and not wanting to intrude or impose on others. There's good in that, but we should be concerned with where people are mentally and spiritually. We shouldn't badger, but we should ask. Often, those suffering doubts want someone to dig with them a little bit. When the question is asked that strikes the nerve, they'll open up and confide in you if they sense you care about their well being.
Wonderful to listen to. Thanks to Bishop Barron and Brandon for his great interviewing style. "Pray for those who have nobody to pray for them". Also Peter Kreeft is a fantastic teacher. Glad to know he has a new book out.
Bishop Barron you continue to be a teacher. You are an illustrious teacher who is teaching us our faith. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Love your frank comments too.
Thank you for the brilliant talk. I will try again - he’s 42- to try and like my son. No longer practices his religion and is easily led by some small praise or another. So I’ll begin again.
I read this somewhere that forgiveness is the one virtue that makes us like Christ the most and I find it to be true. I thank you Bishop Barron from California for your beautiful insights on spirituality. I ENJOY them every time…
Beautiful teachings Bishop. Thanks so much . May I please ask you to pray for me so that I am not always the lost sheep that the Lord has to come and get me out of trouble. I fear at times that when I thread water and feel that I am going to sink and I reach out to the Lord saying help me - his outreached hand might not be there. Pray for me bishop a sinner with little faith .
I agree with your second part, but I took his statement as bear patiently someone you think is boring. This will work to transform your heart to better see the dignity in others.
Yes! How do the people of the church find those who need help??? An activity, a venue... a place to go to meet people so that these conversations can happen... Whether it is a priest or people of the congregation. Where do they meet?!!!
I truly appreciate the reminders..especially how BB speaks in practical terms. Such a wonderful gift we are given that can be shared with those around us.
Thank you, Bishop Barron and Brandon for sharing your talk and teachings on the spiritual works of mercy. I found the examples helpful and practical to help me to love better and to will the good of the other even when it seems too difficult at times.
You can see how the spiritual works quickly seem abstract when separated from the corporal. But in the Lord's prayer, bread and forgiveness are mentioned in the same sentence. Same in every single Apostle, love of God and neighbour in the same breath (John), helping the poor brother and blessing him in one warning (James).
Thank you Bishop Barron for acknowledging the lack of Church and teachers when atheism, new age/self-help came on strong. There is such a fall-out from that out there now.172 deaths per day from OD's and 50G suicides in the USA last year are fully indicative of the magnitude of suffering and lost souls. Hopefully, more people through sound teachings will find their way back to the God and into their church communities.
I had a blessed Deacon that answered all my questions but when I was experiencing Spiritual Warfare and Awakening Then I had to go through many churches for no one answered those questions only suggested I buy a book of prayers
- [ ] When I experienced a Spiritual warfare or awakening, I wrote it down in my journal. I prayed about it. I looked up Catholic’s books, videos teaching on the subject, I learned from life of the saints of Church who went through what I am going through. I usually found my answers from the this process.
I listened to this Word on Fire Show episode & as always, found it so interesting. The Work of Mercy that involved forgiveness especially struck me. In a small pocket Webster's THESAURUS (2008) that I carry in my purse, I looked up the word "forgive" & found it along w/2 other words: "pardon" & "excuse". What I read: "Forgive: implies giving up all resentment as well as all claim to retribution". "Excuse suggests making allowance for or overlooking an offense". "Pardon is to pass over an offense w/out demanding punishment or subjecting to disfavor". While similar, it seemed that "forgiveness implies a more personal, 'gut wrenching' kind of response to sustained wounding or offending. Does that square accurately w/Jesus' words, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do?" & His post Resurrection appearances w/ "Peace" to his disciples? Thank you for these wonderful programs.
Saint Teresa of Avila (of Jesus) was the saint of my school in Barcelona, her teachings were always so interesting to me and I am so glad you are talking about her Bishop!! God bless u!
Thank you, your Excellency. I have a question. With a lot of our Bishops around the world and some of the ambiguous statements from our Holy Father, it is becoming harder and more blurred on how and when to admonish the sinner. Honestly, it is becoming harder to tell someone when they are in sin when our Bishops and Priests make unclear statements. Please, with whatever influence you have, push for clarity in our Church and proper guidance and leadership to your people. God bless you and may God bless His Holy Church.
The world has to pass away and God's word will remain. It is up to lay people to turn to bl mother for holy courage and go out and do it. Take courage. To live for Christ is also to die for Him. When we accept Christ the holy spirit takes over any other work without the holy spirit is not of God. It's only good works. Talk to Jesus about any action we serve. Jesus will hear many many many say but I helped the sick homeless hungry etc - & He will say get out I never knew you
"Counsel the doubtful. Doubt is a form of questioning and poverty." On the other side, is certainty a form of arrogance? God has not given to me the direct evidence and presence that can to lead to legitimate certainty. At the moment, I think a genuine approach might be "You're doubtful? I'm not as sure as I want to be myself. Let's find out."
Living in todays world is difficult, there is so little gratitude. We journey with Jesus every day and Bishop Barron is so wise in his analysis. My new podcast, Pete Speaks with Grace, may help you on the journey by providing real world situations to life in the Catholic faith and helping us live the Gospel.
Bishop Barrón, I am 79 and have been an Eucharistic minister 18 years, but a few years ago los most of my sight and cannot go out by myself, on top have been shut in the last three years and are very lonely, do not find anybody to take me to church. How do I get in touch with you? I am not a complainer but life with no meaning is. Hard
I have travelled widely all my life, usually alone, and welcome the opportunity, especially on very long flights, to talk to whoever is put next to me. I have met some extremely interesting people this way! I am amused thinking of you sitting there with your headphones! +
I've not heard from Bishop Barron on Fiducia Supplicans. How does (a) Admonish Sinners. & (b) Instruct the ignorant. ....... apply to same-sex-"couples"-blessings Bishop?
He’s said this time and time again. By the way, id recommend taking the log out of your eye before you mention the spec in anyone else’s. You shouldn’t be preaching at all as you seem ready to point out everyone else’s deficit and you won’t bring anyone to Christ that way. As Jesus instructed fasting and praying is the only one to heal some, why don’t you challenge yourself to do that if you love the homosexual community as you say you are eager for their correction. And when you refuse to do that, ask yourself why you act like the Pharisee? It is love that heals, not judgement
@@mar.albalbuquerque3996 "To bless" cannot mean whatever you want it to mean. And FS in plucking a new, "non-liturgical-blessing" (from a priest!) out of thin air is violence to tradition, logic and truth. In the language of the whole world "To give a blessing (particularly to a "couple")" is to "give approval to". This new Vatican trend of using wooly words to mean different things to different people, is NOT catholic..... but it is Anglican.
Excellent Your Grace but Please, be honest with our returning friend from NYC! The US and UK bishops (before your time!) translated the liturgy superbly and deliberately Not slavishly to the Latin but more with the original Greek and Aramaic in mind…and their own flock at the time! Hence ‘the Lord be with you’ was responded by “and also with you”; not ‘and with your spirit’, which sounds in English more like an advert for Gordons gin! Those of us old enough to have served the Tridentine Mass at school still love it and make our way to Brompton when visiting London but realize that we are not alone and Pope John XXXII had a job to do. The Curia’s new ‘we speak English better than you’ effort was dreadful and the bishops were rightly horrified but told to keep shtum and obey, which they have done with excuses such as yours… what else can you do? In Christ, OliverA
I'm sorry, Bishop Barron, about what I said in another comment. I meant it as a question but now it doesn't seem that way, but I can't find it to edit it. Please forgive me. 🙏🏼
And who's scape of the 10 Commandments i ever had at Heart then never told me why this deluge You didn't advice before? Cause sure i did i'm ever doing go at Churches since Baptism to all Sacraments front Godself the great marriage and Priestly order
0:48 fold path is Buddhist. Do you see this lady and her announcement. There goes someone angry at Christianity again, willing to mislead the masses. The Noble Eightfold Path. According to the Buddha. 🤐
I haven’t seen this show in a while but I do enjoy it but sometimes I feel due to some of the words you all use you maybe above the heads of some of your followers and may at times lose their attention because they may not be able to follow along
Is admonishing the sinner a person of your own faith? Would you see that that is what is happening those of different Catholic "sides" right now? I don't know how to name them but one side has been referred to as "traditionalists", in terms of a Latin Mass, as opposed to the Novus Ordo, some of whom do not like any music but organ accompanied, or chant acapella. Isn't this kind of admonishment from both sides to the other one of the most fractious problems we are facing right now?
Thank you Bishop Barron. I enjoyed your talk on "Seven Ways to be Spiritually great! Too busy trying to get there to be bothered about ,"great". Decades ago a Holy Priest, taught me prayers on works of mercy. I can confirm that indeed works of mercy are not as you say, "a walk in the park!". Rather, they have ruined my life and my so called family! In fact the result has given me + mine, with abundant hard work, at least twenty plus penetential years. As if religion cared or even the deluded religiousously ambitious. How dare a society use people in such an astonishing fraudulent negligent and disrespectful way! Remember, :"as you do unto others"....", agreed? No worries as God sees it all. As for the Love i.e. God's Love for His people, I really don't see much of that about. In fact not even from the Priests and higher up! In fact some of them, like some people would mistakenly, rearrange such "Love" to mean affection! In the name of Jose, what chance do we have when even Holy Priests are so ignorant! Any way, I am just confirming that I did enjoy your talk although recently these things you refer to, are just everyday ordinary outputs or part of one's existence. Sometimes it is more than hard to take in the utter meanness of some so called Christians. Some are even jealous of you/one, singing the Praise of God in utter honest love! ( I am certainly not referring to a Priest there).Can you believe that or will you stick up for them the way you did when a stupid young Priest, whom they had me pray for, for two years, twice (with the help of a parishoner) put me into shock! May God continue to Bless and Love you. Thank you Have a great life! Amen Glory to God in the Highest level of Love forever. ❤❤❤
Speak the trutg in love. But also, bear your brother or sister's cross they cast on you in their wrath and unite it to the Cross of Christ and bring your brother or sister along with you so you and they both may be closer to Christ. He alone can save both them and you and your brother or sister will discover Christ more deeply. Trust Him. God bless you my sister in Christ, through the Immaculate Heart of Immaculate Mary, the Mother of God, in the Most Holy Name of the same Lord Jesus Christ, I ask this. Amen.
Thank you Lost Archivist. Fantastic advice. I am just not sure I can really do that generously, especially if I reflect on it all. Quite a shocking experience for me even although for some reason I was within, under constant prayer. I am sure that it could be a great technique if I could manage to do it. Thank you Bishop Barron and God Bless you too through the Immaculate Heart of both Jesus and Mary. Through such a Holy vision, I can honestly confirm, what Holy wonderful amazing Sacredness They are. I am always so grateful to the many who help me to get through, on the journey to final and complete fulfillment in God, especially when difficult times or experiences take place. Thanks be to God, that through Him and some of His creation, I can against all odds, manage to get there and miraculously, keep with Him. Alleluia! Praise the,Lord eternally. Just goes to confirm that prayers for the living and the dead are indeed effective! Thank you too. Amen Glory to God in the Highest level of Love forever ❤❤❤
Thank you for answering on the words to the prayers have changed. I thought that I had forgot the prayers taught to me in the Catholic school. Now I know that it was not my brain :)
They didn’t get rid of it. It is an option that the priest may choose or not to have the congregation pray the Confiteor. If your priest does not do this, ask him if he would start.
In 2020 I was angry and upset with the bishops and their handling of COVID by shutting down public Masses, angrily I thought about this and how much I missed receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. I thought about those who were sick, alone in nursing homes
“What would Mother Theresa do?”
I thought “Why isn’t God doing anything about this?”
I heard a voice from deep inside, that said, I made you for this purpose.
I began to cry, and since then have been bringing the Eucharist to the homebound - what a blessing it has been for me!
This past Sunday's Sermon by Bishop Baron was very powerfully and personally incredible - i never heard the story of Jonah broken down like Bishop Baron did. I encourage all to re-watch this! best 15 minutes spent this day!
All People who Listen to The Bishop are Blessed...🙏
I was without confirmation for 15-25 years after infant baptism and 1st communion. Confirmation changed everything. I am grateful 🥲 for the Catholic Church. God🌈⭐️⚡️🌨️thanks!!!
Oh, I think bear wrongs patiently is a VERY active work of mercy!
“To love is to will the good of the other” bishop Robert Barron ❤️
This is actually Saint Thomas Aquinas
I frequent the Adoration Chapel at my parish. I try to go every week. Once there I am always moved to pray for all the others who are there praying as well. I ask Jesus to watch how fervently they pray and to please grant their prayers if it is God’s will. What a simple way to pray for others!
If only I could be as devout as they.
@@annestrada1724 Only God can see inside each person’s heart. All in God’s time.
Mr. Barron, I think I speak for all of us when I say THANK YOU for all you do in the name of truth (God). You draw us all closer with your thoughtfulness and sincerity.
Let us pray each other to heaven. Thank you for sharing your faith.
Absolutely let us pray each other to heaven. Such s beautiful act of love.
Thank you so much, Bishop Barron! I love these 2 points of your talk. 1) We are not Angels, we have real physical body. Since I always hear some high educated Christians say they do not need church to tell them what to do, they are able to talk and hear Holy Spirit directly talk to them! Your statement gave a good reason 2) There are two types of poor people, one is the intellectual poor and the other is the material poor. For sure , your work is for the intellectual poor. In this society a lot of intellectual people have suffered spiritual poor although they have rich material life, who are the people gain the world lost their soul.
I think we should set our eyes on God; love God with our heart, soul and mind and then love neighbouring as we love ourselves. I guarantee you, you try to do that you will be spiritually great
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home, and within my family. Amen."
*- Prayer of Saint Gertrude the Great*
Each time this prayer is said, it allows 1,000 holy souls in purgatory to enter into Heaven and to see God. There' video of the prayer on YT you can pray with.
Church, please help facilitate the meeting of people so that conversations, friendships and learning can happen. Instead of waiting for happenstance and serendipity, create meeting places and events.
What a wonderful discussion.
25:00 - boom! The mass is the supreme prayer of the church - thank you, Bishop, for that eternal reminder.
I’m very lonely, no family, can’t get communion at home, disabled and can’t work, I’m in the uk and no one helps one another. There’s no community in church here
I read your comment and your situation. It really touched me. Your comment is 3 months old . I hope that by now you have found what I think too is so very necessary. Having a sense of community. Being able to share in it . Able to receive and better still being able to give. For what it’s worth, I tell you thank you for sharing your plight as I too have the same situation. Maybe the same feelings. However, knowing I am not alone and having these things addressed lightened my load. There has got to be some way of changing our situation. Anyway, if things have not gotten better for you please don’t give up. This world needs people like these two fellas and people such as yourself. The three of you helped me this day. So, I thank you .
We're never truly alone. God is always with us. 🙏
Watch church online and talk to God.
Right on the mark, Brandon, when you said we need to do a little probing when we see or suspect someone is doubting their faith.
*Bishop Barron:* As Christ bore the sins of the world and offered forgiveness to us, so we can bear each other's burdens physically yes, but more importantly spiritually. I can through my prayer help to bear the burden of someone, and that is a huge part of prayer.
God bless Bishop Barron for his videos "instructing the ignorant" like me. I need to type up a list of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and tape it above my desk to encourage me to perform them. In Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical Caritas in Veritate (Love in Truth), section 7, Pope Benedict XVI wrote that to love another person is to both (1) will the good of the other (which is the theological virtue of love) AND (2) take effective steps to achieve that good. Performing Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are examples of taking steps to achieve "a" key good of another person and a good of oneself (in being more loving).
Father this video is so amazing. Thank you so much. Your such a wonderful speaker and explain so well✝️God Bless
Digging to uncover those doubts in people is a very important point! Our society is so "me" focused, and not wanting to intrude or impose on others. There's good in that, but we should be concerned with where people are mentally and spiritually. We shouldn't badger, but we should ask. Often, those suffering doubts want someone to dig with them a little bit. When the question is asked that strikes the nerve, they'll open up and confide in you if they sense you care about their well being.
Wonderful to listen to. Thanks to Bishop Barron and Brandon for his great interviewing style. "Pray for those who have nobody to pray for them". Also Peter Kreeft is a fantastic teacher. Glad to know he has a new book out.
Love this ❤ thank you Bishop Barron 🙏 May the Holy Spirit continue to strengthen and encourage you 🙏 ❤️ 🙌
Catholic doctrines always make sense. Beautiful.
Thank you. Yes. To be in doubt spiritually is suffering . Thank you for addressing this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Bishop Barron you continue to be a teacher. You are an illustrious teacher who is teaching us our faith. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Love your frank comments too.
I am looking forward to this talk from someone with teaching authority within the church.
The true health of a person is more than just a spiritual aspect but also emotional natural etc
It takes love to spread love
Most of the time, the doubt arises and gives fruit in time of need and suffering.
What a beautiful teaching by both gentlemen.
Thank you for the brilliant talk. I will try again - he’s 42- to try and like my son. No longer practices his religion and is easily led by some small praise or another. So I’ll begin again.
I read this somewhere that forgiveness is the one virtue that makes us like Christ the most and I find it to be true.
I thank you Bishop Barron from California for your beautiful insights on spirituality. I ENJOY them every time…
Beautiful teachings Bishop. Thanks so much . May I please ask you to pray for me so that I am not always the lost sheep that the Lord has to come and get me out of trouble. I fear at times that when I thread water and feel that I am going to sink and I reach out to the Lord saying help me - his outreached hand might not be there. Pray for me bishop a sinner with little faith .
Pray for DRSIRE
This was excellent. Thank you!❤️🙏
Beautifully explained by a gifted orator. The world needs your messages.
No one is boring, please stop saying that. Maybe they don’t interest you but the right person will be interested in them.
I agree with your second part, but I took his statement as bear patiently someone you think is boring. This will work to transform your heart to better see the dignity in others.
As always Brilliant thank you Bishop Baron Amazing interview.
Thank you for wisdom!
Yes! How do the people of the church find those who need help??? An activity, a venue... a place to go to meet people so that these conversations can happen... Whether it is a priest or people of the congregation. Where do they meet?!!!
Thank you Bishop Barron! 😊
God bless us all! ❤😊
Thank you father for these little videos please make an introduction to Catholicism course!
I truly appreciate the reminders..especially how BB speaks in practical terms. Such a wonderful gift we are given that can be shared with those around us.
Thanks again !!!
God bless you 🙏
Thank you, Bishop Barron and Brandon for sharing your talk and teachings on the spiritual works of mercy. I found the examples helpful and practical to help me to love better and to will the good of the other even when it seems too difficult at times.
Thanks for presenting Saint Teresa of Avila as a role model of thr Christian faith! She is my favorite Saint! 🤎🤎🤎
You can see how the spiritual works quickly seem abstract when separated from the corporal. But in the Lord's prayer, bread and forgiveness are mentioned in the same sentence. Same in every single Apostle, love of God and neighbour in the same breath (John), helping the poor brother and blessing him in one warning (James).
Another excellent conversation!
Thank you so much Bishop Barron ❤
Thank you Bishop Barron for acknowledging the lack of Church and teachers when atheism, new age/self-help came on strong. There is such a fall-out from that out there now.172 deaths per day from OD's and 50G suicides in the USA last year are fully indicative of the magnitude of suffering and lost souls. Hopefully, more people through sound teachings will find their way back to the God and into their church communities.
Good food!🙏👍
i am downloading, bookmarking, and replaying this video. so so good! thanks for this episode!
Ya extrañaba a Brandon
I had a blessed Deacon that answered all my questions but when I was experiencing Spiritual Warfare and Awakening Then I had to go through many churches for no one answered those questions only suggested I buy a book of prayers
- [ ] When I experienced a Spiritual warfare or awakening, I wrote it down in my journal. I prayed about it. I looked up Catholic’s books, videos teaching on the subject, I learned from life of the saints of Church who went through what I am going through. I usually found my answers from the this process.
have just finished listening. Amen!
I listened to this Word on Fire Show episode & as always, found it so interesting. The Work of Mercy that involved forgiveness especially struck me. In a small pocket Webster's THESAURUS (2008) that I carry in my purse, I looked up the word "forgive" & found it along w/2 other words: "pardon" & "excuse". What I read: "Forgive: implies giving up all resentment as well as all claim to retribution". "Excuse suggests making allowance for or overlooking an offense". "Pardon is to pass over an offense w/out demanding punishment or subjecting to disfavor". While similar, it seemed that "forgiveness implies a more personal, 'gut wrenching' kind of response to sustained wounding or offending. Does that square accurately w/Jesus' words, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do?" & His post Resurrection appearances w/ "Peace" to his disciples?
Thank you for these wonderful programs.
I don’t see myself married yet but I know how I would accept marriage but you can’t take away the natural aspect Roman’s 1:27-32
Saint Teresa of Avila (of Jesus) was the saint of my school in Barcelona, her teachings were always so interesting to me and I am so glad you are talking about her Bishop!! God bless u!
Thank you, your Excellency. I have a question. With a lot of our Bishops around the world and some of the ambiguous statements from our Holy Father, it is becoming harder and more blurred on how and when to admonish the sinner. Honestly, it is becoming harder to tell someone when they are in sin when our Bishops and Priests make unclear statements. Please, with whatever influence you have, push for clarity in our Church and proper guidance and leadership to your people. God bless you and may God bless His Holy Church.
Omission is a grave sin & also no faith- fear is false evidence appearing real- BE NOT AFRAID
The world has to pass away and God's word will remain. It is up to lay people to turn to bl mother for holy courage and go out and do it. Take courage. To live for Christ is also to die for Him. When we accept Christ the holy spirit takes over any other work without the holy spirit is not of God. It's only good works. Talk to Jesus about any action we serve. Jesus will hear many many many say but I helped the sick homeless hungry etc - & He will say get out I never knew you
Listening to you Bishop Barron from Glasgow Scotland U.K. Solid Food. Thank you. 🙏🧎🏽♀️
Thank you both for the beautiful reflections. We could all be more charitable when applying these. Will work on it. 🙏❤️
God Bless you Bishop! Thank you.
"Counsel the doubtful. Doubt is a form of questioning and poverty." On the other side, is certainty a form of arrogance? God has not given to me the direct evidence and presence that can to lead to legitimate certainty. At the moment, I think a genuine approach might be "You're doubtful? I'm not as sure as I want to be myself. Let's find out."
Living in todays world is difficult, there is so little gratitude. We journey with Jesus every day and Bishop Barron is so wise in his analysis. My new podcast, Pete Speaks with Grace, may help you on the journey by providing real world situations to life in the Catholic faith and helping us live the Gospel.
Bishop Barrón, I am 79 and have been an Eucharistic minister 18 years, but a few years ago los most of my sight and cannot go out by myself, on top have been shut in the last three years and are very lonely, do not find anybody to take me to church. How do I get in touch with you? I am not a complainer but life with no meaning is. Hard
😅Thank you.
I have travelled widely all my life, usually alone, and welcome the opportunity, especially on very long flights, to talk to whoever is put next to me. I have met some extremely interesting people this way! I am amused thinking of you sitting there with your headphones! +
I've not heard from Bishop Barron on Fiducia Supplicans.
How does (a) Admonish Sinners. & (b) Instruct the ignorant.
....... apply to same-sex-"couples"-blessings Bishop?
He’s said this time and time again. By the way, id recommend taking the log out of your eye before you mention the spec in anyone else’s. You shouldn’t be preaching at all as you seem ready to point out everyone else’s deficit and you won’t bring anyone to Christ that way. As Jesus instructed fasting and praying is the only one to heal some, why don’t you challenge yourself to do that if you love the homosexual community as you say you are eager for their correction. And when you refuse to do that, ask yourself why you act like the Pharisee? It is love that heals, not judgement
To bless here is just to pray for the persons, so that they become near to God , the Truth, to the Natural Law...❤
@@mar.albalbuquerque3996 "To bless" cannot mean whatever you want it to mean. And FS in plucking a new, "non-liturgical-blessing" (from a priest!) out of thin air is violence to tradition, logic and truth.
In the language of the whole world "To give a blessing (particularly to a "couple")" is to "give approval to".
This new Vatican trend of using wooly words to mean different things to different people, is NOT catholic..... but it is Anglican.
Hi! Where is the video on the corporal works of mercy. Thank you.
They belong together. Body and soul make up one person. Separate they are death.
Excellent Your Grace but Please, be honest with our returning friend from NYC! The US and UK bishops (before your time!) translated the liturgy superbly and deliberately Not slavishly to the Latin but more with the original Greek and Aramaic in mind…and their own flock at the time! Hence ‘the Lord be with you’ was responded by “and also with you”; not ‘and with your spirit’, which sounds in English more like an advert for Gordons gin! Those of us old enough to have served the Tridentine Mass at school still love it and make our way to Brompton when visiting London but realize that we are not alone and Pope John XXXII had a job to do. The Curia’s new ‘we speak English better than you’ effort was dreadful and the bishops were rightly horrified but told to keep shtum and obey, which they have done with excuses such as yours… what else can you do?
In Christ, OliverA
Sorry, XXIII !
We are spiritual beings having a human experience
Thank you Fr.Barron, and more mini retreats for the future ! ! Always enlightening, to understand God's ways, thank you very much!🙏
Bishop Barron do the saints listen to our prayers to them?
Do not try to reconcile with dangerous persons. Forgiveness is NOT reconciliation.
Thank you Bishop, Blessings to you & all the priests~
But forgiveness may not mean reentering a relationship
I'm sorry, Bishop Barron, about what I said in another comment. I meant it as a question but now it doesn't seem that way, but I can't find it to edit it. Please forgive me. 🙏🏼
God bless you for all the work you do!!!
I've learned so much from your videos and owe you more than I can say.
Thanks, Bishop. Grreat talk! Very rich and enlightening. Thanks, Brenden and Word on Fire.
i consider BB my spiritual director. Technology has enabled a wretch like me to have access to this.
Same here.
Thank you very much B.R.B (( do what ever u like but don't harm any one )) 🥰⚘️💕
Another amazing episode! Thank you!
Is that where you are?
Good morning!
Excellent, essential episode gentlemen!
And who's scape of the 10 Commandments i ever had at Heart then never told me why this deluge You didn't advice before? Cause sure i did i'm ever doing go at Churches since Baptism to all Sacraments front Godself the great marriage and Priestly order
As Saint Job did in his casé or life we must be nearer from Godself
0:48 fold path is Buddhist. Do you see this lady and her announcement. There goes someone angry at Christianity again, willing to mislead the masses. The Noble Eightfold Path. According to the Buddha. 🤐
Bishop were is the uproar from ACB over the recent capitol punishment, or even with you?
Opportunities to love
I thought if all got be SO too much Nice and humble front Godself maybe He got some other future for all Earth
I haven’t seen this show in a while but I do enjoy it but sometimes I feel due to some of the words you all use you maybe above the heads of some of your followers and may at times lose their attention because they may not be able to follow along
Or ask them what they maybe going through there maybe be something underneath
Is admonishing the sinner a person of your own faith? Would you see that that is what is happening those of different Catholic "sides" right now? I don't know how to name them but one side has been referred to as "traditionalists", in terms of a Latin Mass, as opposed to the Novus Ordo, some of whom do not like any music but organ accompanied, or chant acapella. Isn't this kind of admonishment from both sides to the other one of the most fractious problems we are facing right now?
That's not admonishment but pettiness.
What’s up with the titles ? Senior pastoral director? You’re just a guy / dad who does good work ….
That was a great topic. Thank you for guiding me on the way to spiritual greatness. (I have a ways to go)!
Thank you Bishop Barron.
I enjoyed your talk on "Seven Ways to be Spiritually great! Too busy trying to get there to be bothered about ,"great".
Decades ago a Holy Priest, taught me prayers on works of mercy. I can confirm that indeed works of mercy are not as you say, "a walk in the park!". Rather, they have ruined my life and my so called family! In fact the result has given me + mine, with abundant hard work, at least twenty plus penetential years. As if religion cared or even the deluded religiousously ambitious. How dare a society use people in such an astonishing fraudulent negligent and disrespectful way! Remember, :"as you do unto others"....", agreed? No worries as God sees it all.
As for the Love i.e. God's Love for His people, I really don't see much of that about. In fact not even from the Priests and higher up! In fact some of them, like some people would mistakenly, rearrange such "Love" to mean affection! In the name of Jose, what chance do we have when even Holy Priests are so ignorant!
Any way, I am just confirming that I did enjoy your talk although recently these things you refer to, are just everyday ordinary outputs or part of one's existence.
Sometimes it is more than hard to take in the utter meanness of some so called Christians. Some are even jealous of you/one, singing the Praise of God in utter honest love! ( I am certainly not referring to a Priest there).Can you believe that or will you stick up for them the way you did when a stupid young Priest, whom they had me pray for, for two years, twice (with the help of a parishoner) put me into shock!
May God continue to Bless and Love you.
Thank you
Have a great life!
Amen Glory to God in the Highest level of Love forever. ❤❤❤
Speak the trutg in love. But also, bear your brother or sister's cross they cast on you in their wrath and unite it to the Cross of Christ and bring your brother or sister along with you so you and they both may be closer to Christ. He alone can save both them and you and your brother or sister will discover Christ more deeply.
Trust Him.
God bless you my sister in Christ, through the Immaculate Heart of Immaculate Mary, the Mother of God, in the Most Holy Name of the same Lord Jesus Christ, I ask this. Amen.
Thank you Lost Archivist. Fantastic advice. I am just not sure I can really do that generously, especially if I reflect on it all. Quite a shocking experience for me even although for some reason I was within, under constant prayer.
I am sure that it could be a great technique if I could manage to do it.
Thank you Bishop Barron and God Bless you too through the Immaculate Heart of both Jesus and Mary.
Through such a Holy vision, I can honestly confirm, what Holy wonderful amazing Sacredness They are.
I am always so grateful to the many who help me to get through, on the journey to final and complete fulfillment in God, especially when difficult times or experiences take place. Thanks be to God, that through Him and some of His creation, I can against all odds, manage to get there and miraculously, keep with Him. Alleluia! Praise the,Lord eternally. Just goes to confirm that prayers for the living and the dead are indeed effective!
Thank you too.
Amen Glory to God in the Highest level of Love forever
Thank you for answering on the words to the prayers have changed. I thought that I had forgot the prayers taught to me in the Catholic school. Now I know that it was not my brain :)
Then at end He was cured and had all what he Lost multiplied and his family mostly near
I live St. Teresa of Avila so much
No more mercy for me see Scully got a seizure episode 11 the x files
Great as always, but concerning the changes in the Mass, why did they get rid of the Confiteor?
They didn’t get rid of it. It is an option that the priest may choose or not to have the congregation pray the Confiteor. If your priest does not do this, ask him if he would start.