+Lizard_Buttock The three of us agreed to all run on different languages just for fun and to break up the monotony of listening to the same lines over and over. Seak1ng's game is in German, Ed's game is in Spanish.
Where do I even start with his mess? First of all this game isn't even done yet! way to speedrun a demo. Next Ferret can't even get "world records" on his own anymore, he has to mooch off of the talent of two people clearly better than him at games. It's not like it's hard to be better at games than ferret anyways, this is probably his first time trying to play a game without cheating (I can only assume anyway, I don't have time to actually watch this run). Game looks super pretty and fun though, you all should pick it up.
Awesome! I'm going to wait on the quality to update to watch though.
Are you using the French version for any speedrunning reason?
+Lizard_Buttock The three of us agreed to all run on different languages just for fun and to break up the monotony of listening to the same lines over and over. Seak1ng's game is in German, Ed's game is in Spanish.
Where do I even start with his mess? First of all this game isn't even done yet! way to speedrun a demo. Next Ferret can't even get "world records" on his own anymore, he has to mooch off of the talent of two people clearly better than him at games. It's not like it's hard to be better at games than ferret anyways, this is probably his first time trying to play a game without cheating (I can only assume anyway, I don't have time to actually watch this run). Game looks super pretty and fun though, you all should pick it up.