Most informative video I’ve seen! This video covered every question I had, how to collect.. storage information, how to thaw, how long milk is good for🤍🤍 Thank you so very much!
Your explanation on how to express was way more helpful and worked for me than the explanation and demonstration by several different nurses and lactation consult at the hospital where I delivered. Thank you!!!
@@marycahillclcno, we need all the details and information ! As much as possible. If it seems like too much just remember it’s a video and we can go back and rewatch if we need to. Your videos are really good and I’m glad I’ve seen your channel.
Thank you so much for this information, I just have one question regarding storage that you didn’t seem to touch on and that is: Is it ok to continue to collect colostrum throughout the day with the same collector or is it the same risk of bacteria growth as it is with mixing cold breast milk and warm breast milk ? Sorry if this wasn’t a well articulated question, I hope you can understand what I’m meaning. Thanks :)
@@angiecats5298 The theory of not adding to already cooled milk goes back and forth among researchers. In my mind, it would heat up the previously refrigerated colostrum/milk. Especially with a newborn or premature baby, I like to be extra careful. It’s probably ok but I just don’t care for it. You can refrigerate the new colostrum and once it’s cooled, mix them together. That can be hard when the colostrum is only in drops and thick but using a syringe to draw it up out of a small cup works. Mixing colostrum from different times a day is sometimes questioned but I think it’s totally fine. ❤️
I am currently collecting about 0.1mL per session, twice a day. I can’t find any guidance on if it’s safe to continue to add to the same syringe at each new session. I do put the 1mL syringe into the freezer for storage and take it out for each session to add more colostrum. Should I be using a new syringe every time, even if it’s a small amount?
Once it’s frozen, you need to use it within 24 hours of it being defrosted. You don’t want to defrost then refreeze again. So, you can add to the same syringe but keep it just in the refrigerator for 1 or 2 days while you’re adding to it, then freeze it.
That’s very informative! But I just have a question about how to defrost the milk, does it need to be warmed up or just back to room temperature is fine? Thank you
Great question! Warm or even cold is totally fine. Some babies will pause and even make a funny face if it’s cold but then continue to drink. Just don’t overheat if you want it to be warmed. Overheating can damage nutrients and cause burns for baby. ❤️
Thank you for this! Very informative, straight, to the point. I have a question that I haven't found an answer to. If colostrum can be stored for 3 mos in the freezer, is there any benefit or harm to giving baby colostrum later on (as long as not expired), rather than throwing it out? Like adding it to a bottle of pumped breastmilk, or directly from the syringe?
You could feed it to baby but it does contain different contents. The fat in colostrum in lower than the fat in your mature milk. The higher fat is better for older babies brain development. Plus the immunological properties are mostly gone after it’s been frozen for a bit. It won’t hurt baby to drink it but it’s not the best choice for an older baby. You can apply it to diaper rashes or baby’s bath water 😃 I hope that helps ❤️
Oh my gosh! I can’t believe that I didn’t say that! A Colostrum harvesting, expressing session should be 10 to 15 minutes in total but if you don’t see any drops yet, stop at 10 minutes. ❤️
Wanting clarification on storage. Do I need to store the colostrum/syringe in the fridge for 5 days before moving it to freezer? Or is it just that it's good for 5 days in the fridge; Good for 6 months in freezer?! If that's the case, than do I go straight to the freezer with it for storage, or does it need to be chilled at all before freezer? On another note, should I be trying expressing at the same time every day? TIA!
Hi mommy! Expressing at the same time each day will help you to pump more volume (increase supply). If you’re not having a problem getting enough to fill the syringe, then no need to worry. Move it to the freezer as soon as you know that you have enough in that syringe. You can keep it in the fridge for up to 5 days if you’re adding to that syringe. No need to chill it before freezing. It can go straight to the freezer if it’s filled enough. ❤️ When is baby due? Is this your first?
Great question! You actually don’t need to clean your breast unless you know that there is something (like an ointment) on your breast that wouldn’t be good for baby. Soap can dry out your nipples and if you don’t get it all rinsed off, that could make baby sick, so skip washing your breasts if possible. Your breastmilk has antibacterial properties so it helps to keep your breasts hygienic. If you do ever need to clean your breasts, use a very gentle soap and rinse really well. ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing this awesome information! Currently pregnant for the 4th time but with twins this time! I unfortunately do have high blood pressure during this pregnancy so I have been on meds that has been helping but with twins and high blood pressure anything can change. I may be having my first C-section too with these bundles of joy if it heads down that path: I have been so worried about how nursing would work if I went into early labor or needed to have a C-section. So I do have a few a few questions. My Dr has already said more than likely I would give birth to these babies between 34-37 weeks. 1.So when should I start collecting colostrum? At 30 weeks or 32 weeks? 2.Because I am having twins about how many syringes should I have for two especially if there is a possibility of a nicu stay? I would rather have more than not enough. 3. If babies can’t nurse right away due to nicu stay, should I just start pinning right away or do your method first or a combo of the two? 4. Last question you said put time colostrum was collected on the syringe, but if I add colostrum to the syringe through out the day to fill it up; it would be at different times so would the time not matter at that point or do I put the time for the last collection of the day? Thank you!
Wow! Congratulations! Twice the fun! ❤️ You can start earlier. Since this isn’t your first pregnancy, you’ll probably see more milk earlier. Are you leaking at all? Collecting Colostrum is great but please don’t let it stress you. A little bit is better than none and you’ll probably be able to pump for them soon after birth. If you’re doing the small 1ml syringes, 10 to 20 would be good. If you end up with more that’s ok too. Yes, if they can’t latch, start pumping right away. If possible, pump as often as they eat. You don’t need to worry about the time. In your mature milk, you’ll have slightly more fat in afternoon feedings but even then, I personally don’t think it’s a big deal. Take care of yourself right now. Get plenty of rest and put your feet up several times throughout the day. I know that it’s not easy when you have other kids to take care of but try. Ask for help when you can ❤️
Is it possible to run out of colostrum before baby is born and then not have any for baby at birth? I’ve pumped for 1 week, 3x/day for 10 min and gotten 8 oz total in the freezer but now it is getting less orange.
No. Even if you were currently breastfeeding an older baby, your milk will be Colostrum near the end of pregnancy. Once the placenta leaves your body, then your colostrum will just last a few days from that point. Colostrum usually looks golden colored but not always. It can be white or even clear. Your pumped Colostrum is for “just in case”. If possible, fresh is best but this is a good backup plan ❤️
Im 36 weeks and not producing anything. Ive always had a hard time with milk production. I really wanted it to be different this time. I'm squeezing and not getting anything.
It can take quite a few days to see even a drop. Be sure you are doing the same time each day. Be sure to be pushing in towards you with your fingers on your areola and not the nipple. How many babies have you had? What happened with your supply with them? Did you have supply in the first weeks with them?
@marycahillclc this is my 4th. My milk doesn't usually come in til day 4 or so. But I've never had colostrom and had to supplement with formula. When I pump I only get maybe 2oz per breast at most.
@@rachelo315 Until day 4, you don’t see even drops? It’s very normal to not see your mature milk until day 3-7. In the first days, baby’s tummy is so small that a teaspoon at a time is normal the first day. Then it increases quickly in the following days. Formula is sometimes needed if baby is to tired to remove milk or if their is a health concern. If possible, having baby at the breast often (in addition to formula if your dr and LC feel it’s needed) will help to establish your milk supply. Did you exclusively pump with previous babies or did you feed from the breast? Pumping 2 ounces is a very normal pumping output. When we see moms pump 5+ ounces, that’s more of an oversupply. ❤️
@marycahillclc no drops. I'm just dry. It makes me so sad. I try and breastfeed but it hurts, like really bad. I'll keep at it and pump at the same time.
Great question! The answer is no. Your Colostrum isn’t a certain amount, then changes to mature milk. What changes your milk is when the placenta is delivered. When the placenta leaves your body, a release of hormones tells your body to start making milk. Your milk will then start to transition in a few days. ❤️
I barely get 1ml per pump session and I’m full term. I’m worried I won’t make enough for baby at the hospital… my last son was so hungry and didn’t latch and the syringes I had weren’t enough so we used formula and I feel like the formula bottles ruined breastfeeding for me and he just never latched after that. What do I do if baby is hungry and your milk hasn’t come in besides formula? Im a little confused and stressed out
If baby is on the breast ever 2 to 3 hours, your mature milk will usually come in in just a few days. The first day the colostrum will only be about one teaspoon full at a time. That’s all baby needs. The colostrum is a small amount but packed with a huge amount of antibodies. Some moms have trouble collecting colostrum. Once the milk placenta leaves your body, it releases hormones to tell your body to start making milk. Did your supply come in fully with your last baby, even though baby wouldn’t latch?
@@marycahillclcyes it did around day 3 or 4 however I really don’t think it was enough. He wouldn’t latch so I would pump about 2oz which I hear is normal at that stage but he would drink it all up and he hungry and hour later but if I pumped an hour later nothing would come out because I had only pumped an hour earlier so I’d end up using formula :(
@@marycahillclcjust to clarify, the first 2-3 days I should just give him whatever colostrum I make and avoid formula even if he’s crying for more? I know there needs to be frequent nipple stimulation for milk production to start or increase and with formula that’ll sabotage that. I guess I just feel horrible having a screaming baby those first few days while waiting for enough milk to come in. I also don’t want to do something horrible and starve my own baby so idk where to draw the line there. Starting day one with my first son I remember the colostrum wasn’t enough even though the nurses told me it should be… he just kept screaming and screaming for more. Day 3 was particularly hard because I’m assuming his stomach got a little bigger and he would want to eat every 1-2 hours but I couldn’t make 2oz of milk every 1-2 hours for him
When you’re pumping, it’s important to add lots of breast massage before and during a pumping session. If baby isn’t latching well and removing milk well, that can affect milk supply. Can you find a lactation counselor to meet with now to talk about your last experience and have a relationship with them so that you can call right away if you have a problem?
It is important to be sure that baby is getting enough. You can know for sure by counting wet diapers and baby’s poop should be changing color. -Baby should have 1 or more wet diaper on day 1. 2 or more on day 2… all the way to day 6. From day 6 on, baby should always have 6 or more wet diapers every 24 hours. -Baby’s poop will be black on day 1 and 2 On days 3 to 5, baby’s poop should change to brown, green then yellow. -Baby should be pooping 1 to 3 (or more) times a day in the 1st 2 days, then 3 or more poops every day for the first 6 weeks. A poop can be as small as a us quarter to count as poop. After 6 weeks, baby’s poop may slow way down if they are exclusively breastfed. If you are not seeing this color change and wet diapers, you may need to supplement. It’s not often that a mom can’t produce enough milk but baby may not be removing enough because of a position problem, lip or tongue tie. If a mom can’t produce enough, mom can feed baby with a SNS (Supplemental Nursing System). This is a small tube taped on mom’s breast. Baby is being fed with a supplement of formula or donor milk through the tube, while they are nursing at the breast. We want baby fed first of all. Don’t beat yourself up, if you have to supplement. Your baby loves you no matter how you feed them. 💜 If you do need to supplement and not use an SNS, just be sure that you are pumping at least as often as baby is eating. Many breast-fed babies want to eat every hour. When their tummy is so small, they can only take in a little bit at a time. ❤️
I got a few drops the first 2 days, then 0.05 ml the third day and now two days in a row with nothing at all from one breast and only a single drop from the other. What am I doing wrong? 😭
So sorry mommy. 😢 What week are you? Are you pumping once a day? At the same time every day? Be patient but consistent. It helps to relax if possible. ❤️
I'm 38 weeks 3 days. At the moment I am trying to express just once a day, at night after a warm shower when everything is quiet. I just had another session without a single drop from either side after 30 minutes. I just don't know what's wrong with me. 😭
Thankyou for talking slowly and calmly and not having music on in the background! 👏🏼 great video!!
Aww Thanks! ❤️
Most informative video I’ve seen! This video covered every question I had, how to collect.. storage information, how to thaw, how long milk is good for🤍🤍 Thank you so very much!
Your explanation on how to express was way more helpful and worked for me than the explanation and demonstration by several different nurses and lactation consult at the hospital where I delivered. Thank you!!!
Awww thanks! ❤️ I worry that I sometimes give too much detail in my videos, making them long and boring lol.
@@marycahillclcno, we need all the details and information ! As much as possible. If it seems like too much just remember it’s a video and we can go back and rewatch if we need to.
Your videos are really good and I’m glad I’ve seen your channel.
Very helpful I've tried following other videos but this is the first time hand expression did not hurt. Thank you so much ❤
That’s great! All moms need to know that it should not hurt. ❤️
Thanks for describing that there are more colors than just orange or yellow. Right now my milk is quite pale. W 37+6
You’re almost there! Is this your first baby?
I was only getting 0.1-0.2mLs at a time - this time I got 1.5 mLs!! Thank you so much!
Same! Only 0.1ml total each session
I love the painting on the wall! Where is it from please
@@elora6910 My sister in law made it for me. It’s made with little tiny beads glued on a canvas. She has way more patience than I do. I love it! ❤️
I asked her about it and she said it’s a kit from a company called Diamond Dotz. ❤️
@@marycahillclc oh thank you!!
I am inducing lactation, what is your recommendation of when to start the expressing time. Baby is due 2/26.
Hi mommy! You’re not pregnant correct? You’re an adopting/ surrogate mommy? 🥰
Thank you so much for this information, I just have one question regarding storage that you didn’t seem to touch on and that is:
Is it ok to continue to collect colostrum throughout the day with the same collector or is it the same risk of bacteria growth as it is with mixing cold breast milk and warm breast milk ? Sorry if this wasn’t a well articulated question, I hope you can understand what I’m meaning.
Thanks :)
@@angiecats5298 The theory of not adding to already cooled milk goes back and forth among researchers. In my mind, it would heat up the previously refrigerated colostrum/milk. Especially with a newborn or premature baby, I like to be extra careful. It’s probably ok but I just don’t care for it.
You can refrigerate the new colostrum and once it’s cooled, mix them together. That can be hard when the colostrum is only in drops and thick but using a syringe to draw it up out of a small cup works.
Mixing colostrum from different times a day is sometimes questioned but I think it’s totally fine. ❤️
@@marycahillclc thank you :)
I am currently collecting about 0.1mL per session, twice a day. I can’t find any guidance on if it’s safe to continue to add to the same syringe at each new session. I do put the 1mL syringe into the freezer for storage and take it out for each session to add more colostrum. Should I be using a new syringe every time, even if it’s a small amount?
Once it’s frozen, you need to use it within 24 hours of it being defrosted. You don’t want to defrost then refreeze again.
So, you can add to the same syringe but keep it just in the refrigerator for 1 or 2 days while you’re adding to it, then freeze it.
That’s very informative! But I just have a question about how to defrost the milk, does it need to be warmed up or just back to room temperature is fine? Thank you
Great question!
Warm or even cold is totally fine. Some babies will pause and even make a funny face if it’s cold but then continue to drink. Just don’t overheat if you want it to be warmed. Overheating can damage nutrients and cause burns for baby. ❤️
Thank you
You are so welcome! When is your baby due? ❤️
Thank you for this! Very informative, straight, to the point.
I have a question that I haven't found an answer to. If colostrum can be stored for 3 mos in the freezer, is there any benefit or harm to giving baby colostrum later on (as long as not expired), rather than throwing it out? Like adding it to a bottle of pumped breastmilk, or directly from the syringe?
You could feed it to baby but it does contain different contents. The fat in colostrum in lower than the fat in your mature milk. The higher fat is better for older babies brain development. Plus the immunological properties are mostly gone after it’s been frozen for a bit. It won’t hurt baby to drink it but it’s not the best choice for an older baby.
You can apply it to diaper rashes or baby’s bath water 😃
I hope that helps ❤️
@@marycahillclc Yes, very helpful! I wouldn't want to waste it, so it is good to know it can be used topically. Thank you so much!
About how long would each pumping session be?
Oh my gosh! I can’t believe that I didn’t say that!
A Colostrum harvesting, expressing session should be 10 to 15 minutes in total but if you don’t see any drops yet, stop at 10 minutes. ❤️
Wanting clarification on storage. Do I need to store the colostrum/syringe in the fridge for 5 days before moving it to freezer? Or is it just that it's good for 5 days in the fridge; Good for 6 months in freezer?! If that's the case, than do I go straight to the freezer with it for storage, or does it need to be chilled at all before freezer? On another note, should I be trying expressing at the same time every day? TIA!
Hi mommy! Expressing at the same time each day will help you to pump more volume (increase supply). If you’re not having a problem getting enough to fill the syringe, then no need to worry.
Move it to the freezer as soon as you know that you have enough in that syringe. You can keep it in the fridge for up to 5 days if you’re adding to that syringe. No need to chill it before freezing. It can go straight to the freezer if it’s filled enough. ❤️
When is baby due? Is this your first?
@@marycahillclc my first (first earthly 🥰); due July 7th! I'm 37 + 3 today!!
@@carrierobertson8681 Congratulations mommy! 🌈❤️
Thank youuuuuu
Hi! What’s the best way to clean your breast before expression/ between or after feed? Thank you 😊
Great question! You actually don’t need to clean your breast unless you know that there is something (like an ointment) on your breast that wouldn’t be good for baby. Soap can dry out your nipples and if you don’t get it all rinsed off, that could make baby sick, so skip washing your breasts if possible.
Your breastmilk has antibacterial properties so it helps to keep your breasts hygienic.
If you do ever need to clean your breasts, use a very gentle soap and rinse really well. ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing this awesome information! Currently pregnant for the 4th time but with twins this time! I unfortunately do have high blood pressure during this pregnancy so I have been on meds that has been helping but with twins and high blood pressure anything can change. I may be having my first C-section too with these bundles of joy if it heads down that path: I have been so worried about how nursing would work if I went into early labor or needed to have a C-section.
So I do have a few a few questions. My Dr has already said more than likely I would give birth to these babies between 34-37 weeks.
1.So when should I start collecting colostrum? At 30 weeks or 32 weeks?
2.Because I am having twins about how many syringes should I have for two especially if there is a possibility of a nicu stay? I would rather have more than not enough.
3. If babies can’t nurse right away due to nicu stay, should I just start pinning right away or do your method first or a combo of the two?
4. Last question you said put time colostrum was collected on the syringe, but if I add colostrum to the syringe through out the day to fill it up; it would be at different times so would the time not matter at that point or do I put the time for the last collection of the day?
Thank you!
Wow! Congratulations! Twice the fun! ❤️
You can start earlier. Since this isn’t your first pregnancy, you’ll probably see more milk earlier. Are you leaking at all?
Collecting Colostrum is great but please don’t let it stress you. A little bit is better than none and you’ll probably be able to pump for them soon after birth. If you’re doing the small 1ml syringes, 10 to 20 would be good. If you end up with more that’s ok too.
Yes, if they can’t latch, start pumping right away. If possible, pump as often as they eat.
You don’t need to worry about the time. In your mature milk, you’ll have slightly more fat in afternoon feedings but even then, I personally don’t think it’s a big deal.
Take care of yourself right now. Get plenty of rest and put your feet up several times throughout the day. I know that it’s not easy when you have other kids to take care of but try. Ask for help when you can ❤️
Is it possible to run out of colostrum before baby is born and then not have any for baby at birth? I’ve pumped for 1 week, 3x/day for 10 min and gotten 8 oz total in the freezer but now it is getting less orange.
No. Even if you were currently breastfeeding an older baby, your milk will be Colostrum near the end of pregnancy. Once the placenta leaves your body, then your colostrum will just last a few days from that point.
Colostrum usually looks golden colored but not always. It can be white or even clear.
Your pumped Colostrum is for “just in case”. If possible, fresh is best but this is a good backup plan ❤️
Thank you so much!
Im 36 weeks and not producing anything. Ive always had a hard time with milk production. I really wanted it to be different this time. I'm squeezing and not getting anything.
It can take quite a few days to see even a drop. Be sure you are doing the same time each day. Be sure to be pushing in towards you with your fingers on your areola and not the nipple.
How many babies have you had? What happened with your supply with them? Did you have supply in the first weeks with them?
@marycahillclc this is my 4th. My milk doesn't usually come in til day 4 or so. But I've never had colostrom and had to supplement with formula. When I pump I only get maybe 2oz per breast at most.
@@rachelo315 Until day 4, you don’t see even drops? It’s very normal to not see your mature milk until day 3-7. In the first days, baby’s tummy is so small that a teaspoon at a time is normal the first day. Then it increases quickly in the following days. Formula is sometimes needed if baby is to tired to remove milk or if their is a health concern. If possible, having baby at the breast often (in addition to formula if your dr and LC feel it’s needed) will help to establish your milk supply.
Did you exclusively pump with previous babies or did you feed from the breast?
Pumping 2 ounces is a very normal pumping output. When we see moms pump 5+ ounces, that’s more of an oversupply. ❤️
Here’s a link to show baby’s tummy size in the 1st week.
@marycahillclc no drops. I'm just dry. It makes me so sad. I try and breastfeed but it hurts, like really bad. I'll keep at it and pump at the same time.
I’m 18 weeks and I got my colostrum letssss go
I have a question please...if I start expressing colostrum before birth ... won't it change to mature milk at birth!?
Great question! The answer is no. Your Colostrum isn’t a certain amount, then changes to mature milk. What changes your milk is when the placenta is delivered. When the placenta leaves your body, a release of hormones tells your body to start making milk. Your milk will then start to transition in a few days. ❤️
I barely get 1ml per pump session and I’m full term. I’m worried I won’t make enough for baby at the hospital… my last son was so hungry and didn’t latch and the syringes I had weren’t enough so we used formula and I feel like the formula bottles ruined breastfeeding for me and he just never latched after that. What do I do if baby is hungry and your milk hasn’t come in besides formula? Im a little confused and stressed out
If baby is on the breast ever 2 to 3 hours, your mature milk will usually come in in just a few days. The first day the colostrum will only be about one teaspoon full at a time. That’s all baby needs. The colostrum is a small amount but packed with a huge amount of antibodies.
Some moms have trouble collecting colostrum. Once the milk placenta leaves your body, it releases hormones to tell your body to start making milk.
Did your supply come in fully with your last baby, even though baby wouldn’t latch?
@@marycahillclcyes it did around day 3 or 4 however I really don’t think it was enough. He wouldn’t latch so I would pump about 2oz which I hear is normal at that stage but he would drink it all up and he hungry and hour later but if I pumped an hour later nothing would come out because I had only pumped an hour earlier so I’d end up using formula :(
@@marycahillclcjust to clarify, the first 2-3 days I should just give him whatever colostrum I make and avoid formula even if he’s crying for more? I know there needs to be frequent nipple stimulation for milk production to start or increase and with formula that’ll sabotage that. I guess I just feel horrible having a screaming baby those first few days while waiting for enough milk to come in. I also don’t want to do something horrible and starve my own baby so idk where to draw the line there. Starting day one with my first son I remember the colostrum wasn’t enough even though the nurses told me it should be… he just kept screaming and screaming for more. Day 3 was particularly hard because I’m assuming his stomach got a little bigger and he would want to eat every 1-2 hours but I couldn’t make 2oz of milk every 1-2 hours for him
When you’re pumping, it’s important to add lots of breast massage before and during a pumping session. If baby isn’t latching well and removing milk well, that can affect milk supply.
Can you find a lactation counselor to meet with now to talk about your last experience and have a relationship with them so that you can call right away if you have a problem?
It is important to be sure that baby is getting enough. You can know for sure by counting wet diapers and baby’s poop should be changing color.
-Baby should have 1 or more wet diaper on day 1.
2 or more on day 2… all the way to day 6.
From day 6 on, baby should always have 6 or more wet diapers every 24 hours.
-Baby’s poop will be black on day 1 and 2
On days 3 to 5, baby’s poop should change to brown, green then yellow.
-Baby should be pooping 1 to 3 (or more) times a day in the 1st 2 days, then 3 or more poops every day for the first 6 weeks.
A poop can be as small as a us quarter to count as poop.
After 6 weeks, baby’s poop may slow way down if they are exclusively breastfed.
If you are not seeing this color change and wet diapers, you may need to supplement. It’s not often that a mom can’t produce enough milk but baby may not be removing enough because of a position problem, lip or tongue tie.
If a mom can’t produce enough, mom can feed baby with a SNS (Supplemental Nursing System). This is a small tube taped on mom’s breast. Baby is being fed with a supplement of formula or donor milk through the tube, while they are nursing at the breast.
We want baby fed first of all. Don’t beat yourself up, if you have to supplement. Your baby loves you no matter how you feed them. 💜
If you do need to supplement and not use an SNS, just be sure that you are pumping at least as often as baby is eating.
Many breast-fed babies want to eat every hour. When their tummy is so small, they can only take in a little bit at a time. ❤️
I’ve been hand expressing and using my pump. But no colostrum. I’m 37 +6 days 😢 am I doing something wrong?
How long have you been trying? Are you pumping at the same time every day?
I found that the colostrum flowed better in let down mode. Maybe check the setting on your pump?
I got a few drops the first 2 days, then 0.05 ml the third day and now two days in a row with nothing at all from one breast and only a single drop from the other. What am I doing wrong? 😭
So sorry mommy. 😢
What week are you?
Are you pumping once a day? At the same time every day?
Be patient but consistent.
It helps to relax if possible. ❤️
I'm 38 weeks 3 days. At the moment I am trying to express just once a day, at night after a warm shower when everything is quiet. I just had another session without a single drop from either side after 30 minutes. I just don't know what's wrong with me. 😭
@@amywells4004 We all have a lower milk supply in the evening but it’s higher in fat.
I would start do mornings instead if possible.