Boots to Barbells: Transforming Trauma Through Fitness

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • Hey there, my fellow vets, I've got something to say
    About this RUclips channel I'm running today
    It's a place where we gather, to heal and to grow
    Where we fight back against PTSD, that invisible foe
    I know the struggles you face, I've been there too
    The nightmares, the flashbacks, the feeling of being blue
    But I'm here to tell you, there's hope on the other side
    And together, we'll conquer this battle, with strength and with pride
    You see, I'm 77 years young, a Vietnam vet like you
    And I've found that fitness can help us push through
    The pain and the trauma, the hurt and the fear
    When we're working out together, those demons disappear
    So join me on this journey, let's get moving and get strong
    We'll sweat out the stress, and prove that we belong
    In this world that we fought for, with all of our might
    We'll show PTSD that we're not giving up without a fight
    Age is just a number, and illness won't define us
    We're warriors at heart, with a spirit that shines
    So let's lace up our sneakers, and hit the gym floor
    We'll build a community of healing, and so much more
    This channel is for you, for all of us who serve
    A place to find comfort, and the strength to preserve
    So subscribe and join in, let's make this thing grow
    Together, we'll fight PTSD, and let our spirits soar
    Remember, my friends, you're not alone in this fight
    We're all in this together, united by our might
    So let's keep pushing forward, one day at a time
    And show the world the power of a veteran's mind

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