What Does God’s Covenant With the Jews Mean for You? | Exodus Series

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 243

  • @annanderson1470
    @annanderson1470 Год назад +65

    Absolutely cannot get enough of this podcast! Gentleman this is priceless and I could listen for hours!! Thank you so very much!! Dr. Peterson, I have been watching you for a couple years and God is using you in a tremendous way. Peace and Blessings to you All. Love you too Ben Shapiro!! 🙏💖

  • @mariadelcarmenmiranda2499
    @mariadelcarmenmiranda2499 Год назад +44

    The possibility of restablshing our covenant with God is wonderfully illustrated by the The Prodigal Son parable.The good father keeps his Door open for the lost son and rejoices and feasts when he returns. The most amazing thing is he unconditionally welcomes his lost son without a word of reproach.Needless to say The Good Father stands for God who is clearly shown reestablishing his covenant with the son who has gone astray.He's been waiting for his son to return and has always kept his door open for him He even runs out to meet him to show his willingness and eagerness to resume their bond of love beyond all Guillermo or error

    • @annanderson1470
      @annanderson1470 Год назад +13

      Yes, just like God. Thought I would give you an interesting fact that shows God's love even more in the parable of the prodigal son. In Jewish culture no older man Ever would run anywhere, except for emergency purposes. They were refined and dignified and it just wasn't done. The prodigals father actually watched for his son waiting for him to come home again, just like God. That he got up and actually ran which was out of custom, shows what God will do for anyone who comes to him. You know, take 2 steps towards Him and He will take 10 steps towards us!! Just thought I'd share this with another faithful servant. You may have already been aware of this. If not it sure is added encouragement when sharing the parable with another. Peace and Blessings to you and your family 🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖

    • @mariadelcarmenmiranda2499
      @mariadelcarmenmiranda2499 Год назад +4

      Thank you for sharing that fact with us.Peace and blessings to you and your family too!

    • @samuelgizaw7899
      @samuelgizaw7899 Год назад +3

      ​@@annanderson1470 very profound

    • @mariadelcarmenmiranda2499
      @mariadelcarmenmiranda2499 Год назад

      @@Rem1383 Totally agreed!!

    • @koulihere
      @koulihere Год назад +1

      One more fact: who is the calf?

  • @tysonfromearth
    @tysonfromearth Год назад +23

    I am fascinated by parallels between God and natural law.
    If you don't stand in a balanced way, you break your covenant with natural law and fall over. It doesn't mean you can't get up and stand, as long as you're willing to observe the law that one must maintain balance to stand.
    I'm also drawn to the transition from Paganism to Christianity that was embodied in the Stoics. They thought of God and natural law as much the same, acting as a common ancestor to brother science and brother Christianity.

    • @12magner05
      @12magner05 Год назад +5

      Seeking those parallels brings such fulfilling opportunities to praise the Creator.

  • @ashleygatewood
    @ashleygatewood Год назад +6

    0:00-2:05 This is soooo gooooood! And Shapiro brought it home with a beautiful depth of meaning - ultimately, God does not break Covenant. He is long-suffering. That’s why it was He who passed between the pieces in establishing the Covenant with Abram. Dr. Os too - “I lay before you this day the path of life and death. Choose life.” What type of freedom does one want? And Blackwood highlighted the Redemption of all those who choose ‘the freedom that leads to Life.” Then you finished it, this redemptive love is the basis for reality itself. This is all wonderful~

  • @chuckmadden2251
    @chuckmadden2251 Год назад +90

    Not sure if you guys know this but the guy on the end, his wife is a doctor.

    • @vimalpatel4060
      @vimalpatel4060 Год назад

      I was wondering about that Chuck. What does that mean, I am speaking biologically here?

    • @MZRTMusic254
      @MZRTMusic254 Год назад +6

      😂😂😂 I'm told Ben really likes squeezing in the fact that his wife is a doctor in some conversations. He must be really proud of her

    • @chuckmadden2251
      @chuckmadden2251 Год назад +8

      @@MZRTMusic254 Exactly. And since this clip wasn't long enough for Ben to do it, I did it for him. 😂

    • @jsbrads1
      @jsbrads1 Год назад +1

      @@MZRTMusic254Ben has some egalitarian values due to his upbringing. And he probably feels pressure to prove he isn’t an ultra religious inegalitarian person.

    • @ronnieshak5997
      @ronnieshak5997 Год назад +2

      I don't laugh out loud much , so thabk you so much , this was hilarious !

  • @micdrop-jh3pf
    @micdrop-jh3pf Год назад +4

    Your Exodus series is phenomenal! You and the roundtable scholars have opened my eyes to the Bible in ways years of Bible study have not revealed. Your insights are extremely applicable and valuable in these turbulent times. When you almost left us a few years ago, I prayed that you would heal so you could continue your journey. In your return, you have become even more powerful and necessary as we face the test of our lifetimes in a world that threatens to take our freedoms and hurt the innocent. Thank you for all you do. You have my deepest gratitude. I will see you in Billings, Montana in a few weeks. Godspeed!

  • @steadfastvariation6104
    @steadfastvariation6104 Год назад +6

    This is a modern day Council of Trent for many. Alot of people come into this subject matter with no clue what to trust or believe. But this "council" has set a wonderful narrative structure for the lost to delve into.

  • @Cinderella227
    @Cinderella227 Год назад +5

    Great conversation. I’m meeting my friend for coffee, he’s a great thinker and will share this with him. Thank you gentleman. 👍🏻✝️❤️ Yes, we all seek redemption.

  • @karenk2409
    @karenk2409 Год назад +6

    I love, love, love this series! What an inspiring roundtable. I left churches (not faith) a while ago because it was starving me intellectually.

    • @micdrop-jh3pf
      @micdrop-jh3pf Год назад

      Same here. I left the church because it did not provide the learning I sought. The Exodus seminars have been phenomenal due to the leadership of Dr. Peterson and the insights of the roundtable scholars. It is the water we thirsty individuals need, especially in these chaotic times. I hope they continue the series!

  • @atlasfeynman1039
    @atlasfeynman1039 Год назад +13

    This is what the internet is for.

  • @tiotoxico
    @tiotoxico Год назад +2

    What a pleasure to hear these people Talk.

  • @haroldzimmerman3270
    @haroldzimmerman3270 Год назад +6

    That table is amazing!

  • @perched_
    @perched_ Год назад +8

    This series helps me a lot

  • @margiec7005
    @margiec7005 Год назад +18

    Thank you Dr. Jordon, you my dear have changed my focus, and gave me Hope, for the future. Ĺove your PATIENCE, PRACTICE, PHYSIOLOGY, MOST of all I love the truth you tell in Love.

    • @Call_Upon_YAH
      @Call_Upon_YAH Год назад

      Be it known:
      Through the Holy Spirit, God has put it on me to preach to those lost in the devil's deceit!
      I tell ye, truly, Jesus of Nazareth is the propitiation for the whole world's sins. He is the anointed one, for he is, Jesus Christ. God the Father has raised him from the dead; who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God! Angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.
      Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father, but by him. They who believe and are baptized with the Holy Spirit shall be saved; but they who believe not shall be damned. For they who believe not on him, shall die in their sins!
      I tell ye now to repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and you'll receive the gift of the Holy Spirit upon asking the Father!
      There are *NO* sub-divisions of Christianity. You're either a disciple of Christ or not. A Christian is someone who follows God's word, not a religion. Who obey the Father and follow his will; not man's nor their own heart's. Unless you keep Jesus' commandments, think not the Holy Spirit will dwell within you!
      They who heed this message and did what was stated with an open heart to God...
      Read the Holy Bible (KJV) daily and every time before you read, pray to the Father and ask:
      "Lord I ask that you give me understanding of your word, that I interpret it the way you want me to, and none of my own. I ask you in Jesus' name, amen."
      1 John 2:2 KJV
      2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
      Acts 13:26-33 KJV
      26 Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, *and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this salvation sent.*
      27 *For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him.*
      28 And though they found no cause of death in him, yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain.
      29 *And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre.*
      30 *But God raised him from the dead:*
      31 And he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses unto the people.
      32 *And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers,*
      33 God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus again; as it is also written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.
      1 Peter 3:22 KJV
      22 Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.
      John 14:6 KJV
      6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
      Mark 16:16 KJV
      16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
      John 8:24 KJV
      24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
      Acts 2:38 KJV
      38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
      Luke 11:13 KJV
      13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
      John 14:21-24 KJV
      21 *He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.*
      22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?
      23 Jesus answered and said unto him, *If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.*
      24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and *the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.*

  • @MR-te5fk
    @MR-te5fk Год назад +6

    This is so beautiful. Thank you for this!

  • @TagMahirTzedek
    @TagMahirTzedek Год назад +10

    G-D also made a Covenent with Adam and then Noah (for father's of all of humanity). It's what's referred to as the Noahide Laws and ethics for all of humanity.

  • @barak5122
    @barak5122 Год назад +5

    Amazing conversation! Thank you so much! 💖

  • @AB-mo9ku
    @AB-mo9ku Год назад +2

    Covenant in the Bible is very different to a contract. The former is between a higher being and his love for his people. There are 5 covenants in the Bible. A contact is between equals. If you are interested in learning more look at David Pawson’s talk on the 5 covenants. It shows how much God really loves us.

  • @bzrthshm
    @bzrthshm Год назад +1

    Jordan Peterson is incredible. Bringing Light unto the world.

  • @cynthia-jo1zz
    @cynthia-jo1zz Год назад +1

    Yh 1:1-3
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    The same was in the beginning with God.
    All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. Rejoice in our LORD JESUS CHRIST for there is authority in his word..❤❤❤

  • @paintedlady4589
    @paintedlady4589 Год назад

    There's always a way back, just do what you need to do to make it right with God. What gift and love beyond our understanding.

  • @jsbrads1
    @jsbrads1 Год назад +2

    A covenant isn’t a contract.
    A contract is: I will mow your lawn this Sunday and you will mow my lawn next Sunday.
    A covenant is like a marriage, regardless of what comes, illness poverty, and so many other challenges, we will stick together.

  • @hamdoolam
    @hamdoolam Год назад +2

    Praise to God for them all here.

  • @JW-rt4zf
    @JW-rt4zf Год назад +2

    Great to see the brains trust back together to give us the final word

  • @4corander
    @4corander Год назад +4

    Loved this. Thanks for what you do

  • @dewiowen3010
    @dewiowen3010 10 месяцев назад

    This is original how I imagine the authors or author of the original text hammering out the narrative of the text 3000 years ago. Wise and learned men putting together the work in a responsible way for the good of the individual and society.

  • @kelvinnyah4190
    @kelvinnyah4190 Год назад

    If anyone doubt the existence of God, just ask ur self how is it possible for these absolute legends to all come together. Thank u all for the wisdom. Glory to God

  • @GeorgeBratcherIII
    @GeorgeBratcherIII Год назад +1

    The Covenant made with Abraham was common among nomadic herdsmen. A house of say 25 wants protection from a house of say 50, so the smaller party goes to a larger party of say a house of 100, and takes the animals and cuts them in two, and then the weaker party walks between the blood and guts in their bare feet, and in the Covenant with the larger house to protect them and ally with them, they are agreeing to the terms of this visual contracts. In, fact, the word contract comes from Covenant, meaning to make a cut!
    The terms are if the smaller house betrays the larger house, not just its head as Abraham, but any member of the house or party, and betrays them, may they be cut in two as these animals.
    Early Covenants/Contracts were not paid in money, they were paid in blood if violated.
    Now the Covenant only lasted as long as both houses lived. So let's say a Contract was made between the smaller house of George, and the larger house of Matt, not only was I under contract to Matt until I died, but until every last member of my house/family died.
    So if the house of Matt was wiped out by a plague, and every member died as terrible misfortune living in the wilderness in the times of early agrarian societies, well, then the house of George was no longer under the contract.
    This is how marriage Covenants were once observed, no divorcing unless one of the spouses died. No such thing as no-fault divorces, or until the time of Moses, divorce for infidelity, instead the offending party was to be torn in two as the animals of the covenant the weaker party had traversed the blood and guts of.
    Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel) had a problem, the house of Yahweh Elohim (I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) never died! Therefore when God/Elohim, asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, it was because Abraham had failed God in not being faithful to only have a son by Sarah, and had raped Hagar, had lied about Sarah being his sister, and almost getting her raped as well except for God's intervention.
    God was testing Abraham, and when he saw he was willing to keep the terms of the Covenant, he stopped Abraham and provided the ram, and so for the next 2,000 years Israel sacrificed animals to remind them of God/Yahweh Elohim's mercy to Abraham to not hold him to the full terms of the contract.
    But see, in Genesis 15, Abraham NEVER walked the line of death between the animals. He thought about it, he ran off the buzzards to keep them from consuming the animals, and eventually tired and fell asleep, and awoke to see a smoldering pot of fire with a torch in it passing between the sacrifices.
    So God did what no larger party had ever done in the history of Covenants between nomadic herdsmen. Yahweh Elohim (I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) walked the line of death, and took the burden of the penalty upon his Eternal House, and then sent Jesus, the only member of the Eternal House, to die, so Yahweh Elohim did not have to destroy the house of Israel.
    That is why the Old Testament/Old Covenant ends, and if you want to know more about the good news of the New Testament/New Covenant, then listen to the sermon to learn more. So simple, even an atheist can understand the Gospel/Good News of #Salvation #Sanctification #OTCovenantFulfilled #NTCovenantRequirements
    The Church, Coronavirus, Suffering - Palm Sunday 2020 - RUclips

  • @atikalove9
    @atikalove9 Год назад +2

    This series is so insightful

  • @hilleyify
    @hilleyify Год назад

    Please bring Leon Kass onto this panel he is incredible!

  • @goose8937
    @goose8937 9 месяцев назад

    I left the church too it was destroying me, yet I still love and sacrifice for my family and friends and community.

  • @Jerry.anthony.c
    @Jerry.anthony.c Год назад

    3:30 - Father and Son relationship as it relates with erring and reconciliation
    8:30 - Mistakes and relationships

  • @briangonzalez8851
    @briangonzalez8851 Год назад +2

    Follow God

  • @stalkev
    @stalkev Год назад

    This was an excellent episode. And to me, it speaks so much I'm God's grace.

  • @syaneli
    @syaneli Год назад +1

    Great conversation. Thank you so much.

  • @dalewilliams4451
    @dalewilliams4451 Год назад

    Im very opposed to christianity as I grewup in it heavily as the son of an elder in my congregation and alot of concepts were hammered into my mind at an early age that I now look at as very bizarre. I'm somewhat familiar with old and new testaments alike and while I wouldn't say I'm more of a polydeistic minded person and I don't particularly think christianity, judaism, or islam have any actual historical significance in prophecy, but listening to jordan peterson speak about the power of metaphorical story telling and how it can and has influenced human culture for thousands of years now is fascinating because I'm still not in the mindset that these texts come from a supernatural being and that theyre definitive absolute stories needed to live a moral and happy life, I in that context can see how religious stories in general have lessons to be learned and even if youre a non believer this is evidence that at some point in time this was one of humanities best go at a guidebook to civilization, and how to keep people from doing bad things and it's not far fetched to say that at one time and maybe to some small degree still these lessons were and are being used to this day albeit I would argue with the few actual complex thinkers like jordan peterson in the mix its I don't think the general christian, muslim, and jewish communities particularly use the most critical of thought processes in their daily lives so these lessons are lost in the wide majority with people just being god fearing in the most primitive ways possible keeping them in line so to speak, also to clarify I'm not claiming the non religious are particularly intelligent in the majority but I am suggesting the lack of religion is a better breeding ground for critical thought than religions that teach do as youre told.

  • @margiec7005
    @margiec7005 Год назад +2

    Thank you again

  • @gregorywitcher5618
    @gregorywitcher5618 Год назад +3

    *tosses a comment to the algorithm*

  • @peterdiscipleofjesus
    @peterdiscipleofjesus Год назад

    They’ve outsmarted themselves

  • @AdamantSeraph
    @AdamantSeraph Год назад +1

    I hope this is free somewhere

    • @jsbrads1
      @jsbrads1 Год назад

      I heard they plan to make it free at some point, right now all the full completed episodes are for subscribers, but then they plan to make it free at some point.

  • @derkleinesimeon
    @derkleinesimeon Год назад

    I don't know if you will read this, Mr Shapiro, but your posture might benefit from some attention. Much respect, I love the series so far!

  • @jamesmaclean5586
    @jamesmaclean5586 Год назад +1

    Covenants are so important to consider! Its crucial to understand, individually He wants to make one with every soul. Does this seem reasonable?

  • @outlaw1179
    @outlaw1179 Год назад +5

    Europa the Last Battle is a must watch documentary

    • @VigiliusHaufniensis
      @VigiliusHaufniensis Год назад +1

      Never heard of it

    • @cognitus2072
      @cognitus2072 Год назад

      Made the mistake of looking into that, quickly finding out it's the same old hateful shit. I'm calling "Fed" or you are doing the works of the deceiver. Either way, there's always repentance.

    • @VigiliusHaufniensis
      @VigiliusHaufniensis Год назад

      @@cognitus2072 what is it?

    • @outlaw1179
      @outlaw1179 Год назад

      @@VigiliusHaufniensis Its 10 hours of shocking facts that we have been lied to about for 70+ years banned on youtube

    • @outlaw1179
      @outlaw1179 Год назад

      @@cognitus2072 Exactly what part about it was false?

  • @user-ro7qm7tp2c
    @user-ro7qm7tp2c Год назад

    I said, “You are gods,
    sons of the Most High, all of you;
    nevertheless, like men you shall die,
    and fall like any prince.” Psalm 82:6

  • @annacaona
    @annacaona Год назад

    What i find mostly disturbing is that none of those comments expressed any concern about how those men gathering around a table like a herd of ego inflated physician surrounding a patient on a hospital bed, to talk about the bible and God like a case study. They are filled of confidence and lack of humility and fear. That's scary.

  • @joecipriani2478
    @joecipriani2478 Год назад

    I would also point out that the new covenant - I will write my law on your heart - has been available since the fall. Hebrews Chapter 11 - the faith chapter is proof of this.

  • @jamesmaclean5586
    @jamesmaclean5586 Год назад +1

    The structure of reality itself.... A Priesthood&patriarchy tempered by perfect love in a resurrected family unit.... so basic and profound to consider at the same time.

  • @user-ji2on8eg3l
    @user-ji2on8eg3l Год назад

    "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities."
    Ayn Rand

  • @aymen577
    @aymen577 Год назад

    God said in Quran:
    "And remember when We took a covenant from the Children of Israel: ‘Worship none but God; be good to your parents and kinsfolk, to orphans and the poor; speak good words to all people; keep up the prayer and pay the prescribed alms.’ Then all but a few of you turned away and paid no heed. We took a pledge from you, ‘Do not shed one another’s blood or drive one another from your homelands.’ You acknowledged it at the time, and you can testify to this." (2:83)

  • @calelbenyisrael3062
    @calelbenyisrael3062 Год назад +1

    Overall, I applaud these gentlemen for being brave enough to have such a discussion. However, there is way too much of their own ideologies/doctrine being perpetuated rather than sticking to the word of the Most High Yah Elohim (Deu 4:2; 8:3). Additionally, in order to obtain accurate understanding of the Law, the people must get it from the sons and daughters of Yisrael (Psa 147:19-20; Amos 3:2). NONE of these gentlemen are of the sons of Yisrael.

  • @bowalbrick3533
    @bowalbrick3533 Год назад

    “Where the Spirit of The LORD is there is freedom.” For freedom to exist, thrive, and remain, the Spirit of God must be present in hearts the people who have obtained freedom. The entire Old Testament points to this, and the New Testament reveals the solution - it is in and through Jesus Christ. The entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation centers upon Him. That’s why, “in Him all things consist.” Colossians 1:16-17

  • @Pleasablepebble
    @Pleasablepebble Год назад +1

    Where’s the Love button?

  • @bridgeofgraceandyou5687
    @bridgeofgraceandyou5687 Год назад

    A great body of thinking men gathered around a wooden resin table, discussing the proposal of the kingdom, and not one of them understands

  • @MaxineDavid-ph4fd
    @MaxineDavid-ph4fd Год назад

    There's another aspect to this topic that has to do with creation itself. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob relates to humanity through His creation in many ways, while man-made systems of this world have the opposite effect. Consider the impact of relying on finances more than the Creator and see how it's used to confine us in ever-shrinking spaces where our freedom and individual sovereignty before God are stolen; versus heeding the words of Yahweh to Abram - "Look up at the stars and count them if indeed you can count them - so shall your offspring be."
    Carry it forward to the new covenant which is really the same covenant only now written on the hearts and minds of people who embrace Him (Jeremiah 31), and the role of creation carries through as well. Romans 1:20 says God's invisible qualities - His eternal nature and power - are clearly seen by what He has made. The life cycle of a butterfly is a perfect example. It begins life as a worm that is built to eat, while inside its body it contains something called a chrysalis which begins like a seed. The more the worm eats and grows it sheds its skin and grows from the inside out until the chrysalis becomes its outer covering while it undergoes a radical change that transforms it into a whole new creation - the butterfly.
    The Greek definition of transform in Romans 12:1-2 ("be transformed by the renewing of your mind") comes from the same root as the word metamorphosis to describe the life cycle of the butterfly. The same Creator, same Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, extends His covenant to the nonJewish world to make the Jews jealous, according to Romans 11, so they'll reclaim their heritage and return to God, and then we all get to be transformed into the people He created us to be.
    That's why Jesus Christ said about times like this, when the world is going through trials He described as labour pains, "When you see all these things, stand up and lift up your heads. Your redemption is drawing near" (Luke 21:28 I think, not sure). Instead of going down every proverbial rabbit hole to try to get to the bottom of all the evil in the world, He told us essentially to look at the same thing that Abram saw - the stars in the sky, and the majesty of the Creator in His creation. Look up first and then realize that there's no point going down all the rabbit holes because we'll only find the bottom leads to hell itself. The Creator says 'don't go there. Look up instead.' Stand with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and find your place in the universe. Everyone invited.

  • @purplehearts3287
    @purplehearts3287 Год назад +1

    As a baby Christian, why is the Old Testimate so violent? Also, if one of God's commands was to not kill, why were there so many people killed? Also, why were animals killed for people's sins? The Old Testimate is so brutal compared to the New Testimate. 🤔😔

    • @jsbrads1
      @jsbrads1 Год назад +1

      In the Ten Commandments, the admonition is not to murder. Killing a murder is required.
      God destroyed Midian. God killed so many Egyptians. God commanded the war of conquest for the land of Israel. Some things are necessary for new growth. Pruning the bad. God destroyed all mankind in the flood except for Noah and his family.
      Sacrifice is something humans need to understand how important God is. How his law is life and violating that is death. Celebrating the holiday in the holy city of Jerusalem is supposed to reorient us to the correct behavior.
      I’m no expert on Christianity, but Jesus flipped tables, right? Sell your cloak and buy a sword. Criticized people who fell short.

  • @joecipriani2478
    @joecipriani2478 Год назад

    Finally according to 2 Cor. 3:3 - the law which is written is the law of love which is spelled out at Mt. Sinai. Commonly called the Ten Commandments which includes the prohibition against idol worship and keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath holy. (3:3 clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart. 2 Corinthians 3:3 (NKJV) - Ezekiel said same thing (36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26 (NKJV) )

  • @koulihere
    @koulihere Год назад

    For everything was done with him the Holy Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Never miss the point Exodus etc etc etc.

  • @user-be8cm8qf5c
    @user-be8cm8qf5c Год назад +1

    The only reason the covenant could be reestablished is because God himself payed for the price of Israelites sins. Genesis 15-fulfilled by the death of Christ on the cross.
    The notion that God could just somehow sweep your sins under the rug as if it was nothing just shows one's view of God, a blasphemous and a lowly one.

  • @BlakeSait
    @BlakeSait 10 месяцев назад

    What episode?

  • @therealdoomsage
    @therealdoomsage Год назад

    So it's just another imperfection in the language; it's not a broken covenant, it's a pending covenant. A contract cannot be enacted until consideration has been exchanged, after all.

  • @onehappydawg
    @onehappydawg Год назад

    @2:55, Ben mentions how the covenant is still in effect and there is no new covenant.
    I think he is either ignoring or forgetting about what God says about the old covenant and new covenant.
    “…Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke…”
    - Jeremiah 31:31
    This is speaking directly to and contradicts what Ben is trying to say. Ben says it’s not breakable on the side of the Jews, but God says, “the covenant they broke”
    Now, you can debate whether this has happened or not, but you cannot debate that there will be a new covenant.
    The covenant he should be appealing to is the covenant that God made with Abraham, 400 years before the law was given.
    In that covenant God is the only one responsible.
    Neither Abraham nor his descendants have a way to break it. It exists apart from the law they broke.
    That is why God stays with them after they break the law.

  • @notloki3377
    @notloki3377 Год назад

    i had a thought about this yesterday.. i've been really troubled by the book of enoch and the flood story for the last week. oddly, i have no problem with the concept of ragnarok from the norse myths, and no problem with the concept of prometheus from the greco-roman myths. something about the story structure of legitimate cosmic authority set against technology really bothers me, and i haven't been able to put my finger on exactly why.
    perhaps the story of prometheus and ragnarok is that the civilization building authority is set out as flawed, but in the christian cannon the civilization destroying force is viewed as inerrant? not sure.

  • @AyeSkipper
    @AyeSkipper Год назад

    The Exodus story occurred before God sent Jesus to spread the Word.
    Jesus says in John 14:6
    I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me
    God commands us to love they neighbor as thyself through the Gospels of his son.
    God also warned us to beware of false prophets dressed as sheep , for inside they are vicious wolves , you will recognize them by their fruit.
    The daily wire’s fruit is far from loving one’s neighbor as thyself. It’s more like a stage of societal division and a template for abuse.

  • @kazkk2321
    @kazkk2321 Год назад

    Freedom is not conditional. One either has unlimited freedom or no freedom at all.

  • @joecipriani2478
    @joecipriani2478 Год назад

    Remember - one is Jew by faith not by birth. Circumcision of the heart, not the flesh. While the door is always open individually for the Jews who come to Christ, but no longer corporately. That is the lesson of the fig tree.

  • @damienroberts934
    @damienroberts934 Год назад +3

    I'm so tired of Peterson talking about God, since he doesn't believe in God... it's so stupid. Does he think people are stupid? Move on Jordan. Stop disrespecting religious people, and yourself.

  • @barfo281
    @barfo281 Год назад

    If the Bible is to believed, there is only one covenant with God.
    "Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

  • @aymen577
    @aymen577 Год назад

    God said in Quran:
    "God took a covenant from the Children of Israel. We made twelve leaders arise among them, and God said, ‘I am with you: if you keep up the prayer, pay the prescribed alms, believe in My messengers and support them, and lend God a good loan, I will wipe out your sins and admit you into Gardens graced with flowing streams. Any of you who now ignore this [pledge] will be far from the right path.’ But they broke their pledge, so We distanced them [from Us] and hardened their hearts. They distort the meaning of [revealed] words and have forgotten some of what they were told to remember: you [Prophet] will always find treachery in all but a few of them. Overlook this and pardon them: God loves those who do good." (5:12)

  • @anr765
    @anr765 Год назад +2

    Isn't that Grace vs. Karma?

    • @roboparks
      @roboparks Год назад

      They are NOT the same LOL

  • @Undermineded-333
    @Undermineded-333 Год назад

    Ain't no freedom in control...period free to choose,,,not much of a choice

  • @wrdswpns1139
    @wrdswpns1139 Год назад +1

    What about the freedom for Palestinians....does that count.
    Do they even exist in this Convo.

  • @MR-G-Rod
    @MR-G-Rod Год назад +1

    Adam couldn't follow the 1 commandment.
    Jews couldn't follow the 10 commandments.
    So God's Word became flesh so that we may follow Him.

    • @emptyspacefor-gc9hz
      @emptyspacefor-gc9hz Год назад +1

      we're all adam and we're all the jews too!

    • @MR-G-Rod
      @MR-G-Rod Год назад

      @@emptyspacefor-gc9hz the difference is that the law/commandment wasn't able to save us from sin, that's why the Word became flesh and married the Church, the people, while we were still sinners, so we may unite with Him who is without sin....if we choose to follow Him to the Father.

  • @terry63lee
    @terry63lee Год назад +1

    🍀🍀🍀🍀🌈🌈🌈🌈 happiness and joy and a pot of gold!!

  • @gailhill8391
    @gailhill8391 Год назад

    [Gal 3:16-18, 22-25, 28-29 KJV] 16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. 17 And this I say, [that] the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, ---- cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect ------ 18 For if the inheritance [be] of the law, [it is] no more of promise: but God gave [it] to Abraham by promise. ... 22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. 23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster [to bring us] unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. ... 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye [be] Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

  • @stevehakes9785
    @stevehakes9785 Год назад

    I'd say that Sinai predated "The Jews", though their name comes from a subsection - "The Israelites" (Moses was not a Jew; Abraham was not an Israelite). That covenant is no more current than one divorced is still a spouse in their pre-divorce marriage.

    • @jsbrads1
      @jsbrads1 Год назад +1

      Abraham is the father of Isaac, but his son Ishmael did not follow the faith; Isaac did, but Esau didnt. Jacob (also Israel) followed the faith and all of his sons did. A family went down to Egypt and became a nation. The 12 tribes of the nation of Israel returned to the land of Israel. One major civil war destroyed the majority of Benjamin. The Temple was established in the Judean mountains (part of which was Benjamin’s territory). The Priests/Levites needed to spend much of their time time near the Temple. When the next Cold civil began, the border between those lands were closed. And when the Israelites who weren’t living in the Judean mountains were captured and sold into slavery, the remainder of Jews were able to stay in the Judean mountains. The largest tribal population being the tribe of Judah. A large number of Priests/Levites, many of Benjamin, and a small number of refugees of the other tribes. Shortly thereafter all Israelites regardless of tribe were called Jews, see Book of Esther, Mordechai Hayehudi (the Judean) from the tribe of Benjamin, a bit of a contradiction, but slang of the day.

  • @einarabelc5
    @einarabelc5 Год назад

    The premise that people would just follow God if he presents on full Glory doesn't account for Satan and the rest of the rebel spirits. So no sorry, God is sovereign and that's precisely why you can't save yourself. But but in an authoritarian way. If you define it like that, then you have to redefine everything: Love, Goodness, Justice, Wisdom. Every single attribute of God and the supranational has to be relearned from scratch.
    It's better if you ask, why is sin missing the mark, missing the mark from what it who precisely?

  • @not-soprivateplaylist1771
    @not-soprivateplaylist1771 Год назад +1

    Ignores Romans 2: 29 as usual, even after the David Reimer story. What a disgrace. They are false believers.

  • @chh6128
    @chh6128 Год назад

    The church of Jesus Christ is the reestablishment and God’s bridge to the covenant jewish people. We are Covenant keeping people through our temple covenants.

  • @junevandermark952
    @junevandermark952 Год назад

    If Jesus needed Catholicism to complete HIM ... that would mean that Jesus could not have been born PERFECT as a baby Jew, to parents that were faithful to Judaism.
    The stories are at total odds with each other, and the idea that Mary (the Jewish mother of Jesus) would have gone along with the doctrine that she willingly became a Catholic saint ... is WAY too much nonsense to even consider as being truth.

  • @davidliddle6477
    @davidliddle6477 Год назад

    What is the godliest response to an unwanted stalker who openly tries to get you to masturbate…and then tries to justify its sick influence by trying to convince you that masturbation is its medicine?
    What scripture do I memorize to get rid of this disgusting person.

  • @PirateRadioPodcasts
    @PirateRadioPodcasts Год назад

    Q - What of the "jews" who die life long "secular" NON-believers? Hmmmmmm ......

  • @BoilerRoomRadio
    @BoilerRoomRadio Год назад

    Elohims covenant is not with the jews, it is with ALL followers of His Torah, if you think differently, you need to READ the Scriptures, and COMPREHEND His words, His righteousness, and His right ruling.

  • @marcustyrell4315
    @marcustyrell4315 Год назад

    In a nutshell:
    Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (a.k.a. Israel) were given the covenant from God, but none of them inherited the land forever and they did die and they do sleep even til this day.... even Moses and the generation (freed from Egypt) and given the Law, also did not inherit the land that was promised. But a future generation did receive land; which reveals that the covenant made with those before are for them in their future estate, in their spiritual body and with Christ Jesus. When the Lord God brings forth the new earth and new heaven that land surely will flow with milk and honey forever. It shall be the land that the Lord God promised to Abraham to give to him forever. When God said "everlasting" and Abraham believed it it was not only a promise to land, but it was a promise, ("in the unwritten fine print" lol), to Eternal Life thru the everlasting possession of the land. Abraham and his descendants lived by their faith in the Word of God, and because of this, they are saved and will be rewarded eternal life because they believed. But what gets them into their future estate of being.... the Life , death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ gets them into that estate; yes, the Word of God gets them into that estate (of incorruptible spiritual bodies to possess the land and promises of God forever). Jesus perfectly sealed the old covenant within the new covenant.

  • @FollowJesusChristfirst
    @FollowJesusChristfirst Год назад

    Jesus Christ protects his sheep,Lord God's will upon the sheep,blessings, love.We see our selves with pride,so have we given up anything to Lord God's will yet.Jordan do an exorcism,some one like you would like to question the mind of a demon.Plunder satan's kingdom please.
    Lord God Bless

  • @ryanmurtha2392
    @ryanmurtha2392 Год назад

    Well you will see, it's in your book, look up Jeremiah 11:9 then Daniel 9:11-12. From your earliest writings, Amos and Hosea, the prophets have railed against you continually, saying stop being evil, exactly like Jesus. They speak with one voice in condemnation of you

  • @WhatisReal11
    @WhatisReal11 Год назад +7

    Why was Maxwells father who helped and worked with Epstein honored in the Mount of Olives?

    • @margiec7005
      @margiec7005 Год назад

      Who but a sinner?

    • @Thedownliner2015
      @Thedownliner2015 Год назад +4

      You are never going to get an answer to that question from born again after being threatened with financial ruin Peterson.

    • @saltycat662
      @saltycat662 Год назад

      Because they're Pharissess and we all know how God felt about them.

    • @GVSHvids
      @GVSHvids Год назад +1

      Thanks for sharing. Part of me wants to pay money to see Shapiro be asked that question.

  • @ChrisB-je5om
    @ChrisB-je5om Год назад

    Government can make clean burning fuel to just got to play business game big bosses 😂

  • @plum_colored_dahlia
    @plum_colored_dahlia Год назад

    Entering through the gate of baptism onto the straight and narrow, bestowed with the gift of the Holy Ghost to teach me all things I must do and be in emulation of Jesus Christ, leading back into the presence of God the Father, with extensive grace through repentance, my Savior is advocate with the Father God rectifying my sins and human weaknesses unto the promise of heirship, exaltation and eternal life.
    The Savior is the Good Samaritan. Adam (and us) enter into mortality on a road down to Jericho and are impacted by the conditions of a mortal life. The hospital/inn represents Christ church and Jerusalem represents entering into God’s kingdom and presence redeemed as a child of God. The afflictions can commonly influenced by the the Advisary.

  • @ashleysavillewatson1748
    @ashleysavillewatson1748 Год назад

    Let's not ignore the fact that the One-and-only righteous and just, covenant-making God of Jacob sets, as His terms, that He will keep covenant & show the mercy He promised to the fathers, ONLY with those who keep covenant with HIM (Deut 7:9-12; 2 Chr 15:2), or face the horror of "you will know MY breach of promise" (Nu 14:32-35); and that consequently, an entire GENERATION was cut off and made extinct for 'discontinuing from their heritage' for insulting the Spirit of grace by contemptuously provoking Him "these TEN times" (Nu 14:22; echoed as a principle in Hebrews 2:1-3; 10:26-39), thus experiencing unmitigated wrath, their being beyond the pale; beyond the reach of the plea, "in judgment, remember mercy"
    The seminal Numbers 14 case study magnifies the importance of detailed study of the Way of righteousness (Lk 20:21; Rom 3:20b,31; 8:4; 2 Tim 3:14-17) and of the need for temperance and timeous repentance (1 Jn chapters 1-3) in order to keep short accounts with God, to be accounted worthy of inheritance of the world and age to come (Lk 17:10; 20:35; Rom 4:13,16).
    The "everlasting covenant" is renewed by ratification, under the same terms - the call to ordered freedom, which is accountability to righteousness as evidence of the knowledge of and love for God (Jer 31:31-34; 1 Jn 2:3-6,17,28,29; 3:7; 5:3; Heb 13:20,21).
    "Your sin WILL find you out"
    "The wages of sin is death"
    Leniency towards sin is not to be presumed upon.

    • @kevinkelly2162
      @kevinkelly2162 Год назад

      Let us not ignore the fact none of this happened.

    • @ashleygatewood
      @ashleygatewood Год назад

      To anyone who reads the op comment above, notice how it has no life on it. This is a prime example of how 'the letter kills'. There's no anointing, no oil, the Holy Spirit is not on it. It chops like a twice dull, rusty axe. The word of God wielded by a believer who understands and rightly divides truth, is sharper than a surgeon's scalpel, it makes a clean cut and when the Logos is finished, life is imparted to the hearer. This individual above is either a legalistic Pharisee, giddy to tie the children of God into chains of condemnation, or they are demonic. These are one in the same. And a devastating judgement has been laid at their feet.
      Also, as a testament to the word being discussed in this video clip, these types of devilish comments are drawn like moths to a flame (they are peppered throughout this comment section) when the word of God is broken properly and the light of the word is shining brilliantly. The devil can't bear it.
      ...it makes me smile...

  • @junevandermark952
    @junevandermark952 Год назад +7

    Christian theologians preach that without the Christian religion, Judaism can't be "completed."
    How ridiculous.
    Had Jesus lived as a religious Jew, he would preached only Judaism ... not Catholicism or Protestantism.

    • @roberttyler1206
      @roberttyler1206 Год назад

      Law or grace? Do you understand grace and what Jesus "completed" or finished on the cross?

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Год назад

      @@roberttyler1206 That's one story.
      But here is another story for you to contemplate.
      It was Christians that preached that Jesus was born PERFECT to a family of Jews that were faithful only to Judaism.
      So, other than wanting to start a new religion ... why were the first Christians tampering with the perfection of Judaism?
      If you don't ask the pertinent questions ... you won't ever be ABLE to spot the lies.
      Not just other people's religions are based on lies.
      I had to be willing to spot the lies in my own religious indoctrination before I could "see."
      What you do about your situation, is up to you.

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Год назад +2

      @@roberttyler1206 Here is something on which you might want to focus. For 70 years I was confused by my childhood religious indoctrination. I am now just about 84 years of age, and for the last almost 14 years, I've been an Atheist, and finally am at peace with Stephen Hawking's theory ... that in one form or another, the universe always existed ... no creator ... no plan ... and that suffering of all forms of life ... is natural.
      And by leaving all religion behind as being man-created fiction ... I am not alone.
      The organization known as The Clergy Project is based on ex-members of the clergy ... that for years had been non-believers, while staying in the pulpit ... preaching as though they still believed.
      The reason they stayed so long ... is if they admitted that they no longer believed in the existence of a creator, they would lose everything ... their families ... their "friends" ... their financial ability to survive ... everything.
      In the past, many (no longer believing) members of the clergy ended their lives, because they were caught in a mental trap … thinking they were alone in their confusion of why what they were preaching no longer made any sense to them. There wasn’t anybody they felt they could talk to about their confusion and feelings of utter hopelessness.
      The Clergy Project ... helps those men and women … by showing them that there IS hope for new lives … free of all religious myths.
      Following is an old interview. Since the time of the interview, there are many new non-believing members of clergy that joined “The Clergy Project.” If you listen to the following interview, and if you so choose, you might learn to feel compassion for these ex-members of clergy.
      Richard Dawkins and Michael Aus discuss The Clergy Project

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Год назад

      @@roberttyler1206 While I was still confused by my religious childhood indoctrination, an Atheist once shared his personal feelings with me.
      He said, "If I pretended to believe in a god, and the god was real, it would know that I was pretending, because the fact is, I just don't believe that a god exists."
      That point of view resonated with me as being heartfelt and as honest "as could be." I later chose to become a born-again Atheist, and wanted to be as honest with my self, as that man had been honest with me.
      Once I was doubtful about the existence of a god, there wasn’t any way to entrap my thoughts where they once had been, as freedom from religion was my only alternative.

    • @sycamore9296
      @sycamore9296 Год назад

      Stupid. Hahahahahaha. The whole purpose of Jesus was to die. Theory crafting what he would've been had he lived does not make any sense.

  • @Dannykingdom
    @Dannykingdom Год назад

    This guy should be at home reading magazines

  • @anr765
    @anr765 Год назад

    And that is what confession and repentance do too, brand new start - Go and sin no more, and your sins are forgiven.

  • @navidkarimian7220
    @navidkarimian7220 Год назад


  • @nancylohe986
    @nancylohe986 Год назад

    Quote Bible ....'God is Waiting for the Isrealites to Repent ' Ben Shipero

  • @1Infeqaul1
    @1Infeqaul1 Год назад

    Those who claim to be chosen are the most evil of all life on this planet.

  • @jasonhaymanonthedrawingboard
    @jasonhaymanonthedrawingboard Год назад

    You not talking about freedom. More over conditions lead to suffering not considered? I’m reminded of bullies hearing this? Learning is a journey. We are not free to avoid the journey. Simple cannot avoid learning. You will learn for better or for worse? Why love must be unconditional is if it not all manner of abuses can happen? Often they do and nobody really ask for it? It just was! Remember a bullies always says you must do or you will suffer? Suffer people do! Often in ways beyond reason. Broken down there may only be a few laws worth knowing? It has alway had me questioning the fundamentals of reality and morality? I’ve often seen this as the worst game of blind man bluff? The promises that is made after years of suffering is one day you won’t be suffering? One day you will overcome that which plagues you? I might take a few generations if your lucky? Even if you don’t someone else will? In a place far away? Think of like chess? At some point once it all plays out? Some will be left standing? Of course people loose there way but there is always a chance to find it again? The question is is anyone will to pay that price to find out? How many will we sacrifice to learn the lesson we need learn? How many does it take? A real prophet is one how has returned after learn all that I could and spreads the message among his people? Think as prophets as those how seek out that which does not work? With the goal to give life to all he meets? Who then in turn go out a give life to others by thought word and deed. The desert kills! he who emerges for the desert shall remain victorious and have dominion over Kingdom? In human terms it speaks to personal developments? It also point out the kingdom of the mind might require a time away? In some regards to truly be a man you need to have the desert in your life? It repeats over and over in the bible. Even Jesus went out in to the desert to become a man. It a coming of age? It also speaks to how to structure society? Those who have served the desert can guide others through it? If our seeking life eternal? We all must walk the desert. It presents in many cultures. Shamans going on vision quests? The aborigines of Australia going walk about? The Amish and Mennonite have a thing where the young go off and explore the world? Till there about 30? Then decide which world they will be part of? Fairly sure other Christian denominations haves something similar? The desert is an awaking! It is the calling to the faithful? It is t be a selection process? To find those able to survive in harsh conditions? It is the calling. It is the journey. It is the truth, the way, and the light! It the only thing that really has ever mattered?

  • @johnhasse3995
    @johnhasse3995 Год назад

    Yahudim MEANS 'worshippers of YHVH'. Unless you are a worshipper of YHVH it means nothing to you. (it is not 'god' but YHVH)

  • @brucemackinnon6707
    @brucemackinnon6707 Год назад

    The 'Jews' are not Israel. In our Bibles, the word Judahite was translated as Jews in the KJV. Judahite meant a resident of the area of Jerusalem who practiced the Torah etc. Jesus came from Galilee, the northern area of the tribe of Benjamin. They were two days journey from Jerusalem. He was a Benjamite through his mother. So were all the apostles bar one, Judas was a Judahite, from the Jerusalem area. Jesus sent the apostles to the lost sheep of Israel. Where did they go then? All over Europe from Anatolia to Britain. To Syria etc, to Scythia. This is where the scattered descendants of the 10 tribes now were.

    • @brucemackinnon6707
      @brucemackinnon6707 Год назад

      The inhabitants of Judah were now heavily mixed with the Gog/Idumeans from south of Jerusalem following John Hyrcanus' forced conversion of these Seth worshippers about 150 bc.

  • @kazkk2321
    @kazkk2321 Год назад

    This is what I have always feared. A bunch of insufferables getting together to exchange ideas. The mere idea that someone may be converted by these ppl bothers me

    • @jsbrads1
      @jsbrads1 Год назад

      They aren’t converting, they are encouraging the religious.

  • @Yaas_ok123
    @Yaas_ok123 Год назад

    Jordan, bow to Jesus !