they are one of my favourites. Although not all their tracks are straight up shoegaze, but also noise rock and alt rock, the inspiration is definitely there.
YES, Kinoko Teikoku, my favourite Japanese band, and their Eureka, my favourite Japanese album, that has a special place in my heart since high school, so happy to see it here!
By the way, I enjoy Tokyo Shoegazer a lot too. Turnaround is my favourite record by them, it's absolutely stunning (while I can't deny that Crystallize, incredible album too, has probably the best album cover artwork I've ever seen :D ). The only thing that is bad about this band is the fact that they are not available on spotify. Also, another Japanese shoegaze band that I adore is Yuragi, they are definitely worth checking out. Great video, I really enjoyed it!
@@velotsyraptor_333 Thank you so much! Eureka is such an excellent album, it's great to see a fan of their music. I haven't listened to Turnaround yet but I'll definitely add it to my list of albums that I intend on listening to. I'll check Yuragi as well!
I'll always thank Kinoko Teikoku for introducing me to J-shoegaze during the end of 2020. I was pretty screwed emotionally & socially at that time so for them to become basically the soundtrack for 2021 was very special to me. I'd also like to mention a few other bands like kuhaku no yo, Pasteboard, dotstokyo, yuragi, CQ, Uchu Nekoko, and toddle. They're all awesome and they definitely need more ears on them!
Pasteboard Strawberry cream oeil My dead girlfriend Cornelius Kinoku teikoku Yuragi Tokyo shoegazer Hartfield Coaltar of the deepers Luminous orange Ucho nekoku For Tracy Hyde Tokenai name Collapse 800 cherries Romantico Hades in the dead of winter Long goodbye Uzi ni naru Syvyys sphere Topography of the white sea Cruyff Ultra velvet Honeydip Lucid express Foresaken autumn Tramontina Xinlisupreme The milky tangerine Hitsujibungaku April blue The florist Dotstokyo Ray Green album Supercar She her her hers Shinsei kamattechan tsumanne Plant cell Moon in June Spool Homecomings Kirinji Seventeen years old Berlin wall Downy Kensei ogata Storywriter Dive early sonic June Lemons chair Pizzicato five (shibuya kei genre) Cq Clams pnut butter irony Honeydip summers gone Freezing butterfly Beautiful world parannoul Walrus Asobi seksu Cosodorokitsune shojoskip Fantastic plastic machine dear Mr salesman Plastic girl in closet Flippers guitar Russian Motogonki Velvet and velvet dolls Devushkin son Czech Naked souls Ecstacy of st Theresa Dynamo soda stereo Los hermanos Brazil Gorduratrans Terraplana Nao ao futebol moderno Sonhos tomam conta Lo penninsula
@@StainedGlassStories Must have wandered into MDG at teh same time as I've been obsessed for about a month with the band. Looks like some new tunes lie ahead now! Thanks for the tipoff
Mass of the Fermenting Dregs is another great one. Such volume from such a small band, and decent range as well. I got to Tokyo Shoegazer and Supercar through them.
@@禎子佐々木 Agreed. Saw them live a year ago and they're insane. My favorite shoegaze band next to Kinoko Teikoku. Really happy that they're still active and touring.
I was pleasantly surprised to see a link to my old music blog listed in the description lol. Glad it's still helping people get introduced to the wonderful world of Japanese Shoegaze. Great work on the video and loved your selection of albums!
Whirlpool by Kinoko Teikoku (and their entire debut EP for that matter) is one of my favorite songs of all time. Such a shame they broke up but at least they released some incredible music in their time
I really wish they'd reform and go on tour. Shoegaze is getting more mainstream and the vocalist still performs their songs during her solo concerts. I know it's copium, but I just want to see them live.
I loved it!! Please a part two soon!! I also love Chinese shoegaze though I’m new into it, lucid express and foresaken autumn are my favorite Chinese shoegaze bands, I also recommend tramontina which is chilean, it’s so good
I will check Tramontina out! Thank you so much for your kind words Vanessa :). I would love to a cover the shoegaze scene from a South American nation next!
@@StainedGlassStories that would be great! People don’t really cover the alternative scene from here even though it’s huge. I think Chile and Argentina has the biggest shoegaze scene in the continent. If you can also check out el cómodo silencios de los que hablan poco, i love em’ 💓💓
Great video! Glad to see Coaltar of the deepers in the list, as i haven't seen a mix of shoegaze music with them yet, and the three songs you pointed out from that album are my favourite. I wanna share some of my favourite music too She border picture - Summer end For tracy hyde - Ghost town polaroids Would love to see if you liked them too
DUDE! I went to Japan for a few months in 2008 and downloaded a number of albums to my iPod Shuffle, one of them being True Color, True Lie by Hartfield. Biking around Japan at night with the sounds of Hartfield in my headphones was a religious level experience. Also Boards of Canada are great biking/wandering music.
Thank you for this. I have been interested in learning more about the Japanese shoegaze scene. I've heard of most of these, just don't know them very well. This is a very timely find for me, as I plan on exploring these sounds more in the new year. Much appreciated.
I feel like Hades (and My Dead Girlfriend in general) gets even better if you know what the lyrics are about, I looked them up during my first listen and they elevated the music so much more. Few albums in recent memory have hit me emotionally as much as Hades did when I discovered it.
Kinoko Teikoku was band that introduce me to japanese shoegaze and ofcourse Eureka is my favorite release from them. Not only introduced, but their songs hypnotized me to bought they album and i'm so proud to having Eureka CD, my 1st shoegaze CD!
Luby Sparks and For Tracy Hyde also deserves a mention in this list. I have quite a few more to recommend as well for modern Japanese shoegaze (been living in Japan for the past few years and going to shoegaze lives) but these 2 I listen to the most
Awesome picks for representing Japanese shoe gaze! I've always said Coaltar of the Deepers were like Deftones to the few people who know about both. They both blend wildly different styles and influences unapologetically. They're both still making music today even. Great video!
My Dead Girlfriend's Hades is definitely the most memorable one of those eight. I'd like to recommend to listen to CQ if you've liked Tokyo Shoegazer -- it has the similar quality, vibe and even some of its members in it. Kamomekamome is much harsh, metal and psychedelic, but it is an astounding experience (especially the self-titled album). nakanoise (mostly the songs with live vocal) also is a sweet and soothing band.
CQ!!! I discovered them a month or so ago and I have Communication, Cultural, Curiosity Quotient almost on loop, Disco Crimson makes me have some sort of nostalgic feeling I can't explain, it just hits the right spots
Thanks for giving Supercar a shoutout, one of my favorite bands, responsible for getting me into shoegaze (along with Jesus and Mary Chain), and electronic music
Holy hell, I've been trying to remember the band name Kinoko Teikoku for like 5 years. All I could remember was a cover with white flowers on a blue background finally! thanks
OOH! Thanks for this video. I was just thinking the other day, I should look into Japanese shoegaze/dreampop. Which is ironic, since my band appeared on a Japanese dreampop compilation back in 1999 (Big Fish Records, "Dream POP", BFID 0003). We were also on the Dewdrops Records compilation "Splashed With Many a Speck" from 1997 with Luminous Orange.
There's a japanese shoegaze album called mikgazer which is a collab album by various artists with the singer being hatsune miku. Personally my favorite tracks on the album are "千年の雨の終わりに" and "flashback 0217". There's also a vol 2 called postgazer that has a much different vibe.
I am the biggest Kinoko teikoku fan and Eureka isn't their first album, Uzu Ni Naru (Become the Whirlpool) is. But thank you for mentioning my favorite band, it really made me feel recognized even though I listen to this niche music taste.
I have very limited shoegaze knowledge so this was really cool to learn about! Great editing and format - very vibey feel! I liked the way things were presented and you popping in and out to talk
Oh wow, a very cool video - I definitely have to listen to your recommendation (the only one I already knew were Cotd). I discovered RAY (formerly dots tokyo) recently - they are a great Alt-Idol-Shoegaze group. Hitsujibungaku is very good as well.
A man after my own heart. Cotd is such a great collage of different ideas and aesthetic, one of my favorite bands of all time, NARASAKI is a genius. I was in a couple “””alt””” groups in Japan(although we were never popular even locally haha) and there’s still a scene out there in regional areas like mito or Hokkaido, and obviously Tokyo. There’s the popular kids with the zankyou record influence and the popular UK alt aesthetics, there’s the hipsters who hate those kids, the weird sub genre guys (I played in a pirate black metal band once for instance), the US alt guys like me who did more grindy alt music (nirvana, pumpkins, acid bath, swervedriver) , etc etc… lotta drama as you’d imagine. Pro tip: everyone likes Boris, just say you like Boris. Just don’t get into which album.
Love this video. I've heard some American and British Shoegaze, but I didn't really get into it until a couple years back when I heard some Japanese bands trending online.
Been digging japanese shoegaze of late. My dead Girlfriend started it for me. Another j-gaze band to mention is Go with Strangers. But they sing in english.
It's not quite shoegaze, but Romantico by 800 Cherries is really good if you are more into the dream-pop side of shoegaze. "Through" is a stunning 5-minute track that heavily focuses on a drone-like ambiance similar to "Blown a Wish" by MBV, and "Souvlaki Space Station" by Slowdive. I believe they were a Tokyo-based group, the album came out in 1999 around the time that shoegaze was really popular.
My favorite shoegaze band is Pelican fan club for now and forever, what I like about this band is the vocals which are so clear in every song, there are changes in every album and a solid team, but strangely there are those who call this band not a shoegaze (on the contrary) but a band This is really amazing I fell in love with him. ..kolks and cruyff is amazing too
Not from Japan, but from USA, Ultra Velvet has a really outstanding version of Tomorrow Never Knows. They're out YT, I can't remember which album, but it blew the Beatles version out of the water. You might like their catalogue. You've got a great channel BTW. Thank you. 🌸
if you like kinoko teikoku or anything like yuragi yall should check out "for tracy hyde" probably my favorite band ever. they have such amazing themes for their albums and usually have a short cinimatic film to go along with it :)
Hartfield's True Color, True Lie for me is a cut above the rest. I put it alongside Slowdive's Souvlaki as my absolute favourite shoegaze record. The band sadly never achieved the fame even in underground indie scene and broke up shortly afterwards. Underrated GOAT in my opinion. I also love My Dead Girlfriend, Supercar, Dive, Cruyff in the Bedroom and Oeil to death!
We've got very similar taste! I think you should try The Boo Radleys' Everything's Alright Forever if you don't know it yet,I think you'll probably love it
Thank you obscurityknocks! Those are all great groups. Outside of shoegaze, I think shibuya-kei is one of my favorite genres. One of my favorite groups is called Kirinji.
the Long Goodbye ep is my favorite by kinokoteikoku. It's absolutely incredibly, released the same year as Eureka too. Yuragi and Seventeen Years Old and Berlin Wall are newer shoegaze bands that didn't make the list that are also really good.
There's some really nice albums here! Kinoko Teikoku is my favorite japgaze band so I'm glad it's here. Long Goodbye and Uzi ni Naru are great too! As for other stuff you might not know, Stereochrome by She Her Her Hers is hard to dislike, sort of like Glitter by Pasteboard. Syvyys by Sphere is also pretty cool. A lot more distorted and dreamy, and it has that sweet contrast that super distorted electric guitars and batshit drums make when played together with the softest piano and vocals. If you're curious listen to Topography of the White Sea and let me know what you think!
I've listened many J-shoegaze bands, but I would say that my top 3 that tops the genre is: Kinoko Teikoku, Yuragi and Tokyo Shoegazer. These 3 not only takes shoegaze elements but transform them in something unique and beautiful. They also have an amazing music crafting with interesting melodies, textures and superb vocals (Chiaki Sato!).
From all of these, my favorite band is Tokyo Shoegazer, and Bright is my favorite song ever, one song form the album I would like to recommend is "299 Addiction" is just pure adrenaline and speed! Thank for this video I will listen the other albums!
I am so glad to have listened to almost all of these bands in the past years. They are all absolutely amazing. By the way, try Sphere... The most unique Shoegaze band in my opinion, and also the absolute most underrated Shoegaze band. I recommend their first album Echo and Narcissus, and their second album... Separation and Diffusion.. Both are absolutely amazing. I highly recommend both their first and second album, because they had their original vocalist...which was honestly a big staple in what made their unique sound. The band is still active but with a different vocalist, sadly. The newer vocalist is still great though. You should have mentioned any album by Cruyff! They are very underrated as well!
Very interesting, thanks for the video! Never been much of a Shoegaze fan, but rather a fan of Shoegaze infused music like Lantlos, Deafheaven or Alcest but this is very, very enticing none the less.. I think I might check out some of Heartfield or Kinoko Teikoku.
Thank you for sharing. The 'All you need is love....'-track is amazing. It reminds me of some song or genre of which I had on cassette tape in the early 90s, but I forgot about it. Now I can't probably sleep for days, because I can't remember what band it was, Haha. When I find out, I'll let you know.
Excellent video! Many new groups to discover. I don't know many japanese groups, but there's one I really adore (despite the fact they are considered as post-rock more than shoegazing) called MONO.
@@CurrieNerd Their tour history is quite impressive! It's so strange seeing the two guitarists sitting while playing. It's so unusual. I'll keep checking upcoming gigs, thx!
one of my fav shoegaze outside of this is tokenainamae, they have a really unique mixing to their music even bad sometimes but the vocals just too good
Great video! Really informative about the Japanese take on this genre. My personal favourite shoegaze group is technically American but with a half-Japanese singer, Asobi Sekksu
Really interesting video ! You made me discover a lot of bands, and I enjoyed my dead girlfriend the most ! Thanks for that, and I'll definitely check your others videos! Hi from France !
Great video, dude. I loved this scene back in the day. I remember in the 90s how slow the internet was between Japan and the US. I could only get bits and pieces of the scene then. By the time the big pipe got laid down to Japan, the shoegaze scene was just starting to explode. Was a great time for music, IMO.
Thank you armblessed! I certainly take for granted the conveniences of modern technology. Being born in the late 90s I missed the initial wave of shoegaze, so it's always fascinating to hear from people who can recall what it was like back then. I agree with you, it certainly was a great time for music!
@@StainedGlassStories Dude, it’s people like you who are keeping it alive. Rock maybe dying but the aural textures that is shoegaze will continue to affect other genres of music for the rest of our days. In fact, your videos have filled in many gaps of my own shoegaze knowledge and I was literally there. If this was 1990, I’d dump NME and listen to your radio show instead. You rock! \m/
I nominate The Milky Tangerine. Especially their EP Tuninglife from 2011. The band is defunct but has a Soundcloud page. I do this because no-one seems to know them. Maybe not exactly shoegaze, but definitely mentionable; similar to Mass of Fermenting Dregs. I just love the songs Charlotte and Your Beautiful Mind. Those two are extremely well-constructed songs. (This is my first RUclips comment ever. I just had to say this, because these songs deserve to be heard by someone.)
Mass of the Fermenting Dregs is arguably one of the most solid Japanese bands out there. Still active today
Agreed, although I never really thought of them as shoegaze
100% agreed. Very surprised to not see them on the list.
Id see them more as hardcore math rock
they are one of my favourites. Although not all their tracks are straight up shoegaze, but also noise rock and alt rock, the inspiration is definitely there.
i love masudore, i actually got to meet them in august alongside seeing them at their first ever uk show, genuinely had me crying at the end lmao
YES, Kinoko Teikoku, my favourite Japanese band, and their Eureka, my favourite Japanese album, that has a special place in my heart since high school, so happy to see it here!
By the way, I enjoy Tokyo Shoegazer a lot too. Turnaround is my favourite record by them, it's absolutely stunning (while I can't deny that Crystallize, incredible album too, has probably the best album cover artwork I've ever seen :D ). The only thing that is bad about this band is the fact that they are not available on spotify. Also, another Japanese shoegaze band that I adore is Yuragi, they are definitely worth checking out. Great video, I really enjoyed it!
@@velotsyraptor_333 Thank you so much! Eureka is such an excellent album, it's great to see a fan of their music. I haven't listened to Turnaround yet but I'll definitely add it to my list of albums that I intend on listening to. I'll check Yuragi as well!
umi to hanataba is like my favorite song like ever
@@StainedGlassStories Yuragi, AO is bliss. So is their song, Unreachable. Just to name a couple. One of my favourite Japanese bands!
eurekas is my fav album too, but Flower Girl is my fav song from them, that damn song is something else
I'll always thank Kinoko Teikoku for introducing me to J-shoegaze during the end of 2020. I was pretty screwed emotionally & socially at that time so for them to become basically the soundtrack for 2021 was very special to me. I'd also like to mention a few other bands like kuhaku no yo, Pasteboard, dotstokyo, yuragi, CQ, Uchu Nekoko, and toddle. They're all awesome and they definitely need more ears on them!
Yuragi isn't a band.
It's a state of mind
SAMEE but for this year
Kokudo slope
same for my but it was more like march of 2019 that I was introduced to those bands through my own searching.
Yess love yuragi and kinokuteikoku
Strawberry cream oeil
My dead girlfriend
Kinoku teikoku
Tokyo shoegazer
Coaltar of the deepers
Luminous orange
Ucho nekoku
For Tracy Hyde
Tokenai name
800 cherries Romantico
Hades in the dead of winter
Long goodbye
Uzi ni naru
Syvyys sphere
Topography of the white sea
Ultra velvet
Lucid express
Foresaken autumn
The milky tangerine
April blue
The florist
Ray Green album
She her her hers
Shinsei kamattechan tsumanne
Plant cell
Moon in June
Seventeen years old
Berlin wall
Kensei ogata
Dive early sonic June
Lemons chair
Pizzicato five (shibuya kei genre)
Clams pnut butter irony
Honeydip summers gone
Freezing butterfly
Beautiful world parannoul
Asobi seksu
Cosodorokitsune shojoskip
Fantastic plastic machine dear Mr salesman
Plastic girl in closet
Flippers guitar
Velvet and velvet dolls
Devushkin son
Naked souls
Ecstacy of st Theresa
Dynamo soda stereo
Los hermanos Brazil
Nao ao futebol moderno
Sonhos tomam conta
Lo penninsula
Thank you!!!!
Есть ещё одна русская группа "Акульи Слёзы"
Whilst not specifically shoegaze, Salon Music are one of my favourite Japanese bands. MASH, Kelly's Duck and Sleepless Sheep are awesome albums.
My Dead Girlfriend literally initiate me to shoegaze 🙏 What a great band, kinoko teikoku is great too ! I will listen to the others asap
Love My Dead Girlfriend! Wish I would have found out about them sooner. Hope you enjoy the others!
@@StainedGlassStories Must have wandered into MDG at teh same time as I've been obsessed for about a month with the band. Looks like some new tunes lie ahead now! Thanks for the tipoff
Im sorry for your loss
@@Stringer13ell you're really sweet but "My Dead Girlfriend" is the name of one of the band presented in the video 💀
@@dectika yeah I know. This is a joke
I’m surprised Pasteboard wasn’t mentioned. They are slept on!!
YES!!! Glitter is just a majestic album, I think everyone who loves shoegaze or pop's dreamier side should hear it at least once
Yeah, they’re my favorite band. Shame.
Glitter is beautiful!! Love squall and flipper so much
@@spicychashu and also breakbeats, and shoegazer, and freesoul.. and nowhere.. damn, it is just perfect😭😭
Thanks to tiktok a lot more people know about them now.
Mass of the Fermenting Dregs is another great one. Such volume from such a small band, and decent range as well. I got to Tokyo Shoegazer and Supercar through them.
Mass of the Fermenting Dregs is one of the best bands out there.
@@禎子佐々木 Agreed. Saw them live a year ago and they're insane. My favorite shoegaze band next to Kinoko Teikoku. Really happy that they're still active and touring.
Great band, but not shoegaze
I was pleasantly surprised to see a link to my old music blog listed in the description lol. Glad it's still helping people get introduced to the wonderful world of Japanese Shoegaze. Great work on the video and loved your selection of albums!
Whirlpool by Kinoko Teikoku (and their entire debut EP for that matter) is one of my favorite songs of all time. Such a shame they broke up but at least they released some incredible music in their time
I really wish they'd reform and go on tour. Shoegaze is getting more mainstream and the vocalist still performs their songs during her solo concerts. I know it's copium, but I just want to see them live.
I loved it!! Please a part two soon!!
I also love Chinese shoegaze though I’m new into it, lucid express and foresaken autumn are my favorite Chinese shoegaze bands, I also recommend tramontina which is chilean, it’s so good
I will check Tramontina out! Thank you so much for your kind words Vanessa :). I would love to a cover the shoegaze scene from a South American nation next!
@@StainedGlassStories that would be great! People don’t really cover the alternative scene from here even though it’s huge. I think Chile and Argentina has the biggest shoegaze scene in the continent. If you can also check out el cómodo silencios de los que hablan poco, i love em’ 💓💓
love forsaken autumn! another good band from china is RUBUR
Would Dear Eloise be considered shoegaze?
As an older shoegaze fan, I find it fascinating that there are now shoegaze bands all over the world.
i love all these bands, but Yuragi and Uchu nekoko are most definitely my favourites out of the entire scene
me too with kinokoteikoku up there as well ^^
Yuragi chefs kiss
uchu nekoko! 🖤
Talk about Uchu nekoko, you cant leave out kindan no tasuketsu that also gave birth to bubly summer.
Hades is my favorite Japanese shoegaze album I’ve listened to. Hakuiki and hades in the dead of winter are definitely my favorite tracks
Great video! Glad to see Coaltar of the deepers in the list, as i haven't seen a mix of shoegaze music with them yet, and the three songs you pointed out from that album are my favourite.
I wanna share some of my favourite music too
She border picture - Summer end
For tracy hyde - Ghost town polaroids
Would love to see if you liked them too
DUDE! I went to Japan for a few months in 2008 and downloaded a number of albums to my iPod Shuffle, one of them being True Color, True Lie by Hartfield. Biking around Japan at night with the sounds of Hartfield in my headphones was a religious level experience. Also Boards of Canada are great biking/wandering music.
I love Coalter of the Deepers. Their blend of shoegazer with electro and death metal elements is fantastic and unique.
Summers Gone - Honeydip.
(thank you for assisting in discovering such a song as that)
I didn't know about Japanese shoegaze music. It sounds fantastic. I'll be diving deep down this rabbit hole. Thanks for the recommendations.
So glad the video was informative :). I hope you enjoy!
the day that Kinoko Teikoku announced they were spliting, something died inside me
First time I’ve ever seen a vid mention coalter of the deepers. I absolutely love all their music and high recommend jt
They are so good! I am surprised they haven't gotten more recognition.
Thank you for this. I have been interested in learning more about the Japanese shoegaze scene. I've heard of most of these, just don't know them very well. This is a very timely find for me, as I plan on exploring these sounds more in the new year. Much appreciated.
The new COLLAPSE album is one of the best shoegaze albums I’ve heard in a long time, highly recommend.
I will definitely give it a listen!
oh god oh god i gotta listen to it, I'm a fan of all of their singles, thank you
It’s so damn good!
seeing so many of my favorite bands featured in this video has been so uplifting. thank you for producing this video, great stuff!
I feel like Hades (and My Dead Girlfriend in general) gets even better if you know what the lyrics are about, I looked them up during my first listen and they elevated the music so much more. Few albums in recent memory have hit me emotionally as much as Hades did when I discovered it.
So glad to see someone covering the most wonderful shoegaze albums to come out of japan! Such an untapped part of the shoegaze community :)
Kinoko Teikoku was band that introduce me to japanese shoegaze and ofcourse Eureka is my favorite release from them. Not only introduced, but their songs hypnotized me to bought they album and i'm so proud to having Eureka CD, my 1st shoegaze CD!
Luminous Orange is such an amazing band. I’m so glad I discovered them so long ago.
Luby Sparks and For Tracy Hyde also deserves a mention in this list. I have quite a few more to recommend as well for modern Japanese shoegaze (been living in Japan for the past few years and going to shoegaze lives) but these 2 I listen to the most
I love Luby Sparks, knew someone who was friends with the singer
My favorite Shoegaze band will forever be Luminous Orange, as are all of their albums.
They're so good! I'm gonna have to listen to some more of their albums. Walkblind is one of my favorite shoegaze tracks of all time.
@@StainedGlassStories If this is the case, I recommend you listen to her album Sakura Swirl
thank you. asian shoegaze and specially japanese shoegaze might be my favorite music scene, there is always a hidden gem
Awesome picks for representing Japanese shoe gaze! I've always said Coaltar of the Deepers were like Deftones to the few people who know about both. They both blend wildly different styles and influences unapologetically. They're both still making music today even. Great video!
For Tracy Hyde-Hotel Insomnia. Fantastic record. It’s like Ride meets Lush. Absolutely brilliant
my favourite Japanese shoegaze band is 溶けない名前 (tokenai namae) I think they deserve way more recognition
I love your channel finally I found someone with same music taste! Keep up the great work 💪
Thank you so much noyak :)! It's great to see people with similar music tastes!
My Dead Girlfriend's Hades is definitely the most memorable one of those eight. I'd like to recommend to listen to CQ if you've liked Tokyo Shoegazer -- it has the similar quality, vibe and even some of its members in it. Kamomekamome is much harsh, metal and psychedelic, but it is an astounding experience (especially the self-titled album). nakanoise (mostly the songs with live vocal) also is a sweet and soothing band.
CQ!!! I discovered them a month or so ago and I have Communication, Cultural, Curiosity Quotient almost on loop, Disco Crimson makes me have some sort of nostalgic feeling I can't explain, it just hits the right spots
I've been listening to Japanese Shoegaze for YEARS, and it's honestly some of the BEST I've heard
Thanks for giving Supercar a shoutout, one of my favorite bands, responsible for getting me into shoegaze (along with Jesus and Mary Chain), and electronic music
Great video--I love Japanese Shoegaze, and you opened with one of my all-time favorite songs generally!
Holy hell, I've been trying to remember the band name Kinoko Teikoku for like 5 years. All I could remember was a cover with white flowers on a blue background
finally! thanks
Thank you for showing me "Coaltars of the deepers"👍
My pleasure :)
OOH! Thanks for this video. I was just thinking the other day, I should look into Japanese shoegaze/dreampop. Which is ironic, since my band appeared on a Japanese dreampop compilation back in 1999 (Big Fish Records, "Dream POP", BFID 0003). We were also on the Dewdrops Records compilation "Splashed With Many a Speck" from 1997 with Luminous Orange.
Learning so much on this channelвидео.html&ab_channel=Hanatic
Kinoko Teikoku is my favorite Japanese shoegaze. But recently I found For Tracy Hyde, which is a good shoegaze band too
Nobody needed this till we needed it. Thanks man!
There's a japanese shoegaze album called mikgazer which is a collab album by various artists with the singer being hatsune miku. Personally my favorite tracks on the album are "千年の雨の終わりに" and "flashback 0217". There's also a vol 2 called postgazer that has a much different vibe.
Woah, I might give that a listen. I mean, who wouldn't when there's a track with the name "at the end of the thousand-years' rain" that's metal af
i love sennen no ame no owari ni so much its so good one of the best kuragep songs😭😭😭
If you like Mikgazer, then should definitely check Wintermute's album and eps.
As someone who was into shoegaze back in the day, I'm happy and a bit surprised to see that shoegaze is still alive and apparently thriving.
I know, it's pretty incredible that there's such a thing as Chinese shoegaze!
I am the biggest Kinoko teikoku fan and Eureka isn't their first album, Uzu Ni Naru (Become the Whirlpool) is. But thank you for mentioning my favorite band, it really made me feel recognized even though I listen to this niche music taste.
This is a great video!! Hope you cover the Post-Rock Japanese scenes like Mass of The Fermenting Dregs, I am so curious about that one too!
Siempre con alta calidad en los videos
Gracias profesormota! Mis mejores deseos para ti
@@StainedGlassStories sube más videos! :(
@@Floriografia ¡Habrá un nuevo video en unas semanas!
Great video, just what I was looking for.
I have very limited shoegaze knowledge so this was really cool to learn about! Great editing and format - very vibey feel! I liked the way things were presented and you popping in and out to talk
Oh wow, a very cool video - I definitely have to listen to your recommendation (the only one I already knew were Cotd). I discovered RAY (formerly dots tokyo) recently - they are a great Alt-Idol-Shoegaze group. Hitsujibungaku is very good as well.
A man after my own heart. Cotd is such a great collage of different ideas and aesthetic, one of my favorite bands of all time, NARASAKI is a genius.
I was in a couple “””alt””” groups in Japan(although we were never popular even locally haha) and there’s still a scene out there in regional areas like mito or Hokkaido, and obviously Tokyo.
There’s the popular kids with the zankyou record influence and the popular UK alt aesthetics, there’s the hipsters who hate those kids, the weird sub genre guys (I played in a pirate black metal band once for instance), the US alt guys like me who did more grindy alt music (nirvana, pumpkins, acid bath, swervedriver) , etc etc… lotta drama as you’d imagine.
Pro tip: everyone likes Boris, just say you like Boris. Just don’t get into which album.
Love this video. I've heard some American and British Shoegaze, but I didn't really get into it until a couple years back when I heard some Japanese bands trending online.
I can't wait to check more of these out, you do a great job of describing the sound!
Thanks Snail! I use a thersaurus
Thank you for sharing these! Looking forward to checking them out
Thank you introduce Japanese shoegazer!I don't know Luminous Orange.I listen it song from this movie.And I like it.Thank you!
really like the editing and aesthetics and color. subbed
Thanks for some love for Luminous Orange and Cruyff In The Bedroom.
Toe and Boris both SLAP! Glad you Started with Oeil!
Yay !! Another excellent video !! Thank ypu !!! 🔥
Thank you so much Ramiro! I'm glad you enjoyed the video :)
Been digging japanese shoegaze of late. My dead Girlfriend started it for me. Another j-gaze band to mention is Go with Strangers. But they sing in english.
this was a fascinating and well put together video. Thank you for making this
Thank you very much Kandirocks for your kind words :)
It's not quite shoegaze, but Romantico by 800 Cherries is really good if you are more into the dream-pop side of shoegaze. "Through" is a stunning 5-minute track that heavily focuses on a drone-like ambiance similar to "Blown a Wish" by MBV, and "Souvlaki Space Station" by Slowdive. I believe they were a Tokyo-based group, the album came out in 1999 around the time that shoegaze was really popular.
You won me with the Samurai Cop reference. I love that movie
I literally never heard of this genre until now. Thank you
My favorite shoegaze band is Pelican fan club for now and forever, what I like about this band is the vocals which are so clear in every song, there are changes in every album and a solid team, but strangely there are those who call this band not a shoegaze (on the contrary) but a band This is really amazing I fell in love with him. ..kolks and cruyff is amazing too
My osusume : For Tracy Hyde and Seventeen Years Old And Berlin Wall
I will check them out! Thanks for the recommendation.
Not from Japan, but from USA, Ultra Velvet has a really outstanding version of Tomorrow Never Knows. They're out YT, I can't remember which album, but it blew the Beatles version out of the water. You might like their catalogue. You've got a great channel BTW. Thank you. 🌸
if you like kinoko teikoku or anything like yuragi yall should check out "for tracy hyde" probably my favorite band ever. they have such amazing themes for their albums and usually have a short cinimatic film to go along with it :)
Hartfield's True Color, True Lie for me is a cut above the rest. I put it alongside Slowdive's Souvlaki as my absolute favourite shoegaze record. The band sadly never achieved the fame even in underground indie scene and broke up shortly afterwards. Underrated GOAT in my opinion.
I also love My Dead Girlfriend, Supercar, Dive, Cruyff in the Bedroom and Oeil to death!
We've got very similar taste! I think you should try The Boo Radleys' Everything's Alright Forever if you don't know it yet,I think you'll probably love it
I went from shoegaze to Shibuya Kei (especially Pizzicato Five) and then Luminous Orange and Coaltar of the Deepers. Good overview.
Thank you obscurityknocks! Those are all great groups. Outside of shoegaze, I think shibuya-kei is one of my favorite genres. One of my favorite groups is called Kirinji. is this shoegaze or indie?
honeydip is my favorite band of all time, i personally think they're the greatest shoegaze band of all time!
They are a great group! I've just gotten into them and I think they're great
the Long Goodbye ep is my favorite by kinokoteikoku. It's absolutely incredibly, released the same year as Eureka too. Yuragi and Seventeen Years Old and Berlin Wall are newer shoegaze bands that didn't make the list that are also really good.
There's some really nice albums here! Kinoko Teikoku is my favorite japgaze band so I'm glad it's here. Long Goodbye and Uzi ni Naru are great too!
As for other stuff you might not know, Stereochrome by She Her Her Hers is hard to dislike, sort of like Glitter by Pasteboard. Syvyys by Sphere is also pretty cool. A lot more distorted and dreamy, and it has that sweet contrast that super distorted electric guitars and batshit drums make when played together with the softest piano and vocals. If you're curious listen to Topography of the White Sea and let me know what you think!
I've listened many J-shoegaze bands, but I would say that my top 3 that tops the genre is: Kinoko Teikoku, Yuragi and Tokyo Shoegazer. These 3 not only takes shoegaze elements but transform them in something unique and beautiful. They also have an amazing music crafting with interesting melodies, textures and superb vocals (Chiaki Sato!).видео.html&ab_channel=Hanatic
hard vouch on yuragi, just amazing
From all of these, my favorite band is Tokyo Shoegazer, and Bright is my favorite song ever, one song form the album I would like to recommend is "299 Addiction" is just pure adrenaline and speed!
Thank for this video I will listen the other albums!
My huge thanks to you for making this video, can't wait to see your new videos
Thank you so much Bruh! I hope my future videos don't disappoint!
I am so glad to have listened to almost all of these bands in the past years.
They are all absolutely amazing. By the way, try Sphere...
The most unique Shoegaze band in my opinion, and also the absolute most underrated Shoegaze band.
I recommend their first album Echo and Narcissus, and their second album... Separation and Diffusion..
Both are absolutely amazing.
I highly recommend both their first and second album, because they had their original vocalist...which was honestly a big staple in what made their unique sound. The band is still active but with a different vocalist, sadly. The newer vocalist is still great though.
You should have mentioned any album by Cruyff! They are very underrated as well!
Hades was a life-defining album for me. It solidified my love for the shoegaze genre.
It's such a beautiful bittersweet record!
Love Shoegaze, from Ireland to Japan! Thanks for the video
I watched this video cause I was lamenting the fact that walrus isn't on spotify and was really hoping you'd mention them. ♥
CQ is a really good shoegaze band, they take elements of metal in their music and it’s really nice to listen to.
Very interesting, thanks for the video! Never been much of a Shoegaze fan, but rather a fan of Shoegaze infused music like Lantlos, Deafheaven or Alcest but this is very, very enticing none the less.. I think I might check out some of Heartfield or Kinoko Teikoku.
Thank you for sharing.
The 'All you need is love....'-track is amazing. It reminds me of some song or genre of which I had on cassette tape in the early 90s, but I forgot about it.
Now I can't probably sleep for days, because I can't remember what band it was, Haha.
When I find out, I'll let you know.
Excellent video! Many new groups to discover. I don't know many japanese groups, but there's one I really adore (despite the fact they are considered as post-rock more than shoegazing) called MONO.
Thank you malo! I'll check MONO out, as I enjoy post-rock as well :)
man, if you like this postrock/shoegaze combination of MONO then you should definitely check Lemon's Chair and Monocism.
@@davimag2071 Thank you! I just listened some tracks and this is great! Have a great day Davi!
MONO do tours outside of Japan too. They're well worth seeing live.
@@CurrieNerd Their tour history is quite impressive! It's so strange seeing the two guitarists sitting while playing. It's so unusual. I'll keep checking upcoming gigs, thx!
i love coaltar of the deepers
Me too! Definitely going to listen to more of their material.
This is my favorite new channel 😎
Thanks for making this video. I recently discovered my dead girlfriend and Oeil. I have been looking for more music.
one of my fav shoegaze outside of this is tokenainamae, they have a really unique mixing to their music even bad sometimes but the vocals just too good
Great video! Really informative about the Japanese take on this genre. My personal favourite shoegaze group is technically American but with a half-Japanese singer, Asobi Sekksu
Really interesting video ! You made me discover a lot of bands, and I enjoyed my dead girlfriend the most ! Thanks for that, and I'll definitely check your others videos!
Hi from France !
sonhos tomam conta its my favorite Brazilian band, so unique, thanks for show it representing my country!
Kinoko Teikoku is one of my favorite bands!! Some of their newer albums also have a lot of post rock and Japanese alt rock feel aswell!
Great video, dude. I loved this scene back in the day. I remember in the 90s how slow the internet was between Japan and the US. I could only get bits and pieces of the scene then. By the time the big pipe got laid down to Japan, the shoegaze scene was just starting to explode. Was a great time for music, IMO.
Thank you armblessed! I certainly take for granted the conveniences of modern technology. Being born in the late 90s I missed the initial wave of shoegaze, so it's always fascinating to hear from people who can recall what it was like back then. I agree with you, it certainly was a great time for music!
@@StainedGlassStories Dude, it’s people like you who are keeping it alive. Rock maybe dying but the aural textures that is shoegaze will continue to affect other genres of music for the rest of our days.
In fact, your videos have filled in many gaps of my own shoegaze knowledge and I was literally there. If this was 1990, I’d dump NME and listen to your radio show instead. You rock! \m/
We have the very similar taste on music, the artists you recommended are all my favor of all the time.
Glad to hear it Yuntao :). You should make a Spotify playlist if you haven't already.
Thank you for this video man
My pleasure!
I nominate The Milky Tangerine. Especially their EP Tuninglife from 2011. The band is defunct but has a Soundcloud page. I do this because no-one seems to know them. Maybe not exactly shoegaze, but definitely mentionable; similar to Mass of Fermenting Dregs. I just love the songs Charlotte and Your Beautiful Mind. Those two are extremely well-constructed songs. (This is my first RUclips comment ever. I just had to say this, because these songs deserve to be heard by someone.)