Christen Press' Game Winning Goal!

  • Опубликовано: 4 янв 2025

Комментарии • 9

  • @tazwildcat7
    @tazwildcat7 13 лет назад

    i did have a pic of ali and kelly under my start but rippd it up when she blocked me at time of the world cup final. 2 monh after my shoulder injury, throwing passes only 25 yards, seeing a specialist next week goiung to alazyize my right arm put needles crap in it so whats up as mri showed nothing bu my rigt shoulder is still frozen down my right arm 1/2 numb my talent is ronnie lott lights out hitter

  • @rjramjan111578
    @rjramjan111578 13 лет назад

    my name is christen too

  • @tazwildcat7
    @tazwildcat7 13 лет назад

    im on south carolina as a outlaw probally in charlotte nc. for 2 months just see if get kneck surgery then i had dededed on atalnta as on my list anyway and was a definite when u kelly carlli on same team. after bush told me i could have any woman in the world indirclty after maria sharpova candace parker i think carlli lloyd was next but im not forgiving hawaiins and how can i pick u up w no mone i lost a 90,000$ job highly presstigouse, after nfl logo, presdents seal y compnaies logo next

  • @tazwildcat7
    @tazwildcat7 13 лет назад

    song everything i do i do for you, id bleed every ounce of you drop every drop of water sweet, id ram ray lewis of rugby nd football head to head no helmit for love of you kelly ali morgan. i love u. every day i train i have pic of you and morgan at my start i pratice qb lb flanker willing to die for you. i knocked a virnai tech on his butt me 221 pounds him 290 goal line stand for love carbon copy hayden pantiers tnnis player. im told ca have any 1 awsome job in world but i want be achiles

  • @tazwildcat7
    @tazwildcat7 13 лет назад

    wheres TAZZ, tazz just had move south to e border becuase of press kelly. his apartment i trahsed so for his new lease would not pass inspection, no walls so furouse so far losing my law suit, so dont have money come sweep u oyour feet be your prince charming. i hd a dream o buying us our own soccer team miami va beach va or la. stuck in south carolina

  • @tazwildcat7
    @tazwildcat7 13 лет назад

    i feel like the biggest hyprcirt at mc donalds 2 cheese burgers no sauce coffee, a spots nutrion coach for biggest compnay world, usiig it for thier wi fi my hotel wi fi secks. top reason im pessed can not afford to eat 2 big juicy steak all u can at eal salad all u can eat health food even more than cudling u kelly ali ale morgan.I love you, I want to be sir lanclot achilelles knight in shinng armour for u but i want mutiple wives after wha hawii did to me

  • @tazwildcat7
    @tazwildcat7 13 лет назад

    im so sorry about th wps, why america is screwed up, im in a law suit i know all about it,how can you have a usa with out americas top woman no pro sport league, run a moto maddonoas song used to be my playgorund and what will obomas girls do whn they grow up, sx object only. my wedding present to u i love u ali kelly alex morgan buy you own pro soccer team my home town virgnia beach va cali waann beas my dream mami or la but america sucks

  • @tazwildcat7
    @tazwildcat7 13 лет назад

    with out u in atlnta only 1/2 chioce again mayb go try miamia, do tha 1 year save up then try califonria or atlnta in 1 year if miami does not work out u know how i feel ho fecked up america is. i love rugby but i understand no pr rugby in aerica as we have nfl equal but no pro sports for woman somehting up. i want to buy u a team as a wedding present also a nfl team and help makerugby top 3 mens sport us but this is usa fake as hell