6. Layers of Mental Activities

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 82

  • @Floxflow
    @Floxflow 8 лет назад +83

    00:26:10 "Every smart person want to be corrected, not admired". What a fantastic quote!

    • @realcountry2054
      @realcountry2054 7 лет назад

      then, it means that I have never met smart guys. They were just world famous leading scientists in the world of operations.

    • @yohei72
      @yohei72 4 года назад +1

      Why not some of each?

    • @christinemiranda1165
      @christinemiranda1165 2 года назад

      I love to extent the AI subject

    • @Greg-xs5py
      @Greg-xs5py 5 месяцев назад

      The guy who said that probably wants to be admired for sounding virtuous. To be admired is to be pushed up the status hierarchy, to be corrected is to be pushed down. Women select largely for status, thus from an evolutionary stand point it is better to be admired (unless the error is fatal).

  • @GrahamBessellieu
    @GrahamBessellieu 6 лет назад +14

    1:12:30 ~ Architectural Theories
    1:28:30 ~ Speech Recognition -> Production
    1:44:45 ~ Embodied Cognition

  • @2010sunshine
    @2010sunshine 3 года назад +10

    This medium has made it possible for us to learn from such intellectuals 🙏

  • @catherinerickard699
    @catherinerickard699 4 года назад +4

    Regardless of what he achieved In his life..., fact he understood what that man was asking nails his intellect and wisdom

  • @Trendall
    @Trendall 6 лет назад +23

    Ayyyy he changed his shirt

    • @pzcato
      @pzcato 5 лет назад +5

      Trendall shit fly too

    • @everlight5733
      @everlight5733 3 года назад +5

      It probably got sweat soaked from how much vigor he puts into his cotton mouth lip smacking

    • @umish-j7t
      @umish-j7t 3 месяца назад

      @@everlight5733this has me wheezing 😂😂😂😂

    • @zharmuth
      @zharmuth Месяц назад


  • @realcountry2054
    @realcountry2054 7 лет назад +8

    Body cognition: People underestimate a role of body, and overestimate the information processed by brain.

    • @Jaroen66
      @Jaroen66 6 лет назад +1

      real country the only complex processing that the body, aside from the brain, does is simple reflexes (the spine), maintaining body equilibrium and (partly) hormonal balance (which in turn influences and is influenced by the hypothalamus in the brain). Compared to all that the brain does, I'd say the brain is the key player here

    • @clearmenser
      @clearmenser 4 года назад

      @@Jaroen66 In defense of the importance of the body in cognition, it's the main (and only) interface with the real world, both in terms of getting information and experimenting with an unbelievably complex system and getting that practical feedback. So, it's not that the body provides information in an of its self.

    • @Bingbangboompowwham
      @Bingbangboompowwham 2 года назад

      Body cognition isn’t a scientific term

  • @JordhyLedesma
    @JordhyLedesma 10 лет назад +22

    More than just a lecture this is a piece of history. Everyone in the technology industry should watch this whole series. This is just beyond epic!

    • @-taz-
      @-taz- 10 лет назад +2

      Yeah I sure had a lot of fun listening to these.
      I think Minsky is missing something though. He thinks AI research has simply halted. I don't think that's the case at all. I think it has just moved out of schools and into more covert circles. Whoever they have posting stuff on RUclips about AI and neurology is exposing all these stupid ideas, that only Minsky seems smart enough to realize are stupid. These are purposeful diversions, designed to lead the competition down the wrong tracks.

    • @xanderbeaky4546
      @xanderbeaky4546 2 года назад +3

      I'm here for ASMR

    • @lindsaybencick8267
      @lindsaybencick8267 5 месяцев назад

      @@-taz-what do you think Minsky would think of AI now

    • @-taz-
      @-taz- 5 месяцев назад

      @@lindsaybencick8267 Same. I suppose that whatever we see now, Minsky already saw 20-30 years ago. Like he said about the self-driving algos, they haven't changed since the 60's. And LLMs go back to the early 80's. It's just a matter of training and CPU. There was plenty to train on even before the web, with the USENET. Does Microsoft and OpenAI have more compute now than secret programs had decades ago? Doubt it. Minsky and another both died a few years ago. She, whose name seems to get my posts deleted immediately, was surprised to live long enough to see the new child start to open its eyes. And it's interesting that a few years ago, it came out that he was a pleasure island visitor. Maybe he would be as dismissive about LLMs as Lanier and Chomsky? Although I think they already outperform Chomsky, they are probably just AI Junior. Are we training them, or are they training us?

  • @benjaminalexander6019
    @benjaminalexander6019 2 года назад +1

    They were saying good-bye. That gets me all misty.

  • @billyworkman4204
    @billyworkman4204 6 месяцев назад

    Quality conversation, how often do we come across that ?

  • @oakschris
    @oakschris 7 лет назад +4

    1:20:20 the amygdala stores short term memory??

    • @TLabsLLC-AI-Development
      @TLabsLLC-AI-Development 9 месяцев назад

      That's not the best summary.

    • @umish-j7t
      @umish-j7t 3 месяца назад

      From what I learnt in psychology it doesn’t 😭?

  • @edimalo7061
    @edimalo7061 4 года назад +22

    The comments: "this is history!"
    "I'm just here for the ASMR tingles😅"

    • @timothydavis2568
      @timothydavis2568 2 года назад +4

      omg I'm dying. I've been listening to this whole lecture series on 2x speed, and I just put it on 1x speed when I saw your comment. I never even realized this could be unintentional asmr 😂

    • @edimalo7061
      @edimalo7061 2 года назад

      @@timothydavis2568 😂😂😂😂

  • @catherinerickard699
    @catherinerickard699 4 года назад +4

    Beautiful soul...

    • @malifax4990
      @malifax4990 2 года назад

      He was allegedly cool with Epstein..

    • @EstraNiato
      @EstraNiato 2 года назад

      Yes he now watches over us from up there, with his friend Epstein...

  • @Silvertestrun
    @Silvertestrun Год назад +1


  • @slightlygruff
    @slightlygruff 9 лет назад +7

    Does the majority of the audience speak English as their native language?

    • @ghanaboyz
      @ghanaboyz 9 лет назад

      +Костя Зайцев What an odd question. Why do you ask?

    • @slightlygruff
      @slightlygruff 9 лет назад +6

      Most questioners sound like they have accents but I'm not a native speaker so perhaps it's the way all Americans speak - with regional accents. I'm somewhat curious about languages

    • @ghanaboyz
      @ghanaboyz 9 лет назад +4

      +Костя Зайцев Ok! :) I strongly suspect several speaking up does not have English as native language.
      Pretty heavy foreign accent a few times from the audience in this series of videos.
      Mr. Minsky also commented once that foreign studens were better educated, so I am pretty sure they have foreign students there.

    • @seblee2664
      @seblee2664 4 года назад +1

      I just loved watching this, I can hardly count to 10 but this was just so interesting. RIP Professor Minsky✌🏻

    • @vblue3926
      @vblue3926 2 года назад +2

      Nope. Cash up front from foreign students to school versus loans from U.S. citizens.

  • @stacyortiz7298
    @stacyortiz7298 Год назад

    I reported to the community page there's someone talking in the speaker in the background on my device

  • @Rick.Fleischer
    @Rick.Fleischer 2 года назад +2

    Winston and Fredkin attended this? They were saying good-bye. That gets me all misty.

  • @maspoetry1
    @maspoetry1 4 года назад

    interesting lecture

  • @phdgkos47952
    @phdgkos47952 2 года назад +1

    i actually enjoy learning

    • @grantklubert1887
      @grantklubert1887 Год назад

      Isn’t it fun when it’s not forced?!!? It’s weird but when being forced to it’s not the same

    • @wherearethegorls99
      @wherearethegorls99 2 месяца назад

      ​@@grantklubert1887 cause you're being forced to learn about something you're not interested in 😭

  • @travisfitzwater8093
    @travisfitzwater8093 2 года назад

    At least they don't surreptitiously photograph you.

  • @allenknap1
    @allenknap1 3 года назад +2

    That cough killed him by 2016 and my concentration within minutes.

    • @Wanderlust246
      @Wanderlust246 2 года назад

      Nice comment, such compassion. Hopefully no one will make such a stupid comment about you after you’ve died.

    • @KevinMichniewicz
      @KevinMichniewicz 5 месяцев назад

      Was he a toker?

    • @midnightrizer
      @midnightrizer 2 месяца назад

      he died of a brain hemorrhage in 2016

  • @models344
    @models344 2 года назад +1

    I wanna say that I watch this shit and other shit from mit so it’s never help me from becoming a homeless in Europe

    • @Wanderlust246
      @Wanderlust246 2 года назад

      Because you’re not intelligent enough

    • @models344
      @models344 2 года назад

      @@Wanderlust246 so what you read

    • @Wanderlust246
      @Wanderlust246 2 года назад

      @@models344 whatever that means

  • @Wearefree83
    @Wearefree83 Год назад +15

    If this is MIT class, I don't feel sorry for not getting into ! Just a waste of everyone's time and money. No disrespect intended!

    • @krkrtl11
      @krkrtl11 11 месяцев назад +27

      Your comment reminds me of the old adage, roughly translates into English as “the cat who can’t reach the liver will declare that liver spoiled”.

    • @TLabsLLC-AI-Development
      @TLabsLLC-AI-Development 9 месяцев назад +2

      Seriously. This guy woke up and chose to spotlight his inability to hang. 😂​@krkrtl11

    • @kevinmichniewicz1684
      @kevinmichniewicz1684 9 месяцев назад

      Your right 🤷

    • @Wearefree83
      @Wearefree83 8 месяцев назад +5

      I apologize for my comment! This man was truly a legend in its field of domain

    • @pauljohnson5570
      @pauljohnson5570 5 месяцев назад

      He’s earned the right to do whatever he wants he wants with a class.

  • @kody5992
    @kody5992 2 года назад


  • @Freon12661
    @Freon12661 3 года назад

    He had sand in their mouth!

  • @jeremysender
    @jeremysender 2 года назад +1

    29:47 worst question ever, rambling nonsense. shut up.

    • @MrFujinko
      @MrFujinko 4 месяца назад

      Trust fund foreign kids, can't even state a question, but will go back to their country bolstering MIT credentials

    • @umish-j7t
      @umish-j7t 3 месяца назад

      Frrr ruined the flow for bs

  • @gerardjones7881
    @gerardjones7881 5 лет назад +1

    He might want to retire.
    His ideas are long dead.

    • @pogger4649
      @pogger4649 5 лет назад +10

      Gerard Jones lmao, he’s BEEN dead. You ever had a class that was a “lecture” class. Very informative. I believe what he covers is very specific and aimed in one direction. Quit being a bitch.

    • @everlight5733
      @everlight5733 3 года назад +5

      Well regarding evolutionary biology and how ideas(or species) die he was actually quite on the money. He knew his research results would die out, as he even demonstrated this pattern using Kurt Godels incompleteness theorem, which actually influenced suicides because of its impact on the platform in the mathematics community.
      He knew that as a species, forms of human, or even forms of evolutionary biology was, in itself evolving from an outdated platform into a newer, streamlined, less clunky model. See, while our greatest technology is nearly space age or higher, our science is still making the jump from steam to ACDC circuitry.
      Evolution is "is this working" and it is not what we have evolved from that matters to evolution in the end - it's what were evolving into.

  • @fev0r
    @fev0r 4 года назад

    i know this does him injustice, but his voice really reminds me of trump's voice