Today I just added the meter and followed the instructions. I have an OMTech K40. As I tracked the wire from my CO2 tube to the board I saw that it had been spliced, from the black wire to a blue wire. Regardless of the color change of the original wiring from OMTech, I did everything shown in the video and the meter works as designed. Thank you for this simple but straight forward video.
awesome video, I have the same K40 as yours have watched many videos every one saying the one with the amp. meter the better way to go so I was worried until I found your video, this will be a easy upgrade and will have the best of both worlds Thanks 😃
Thanks for the vid, I would have taken the lid off and placed it on a support but you made it look soo easy, just waiting for my ammeter, gone for the old fashioned round black type they just look soo Cool! TFS, GB :)
Another observation, why would you mess with the connection at the power supply at all? If you tap into the wire high in the loom, you can jump across to the meter and back to the loom without sacrificing the factory terminal and you'd have to fish almost no wire back through the loom.
Again, this is a matter of preference. Even though it might look like it, there was not enough wire there to make the jump across the meter, and back to the power supply without splicing in an additional length of wire. I did not want to add an additional length of wire or additional splice points. This way it’s a homerun from both connections points on the meter.
Lovely vid! I ended up 3D printing a new panel and added the ammeter to that :D I also fried my fuse by incorrectly connecting back the switch... :D Where can I find a good table on what milliamp values are best suited for what materials ?
great video, I wos wandeing why was my ampmeter arcing (I was without internet so I done it by memmory) so I pligged positive to the miliampmeter :D fortunattely I had well grounded laser so nothing bad happened to me. Now I know wher i made the mstake, thanks. what is interresting that ampmeter is still working and measure the correct current (it was arching from the pivotpoint of the needle to the laser case through gap in between clear plastic cower of the ampmeter)
Very informative video. I have an OMTech k40 and I tried to add the meter and followed the steps in this video and it did not work. I thought the meter was bad so I replaced it and still didn't work. Anyone have any ideas as to what it may be? I do appreciate the help.
Why wouldn't you just remove the panel and cut it away from the machine, rather than risk having metal shaving fall into the power supply? It's pretty simple to do. Just take a picture of the wiring before you remove the components, then it's just a matter of a few screws.
Today I just added the meter and followed the instructions. I have an OMTech K40. As I tracked the wire from my CO2 tube to the board I saw that it had been spliced, from the black wire to a blue wire. Regardless of the color change of the original wiring from OMTech, I did everything shown in the video and the meter works as designed. Thank you for this simple but straight forward video.
Great video!! This answered all my questions in one video without having to do all the online reading. Fantastic
Glad that it helped, and thanks for watching!
wow chewing my fingers over doing this bought to weeks ago an fitted after watching this simple video cheers pal
MW3 thanks for the video. It really helps me understand what to look for a possible defective power supply off the newly delivered k4… thanks…
Perfect demonstration. Now I gotta get some connectors for mine and hook it up. Thanks!
Thanks for watching, glad I could help!
awesome video, I have the same K40 as yours have watched many videos every one saying the one with the amp. meter the better way to go so I was worried until I found your video, this will be a easy upgrade and will have the best of both worlds
Thanks 😃
Thanks for sharing,I think that even a non technical person such as I can do the installation after watching your video.
Glad to hear that!
Thanks for the vid, I would have taken the lid off and placed it on a support but you made it look soo easy, just waiting for my ammeter, gone for the old fashioned round black type they just look soo Cool! TFS, GB :)
GREAT video. I'm going to have to do this to mine now.
Awesome video, very helpful. Thanks.
Thank you very much!
I made it...
Another observation, why would you mess with the connection at the power supply at all? If you tap into the wire high in the loom, you can jump across to the meter and back to the loom without sacrificing the factory terminal and you'd have to fish almost no wire back through the loom.
Again, this is a matter of preference. Even though it might look like it, there was not enough wire there to make the jump across the meter, and back to the power supply without splicing in an additional length of wire. I did not want to add an additional length of wire or additional splice points. This way it’s a homerun from both connections points on the meter.
Lovely vid! I ended up 3D printing a new panel and added the ammeter to that :D I also fried my fuse by incorrectly connecting back the switch... :D Where can I find a good table on what milliamp values are best suited for what materials ?
Is it the same on k40 omtech's brand ?
Very good video.Go a a head. Thank you.
Thank you too
great video, I wos wandeing why was my ampmeter arcing (I was without internet so I done it by memmory) so I pligged positive to the miliampmeter :D fortunattely I had well grounded laser so nothing bad happened to me. Now I know wher i made the mstake, thanks.
what is interresting that ampmeter is still working and measure the correct current (it was arching from the pivotpoint of the needle to the laser case through gap in between clear plastic cower of the ampmeter)
Very informative video. I have an OMTech k40 and I tried to add the meter and followed the steps in this video and it did not work. I thought the meter was bad so I replaced it and still didn't work. Anyone have any ideas as to what it may be? I do appreciate the help.
are you sure you have not wired the meter the wrong way around - it's a common mistake - you'd be amazed.
is it normal I got 5mA at 30%?
What watt laser tube do you have?
Example would be a 40w laser tube, rated at say 20mA, 100% power would be 20mA, 50% power 10mA, 25% 5mA, and so on….
@@mw3designs 40 W, Ive tested on analog at 30% and its about 6mA and on digital it showed 5.8mA
Why wouldn't you just remove the panel and cut it away from the machine, rather than risk having metal shaving fall into the power supply? It's pretty simple to do. Just take a picture of the wiring before you remove the components, then it's just a matter of a few screws.
It’s just a matter of preference, this was the easiest way for me to get it done quickly.
Did you fix the electrical grounding problem? It looks like there is still paint under the screw -видео.html
Great video but I think wire configuration is other way around :)