ENDURE - Halo Animation [4K]

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии •

  • @LightningZetton
    @LightningZetton 2 года назад +132

    love seeing the reach elites again and chief did what that marine in that halo 3 trailer did and that's nice. overall I love this!

  • @UltimateHalo117
    @UltimateHalo117 2 года назад +260

    That was awesome dude, amazing work!

  • @gamerpro24hour1pro4
    @gamerpro24hour1pro4 2 года назад +335

    This is epic, Master chief looked spot on! His signature quick head turn was so great to see, (at: 1:17)no one ever captured that in a fan animation before.
    Keep up the great work :)

    • @murphyrutledge5590
      @murphyrutledge5590 2 года назад +36

      That time stamp could be an Easter egg.

    • @gamerpro24hour1pro4
      @gamerpro24hour1pro4 2 года назад +3

      @@murphyrutledge5590 :)

    • @mbibe
      @mbibe 2 года назад

      There's also some of that good shit here: ruclips.net/video/UKAt2fEdews/видео.html
      the Halo community is just so FUCKING BEAUTIFUL like holy shit.

  • @loacherfilms
    @loacherfilms  2 года назад +51

    Let me know what you think! If you liked what you saw, a share would be appreciated! 🙏

    • @mistergasparazzi2356
      @mistergasparazzi2356 2 года назад +2

      Broo wtff 💀💀, you took animation to whole another new level, haha, each new video you release, its always better than the last one, i almost choke with my drink in the beginning, the camera scene was so well done, so damn smooth, for a moment i thought it was someone cosplaying master chief, the moves and the screen were so smooth so well done, the transitions, damnnnn
      I 100% agree with the guy above
      You deserve a raise

    • @brianmuts385
      @brianmuts385 2 года назад +1

      Perfect timing. 🔥🔥🔥

    • @itwasme2435
      @itwasme2435 2 года назад +1


    • @NunchuckingNinja691
      @NunchuckingNinja691 2 года назад +1

      Think a series of halo animation would pop off and if you share with the community it’ll bring tons of people to channel! Top tier content as usual 👏🏼

    • @mistergasparazzi2356
      @mistergasparazzi2356 2 года назад +1

      @@NunchuckingNinja691 i wouldnt mind an Star wars old republic series with this quality, the last one he release had 1.5 Million views. To this day, i believe that one and the other with Commandos are one of the best of Star wars fan animations

  • @gendygoblin8391
    @gendygoblin8391 2 года назад +125

    Love to see stuff you can’t do in the games put into animations like this.

  • @Foxster_13
    @Foxster_13 2 года назад +139

    Really good work. The only times I felt I was watching a fan made film was when the Elites would move they seemed abit too slow. Another thing is probably the sound of the AR, sounded abit to weak and quieter than the plasma shots. But everything else was amazing, those shots where we zoom in on Chief look amazing, love it how you can see the parts on the armor where the paint has slightly started to come off on the edges.
    I'm in no way saying that this was awful because it wasn't, it was really amazing and I'm glad to see that people show their love for the franchises they love in different ways. This was definitely better than anything I could do, I wouldn't know the first place to start. I hope you keep doing what you love. Love your past stuff too.

  • @MenacingThreat
    @MenacingThreat 2 года назад +761

    Felt a little clunky and slow, but the textures, models and music was great!

    • @dankmotionsstudios5161
      @dankmotionsstudios5161 2 года назад +68

      I agree. The elites felt really stiff. He did a better job with his Reach animation honestly

    • @Quillian
      @Quillian 2 года назад +6

      @@dankmotionsstudios5161 definitely

    • @deanman1234
      @deanman1234 2 года назад +25

      I'm sure it's due to the models needing rigging. The community is just now getting them out with custom rigs that are okay.

    • @leetlc441
      @leetlc441 2 года назад +12

      @@deanman1234 Not an excuse. The animations are "stiff" in movements not relying on motion capture, meaning the characters are rigged already. The animator is just beginner with "hand made" animations. They got mocap down, but have a ways to go with custom animations.

    • @lukasveta9888
      @lukasveta9888 2 года назад +27

      @@leetlc441 bad english + smartypants + dont care

  • @TheTraumaCentre
    @TheTraumaCentre 8 месяцев назад +5

    "Endure" is such an awesome successor to "Believe" as an ad campaign

      @NOBLESIX-UNSC Месяц назад +1

      Believe, Become, Endure HOLY HELL THAT HAS A RING TO IT

  • @muggy0236
    @muggy0236 2 года назад +17

    They put de mashtur CheeF in the soda

  • @brokenlegend1179
    @brokenlegend1179 2 года назад +60

    Yooooo they should've hired these guys for the halo TV show 🤩🤩🤩

    • @sevenchair5594
      @sevenchair5594 2 года назад +3

      The TV show is gonna be shit, but I’ve already made my peace with it

      @NOBLESIX-UNSC Месяц назад

      WE HAVE A TIME TRAVELER ​@@sevenchair5594

  • @Freefonix1234
    @Freefonix1234 2 года назад +26

    HYPE :D
    If this animation is like the last few you know it's going to be awesome!

  • @ghettoclone7051
    @ghettoclone7051 2 года назад +45

    This was pretty good only thing that felt a little off was chief reacting to the little rocks and debris watching him not flinch while in battle is a huge thing for me otherwise everything else was spot on and amazing

  • @toaste5258
    @toaste5258 2 года назад +18

    The wait for another video was so worth it and always will be.
    Your work is amazing!

    • @leetlc441
      @leetlc441 2 года назад

      I wish the wait would be longer so they can actually clean those animations fully... It's so close to being good, but anyone who gives a damn about quality animation and principles can see they need work (when mocap isn't being used as a crutch). Loacher is a fantastic director, but whomever he has doing animations is still clearly a beginner.

  • @admiralhalo7293
    @admiralhalo7293 2 года назад +7

    WOW holy cow that was really awesome I felt like I was watching a trailer to a new halo game this is out standing work great job

  • @RealCeltySturluson
    @RealCeltySturluson Год назад +1

    If the halo tv show was made for halo fans with Halo being the foundation and not a sitcom drama

  • @wackyanimator6749
    @wackyanimator6749 2 года назад +2

    I did not expect that he would use the rod to do that

  • @enviousgaming3250
    @enviousgaming3250 2 года назад +8

    this was amazing! i love CGI films and seeing a halo one (first one at that too) was so cool.
    you not only did a great job with the color the setting the weapons and the armor itself but getting dirty and dust on the armor alone!
    so much attention to detail!!!
    amazing job I alm speechless without having to repeat mywelf

  • @DaddyDumptruckDeluxe
    @DaddyDumptruckDeluxe 2 года назад +1

    I’m impressed! Not just the attention to detail as far as lore and subject matter but execution, the vignette of character we follow and can infer beyond this short. Remarkable work brother!

  • @dmk_yt
    @dmk_yt 2 года назад +8

    This almost looks like official marketing material, it's so good

  • @The-Blue-Knight
    @The-Blue-Knight 2 года назад +34

    Awesome! I wish the assault rifle was that good ingame.
    My only critique is the choppy movement walking towards the metal rod.
    Everything else superb.

    • @lunaticfetch
      @lunaticfetch 2 года назад +1

      I think his intended goal in that was to capture how clunky the armor was but how he's still able to move decently regarding fluidity

    • @The-Blue-Knight
      @The-Blue-Knight 2 года назад

      @@lunaticfetch I thought that part looked pretty bad imo.

  • @ffili92
    @ffili92 Год назад +1

    SO FCKN SICK!! Bravoo 👏👏👏👏 the best fan made animation for halo

  • @MandoSkirataCln
    @MandoSkirataCln 2 года назад +2

    Great job in everything! Felt like you really captured the feeling of Halo cutscenes and their slightly slower, purposeful pacing. Keep creating!

  • @Gawu73
    @Gawu73 2 года назад

    Bro wtf this looks amazing I swear the halo community is the best y’all be making halo even more badass

  • @Finreii
    @Finreii 2 года назад +2

    This captures the grittiness of reach and odst (I think because of the cctv angles) and pairs it with the chief in such a satisfying way! Awesome stuff.

  • @solidspirit2365
    @solidspirit2365 Год назад +1

    Wasnt clunky and slow...It just wasn't overdramatic. It was simple efficient movement....It seemed to lack just as real life footage seems to lack compared to Hollywood movies...All this guy needs is a bit more exaggeration, camera shakes, quick zooms/tilts/pans etc
    Good Job

  • @AzeAlter
    @AzeAlter 2 года назад

    The hidden cameras 10x'd the look of this video. Love it!

  • @twistedt3727
    @twistedt3727 2 года назад +1

    My dude this is probably one of my favorite animations from you! The intro with the cameras and the elite getting Merked by the chief was so badass. Keep it up!

  • @Green-IV
    @Green-IV 7 месяцев назад

    the ODST and Halo Wars esque cinematic inspiration is very strong here
    So good man wow

  • @W_Winters_99
    @W_Winters_99 2 года назад +2

    I don't understand why a lot of people think it makes the main protagonist look more badass when the enemy they're fighting gives next to no resistance and dies almost instantly. It's like I'm watching chief stomp little old ladies into the dirt... animation is still cool though and it looks very pretty.

  • @thorcremonesi9317
    @thorcremonesi9317 2 года назад +3

    A lot better than the tv show

  • @gazza4733
    @gazza4733 2 года назад

    This looks as if this is a younger Master Chiefs first real piece of combat.
    Slow and takes time to think of each move he makes, unsure of himself and hasnt met Cortana yet.
    But still a bad ass when it comes down too it.
    The ending too, where he sees the covenant ship, amazing scene.
    All in all great work as always, cant wait for more

  • @holtzappledalton2153
    @holtzappledalton2153 2 года назад +1

    the classic elite sounds are the best

  • @po1ybius31
    @po1ybius31 2 года назад

    The cinematography was masterful on this one. I love the perspectives that you took throughout this, the military camera view capturing the grittiness of battle, the low angles that give Master Chief his great size, the view from his gun was nice, especially the mirror view from his helmet to the Corvette, this is just sick great job on this. I especially loved the creativity of Chief throwing the rebar, that was just sick. I would have loved to watch Chief and the elites acting quicker and more urgent, but overall, just amazing to me!

  • @Butter_Warrior99
    @Butter_Warrior99 2 года назад

    Master Chief really just made an explosive pike, out of a sticky nade and a piece of rod iron. He still has some childlike creativity.

  • @NoobPTFO
    @NoobPTFO 2 года назад +2

    You really know your way around the virtual camera! Also, big thumbs up to the sticky plasma javelin!

  • @lonewolf5054
    @lonewolf5054 2 года назад +2

    Amazing job dude, felt slow and sluggish but that's really over Shadowed by ur amazing animation, textures, and lighting, ur on Hollywood level with this stuff

  • @KillerTacos54
    @KillerTacos54 2 года назад +1

    I am very very impressed! This is genuinely almost on-par with actual video game cinematic trailers/cutscenes. There are only some small things with the animation here and there that could be improved, but everything visually speaking looks excellent!

  • @LuisHumanoide
    @LuisHumanoide 2 года назад

    Now we want a Master Chief series! This is fantastic

  • @kurttrevelyan051
    @kurttrevelyan051 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is what Paramount only dreams of accomplishing

  • @WilliamFaucher
    @WilliamFaucher 2 года назад


  • @JCrossMsM
    @JCrossMsM 2 года назад

    Love the camera shots like they used in the H3 promos. Well done!

  • @GrimSix
    @GrimSix 2 года назад

    I saw the 117 and i was like: !no way he didn't !!!!
    Such talent mate, you deserve so much more, 🌹

  • @C.C.C.203
    @C.C.C.203 2 года назад

    When a RUclipsr makes a better Halo film than a multi-million-dollar film company. Great job on this.

  • @RokokoMotion
    @RokokoMotion 2 года назад

    So gooood! Well done Loacher, this is awesome!

    • @loacherfilms
      @loacherfilms  2 года назад

      ayy thanks guys, couldn't do it without you 👏

  • @IanLukeProduction
    @IanLukeProduction 2 года назад

    You are a one man army man, I've seen recent video game cinematics that didn't look as good as this

  • @SacredIconFound525
    @SacredIconFound525 2 месяца назад

    I love how heavy everyone looks, this feels like real halo! Dont listen to the people calling it slow, they probably have no idea what "spartan time" is

  • @O_Godz
    @O_Godz 2 года назад

    Thank you for demonstrating Chief's Calculating side. I wish this was recommended to me 8 months ago!

  • @RaptorDeOLGAmer
    @RaptorDeOLGAmer 2 года назад +1

    Oh my god!..... This is SO Awesome! Now this I would love to be the Halo series!

  • @operatorpolak
    @operatorpolak 2 года назад +3

    Wow its that guy from Fortnite,
    Love what you are doing, keep it up.

  • @Rodrinator75
    @Rodrinator75 2 года назад

    You are getting better and better Loacher! You are my inspiration. Amazing work as always, keep it up!

  • @captainbrexit6730
    @captainbrexit6730 2 года назад +3

    This was really good. I think the only part I didn't like as much was just how quiet the rifle was from the forearm shot. It just felt a bit off. But then again I can't animate whatsoever so I can't say much lol. Still really good, loved every second of it

  • @SonGundam34
    @SonGundam34 2 года назад

    The close up shots looked so real. I would not be able to tell it was cgi, if I was shown this at random

  • @agentequinox
    @agentequinox 2 года назад +1

    As always, your animations to cease to amaze me! Great film, Loacher!

  • @dragonrider1736
    @dragonrider1736 2 года назад +2

    1:48 man, that was smart and a good arm chief

  • @NecromotiveStudio
    @NecromotiveStudio 2 года назад

    This was absolutely amazing! I love it!
    (Edit): Those shield effects also are just 😍

  • @caisonechols
    @caisonechols 2 года назад

    I love it so much because the sound, combat and the music mmmm so awesome. Nice job dude keeping making more happy videos.

    • @EchelonNine
      @EchelonNine 2 года назад

      Glad you liked the music! It was fun to write

  • @HydratedBeans
    @HydratedBeans 2 года назад

    Rebar grenade spear is a whole new term. I love it

  • @CT-5585
    @CT-5585 2 года назад +1

    Remind me of the halo 3 and odst live action Trailer. This look better then the halo show trailer well done, vary well done 👍

  • @nicholasdavie6357
    @nicholasdavie6357 2 года назад

    Hey man I think this is a great animation better than anything I could ever do but I can’t wait to see you keep improving !

  • @ipastsavagei9553
    @ipastsavagei9553 2 года назад

    This is what halo fans want you should be the one directing and writing the story for the halo series on paramount plus

  • @MenacingThreat
    @MenacingThreat 2 года назад +3

    LET’S GO

  • @jonathanwaymann9018
    @jonathanwaymann9018 2 года назад

    Love it! Absolutely worth the wait, and then some!

  • @Xblader150
    @Xblader150 2 года назад +2

    That was great

  • @samtheman5138
    @samtheman5138 2 года назад

    This is amazing!!!! I love your Halo videos!

  • @Mark-ff8ck
    @Mark-ff8ck 2 года назад

    Dude ngl this looks real! Great job!!

  • @CruelRavier
    @CruelRavier 2 года назад

    now THIS. THIS is what the halo tv show should be

  • @jacobrooms
    @jacobrooms 2 года назад

    Fantastic, and omg the visuals where so nice!

  • @InfiniteForges
    @InfiniteForges 2 года назад

    I enjoyed that! Great job on this.

  • @jacobmaniscalco179
    @jacobmaniscalco179 2 года назад +2

    Can't wait for more!!

  • @therealsirchewy
    @therealsirchewy 2 года назад

    Wow! Can't believe you made a MintBlitz fan film! Looks very good

  • @devastater97
    @devastater97 2 года назад

    Animation was good expect for three things.
    1. Ultra's shields are way tougher than that it would've taken sustained fire from a full mag to bring it down and kill it.
    2. Plasma grenades don't stick to surfaces, only people and vehicles.
    3. An MA series rifle is reloaded by pulling the charging handle backwards, ejecting and loading a fresh mag in, then moving the charging handle forward to chamber a new round.

  • @dastalinstarblade4618
    @dastalinstarblade4618 2 года назад

    Think all we really need added to this is another version of this where the fuselage of the Banshee hits Chief, the "Suicide" sound clip and the respawn beeps XD

  • @ascule
    @ascule 2 года назад

    How are you're models and their movements better than the Halo tv shows?
    This was amazing

  • @kennethheintzeman2892
    @kennethheintzeman2892 2 года назад

    Commenting for the algorithm would love to see more!
    Such a high quality. Very nice

  • @Skydrag.V60
    @Skydrag.V60 2 года назад

    I like how slow paced it was. Master Chief knows he can take his time lol

  • @AverageImp
    @AverageImp 2 года назад

    i'm not even a halo guy and i think this is fantastic!

  • @stuffalot7596
    @stuffalot7596 2 года назад

    Animation next level. Amazing job

  • @philosophichuman1507
    @philosophichuman1507 2 года назад

    Master Chief seems perfectly in character.

  • @daboizgaming4058
    @daboizgaming4058 2 года назад

    AMAZING im a huge halo fan and i play the game a lot so this was like playing the game!!!!

  • @PatsyH3r0
    @PatsyH3r0 2 года назад +2


  • @trashman1805
    @trashman1805 2 года назад

    This lives up to the halo name great job :)

  • @Muninn_Crow
    @Muninn_Crow Год назад

    Better than Halo Infinite's 'support the Chief' ads. Well done!

  • @lunaticfetch
    @lunaticfetch 2 года назад

    I love this so much! Everything you make is a masterpiece. I want more!

  • @exiversal5095
    @exiversal5095 2 года назад

    As always, epic animations from Loacher.

  • @gavynedelman3605
    @gavynedelman3605 2 года назад

    Great work !!! This was so cool

  • @Nortic111
    @Nortic111 2 года назад

    Pretty phenomenal work!

  • @admiralmallard7500
    @admiralmallard7500 2 года назад

    Dang that's Brillaint. Bet at the end he just went to look for a bigger stick to throw at the carrier 😂

  • @MyanmarWildWaters
    @MyanmarWildWaters 2 года назад

    As a amateur photographer, good detail on the ISO on the cams too (higher for darker settings, lower when facing the sky because the suns bright)

  • @over9000713
    @over9000713 2 года назад

    1:28 - Chief is feeling the "Giving the covenant back their bomb" moments
    Also, 1:09, me after my best friend casually drops a joke that rattles my deepest insecurities

  • @xShadow_God
    @xShadow_God 2 года назад

    I honestly enjoyed this more than I enjoyed the Halo TV show. Have you thought about making an animated series of some kind? It's probably a lot of hard work, but I think you would do an amazing job. You got talent for sure, every video you drop is great.
    Also, will we ever see more STALKER animations? I just recently got into STALKER and saw your old animation, and now I want more lol

  • @Ryferion
    @Ryferion 2 года назад

    Amazing film! Just generally amazing animation, really really well shot and sounds awesome :D

  • @Predman1227
    @Predman1227 2 года назад

    My mind is blown with that rebarb throw.

  • @the_ikero9077
    @the_ikero9077 2 года назад

    Your animation is so nice bro, excellent work 👍👍

  • @mozakoranda4184
    @mozakoranda4184 2 года назад

    Not bad, Pretty sweet, exceeded my expectations

  • @LynNerdd
    @LynNerdd 6 месяцев назад

    Loacher deserves like 99 billion subscribers

  • @Fishmaster4ever
    @Fishmaster4ever 7 месяцев назад +1

    Already better than the Halo show

  • @CrazyFoxyGaming
    @CrazyFoxyGaming 2 года назад

    Amazing piece, i love your animations

  • @JaigEyesStudios
    @JaigEyesStudios 2 года назад

    Love it!
    0:11 - 0:38
    The Cam footage effect reminded me of Bungie's Landfall trailer.

  • @jasonkempton7890
    @jasonkempton7890 2 года назад

    This is some amazing work right here! Great textures

  • @AlexS189
    @AlexS189 2 года назад

    Niiiiiiice! Great work dude!