just because you can acquire something doesnt mean it was made the same year you had it in your possession, he most likely got it used but it was made 10 years ago...
@armasiel id say its safe to say hes probably high as hell and sputtered. any old 311 fan would recognize that guitar from years ago. hes had blue for a verrryyy long time.
Dude, that guitar has a great great color.
Tim Mahoney is freakin awesome for sure.
@Notlaugh He is genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met/talked to in my life.
@Notlaugh He is. Met him a few times. Nicest guy out there. he will talk to you like you're old friends even if he doesn't know you
I think it's only because he's been touring for so damn long. Tim can certainly play.
watching this made me like 311 a whole lot more than i did before
i liked them before but now i feel like ill listen to them a little more
Dimebag Tribute shirt. He's the man...
I'm the 3,111 viewer of this video! Way Cool. 311's got the boom y'all!
Dude... miT's the MAN!!!!!!
just because you can acquire something doesnt mean it was made the same year you had it in your possession, he most likely got it used but it was made 10 years ago...
Nice Shirt! Salute to you & DIMEBAG! RIP
@armasiel id say its safe to say hes probably high as hell and sputtered. any old 311 fan would recognize that guitar from years ago. hes had blue for a verrryyy long time.
i know bro, it sucks. But he sure did leave a damn good legacy behind.
he looks like steve buscemi
It might be that he bought a 10 year old PRS in 2009?
"It's a PRS Standard, about 10 years old I guess, I got this one in 2009..." orly?
no doubt.
the pedalboard is even bigger than my apartment
311 420 311
Anyone sensing a pattern here?
wow i can't believe it's been 5 years. seems like just yesterday new found power dropped. what a shame...
He sounds like everyone's uncle.
many pedals :D
Dang man thats confusing haha. I want those heads tho...
What? "Got the PRS Standard... It's about 10 years old... 2009 I guess I got this one." 10 years old? It's 2009 right now :D
Is it me, or does Tim look a little like Steve Buscemi?
Just asking.
i thought Joe Satriani's pedal board was intimidating. . . this one looks like a nightmare to figure out
anyone else notice the displays show 311, 420, and 311? Ha
The complete video lasts 4 hours:-7
He sounds like Steve Buscemi. Kinda looks like him too.
dangg thats alot of pedals
i hate people who have sooo many effects, hes prity good but personaly i prefer guitar, 2 maybe 3 pedals, amp
@jaxpower1 lol I know it just sounds funny
I don't even understand that setup
yeah, we would have to be blind not to notice that.
Lol. He's high as hell
and today is the 5 year anniversary of his murder. very sad day, for music and everyone else.
MAYBE he bought it used. lol
he have enough pedals? lol.
chino bambino
his a channel is distorted dry balls ha
alot of nice toys, but imo way too much shit on stage..keep it simple boys and girls.. learn to actually play the instrument.