Phoenix Seminary’s free online course on Church History is EXCELLENT! As a homeschooling mom I’ve been listening/watching on my phone when I walk in the early mornings…been incredibly encouraged!
Stellar discussion, Alisa! I am currently teaching on the person and work of Christ forr my adult Sunday school. I referenced your interview with Habermas on the Early Creeds last week. Now I have another superb video to add. You are a true blessing, sister! Keep serving our King!
I’m so glad that believers and non-believers alike have finally realized that the books of the bible weren’t decided at the council of Nicaea. A bit of bad history that everyone just repeated for a long time. I’m personally an atheist but I enjoy your podcast, and especially loved your guests on this one. Thank you!
Your beliefs are no more true than the indoctrinated beliefs of 3 billion Muslims and Hindus on the planet today. You are being exploited by these religious hustlers.
I watch a lot of Christian RUclips but I come to this channel for reference over and over. I’ve used several videos as launching pads to teach about the Word my friends and those iam trying to reach out to. That’s the mark of an excellent channel. That we can use it to share the Gospel to others.
Wow. I just saw the end of this great topic. I have a friend that I am talking to about this very topic but I need to know how to answer. Thank God for replay. Thanks, Ms. Alicia.
I listened to this fascinating conversation on your podcast but wanted to listen again with video-still a fab convo! I purchased their book, Scribes & Scripture, after listening the first time.
I ordered the book Scribes and Scripture. I'm currently reading Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Criticism. Ideally loved this talk. Thank you! I have a huge interest and this type study of the Bible.
That last meme segment made me think about a though I had probably as far bar back as middle school that was, “how weird it is, that the further away from the fact the more people think they know about it.”
I started this a week or two ago. Don't remember how I came across it now but the title intrigued me. I paused it about 45min into it and just finished it now. Overall, I thought it pretty good. Two comments I'd make are: 1) I am still amazed today by the degree of arrogance some of these overnight internet theologians display when it comes to talking about the Bible, its veracity, and comments regarding translations/interpretation. FWIW, I liked Peter's recommendation to get a couple of translations and compare them side-by-side. Personally, I have 30+ translations at my disposal in my eSword along with the Hebrew & Greek. I recommend something that's been VERY helpful to me and that is looking at numerous translations when coming upon a troubling/difficult passage. I have found that EXTREMELY helpful at times. While it doesn't totally replace a deep "study" where proper hermeneutics and sound exegesis are required coupled with the use of Strong's or BDAG, BDB, a Concordance, Bible dictionaries, and even Commentaries, it has for me flipped the switch and caused the light to shine on something I didn't see before. 2) I was glad to see Peter totally denounce TPT as he's spot on. It is garbage. And that should be taken in the context of what I said above. There has never been a time in my life where the ability to read and study Scripture has been more available and to such a HUGE degree. It's literally right at the fingertips of almost everyone today. Yes, with that comes the danger of the "angels of light" putting out their deceptive counterfeits but I am firmly convinced that those indwelt with the Holy Spirit, who truly desire to know God & His Word better, He will lead, guide, and direct them into all Truth.
Incredible. I must be learning enough about this that I was actually following and not left in the dust! But also these guys are very easy to listen to. Such incredible facts I've never known about my own faith. Absolutely moving to hear them elevate what we know as God's word to it's rightful position factually and respectfully. Thank you for the work that has been done here
How can a man who professes to belong to a church that pronounced 151 anathemas upon Protestants simultaneously say that we are all doing the Lord's work?
@@RoyceVanBlaricome Some of us can process information in real time and compliment an individual realizing that they are not perfect - who among us is beside you?
@@matthewdecaro8914 - LOL. Was that supposed to be an answer to my question? And, if I'm not mistaken, both of them actually denounce the RCC in the video. Care to try and enlighten us on how that's the "Lord's work"? LOL
Thanks for this. My background is more from the Liberal Church. However, we named the four gospels as 'The gospel according to Saint Matthew....and Paul as St Paul etc.
Met’inks its simply a matter of personal preference, (our KJVO brethren notwithstanding), having said that its like comparing apples & oranges - while both are fruit, but the comparison breaks down from there forward.
NIV is more accessible, in terms of modern language. That would be it's strength. It's not as literal a translation as KJV or ASB. Then you have the NKJV, which is literal and modern, and I'd say it's a better translation than the NIV. I'm obviously not a KJV only. I've found NIV to missing actual scriptures and to have some strong mistranlations that other translations not mentioned incl. and are stronger and more literal translations.
The new NIV is a poor translation and misses some key theological points because of the gender inclusive language used. The older NIV is solid as a dynamic equivalence. For preaching and teaching i and all of my pastor friends use the ESV, NASB or CSB. Kevin DeYoung wrote an excellent booklet on why his church switched from the NIV. Hope this helps.
55:20 I must push back on where he says apostolic authority resides after the death of the apostles. The early church taught that that authority resided yes in their writings but also in the traditions that they passed down and on the persons whom they anointed to lead each church (the congregation of an individual city where a "church" was founded) after them.
This topic shows why the neglect of church history, before the reformers, by protestants leads to the very situation we are in here in the west. There are no gaps in church history; from the 1st century onward we know how the church operated, what her major doctrines are, and the path clarifying those doctrines took. We have writings of contemporaries of the apostles, those who are specifically mentioned in scripture. We also know the influence that the emperors had over councils. The early councils, Nicaea 1 and Constantinople 1, explicitly prohibit the Emperor from being able to participate in the discussions he merely facilitated the hundreds of bishops to attend the meeting. Later on emperors influenced bishops to affirm Arianism leading to crisis. This however was dealt with by reaserting the philosophy of Byzantium. The two headed eagle, where church and state do not overlap in authority. No member of the clergy could hold onto royal/military titles. Then Charlemagne became Emperor of old Rome. The francish influence over the pope and the understanding that the honour given to the bishop of old Rome was more than just honour amongst equals began to take root. Coming to a head in 1054 when the pope and the patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated the east and western churches respectively. This primarily over the theological schism of the filioque. After this point the eastern and Western church have been separated. However up until this point they were united and from this first millenia we get the councils that deal with: Trinity, christology, scotierology, iconography, canon of scripture, and so many other topics. Most of what these councils are for however are to counter heresy. Whether it be Arianism, Nestorianism, Gnosticism, Sabellianism, Originism, semiarianism, monophelytism, monenergism, or the many others, these councils were the way that the Spirit guided the church throughout history. These councils followed the tradition passed down by the apostles and recorded in Acts, during the council of Jerusalem where James presided and Peter was rebuked for siding with the Judiasers. The ignorance of church history, especially in the first Milena, is the reason for many of the woes in the modern Western church.
There at the end you started talking about "translation" v "interpretation." In modern English, the difference is that translation is written and interpretation is oral. There are two problems, though: 1). Most people who are monoligual just use those terms interchangeable which should not be 2). Scripture itself has a long history of being oral and written--so what term do you use when, ya know? It is easier to create uniformity in your terms.
Thank you for the informative podcast. May I suggest that you also discuss the issue that's seemingly spreading in the church i.e the old testament is no longer relevant and it should be removed from the bible. It will be helpful to have answers to this
“I would not have believed the gospel, unless the authority of the Catholic Church had induced me.” (St. Augustine, Contra Ep. Fund., V, 6.). `The Canon Question` the whole story on the website of Called to Communion.
So perhaps you still don't understand what gospel is. I am from country that is majorly catholic. As a little boy I always had questions regarding catholic church and no one was willing to answer my questions. The day I was born again Holy Spirit showed me the answers because in fact Gospel explains all of them.
I am confused about this quote. The official start date of the Roman Catholic church was 1054 with the Great Schism, but Augustine was born in the 4th century??
@@Vynachadzavy Maybe what he was saying is that there are like 10,000 denominations with different interpretations and meanings of the Gospel, that they all claim was shown to them by the Holy Spirit. But they all contradict each other and they can’t all be correct at the same time
I think the last major English translation of the Bible is the Modern English Version (MEV), which is quite close to the King James Version. It's much closer to the King James than the New King James. I think it came out in 2013 or 2014.
If you throw Paul and the Bible away, then the only thing that remains is the blind guiding blinds and both will fall inside the hole. That was amazing.
Your merchandising at the start distracts and to some extent discredits to some. When I give your links to others, especially to non-believers, the start with selling stuff is a fast turn off and they're gone. Be pithy at the start to hold attentions.
The Bible tells us where humanity received the Torah -- IF you believe the Bible. Approximately two million Children of Israel gathered at the foot of Mt. Sinai, and ALL heard the voice of the One True G-D stating the first commandments -- and then instructing Moses to come up the mountain to receive the rest of the commandments of the Torah. This is not something "inspired by the Holy Spirit," and left up to debate by men. This is the Almighty Creator, in a mass revelation, speaking to HIS greatest prophet -- and dictating the very words, much as HIS "finger" etched the words into tablets of stone. When a man was anointed as king of Israel, he was command by G-D to write his own personal Torah scroll -- that he would keep close by at all times. (Deuteronomy 17:18)
Have a Wonderful day. Thank you for your videos and all the work and time that goes into them. Praying each day for you. True Peace and True Hope is found only in Jesus. John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
about an hour in what the gentleman says about inspiration sounds like what Seventh Day Adventists call "thought inspiration" whereby the writer writes in his own language and style and yet says what God wants him to say according to the thoughts God gave him, that is, the thoughts are God's thoughts, but the expressions are the writer's expression
I'm disappointed that your guests just completely skip past the the deuterocanonical books which were found at Qumran including Sirach, Tobit and Wisdom. These pre-date the masoretic texts and the rabbinic Hebrew bible. These books are of course included in the septiagint bible.
Except the books and translations WERE chosen by the winners of theological debates, and Constantine and others had massive influence on changing customs and doctrine.
@@stellarjayatkins4749 I’m not into digging my own rabbit trail to prove your point for you... I guess I’m old school, when someone makes an assertion I want to see if they can back it up, then if they can I would be curious to look into it further. A lot of people make this assertion with no back-up
@@annalynn9325 I just gave you a concrete example of my claim and told you how you can verify or disprove it. And yes, if you need more on the topic you will have to research further on your own because I don’t have time to write a dissertation in a RUclips comment thread.
@@annalynn9325 Here are two good books on the subject ●Found Christianities: Remaking the World of the Second century CE by M. David Litwa ●Lost Christianities: the battle for scripture and faiths we never knew by Bart Ehrman.
I appreciate the scholarship from these very sincere and dedicated theologians. they do a good job on defending some grade essentials of what is the pill orthodoxy on scriptures that stand the test of time is valid in the face of progressivism which is a foe of the gospel. however, I do not believe that there is a good argument from history of the 66 book Kevin but instead it is better for the 73 book canon. The old testament expert said at the end that the church always excepted these books the way they are but that is not correct if you look at several church councils in the fourth and fifth century. this is one of them. -- COUNCIL OF CARTHAGE OF 397 [It has been decided] that nothing except the canonical Scriptures should be read in the Church under the name of the divine Scriptures. But the canonical Scriptures are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, four books of Kings, Paralipomenon, two books, Job, the Psalter of David, five books of Solomon, twelve books of the prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Tobit, Judith, Esther, two books of Esdras, two books of the Maccabees. [Canon 47 (A.D. 397)].
How is your Observation ? Luke 17:20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. You you you........ 2Cor13:5Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? In you, In you, you, you. Why do you still look outside yourself? To me your goofballs.
So when Jesus was speaking of the kingdom being in us, is to say it is not a kingdom of this world as a natural kingdom like Rome, but rather it is a spiritual kingdom, a change of the heart, born again, is to be a citizen of the kingdom of God. John 3 Jesus tells Nicodemus you hear the wind but you don't see it, the kingdom is a way of life as a servant of Jesus Christ. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.
If citations by Josephus and Philo give evidence about what was viewed as scripture before the finalization of the canon, what about the book of Jude? Jude 14-15 quotes from the book of Enoch. Copies of Enoch are found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, unlike Ester. The way it is cited clearly indicates Jude thought it was scripture, unlike Paul's quotation of Menander or Epimenides. Jude is actually IN the Bible. For the Christian canon, shouldn't it be more authoritative than Philo?
. Hi-ALISA; Thank you for posting this superbly scholarly discussion on the etymology of the scriptural manuscripts. It seems we are getting closer and better informed on how to understand the origin intent and meaning of the biblical narrative - not so easily and blithely boasted as the ‘inspired’’inerrant’,or ‘absolute’’Word-of-God’. In fact, upon review of your well framed criterion of using the objective orientation words. It provides a convenient format to outline my reply commentary: … IDENTIFY | DISCERN | PROCLAIM … . IDENTIFY - It seems we can better identify manuscripts of the ‘Scriptures’,and the ‘Word-of-God’ as a linguistical construct. It seems clear that; ”All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the one of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” And, yet; in this letter by Paul,Saul-of-Tarsus to Timothy,no doubt referred to the Old-Covenant Hebrew text since there was no ‘New-Covenant’ text yet to call ‘Scripture’. . DISCERN - To discern the Hebrew text further as touched upon by Dr.John-Meade and Dr.Peter-Gurry there was a clear distinction between the Greek Septuagint Hebrew text and the latter Masoretic Hebrew text. It seems the Septuagint Hebrew text was used during the Second Temple period,b.c.e.,Sixth-century-to-c.e.,070. This would seem to be the Hebrew both Jesus-of-Nazareth and Paul,Saul-of-Tarsus would have used. Even though the Dead Sea Scrolls included a range of fragments the Hebrew texts were written in both a; c.e.,Third-century-Septuagint; some fragments hinted at a pre-Septuagint Hebrew text off of which the Masoretic Hebrew text would be ‘reconstructed’, c.e.,Fifth-century-to-10-th.century. As pointed out this ‘Masoretic’ Hebrew text was used primarily for Protestant interpretational use upon the scriptoriums shifting to the use of the printing press,15-th.century. The Latin Vulgate Bible was written by the Catholic Church Fathers,Fourth-century. The dumbed-down common-global lingua-franca English language came into use,16-th.century. English was a phonetic Runic based language originally used by the continental European tribes between Denmark and the Rhine River outside the Roman Empire. English only came into use 500-years ago using only five-percent of the human planetary lexicon that conveys up to 90-% of intended communicated meaning; specifically that of the ancient Aramaic languages over 2,500-years-old. It would require an extraordinary meta-physical leap-of-faith to imagine God literally writing ‘with His Own Finger’ in a common tribal language script. But, no matter. It’s best we ‘PROCLAIM’ the Gospel without the obfuscation of interpretational subterfuge or sophistry at a time of great divisive incongruency and polity between the Latin Western ‘church’ and the Greek Eastern ‘church’,before the ‘reformation’ - the first real PROCLAIMED ‘deconstruction’ to ‘progressive’ christianity. Explained as follows: … 1 . CONTINUED-ON-2. ~
2 … . PROCLAIM - You strain out a gnat,but swallow a camel; or, seek to remove the dust out of the eyes of others, and, yet; ignore the splinter in your own eyes; you search the Scriptures for the Words to Life, and, yet; your mouth is full of lies and death. Please, let me expound the ‘Gospel-Message’ here ‘without-compromise’; let ‘our-focus-and-emphasis’ be on the ‘full-undiluted-Gospel-of-Jesus-The-Christ’, that is, ‘not’ on the gospel of ‘sin’ and ‘repentance’ - which is the gospel and baptism of John; ‘nor’ the ‘penal substitutionary atonement’ of Israel as a ’personification’ as in Isaiah chapter-53; like Israel’s personification as ‘Zion’,Isaiah chapter-52; and,like Israel as the ‘bride’ and ‘barren-one’,whom had no purely good obedient righteous one,Isaiah chapter-54. but, rather; The Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven has been established in Heaven and on Earth under the full jurisdiction of Jesus The Anointed Christ Enthroned at The Right Hand of God, with all Power and Authority in The Gospel of Forgiveness and Righteousness in The Life,Morals,Teachings,and Philosophy of Jesus-of-Nazareth-The-Christ. Explained as follows: . CONTEXT Full-Biblical-View . Okay: Let’s get this clear; upon His Death - having fulfilled The Law and Prophets in every ‘jot-&-tittle’ as Commanded by God’s Will; Jesus Declared,‘It is Finished’ - Rendering unto God which is His. This was in reference to the parable of ‘the-Tenant-Farmers’ when the father sent his son,as heir,to collect what was due at the time of the harvest. And, in Abeyance to His Own Commandment to Love one another - God; neighbour; self; enemy; family and friends; as, He gave His Life in a Dying request to His Father to Forgive humanity - for we ‘know not what we do’. Forgiveness was given to all humanity, by confirmation in the affirmative, upon The Resurrection of Jesus-of-Nazareth as The Anointed Christ Enthroned at The Right Hand of God, with all Power and Authority in Heaven and on Earth, as Declared by Jesus The Christ to His Disciples Affirmed by Agency of His Second Coming upon The Power and will of the wind of Baptism with Fire of His Holy Spirit in Jerusalem at The Pentecost. This was given to all people of all nations to preach The Gospel of The Good News of The arrival of His Kingdom on Earth to all the corners and ends of the world. This is ‘not’ a kingdom of Laws lorded over His Realm in Heaven and on Earth, but, rather; a Kingdom of Love Kindness and Forgiveness; as evidenced by; His apparent conversation with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery-furnace, and, as; He taught us ‘nothing’ about how to kill one another, but, rather; He Taught us everything about what He knew in how to Love and Die for one another. Even Reverend Billy Graham came to this conclusion after a lifetime of preaching the previously conflated ‘predestinational’’end-times’ worst kind of popular evangelical christian theological tripe; and, certainly; ‘predestinational’ Augustinian and exclusionary,[no-salvation-outside-the-church] ‘works’ Catholic christian religion,[RE-LEGION;RE-Latin;’relegare’-‘to-bind’;+LEGION-Latin;’legio’-‘to-gather’] that grew out of the military-industrial complex of the Roman Empire,c.e.,325, that re-wrote it’s canonized doctrine in the ‘freewill’ Second Vatican Council treatise,1965 - ‘Dignitatis Humanæ’. To be clear, it ain’t complicated. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Love in His Name always. … 2 . END ~ 2 … . PROCLAIM - You strain out a gnat,but swallow a camel; or, seek to remove the dust out of the eyes of others, and, yet; ignore the splinter in your own eyes; you search the Scriptures for the Words to Life, and, yet; your mouth is full of lies and death. Please, let me expound the ‘Gospel-Message’ here ‘without-compromise’; let ‘our-focus-and-emphasis’ be on the ‘full-undiluted-Gospel-of-Jesus-The-Christ’, that is, ‘not’ on the gospel of ‘sin’ and ‘repentance’ - which is the gospel and baptism of John; ‘nor’ the ‘penal substitutionary atonement’ of Israel as a ’personification’ as in Isaiah chapter-53; like Israel’s personification as ‘Zion’,Isaiah chapter-52; and,like Israel as the ‘bride’ and ‘barren-one’,whom had no purely good obedient righteous one,Isaiah chapter-54. but, rather; The Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven has been established in Heaven and on Earth under the full jurisdiction of Jesus The Anointed Christ Enthroned at The Right Hand of God, with all Power and Authority in The Gospel of Forgiveness and Righteousness in The Life,Morals,Teachings,and Philosophy of Jesus-of-Nazareth-The-Christ. Explained as follows: . CONTEXT Full-Biblical-View . Okay: Let’s get this clear; upon His Death - having fulfilled The Law and Prophets in every ‘jot-&-tittle’ as Commanded by God’s Will; Jesus Declared,‘It is Finished’ - Rendering unto God which is His. This was in reference to the parable of ‘the-Tenant-Farmers’ when the father sent his son,as heir,to collect what was due at the time of the harvest. And, in Abeyance to His Own Commandment to Love one another - God; neighbour; self; enemy; family and friends; as, He gave His Life in a Dying request to His Father to Forgive humanity - for we ‘know not what we do’. Forgiveness was given to all humanity, by confirmation in the affirmative, upon The Resurrection of Jesus-of-Nazareth as The Anointed Christ Enthroned at The Right Hand of God, with all Power and Authority in Heaven and on Earth, as Declared by Jesus The Christ to His Disciples Affirmed by Agency of His Second Coming upon The Power and will of the wind of Baptism with Fire of His Holy Spirit in Jerusalem at The Pentecost. This was given to all people of all nations to preach The Gospel of The Good News of The arrival of His Kingdom on Earth to all the corners and ends of the world. This is ‘not’ a kingdom of Laws lorded over His Realm in Heaven and on Earth, but, rather; a Kingdom of Love Kindness and Forgiveness; as evidenced by; His apparent conversation with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery-furnace, and, as; He taught us ‘nothing’ about how to kill one another, but, rather; He Taught us everything about what He knew in how to Love and Die for one another. Even Reverend Billy Graham came to this conclusion after a lifetime of preaching the previously conflated ‘predestinational’’end-times’ worst kind of popular evangelical christian theological tripe; and, certainly; ‘predestinational’ Augustinian and exclusionary,[no-salvation-outside-the-church] ‘works’ Catholic christian religion,[RE-LEGION;RE-Latin;’relegare’-‘to-bind’;+LEGION-Latin;’legio’-‘to-gather’] that grew out of the military-industrial complex of the Roman Empire,c.e.,325, that re-wrote it’s canonized doctrine in the ‘freewill’ Second Vatican Council treatise,1965 - ‘Dignitatis Humanæ’. To be clear, it ain’t complicated. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Love in His Name always. … 2 . END ~
You might should look up the word you use “Devine”, it’s origin, its original meaning and what it subconsciously is saying to the listeners. Thank you for all your faithfulness and care when speaking about Jesus. late 14c., divinacioun, "act of foretelling by supernatural or magical means the future, or discovering what is hidden or obscure," from Old French divination (13c.), from Latin divinationem (nominative divinatio) "the power of foreseeing, prediction," noun of action from past-participle stem of divinare, literally "to be inspired by a god," from divinus "of a god," from divus "a god," related to deus "god, deity" (from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine," in derivatives "sky, heaven, god"). Related: Divinatory. Divination hath been anciently and fitly divided into artificial and natural; whereof artificial is when the mind maketh a prediction by argument, concluding upon signs and tokens: natural is when the mind hath a presention by an internal power, without the inducement of a sign. [Francis Bacon, "The Advancement of Learning," 1605] late 14c., "pertaining to, of the nature of, or proceeding from God or a god; addressed to God," from Old French divin, devin (12c.), from Latin divinus "of a god," from divus "of or belonging to a god, inspired, prophetic," related to deus "god, deity" (from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine," in derivatives "sky, heaven, god"). late 14c., "pertaining to, of the nature of, or proceeding from God or a god; addressed to God," from Old French divin, devin (12c.), from Latin divinus "of a god," from divus "of or belonging to a god, inspired, prophetic," related to deus "god, deity" (from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine," in derivatives "sky, heaven, god") Also, bear in mind, our struggles with translations are minuscule in comparison to hundreds of dialects and cultures on Planet Earth today. To obey the command of Jesus Messiah: All power (authority) is GIVEN to me in heaven and earth.Go into ALL the Earth and teach all nations
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 2nd Timothy is one of the letters most scholars believe wasn't written by Paul. The key words are All scripture. Paul didn't think his letters would be put in a Bible 300 years later. Plus if Paul did write 2 Timothy then it would be before any gospel was written......dilemma.
Odd that you say that "most scholars" believe that Paul didn't write 2 Timothy. What do "most scholars" say about 1st Timothy? Both letters begin the same: "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus." I don't see the dilemma.
The New Testament has not been established at Nicea but has been gathered by the local churches and very early on was a closed canon ( writings had to be early , and /or of apostolic origin). I believe God himself ( i.e. the Holy Spirit especially)gave the assurance of the canon, as well at its preservation through the ages .
@@robbinsnest6163 Well the "All Scripture" verse is in 2nd Timothy so that why I only brought up 2nd Timothy but ●1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus are all doubted by most scholars to have been written by Paul. ●We have 7 letters that most Biblical scholars do not doubt Paul was the author. Ephesians, Colossians , 2 Thessalonians, some scholars doubt them and others don't. 7 letters, majority of scholars agree Paul was the writer. 1,2 Timothy and Titus, majority doubt Paul was the writer.
@@JunkerStolzing And the first person to put together a canon of new testament writings was Marcion. He only had the gospel of Luke and some of Paul's letters. He didn't have the Hebrew Bible attached to his canon because he believed YHWH was an evil deity. He believed Jesus was sent by a different deity. And of course after Marcion didn't win out, he was declared a heretic by the winners. ●After the winners won🤔, they put together their own canon.
Looking at Acts, didn’t the Apostles teach about Jesus by showing them how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of what we now call the Old Testament? And also their personal testimony and miracles? I think the Scripture they are referring to is the OT
I've noticed the newest version of the NIV as delivered through The Bible App differs consistently from my NIV Study Bible in a particular area - unless referring to an aforementioned individual, most male nouns and pronouns become gender-neutral. "He" becomes "they" or "mankind" and "man" become "human," for example. The converse is not true that I've discovered so far, but to be fair, almost every time "woman" is mentioned in Job (where I only very recently and first began to notice this), it is in the context of her biologically specific role as a child-bearer. Does this bother anybody else? I suppose my discomfort could simply be a consequence of my contempt for the assault on traditional gender roles in the current culture war rather than a conviction that gender-neutral language is inherently bad.
Xtians today: The bible is a god-breathed word-of-god in 66 books. IF IF IF they had chosen 69 books in 367 AD, the same Xtians would be shouting: The bible is a god-breathed word-of-god in 69 books. LOL
Oh I'm about sure there are some books or letters that are missing, Paul mentioned at least one. I think you need to see why they canonized the books that are, they didn't just pick some random books, there was much scrutiny that went into it. You will not find any others books that can stand up to the same treatment.
@@stevej71393 You are missing the point. Fallible men, men who wore pants and took potty break - like all humans - decided the content of the bible. Nothing to do with god breathed or god inspired. They decided what story was true and what was fake. They surely made mistakes. So the bible has errors. LOL
@@sanjeevgig8918 like what errors: LOL at your ignorance of how God motivated and picked the writers of the Bible . The books of the Bible were viewed as authoritative Scripture way before the vote on Canonization. .
@@davidjanbaz7728 Yahweh never existed any more than Baal, Asherah, Chemosh, Marduk, Dagon or any of the other gods mentioned in the Bible. The Jews invented a God and wrote stories because that is what primitive humans did. Why would the creator of the universe have a chosen group? A real God would have revealed himself to all people from the beginning.
Every person you talk to on your channel is a literalist. What are we supposed to learn from them? Bollocks. Why don't you invite a progressive Christian or even an atheist and let them have their say for a change? Why not invite Sarah Bessey, Peter Enns or Richard Holloway who was the former Bishop of the Church of Scotland to have their say? The people whom you get are boring men and women who parrot the same old nonsance about how God did and wrote everything. Give us something different Alissa.
Komentar support , kompling saya ,ini semata mata sebagai rasa cinta , sebagai rasa keperdulian terhadap semua langkah perilaku tindakan dosa yang kau kumpulkan di dunia yang sebanyak tanah dan pasir untuk mengawal kau masuk pintu Gerbang Neraka oke thanks ♥️🙏
Dikarenakan jaman dan perkembangan dunia yang tidak tetap tetapi makluk yang hidup di dunia ini yang merubah perkembangan dan jaman sehingga dunia ini berubah makhluk dan tumbuhan yang ada dalam dan makhluk yang hidup merubah perkembangan dunia oke thanks ♥️🙏
Saya sekalipun sakit hati kecewa stres frustasi filing tapi Rohani saya mendukung saya untuk semangat hidup untuk mensuport mendukung dengan batas batas tindakan baybel oke thanks ♥️🙏
Ya Yesus selalu mengetahui semua yang tersembunyikan bagi Tuhan Yesus oke ,kau selalu mementingkan apa yang tidak berharga dan membawa dan menghancurkan kehidupanmu di hadapan Tuhan Allah oke thanks syalom ♥️🙏
Saya berulang ulang untuk proses pembuatan video iklan produk susu Miryam susu energi produk us Amerika Serikat ,bukan sesulit dan mengundang berbagai kompling dan komen oke, saya pikir vidio iklan produk itu sangat simpel muda dan tidak menghabiskan waktu untuk proses dan habis waktu untuk komunikasi interaksi bagaimana dengan fungsi kasiat produk baru ini oke,ini bisa di buat video iklan produk dengan sendiri dengan hp sendiri dengan muda simpel dan tidak menghabiskan biaya oke,kenapa dominan mencari proses yang sulit dan menghabiskan waktu dan mengundang konflik oke thanks ♥️🙏
Setiap waktu saya selalu filing bagaimana manusia model seperti kau yang tidak bisa menjaga harga diri menghormati dan mencintai diri , tidak berwibawa tidak bermoral dengan berdominan mementingkan sesuatu yang menyenangkan sesaat kenikmatan sesaat ,kepuasan sesaat yang yang akan menjadi persyaran dan kau simpan sebagai arsip untuk menghadap Tuhan Allah pada saat kau di panggil Tuhan Allah oke thanks ♥️🙏
Jika kehidupan kedagingan saya dominan menguasai Rohaniku maka tidak ada kebenaran padaku untuk di samping kau mensuport mendukung kau oke,pasti komen dan kompling saya akan membabi-buta tanpa ada kebenaran dan saya ikut terjerumus dengan kehidupan kegelapan yang kau kuasai dan yang memimpin kau dalam jalan menuju neraka oke thanks ♥️🙏
I'm beginning to think that how we got the Bible needs to be included in all new believers/discipleship training
I’m with you
Phoenix Seminary’s free online course on Church History is EXCELLENT! As a homeschooling mom I’ve been listening/watching on my phone when I walk in the early mornings…been incredibly encouraged!
I just looked them up. They look professionally done and I'm going to start watching week 1 today!
Stellar discussion, Alisa! I am currently teaching on the person and work of Christ forr my adult Sunday school. I referenced your interview with Habermas on the Early Creeds last week. Now I have another superb video to add. You are a true blessing, sister! Keep serving our King!
Came by to hear your interview through the recommendation of Mike Winger.
Me too!
Yep... told ya so! 😆
Thank you for this interesting and desperately needed discussion ❤️
I’m so glad that believers and non-believers alike have finally realized that the books of the bible weren’t decided at the council of Nicaea. A bit of bad history that everyone just repeated for a long time. I’m personally an atheist but I enjoy your podcast, and especially loved your guests on this one. Thank you!
Grateful for your comment
Fantastic discussion, Alisa. I so appreciate the reaffirming of our trust in the Scriptures.
This was a wonderful, insightful and strengthening podcast. Thank you!
This was a great interview. Thank you all for taking the time to share with us! God bless!
Just bought you Scribes & Scripture book, so far it’s wonderful. Thank you
Excellent!! Thank you all so much🙏
This is one of my favorite topics. Pre-ordered their book.
Your beliefs are no more true than the indoctrinated beliefs of 3 billion Muslims and Hindus on the planet today. You are being exploited by these religious hustlers.
So needed for all believers to educate ourselves
I watch a lot of Christian RUclips but I come to this channel for reference over and over. I’ve used several videos as launching pads to teach about the Word my friends and those iam trying to reach out to. That’s the mark of an excellent channel. That we can use it to share the Gospel to others.
Wow. I just saw the end of this great topic. I have a friend that I am talking to about this very topic but I need to know how to answer. Thank God for replay. Thanks, Ms. Alicia.
This is an awesome discussion! Thank you!! I’d love to hear more discussions about how the books of the Bible were decided to be the Word of God.
Thank you for this interview! I’m planning to watch it again.
Good morning 🌄. Greetings from South Australia 🇦🇺
I listened to this fascinating conversation on your podcast but wanted to listen again with video-still a fab convo! I purchased their book, Scribes & Scripture, after listening the first time.
Please bring these guys more!!
Wow! Thanks so much for making this available. Great information.
I almost didn't watch this video .
so glad I did .I enjoyed the knowledge and content .love the subject
I ordered the book Scribes and Scripture. I'm currently reading Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Criticism. Ideally loved this talk. Thank you! I have a huge interest and this type study of the Bible.
Great content sister Childers, God bless your ministry
That last meme segment made me think about a though I had probably as far bar back as middle school that was, “how weird it is, that the further away from the fact the more people think they know about it.”
I really appreciated this discussion, especially with all the 'misinformation' out there on the Canon. Thank you all!
Great discussion! Excellent content. I am glad I watched it.
This was so fascinating! Thank you very much. Now I have another book to add to my wish list!
So much information! Wow
I started this a week or two ago. Don't remember how I came across it now but the title intrigued me. I paused it about 45min into it and just finished it now. Overall, I thought it pretty good. Two comments I'd make are:
1) I am still amazed today by the degree of arrogance some of these overnight internet theologians display when it comes to talking about the Bible, its veracity, and comments regarding translations/interpretation. FWIW, I liked Peter's recommendation to get a couple of translations and compare them side-by-side. Personally, I have 30+ translations at my disposal in my eSword along with the Hebrew & Greek. I recommend something that's been VERY helpful to me and that is looking at numerous translations when coming upon a troubling/difficult passage. I have found that EXTREMELY helpful at times. While it doesn't totally replace a deep "study" where proper hermeneutics and sound exegesis are required coupled with the use of Strong's or BDAG, BDB, a Concordance, Bible dictionaries, and even Commentaries, it has for me flipped the switch and caused the light to shine on something I didn't see before.
2) I was glad to see Peter totally denounce TPT as he's spot on. It is garbage. And that should be taken in the context of what I said above. There has never been a time in my life where the ability to read and study Scripture has been more available and to such a HUGE degree. It's literally right at the fingertips of almost everyone today. Yes, with that comes the danger of the "angels of light" putting out their deceptive counterfeits but I am firmly convinced that those indwelt with the Holy Spirit, who truly desire to know God & His Word better, He will lead, guide, and direct them into all Truth.
Do I get a certificate now! 🤓
Amazing information. Stuff I’ve never heard. Thanks for your ministry Alisa!
Wow! This episode was so helpful!!
Such great information! Thanks! ❤ your channel!
Great discussion
Thank you so much. Wonderfully informative. More please!
Incredible. I must be learning enough about this that I was actually following and not left in the dust! But also these guys are very easy to listen to. Such incredible facts I've never known about my own faith. Absolutely moving to hear them elevate what we know as God's word to it's rightful position factually and respectfully. Thank you for the work that has been done here
Thank you for this information
Great discussion!
So so good!! 👍🏻👍🏻
I am a Roman Catholic, but absolutely loved the discussion. You are all doing the Lord's work!!
How can a man who professes to belong to a church that pronounced 151 anathemas upon Protestants simultaneously say that we are all doing the Lord's work?
@@RoyceVanBlaricome Some of us can process information in real time and compliment an individual realizing that they are not perfect - who among us is beside you?
@@matthewdecaro8914 - LOL. Was that supposed to be an answer to my question?
And, if I'm not mistaken, both of them actually denounce the RCC in the video. Care to try and enlighten us on how that's the "Lord's work"? LOL
Thanks for this. My background is more from the Liberal Church. However, we named the four gospels as 'The gospel according to Saint Matthew....and Paul as St Paul etc.
Great discussion on a topic that doesn't receive the attention it deserves in so many settings, including our churches.
Great subject thanks
Beautiful!! 😍
Fantastic guests! Such learned scholars to have on. Thank you, Alisa. 🙏🏼
EDIT: So, is NIV better than KJV? What is the best takeaway please?
Met’inks its simply a matter of personal preference, (our KJVO brethren notwithstanding), having said that its like comparing apples & oranges - while both are fruit, but the comparison breaks down from there forward.
NIV is more accessible, in terms of modern language. That would be it's strength. It's not as literal a translation as KJV or ASB. Then you have the NKJV, which is literal and modern, and I'd say it's a better translation than the NIV. I'm obviously not a KJV only. I've found NIV to missing actual scriptures and to have some strong mistranlations that other translations not mentioned incl. and are stronger and more literal translations.
The new NIV is a poor translation and misses some key theological points because of the gender inclusive language used. The older NIV is solid as a dynamic equivalence. For preaching and teaching i and all of my pastor friends use the ESV, NASB or CSB. Kevin DeYoung wrote an excellent booklet on why his church switched from the NIV. Hope this helps.
👍 SUPERB podcast 👍 New subscriber.
Thank you
55:20 I must push back on where he says apostolic authority resides after the death of the apostles. The early church taught that that authority resided yes in their writings but also in the traditions that they passed down and on the persons whom they anointed to lead each church (the congregation of an individual city where a "church" was founded) after them.
@ Alisa - I wonder if you'll have any of your merch and / or new books at your upcoming conference in Jersey (November)?
Thanks for truth
Great video
Once I discovered the process of how we got the Bible, my old opinions and ways of thinking totally changed.
So I preorder the audiobook on apple. Is there a way to access those links?
I really want to start studying Old Testament history. Any good recommendations on where to begin?
Look up BSF(Bible Study Fellowship)in your area!!! They are doing the Divided Kingdom this year! We are on week 2!!! They also have it online!!!
This topic shows why the neglect of church history, before the reformers, by protestants leads to the very situation we are in here in the west. There are no gaps in church history; from the 1st century onward we know how the church operated, what her major doctrines are, and the path clarifying those doctrines took. We have writings of contemporaries of the apostles, those who are specifically mentioned in scripture. We also know the influence that the emperors had over councils. The early councils, Nicaea 1 and Constantinople 1, explicitly prohibit the Emperor from being able to participate in the discussions he merely facilitated the hundreds of bishops to attend the meeting. Later on emperors influenced bishops to affirm Arianism leading to crisis. This however was dealt with by reaserting the philosophy of Byzantium. The two headed eagle, where church and state do not overlap in authority. No member of the clergy could hold onto royal/military titles. Then Charlemagne became Emperor of old Rome. The francish influence over the pope and the understanding that the honour given to the bishop of old Rome was more than just honour amongst equals began to take root. Coming to a head in 1054 when the pope and the patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated the east and western churches respectively. This primarily over the theological schism of the filioque. After this point the eastern and Western church have been separated. However up until this point they were united and from this first millenia we get the councils that deal with: Trinity, christology, scotierology, iconography, canon of scripture, and so many other topics. Most of what these councils are for however are to counter heresy. Whether it be Arianism, Nestorianism, Gnosticism, Sabellianism, Originism, semiarianism, monophelytism, monenergism, or the many others, these councils were the way that the Spirit guided the church throughout history. These councils followed the tradition passed down by the apostles and recorded in Acts, during the council of Jerusalem where James presided and Peter was rebuked for siding with the Judiasers. The ignorance of church history, especially in the first Milena, is the reason for many of the woes in the modern Western church.
There at the end you started talking about "translation" v "interpretation." In modern English, the difference is that translation is written and interpretation is oral. There are two problems, though:
1). Most people who are monoligual just use those terms interchangeable which should not be
2). Scripture itself has a long history of being oral and written--so what term do you use when, ya know? It is easier to create uniformity in your terms.
Thank you for the informative podcast. May I suggest that you also discuss the issue that's seemingly spreading in the church i.e the old testament is no longer relevant and it should be removed from the bible. It will be helpful to have answers to this
Wow! I didn’t know this was happening, I have not heard of this!! All I hear about are the Hebrew rooter and truthers denying the New Testament😰🥺
That was a great ending
Love the Jordan/LeBron analogy 😄
Did I miss? What is the name of Dr Peter Gurry’s book?
Myths and mistakes in NT textual criticism
Discussion of what OT books were in the time of Jesus: 44:05-51:15
What about the "easy to read" version?
Is the Isaiah scroll written in Hebrew or Greek?
The Old Testament is Hebrew and the New Testament is Greek.
“I would not have believed the gospel, unless the authority of the Catholic Church had induced me.” (St. Augustine, Contra Ep. Fund., V, 6.). `The Canon Question` the whole story on the website of Called to Communion.
So perhaps you still don't understand what gospel is.
I am from country that is majorly catholic. As a little boy I always had questions regarding catholic church and no one was willing to answer my questions. The day I was born again Holy Spirit showed me the answers because in fact Gospel explains all of them.
@@Vynachadzavy The gospel does`nt explain, it is your interpretation. It`s private judgment. It is scary, think about that.
@@aadschram5877 can you elaborate on it little more? The Gospel doesn't explains what?
I am confused about this quote. The official start date of the Roman Catholic church was 1054 with the Great Schism, but Augustine was born in the 4th century??
@@Vynachadzavy Maybe what he was saying is that there are like 10,000 denominations with different interpretations and meanings of the Gospel, that they all claim was shown to them by the Holy Spirit. But they all contradict each other and they can’t all be correct at the same time
I think the last major English translation of the Bible is the Modern English Version (MEV), which is quite close to the King James Version. It's much closer to the King James than the New King James. I think it came out in 2013 or 2014.
If you throw Paul and the Bible away, then the only thing that remains is the blind guiding blinds and both will fall inside the hole. That was amazing.
Are discussions on the dating of the books of the Old Testament? What is known and what is guessed, or all of it is known?
Your merchandising at the start distracts and to some extent discredits to some. When I give your links to others, especially to non-believers, the start with selling stuff is a fast turn off and they're gone. Be pithy at the start to hold attentions.
The Bible tells us where humanity received the Torah -- IF you believe the Bible. Approximately two million Children of Israel gathered at the foot of Mt. Sinai, and ALL heard the voice of the One True G-D stating the first commandments -- and then instructing Moses to come up the mountain to receive the rest of the commandments of the Torah.
This is not something "inspired by the Holy Spirit," and left up to debate by men. This is the Almighty Creator, in a mass revelation, speaking to HIS greatest prophet -- and dictating the very words, much as HIS "finger" etched the words into tablets of stone.
When a man was anointed as king of Israel, he was command by G-D to write his own personal Torah scroll -- that he would keep close by at all times. (Deuteronomy 17:18)
Have a Wonderful day. Thank you for your videos and all the work and time that goes into them. Praying each day for you.
True Peace and True Hope is found only in Jesus.
John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
The Passion and The Mirror - avoid at all costs.
about an hour in what the gentleman says about inspiration sounds like what Seventh Day Adventists call "thought inspiration" whereby the writer writes in his own language and style and yet says what God wants him to say according to the thoughts God gave him, that is, the thoughts are God's thoughts, but the expressions are the writer's expression
I'm disappointed that your guests just completely skip past the the deuterocanonical books which were found at Qumran including Sirach, Tobit and Wisdom. These pre-date the masoretic texts and the rabbinic Hebrew bible. These books are of course included in the septiagint bible.
Perhaps they weren’t able to be confirmed contextually, so it’s a moot subject?
Tobit is full of demonic non biblical references and false information.
Except the books and translations WERE chosen by the winners of theological debates, and Constantine and others had massive influence on changing customs and doctrine.
Ok... but what’s the proof? Where do you get this info?
@@annalynn9325 a simple place to start is the Ten Commandments, before and after Rome took over the Church. You can then dig deeper from there.
@@stellarjayatkins4749 I’m not into digging my own rabbit trail to prove your point for you... I guess I’m old school, when someone makes an assertion I want to see if they can back it up, then if they can I would be curious to look into it further. A lot of people make this assertion with no back-up
@@annalynn9325 I just gave you a concrete example of my claim and told you how you can verify or disprove it. And yes, if you need more on the topic you will have to research further on your own because I don’t have time to write a dissertation in a RUclips comment thread.
Here are two good books on the subject
●Found Christianities: Remaking the World of the Second century CE by M. David Litwa
●Lost Christianities: the battle for scripture and faiths we never knew by Bart Ehrman.
I appreciate the scholarship from these very sincere and dedicated theologians. they do a good job on defending some grade essentials of what is the pill orthodoxy on scriptures that stand the test of time is valid in the face of progressivism which is a foe of the gospel. however, I do not believe that there is a good argument from history of the 66 book Kevin but instead it is better for the 73 book canon. The old testament expert said at the end that the church always excepted these books the way they are but that is not correct if you look at several church councils in the fourth and fifth century. this is one of them. -- COUNCIL OF CARTHAGE OF 397 [It has been decided] that nothing except the canonical Scriptures should be read in the Church under the name of the divine Scriptures. But the canonical Scriptures are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, four books of Kings, Paralipomenon, two books, Job, the Psalter of David, five books of Solomon, twelve books of the prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Tobit, Judith, Esther, two books of Esdras, two books of the Maccabees. [Canon 47 (A.D. 397)].
Gods original 😊people (Israel)
@@rogerchavez9824 yea:)
How is your Observation ? Luke 17:20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. You you you........
2Cor13:5Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? In you, In you, you, you.
Why do you still look outside yourself? To me your goofballs.
So when Jesus was speaking of the kingdom being in us, is to say it is not a kingdom of this world as a natural kingdom like Rome, but rather it is a spiritual kingdom, a change of the heart, born again, is to be a citizen of the kingdom of God. John 3 Jesus tells Nicodemus you hear the wind but you don't see it, the kingdom is a way of life as a servant of Jesus Christ. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.
If citations by Josephus and Philo give evidence about what was viewed as scripture before the finalization of the canon, what about the book of Jude? Jude 14-15 quotes from the book of Enoch. Copies of Enoch are found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, unlike Ester. The way it is cited clearly indicates Jude thought it was scripture, unlike Paul's quotation of Menander or Epimenides. Jude is actually IN the Bible. For the Christian canon, shouldn't it be more authoritative than Philo?
Thank you for posting this superbly scholarly discussion on the etymology of the scriptural manuscripts. It seems we are getting closer and better informed on how to understand the origin intent and meaning of the biblical narrative - not so easily and blithely boasted as the ‘inspired’’inerrant’,or ‘absolute’’Word-of-God’.
In fact,
upon review of your well framed criterion of using the objective orientation words. It provides a convenient format to outline my reply commentary:
IDENTIFY - It seems we can better identify manuscripts of the ‘Scriptures’,and the ‘Word-of-God’ as a linguistical construct. It seems clear that;
”All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the one of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
yet; in this letter by Paul,Saul-of-Tarsus to Timothy,no doubt referred to the Old-Covenant Hebrew text since there was no ‘New-Covenant’ text yet to call ‘Scripture’.
DISCERN - To discern the Hebrew text further as touched upon by Dr.John-Meade and Dr.Peter-Gurry there was a clear distinction between the Greek Septuagint Hebrew text and the latter Masoretic Hebrew text.
It seems the Septuagint Hebrew text was used during the Second Temple period,b.c.e.,Sixth-century-to-c.e.,070. This would seem to be the Hebrew both Jesus-of-Nazareth and Paul,Saul-of-Tarsus would have used.
Even though the Dead Sea Scrolls included a range of fragments the Hebrew texts were written in both a; c.e.,Third-century-Septuagint; some fragments hinted at a pre-Septuagint Hebrew text off of which the Masoretic Hebrew text would be ‘reconstructed’, c.e.,Fifth-century-to-10-th.century. As pointed out this ‘Masoretic’ Hebrew text was used primarily for Protestant interpretational use upon the scriptoriums shifting to the use of the printing press,15-th.century. The Latin Vulgate Bible was written by the Catholic Church Fathers,Fourth-century.
The dumbed-down common-global lingua-franca English language came into use,16-th.century. English was a phonetic Runic based language originally used by the continental European tribes between Denmark and the Rhine River outside the Roman Empire. English only came into use 500-years ago using only five-percent of the human planetary lexicon that conveys up to 90-% of intended communicated meaning; specifically that of the ancient Aramaic languages over 2,500-years-old. It would require an extraordinary meta-physical leap-of-faith to imagine God literally writing ‘with His Own Finger’ in a common tribal language script.
no matter.
It’s best we ‘PROCLAIM’ the Gospel without the obfuscation of interpretational subterfuge or sophistry at a time of great divisive incongruency and polity between the Latin Western ‘church’ and the Greek Eastern ‘church’,before the ‘reformation’ - the first real PROCLAIMED ‘deconstruction’ to ‘progressive’ christianity.
Explained as follows:
PROCLAIM - You strain out a gnat,but swallow a camel;
seek to remove the dust out of the eyes of others,
ignore the splinter in your own eyes;
you search the Scriptures for the Words to Life,
your mouth is full of lies and death.
let me expound the ‘Gospel-Message’ here ‘without-compromise’;
let ‘our-focus-and-emphasis’ be on the ‘full-undiluted-Gospel-of-Jesus-The-Christ’,
that is,
on the gospel of ‘sin’ and ‘repentance’ - which is the gospel and baptism of John;
the ‘penal substitutionary atonement’ of Israel as a ’personification’ as in Isaiah chapter-53; like Israel’s personification as ‘Zion’,Isaiah chapter-52; and,like Israel as the ‘bride’ and ‘barren-one’,whom had no purely good obedient righteous one,Isaiah chapter-54.
The Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven has been established in Heaven and on Earth under the full jurisdiction of Jesus The Anointed Christ Enthroned at The Right Hand of God,
with all Power and Authority in The Gospel of Forgiveness and Righteousness in The Life,Morals,Teachings,and Philosophy of Jesus-of-Nazareth-The-Christ.
Explained as follows:
Let’s get this clear;
upon His Death - having fulfilled The Law and Prophets in every ‘jot-&-tittle’ as Commanded by God’s Will;
Jesus Declared,‘It is Finished’ - Rendering unto God which is His. This was in reference to the parable of ‘the-Tenant-Farmers’ when the father sent his son,as heir,to collect what was due at the time of the harvest.
in Abeyance to His Own Commandment to Love one another -
family and friends;
He gave His Life in a Dying request to His Father to Forgive humanity - for we ‘know not what we do’.
Forgiveness was given to all humanity, by confirmation in the affirmative, upon The Resurrection of Jesus-of-Nazareth as The Anointed Christ Enthroned at The Right Hand of God, with all Power and Authority in Heaven and on Earth, as Declared by Jesus The Christ to His Disciples Affirmed by Agency of His Second Coming upon The Power and will of the wind of Baptism with Fire of His Holy Spirit in Jerusalem at The Pentecost.
This was given to all people of all nations to preach The Gospel of The Good News of The arrival of His Kingdom on Earth to all the corners and ends of the world.
This is ‘not’ a kingdom of Laws lorded over His Realm in Heaven and on Earth,
a Kingdom of Love Kindness and Forgiveness;
evidenced by;
His apparent conversation with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery-furnace,
He taught us ‘nothing’ about how to kill one another,
He Taught us everything about what He knew in how to Love and Die for one another.
Even Reverend Billy Graham came to this conclusion after a lifetime of preaching the previously conflated ‘predestinational’’end-times’ worst kind of popular evangelical christian theological tripe;
‘predestinational’ Augustinian and exclusionary,[no-salvation-outside-the-church] ‘works’ Catholic christian religion,[RE-LEGION;RE-Latin;’relegare’-‘to-bind’;+LEGION-Latin;’legio’-‘to-gather’] that grew out of the
military-industrial complex of the Roman Empire,c.e.,325, that re-wrote it’s canonized doctrine in the ‘freewill’ Second Vatican Council treatise,1965 - ‘Dignitatis Humanæ’.
To be clear,
it ain’t complicated.
Feel free to correct
me if I’m wrong.
Love in His Name always.
PROCLAIM - You strain out a gnat,but swallow a camel;
seek to remove the dust out of the eyes of others,
ignore the splinter in your own eyes;
you search the Scriptures for the Words to Life,
your mouth is full of lies and death.
let me expound the ‘Gospel-Message’ here ‘without-compromise’;
let ‘our-focus-and-emphasis’ be on the ‘full-undiluted-Gospel-of-Jesus-The-Christ’,
that is,
on the gospel of ‘sin’ and ‘repentance’ - which is the gospel and baptism of John;
the ‘penal substitutionary atonement’ of Israel as a ’personification’ as in Isaiah chapter-53; like Israel’s personification as ‘Zion’,Isaiah chapter-52; and,like Israel as the ‘bride’ and ‘barren-one’,whom had no purely good obedient righteous one,Isaiah chapter-54.
The Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven has been established in Heaven and on Earth under the full jurisdiction of Jesus The Anointed Christ Enthroned at The Right Hand of God,
with all Power and Authority in The Gospel of Forgiveness and Righteousness in The Life,Morals,Teachings,and Philosophy of Jesus-of-Nazareth-The-Christ.
Explained as follows:
Let’s get this clear;
upon His Death - having fulfilled The Law and Prophets in every ‘jot-&-tittle’ as Commanded by God’s Will;
Jesus Declared,‘It is Finished’ - Rendering unto God which is His. This was in reference to the parable of ‘the-Tenant-Farmers’ when the father sent his son,as heir,to collect what was due at the time of the harvest.
in Abeyance to His Own Commandment to Love one another -
family and friends;
He gave His Life in a Dying request to His Father to Forgive humanity - for we ‘know not what we do’.
Forgiveness was given to all humanity, by confirmation in the affirmative, upon The Resurrection of Jesus-of-Nazareth as The Anointed Christ Enthroned at The Right Hand of God, with all Power and Authority in Heaven and on Earth, as Declared by Jesus The Christ to His Disciples Affirmed by Agency of His Second Coming upon The Power and will of the wind of Baptism with Fire of His Holy Spirit in Jerusalem at The Pentecost.
This was given to all people of all nations to preach The Gospel of The Good News of The arrival of His Kingdom on Earth to all the corners and ends of the world.
This is ‘not’ a kingdom of Laws lorded over His Realm in Heaven and on Earth,
a Kingdom of Love Kindness and Forgiveness;
evidenced by;
His apparent conversation with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery-furnace,
He taught us ‘nothing’ about how to kill one another,
He Taught us everything about what He knew in how to Love and Die for one another.
Even Reverend Billy Graham came to this conclusion after a lifetime of preaching the previously conflated ‘predestinational’’end-times’ worst kind of popular evangelical christian theological tripe;
‘predestinational’ Augustinian and exclusionary,[no-salvation-outside-the-church] ‘works’ Catholic christian religion,[RE-LEGION;RE-Latin;’relegare’-‘to-bind’;+LEGION-Latin;’legio’-‘to-gather’] that grew out of the
military-industrial complex of the Roman Empire,c.e.,325, that re-wrote it’s canonized doctrine in the ‘freewill’ Second Vatican Council treatise,1965 - ‘Dignitatis Humanæ’.
To be clear,
it ain’t complicated.
Feel free to correct
me if I’m wrong.
Love in His Name always.
You might should look up the word you use “Devine”, it’s origin, its original meaning and what it subconsciously is saying to the listeners. Thank you for all your faithfulness and care when speaking about Jesus.
late 14c., divinacioun, "act of foretelling by supernatural or magical means the future, or discovering what is hidden or obscure," from Old French divination (13c.), from Latin divinationem (nominative divinatio) "the power of foreseeing, prediction," noun of action from past-participle stem of divinare, literally "to be inspired by a god," from divinus "of a god," from divus "a god," related to deus "god, deity" (from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine," in derivatives "sky, heaven, god"). Related: Divinatory. Divination hath been anciently and fitly divided into artificial and natural; whereof artificial is when the mind maketh a prediction by argument, concluding upon signs and tokens: natural is when the mind hath a presention by an internal power, without the inducement of a sign. [Francis Bacon, "The Advancement of Learning," 1605] late 14c., "pertaining to, of the nature of, or proceeding from God or a god; addressed to God," from Old French divin, devin (12c.), from Latin divinus "of a god," from divus "of or belonging to a god, inspired, prophetic," related to deus "god, deity" (from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine," in derivatives "sky, heaven, god"). late 14c., "pertaining to, of the nature of, or proceeding from God or a god; addressed to God," from Old French divin, devin (12c.), from Latin divinus "of a god," from divus "of or belonging to a god, inspired, prophetic," related to deus "god, deity" (from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine," in derivatives "sky, heaven, god")
Also, bear in mind, our struggles with translations are minuscule in comparison to hundreds of dialects and cultures on Planet Earth today. To obey the command of Jesus Messiah: All power (authority) is GIVEN to me in heaven and earth.Go into ALL the Earth and teach all nations
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
2nd Timothy is one of the letters most scholars believe wasn't written by Paul. The key words are All scripture. Paul didn't think his letters would be put in a Bible 300 years later.
Plus if Paul did write 2 Timothy then it would be before any gospel was written......dilemma.
Odd that you say that "most scholars" believe that Paul didn't write 2 Timothy. What do "most scholars" say about 1st Timothy?
Both letters begin the same: "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus."
I don't see the dilemma.
The New Testament has not been established at Nicea but has been gathered by the local churches and very early on was a closed canon ( writings had to be early , and /or of apostolic origin). I believe God himself ( i.e. the Holy Spirit especially)gave the assurance of the canon, as well at its preservation through the ages .
Well the "All Scripture" verse is in 2nd Timothy so that why I only brought up 2nd Timothy but
●1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus are all doubted by most scholars to have been written by Paul.
●We have 7 letters that most Biblical scholars do not doubt Paul was the author. Ephesians, Colossians , 2 Thessalonians, some scholars doubt them and others don't.
7 letters, majority of scholars agree Paul was the writer. 1,2 Timothy and Titus, majority doubt Paul was the writer.
@@JunkerStolzing And the first person to put together a canon of new testament writings was Marcion. He only had the gospel of Luke and some of Paul's letters. He didn't have the Hebrew Bible attached to his canon because he believed YHWH was an evil deity. He believed Jesus was sent by a different deity.
And of course after Marcion didn't win out, he was declared a heretic by the winners.
●After the winners won🤔, they put together their own canon.
Looking at Acts, didn’t the Apostles teach about Jesus by showing them how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of what we now call the Old Testament? And also their personal testimony and miracles? I think the Scripture they are referring to is the OT
Oh, I've got a canon (with just one N)
I still like to shoot it, but never at a friend....
I've noticed the newest version of the NIV as delivered through The Bible App differs consistently from my NIV Study Bible in a particular area - unless referring to an aforementioned individual, most male nouns and pronouns become gender-neutral. "He" becomes "they" or "mankind" and "man" become "human," for example. The converse is not true that I've discovered so far, but to be fair, almost every time "woman" is mentioned in Job (where I only very recently and first began to notice this), it is in the context of her biologically specific role as a child-bearer. Does this bother anybody else? I suppose my discomfort could simply be a consequence of my contempt for the assault on traditional gender roles in the current culture war rather than a conviction that gender-neutral language is inherently bad.
Yeah the new NIV is anachronistic and trying to push the bible through the lens of today's views of gender ideology and "equality"
I don't use the NIV. My preference is the NASB or NKJV.
Xtians today: The bible is a god-breathed word-of-god in 66 books.
IF IF IF they had chosen 69 books in 367 AD, the same Xtians would be shouting: The bible is a god-breathed word-of-god in 69 books.
Oh I'm about sure there are some books or letters that are missing, Paul mentioned at least one. I think you need to see why they canonized the books that are, they didn't just pick some random books, there was much scrutiny that went into it. You will not find any others books that can stand up to the same treatment.
66 book was created in 1534AD, 1,000 years after the 73 book bible in 382AD.
@@stevej71393 You are missing the point.
Fallible men, men who wore pants and took potty break - like all humans - decided the content of the bible. Nothing to do with god breathed or god inspired. They decided what story was true and what was fake. They surely made mistakes. So the bible has errors.
@@sanjeevgig8918 like what errors: LOL at your ignorance of how God motivated and picked the writers of the Bible .
The books of the Bible were viewed as authoritative Scripture way before the vote on Canonization.
@@davidjanbaz7728 Yahweh never existed any more than Baal, Asherah, Chemosh, Marduk, Dagon or any of the other gods mentioned in the Bible. The Jews invented a God and wrote stories because that is what primitive humans did. Why would the creator of the universe have a chosen group? A real God would have revealed himself to all people from the beginning.
To get a complete view of this Bible you must also listen to scholors who are NOT JUST CHRISTIANS or you will never get the facts.
Every person you talk to on your channel is a literalist. What are we supposed to learn from them? Bollocks. Why don't you invite a progressive Christian or even an atheist and let them have their say for a change? Why not invite Sarah Bessey, Peter Enns or Richard Holloway who was the former Bishop of the Church of Scotland to have their say? The people whom you get are boring men and women who parrot the same old nonsance about how God did and wrote everything. Give us something different Alissa.
If it’s boring, I suggest you go listen to another RUclips channel.
The bible is the inspired word of God
If every word in the Bible is from God, then there's nothing left to discuss or debate, right? How boring.
The Bible was written by God and dropped down to earth. But unfortunately God had no knowledge of Science . So let's leave it at that. 🤣🤣
Ya jadi terutama waktu kedua, konflik dan yang ketiga biaya oke thanks ♥️🙏
Komentar support , kompling saya ,ini semata mata sebagai rasa cinta , sebagai rasa keperdulian terhadap semua langkah perilaku tindakan dosa yang kau kumpulkan di dunia yang sebanyak tanah dan pasir untuk mengawal kau masuk pintu Gerbang Neraka oke thanks ♥️🙏
Dikarenakan jaman dan perkembangan dunia yang tidak tetap tetapi makluk yang hidup di dunia ini yang merubah perkembangan dan jaman sehingga dunia ini berubah makhluk dan tumbuhan yang ada dalam dan makhluk yang hidup merubah perkembangan dunia oke thanks ♥️🙏
Saya sekalipun sakit hati kecewa stres frustasi filing tapi Rohani saya mendukung saya untuk semangat hidup untuk mensuport mendukung dengan batas batas tindakan baybel oke thanks ♥️🙏
Ya Yesus selalu mengetahui semua yang tersembunyikan bagi Tuhan Yesus oke ,kau selalu mementingkan apa yang tidak berharga dan membawa dan menghancurkan kehidupanmu di hadapan Tuhan Allah oke thanks syalom ♥️🙏
Saya berulang ulang untuk proses pembuatan video iklan produk susu Miryam susu energi produk us Amerika Serikat ,bukan sesulit dan mengundang berbagai kompling dan komen oke, saya pikir vidio iklan produk itu sangat simpel muda dan tidak menghabiskan waktu untuk proses dan habis waktu untuk komunikasi interaksi bagaimana dengan fungsi kasiat produk baru ini oke,ini bisa di buat video iklan produk dengan sendiri dengan hp sendiri dengan muda simpel dan tidak menghabiskan biaya oke,kenapa dominan mencari proses yang sulit dan menghabiskan waktu dan mengundang konflik oke thanks ♥️🙏
Setiap waktu saya selalu filing bagaimana manusia model seperti kau yang tidak bisa menjaga harga diri menghormati dan mencintai diri , tidak berwibawa tidak bermoral dengan berdominan mementingkan sesuatu yang menyenangkan sesaat kenikmatan sesaat ,kepuasan sesaat yang yang akan menjadi persyaran dan kau simpan sebagai arsip untuk menghadap Tuhan Allah pada saat kau di panggil Tuhan Allah oke thanks ♥️🙏
Jika kehidupan kedagingan saya dominan menguasai Rohaniku maka tidak ada kebenaran padaku untuk di samping kau mensuport mendukung kau oke,pasti komen dan kompling saya akan membabi-buta tanpa ada kebenaran dan saya ikut terjerumus dengan kehidupan kegelapan yang kau kuasai dan yang memimpin kau dalam jalan menuju neraka oke thanks ♥️🙏
Percuma masalah sepeleh yang mengorbankan semua orang tua muda dari berbagai negara oke thanks ♥️🙏