So basically, this is all, and I do mean, _all_ wrong. Main problem being, routinely lowballing the majority of the factions (including Mordor) I don't understand how some of the mistakes could be made. For instance, it's very well-established that during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, the Rohirrim defeated 18,000 Black Serpent Cavalry (Haradrim) which don't include the Haradrim on the Mumakil. Where is this getting merely 8,000 Haradrim from? Then there is no mention of the Variags of Khand. 2,000 Corsairs from Umbar? Way too low. 5,000 Easterlings? Brother in Christ, the Easterlings sent 1 legion to the Pelennor Fields which probably numbered about 5,000 just by itself. Then there were the _tens of thousands_ of Easterlings sent in multiple legions against Erebor and Dale. Dale was overrun but not before the Dwarves of Erebor and Men of Dale had made a huge fight of it out on the plains to the East of Dale, and had been pushed back _to_ Dale, where it was besieged, and was captured. The Dwarves and Men of Dale fought a fighting retreat back to Erebor, with their Kings, Dain II Ironfoot and Brand (grandson of Bard the Bowman, most notably) fought back to back outside the gates. They died together on a hill of Easterling corpses. Brand fell first, after a mighty effort, and then old (252 years old, to be more precise) fell second. They'd practically slaughtered a small army of Easterlings by themselves. Imagine what their entire armies had done with them in their command. Yes, they were categorically defeated in battle outside Dale, at Dale and outside Erebor, but they would have made the Easterlings pay for every step of the way. Sauron had sent _most_ of the Easterlings there. They were quite possibly, arguably his best infantry in any of his armies and vassal factions. Only Uruk-hai and maybe Black Orcs of Barad-dur (the most elite Orc Legion anywhere) would be on par, but never in terms of armour and weapons quality (Easterling armour and weapons are 2nd only in the factions of men, good or evil, to Gondorian armour and weapons; only Elves and Dwarves surpass either Gondor or Rhun/the tribes of Rhun/aka the Easterlings in either regard. Easterlings have been attacking Gondor for roughly ~2,700 years and they have long learnt what they need to arm themselves with and how armoured they need to be to stand up to the Gondorians in near-peer terms. Contrary to grim and silly postmodernist notions of Tolkien having bias against Eastern cultures, the fact is, only the ancient Gondorian civilization (by the Late Third Age) can surpass Easterling armour and weapons (and they owe a lot of that to the sheer ancientness of their own civilization, which is circa 3,200 years old with roots thousands of years older than that still, from 150,000 men. When he was around (in the 12th century Third Age) not a single faction dared to mess with him. At least, after he utterly crushed all the Haradrim, making multiple chieftains swear oaths of obeisance and submission to Gondorian rule. He had a mighty imperial war machine, and an imperial level Gondorian faction, that spanned from the upper reaches of the Anduin, to Far Harad; from Western Gondor to the watchtowers keeping vigilance in Mordor; in those days, Cirith Ungol, built in the first place by Gondorians, was still under Gondorian control; it would not have been a much desired posting, with some guards going missing every now and then, no doubt; because of Shelob -- and the same continued, to a far worse extent, to patrolling Orcs, after Cirith Ungol was captured by the Witch-King, in TA 2000, many centuries later (a turncoat had desperately opened the gates to the Witch-King, in hopes of being spared, and the Witch-King and his army slew them all anyway) Then, the Witch-King besieged Minas Ithil, in an epic siege lasting 2 years; ending with the massacre of the depleted, exhausted garrison, in TA 2002. After years of being called a coward by the Witch-King, King Earnur of Gondor's patience (as a fighting champion himself) snapped, and he rode to what was now Minas Morgul (Minas Ithil as it had been) to duel the Witch-King, with a number of Royal Knights in a small guard detail. Neither him nor the knights were ever seen again, and so ended the line of Kings in Gondor, in TA 2043. The grim implications for Osgiliath were that it became a military frontier once again. It had already suffered badly in Sauron's Great Plague of the 16th century, and in civil strife/wars which had caused massive death and destruction to Gondor. Just over four centuries after the disappearance of Earnur, the first true Uruks were unleashed by Sauron (Sauron bred Uruk-hai first, not Saruman; Saruman perfected them in a way, later) and they ransacked Osgiliath in TA 2475. As it happened, this was 500 years after the end of the Angmar Wars, in TA 1975.
Back then, this fate befalling Osgiliath may have still been unthinkable. Eight centuries earlier, during the Ship Kings Era, it would have been a laughable suggestion. Such had been the decline of Gondor. They had forsaken the watch over Mordor, abandoning most of the forts there, by the 17th century TA. This is part of why it was so easy for the Witch King to later return from his 675 year shenanigans in Arnor and Angmar, and to go and crush Cirith Ungol and Minas Ithil (just about the last places where Gondor kept any sort of watch on Mordor) Osgiliath had already become a sorry place, in the generations post-Earnur's demise, because of the fact it became a constantly troubled frontier city, made to be defensive. Minas Morgul allowed Mordor to send direct assaults into Ithilien more easily, and to rendezvous with Easterlings from the North and East, and Haradrim from the South and South East. Arnor was destroyed in TA 1974, before being avenged by Lord Elrond, Lord Glorfindel and a then Prince Earnur. Outside the smouldering walls of the slaughtered Arthedain capital of Fornost Erain, the enraged Gondorians and the similarly valorous Eldar, crushed the hordes of Angmar. The Elves and Men continued to kick the Angmar forces all the way back to Carn Dum, their stronghold in the freezing North of the Mountains of Angmar, and then conquered that, too. The shattered remnants of the surviving evil forces, fleeing East, were wiped out in the Vales of the Anduin, on the other side of the Hithaeglir (Misty Mountains), by the ancestors of the Rohirrim; the Men of the Vales of the Anduin, whom would become the Eotheod of Eorl, about five centuries later; the first generation of Rohirrim in Rohan (or what was earlier called, 'Rochand' or 'Rochann', variably) Rohan would be granted to Eorl, because of his role in saving Steward Cirion of Gondor, at the Battle of the Field of Celebrant (where a Gondorian army was caught between an army of Orcs and another army of Easterlings) roughly ~7,400-7,600 (ish) Eotheod of Eorl thundered South, saving the day in a shattering cavalry charge (7,000 'fully-armed riders' plus 'several hundred' horse-archers, aka lighter cavalry) Steward Cirion gave Eorl the Gondorian province of Calenardhon (what became Rohan) as a thank you. Then again, it was a shrewd move, with Gondorians disliking being posted to Calenardhon, and it being very sparsely populated (mostly only by military garrison troops stationed at Angrenost aka Isengard, another Gondorian fortress, and Aglarond aka the Glittering Caves and the Hornburg as it became), guarding the Gap of Calenardhon (what became, the Gap of Rohan) Rohan itself would eventually give the Keys of Orthanc, to the Istari Wizard, Saruman; on the mutual belief of both King Fréaláf of Rohan, and Steward Beren of Gondor, that he could be fully-trusted with helping to fend off the Dunlendings (Wildmen of Dunland) whom were causing so much trouble at this time with their destructive raids on Rohan, on a large scale. Saruman (and a harsh Winter, besides) did halt them. Afterwards, Saruman would use Dunlendings in his own army, to attack Rohan; centuries after the passing of King Fréaláf and Steward Beren (they could not have known what Saruman would do in the War of the Ring, and the depths of his treachery) Gondor had too much on it's plate to help Rohan much, and it was handy to have a superpowered wizard literally, 'holding down the fort' up in Isengard. This also made it easier for Rohan to look East, defence-wise -- without looking over their own shoulders to the Dunlendings to the North. The Easterlings sometimes invaded Rohan, as would also, the Orcs of the Misty Mountains. For instance, after the Orcs of the Misty Mountains, lost the War of the Dwarves and Orcs (in which Azog was slain by a young Dain, long before his own demise outside the gates of Erebor alongside Brand), thousands of errant Orcs spilled over into Rohan, fleeing from the Dwarves after Azog's demise and the costly victory of the Dwarves in the Battle of Azanulbizar (in which Thorin and Dain won much acclaim) in TA 2799. The Orcs, though beaten, intended to inhabit the White Mountains, to the South (the same mountains where Helm's Deep is found) crossing the lands of Rohan and congregating in what the Rohirrim knew as Dunharrow. This was no mere short-term nuisance; these remnant Orcs, troubled Rohan for the following two generations, from out of Dunharrow. In TA 2851, King Walda of Rohan, aged 71 at the time, was slain with all his companions by Orcs near Dunharrow. Enraged by the scourge of the Orc interlopers dotting strongholds in the White Mountains, the new King Folca hunted down, fought and _annihilated_ the last Orcs in the White Mountains, including eliminating the Orcs infesting Dunharrow. Between what the Dwarves had done to their population in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs, and what the Rohirrim were burdened with completing by the apparently careless Dwarves, these Misty Mountains Orcs, had taken incredibly high losses. The only Orcs that survived were feral Goblins in Moria and depleted remnants under Bolg, son of Azog, in Gundabad.
The Mordor host was estimated at 40,000 orcs, trolls, and fell beasts. 30,000 attacked Minad Tirith, while 10,000 garrisoned Mordor itself; who then fought at the battle of the Morranon.
El Reino de mirwood habian entre 10000 elfos a 20000 El reino de Lothlorien habian 10000 elfos. El reino de erebos habian 4000 enanos y 10000 hombres de dale En gondor habian 5000 soldados. 6000 Rohirrim
I would say: Shire: 500 Bree: 700 Rivendell: 500 Lindon: 1,500 Dwarves of the Blue Mountains: 600 Erebor: 2,000 Dale: 3,500 Mirkwood Elves: 5,000 Dwarves of the Iron Hills: 500 Ents: 50 Rohan: 12,500 Gondor: 15,000 Lothlorien: 800 Men of Lossoth: 500 Men of Eriador: 3,000 Men of Enedwaith: 2,000 Mordor: 500,000 Isengard: 15,000 Easterlings: 300,000 Corsairs of Umbar: 3,500 Haradrim: 10,000 Khand: 3,000 Dol Guldur: 5,000 Orcs of the Misty Mountains: 5,000 Orcs of Mount Gundabad: 2,500 Men of Dunland: 3,000
En plus tes chiffres sont carement faux rien que pour les orientaux et les haradhrims tolkien nous dit que il y avait autans d'orcs que d'haradhrims à la battaille des champs du Pélénnore et ils etaient certainement pas 8 000 pareil pour les easterlings qui se battaient en nombre non seulement sur le territoire gondorien mais aussi à Erebor qui a faillit tombé et c'est certainement pas 5 000 d'entre eux qui peuvent metre en danger trois royaumes simultanement en inferieuritée numerique. On n'a aucune info sur les Lossoths alors tes chiffres sont bidon, Dale a beacoup trop d'hommes si on relativise sa taille, les corsaires 2 000 c'est ridicule pour une flotte de cette taille on rappel qu'ils ont des centaines de navires hein, au niveau des elfes c'est ok dol guldur ça parait ok aussi l'isengard le rohan c'est pareil et le gondor c'est pas assez du tout. Par contre le Mordor ça parait bon.
Lothlorien was probably less powerful than Mirkwood, Mirkwood was strong enough to march and face the enemy in the "battle under the trees" while Lohtlorien just contained the 3 sieges at their forest
The Military Strength of Dwarves are 40,000, men of dale are 20,000, the orcs of Dol Guldor are 38,000, the Easterlings are 250,000, the Haradrim are 18,000, Rohan can muster 12,000 to 15,000 riders, plus infantry but theoden only raised 6,000, Isenguard ar 10,000 Uruk hai, Gondor may at its height in the Third Age had around 100,000 men under arms, but that gradually dwindled through plague and constant warfare but during the siege of Minas tirith they only had 7,000 men and mordor had 250,000 orcs.
Source: "Trust me bro“
Some of the numbers you gave ar false
So basically, this is all, and I do mean, _all_ wrong. Main problem being, routinely lowballing the majority of the factions (including Mordor) I don't understand how some of the mistakes could be made. For instance, it's very well-established that during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, the Rohirrim defeated 18,000 Black Serpent Cavalry (Haradrim) which don't include the Haradrim on the Mumakil. Where is this getting merely 8,000 Haradrim from? Then there is no mention of the Variags of Khand. 2,000 Corsairs from Umbar? Way too low. 5,000 Easterlings? Brother in Christ, the Easterlings sent 1 legion to the Pelennor Fields which probably numbered about 5,000 just by itself.
Then there were the _tens of thousands_ of Easterlings sent in multiple legions against Erebor and Dale. Dale was overrun but not before the Dwarves of Erebor and Men of Dale had made a huge fight of it out on the plains to the East of Dale, and had been pushed back _to_ Dale, where it was besieged, and was captured. The Dwarves and Men of Dale fought a fighting retreat back to Erebor, with their Kings, Dain II Ironfoot and Brand (grandson of Bard the Bowman, most notably) fought back to back outside the gates.
They died together on a hill of Easterling corpses. Brand fell first, after a mighty effort, and then old (252 years old, to be more precise) fell second. They'd practically slaughtered a small army of Easterlings by themselves. Imagine what their entire armies had done with them in their command. Yes, they were categorically defeated in battle outside Dale, at Dale and outside Erebor, but they would have made the Easterlings pay for every step of the way. Sauron had sent _most_ of the Easterlings there.
They were quite possibly, arguably his best infantry in any of his armies and vassal factions. Only Uruk-hai and maybe Black Orcs of Barad-dur (the most elite Orc Legion anywhere) would be on par, but never in terms of armour and weapons quality (Easterling armour and weapons are 2nd only in the factions of men, good or evil, to Gondorian armour and weapons; only Elves and Dwarves surpass either Gondor or Rhun/the tribes of Rhun/aka the Easterlings in either regard. Easterlings have been attacking Gondor for roughly ~2,700 years and they have long learnt what they need to arm themselves with and how armoured they need to be to stand up to the Gondorians in near-peer terms.
Contrary to grim and silly postmodernist notions of Tolkien having bias against Eastern cultures, the fact is, only the ancient Gondorian civilization (by the Late Third Age) can surpass Easterling armour and weapons (and they owe a lot of that to the sheer ancientness of their own civilization, which is circa 3,200 years old with roots thousands of years older than that still, from 150,000 men. When he was around (in the 12th century Third Age) not a single faction dared to mess with him. At least, after he utterly crushed all the Haradrim, making multiple chieftains swear oaths of obeisance and submission to Gondorian rule.
He had a mighty imperial war machine, and an imperial level Gondorian faction, that spanned from the upper reaches of the Anduin, to Far Harad; from Western Gondor to the watchtowers keeping vigilance in Mordor; in those days, Cirith Ungol, built in the first place by Gondorians, was still under Gondorian control; it would not have been a much desired posting, with some guards going missing every now and then, no doubt; because of Shelob -- and the same continued, to a far worse extent, to patrolling Orcs, after Cirith Ungol was captured by the Witch-King, in TA 2000, many centuries later (a turncoat had desperately opened the gates to the Witch-King, in hopes of being spared, and the Witch-King and his army slew them all anyway)
Then, the Witch-King besieged Minas Ithil, in an epic siege lasting 2 years; ending with the massacre of the depleted, exhausted garrison, in TA 2002. After years of being called a coward by the Witch-King, King Earnur of Gondor's patience (as a fighting champion himself) snapped, and he rode to what was now Minas Morgul (Minas Ithil as it had been) to duel the Witch-King, with a number of Royal Knights in a small guard detail. Neither him nor the knights were ever seen again, and so ended the line of Kings in Gondor, in TA 2043.
The grim implications for Osgiliath were that it became a military frontier once again. It had already suffered badly in Sauron's Great Plague of the 16th century, and in civil strife/wars which had caused massive death and destruction to Gondor. Just over four centuries after the disappearance of Earnur, the first true Uruks were unleashed by Sauron (Sauron bred Uruk-hai first, not Saruman; Saruman perfected them in a way, later) and they ransacked Osgiliath in TA 2475. As it happened, this was 500 years after the end of the Angmar Wars, in TA 1975.
Back then, this fate befalling Osgiliath may have still been unthinkable. Eight centuries earlier, during the Ship Kings Era, it would have been a laughable suggestion. Such had been the decline of Gondor. They had forsaken the watch over Mordor, abandoning most of the forts there, by the 17th century TA. This is part of why it was so easy for the Witch King to later return from his 675 year shenanigans in Arnor and Angmar, and to go and crush Cirith Ungol and Minas Ithil (just about the last places where Gondor kept any sort of watch on Mordor)
Osgiliath had already become a sorry place, in the generations post-Earnur's demise, because of the fact it became a constantly troubled frontier city, made to be defensive. Minas Morgul allowed Mordor to send direct assaults into Ithilien more easily, and to rendezvous with Easterlings from the North and East, and Haradrim from the South and South East. Arnor was destroyed in TA 1974, before being avenged by Lord Elrond, Lord Glorfindel and a then Prince Earnur. Outside the smouldering walls of the slaughtered Arthedain capital of Fornost Erain, the enraged Gondorians and the similarly valorous Eldar, crushed the hordes of Angmar.
The Elves and Men continued to kick the Angmar forces all the way back to Carn Dum, their stronghold in the freezing North of the Mountains of Angmar, and then conquered that, too. The shattered remnants of the surviving evil forces, fleeing East, were wiped out in the Vales of the Anduin, on the other side of the Hithaeglir (Misty Mountains), by the ancestors of the Rohirrim; the Men of the Vales of the Anduin, whom would become the Eotheod of Eorl, about five centuries later; the first generation of Rohirrim in Rohan (or what was earlier called, 'Rochand' or 'Rochann', variably) Rohan would be granted to Eorl, because of his role in saving Steward Cirion of Gondor, at the Battle of the Field of Celebrant (where a Gondorian army was caught between an army of Orcs and another army of Easterlings) roughly ~7,400-7,600 (ish) Eotheod of Eorl thundered South, saving the day in a shattering cavalry charge (7,000 'fully-armed riders' plus 'several hundred' horse-archers, aka lighter cavalry)
Steward Cirion gave Eorl the Gondorian province of Calenardhon (what became Rohan) as a thank you. Then again, it was a shrewd move, with Gondorians disliking being posted to Calenardhon, and it being very sparsely populated (mostly only by military garrison troops stationed at Angrenost aka Isengard, another Gondorian fortress, and Aglarond aka the Glittering Caves and the Hornburg as it became), guarding the Gap of Calenardhon (what became, the Gap of Rohan) Rohan itself would eventually give the Keys of Orthanc, to the Istari Wizard, Saruman; on the mutual belief of both King Fréaláf of Rohan, and Steward Beren of Gondor, that he could be fully-trusted with helping to fend off the Dunlendings (Wildmen of Dunland) whom were causing so much trouble at this time with their destructive raids on Rohan, on a large scale. Saruman (and a harsh Winter, besides) did halt them. Afterwards, Saruman would use Dunlendings in his own army, to attack Rohan; centuries after the passing of King Fréaláf and Steward Beren (they could not have known what Saruman would do in the War of the Ring, and the depths of his treachery)
Gondor had too much on it's plate to help Rohan much, and it was handy to have a superpowered wizard literally, 'holding down the fort' up in Isengard. This also made it easier for Rohan to look East, defence-wise -- without looking over their own shoulders to the Dunlendings to the North. The Easterlings sometimes invaded Rohan, as would also, the Orcs of the Misty Mountains. For instance, after the Orcs of the Misty Mountains, lost the War of the Dwarves and Orcs (in which Azog was slain by a young Dain, long before his own demise outside the gates of Erebor alongside Brand), thousands of errant Orcs spilled over into Rohan, fleeing from the Dwarves after Azog's demise and the costly victory of the Dwarves in the Battle of Azanulbizar (in which Thorin and Dain won much acclaim) in TA 2799.
The Orcs, though beaten, intended to inhabit the White Mountains, to the South (the same mountains where Helm's Deep is found) crossing the lands of Rohan and congregating in what the Rohirrim knew as Dunharrow. This was no mere short-term nuisance; these remnant Orcs, troubled Rohan for the following two generations, from out of Dunharrow. In TA 2851, King Walda of Rohan, aged 71 at the time, was slain with all his companions by Orcs near Dunharrow.
Enraged by the scourge of the Orc interlopers dotting strongholds in the White Mountains, the new King Folca hunted down, fought and _annihilated_ the last Orcs in the White Mountains, including eliminating the Orcs infesting Dunharrow. Between what the Dwarves had done to their population in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs, and what the Rohirrim were burdened with completing by the apparently careless Dwarves, these Misty Mountains Orcs, had taken incredibly high losses. The only Orcs that survived were feral Goblins in Moria and depleted remnants under Bolg, son of Azog, in Gundabad.
@@ThePalaeontologist einfach mal die halbe kriegsgeschichte gondors aufgeschrieben xD
@@misterosmee5248 lol
@@ThePalaeontologistthank you very much, I read it with interest.
Both of the essays that have been written here were of great interest. Thank you very much.
The Mordor host was estimated at 40,000 orcs, trolls, and fell beasts. 30,000 attacked Minad Tirith, while 10,000 garrisoned Mordor itself; who then fought at the battle of the Morranon.
yes but ive read crazy numbers such as 100,000 orcs , 400,000 orcs etc..
There were at least 175,000 orcs attacking minas thirith
False numbers, easterlings had the biggest army along with the mordor maybe even bigger
Fuentes: Miami me lo confirmo
I think your numbers are wrong:
Shire Hobbits: 500 (>20 Shiriffs included)
Bree: 300
Ents: 50
Lossoth: 200
Dale: 3,000
Dwarves of Erebor: 600
Dwarves of Ironhills: 400
Dwarves of Ered Luin: 700
Corsairs of Umbar: 4'500
Mirkwood: 4'000
Lorien: 700
Dol guldur 7,000
Easterlings: 40,000
Haradrim: 25,000
Rohan: 13,000
Isengard: 12,000
Gondor: 20,000
Mordor: 150,000
Numenor : 300,000+
600 in all of Erebor??😂😂😂
El Reino de mirwood habian entre 10000 elfos a 20000
El reino de Lothlorien habian 10000 elfos.
El reino de erebos habian 4000 enanos y 10000 hombres de dale
En gondor habian 5000 soldados.
6000 Rohirrim
Numbers are wayyyy off
fake numbers 😂
Of course, my brother, Mirkwood's army numbers more than 10,000 warriors in the entire kingdom.
My Problem with These numbers... 300 Ents are dealing enough damage to Take on 5k Easterlings... Easily
What ??
on a pas besoin de voir ta tête faire de l'over reacting merci
I would say:
Shire: 500
Bree: 700
Rivendell: 500
Lindon: 1,500
Dwarves of the Blue Mountains: 600
Erebor: 2,000
Dale: 3,500
Mirkwood Elves: 5,000
Dwarves of the Iron Hills: 500
Ents: 50
Rohan: 12,500
Gondor: 15,000
Lothlorien: 800
Men of Lossoth: 500
Men of Eriador: 3,000
Men of Enedwaith: 2,000
Mordor: 500,000
Isengard: 15,000
Easterlings: 300,000
Corsairs of Umbar: 3,500
Haradrim: 10,000
Khand: 3,000
Dol Guldur: 5,000
Orcs of the Misty Mountains: 5,000
Orcs of Mount Gundabad: 2,500
Men of Dunland: 3,000
En plus tes chiffres sont carement faux rien que pour les orientaux et les haradhrims tolkien nous dit que il y avait autans d'orcs que d'haradhrims à la battaille des champs du Pélénnore et ils etaient certainement pas 8 000 pareil pour les easterlings qui se battaient en nombre non seulement sur le territoire gondorien mais aussi à Erebor qui a faillit tombé et c'est certainement pas 5 000 d'entre eux qui peuvent metre en danger trois royaumes simultanement en inferieuritée numerique. On n'a aucune info sur les Lossoths alors tes chiffres sont bidon, Dale a beacoup trop d'hommes si on relativise sa taille, les corsaires 2 000 c'est ridicule pour une flotte de cette taille on rappel qu'ils ont des centaines de navires hein, au niveau des elfes c'est ok dol guldur ça parait ok aussi l'isengard le rohan c'est pareil et le gondor c'est pas assez du tout. Par contre le Mordor ça parait bon.
Yes easterling numbers are way off.
Man face just 😐😮🧔♂️
Lothlorien was probably less powerful than Mirkwood, Mirkwood was strong enough to march and face the enemy in the "battle under the trees" while Lohtlorien just contained the 3 sieges at their forest
Less powerful in headcount, far more powerful on the field (when defending). Basically unassailable unless evil Maiar or a dragon were involved
Fuentes: fuentealvilla
The Military Strength of Dwarves are 40,000, men of dale are 20,000, the orcs of Dol Guldor are 38,000, the Easterlings are 250,000, the Haradrim are 18,000, Rohan can muster 12,000 to 15,000 riders, plus infantry but theoden only raised 6,000, Isenguard ar 10,000 Uruk hai, Gondor may at its height in the Third Age had around 100,000 men under arms, but that gradually dwindled through plague and constant warfare but during the siege of Minas tirith they only had 7,000 men and mordor had 250,000 orcs.
Angmar solo😎
So fake numbers and pointless reactions. Nice
Easterling 5000 ?? Lol
Hobbit militia 🤣
All false, easterling were 200000. Isengard 10000