If I had a nickel for every time a cross-eyed gray horse has caused a lot of controversy in the community, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.
It really sucks to see that even after a a decade Bronies are still being targeted for bullying. But I'm proud to see that Bronies are still upholding their principals. Friendship is Magic! Never let the ride end
The fandom is much smaller than it used to be, I think the reason the streamers couldn’t keep us down was because everyone else was helping us, either out of pity, nostalgia, or they just wanted to send a message to the streamers. I know some groups I was in just wanted us alive because they knew we’d always be first target for streamers, so they wanted us to draw their ire battle-of-black-gate style.
I find it really fu**ing annoying that Twitch Streamers destroyed whatever art they felt like destroying, without caring about the hours of work that went into them, and then got angry that the Bronies were using tactics that were well established.
@@therealcptsmoke literally like all a brony said in his stream was “cringe” and this dude gets all pissed and starts insulting him with hateful shit. It sucks how bronies can’t even enjoy an event like this without getting raided with hate and shit
I learned about 2017 r/place through your first video, and I was bummed to miss such an event! So when r/place started again in 2022, I was hyped to join in and serve this time around. Thank you r/place, for helping me to meet and befriend so many great people, for being a fun and thrilling experience despite all that occurred, and for giving me a heart attack whenever someone mentioned The Crystal is being attacked again. Can't wait for the next r/place. This time we won't forget about the book. o7
What amazes me is that bronies from years past came back in mass numbers It felt like 2010s era internet where MLP became a huge thing that pretty much took over the internet Seeing bronies both old and new, many different MLP groups and seeing ex bronies return was just magical Friendship is truly magic and we make our marks
As a former brony (2013 to 2018), i kinda miss the show a lot so i have to help the crystal since the show change my life. I stop watching it and left because i just lost interest and motivation. However, with G5 horizon, i kinda slowly get back into it.
@@LightBluly Honestly same here G4 I gotta be honest the last half of the show wasn't that great it suffered from seasonal rot many shows before it suffered Though g5 has rekindled my love for this show that helped me through harsh times and made me meet a close friend of mine whom I'm still friends with
Twitch Streamers: Target the Brony Fandom to stroke their tiny egos *BRONY FANDOM PREVAILS* Also Twitch Streamers: get whiny and pissy and talk trash cause their egos got shattered
This video is a bit bittersweet for me. Some of the streamers that deliberately went after the pony art were ones I had previously held an amount of respect for, which was lost when these events happened while hearing just what they thought about the brony community. But I’m still proud to be part of the brony fandom after all of these years, and felt so much pride seeing just how much pony art made it into the final screenshot of r/Place 2022. I’m really thankful for this community because I met some of my best friends in it, and kinda surprisingly it’s how I sometimes meet new friends even to this day. It’s truly a wonderful thing when people can bond over something simple as colorful pastel talking ponies.
Feeling the same about Cr1tikal, thought he would stay neutral to most communities, but seeing him go against us and other ones and then saying "i don't want to see that, thats just sad" after something he caused was... Dissapointing to say the least
Such an Honor to have been a small part of this! Thank you for the beautiful well researched documentary showing our side of the story! Untill next r/place o7
Hey single, I just wanted to say that the clip of you in the video talking about what makes this community great is spot on. Wish I'd thought to stream the event.
This was the most awesome and most funniest,fun event I have ever been apart of because after the victory we went to pony town to celebrate 😊 (Edit this was the most epic and thrilling event ever and I joined when the unity crystal was barely standing and I was apart of the rebuilding of rainbow dash when she was half built and when she was well became a ishowspeed thing, at first I didn’t even think it was important but when I joined manechat my god it was so thrilling…I also helped on the unity crystal and the mlp book)
One of your calls to action in the comments section on r/place brought me to the fight until the very end. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of something amazing I wouldn't have otherwise /)
And the most important realization is: Bronys can only be distressed by trolls and baddies and their mindless followers. Every normal person leaves us alone.
What an utterly thrilling "condensed" recap of the crazy (but fun!) event that was r/place 2022! I'm utterly honoured to have been the pony to provide the original pixel art for our Salute Dashie, who I feel became an icon of our determination throughout the event. And just as honoured to hold down the position as top placer of the event on behalf of all of us and our immense efforts! I was just another placer like everypony else and never thought I'd place so high! It shows that every single pixel placed counts! I'm proud to have got to defend all our pony pixel art with ya'll and keep so much of it to the very end! o7
I would be honoured to serve under your command in the next event General 😂 Nah seriously tho Bloody good job on that saluting Dash art. May your deeds be remembered for decades to come *salutes*
At one point some fans of Asmongold came into Manechat to help us because they didn't like the way he was saying so many horrible and false things about us.
I was there, in ManeChat the entire time. I know people said it was just a pixel game, and a waste of time. But through all of the fun and bonding, and stress, and staying up all night I made the greatest group of friends I have ever had in my entire life. Even better than any irl friends I've had. And no, that is not an exaggeration. The Brony fandom, and a dumb internet art game are actually what allowed me to expierence what having real, caring and true friendships is like. Even if some of us have never met before -- it shouldn't be seen as something less. It's absolutley beautiful and miraculous that so many can cooperatre on something so niche, from so many different places with so many different perspectives. Programmers, artists, writers, crafters, athletes, students, young, old, shy, outspoken, fast, slow --- all contributed to this small project, and continute to bless us with their presence. And that is why I beleive that this fandom is still one of the brightest pockets of humanity to date. Cringe or Not. Love you guys
legit dude! it was about so much more than placing pixels. i actually became an ELO fan bc their build was right next to the dash at the bottom of the map, and when they reached out to manechat i hopped into their server to help them out. the ppl there convinced me to listen to ELO (i only knew mr blue sky before) and i fuckin love the band now!! r/place is magical, man
I was there as well! I literally didn't sleep for like a day or two because I wanted to stay on top of what was happening. I'm super pumped I managed to contribute to this Place, I wasn't around for the 2017 one.
I am glad that in the end our faction was able to ally with the bronies and pull through. Thanks to everyone involved for making this experience special! Yours truly, The Earthbound faction :)
I couldn't have written a better epic myself. An underdog story with despicable, overpowered villains, moments of pure hopelessness, secret weapons, horrific betrayals, and the heroic, unequivocal triumph of good over evil. What a ride... And the ride never ends.
The fact that twitch streamers have "Destruction" of someone else's art as their first idea, just goes to show how much they add to the communities around them - ABSOLUTE ZERO.
Honestly the raid streamers pissed me off so much during this r/place. honestly it was surprising to see so much hate and venom getting tossed around from many places over pixels- I'm glad the Bronies came out in the end~ And so did the Avali community!, so I got to help both my communities secure a spot! and see both make to the end~ ^w^
It wasn't nearly THAT powerful XD Even at the peak of our bot usage it was nothing compared to the streamers. However, rebuilding became more and more practical as the bots gained strength.
The meteor really ticked off a lot of smaller communities. I was a contact in the “indie alliance”, which was the organizers for the hollow knight/elden ring/ori/etc. indie game thing just below where the meteor started, and I convinced them to help as a way to keep the streamers occupied. We became their cannon fodder to distract the streamers from everyone else.
I’m actually the artist who drew the chalk r/place at Galacon. It was the first time I’d ever drawn in chalk, and you have no idea how much I squeed to see it in your video ^^ Thanks again for your amazing deep dive into this amazing social experiment and how Bronies thrived despite ALL the attacks we faced and even overcame infighting rather than descending into “People’s Front of Judea vs Judean People’s Front.” Another truly inspirational show from the Bronies
I’m never going to forget being here for this. Trying to help coordinate while out working at my job. Some of the most fun I’ve had in a long long time.
Hi I'm Finnians, also known as u/Finnianss. I was the Tiny Bill Cypher next to the Tiny Tardis. I thought I was insignificant, I was a user trying to place 12 pixels in a vague shape of Bill cipher on a 1000 x 1000 board. Then I became allies with you guys and Tiny Tardis around day two. I'd like to thank everyone for their kindness. You guys were so kind. It was an honor fighting along side all of you.
This made me patriotic to a fucking fandom, a fandom I'M NOT EVEN A PART OF. Just like the original r/place video, this is simply a masterpiece. I was part of the Minecraft and Deltarune r/place communities, the latter being an ally to the Brony faction, so I got to fight alongside some of your troops defending our Ralsei mural against the giant expanding European map around day 2 or 3. I expected you guys to be attacked a lot but damn not this much. It's amusing how much these twitch streamers care about defacing a decade old cartoon about talking horses, like guys it's been 10 years can now stop pretending what you're doing is still cool. Like I expected these guys to have inflated egos, but watching all this unfold such a new high (or low) for them. Guess that's what happens when you have that big number on your screen, mans thinking they can do anything, and anything that proves contrary to that instantly makes them shatter...
I am so proud to have served in World Pixel War 2. I've been waiting for this video for a while, and it was even better than I could have imagined. Reliving this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, and may friendship prevail! Edit: I just found out from this video about that site that shows how many pixels you placed. I placed 781! I was only 14 below Sigmath! I didn't realize I contributed THAT much!
Proud to get to hold down the top two spots on behalf of all of us with you, Coaster! o7 I think about half of the top 10 placers spots where held down by us, which is incredible!
Both the previous video, and this one, shows the immense community still around. I didn't participate in either r/Place event, but these recollections have made me feel like I missed out. Such action, intrigue and foresight for a few colorful pixels! Thanks for the re-telling, Littleshy. It was a great ride, even from the backseat.
I remember participating in r/Place 2022, I was in the FNaF faction, and when I heard we were allies with the MLP fans, I beamed. I was so eager to help another fandom like us too. I remember when Dashie was being attacked, I was one of the people who were trying to help save her, but the mods in my Discord said to focus on our side of the thing because we were being threatened too. These days were too chaotic, Berserk Booyah fans attacked us late at night, Denmark flag was taking over our mini's, Fredbear poofed from his existence, Glitchtrap said bye-bye, people turning the H in our title racist and Sploinkus surviving the void, the lean and anything else you can imagine. I'm happy how the final canvas resulted, even if it wasn't how we originally to be, I'm proud that we could help each other in this. I hope that the FNaF faction be your ally again in the next Place. See you on the flipside!
It’s kinda sad that Bronies still have this bad reputation from the early days. I’ve never understood fandom hate and how some people think they can judge another person’s entire character based on one interest they have (“yOU HaVE An anIMe PFP, sHuT uP”). Even though it’s been years and the fandom has mellowed out considerably since then, it’s sad that to some people we’ll always be known as “weird, creepy degenerates”. This video and the way that the Brony teams handled the situation, choosing peace and perseverance the whole way through, really goes to show what this fandom is REALLY like despite people’s judgements.
Great video - as someone who knows basically nothing about MLP, this was quite informative. I'm making a documentary for my community myself (Touhou) and can definitely sympathize with the struggle against streamers, though admittedly we weren't nuked 22 times. I'm glad to see more of these videos being produced and more of these stories being told!
I was only casually interested in this but when I started watching your recap here I was immediately fascinated. It was really interesting to see how it all developed but the big hook was the production quality of this video. You've done an absolutely stellar job on presenting this deep dive, top tier content. Thanks a ton for that!
For me personally, this event was the thing that assured me that this fandom is something else. So much dedication after all these years. Truly beautiful. Great video. Appreciate the effort. I was looking forward to it since the event ended.
“OMG, bronies are attacking our flag that’s taking up 10 percent of the entire canvas!” - R/place in a nutshell. Seriously, what the hell were French Reddit communities thinking? I took personal pleasure in planting boogers on their historical figures. As a Turk, it was also awkward when a second giant Turkish flag appeared on the canvas and I did protest that abomination as much as reasonable. Bronies, Runescape, LGBT+ and occasionally erasing the p*nis that people drew underneath Feddy Fazbear (not even knowing that they were an official ally). I’m glad I played my part in protecting my internet heritage. Stay Brony my friends /)
It was French streamers, not Reddit communities. I don't get why you were angry, we were building cool art and never attached anyone but other streamers. We were also the main reason why English and Spanish-speaking streamers stopped attacking small communities to focus on us.
@@dreamer5959 Admittedly, it was wrong of me to name-drop France like that without clarifying: I'd urge you to go watch the timelapse of the event: As soon as the canvas expanded downward, a section roughly 4 times larger than any other flag on the canvas (when you don't account for ribbon shaped ones) turned red white and blue, then remained that way for a very long time before a very sh*tty looking Eiffel Tower appeared. Smaller communities trying to claim tiny slices on it were not only annihilated (including a space-exploration themed image that I added a few pixels to) but even after detailed artwork appeared on the french flag like you said, the flag suddenly expanded Northwards and many French Redditors told me that they were reserving the spot for the One Piece community, who took many hours before they actually decided on their template so we all assumed they were lying. The main R/place discussion page was full of people screaming at French users to stop, more than I'd seen any other country flag; then again, I missed the first day of the event where Ukrainian users also apparently went overboard. When all is said and done, nobody can be angry at anyone during an event like this because it's very nature is to be chaotic and invasive. I'm happy that you're proud of the French artwork that eventually manifested and it really did look cool hours before the event ended (even though they could have been way more efficiently scaled), I certainly meant no disrespect. I was equally disappointed in my own country flag as mentioned, which was also the work of an obnoxious streamer; we seem to have that in common.
@@awesometwitchy Sure, but do you know why they took that space as soon as the canvas expanded? They did it because it was blank and no communities had built anything yet. After that, they just hold on to what they already had. I'll admit that the first big Eiffel Tower was really awful, but I think it was just a way to say "don't worry, we'll make art soon". The one piece community were our ally, and they did eventually build there. We had a lot of allies, including the taskbar. I agree that Reddit communities were mad at us first, but when we built cool art and other streamers attacked us instead of them, they changed their mind on us. We had the same enemy in xqc, Rubius etc. We became the underdog, and when you look at the most upvoted posts in r/place, most of them are with France and against ES & US streamers.
@@dreamer5959 Ok... I think the confusion is coming from France already having a flag in the North Western corner of the canvas with popular images such as the Eiffel tower, wine and cheese, a baguette and the Little Prince. If they wanted to have a second flag that was similarly sized but with different images, I doubt anyone would have complained. Just look at the final image of the canvas though; the Champs Elysees alone takes up the space that 15 communities could easily fill. There's making art, and then there's being obnoxious. It's like what Littleshy said about Mega Derpy, it was too much. Especially for architecture so simplistic that it can be captured in 100 pixels or less. I don't understand why you're insisting that without French streamers, French Reddit users would have been 100 percent non-intrusive.
A person from the Czech flag faction here. That second Turkish flag gave us so much anxiety, stress, frustration, and relief. In that order. Really cool that your faction wrote "not us" there at some point, and also helped fight back. And that's what /r/place was all about - stories like that. Each faction has a story that's as rich as Littleshy's video, although for the bigger ones it was never a fight for mere survival. (German flag, Dutch flag and LGBT stuff were on the canvas unchallenged pretty much since the beginning.)
Howdy! I'm the guy listing coordinates around 1:02 for the r/Earthbound faction! Once again, it was an honor having what, looking back, was essentially a rivalry-turned-alliance. Thanks for your help, and we hope to be able to ally again should r/place ever return!
During this event I was mostly active in the Minecraft community and Vocaloid/Utau community, but I always checked up on the ponies. It always made me happy to see them thriving and I’m so happy to see that they powered through this!
I was the head for r/SpeculativeEvolution's efforts on r/place and we were only about a dozen people trying to get our logo on the canvas. It actually showed up here on day 2 when you were discussing bots. its the little white octopus holding a spear in the purple square, his names Gary, and he's right next to your right ear at 26:35 After the smooze took us out (twice) we were struggling to find a spot until we struck an alliance with Portugal. Had to modify the design a bit but on final canvas there was Gary, swimming in the sea of Portugal's flag in the day 2 expansion, right under their Caravel. I was legit in tears when the snow started falling and I realized Gary lasted to the final canvas and finally found a home. r/place was amazing and I'm so glad so many communities got to make their mark!
I wasn't a part of the brony r/place community - I'm not in Manechat and I didn't really care enough to find it. But whenever I saw a pony coming under attack, I did my best to help. I didn't have any templates, but I focused on places where the correct color seemed obvious. I probably only placed a dozen pixels over the course of the event, but I still feel like I helped a little. And seeing the ponies standing strong until the end was great.
god i hate xqc, honestly is kinda funny how the dude tried to mock us and call us degenerates and then he just goes and makes his twitch chat draw a literal butt on the canvas. what a fun individual.
Hey, French brony here (yeah I know, I'm a little late) Ihad the chance to participate to this event and it was glorious and I was very proud of me and this community. Even if we aren't as big as we were some years ago, we remain strong and faithful to our passion and I find that Beautiful. Even if it was erased at the end, we definitely left a mark on r/place and everybody/pony that participated can take pride from that^^ (of course, as a French, I followed what happended with my flag, but I prefered placing pixels with bronies because the community is a lot smaller than the big Flag and needed more help)
r/place 2 was in a way one of the best things that happened to me in the past years as not only has it rekindled the passion that I feel for MLP but it also introduced me to some of the most amazing people I've ever known who I deeply care for now. #Bronercon4Life
Apart from the brony side i was monitoring the twitch streamers......one of the best moments when r/place ended was seeingthe face of mizkif when the art was ereased and he said.....well at least i got more followers.....then he proceded to see how his follower count started to go down as people like me unfollowed now that the event ended. JEJJAJAJJA
As a closeted brony, witnessing r/place 2022 in 4 days was surreal. I even remember checking on the canvas while I was at both work and school. When the great whiteout happened, I shed several tears. No one was expecting the twist to return the canvas to its original form.
What a great recap. I remember the 2017 aftermath, and watched this year’s trench and maneuver warfare with glee. 10 years later I’m still proud and happy as can be to be a part of this community, even if the only chance I’ll get to interact with most of y’all is the occasional pixel war.
As one of the r/transplace mods and working with everyone from the pony fandom. It was really fun and enjoyable to interact and join y’all on all of these endeavours. r/transplace was absolutely happy to have been a part of this whole event with everyone there and I hope to share more wonderful times with y’all. Broners unite
I took part in placing pixels for the pony factions in the r/Place last year, and it's crazy to relive it through this video because I remember all the insanity that the pony faction went through! Now, the new r/Place is going to start tomorrow and I hope-no, I KNOW that the ponies will prevail once again! Brohoof /)
This was my life for four days, I placed so many pixels… Sometimes I’d go to bed when the ponies were fine and when I woke up they were gone. It was scary at first but once we got used to rebuilding and realized how powerful we were, it was wild. At that point it was like “bring it on, what can you do that we haven’t fought off before?”
Originally, despite being a brony, I decided to fight against MLP creations and such. I was just doing it for fun and wasn't taking it seriously since I thought others were doing the same. But then I ran into someone from the brony faction and they pretty much gave me a hard time about it and I finally realized how it was serious for some people so I decided to take it seriously and fight for bronies. I am sorry about my trolling.
Looking back I feel like those streamers were the villain to unite against. Seeing just how powerful the dormant fandom still is when it comes out in force was astonishing to me. It was also precious to see the old fandom and the now adult original target demographic come together in new and interesting way during the event and after... there's a couple of friendship lessons in there.
While there were streamers to fight against, some of our communities had streamers to help protect us. The r/hermitcraft area for example had support of an I believe french streamer who liked the little blushes people put on the hermitcraft heads.
It's so crazy how quickly this turns into world politics for not just internet fanbases, but also real-life countries, complete with having to find translators and making sure that your diplomats don't go rogue. Alliances and non-aggression pacts are formed, soldiers are recruited, weapons are developed, information has to be screened and controlled, and communications have to be up around the clock, just to maintain hard-fought territory and prevent losing friendlies from false-flag attacks, misinformation, and generally people not actually knowing who is friends with whom.
r/place 2022 was the first time I ever really got to support the brony community in something like this. (I didn't use reddit in 2017 so I didn't know of place's existence back then even if I was in the brony fandom). It was inspiring to see the community get beaten down so many times but it felt great for me to personally help with the situation. I never really experienced what it's like to team up with a whole community on a passion project like this before that. I am proud to have helped out in r/place 2022 and be a part of brony history.
I was there from the very beginning to the very end. We faught hard for Dashie in that first spot, but who would've thought we would come away with 20+ pony artworks?! That in itself is extremely impressive when going against the Twitch streamers and other factions. I was extremely honored to have served with you and played my part in defending pony art on r/place. To memorialize the event, I got a 20x20 print of the final image hanging on my wall. What an amazing social experiment and proof that bronies are still here after all these years. Great video as always LittleShy! /)
I’m so proud to say I was there for Place, and one of the dozen Glim Gang members from Ponyville Plaza to hold on to the Our Town Mark. This has and will always be such an amazing community
I don't have a clue how Reddit even works, I don't have an account, can't fathom how anyone is able to use it, but this is one of the most fascinating things I've seen in a long time. Truly compelling story and even though I didn't participate, just as a brony, I'm so proud of what the fandom was able to accomplish despite the overwhelming odds against it.
An honor to have been part of Internet history, and out of all the communities I could’ve chosen, I chose this one. Shame the book didn’t make it, but getting more ponies on the canvas then ever before was worth it. What a story! See ya’ll in the next 5 years!
You know, I didnt think I was going to sit here and watch an hour long video. But from the hilarious seriousness in the beginning, to the actual engaging story, I find myself here, and hour later. I can't wait for the 2023 dive, I hope it's in the works!
Oh the great sorrow. Sad to hear, this was an amazing watch. Didn't even realize I had missed so many hidden pones in the 2022 run. Seems we got knocked out pretty early this year but I had no clue there were discord servers and stuff in the background until I saw this! Excited for whatever you decide to cover though, maybe you'll consider a dive next year, you know, if it happens again. =P
This was so worth the wait, thank you for all your work putting it together. Will definitely be revisiting this many times! I was proud of our community's resilience, and glad that I had the opportunity to help defend the crystal, saluting Dashie and a few of our allies.
32:42 Oh hey, that's me. Didn't like the land grab myself, but I'm glad to have at least helped the i_o mural (for musician that passed away) get on our mini-map and get them to a bigger size. Anyway, finally watching this review after so much time was really fun. Thanks for documenting these events in such great detail!
It's amazing to see how many ponies survived and all the ups and downs that it all went through ! Also, because you were wondering: France was a whole thing of its own- it was coordinated by a bunch of big French streamers, who at first only planned for the flag, then went for more art, like the Louvre, the Arc of Triumph which is a monument here, etc... xQc was also targeting France a lot, along with other streamers, so France retaliated by forming the Seasons Bataillons: people would be sorted into groups bases on the four seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter based on their birthdays, then they would be tasked with maintaining part of the flag or artworks following timed rounds, just so France wouldn't waste all its pixels at once. It became less a war of nukes, and more a war of attrition. At the end, during the flood of white pixels, France tried to write its name in the canvas in white, just as a last effort to make a mark, before the event would end. All in all, it was a very big event for a lot of French communities, and it's funny to think a lot of French bronies were possibly participating in both sides of the story!
the r/place felt like a paradise somehow, and i think the bronies' support for eachother help out. i loved seeing both points of veiw from the streamer and from us. the brony community is something to behold, also the pony town "party" was fun :)
It was your previous video that introduced me to the r/place concept, and I was overjoyed to participate in round two. Much love from a valiant defender of r/AnarchyChess! Seeing as I was there in the first few hours when we were putting our knight together, I suppose I too built a horse during this event. ;)
I was a part of the mizkif army, great video, very interesting seeing the other side. I can't speak for all but I personally appreciated and respected your fandoms valiant fight. I hold no negative sentiment towards you guys or your fandom but all's fair in love and war. R/place is only fun and memorable if there are storylines and battles like this. I look forward to the next pixel war my hoof loving adversaries. o7
The Bronys Made it to the final art on R/place this year(2023) With No Bots. And we got attacked By Mistef,Xqc,bratishkinoff. and manged to hold out. and its sad that bratishkinoff turned on us this year (2023). Can Wait For The Highlights Of R/place 2023
@@Thatonebird2402 he teamed with mizkif and a couple of their streamers as well as well as put perry the platypus over the mlp art. Then attempted to black out the rest of our art.
I always wondered what it would be like to participate in a pixel war after watching your video on r/place 2017. And after r/place 2 went live, I gotta say helping the brony faction for those 4 days was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. And I'll do it again in a heartbeat if they ever announce r/place 3
This brought tears to my eyes at how much we all came together for this event, I'm a little disappointed that I missed out in participating, I don't really know much about events like this online and try not to always be online, but if I had found out about this event earlier, I would have totally been online despite high-school trying to help out. If they ever do this again, I'll make sure to know and help out the community 😁
I'm so happy that I got to be a part of this r/place; after missing the first one, I was stoked to find out it was happening again. In the end, I'm glad we survived the bullying (even if it meant running my computer nonstop for four days). And I wouldn't have had it any other way. Here's to the possibility of another one in another 5 years!
Man, what a ride. I'm currently rewatching this after watching your NoPlace recap. I hope next time R/Place happens, small factions want have to deal with as much bullshit as R/Place 2022. If I were to partake in the next event, I'd definitely be part of the brony fraction, the BFDI fraction, and the Inanimate Insanity fraction
Oh hey there I am in the Pony Town celebration (blue pony, flying with green and blue hair + a christmas hat). That party celebration was a real magical time for sure.
Your last video on r/place was brilliant, and this is even better. Let me thank you for doing so much for the community, and making a great story out of the brony experience of r/place. This is why you are my favourite brony RUclipsr.
Oh gosh, this event. I started off having fun helping keep the first trans flag up, but by the end, I was stressing over the next potential attack against our art and actively keeping an eye on streamers, ManeChat and so on. I've actually tried to block this event out of my mind cause of how much it angers me streamers and their fans harassed our community. I *am* happy we were able to persevere and get a good amount of Brony art on the final image though, because if we were able to get through this, we'll get through any future problems too. The Bronies are clearly here to stay. I look forward to watching the video once it is out; I know it'll be great considering how good the first Pixel War video was /) One more quick thing; I feel r/place shouldn't come back. It may have been fun while it was going on, but it made it clear that the internet is very different now than it was in 2017, and not in the greatest of ways. I can only imagine how much worse this could get if it happened in another five years. But hey, maybe that's just me.
I am new to the fandom but have already been to several pony cons…I feel like I will never understand why the community is harassed. I went to my first con because I loved the show but the people I meet is what makes me keep going to them.
42:42 Then the meteor hit Hahahaha! I wasn't sure if you were going to just barely mention the meteor or even skip it entirely. Instead you turned it into the funniest hard cut I've seen in ages! Great video. Fun to be a part of it. Thanks for your fair criticism of the discord server.
Thanks for archiving one of the most interesting stories from the 2022 event! Initially I was extremely pessimistic that they were doing Place again and allowing new accounts, but there were a lot of surprises and it was incredible getting to band together with people (I had participated in 2017 but mostly just worked on whatever I found the most interesting, that being r/placestart towards the end). I got really emotional in VC streaming the canvas whiteout. Place is one of the most interesting social experiments I’ve been a part of and it partially inspired me to try pixel art for myself.
What a great video!!! Thanks to all who kept the pony presence all the way to the end of the event. I was crying when that anthem played!!! I love this community so much.
I always enjoy watching pixel wars unfold, the different characters, stories, and fandoms fighting, debating, and making packs and alliances with factions no one saw coming. 😁 can’t wait for the vid
You can tell the immense amount of effort and time that went into this just from a glance. Very informative and entertaining! I hope this takes off, more people must know the struggles of bronykind!
51:46 aaaaaa it’s our Chompy and our Tesla friends! As one of the people defending for r/Skylanders I’m so happy to see our community included in a video with one that is also dear to me ❤
I was one of the soldiers who helped fight in this pixel war despite only being in the fandom for 3 years. Seeing our creations being rebuilt after getting destroyed numerous times truly made me feel emotional and it definitely shows how united the brony fandom is. I still remember there was a day when I was staring at my screen and placing pixels for 8 hours straight. Also, due to living in a completely different timezone, I usually placed pixels when most people were sleeping. There were even times when I decided to delay my lunch just to repair vandalized pixels with everypony. Nevertheless, it was undoubtedly a marvelous experience for me and I was truly astonished by the gigantic amount of pony creations we ended up building. I also had a lot of fun in the Manechat call despite not speaking much as I mostly talk on the text channel. It was a mixture of millions of emotions and seeing everypony working together made me feel delighted as well. In fact, I think r/Place 2022 might actually be the first large-scale event in which I participated in the brony fandom, so thank you to r/Place for being an unforgettable experience and I will definitely remember this event for the rest of my life. Salute to all soldiers in the pixel war and thank you for making this brilliant documentary! Brohoof! /)
It was an honor to be with you through thick and thin in Manechat Littleshy, we fought our hardest and showed friendship to all. So glad I could help /)
As chaotic as this was, I’m glad I got to take part of this. I wasn’t able to take place in the first one, so being able to take place in this one was honestly very fun. I can’t wait for Third Great Pixel War.
This is amazing! Thank you LittleShyFiM for creating such a entertaining recount of all the events that took place during R/place. Proud to be apart of this fandom
Glad to have been able to help the mlp community! I worked hard on maintaining sploinkus (the little sun fella next to the final artwork) who was created by myself and the fnaf fans. It's cool to see it here
If I had a nickel for every time a cross-eyed gray horse has caused a lot of controversy in the community, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.
She just never knows what went wrong!
@@tigerwolf9565 *slap*
Hey, I understood that reference
@@DigiDoesStuff same it's from the finios and ferv movie (can't spell finiose's name) doctor doofensmerf said that
What the creator wanted: A fun community experience
What they got: *a literal war zone*
R/place is some Vault-Tec tier sociological experiment stuff.
Bronies with PTSD after this event
"GoOd SoLdIErS fOlLoW oRdErS"
@@CrimsonShade007 Would you kindly spam Sky Blue on pixel 44x82?
It really sucks to see that even after a a decade Bronies are still being targeted for bullying. But I'm proud to see that Bronies are still upholding their principals. Friendship is Magic! Never let the ride end
Fr it's so immature
@Comic Field Eh, 4chan worked with the rest of the fandom for this, seems a little unfair to suggest they should get hated on
ikr like what the heck
The fandom is much smaller than it used to be, I think the reason the streamers couldn’t keep us down was because everyone else was helping us, either out of pity, nostalgia, or they just wanted to send a message to the streamers.
I know some groups I was in just wanted us alive because they knew we’d always be first target for streamers, so they wanted us to draw their ire battle-of-black-gate style.
I find it really fu**ing annoying that Twitch Streamers destroyed whatever art they felt like destroying, without caring about the hours of work that went into them, and then got angry that the Bronies were using tactics that were well established.
thats twitch streamers for ya
As if I couldn't hate xQc even more for just being weird and annoying.
@@therealcptsmoke literally like all a brony said in his stream was “cringe” and this dude gets all pissed and starts insulting him with hateful shit. It sucks how bronies can’t even enjoy an event like this without getting raided with hate and shit
@@emberfall4933 they just mad they can't be confident like us, i mean, why else do they resort to insults and hate
it's the same bullshit that minecraft youtubers do to skew polls. i'm still salty about moobloom
I learned about 2017 r/place through your first video, and I was bummed to miss such an event! So when r/place started again in 2022, I was hyped to join in and serve this time around. Thank you r/place, for helping me to meet and befriend so many great people, for being a fun and thrilling experience despite all that occurred, and for giving me a heart attack whenever someone mentioned The Crystal is being attacked again.
Can't wait for the next r/place. This time we won't forget about the book. o7
Hey I know you
What amazes me is that bronies from years past came back in mass numbers
It felt like 2010s era internet where MLP became a huge thing that pretty much took over the internet
Seeing bronies both old and new, many different MLP groups and seeing ex bronies return was just magical
Friendship is truly magic and we make our marks
As a former brony (2013 to 2018), i kinda miss the show a lot so i have to help the crystal since the show change my life. I stop watching it and left because i just lost interest and motivation.
However, with G5 horizon, i kinda slowly get back into it.
Honestly same here
G4 I gotta be honest the last half of the show wasn't that great it suffered from seasonal rot many shows before it suffered
Though g5 has rekindled my love for this show that helped me through harsh times and made me meet a close friend of mine whom I'm still friends with
Twitch Streamers: Target the Brony Fandom to stroke their tiny egos
Also Twitch Streamers: get whiny and pissy and talk trash cause their egos got shattered
This video is a bit bittersweet for me. Some of the streamers that deliberately went after the pony art were ones I had previously held an amount of respect for, which was lost when these events happened while hearing just what they thought about the brony community.
But I’m still proud to be part of the brony fandom after all of these years, and felt so much pride seeing just how much pony art made it into the final screenshot of r/Place 2022. I’m really thankful for this community because I met some of my best friends in it, and kinda surprisingly it’s how I sometimes meet new friends even to this day.
It’s truly a wonderful thing when people can bond over something simple as colorful pastel talking ponies.
Feeling the same about Cr1tikal, thought he would stay neutral to most communities, but seeing him go against us and other ones and then saying "i don't want to see that, thats just sad" after something he caused was... Dissapointing to say the least
@@patitofelis117yeah definitely wtf
Such an Honor to have been a small part of this! Thank you for the beautiful well researched documentary showing our side of the story! Untill next r/place o7
/) BRONERS Rise Up
Hey single, I just wanted to say that the clip of you in the video talking about what makes this community great is spot on. Wish I'd thought to stream the event.
This was the most awesome and most funniest,fun event I have ever been apart of because after the victory we went to pony town to celebrate 😊
(Edit this was the most epic and thrilling event ever and I joined when the unity crystal was barely standing and I was apart of the rebuilding of rainbow dash when she was half built and when she was well became a ishowspeed thing, at first I didn’t even think it was important but when I joined manechat my god it was so thrilling…I also helped on the unity crystal and the mlp book)
This was the most awesome and most funniest,fun event I have ever been apart of because after the victory we went to pony town to celebrate 😊
One of your calls to action in the comments section on r/place brought me to the fight until the very end. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of something amazing I wouldn't have otherwise /)
And the most important realization is: Bronys can only be distressed by trolls and baddies and their mindless followers. Every normal person leaves us alone.
What an utterly thrilling "condensed" recap of the crazy (but fun!) event that was r/place 2022!
I'm utterly honoured to have been the pony to provide the original pixel art for our Salute Dashie, who I feel became an icon of our determination throughout the event.
And just as honoured to hold down the position as top placer of the event on behalf of all of us and our immense efforts! I was just another placer like everypony else and never thought I'd place so high! It shows that every single pixel placed counts!
I'm proud to have got to defend all our pony pixel art with ya'll and keep so much of it to the very end! o7
I would be honoured to serve under your command in the next event General 😂
Nah seriously tho
Bloody good job on that saluting Dash art. May your deeds be remembered for decades to come
The legend themself! Congrats on the achievement!
I only placed like 10 pixels, but im still honored to have been a part of this : ) Looking forward to the video
At one point some fans of Asmongold came into Manechat to help us because they didn't like the way he was saying so many horrible and false things about us.
Asmon being an asshole? Not shocked
I was there, in ManeChat the entire time. I know people said it was just a pixel game, and a waste of time. But through all of the fun and bonding, and stress, and staying up all night I made the greatest group of friends I have ever had in my entire life. Even better than any irl friends I've had. And no, that is not an exaggeration. The Brony fandom, and a dumb internet art game are actually what allowed me to expierence what having real, caring and true friendships is like. Even if some of us have never met before -- it shouldn't be seen as something less. It's absolutley beautiful and miraculous that so many can cooperatre on something so niche, from so many different places with so many different perspectives. Programmers, artists, writers, crafters, athletes, students, young, old, shy, outspoken, fast, slow --- all contributed to this small project, and continute to bless us with their presence. And that is why I beleive that this fandom is still one of the brightest pockets of humanity to date. Cringe or Not. Love you guys
legit dude! it was about so much more than placing pixels. i actually became an ELO fan bc their build was right next to the dash at the bottom of the map, and when they reached out to manechat i hopped into their server to help them out. the ppl there convinced me to listen to ELO (i only knew mr blue sky before) and i fuckin love the band now!! r/place is magical, man
I was there as well! I literally didn't sleep for like a day or two because I wanted to stay on top of what was happening. I'm super pumped I managed to contribute to this Place, I wasn't around for the 2017 one.
U need to get out more
Hey I know you
I am glad that in the end our faction was able to ally with the bronies and pull through. Thanks to everyone involved for making this experience special!
Yours truly,
The Earthbound faction :)
I couldn't have written a better epic myself. An underdog story with despicable, overpowered villains, moments of pure hopelessness, secret weapons, horrific betrayals, and the heroic, unequivocal triumph of good over evil. What a ride...
And the ride never ends.
The irony of a guy who shit himself on stream and can't do simple arithmetics calling other people degenerates and getting genuinely angry is so good.
Make it more shape like 😂
More shadow
More face 😂
Which guy
@@matthew-ph6xo XQC, the blonde one.
He also can’t speak either
The fact that twitch streamers have "Destruction" of someone else's art as their first idea, just goes to show how much they add to the communities around them - ABSOLUTE ZERO.
Infact, they add negative numbers to the communities around them!
Honestly the raid streamers pissed me off so much during this r/place. honestly it was surprising to see so much hate and venom getting tossed around from many places over pixels- I'm glad the Bronies came out in the end~ And so did the Avali community!, so I got to help both my communities secure a spot! and see both make to the end~ ^w^
I love how Littleshy casually admits that the Brony community had a M.A.D system in place in case the griefers dared touch them again lmao
It wasn't nearly THAT powerful XD
Even at the peak of our bot usage it was nothing compared to the streamers. However, rebuilding became more and more practical as the bots gained strength.
The meteor really ticked off a lot of smaller communities. I was a contact in the “indie alliance”, which was the organizers for the hollow knight/elden ring/ori/etc. indie game thing just below where the meteor started, and I convinced them to help as a way to keep the streamers occupied. We became their cannon fodder to distract the streamers from everyone else.
History shall Remember your Courage and Sacrifices🫡
I’m actually the artist who drew the chalk r/place at Galacon. It was the first time I’d ever drawn in chalk, and you have no idea how much I squeed to see it in your video ^^
Thanks again for your amazing deep dive into this amazing social experiment and how Bronies thrived despite ALL the attacks we faced and even overcame infighting rather than descending into “People’s Front of Judea vs Judean People’s Front.” Another truly inspirational show from the Bronies
I’m never going to forget being here for this. Trying to help coordinate while out working at my job. Some of the most fun I’ve had in a long long time.
Hi I'm Finnians, also known as u/Finnianss. I was the Tiny Bill Cypher next to the Tiny Tardis. I thought I was insignificant, I was a user trying to place 12 pixels in a vague shape of Bill cipher on a 1000 x 1000 board. Then I became allies with you guys and Tiny Tardis around day two. I'd like to thank everyone for their kindness. You guys were so kind. It was an honor fighting along side all of you.
This made me patriotic to a fucking fandom, a fandom I'M NOT EVEN A PART OF. Just like the original r/place video, this is simply a masterpiece.
I was part of the Minecraft and Deltarune r/place communities, the latter being an ally to the Brony faction, so I got to fight alongside some of your troops defending our Ralsei mural against the giant expanding European map around day 2 or 3. I expected you guys to be attacked a lot but damn not this much.
It's amusing how much these twitch streamers care about defacing a decade old cartoon about talking horses, like guys it's been 10 years can now stop pretending what you're doing is still cool. Like I expected these guys to have inflated egos, but watching all this unfold such a new high (or low) for them. Guess that's what happens when you have that big number on your screen, mans thinking they can do anything, and anything that proves contrary to that instantly makes them shatter...
I am so proud to have served in World Pixel War 2. I've been waiting for this video for a while, and it was even better than I could have imagined. Reliving this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, and may friendship prevail!
Edit: I just found out from this video about that site that shows how many pixels you placed. I placed 781! I was only 14 below Sigmath! I didn't realize I contributed THAT much!
Proud to get to hold down the top two spots on behalf of all of us with you, Coaster! o7
I think about half of the top 10 placers spots where held down by us, which is incredible!
Both the previous video, and this one, shows the immense community still around. I didn't participate in either r/Place event, but these recollections have made me feel like I missed out. Such action, intrigue and foresight for a few colorful pixels!
Thanks for the re-telling, Littleshy. It was a great ride, even from the backseat.
I remember participating in r/Place 2022, I was in the FNaF faction, and when I heard we were allies with the MLP fans, I beamed. I was so eager to help another fandom like us too.
I remember when Dashie was being attacked, I was one of the people who were trying to help save her, but the mods in my Discord said to focus on our side of the thing because we were being threatened too.
These days were too chaotic, Berserk Booyah fans attacked us late at night, Denmark flag was taking over our mini's, Fredbear poofed from his existence, Glitchtrap said bye-bye, people turning the H in our title racist and Sploinkus surviving the void, the lean and anything else you can imagine.
I'm happy how the final canvas resulted, even if it wasn't how we originally to be, I'm proud that we could help each other in this. I hope that the FNaF faction be your ally again in the next Place.
See you on the flipside!
It’s kinda sad that Bronies still have this bad reputation from the early days. I’ve never understood fandom hate and how some people think they can judge another person’s entire character based on one interest they have (“yOU HaVE An anIMe PFP, sHuT uP”). Even though it’s been years and the fandom has mellowed out considerably since then, it’s sad that to some people we’ll always be known as “weird, creepy degenerates”.
This video and the way that the Brony teams handled the situation, choosing peace and perseverance the whole way through, really goes to show what this fandom is REALLY like despite people’s judgements.
it's the same way the Undertale fandom kind of lost steam and became more subdued over time
Equestria at War deserves its own video. Such a great mod and such a big community around it!
I love that mod and game.
I don't know anything about r/place but I only added 1 pixel and it disappeared, it was fun lol
You did your part lol
Great video - as someone who knows basically nothing about MLP, this was quite informative. I'm making a documentary for my community myself (Touhou) and can definitely sympathize with the struggle against streamers, though admittedly we weren't nuked 22 times. I'm glad to see more of these videos being produced and more of these stories being told!
Awesome! That's not a community I'm familiar with personally but I would love to see documentaries of other r/Place groups!
I was only casually interested in this but when I started watching your recap here I was immediately fascinated.
It was really interesting to see how it all developed but the big hook was the production quality of this video.
You've done an absolutely stellar job on presenting this deep dive, top tier content.
Thanks a ton for that!
For me personally, this event was the thing that assured me that this fandom is something else. So much dedication after all these years. Truly beautiful. Great video. Appreciate the effort. I was looking forward to it since the event ended.
“OMG, bronies are attacking our flag that’s taking up 10 percent of the entire canvas!”
- R/place in a nutshell.
Seriously, what the hell were French Reddit communities thinking? I took personal pleasure in planting boogers on their historical figures. As a Turk, it was also awkward when a second giant Turkish flag appeared on the canvas and I did protest that abomination as much as reasonable.
Bronies, Runescape, LGBT+ and occasionally erasing the p*nis that people drew underneath Feddy Fazbear (not even knowing that they were an official ally). I’m glad I played my part in protecting my internet heritage. Stay Brony my friends /)
It was French streamers, not Reddit communities. I don't get why you were angry, we were building cool art and never attached anyone but other streamers. We were also the main reason why English and Spanish-speaking streamers stopped attacking small communities to focus on us.
@@dreamer5959 Admittedly, it was wrong of me to name-drop France like that without clarifying:
I'd urge you to go watch the timelapse of the event: As soon as the canvas expanded downward, a section roughly 4 times larger than any other flag on the canvas (when you don't account for ribbon shaped ones) turned red white and blue, then remained that way for a very long time before a very sh*tty looking Eiffel Tower appeared. Smaller communities trying to claim tiny slices on it were not only annihilated (including a space-exploration themed image that I added a few pixels to) but even after detailed artwork appeared on the french flag like you said, the flag suddenly expanded Northwards and many French Redditors told me that they were reserving the spot for the One Piece community, who took many hours before they actually decided on their template so we all assumed they were lying. The main R/place discussion page was full of people screaming at French users to stop, more than I'd seen any other country flag; then again, I missed the first day of the event where Ukrainian users also apparently went overboard.
When all is said and done, nobody can be angry at anyone during an event like this because it's very nature is to be chaotic and invasive. I'm happy that you're proud of the French artwork that eventually manifested and it really did look cool hours before the event ended (even though they could have been way more efficiently scaled), I certainly meant no disrespect. I was equally disappointed in my own country flag as mentioned, which was also the work of an obnoxious streamer; we seem to have that in common.
@@awesometwitchy Sure, but do you know why they took that space as soon as the canvas expanded? They did it because it was blank and no communities had built anything yet. After that, they just hold on to what they already had. I'll admit that the first big Eiffel Tower was really awful, but I think it was just a way to say "don't worry, we'll make art soon".
The one piece community were our ally, and they did eventually build there. We had a lot of allies, including the taskbar. I agree that Reddit communities were mad at us first, but when we built cool art and other streamers attacked us instead of them, they changed their mind on us. We had the same enemy in xqc, Rubius etc. We became the underdog, and when you look at the most upvoted posts in r/place, most of them are with France and against ES & US streamers.
@@dreamer5959 Ok... I think the confusion is coming from France already having a flag in the North Western corner of the canvas with popular images such as the Eiffel tower, wine and cheese, a baguette and the Little Prince. If they wanted to have a second flag that was similarly sized but with different images, I doubt anyone would have complained.
Just look at the final image of the canvas though; the Champs Elysees alone takes up the space that 15 communities could easily fill. There's making art, and then there's being obnoxious. It's like what Littleshy said about Mega Derpy, it was too much. Especially for architecture so simplistic that it can be captured in 100 pixels or less.
I don't understand why you're insisting that without French streamers, French Reddit users would have been 100 percent non-intrusive.
A person from the Czech flag faction here. That second Turkish flag gave us so much anxiety, stress, frustration, and relief. In that order.
Really cool that your faction wrote "not us" there at some point, and also helped fight back.
And that's what /r/place was all about - stories like that. Each faction has a story that's as rich as Littleshy's video, although for the bigger ones it was never a fight for mere survival. (German flag, Dutch flag and LGBT stuff were on the canvas unchallenged pretty much since the beginning.)
Howdy! I'm the guy listing coordinates around 1:02 for the r/Earthbound faction! Once again, it was an honor having what, looking back, was essentially a rivalry-turned-alliance. Thanks for your help, and we hope to be able to ally again should r/place ever return!
During this event I was mostly active in the Minecraft community and Vocaloid/Utau community, but I always checked up on the ponies. It always made me happy to see them thriving and I’m so happy to see that they powered through this!
I was the head for r/SpeculativeEvolution's efforts on r/place and we were only about a dozen people trying to get our logo on the canvas. It actually showed up here on day 2 when you were discussing bots. its the little white octopus holding a spear in the purple square, his names Gary, and he's right next to your right ear at 26:35
After the smooze took us out (twice) we were struggling to find a spot until we struck an alliance with Portugal. Had to modify the design a bit but on final canvas there was Gary, swimming in the sea of Portugal's flag in the day 2 expansion, right under their Caravel. I was legit in tears when the snow started falling and I realized Gary lasted to the final canvas and finally found a home. r/place was amazing and I'm so glad so many communities got to make their mark!
"Please help us, bronies." Then proceeds to cry like a big child. I enjoyed that part a little too much.
I wasn't a part of the brony r/place community - I'm not in Manechat and I didn't really care enough to find it. But whenever I saw a pony coming under attack, I did my best to help. I didn't have any templates, but I focused on places where the correct color seemed obvious. I probably only placed a dozen pixels over the course of the event, but I still feel like I helped a little. And seeing the ponies standing strong until the end was great.
god i hate xqc, honestly is kinda funny how the dude tried to mock us and call us degenerates and then he just goes and makes his twitch chat draw a literal butt on the canvas. what a fun individual.
Hey, French brony here (yeah I know, I'm a little late) Ihad the chance to participate to this event and it was glorious and I was very proud of me and this community. Even if we aren't as big as we were some years ago, we remain strong and faithful to our passion and I find that Beautiful.
Even if it was erased at the end, we definitely left a mark on r/place and everybody/pony that participated can take pride from that^^
(of course, as a French, I followed what happended with my flag, but I prefered placing pixels with bronies because the community is a lot smaller than the big Flag and needed more help)
As the creator of allspace it was great recruiting allies to help our mare cause I hope they do this event again in a few years
Truly splendid to have you invite me there :3
r/place 2 was in a way one of the best things that happened to me in the past years as not only has it rekindled the passion that I feel for MLP but it also introduced me to some of the most amazing people I've ever known who I deeply care for now. #Bronercon4Life
Apart from the brony side i was monitoring the twitch streamers......one of the best moments when r/place ended was seeingthe face of mizkif when the art was ereased and he said.....well at least i got more followers.....then he proceded to see how his follower count started to go down as people like me unfollowed now that the event ended. JEJJAJAJJA
say, I know this comment is 7 months old, but do you have any idea where I could find that clip? - from a random person
@@thememeqween sory bro i sw tht live while shit was going down. You will have to look for it on his channel.
As a closeted brony, witnessing r/place 2022 in 4 days was surreal.
I even remember checking on the canvas while I was at both work and school.
When the great whiteout happened, I shed several tears. No one was expecting the twist to return the canvas to its original form.
Closeted brony, eh? I've got a classic video for you: ruclips.net/video/0yhhgaQOl40/видео.html =)
Glad you were part of the event! =)
What a great recap. I remember the 2017 aftermath, and watched this year’s trench and maneuver warfare with glee. 10 years later I’m still proud and happy as can be to be a part of this community, even if the only chance I’ll get to interact with most of y’all is the occasional pixel war.
As one of the r/transplace mods and working with everyone from the pony fandom. It was really fun and enjoyable to interact and join y’all on all of these endeavours. r/transplace was absolutely happy to have been a part of this whole event with everyone there and I hope to share more wonderful times with y’all.
Broners unite
reddit mod LOL
Remain calm.
The Art Endures.
Dashie lives.
The MLP Fandom shall endure.
There is much to be done.
Brony TNO reference
I took part in placing pixels for the pony factions in the r/Place last year, and it's crazy to relive it through this video because I remember all the insanity that the pony faction went through! Now, the new r/Place is going to start tomorrow and I hope-no, I KNOW that the ponies will prevail once again! Brohoof /)
This was my life for four days, I placed so many pixels… Sometimes I’d go to bed when the ponies were fine and when I woke up they were gone. It was scary at first but once we got used to rebuilding and realized how powerful we were, it was wild. At that point it was like “bring it on, what can you do that we haven’t fought off before?”
Originally, despite being a brony, I decided to fight against MLP creations and such. I was just doing it for fun and wasn't taking it seriously since I thought others were doing the same. But then I ran into someone from the brony faction and they pretty much gave me a hard time about it and I finally realized how it was serious for some people so I decided to take it seriously and fight for bronies. I am sorry about my trolling.
I mostly helped in r/transplace when I finally decided to work on actually helping instead of destroying.
Looking back I feel like those streamers were the villain to unite against. Seeing just how powerful the dormant fandom still is when it comes out in force was astonishing to me. It was also precious to see the old fandom and the now adult original target demographic come together in new and interesting way during the event and after... there's a couple of friendship lessons in there.
While there were streamers to fight against, some of our communities had streamers to help protect us. The r/hermitcraft area for example had support of an I believe french streamer who liked the little blushes people put on the hermitcraft heads.
You are seriously one of my all-time favorite horse-famous people lol. Keep on being awesome, Littleshy. You are absolutely 120% cooler.
It's so crazy how quickly this turns into world politics for not just internet fanbases, but also real-life countries, complete with having to find translators and making sure that your diplomats don't go rogue. Alliances and non-aggression pacts are formed, soldiers are recruited, weapons are developed, information has to be screened and controlled, and communications have to be up around the clock, just to maintain hard-fought territory and prevent losing friendlies from false-flag attacks, misinformation, and generally people not actually knowing who is friends with whom.
r/place 2022 was the first time I ever really got to support the brony community in something like this. (I didn't use reddit in 2017 so I didn't know of place's existence back then even if I was in the brony fandom). It was inspiring to see the community get beaten down so many times but it felt great for me to personally help with the situation. I never really experienced what it's like to team up with a whole community on a passion project like this before that.
I am proud to have helped out in r/place 2022 and be a part of brony history.
I was there from the very beginning to the very end. We faught hard for Dashie in that first spot, but who would've thought we would come away with 20+ pony artworks?! That in itself is extremely impressive when going against the Twitch streamers and other factions. I was extremely honored to have served with you and played my part in defending pony art on r/place. To memorialize the event, I got a 20x20 print of the final image hanging on my wall. What an amazing social experiment and proof that bronies are still here after all these years. Great video as always LittleShy! /)
I’m so proud to say I was there for Place, and one of the dozen Glim Gang members from Ponyville Plaza to hold on to the Our Town Mark.
This has and will always be such an amazing community
I don't have a clue how Reddit even works, I don't have an account, can't fathom how anyone is able to use it, but this is one of the most fascinating things I've seen in a long time. Truly compelling story and even though I didn't participate, just as a brony, I'm so proud of what the fandom was able to accomplish despite the overwhelming odds against it.
An honor to have been part of Internet history, and out of all the communities I could’ve chosen, I chose this one.
Shame the book didn’t make it, but getting more ponies on the canvas then ever before was worth it.
What a story! See ya’ll in the next 5 years!
You know, I didnt think I was going to sit here and watch an hour long video. But from the hilarious seriousness in the beginning, to the actual engaging story, I find myself here, and hour later. I can't wait for the 2023 dive, I hope it's in the works!
Probably won't do another deep dive, but I do have some ideas floating around to work with!
Oh the great sorrow. Sad to hear, this was an amazing watch. Didn't even realize I had missed so many hidden pones in the 2022 run. Seems we got knocked out pretty early this year but I had no clue there were discord servers and stuff in the background until I saw this! Excited for whatever you decide to cover though, maybe you'll consider a dive next year, you know, if it happens again. =P
It was an amazing time! Very glad to be a part of the brony history! /) to everypony from Russia!
This was so worth the wait, thank you for all your work putting it together. Will definitely be revisiting this many times!
I was proud of our community's resilience, and glad that I had the opportunity to help defend the crystal, saluting Dashie and a few of our allies.
32:42 Oh hey, that's me.
Didn't like the land grab myself, but I'm glad to have at least helped the i_o mural (for musician that passed away) get on our mini-map and get them to a bigger size.
Anyway, finally watching this review after so much time was really fun.
Thanks for documenting these events in such great detail!
I didn't sleep for a couple nights during place because I didn't want to miss anything! It was an interesting time to say the least
It's amazing to see how many ponies survived and all the ups and downs that it all went through !
Also, because you were wondering:
France was a whole thing of its own- it was coordinated by a bunch of big French streamers, who at first only planned for the flag, then went for more art, like the Louvre, the Arc of Triumph which is a monument here, etc...
xQc was also targeting France a lot, along with other streamers, so France retaliated by forming the Seasons Bataillons: people would be sorted into groups bases on the four seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter based on their birthdays, then they would be tasked with maintaining part of the flag or artworks following timed rounds, just so France wouldn't waste all its pixels at once. It became less a war of nukes, and more a war of attrition.
At the end, during the flood of white pixels, France tried to write its name in the canvas in white, just as a last effort to make a mark, before the event would end.
All in all, it was a very big event for a lot of French communities, and it's funny to think a lot of French bronies were possibly participating in both sides of the story!
the r/place felt like a paradise somehow, and i think the bronies' support for eachother help out. i loved seeing both points of veiw from the streamer and from us. the brony community is something to behold, also the pony town "party" was fun :)
I was the guy who commanded them to steal the muffins at 58:28, that party was a blast lol
The Bronies held strong to the end against all threats in protecting their artwork well done to you all. The God Emperor respects you all.
It was your previous video that introduced me to the r/place concept, and I was overjoyed to participate in round two. Much love from a valiant defender of r/AnarchyChess! Seeing as I was there in the first few hours when we were putting our knight together, I suppose I too built a horse during this event. ;)
I was a part of the mizkif army, great video, very interesting seeing the other side. I can't speak for all but I personally appreciated and respected your fandoms valiant fight. I hold no negative sentiment towards you guys or your fandom but all's fair in love and war. R/place is only fun and memorable if there are storylines and battles like this. I look forward to the next pixel war my hoof loving adversaries. o7
Thank you for being respectful. Looking forward to duking it out at the next one.
49:06 thank you so much for including this :)
Thank you so much for making it!
The Bronys Made it to the final art on R/place this year(2023) With No Bots. And we got attacked By Mistef,Xqc,bratishkinoff. and manged to hold out. and its sad that bratishkinoff turned on us this year (2023). Can Wait For The Highlights Of R/place 2023
Don’t forget pap
What? Bratish attacked brony? Can you tell me in details?
@@Thatonebird2402 he teamed with mizkif and a couple of their streamers as well as well as put perry the platypus over the mlp art. Then attempted to black out the rest of our art.
I always wondered what it would be like to participate in a pixel war after watching your video on r/place 2017. And after r/place 2 went live, I gotta say helping the brony faction for those 4 days was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. And I'll do it again in a heartbeat if they ever announce r/place 3
This brought tears to my eyes at how much we all came together for this event, I'm a little disappointed that I missed out in participating, I don't really know much about events like this online and try not to always be online, but if I had found out about this event earlier, I would have totally been online despite high-school trying to help out. If they ever do this again, I'll make sure to know and help out the community 😁
I'm so happy that I got to be a part of this r/place; after missing the first one, I was stoked to find out it was happening again. In the end, I'm glad we survived the bullying (even if it meant running my computer nonstop for four days). And I wouldn't have had it any other way. Here's to the possibility of another one in another 5 years!
I joined manechat for r/place and found an awesome group of friends because of it, i'm so glad we had such a presence in this year's place. 🥳
also that ponytown raid had to be one of my favorite things that i've done in the fandom ever x3
Man, what a ride. I'm currently rewatching this after watching your NoPlace recap. I hope next time R/Place happens, small factions want have to deal with as much bullshit as R/Place 2022. If I were to partake in the next event, I'd definitely be part of the brony fraction, the BFDI fraction, and the Inanimate Insanity fraction
Next time indeed.
See you tomorrow
Oh hey there I am in the Pony Town celebration (blue pony, flying with green and blue hair + a christmas hat). That party celebration was a real magical time for sure.
It was so awesome to have participated in this back in April. Thanks for making this absolutely monumentally amazing documentary Littleshy! o7
Your last video on r/place was brilliant, and this is even better. Let me thank you for doing so much for the community, and making a great story out of the brony experience of r/place. This is why you are my favourite brony RUclipsr.
The way you've timed and spliced all of these different stream clips together makes it seem like an actual war. It's so crazy-
r/place (bronies) recap : 9min
r/place 2 (bronies) recap : 1 hour
Oh gosh, this event. I started off having fun helping keep the first trans flag up, but by the end, I was stressing over the next potential attack against our art and actively keeping an eye on streamers, ManeChat and so on. I've actually tried to block this event out of my mind cause of how much it angers me streamers and their fans harassed our community. I *am* happy we were able to persevere and get a good amount of Brony art on the final image though, because if we were able to get through this, we'll get through any future problems too. The Bronies are clearly here to stay. I look forward to watching the video once it is out; I know it'll be great considering how good the first Pixel War video was /)
One more quick thing; I feel r/place shouldn't come back. It may have been fun while it was going on, but it made it clear that the internet is very different now than it was in 2017, and not in the greatest of ways. I can only imagine how much worse this could get if it happened in another five years. But hey, maybe that's just me.
And in five more years, we will prove that friendship is magic to the world again.
I am new to the fandom but have already been to several pony cons…I feel like I will never understand why the community is harassed. I went to my first con because I loved the show but the people I meet is what makes me keep going to them.
Gosh I cant imagine believing in gender
42:42 Then the meteor hit
Hahahaha! I wasn't sure if you were going to just barely mention the meteor or even skip it entirely. Instead you turned it into the funniest hard cut I've seen in ages!
Great video. Fun to be a part of it. Thanks for your fair criticism of the discord server.
kurb here, from the earthbound community. it’s been an honor to work with y’all from the start
Thanks for archiving one of the most interesting stories from the 2022 event! Initially I was extremely pessimistic that they were doing Place again and allowing new accounts, but there were a lot of surprises and it was incredible getting to band together with people (I had participated in 2017 but mostly just worked on whatever I found the most interesting, that being r/placestart towards the end). I got really emotional in VC streaming the canvas whiteout. Place is one of the most interesting social experiments I’ve been a part of and it partially inspired me to try pixel art for myself.
Love these long documentary style vids dude. It's an inspiration to see how consistently good the editing is even with the length.
I'm so happy I got to take place in this! It was a lot of fun. Hope they do it again maybe 5 years in the future!
@@SunIsLost hell yeah, no one's taking us down! BRONIES FOR LIFE
What a great video!!! Thanks to all who kept the pony presence all the way to the end of the event. I was crying when that anthem played!!! I love this community so much.
I always enjoy watching pixel wars unfold, the different characters, stories, and fandoms fighting, debating, and making packs and alliances with factions no one saw coming. 😁 can’t wait for the vid
You can tell the immense amount of effort and time that went into this just from a glance. Very informative and entertaining! I hope this takes off, more people must know the struggles of bronykind!
51:46 aaaaaa it’s our Chompy and our Tesla friends! As one of the people defending for r/Skylanders I’m so happy to see our community included in a video with one that is also dear to me ❤
I was one of the soldiers who helped fight in this pixel war despite only being in the fandom for 3 years. Seeing our creations being rebuilt after getting destroyed numerous times truly made me feel emotional and it definitely shows how united the brony fandom is. I still remember there was a day when I was staring at my screen and placing pixels for 8 hours straight. Also, due to living in a completely different timezone, I usually placed pixels when most people were sleeping. There were even times when I decided to delay my lunch just to repair vandalized pixels with everypony. Nevertheless, it was undoubtedly a marvelous experience for me and I was truly astonished by the gigantic amount of pony creations we ended up building. I also had a lot of fun in the Manechat call despite not speaking much as I mostly talk on the text channel. It was a mixture of millions of emotions and seeing everypony working together made me feel delighted as well. In fact, I think r/Place 2022 might actually be the first large-scale event in which I participated in the brony fandom, so thank you to r/Place for being an unforgettable experience and I will definitely remember this event for the rest of my life. Salute to all soldiers in the pixel war and thank you for making this brilliant documentary! Brohoof! /)
We of r/Megumin are proud to have assisted.
pleased to see i made a cameo at 8:52. I worked HARD on place, man
It was an honor to be with you through thick and thin in Manechat Littleshy, we fought our hardest and showed friendship to all. So glad I could help /)
As chaotic as this was, I’m glad I got to take part of this. I wasn’t able to take place in the first one, so being able to take place in this one was honestly very fun.
I can’t wait for Third Great Pixel War.
This is amazing! Thank you LittleShyFiM for creating such a entertaining recount of all the events that took place during R/place. Proud to be apart of this fandom
Glad to have been able to help the mlp community! I worked hard on maintaining sploinkus (the little sun fella next to the final artwork) who was created by myself and the fnaf fans. It's cool to see it here
A pleasure to have served with you, personaly didn't got to manechat until the last day