nafkot gebeyhu Muslim Can be happy for your father teaching.because they told us for 1400 years Jesus is prophet the way they learn from their false prophet the same as you and your ppl are leading our ppl to wrong way. I was his student 25 yers a go before He lost his Holy sprite out of him. He is the one make me Orthodox know he want tell me to go Muslim way. He put My only savior Jesus under Father and Son forget about Kidusan no one force him to love them but after he teach about our church wrong thing finally he started teaching about Jesus mediator. milje!!! How many God he believe? I was very young when he star his wrong teaching and i do remember how he start and when God shut his mouth 15 years a go in LA because God the father know this Kihdet and save him but he never listen. Know he is leading ppl to Muslim the way he teach about the whole eternity. I rather die instead of see this in my only true church i an not lucky. Ye kome manim be mesilew yitenikek ! I feel so bod! In the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit one God! JESUS IS GOD!!!! JESUS IS lords of LORD god of GOD!!! So bless to be an Orthodox even though I don't deserve glory to God God of Abraham God of Moses God of Isaac! Jesus open his eye like Paul
እውነተኛው የተዋህዶ የወንጌል አርበኛ የኢየሱስን ፍቅር በልቤ ውስጥ የሳሉት አባቴ ብፁዕ አቡነ በርናባስ እግዚአብሔር በእድሜ በጸጋ ይጠብቅልን አሜን ❤❤❤❤
ይህን ትምህርት በመደበቅ ማህበረ ቅዱሳን ከፍተኛ ሚና ሲጫወት መኖሩ ያሳዝነኛል
ከምንፍቅና ጋር ማህበረቅዱሳን ትብብር የላትም ይህ የተሀድሶው የ ወልደ ትንሳኤ ትምህርት ነው
ብፁዕ አባታችን በእውነት ይሄንን ስጋና ደም አልገለፀሎትም እግዚአብሔር መንፈስ ቅዱስ እንጂ አምላክ ፀጋውን ይብዛሎት ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን።
nafkot gebeyhu Muslim Can be happy for your father teaching.because they told us for 1400 years Jesus is prophet the way they learn from their false prophet the same as you and your ppl are leading our ppl to wrong way. I was his student 25 yers a go before He lost his Holy sprite out of him. He is the one make me Orthodox know he want tell me to go Muslim way. He put My only savior Jesus under Father and Son forget about Kidusan no one force him to love them but after he teach about our church wrong thing finally he started teaching about Jesus mediator. milje!!!
How many God he believe?
I was very young when he star his wrong teaching and i do remember how he start and when God shut his mouth 15 years a go in LA because God the father know this Kihdet and save him but he never listen. Know he is leading ppl to Muslim the way he teach about the whole eternity. I rather die instead of see this in my only true church i an not lucky. Ye kome manim be mesilew yitenikek !
I feel so bod! In the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit one God!
JESUS IS lords of LORD
god of GOD!!!
So bless to be an Orthodox even though I don't deserve glory to God God of Abraham God of Moses God of Isaac!
Jesus open his eye like Paul
ብፁኡ አባታችን ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማለን
ብፁ አባታችን ቃለህይወትን ያሰማልን ረጅም የአገልግሎት ዘመንንም ይስጥልን እግዚአብሔር መንፈስ ቅዱስ ጥያቄ አለን ለሚሉት ወንድሞቻችንና እህቶቻችን ልባቸውን ከፍቶ ግልጥልጥ አድርጎ እኛ እንደገባን እንዲገባቸውና ከጠያቂነት ሳይሆን ከከሳሽነት ይጠብቅልን ዘንድ የልዑል እግዚአብሔር ፈቅዱ ይሁን:: አሜን::
ቃለ ህይወትን ያሰማልን ኣባታችን ❤
አባታችን ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን!!! ግሩም ትምህርት!!!
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን አባታችን
amen, ewunet nwww...yihe ewunet gena yigeletal
John- 16:26
😊❤❤❤❤geta eysusss yebarkot abayyxy
Amen amen
kal hiwot yasemale abatachen
ቃለ ህይዎትን ያሰማልን አባታችን ።ያገልግሎት ዘመንዎን ያብዛልን።አሜን።
ጥያቄው ግን? ክርስቶስ በአሁን ሰአት ስጋዊ ባህሪውን ይዞ እንደጠበቀ ነው?ወይስ ካረገ በኋላ የአምላክነት ባህሪ ብቻ ነው ያለው?
አባታችን የጎንደር ሊቃውንት የተባሉ ሲተረጉሙት አይተውታል መልስ እንዱሰጡ ያስፈልጋል
lib yestoti
Beza Teshoma. Mean malet new?
Kale heywat yasemalen abatachen
አውቆ ከማጥፈት ይሰውረን እርሶም ገዳም ገብተው ንስሀ ቢገቡ ይሻሎታል ።
Look at in your side
I will pray for you 😢 😢 😢 you don't even understand Tewahedo. How come you be our papas? Shame
ብትማርና ብታውቅስ እንዲህ ባላልክ። የዘረአ ያይቆብን አዲስ የተበረዘ ሰውንና ፈጣሪን የቀላቀለ ባህልንና ሃይማኖትን የደበላለቀ እምነት የምትከተል ላንተና ለእኔ ነፃ አውጪ ያስፈልገናል።
እንደዚ አይነት የተሳሳተ ትምህርት ቁጭ ብላቹ ድትማሩ ምነካቹ የኦርቶዶክስ ልጅች ውይ ውይ ፍረድ የድንግል ማርያም ልጅ
አንተ ነህ የ ዘበን ተረት 🤣🤣🤣