Galdorcraeft - The Wanderer

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • Lyrics by Matthew Wudotun
    Music composed by Kliff Moon
    Matthew Wudotun - Vocals
    Kliff Moon - Bowed Lyre, Backing Vocals & Percussion
    Marie Moon - Anglo-Saxon Lyre
    Sean Fisher - Log & Bones Percussion
    Willowe - Frame Drums
    Rhys Spooner - Floor Drums
    / galdorcraeft
    Oft him anhaga
    Are gebideð
    Metudes miltse
    þeah þe he modcearig
    Geond lagulade
    Longe sceolde
    Hreran mid hondum
    Hrimcealde sæ
    Wadan wræclastas
    Wyrd bið ful aræd
    Swa cwæð eardstapa
    Earfeþa gemyndig
    Wraþra wælsleahta
    Winemæga hryre
    Oft ic sceolde ana
    Uhtna gehwylce
    Mine ceare cwiþan
    Nis nu cwicra nan
    þe ic him modsefan
    Minne durre
    Sweotule asecgan
    Ic to soþe wat
    þæt biþ in eorle
    Indryhten þeaw
    þæt he his ferðlocan
    Fæste binde
    Healde his hordcofan
    Hycge swa he wille
    Ne mæg werig mod
    wyrde wiðstondan
    Wyrd bið ful aræd
    Wreteched sorrowful
    Bereft of the homeland
    Bury my thoughts and Gods in the the dirt
    Cast to the waves as a stripped out carcass
    Salt sore eyes burn Cold in the hurt
    Gone are the kith and the kin at the fireside
    Path of the exiled cradling he
    Gone is the mead and the gold of the noble
    Come is the dark of a restless sleep
    Green leviathan slithers in the silence
    Sea birds floating on the surface preen
    Frost and snow form heavy in the dull light
    Fallow and friendless row with me
    Wounds of the the heart run deeper than the ocean
    Pining for the hall and the lord of men
    Spirit of the seafarer swims ever
    Farther away from the eyes that see
    This soul will not grow dark in the wonder of a mans life
    This earth will tear apart it will fall and decay
    No man is wise from the sunrise
    Many shall sink for the flower to bloom
    Never impatient never impulsive
    Burning to speak or warrior weak
    The man with a proud heart
    Hold till this oath shines bright with the words of truth
    In wisdom lies the knowledge of the terror that will rise
    When the world dies
    Bitten by the wind entombed in frost
    Storm swept ederas halls of decay
    Grey faced lords all the men lie fallen
    So the Creator lays to waste
    Where does the horse run
    Where does the rider lay
    Where now the feast and the revel in the hall
    Alas for the bright cup
    Alas for the warrior
    Alas for the splendour of the noble good
    Time is a ghost now withered into memory
    Shrouded in the night as if it never had been
    Wonderous wall wound round with a serpent
    Warriors taken by the glory of spears
    Weapons ever ready grin greedy for the slaughter
    Storm bites stone frost fetters this earth
    Into the face of the land spits winter
    Carried on the wings of a cold harbinger
    þonne won cymeð
    nipeð nihtscua
    norþan onsendeð
    hreo hæglfare
    hæleþum on andan
    Eall is earfoðlic
    eorþan rice
    onwendeð wyrda gesceaft
    weoruld under heofonum
    Her bið feoh læne
    Her bið freond læne
    Her bið mon læne
    Her bið mæg læne
    Eal þis eorþan gesteal
    Idel weorþeð
    Swa cwæð snottor on mode
    Gesæt him sundor æt rune
    Til biþ se þe his treowe gehealdeþ
    Ne sceal næfre his torn to rycene
    Beorn of his breostum acyþan
    Nemþe he ær þa bote cunne
    Eorl mid elne gefremman
    Wel bið þam þe him are seceð
    Frofre to Fæder on heofonum
    þær us eal seo fæstnung stondeð

Комментарии • 20