The Mark of the Beast | Revelation

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 297

  • @NorthAvenueChurch
    @NorthAvenueChurch  2 месяца назад

    For the rest of our series on Revelation and eschatology, see here:

  • @larriveeman
    @larriveeman Год назад +7

    I see the temple in Rev 11 as a literal rebuild temple, I don't spiritualize unless the context dictates it

    • @xanderbarr1983
      @xanderbarr1983 10 месяцев назад

      Know ye not that you are the temple of God??is that spiritual?

    • @larriveeman
      @larriveeman 9 месяцев назад

      @@xanderbarr1983 there is both

    • @yahkins1
      @yahkins1 9 месяцев назад +1

      Christ spiritualized the Temple when He said
      “ destroy this temple and I will rebuild it on the third day”.
      We are collectively the living stones that make up the temple … and we are the temple individually housing the Holy Spirit
      God may allow the Jews to rebuild theTemple ….. He may do both just to make it crystal clear
      The mark of the beast the same. However Revelation was written to encourage every generation, and so the spiritual mark applies for sure
      Like it says
      “since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Rom 1
      Therefore those who reject are marked by God alone
      “ Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” 2 Tim 2

    • @clivesale1560
      @clivesale1560 4 месяца назад

      Yip...take it literally unless its too difficult to do so

    • @littlefoot5013
      @littlefoot5013 2 месяца назад

      I think it's possible it was referring to the Temple that was destroyed in 70 AD. The reason is, it also refers in that same chapter to "the city where our Lord was crucified". I don't think that referring to a rebuilt Jerusalem, which actually had a differnet name, and the name of "Jersualem" again is a more modern event. At any rate, THAT city was razed to the ground. Historical records are CLEAR on that.
      And, at any rate, referring to a rebuilt city as "the city where our Lord was crucified" would be like referring to the rebuilt Jericho in Omri's time I think it was (and the city which was still around in Jesus time (see parable of the Good Samaritan)) as "the city where Rahab lived". It would be disingenuous.
      As for 666, it's six-hundred-sixty-six, not six-six-six. And it's believed by some to be geomatria for Nero Cesar. The fact that John says "let him that readeth understand" makes me believe that John believed that the readers would get it, and that he wasn't referring to 19 or more centuries later when he said that.
      The Roman Emperors were NOTORIOUS for claimming to be a god and demanding worship. Many WERE beheaded by him, including the Apostle Paul.
      Also, it's believed that, like it called Jersualem Sodom and Egypt here, that it later referred to it as "Babylon the Great" later on. Jesus outright said that the city was going to be held guilty for the deaths of all the martyrs, going as far back as Abel. And the Jersualem/Judah have been compared to a harlot/adultress SEVERAL times in the OT.

  • @MrJoeinz
    @MrJoeinz Месяц назад

    I am a student of end-times study . . . I appreciate your perspective . . . it is prompting me to dig deeper. I will surely go back and re-view this broadcast to further study the Bible references you asserted. Thank you for the interesting study, and especially the references back to Exodus, Deuteronomy, Zechariah & Ezekiel. It is amazing that so many Bible-believing Christians have no idea as to why they believe in the pre-Trib doctrine, other than putting their faith in flawed men of 'study'. It will be to their peril if they take that faith to the precipice of the abyss, and fall away.

  • @rob41137
    @rob41137 6 месяцев назад +7

    How come symbolists always read-but then skip over explaining-the whole “no one may buy or sell” thing? 🤔

    • @zd2469
      @zd2469 5 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, that was my thinking too. If we do symbolize the mark, people may be fooled into taking it. This is really important!

    • @noobsaibot5285
      @noobsaibot5285 4 месяца назад

      Yeah. Perhps best prepare to barter and grow your own food for atleast 3.5yrs, just in case the bible means what it says.
      It also says those who are marked will receive grievous sores rev16.
      Sounds like a UN / WHO induced pox pandemic, in which a pox vax is mandated along with a rfid implant. Of course the vax will actually give you the pox symptoms. Have we signed the pandemic treaty yet?

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 3 месяца назад

      Didn't the Government of Canada stop the buying of the truckers who protested? (Which eas not over the MOTB) Yes! They already have that power and they will use that same power over the MOTB.
      Sunday law will be the MOTB.

    • @noobsaibot5285
      @noobsaibot5285 3 месяца назад

      @@larrybedouin2921 7th dayers think the mark is being forced to go to church on a Sunday??? and if you sleep in on Sunday you will be killed or forced to starve to death because your account is frozen???
      Perhaps I just don't understand this idea, at all.
      I would rather believe the KJV that explicitly states that all will be caused to receive a mark IN THEIR RIGHT HAND, and without it nobody will be able to buy or sell. Clearly an RFID implant enforced following a deliberately caused security crisis in the form of mass migration of military age men (muslims, communists, historic enemies of the west, and anyone who hates God) throughout the remaining free and liberal societies. The US, UN/WHO, WEF, and ultimately the EU will ensure this happens.

    • @brennancumberbatch1571
      @brennancumberbatch1571 3 месяца назад

      Good morning sir
      You can look up Conrad Vine, the mark of the beast and No buy No sell.

  • @1brightlight
    @1brightlight 5 месяцев назад +2

    The Mark from God is spiritual/symbolic but the mark from the beast is physical. How else would you not be able to buy and sell?

    • @lauraandrews1676
      @lauraandrews1676 3 месяца назад

      No child of God can have the mark of the beast because we are already marked by Jesus' blood; so the mark of the beast is not something that has to be known and avoided, it's simply whether we belong to Christ or to the Devil. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, we are able to resist the spirit of the age.

    • @1brightlight
      @1brightlight 3 месяца назад +1

      And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as worshipped not the beast, neither his image, and received not the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand; and they lived, and reigned with Christ a thousand years. REVELATION 20:4 ASV That sounds a lot like they had a choice to accept or not accept, otherwise there's no point in emphasising.

  • @Lenore2023
    @Lenore2023 Месяц назад

    Using D Day was a great analogy!

  • @7ashoBeam
    @7ashoBeam Год назад +4

    You can't get to the Mark of the Beast if you don't know what it is. The Mark of the Beast is a counterfeit of the seal of God so you need to know what the seal is so you get to know what is being counterfeited.

    • @bruce8961
      @bruce8961 Год назад +2

      It a Mark, If You DO NOT HAVE 1 STARVE. Many go to The Guillotines?

    • @7ashoBeam
      @7ashoBeam Год назад +2

      @@bruce8961 Yes, this will very likely happen the only thing most don't know is that the Mark will be the enforcement of Sunday as the day of worship!

  • @johncalvino4508
    @johncalvino4508 11 месяцев назад +2

    The mark begins in Genesie 3

  • @Bombaycompany1776
    @Bombaycompany1776 Год назад +4

    Excellent! Glad to see more sound teaching out there.

  • @sheldonlennard1504
    @sheldonlennard1504 Год назад +7

    Are we the generation that will see the return of jesus

  • @rileyb.franklin5975
    @rileyb.franklin5975 Год назад +1

    Pastor Mark and elder Fred. I love you guys. I am a preacher who, also, who holds the Amill view (for years). Mark you are spiritually gifted and smart!!! I love how you wisely make use of the older brother, Fred, even though he may not have finished seminary. There is a great book written by two Reformed Baptist pastors called," In Praise of Old Guys." My wife and I went to their 2019 conference which included Voddie Baucham, also. I have been convinced since the early '90s that the Amill aspect is the orthodox position re hermeneutics and eschatology.

  • @noobsaibot5285
    @noobsaibot5285 4 месяца назад +1

    I think this is what rev12 is talking about:
    The woman is where Jesus comes from right? That is Joseph's blood line. Her remnant, offspring and seed are words used to make clear that it is talking about the jews being persecuted. The woman flees to the wilderness for 1260 days. This is also in Dan12 and Matt24:15-17. When the daily sacrifice is taken away and the anomination is setup in the temple, let those in judea (westbank) flee to the mountains.
    We are also the grafted branches of Israel and will be persecuted. The passage is a warning to us all, but specifically those believers in Israel during the final 7.
    Their genocidal enemies will only be stopped by God himself.

    • @littlefoot5013
      @littlefoot5013 2 месяца назад

      Jesus took away the sacrifices and oblation. They were no longer needed after HIs sacrifice on the Cross. The Dragon (the devil) would want the Messiah dead, and he's acted from everyone to Herod the Great to the Pharisees to try and take Him out. When Satan failed, he went after the church, using first the Jews and later the Romans against them.

  • @sethlikes2lift
    @sethlikes2lift 5 месяцев назад +1

    The woman is Mary

  • @anthonya2700
    @anthonya2700 Год назад +2

    I love that you guys put a priority on Prophecy, thank you for preaching the full counsel of God, the American church has been Bewitched and is transforming into motivational speak comma only touching certain aspects of this precious word period the enemy does not want God's people to know and understand prophecy so that he can further deceive

  • @user-uf3st6fc7g
    @user-uf3st6fc7g Год назад +1

    Georg Nigrinus (1530 - 1602)
    “The Jesuits claim to be sorely offended and have taken my declarations as an insult and blasphemy in branding the Papacy as the antichrist of which Daniel, Paul, Peter, John and even Christ prophesied. But this is as true as it is that Jesus is the Messiah, and I am prepared to show it even by their own definition of the word ‘antichrist’.” (Translated from “Nigrinus, Antichrists Grundliche Offenbarung” fol. 6v.)
    “This Jesuit further contends that the Papacy cannot be antichrist because the Papacy has lasted for centuries, but that the antichrist is supposed to reign only for 3 1/2 years … But no one doubts today that Daniel spoke of YEAR-DAYS, not literal days … The prophetic time-periods of forty-two months, 1260 days, 1, 2, 1/2 times are prophetic, and according to Ezekiel 4, a day must be taken for a year.” (Translated from “Nigrinus, Antichrists Grundliche Offenbarung” fols.28v. 29r.)

  • @noobsaibot5285
    @noobsaibot5285 4 месяца назад +1

    When the jews build their temple, you might have to eat your words

  • @mrchess8001
    @mrchess8001 4 месяца назад +2

    It is a MARK!!!! NO MAN CAN BUY OR SELL..THATS REAL STUFF!!! UNLESS HE HAS THE MARK..THAT PEOPLE CAN SEE..HE'S WRONG AGAIN!!!!IM SORRY FOLKS BUT HES WRONG!! he has some decent points but this guy doesn't know everything that just his beliefs

    • @notreconstructed
      @notreconstructed 4 месяца назад +1

      Exactly this guy is not a Bible teacher. I’m glad I have a Bible I can read
      For myself

    • @noobsaibot5285
      @noobsaibot5285 4 месяца назад

      It says it for a reason. It also says the marked receive grievous sores. Why only the marked?
      Perhaps there will come a pox pandemic in which the UN/WHO will mandate a pox vax and rfid implant. The vax side effects might be pox sores?

    • @edmundlee1740
      @edmundlee1740 2 месяца назад +1

      It is a MARK . Agreed. Also, note that the Greek numbers are "six hundred (hexakosioi), sixty (hexakonta), and six (hex); not 6 (hex), 6 (hex), 6 (hex). I think it's best to first discuss what it says; not what you think it means.

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад +2

    God foretold us all things Jesus hid nothing from us

  • @0judi0bartel74
    @0judi0bartel74 Год назад +2

    The beast is a talking robot. A.I. controlled by fallen angels.

    • @bruce8961
      @bruce8961 Год назад

      We are Moments Away from Eternity! You Need to STOP READING COMIC BOOKS... And Start Reading The Bible, But Without The Holy Spirit, You can Never Understand. If You Feel The Lord's Voice Tugging on Your Heart, Ask Forgiveness. You Will be Washed by The Blood of The Lamb, You Will be Baptized with The Holy Spirit, You Will be Changed ( 2Corinthians 5:17 ) You Will Know, Impossible Not to

  • @1ofhis518
    @1ofhis518 Год назад

    Repent of your worldliness and truly turn to JESUS

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    The 3 and a half years have been changed to 5 months written in revelation chapter 9 verse 4

  • @noobsaibot5285
    @noobsaibot5285 4 месяца назад

    All the beasts of prophecy are empires, except for the earth beast. Why?

  • @Mendezfarriercompany306
    @Mendezfarriercompany306 Месяц назад

    6.6.6. Is how i seen it. Man man man. The beast is shown to be earthly kingdoms. So it does make sense to me

  • @bradphi2359
    @bradphi2359 6 месяцев назад

    What about prophecies that have been fulfilled in the last 500 yrs

  • @Livy-wj3nf
    @Livy-wj3nf Год назад +2


  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    Sorry mistake on that last statement

  • @johncalvino4508
    @johncalvino4508 11 месяцев назад +2

    Watch Days of vengeance by David Chilton.
    Stop watching this interpretation by norrh av church this is a perverse trearment of the book of revelation

    • @donnaroberts4513
      @donnaroberts4513 3 месяца назад

      He lacks adequate interpretation he is trying but he is fallen short.

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад +2

    Luke tells us there is only one unforgivable sin and that is not to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us luck chapter 10 and chapter 12 tells us many things

    • @cheg-in3km
      @cheg-in3km 4 месяца назад

      Tha’ts not what the Bible says

  • @walterlahaye2128
    @walterlahaye2128 Год назад

    A historical event that took place from 67 to 70 A.D. Did you forget?

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Год назад +3

    The mark of the beast concerns *worship* and trust.
    Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
    {Jeremiah 17:5}

    • @bruce8961
      @bruce8961 Год назад +3

      It's Buying and Selling, Eating or Starving. No Mark, No Eating

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Год назад

      Grow your own 😃

    • @bruce8961
      @bruce8961 Год назад

      @@larrybedouin2921 Read Revelation 13:11-17

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Год назад

      Fear not, Chist is already gained victory over the world.

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Год назад

      I have for 60 years.

  • @DTzant
    @DTzant Год назад +2

    Dude on the left speaks like the old micro machine guy

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    The dry bones were not dead but they new not God Ezekiel preached to them and life became upon them

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад +1

    The dragon is Satan in person

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    All prophesy given in days and light are of God and all prophesy given in moons and darkness are of Satan

  • @johncalvino4508
    @johncalvino4508 11 месяцев назад

    666 was Solomon
    1 kinge 10:14 and Nero caesar

  • @greggibbs8641
    @greggibbs8641 Год назад

    What makes him think that the 42 months means the church age?

  • @mikefrady7965
    @mikefrady7965 Год назад

    Furthermore, when we get on fire for Christ, instead of being lukewarm, we become like a trumpet sounding like the book of revelation ???????
    Seven trumpets sounded maybe, like the voice of Christ Jesus sounded in the first chapter??????

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    The 2 witnesses showed up on the mount of transformation Elijah and Moses speaking with Jesus

    • @altonmichaels5081
      @altonmichaels5081 Год назад +1

      Moses and Elijah are dead and will not be resurrected until Christ’s return. The 2 witnesses will be human beings that are killed and will be resurrected with Moses, Elijah and all of Gods saints at His return(Revelation 11:7-12).

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    Revelation chapter 12 tells us Michael kicks Satan to this earth and woe to the earth

  • @biruitori1507
    @biruitori1507 4 месяца назад

    symbolic ???

  • @davidfinn6903
    @davidfinn6903 Год назад

    Jesus sits at the right hand of the father . This represents the works of our father. The seal of God is nothing more then Gods truth sent to us as a bible by which the words are sealed. Truth will set you free from deception. So by lacking truth and by your own works you will receive the mark. For those with the truth and love of God will not be deceived.

    • @laurapayton-vt9ph
      @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад +1

      Nothing is sealed Jesus told us all things

    • @davidfinn6903
      @davidfinn6903 Год назад +1

      @@laurapayton-vt9ph Daniel 12:4

    • @laurapayton-vt9ph
      @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

      Well your stupidity tells me a lot you listen to men instead of God you have been warned

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад +1

    The seal of God IN there forehead

  • @SoldierofChrist9
    @SoldierofChrist9 Год назад

    Question: In Rev 13:8, it states ALL who dwell on earth in which you stated all=unbelievers. Is there the possibility that we are raptured out before the 2nd beast emerges? If so, would this lead to a gap in time between that time and the full implementation of the mark?

    • @royfriesen2889
      @royfriesen2889 10 месяцев назад

      There is no rapture before the great tribulation
      Jess comes after the tribulation
      The mark of the beast will test everyone who is on earth , believers are still here in the great tribulation

    • @gregoryrandall4819
      @gregoryrandall4819 4 месяца назад +1

      Yes you a correct there is no rapture

  • @WithoutGodYouCantDoDiddlySquat
    @WithoutGodYouCantDoDiddlySquat 2 года назад +3

    Look up the coronation cap of the leader of the church in Rome. It has 3 names in Latin calling him king and God. Each name adds up to six - six - six.

    • @bryanbouzigard7019
      @bryanbouzigard7019 Год назад

      Pope. One of his many titles is substitute of the son of god. In Latin. Vicarious fili dei. = 666. The pope

  • @mikefrady7965
    @mikefrady7965 Год назад

    Keep trying to find the true meaning of the WORDS
    Remember, the angel signified them much, the same as Jesus spoke in parables
    It is gods glory to conceal a matter, and it is a kings honor to understand it
    Revelation means the unveiling of the mystery. It was there the whole time. Now we are at the end days. It should be 10 times easier to understand it than it was in Daniel’s day.
    For instance, chapter 1 is the glossary of the book of revelation. You don’t just use a glossary in one part of the book and not another.
    The angels are the stars in his right hand who are messengers that preach fire from heaven remember, and Jeremiah God said that his words are fire, 🔥and the people are like wood 🪵 ETCETERA

  • @stevenlunsford5782
    @stevenlunsford5782 Год назад

    What beast are you talking about?

  • @Scatteringseeds
    @Scatteringseeds 2 месяца назад

    Recapitulation, spiritualizing at its worst

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    Ok thank goodness it didn’t post

  • @greggibbs8641
    @greggibbs8641 Год назад

    He doesnt understand the difference of the church and Israel?

  • @nickstaxfree9604
    @nickstaxfree9604 Год назад +1

    Gematria gives 'Prince Charles of Wales' a number of 666 in both Hebrew and English. Each letter is assigned a number: A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=20 L=30 M=40 N=50 O=60 P=70 Q=80 R=90 S=100 T=200 U=300 V=400 W=0 X=0 Y=0 Z=0 In Hebrew there are only 22 characters so in English beyond 22 letters have no value, to stay true to the original language. Now to plug this code into the title of Prince Charles. P=70, R=90, I=9, N=50, C=3, E=5 => 70+90+9+50+3+5=227/ C=3, H=8, A=1, R=90, L=30, E=5, S=100 => 3+8+1+90+30+5+100=237/ O=60 F=6 =>60+6=66/ W=0, A=1, L=30, E=5, S=100 => 0+1+30+5+100=136/ Now adding up the total brings us to: 227 + 237 + 66 + 136 == 666 I learned this by reading the 1998 edition of "‘The antichrist and a cup of tea” by Tim Cohen and he will be publishing a 2nd edition soon. There are too many other reasons to list here as to why the now King Charles will become the 'antiChrist the man' and the 7th of the 8 Kings mentioned in Revelation 17:10-11; he will be the one who receives the deadly head wound and then the 8th - Son of Perdition will be cast down out of heaven (Rev. 12:9-12) Satan himself will look like the Celestial version of the Earthly 'AntiChrist the man' who ruled for 3 1/2 years with his deadly wound healed - just as Christ arose with his nail holes still there. Creating a false Resurrection "and all the world wondered after the Beast" Rev. 13:3 Check out to find out more.

  • @greggibbs8641
    @greggibbs8641 Год назад

    Paul isnt speaking in Reveation, John is.

  • @Lioness4Jesus
    @Lioness4Jesus Год назад +1

    The mark is here, mrna

    • @The_Ring_Leader
      @The_Ring_Leader Год назад

      Please share what part of the bible says that

    • @Lioness4Jesus
      @Lioness4Jesus Год назад +1

      @The_Ring_Leader Revelation 18:23
      King James Version
      23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakia)were all nations deceived.
      So much talks about the seed war. Genesis 6 the Nephalim mingling the seed. The crown (corona) the bow (toxon) on the white horse. Operation war seed! So much look into it yourself. If not marked.

    • @trulyso734
      @trulyso734 3 месяца назад

      I think something not good is up with messing with mrna cripsr etc. What with the 060606 patent too. So many vying for that ungodly rebel leader's position it would appear.. eh
      But if the time for the beast's reveal is not yet, then no mark of that one just yet phew.
      We might be getting close though :(

  • @madoso11
    @madoso11 4 месяца назад

    Deut 6:6-8
    Comme pour les ISRAÉLITES qui devaient avoir les paroles de Dieu dans LEUR PENSÉE ( entre leur yeux) et agir en conséquence ( sur la main)
    Les juifs n'ont rien compris et ils se sont fait des petites boîtes placer sur leur front et sur leur main.
    Ainsi en est il aujourd'hui de l'église qui pense à une marque extérieure, alors que le diable est un imitateur, il désire L'OBÉISSANCE tout comme le Seigneur. Ls marque de la bête est une marque SPIRITUELLE.

  • @greggibbs8641
    @greggibbs8641 Год назад

    42 months is definately the first half of the tribulation period which is the 70 week of Daniel. Sounds like this guy is reading from some weird translation. I use KJV only and believe it is the true Word of God.

  • @depabooks
    @depabooks Год назад

    Wow, Israel is God's chosen people we are grafted into that branch but it sounds like these are pretty radical interpretations, I am not onboard

    • @janepatton8100
      @janepatton8100 Год назад

      In a temporal sense yes. But the Church ( both Jew and gentile) are the elect of God. Paul writes about this all throughout the NT.

    • @donnaroberts4513
      @donnaroberts4513 3 месяца назад

      The Jews are not God chosen people I repeat the Jews are not God's chosen people since after they crucified Christ and stoned Stephen. You need to subscribe to the dance of life podcast he has a really good explanation about this.

  • @jaylarson3182
    @jaylarson3182 7 месяцев назад

    If you have been buying or selling, you better find the mark the beast put on you...

    • @trulyso734
      @trulyso734 3 месяца назад

      What? What you mean..?

  • @aaltknikker102
    @aaltknikker102 5 месяцев назад

    What about the gentiles Efraïm manchild, sons of God coming forth.

  • @donnamatrix8830
    @donnamatrix8830 Год назад

    References to Hitler are not helpful. Stop doing that. It has nothing to do with scripture.

  • @stevekerp1
    @stevekerp1 Год назад +2

    Your presentations are certainly thought-provoking. But on your post-trib rapture position, we know from scripture that The Dragon is going to set up an image and demand that it be worshiped. He has authority over the entire planet for 42 months. Everyone who will not worship the Beast will be killed. So ... who gets raptured?

    • @zd2469
      @zd2469 5 месяцев назад

      I never thought of it in that way!

  • @phaxad
    @phaxad Год назад

    PAPA Fred????

  • @randomvids4455
    @randomvids4455 Год назад

    How could the Mark of the Beast be symbolic?it says you wont be able to buy or sell without it?it has to be a literal mark of some kind to buy things which shows who you belong to,are they going to ask you at the grocery store,i see you have the invisible symbolic mark to pay for these things or to you i see you dont have the invisible symbolic mark,arrest him and kill him because he doesnt have the invisible symbolic mark,just because some things in the Bible are symbolic doesnt mean the mark will be too!when Moses put up the pole with the serpent on it,did that represent that Jesus would be a serpent too?this teaching is baloney!

    • @ShepherdMinistry
      @ShepherdMinistry Год назад +1

      What if you had to deny Christ to be part of this society? Then that could be a symbolic way of not being able to buy or sell.

  • @Chris.A.H
    @Chris.A.H Год назад +2

    This is not sound teaching. It’s once again, assumptive teaching. If 666 refers to the “unholy trinity” then why didn’t he address the buying or selling part. It says you cannot buy or sell unless you have this mark. So what does that mean. And why does he call the elder man “papa”. That’s weird behavior.

    • @yahkins1
      @yahkins1 9 месяцев назад

      The mark of the beast is the opposite of the mark of God
      ( see Ex 13, Ex 31, Deut 6). The sabbaths are an eternal sign of God’s people upon the forehead (seat of knowledge) and the hand ( one’s works)
      Circumcision was also to be perpetually observed
      “My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant.” Gen 17
      These physical signs were only shadows of the greater spiritual fulfillment in Christ
      ( Col 2). We are complete in Him…. We have been spiritually circumcised of heart and entered His Rest
      “9For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him” Col 2
      The counterfeit Beast is incomplete magnified by 3 whereas God’s number of completeness is 7
      In Johns day he cloaked ‘ emperor Nero’ with the letters adding up to 666 He was the figurehead of the beast ….But Rev was written for every generation and thus all people have had to choose whether to follow the world or surrender headship to Jesus Christ and be sealed by the Holy Spirit.

    • @l3fla5h
      @l3fla5h 8 месяцев назад +1

      I was also waiting on them to address the buying and selling portion of the scripture

    • @yahkins1
      @yahkins1 8 месяцев назад

      @@l3fla5h back in the first century anyone who was cast out of synagogue became a total pariah and would have to survive among the Gentiles because good standing Jews would neither buy or sell with such…. The man born blind who was healed by Jesus was cast out from the assembly for telling the obvious truth to the authorities…. It continues to this day.

  • @arnoldthorstenson1374
    @arnoldthorstenson1374 Год назад +2

    When we are forced to worship on Sunday denying God's Sabbath this is the Mark Of The Beast. A beast is a kingdom/nation (Daniel 7:17) and The Catholic Church defines the Mark: Sunday is our mark of authority... the church is above the Bible. (Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1, 1923).

    • @logiciskey7
      @logiciskey7 Год назад +1

      Churches already worship on Sunday not Saturday

    • @arnoldthorstenson1374
      @arnoldthorstenson1374 Год назад

      @@logiciskey7 Exactly, that is why I am warning people. Sin is the transgression of the law (1John 3:4). Not worshiping God on a day He santified, blessed and made holy is sin.
      Many religions have many excuses why they don' honor God's Sabbath. Those that go to heaven keep His commandments (Revelation 22:14).

    • @malletandchisel5154
      @malletandchisel5154 Год назад

      Isn’t the law fulfilled in Christ? Isn’t he our Sabbath rest? If we are the Temple, aren’t we worshiping every day? Is there now no condemnation of those in Christ, are you sayang we are condemned unless we worship on a specific day?

    • @arnoldthorstenson1374
      @arnoldthorstenson1374 Год назад

      @@malletandchisel5154 I'm telling you what the Bible says and not the doctrine of men (Mark 7:7). Jesus says if you love me keep my commandments (John 14:15, John 14:21, John 15:10, 1 John 5:3...). We can worship every day, but we are commanded
      to worship Him on a day he sanctified, blessed and made holy the Sabbath. Can you afford not to work 7 days a week? "Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law." (Romans 3:31). Those that love God, are His saints and go to heaven all keep His commandments (Exodus 20:6, Revelation 14:12 & 22:14). I'm not telling you what you
      should do, but I'm telling you what our Bible says. We are saved by grace through faith... (Ephesians 2:8). Grace is given for obedience to the faith (Romans 1:5) and faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17) and doing it.
      You see God does not change and is the same yesterday, today and forever (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8). I use the King James Bible.

    • @clinttullous5233
      @clinttullous5233 Год назад

      Way off I would say!!😮

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    The first beast is a political system

  • @mikebrown9850
    @mikebrown9850 Год назад

    The Beast was mortally wounded 17:14, but you’re in the wrong century. The Roman Empire was wounded unto death in 476 when it was conquered by the barbarians. It was restored under Justinian in 554. This should be elementary for these “scholars”! This begins the era of the Woman riding the Beast and tells the entire world what the mark is. He even mentions the Roman Empire but apparently the connection goes right over his head. It’s not that complicated!

    • @canadianamerican90
      @canadianamerican90 Год назад

      No the beast seemed or LOOKED like it had a mortal wound but the wound was healed .... there is a difference.

    • @mikebrown9850
      @mikebrown9850 Год назад

      @@canadianamerican90 I clarified that in my comment. I was using the presenter’s phrase to point out how they were dancing around the identity of the beast and couldn’t see who it actually was.

    • @jo9354
      @jo9354 Год назад

      @Mike Brown...Your take on the deadly wound may be right. My understanding though, is that the deadly wound was received in 1798. This happened when the pope and the Roman Catholic church lost its power... but was healed in 1929(?) when Mussolini restored the pope and the Vatican to power.
      The ROMAN Catholic Church came out of Rome, and exercised it's power throughout the 10 (-3) European countries for 1260 years. It took upon itself the satanic doctrines and religious practices found in the kingdoms that came before it, forbid reading of the Bible, claimed to change God's law, claimed the power to forgive sins, and persecuted God's people. The Roman Catholic Beast system has satanic power to destroy humanity's relationship with God through deception and coercion because so many believe it to be the true church.

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    The word apostasy means a falling away many will think Satan is Jesus come to fly them away the changed there religion and was worshiping Satan

  • @clivesale1560
    @clivesale1560 4 месяца назад

    Hallo.. I like you guys... you display humility.But I reckon you over do the replacement stuff,and the symbolism.Isnt one of the main principles of interpretation that you take things literally unless its very difficult to do the locusts coming out of the bottomless pit... they aren't locusts.

  • @issacann519
    @issacann519 Год назад

    Very unnecceasary long long opening prayer...

  • @seanc2788
    @seanc2788 Год назад

    Revelation 13:11-18
    The sea is a symbol of the Gentile nations. Most scholars expect the Anti-Christ to be a Gentile.
    Land is a symbol of Israel. Most scholars expect the false prophet to be a Jew.
    Coming out of the earth indicated that the 2nd beast would be inferior in power to the 1st beast.
    He is referred to as the false prophet because he plays a religious role.
    His job is to get everyone to worship the dragon and the Anti-Christ.
    As a "lamb" he will have a mild and meek, yet charismatic personality.
    The two horns represent symmetry, so he will be polished, charismatic and charming.
    The dragon's words: means he will use deceptive, subtle, seductive speech to lure people away from faith in Christ and into the dragon's trap.
    Verse 13- These signs will be genuine miracles, not mere trickery or skill in pyrotechnics. They will be so miraculous that if it were possible, they would deceive even the elect. Breath implies life. Only God can give life. In this context, the Greek word can't refer to breath. It refers to making something think, express emotion, make decisions, etc.
    Verse 15- The image is given the ability to communicate with people.
    Verse 17- Without the mark you won't be able to buy or sell anything, but if you take the mark you are damned for all eternity.

    • @bryanbouzigard7019
      @bryanbouzigard7019 Год назад

      The false prophet is the POPE

    • @paulgregersen3570
      @paulgregersen3570 Год назад

      Unless you know the code of 666 you cannot know what this is.Nobody else but John's man." Him" who has the right understanding to decode 666 has any business speculating. Only John's man and he just arrived.

    • @paulgregersen3570
      @paulgregersen3570 Год назад

      Only he who has the understanding can reveal it. He's here now! (BOA ep 16) tube

    • @paulgregersen3570
      @paulgregersen3570 Год назад

      Come see, it's profound you'll know it's right!

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Год назад

      And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
      {Revelation 17:15}
      The seven headed beast of Revelation 17:
      The seven heads are symbolic of seven kingdoms, starting with the beast of Daniel chapter 7
      1st < Babylon
      2nd < Medo-Persia
      3rd < Greece
      4th < Pagan Rome
      5th < Papal Rome; the little horn
      ("that was" & "is not" & "yet is")
      6th < "one is"
      The woman that rides the beast is in captivity at the time of John's vision, AFTER receiving the deadly wound from the (atheist) beast from the bottomless pit [Rev 11:7]. This is the beast of THE TIME of John's vision IN THE WILDERNESS.
      (Meaning that John is in the wilderness in his vision and not physical on Patmos, and he sees a beast that would come up from out of this wilderness. Read Job 38:26.)
      The 7th < "is not yet come"
      At the time of John's vision *in the wilderness* this head of the beast was yet to come; this is *the beast from out of the earth* [Rev 13:11];
      (And he shall exercise all of the power of the first beast...) when this beast will speak like a dragon.
      This beast must continue a short time, as per the others before him.
      I believe by the testimony of Jesus, that we are now living in that "short time".
      The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
      {Revelation 17:8}
      :11...even he is the eighth, AND IS OF THE SEVEN, and ascends out of the bottomless pit and goes into perdition.
      --There are seven heads at the time of John's vision, five kings/heads/beast are fallen, so this eighth is of the seven kingdoms...."that was"...."and is not"...."yet is" AND received a deadly wound; AND his deadly wound was healed.
      This wound is the loss of her (the woman/church that rides the beast.) temporal sword (also her captivity), which is the earthly secular world kingdom.
      This is the image of the beast (that great city), who like Babylon of antiquity, who thinks to usurp church and state craft.
      The number eight is a metaphor for the resurrection. The eighth is resurrected from a former head of the seven; the 5th head that received a deadly wound.
      (When he shall go into perdition: this will be the final dispensation of this beast with seven heads, that is a metaphor for satan.)
      (The resurrection; Jn 11:25) Ἰησοῦς/Iēsous = 888
      by counting the letter values of the Greek transliteration;
      I(10), E(8), S(200), O(70), U(400), S(200).
      In antiquity the mountain was not only a metaphor for a kingdom, but it was also symbolic of the head of a (river) dragon that was symbolic of a river that flows out from a mountain, after the spring thaw and overflowing its banks, spreading out in the form of the dragon's tail.
      The color is scarlet because it is symbolic of the blood of the saints of the Lord.
      A woman in prophecy is always a metaphor for a church, in this case (Jezebel) it is the fallen temple of God.
      The false prophet, a lamb (Christ like) with two horns, and/but will speak like a dragon (a wolf in sheep's clothing), will be the beast (from out of the earth ... the USA) that will make an image unto the first beast from out of the sea, who received a deadly wound and his deadly wound was healed.
      The two horns are a metaphor for two (equal) kingdoms in one, church and state craft.
      Medo-Persia also is expressed as having two horns [Dan 8:3], but one was higher, (Persia) and eventually usurps the other.
      This is the image of the first beast from out of the sea (Papal Rome). Once the wall of separation of church and state is lost, then will the second beast from out of the earth become the image of the first beast, who claims the authority of both church and state.
      Even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen.

  • @greggibbs8641
    @greggibbs8641 Год назад

    These scriptures are not allegorical! You cant just twist scripture to mean what your peanut brain wants it to mean, we are not to lean on our own understanding!

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    This mark is not on but but in your forehead whats in your forehead your brain the Kevin

  • @greggibbs8641
    @greggibbs8641 Год назад

    Offspring of the woman are the Jewish remnant

  • @anthonylomonte3437
    @anthonylomonte3437 Год назад +5

    During the tribulation there's an angel that flies around in heaven and preaches the Everlasting gospel to everybody on the Earth. So everybody will hear the gospel at that time

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Год назад

      The (3) angels messsages are preached to the world through the remnant church.

    • @paulgregersen3570
      @paulgregersen3570 Год назад

      Nobody else has any business or authority to speculate who or what the beast is. Only " HE"who has the right understanding to decode 666 can reveal it. Revelation 13:18:"

    • @paulgregersen3570
      @paulgregersen3570 Год назад

      ​@@larrybedouin2921 Only John's "HE" man can reveal it.

    • @paulgregersen3570
      @paulgregersen3570 Год назад

      It's so profound it will be obvious what it is.

    • @randybattiest3161
      @randybattiest3161 Год назад

      Any scripture to that claim?...144,000 will be preaching the gospel to ppl who never heard or had a chance to Repent...

  • @anthonylomonte3437
    @anthonylomonte3437 Год назад +2

    The dude with black hair needs to chill out. he jumps from sentence to sentence without finishing the sentence. it's very confusing heneeds to take a chill pill. And stay on subject. He talks too fast and changes the subject too much set of finishing the comment

  • @sheldonlennard1504
    @sheldonlennard1504 Год назад

    Did the revelation 12 sign happy on the 23rd of September 2017.

    • @jo9354
      @jo9354 Год назад

      This happened before creation.

    • @kurticebanks8087
      @kurticebanks8087 3 месяца назад

      ​@@jo9354prove it

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    Satans names the beast the dragon Satan anti christ the snake in the garden and many more

  • @ApostolicEchoes
    @ApostolicEchoes Год назад

    “I think” “We believe”
    Don’t care. Scripture disagrees.

    • @AMessengerofTruth
      @AMessengerofTruth Год назад +3

      "Scripture disagrees"
      Gonna back that up with a source? Pointless unproductive comment.

    • @ApostolicEchoes
      @ApostolicEchoes Год назад

      @@AMessengerofTruth “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
      ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13‬:‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @AMessengerofTruth
      @AMessengerofTruth Год назад +2

      @@ApostolicEchoes Nice! I love the book of Revelation!

    • @paulgregersen3570
      @paulgregersen3570 Год назад

      Nobody should be speculating about what the mark 666 is or isn't, only John's man prophesied can decode it. "Him" who has the right understanding of the 666 can decode it. Revelation 13:18 Nobody else has any business or authority but John's man. Good news, John's man has just come. Link UTube (BOA ep 16) See why nobody else knows what they are talking about.

    • @paulgregersen3570
      @paulgregersen3570 Год назад

      ​@@AMessengerofTruth We need to obey the scripture and let " him"John's man decode the 666

  • @oldmanjoe6808
    @oldmanjoe6808 10 месяцев назад

    Nothing worth while coming from a fast talking stage evangelical.

  • @nuttysquirrel8816
    @nuttysquirrel8816 Год назад

    6:20 _"well, this makes sense..."_
    Yes, two witnesses that are killed, then come back to life three days later and float upwards into a cloud for some reason. Don't forget the seven headed, ten horned sea monster. It all makes perfect sense.

    • @lloydmorgan-bq1gt
      @lloydmorgan-bq1gt Год назад +1

      The perfect scence that you don’t have

    • @nuttysquirrel8816
      @nuttysquirrel8816 Год назад +1

      No, I'm being serious. Jesus paid his tax bill with money he got from the mouth of a random fish swimming in a lake. That kind of thing happens all the time. That's how I paid my property taxes last year. 😀

    • @lloydmorgan-bq1gt
      @lloydmorgan-bq1gt Год назад

      @@nuttysquirrel8816 such a nutty squirrel from the land of nutcase , now that I know that I’ll sleep with both eyes shut up

  • @Scatteringseeds
    @Scatteringseeds 2 месяца назад

    Horrible interpretation

  • @greggibbs8641
    @greggibbs8641 Год назад

    These guys are false teachers

  • @mickeypaul6980
    @mickeypaul6980 10 месяцев назад

    You gentlemen were doing great until you mentioned CS Luis ! Talk about the art of speaking a lie .. he’s an expert at it . Led Zeppelin is a fan of CS Luis .

  • @christiansoldier77
    @christiansoldier77 Год назад +1

    The bible says its a literal mark so of course it cant be a literal mark lol SMH

    • @fofokeith
      @fofokeith Год назад +1

      See Exodus 13:16, & Deuteronomy 6:8 & 11:18

    • @twistedhammercarpentry1720
      @twistedhammercarpentry1720 Год назад

      Christian soldier: I got a question,
      Your statement looks like your saying if its in the Bible that has to be enturpeted literally, so is that what you mean?

    • @christiansoldier77
      @christiansoldier77 Год назад

      @@twistedhammercarpentry1720 When the bible speaks literally it is to be taken literally when it speaks metaphorically it is to be taken metaphorically

    • @fofokeith
      @fofokeith Год назад

      @@christiansoldier77 just letting the Bible interpret its ownself

    • @christiansoldier77
      @christiansoldier77 Год назад

      @@fofokeith That's what I am saying

  • @jeremiaherickson2068
    @jeremiaherickson2068 Год назад +2

    Fairy tales are not a good teaching tool.

    • @jesusloveseveryone888
      @jesusloveseveryone888 Год назад +3

      Interesting how brilliant Scientists such as Sir Isaac Newton believed in those “fairy tales” and many peaceful Christians have been martyred for the sake of righteousness for those “fairy tales”. Someone who embraces their sin will always find an excuse not to believe. After all, you’re here seeking! You’ll remain in my prayers. God bless you! 🙏🏼✝️🕊️

    • @mariekruger4912
      @mariekruger4912 Год назад +1

      Why do you listen to fairy tales?

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Год назад

      Yes I agree, the fable of evolution is not a good teaching tool. It leads one to their destruction.

  • @1ofhis518
    @1ofhis518 Год назад +1

    The 💉 is the mark

    • @elusive4072
      @elusive4072 Год назад +4


    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Год назад

      “Sunday is our *mark of authority* …. The church is above the Bible, [Blasphemy] and this transference of sabbath observance is proof of that fact” (The Catholic Record of London, Ontario, Sept. 1, 1923). By keeping Sunday, Protestants submit to the Vatican’s authority over them. Soon, the final resurrection of the Roman Empire will challenge everyone to keep Sunday-or else."

    • @logiciskey7
      @logiciskey7 Год назад

      It always your DNA, Gods given software of life

    • @bruce8961
      @bruce8961 Год назад

      When The Antichrist Shows Up He Will Cause All to Receive a Mark in Their Right Hand or Forehead . He is Not here Yet

  • @laurapayton-vt9ph
    @laurapayton-vt9ph Год назад

    Laura Payton @ Laura Edwins

  • @mrchess8001
    @mrchess8001 4 месяца назад

    Well he's wrong about it not being a real temple..