@@richardnoordhoff4288 There is a saying that "The masses are brainless" and it is true, that is the reason why it is always the elites who control power.
A further question is what maks them powerful over the rest of us? I think disintermediation in the ownership of wealth, knowledge and information media sources should continue. The more of us getting off the propaganda machines and getting in touch with our spiritual essence the more resilent we will be to overcome. Full disclosure - my Christian faith is like opium to get me through tough times such we now have.
What does it really take for change to happen how many times has some new president on politician says they will make change ? Are we doomed to our nature.
Love how the video said that us humans are full of love and empathy, but always look for new ways to destroy and kill people. I strongly disagree. Government wants to destroy and kill people. The common man just want's to live in peace, regardless of politics and personal wealth.
100% correct. Ordinary people just want to be left alone to work, study, have a family,a house,a holiday and enough to eat and warmth. They are not greedy like pigs at a trough unlike the 1%.
That was very interesting. Seeing Max Kaiser before he swallowed the orange pill being ready for it. Loved the insights into taxation - I have been having a big problem with the current system - it is punitive. I used to march for the local Occupy Wall Street with "banks got bailed out, we got sold out". This documentary helped me flesh out some of my own observations. Classical economics - that is apparently what I need to study.
It is part of all societies that man must choose between God or Mammon. The poor generally have chosen God, the rich and powerful chose Mammon. Capitalists are not religious people
I think all are religious...re=again...ligare=to bind...we all bind ourselves to something or somebody somehow...the rulers are bound to anti-Christ...the most self-serving and unloving existence possible. Existence=outside experience...ex-peri-ence='outside-around-knowing'. The real question is...outside of WHAT? What is IT that we are outside around knowing about/from?
18:30 - If banks create money out of nothing, and loan it on interest (usury), then it appears the only thing that gives it value is the threat of force and violence being enacted and legitamised by the state against people, the citizens, ultimately reducing and then destroying living standards.
as a Boomer, I 100% disagree, we were never part of that elitism, we struggled, like the young do these days, stop blaming us for everything, only the ruling class were responsible
We Boomers were lucky in that our productive lives coincided with mostly boom (!) times in the economy, whereas recent generations have had things like covid and the GFC messing them up. I had finished college about the time fiat started so the wealth disparity and asset price explosion was not yet so great.
@@poohdacitta69 Renter here, I agree. If there was enough work available this wouldn't be so much of a problem, but unfortunately there isn't. 0-hour contracts make it impossible to have 2 jobs, and as to being 'self employed'... most people who claim to be 'self employed' (especially 'working from home') are scammers.
"Greed is good" - The character "Gordon Gekko" from the movie "Wall St" - 1987 Every forest can be traced back to the first tree and every tree began as a seed.
@Arthuriantimes Oh, okay, thanks! I always love acquiring more knowledge! I think the synchronicity about this term popping up 3 times in the past week very interesting! I was watching an old episode of Gilligan's Island last week where someone was impersonating Thurston Howl, the 111 back on the mainland. The breaking news was that "the Wolf of Wall Street" Thurston Howl had been found or rescued! Thurston hears the new on their transistor radio and turns to Lovey and the camera to say, " There's only one Wolf of Wall Street, and that's Me!" Anyway, I thought I hadn't ever heard the term used before the film. I was thinking it came from originally. Anyway, thank you again. I appreciate you adding to my awareness about this term and more of its history!
If you chart the growth in billionaires alongside the downturn in the rest of the global economy there is a direct and obvious correlation. There are several easy ways to combat this fact.
@ShaunB-hd1fi I almost died! Got covid again and was hospitalized. Got it in Oct 2023 and was ready to make out a will and trust. I'm waiting for SSDI because I don't want to die just going to work. I was a RN in Washington state. If it wasn't for my parents still being alive I'd be dead or in my van. Covid BS? What the hell? Are you 12?
There is an age old code that dealt with debt bondage,It's known as the Hammurabi code of debt forgiveness they recognised that debt could cause the collapse of states .
Perhaps if we stopped invading other countries, brought our jobs back home, cared about things that actually mattered , instead of silly distractions, learned new skills, raised our children well, worked on our marriages,and lived within our means, then maybe we could just enjoy peace and prosperity and have happy lives, and enjoy our families and friends. Man, what a radical concept. Maybe we should try that.
I couldn’t agree more. I have said something similar for decades. It is nice to see others just as pragmatic. This doesn’t mean ignoring the issues at hand but it is about applying common sense solutions to improve the future for our children and their children and forward. Thanks for sharing.
Humans are so fearful of death, despite being born to die, embrace your death and engage in your journey pitiful are those who believe in the material?
Lana Del Rey said it best! "Born to die"...she also said it best when it came to Kamala Harris "F'ed her way to the top". Pitiful Ppl, sad really. I 🙏 for us all.
Yes sir only knowing your death as in that you know you will one day have to leave this world at any time any given moment any where .. death is my best friend my counselor my hunter but she gives me an luxurious essence of being
@@socialmeaslesinpartnership1252but she did so who you listening to because she was bought and paid for ask Willy Brown how much he paid to have his side chick elected and how she paid him and others back her vote her ruling her cookie shewwww.
The people should take matters into their own hands and represent themselves and their interests. Put the people in power, and the money will follow power.
@TheAstonisher1 Good thing Americans just elected that fascist moron. The one that tried to overthrow the US government. America will not recover from his stupidity.
How? They have a massive tech-advantage over us unlike the revolutionary war.(which by the way was also a debt-scheme which impoverished the budding nation to rich elite power broker bankers). It's a very old story...'we gotta get outta this place...if it's the last thing we ever do!'🤪
Exactly as already written in that forbidden 2000 years-old book... so that infamous last chapter prophetised for centuries... is now here exactly as written centuries ago... Now do your best with it !
What I get from this brilliant programme is this...5% of human beings are the shepherd, 99.5% are the sheep. Sad but true. And I don't see it ever changing....if not by education then by force...if you can't win your debate by reason, then by force...
All Experience has shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable - than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Then how will we stand in that day when the weight of doing right is heavier than the weight of doing evil?
Excellent explanation! It's astonishing how many people, including economics graduates, don't truly understand the concepts of communism or modern-day capitalism. They often praise their country for being a "capitalist society" without fully grasping the actual system in place. This lack of understanding makes it difficult for them to recognize the nuances or critically question the structures that shape their lives. 1971 - NIXON - GOLD STANDARD
Damn...whoever brought this one together spells out exactly how I have felt about all this over the last ;I would have to say 40 plus years...I didn't seem logical what was clearly happening so it was very hard to face what level of dispicable behavior we were clearly at.
It's an ancient pattern...the psychopathic gods (elohim=the powerful ones) in the Bible were the ones who manipulated and enslaved us way way back...monkey see...monkey do! God must love a good drama!🎭🤪
What was the net worth of every speaker in this production? I hear all as critical rent seekers hoping to seize the means of production in its relevant domain.
The further down on the economic food chain a group of ppl are...the more they are punished and the more percentage points they are behind the manufactured economic 8 ball.... the american dream has been like a rug pulled out from under the 99% ... it's become if you're not a criminal... you're a loser
With the mind f☆☆king rise in the ridiculous notion of a flat earth, we can obviously see how so many just accepted the forced idea of forever growth.It was very confusing to me in elementary school why the question by the student was not encouraged by much of the faculty.
Economics Seeks to be a science, Science is supposed to be Objective and it is difficult to be scientific when the subject matter, the participants in the economic process, lacks objectivity.
It’s not dependency on government and we don’t have cost to buy in and stake a claim. We are more social media than a society. It’s more what happens when a governments representatives have been hijacked by banks & corporations. The puppeteers deregulate and make the legal system benefit their position. Not the population. Their hero Ronald Reagan said “government isn’t the solution to our problem government IS the problem” - and we have a big problem!
The worst part for me is it's too late. Every part of the planet is explored. We can't enter the pioneer phase again. We have nowhere to go. 😮 *UPDATE FOR THE DUMB PEOPLE: I'm talking about LAND. Please tell me about a piece of LAND that WE as common folk can create a NEW, DEMOCRACY, w/o CORRUPTION? You and me - not rich people.
Banks make money by lending? For that lending , tangible money has to be in banks vaults and it not only flows from private sectors but print mint factories
Banks are supposed to have $ or an asset of = tangible value of a loan amount . They don't . Since Clinton de-regulated the banks , the banks make their on rules . 2 of which are fractional reserve ( 10 % of deposits must be in their bank ) and fractional lending , ( in which banks can loan 9x of initial deposit amounts .) So , of your $ 1000 deposit , $100 remains in the bank and $9000 can be loaned at interest . If You or I did this , we would be facing lengthy prison sentences . Gold and silver has been the ONLY real money for over 6000 years
There will come a time that the unbanked will be banked .....❤ Bretton Woods 2.0 all ❤on blockchain a level playing field...if you're surge....yes Ripple with the token XRP can solve this . 😊 DYOR❤
You know all the speakers in this film seem intelligent but everyone of them lack a certain history lesson that has repeated over and over again. Where did you get great empires only last 250 there about? So there was some kind of history research to determine such a number so I know you are capable of looking into history and in that history what is common amongst all these empires that are so short lived? It is the bad expression no one will say out loud, its called Corporatism which is a thing and is defined but never used. All these bankers, economists, wall street and Governing bodies are part of corporatism which has been around since the Roman empire, the Indian empire, the French Empire, the British Empire and today the US empire and do not lie and say it hasn't. What is the Corporate model and where did it come from? Is it a natural state or a made up synthetic model? Does the corporate model devourer nature? Its seems no one wants to admit the real source of this problem thus its persistence in the world today. My complete understanding of life comes from nature so artifacts that destroy it in an attempt to control nature simply do not fit in my vocabulary. The corrupt model of the Corporate entity can truly shine the light on our total ignorance of it. Look at all the products of today, they suck, they dont last very long and now are so expensive very few can even afford them? All of these came from resources and none of these enormous corporations have compensated the rest of us for the taking. Yet all the resources were given to us all as a gift to experience life as a human being upon this planet which resides in a universe. It seems as it did in the beginning this corporate model starts out small and then blossoms into total corruption, why is that? Is it possible it does not fit within nature itself? Corporatism defined shares this idea of Corporatists and politicians colluding with one another against the people or I will say it out loud against nature which every human BEing is part of. So in fact these Humans creating this false construct called the corporate model deny their own part in humanity which in fact goes directly against nature. The corporate model is the lie, the crime and the manifested examples of today with its greedy corporatists believing they are above the rest of humanity because by being rich one is above the rest. Yet the truth is nothing could be further from the truth. The corporate model from everything I could find is the illness or disease destroying our planet as well humanity by its very falseness. The money scheme was created by who? The corporatists possibly? If there were Corporatists in Rome did they invent the money laundering scheme? History certainly points to this but many who call themselves capitalists will deny its existence. The Corporate entity is a lie because it is made up in the minds of men, I know I created one to see for myself. In the corporate world if you follow the script to a T you become this idea and all the sudden humanity no longer exists because you have entered the realm that you are above what you were actually born into, the survival of the fittest which is an idea you are more than other human beings. That my friends is totally made up and does not fit into natures model period. Every Corporate entity defies nature in its entirety which in essence is defying ones self from that which it is part of regardless of thinking. The corporate model which all governments now seem to be part of go against nature which is the people for which it is supposed to represent, yet they flat out do not represent the people, they represent themselves as some viable force in the universe but most are filled with the most incompetent non productive humans, I wonder why? Look at patent laws, what a joke and this has literally held back humanity from expanding itself to its full potential by limitation imposed upon others to make things even better. This was all done based upon the corporate model of lies. Its amazing that the UCC is the bible of doing business for all corporate entities yet few even know this. Its time to strep up and end this falseness, be done with the corporate model, be done with the false entity and expose where real creativity comes from. Land ownership is also another lie, This earth was given to ALL who participate here but again the Corporate model imposed its poor practices upon the people selling an idea that does not serve the people of earth and here we are with housing prices very few can afford, unless of course you are willing to sign papers you cannot even afford and I know I did that too just so I could see for myself. We can all sit here and keep denying this truth and keep repeating the false sense of security but te next empire will rise and then fall. Authority has the same false idea attached whereby some are above others and this crime is simply that a crime against humanity. Time to awaken and be HONEST with one another and stop all the fabrications of what life is really not. Boy I cant even wait to talk about sustainability but I will another time.
Excellent documentary. However how can you continuously talk about Neo-classical economics and not mention once the dominant economics taught for the last 100 years in every university Keynesian economics, the real cause of all of these problems. And not mention the only economics that offers a real solution Austrian economics?
Keyns economics while taught is not what’s been emphasized in economics schools and policy making circles for the last 70 years, when Keynes theories were the order of the day, we had a much more harmonious and egalitarian society. The new deal, it’s what allowed us to prosper and become the empire we are, that and exploiting the third world. It the economic counterrevolution of the Chicago school, and neoliberal policy that’s completely set free the forces of capitalism to completely dominate every human need and interaction with next to no safety net that has made the contradictions of capitalism become so stark and clear. But be it keyensian or otherwise capitalism is capitalism and will always have the same result, we must move past this old outdated, decaying system before it destroys the entire planet. Destroy capitalism or it destroys us. Super simple
@@treyr6169The Murdoch cultist have been so heavily indoctrinated, to the point of religiously believing what hacks and pundits invent over provable, evidence based information. In fact, the more evidence you present the more they suspect you of trying to manipulate them. Only information that supports the lies they've swallowed is accepted. Everything else they consider manufactured with the malicious intent of deception. "Its impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows" Milton Freedman and his lies will destroy our communities and these morons with zero comprehension will attempt to blame liberals because they cannot conceive of ever being wrong. Try showing these people the evidence that earth isn't flat and you'll see what I mean. These people have incorporated the lies Murdoch manufactures as articles of faith and no amount of factual evidence can Dr dissuade their destructive crusade because it's a belief they hold not an understanding.
Years later... Nothing has changed. Are we too lazy? Has comfort in 9-5 M-F lifestyle overwhelmed us all to keep running around n around. Knowing we have to deal with a stick just to chase a carrot.. Run like a cartoon off the ledge Huh!?! 😔 How can we change without it being worse cure than cause
The federal reserve has nothing to do with the federal government. It's the most dangerous private business in the USA. It pumps out cash with one reason. To get every American into lifelong debt slavery.
First off to fix the problem you have to blame the right people the housing market was due to Carter who said ownership of housing is a right and thus caused the housing Buble by putting in laws that forced the banks to give loans to those who couldn't afford it or they would lose their banking licence, it was the democrats that brought about the increase in management bonuses that brought about the 500 to 1 disparity between workers and management when they capt the pay of expects wages and thus the business that hired these CEO's compensated the management with stick options this expanding the wealth gap. We don't have capitalism now we have cronyism which showed it head in the 2008 banking crisis let the banks go under all the loans they have go to zero and the owners of the houses that have the loans now own their homes outright. GM closes down and because the market have to still supply cars the other car makers buy up the GM manufacturing car plants and hire back the workers
They are all wrong and stuck in antiquated practices. Technology is not being factored in. New "business" is set to be mostly automated and no profession is safe. There will be no opportunities to earn money from the usual labor paradigm. Which is GREAT!!! Most work is dehumanizing and menial. How can you expect a manufacturing job (the base of consumer production) to exist with an automated factory, 3-D printers, drone and driverless delivery, and with bots as sales staff? Essentially, Capitalism as we know it has to go. All of this is the Banksters resisting the change from the technology that they have been benefitting from financially for decades. Even CEOs will be replaced by programs........KARMA is a B*&(^%
Capitalism with rules that are enforced is ok. The rules have been gutted and those that are remaining are not enforced. Too many moneyed interests. The usual suspects
@@carinarilk89 Yeah, they aren't rolling out the tech to give us a good life...they are doing it to give them a good life...we factor out of the picture!
Blanket statements never "agree" with me... placing blame on the entire generation of baby boomers...for one example...is more than absurd... many of us bb's never took the download and so many young ppl gave their lives for the fight for a better moral society # equal rights
Survival of the fittest ?n Well that one we could use cause who are the fittest ? Those who have little to nothing and manage to survive. Provide them with small resources and they'll work miracles !
It seems almost impossible that the greatest generation gave birth to the worst generation. I am part of the worst generation and we all will see that too late.
We were kept blind and we've let them do it. It was carefully planned long ago, within compartments, so that little had a complete overview. That is what dark and secret forces do. But now that we begin to see, we can make the difference that will do them fall in their own trap.
Boycot digital currency. Shop at mom and pop shops. Boycot the big corporate wack jobs. Theres too many of us. There will be more poor than the rich and with technology it will provide us awareness to watch them not care. Revolution will be lethal. And it won't be us that rebels. The rich will not advocate for us.
we need to respect each other even if you dont like we all stuck here in the same storm some have boat some are drowning so be the best captain you can be
The problem is not that we can’t solve the problems, but that those with power don’t want to solve them.
That's right, and the power is with the crowd. But they don't care, only complaints.
@@richardnoordhoff4288 There is a saying that "The masses are brainless" and it is true, that is the reason why it is always the elites who control power.
A further question is what maks them powerful over the rest of us?
I think disintermediation in the ownership of wealth, knowledge and information media sources should continue.
The more of us getting off the propaganda machines and getting in touch with our spiritual essence the more resilent we will be to overcome.
Full disclosure - my Christian faith is like opium to get me through tough times such we now have.
Actually they create them.....
What does it really take for change to happen how many times has some new president on politician says they will make change ? Are we doomed to our nature.
Love how the video said that us humans are full of love and empathy, but always look for new ways to destroy and kill people. I strongly disagree. Government wants to destroy and kill people. The common man just want's to live in peace, regardless of politics and personal wealth.
100% correct. Ordinary people just want to be left alone to work, study, have a family,a house,a holiday and enough to eat and warmth. They are not greedy like pigs at a trough unlike the 1%.
Don’t insult the intelligent animal that is the pig, they are worse than pigs maybe parasite is a better word and no I am not a vegetarian 😂
You've clearly never witnessed people at stores when there is a natural disaster or pandemic.
A very simplistic idea for you given what’s going on in the world. It only serves to make you feel better about yourself.
@rogerthornhill1491 Feel better about myself because I don't thrive on hurting other's? Yeah, okay bub
Great to see this being reuploaded. Haven’t seen this on RUclips since 2017
Thank God for the internet. How would we have learnt about this. We all knew that we were being screwed over but we just didn't know how. Now we know.
@@Ahmiseysoh75 the Internet is a part of the problem.
Bible says so also .
That was very interesting. Seeing Max Kaiser before he swallowed the orange pill being ready for it. Loved the insights into taxation - I have been having a big problem with the current system - it is punitive. I used to march for the local Occupy Wall Street with "banks got bailed out, we got sold out". This documentary helped me flesh out some of my own observations. Classical economics - that is apparently what I need to study.
It is part of all societies that man must choose between God or Mammon. The poor generally have chosen God, the rich and powerful chose Mammon. Capitalists are not religious people
Because they created the religion jeez y'all when will you wake up ? I know I know but it's true
Religion is from the poor because their world is intolerable, money is the religion of the rich. You know nothing.
Many poor love money too. The depravity is widespread. The only Way to Life is Jesus Christ.
@@fennek5351Haven't you been listening, they created Jesus too.
I think all are religious...re=again...ligare=to bind...we all bind ourselves to something or somebody somehow...the rulers are bound to anti-Christ...the most self-serving and unloving existence possible. Existence=outside experience...ex-peri-ence='outside-around-knowing'. The real question is...outside of WHAT?
What is IT that we are outside around knowing about/from?
Our greatest gift is the ability to think and imagine
18:30 - If banks create money out of nothing, and loan it on interest (usury), then it appears the only thing that gives it value is the threat of force and violence being enacted and legitamised by the state against people, the citizens, ultimately reducing and then destroying living standards.
as a Boomer, I 100% disagree, we were never part of that elitism, we struggled, like the young do these days, stop blaming us for everything, only the ruling class were responsible
We Boomers were lucky in that our productive lives coincided with mostly boom (!) times in the economy, whereas recent generations have had things like covid and the GFC messing them up. I had finished college about the time fiat started so the wealth disparity and asset price explosion was not yet so great.
You failed at your DUTY! That's ok gen X will clean this up.
I blame boomers... anyone that studies history accurately does
@@hologramhouse729 the tip of the iceberg...money is the root of all evil
You would have done the same if you were born then. Victim mentality.
One man's debt is another man's asset.
Brilliant quote. I hope you don’t mind but this is going on a t-shirt. Thank you!!
@@poohdacitta69 Renter here, I agree. If there was enough work available this wouldn't be so much of a problem, but unfortunately there isn't. 0-hour contracts make it impossible to have 2 jobs, and as to being 'self employed'... most people who claim to be 'self employed' (especially 'working from home') are scammers.
"Greed is good" - The character "Gordon Gekko" from the movie "Wall St" - 1987
Every forest can be traced back to the first tree and every tree began as a seed.
Yes, I heard that, and several other lines from WOLF OF WALL STREET run through my head. Too!
@katherinehunter9526 No it's not from 'Wolf of Wall st' , it's from a far ealier movie called just 'Wall St' from 1987. -
Wolf of Wall St was 2013
Oh, okay, thanks!
I always love acquiring more knowledge!
I think the synchronicity about this term popping up 3 times in the past week very interesting!
I was watching an old episode of Gilligan's Island last week where someone was impersonating Thurston Howl, the 111 back on the mainland.
The breaking news was that "the Wolf of Wall Street" Thurston Howl had been found or rescued!
Thurston hears the new on their transistor radio and turns to Lovey and the camera to say, " There's only one Wolf of Wall Street, and that's Me!"
Anyway, I thought I hadn't ever heard the term used before the film. I was thinking it came from originally.
Anyway, thank you again.
I appreciate you adding to my awareness about this term and more of its history!
Except the clones
If you chart the growth in billionaires alongside the downturn in the rest of the global economy there is a direct and obvious correlation.
There are several easy ways to combat this fact.
Especially hard times for people are huge opportunities for the big thieves (a virus,a war)
This Platform is the first to Win a Song 🎵 this Year!
* Throughly derserved. -
This is hell. We all died during covid and this is hell. Even the animals are suffering.
I'm thriving along with the animals. Only if you fell for the convid bs and actually listened 😂
We died in 2012 Mayans
@Rsysas 🤣
@ShaunB-hd1fi I almost died! Got covid again and was hospitalized. Got it in Oct 2023 and was ready to make out a will and trust. I'm waiting for SSDI because I don't want to die just going to work. I was a RN in Washington state. If it wasn't for my parents still being alive I'd be dead or in my van.
Covid BS? What the hell? Are you 12?
It un-alived my kitty
2011, it was a great documentary then too.
And as you noticed, it's TWICE as bad now, in 2024.
Debt is at a level that makes the 2008 Crash, look like a snack.
Game Over.
Yes, but I want an up to date one addressing AI, Elon, and Trump now!
@@katherinehunter9526 please
Raytheon, Lockheed Martin Gruenberg the list goes on
Great work, thank you.
I don't think I will be the same again after this enlightenment.
There is an age old code that dealt with debt bondage,It's known as the Hammurabi code of debt forgiveness they recognised that debt could cause the collapse of states .
Perhaps if we stopped invading other countries, brought our jobs back home, cared about things that actually mattered , instead of silly distractions, learned new skills, raised our children well, worked on our marriages,and lived within our means, then maybe we could just enjoy peace and prosperity and have happy lives, and enjoy our families and friends. Man, what a radical concept. Maybe we should try that.
I couldn’t agree more. I have said something similar for decades. It is nice to see others just as pragmatic. This doesn’t mean ignoring the issues at hand but it is about applying common sense solutions to improve the future for our children and their children and forward. Thanks for sharing.
Humans are so fearful of death, despite being born to die, embrace your death and engage in your journey pitiful are those who believe in the material?
Lana Del Rey said it best! "Born to die"...she also said it best when it came to Kamala Harris "F'ed her way to the top". Pitiful Ppl, sad really. I 🙏 for us all.
@@SapphireJewels24 That's not what I heard about Harris's career path...................................................
@@socialmeaslesinpartnership1252 And you believe everything you hear? Mass formation psychosis is a REAL THING.
Yes sir only knowing your death as in that you know you will one day have to leave this world at any time any given moment any where .. death is my best friend my counselor my hunter but she gives me an luxurious essence of being
@@socialmeaslesinpartnership1252but she did so who you listening to because she was bought and paid for ask Willy Brown how much he paid to have his side chick elected and how she paid him and others back her vote her ruling her cookie shewwww.
Awesome eye opening documentary.
Jeckyll Island?
The solution is closer than you think.
The people should take matters into their own hands and represent themselves and their interests. Put the people in power, and the money will follow power.
United we stand, divided we fall
@TheAstonisher1 Good thing Americans just elected that fascist moron. The one that tried to overthrow the US government. America will not recover from his stupidity.
How? They have a massive tech-advantage over us unlike the revolutionary war.(which by the way was also a debt-scheme which impoverished the budding nation to rich elite power broker bankers). It's a very old story...'we gotta get outta this place...if it's the last thing we ever do!'🤪
Exactly as already written in that forbidden 2000 years-old book... so that infamous last chapter prophetised for centuries... is now here exactly as written centuries ago...
Now do your best with it !
Good thing God said, “let there be light”. Everything else is just stuff.
This is fascinating and horrifying at the same time
Extraordinary thank you
100% correct.
What I get from this brilliant programme is this...5% of human beings are the shepherd, 99.5% are the sheep. Sad but true. And I don't see it ever changing....if not by education then by force...if you can't win your debate by reason, then by force...
Five percent of human beings are the wolves.
@@E.Houghton Shepard-wolves🐺
Yes, it was Disco. That was the start .
All Experience has shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable - than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
Then how will we stand in that day when the weight of doing right is heavier than the weight of doing evil?
Root-hog-or-die! This is a pitiful existence anyway...gotta be better scenes elsewhere!👍🏼
Excellent explanation! It's astonishing how many people, including economics graduates, don't truly understand the concepts of communism or modern-day capitalism. They often praise their country for being a "capitalist society" without fully grasping the actual system in place. This lack of understanding makes it difficult for them to recognize the nuances or critically question the structures that shape their lives. 1971 - NIXON - GOLD STANDARD
Maybe Luigi Mangione has the answer..........
Denial was what killed it. The signs were already there but they ignored it instead of finding ways to make a correction.
Time for Revolution
Good luck 🤞
Fantastic and truthful tube ❤️👍.
The Guttenberg Press ⚒️
It's not capitalism. It's exploitism.
Good job. Sad really sad.
Brilliant and informative ❤
All seven deadly sins can be deadly.
I have this on dvd
Damn...whoever brought this one together spells out exactly how I have felt about all this over the last ;I would have to say 40 plus years...I didn't seem logical what was clearly happening so it was very hard to face what level of dispicable behavior we were clearly at.
pretty much
The world wide web:
A grave mistake.Any mindset that believes in a need for an empire of any sort.
It's an ancient pattern...the psychopathic gods (elohim=the powerful ones) in the Bible were the ones who manipulated and enslaved us way way back...monkey see...monkey do! God must love a good drama!🎭🤪
Take from the rich and don't feel bad about it.
they have bunkers and guards...good idea...not so easy. Truyth, Justice, Liberty!
It only gets ugly from here, you will witness.
What was the net worth of every speaker in this production? I hear all as critical rent seekers hoping to seize the means of production in its relevant domain.
The further down on the economic food chain a group of ppl are...the more they are punished and the more percentage points they are behind the manufactured economic 8 ball.... the american dream has been like a rug pulled out from under the 99% ... it's become if you're not a criminal... you're a loser
The dream was always a nightmare...we just didn't know! 2 gens had it pretty ok but no more for us!
Surely it's long past time we ventured forth to pioneer and explore what is within? The final frontier?
No. That is where the source of our problem lies.
@@fennek5351 how so?
And along came BRICS.😊
professor of linguistics, Noam Chomski "Gonna".
With the mind f☆☆king rise in the ridiculous notion of a flat earth, we can obviously see how so many just accepted the forced idea of forever growth.It was very confusing to me in elementary school why the question by the student was not encouraged by much of the faculty.
could I interest you in a flat moon?😝
Economics Seeks to be a science, Science is supposed to be Objective and it is difficult to be scientific when the subject matter, the participants in the economic process, lacks objectivity.
Divide and conquer
Then let the chips fall...They have their stack hidden away...too bad for everyone else.
predatory capitalism which is unrestricted capitalism
It's what happens with dependency. Stake your claim or play the game.
It’s not dependency on government and we don’t have cost to buy in and stake a claim. We are more social media than a society. It’s more what happens when a governments representatives have been hijacked by banks & corporations. The puppeteers deregulate and make the legal system benefit their position. Not the population. Their hero Ronald Reagan said “government isn’t the solution to our problem government IS the problem” - and we have a big problem!
The worst part for me is it's too late. Every part of the planet is explored. We can't enter the pioneer phase again. We have nowhere to go. 😮
I'm talking about LAND. Please tell me about a piece of LAND that WE as common folk can create a NEW, DEMOCRACY, w/o CORRUPTION? You and me - not rich people.
except within
Correct the best place to be ,inner peace is bliss
It’s not true! Africa needs pioneers. New ideas, there are so many problems to solve.
@stevelichtwark4259 I have 2 daughters though. Inner peace is hard to obtain when worry trumps my thoughts.
That is simply not true, INNER SPACE, that's limitless so for instance the movie Ready Player One and that's just one example!
1:13:06 I wouldn't drink that. or you'll wake up in baby oil.
Free Market Capitalism ... is insanity.
Communism is a FAILED system.
Banks make money by lending? For that lending , tangible money has to be in banks vaults and it not only flows from private sectors but print mint factories
fractional reserve
Banks are supposed to have $ or an asset of = tangible value of a loan amount . They don't . Since Clinton de-regulated the banks , the banks make their on rules . 2 of which are fractional reserve ( 10 % of deposits must be in their bank ) and fractional lending , ( in which banks can loan 9x of initial deposit amounts .) So , of your $ 1000 deposit , $100 remains in the bank and $9000 can be loaned at interest . If You or I did this , we would be facing lengthy prison sentences . Gold and silver has been the ONLY real money for over 6000 years
@@gregwinter-rg5whinformation is power currency vaulted collateral each person has an estimated value
But is it now science and A.I. or banking and bankers we should fear????
There will come a time that the unbanked will be banked .....❤ Bretton Woods 2.0 all ❤on blockchain a level playing field...if you're surge....yes Ripple with the token XRP can solve this .
🤔 as if the empire was ever good
What do you think Reaganism is?
You cant reform Catapultism Man.
Order from chaos
I came on here to see a documentary on the band...could at least chosen a different title
Wtf, I mean I love the band. But you prolly need to see this shit brodie
Beware YT has attacked this do cu men tary with ads every other 2 - 3 mi nutz.
✡️ 🧪
You need Brave browser.
Pay for RUclips premium, and you won't get a single ad 😅.
@@MH-iq6eo Brave browser is free
five stars
I think my comments are blocked.
You know all the speakers in this film seem intelligent but everyone of them lack a certain history lesson that has repeated over and over again. Where did you get great empires only last 250 there about? So there was some kind of history research to determine such a number so I know you are capable of looking into history and in that history what is common amongst all these empires that are so short lived? It is the bad expression no one will say out loud, its called Corporatism which is a thing and is defined but never used. All these bankers, economists, wall street and Governing bodies are part of corporatism which has been around since the Roman empire, the Indian empire, the French Empire, the British Empire and today the US empire and do not lie and say it hasn't. What is the Corporate model and where did it come from? Is it a natural state or a made up synthetic model? Does the corporate model devourer nature? Its seems no one wants to admit the real source of this problem thus its persistence in the world today. My complete understanding of life comes from nature so artifacts that destroy it in an attempt to control nature simply do not fit in my vocabulary. The corrupt model of the Corporate entity can truly shine the light on our total ignorance of it. Look at all the products of today, they suck, they dont last very long and now are so expensive very few can even afford them? All of these came from resources and none of these enormous corporations have compensated the rest of us for the taking. Yet all the resources were given to us all as a gift to experience life as a human being upon this planet which resides in a universe. It seems as it did in the beginning this corporate model starts out small and then blossoms into total corruption, why is that? Is it possible it does not fit within nature itself? Corporatism defined shares this idea of Corporatists and politicians colluding with one another against the people or I will say it out loud against nature which every human BEing is part of. So in fact these Humans creating this false construct called the corporate model deny their own part in humanity which in fact goes directly against nature. The corporate model is the lie, the crime and the manifested examples of today with its greedy corporatists believing they are above the rest of humanity because by being rich one is above the rest. Yet the truth is nothing could be further from the truth. The corporate model from everything I could find is the illness or disease destroying our planet as well humanity by its very falseness. The money scheme was created by who? The corporatists possibly? If there were Corporatists in Rome did they invent the money laundering scheme? History certainly points to this but many who call themselves capitalists will deny its existence. The Corporate entity is a lie because it is made up in the minds of men, I know I created one to see for myself. In the corporate world if you follow the script to a T you become this idea and all the sudden humanity no longer exists because you have entered the realm that you are above what you were actually born into, the survival of the fittest which is an idea you are more than other human beings. That my friends is totally made up and does not fit into natures model period. Every Corporate entity defies nature in its entirety which in essence is defying ones self from that which it is part of regardless of thinking. The corporate model which all governments now seem to be part of go against nature which is the people for which it is supposed to represent, yet they flat out do not represent the people, they represent themselves as some viable force in the universe but most are filled with the most incompetent non productive humans, I wonder why? Look at patent laws, what a joke and this has literally held back humanity from expanding itself to its full potential by limitation imposed upon others to make things even better. This was all done based upon the corporate model of lies. Its amazing that the UCC is the bible of doing business for all corporate entities yet few even know this. Its time to strep up and end this falseness, be done with the corporate model, be done with the false entity and expose where real creativity comes from. Land ownership is also another lie, This earth was given to ALL who participate here but again the Corporate model imposed its poor practices upon the people selling an idea that does not serve the people of earth and here we are with housing prices very few can afford, unless of course you are willing to sign papers you cannot even afford and I know I did that too just so I could see for myself. We can all sit here and keep denying this truth and keep repeating the false sense of security but te next empire will rise and then fall. Authority has the same false idea attached whereby some are above others and this crime is simply that a crime against humanity. Time to awaken and be HONEST with one another and stop all the fabrications of what life is really not. Boy I cant even wait to talk about sustainability but I will another time.
👏👏👏Well said
Excellent documentary. However how can you continuously talk about Neo-classical economics and not mention once the dominant economics taught for the last 100 years in every university Keynesian economics, the real cause of all of these problems. And not mention the only economics that offers a real solution Austrian economics?
Keyns economics while taught is not what’s been emphasized in economics schools and policy making circles for the last 70 years, when Keynes theories were the order of the day, we had a much more harmonious and egalitarian society. The new deal, it’s what allowed us to prosper and become the empire we are, that and exploiting the third world. It the economic counterrevolution of the Chicago school, and neoliberal policy that’s completely set free the forces of capitalism to completely dominate every human need and interaction with next to no safety net that has made the contradictions of capitalism become so stark and clear. But be it keyensian or otherwise capitalism is capitalism and will always have the same result, we must move past this old outdated, decaying system before it destroys the entire planet. Destroy capitalism or it destroys us. Super simple
@@treyr6169The Murdoch cultist have been so heavily indoctrinated, to the point of religiously believing what hacks and pundits invent over provable, evidence based information. In fact, the more evidence you present the more they suspect you of trying to manipulate them. Only information that supports the lies they've swallowed is accepted. Everything else they consider manufactured with the malicious intent of deception. "Its impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows"
Milton Freedman and his lies will destroy our communities and these morons with zero comprehension will attempt to blame liberals because they cannot conceive of ever being wrong. Try showing these people the evidence that earth isn't flat and you'll see what I mean. These people have incorporated the lies Murdoch manufactures as articles of faith and no amount of factual evidence can Dr dissuade their destructive crusade because it's a belief they hold not an understanding.
Edward Bernays
we're doomed.😎
Years later... Nothing has changed. Are we too lazy? Has comfort in 9-5 M-F lifestyle overwhelmed us all to keep running around n around. Knowing we have to deal with a stick just to chase a carrot.. Run like a cartoon off the ledge Huh!?! 😔 How can we change without it being worse cure than cause
Digital currency is America’s biggest threat.
The world's don't you mean ?
The federal reserve has nothing to do with the federal government. It's the most dangerous private business in the USA.
It pumps out cash with one reason. To get every American into lifelong debt slavery.
Neoclassical or neoliberal?
First off to fix the problem you have to blame the right people the housing market was due to Carter who said ownership of housing is a right and thus caused the housing Buble by putting in laws that forced the banks to give loans to those who couldn't afford it or they would lose their banking licence, it was the democrats that brought about the increase in management bonuses that brought about the 500 to 1 disparity between workers and management when they capt the pay of expects wages and thus the business that hired these CEO's compensated the management with stick options this expanding the wealth gap. We don't have capitalism now we have cronyism which showed it head in the 2008 banking crisis let the banks go under all the loans they have go to zero and the owners of the houses that have the loans now own their homes outright. GM closes down and because the market have to still supply cars the other car makers buy up the GM manufacturing car plants and hire back the workers
Just regular old greed and corruption!😵💫
They are all wrong and stuck in antiquated practices. Technology is not being factored in. New "business" is set to be mostly automated and no profession is safe. There will be no opportunities to earn money from the usual labor paradigm. Which is GREAT!!! Most work is dehumanizing and menial. How can you expect a manufacturing job (the base of consumer production) to exist with an automated factory, 3-D printers, drone and driverless delivery, and with bots as sales staff? Essentially, Capitalism as we know it has to go. All of this is the Banksters resisting the change from the technology that they have been benefitting from financially for decades. Even CEOs will be replaced by programs........KARMA is a B*&(^%
Capitalism with rules that are enforced is ok. The rules have been gutted and those that are remaining are not enforced. Too many moneyed interests. The usual suspects
@@carinarilk89 Yeah, they aren't rolling out the tech to give us a good life...they are doing it to give them a good life...we factor out of the picture!
Blanket statements never "agree" with me... placing blame on the entire generation of baby boomers...for one example...is more than absurd... many of us bb's never took the download and so many young ppl gave their lives for the fight for a better moral society # equal rights
Survival of the fittest ?n Well that one we could use cause who are the fittest ? Those who have little to nothing and manage to survive. Provide them with small resources and they'll work miracles !
Rollerball 1975
It seems almost impossible that the greatest generation gave birth to the worst generation. I am part of the worst generation and we all will see that too late.
We were kept blind and we've let them do it. It was carefully planned long ago, within compartments, so that little had a complete overview. That is what dark and secret forces do. But now that we begin to see, we can make the difference that will do them fall in their own trap.
Boycot digital currency. Shop at mom and pop shops. Boycot the big corporate wack jobs.
Theres too many of us. There will be more poor than the rich and with technology it will provide us awareness to watch them not care.
Revolution will be lethal. And it won't be us that rebels. The rich will not advocate for us.
The greatest gen wasn't all that great but it's what we got!
democracy? 😂 by definition there are much more st-pid people than intelligent ones...everyone one equal vote is a good idea? 😂
Most humans on horses are woman...
nice try
terrorist complotist its all words to discalify and threat some1 after all we all human...
we need to respect each other even if you dont like we all stuck here in the same storm some have boat some are drowning so be the best captain you can be
... huh?...
The four horsemen are the 4 seasons
Tabloid FUD
!(: Bingo Card Checklist ;)!
You are all soooo curptute