Did Moses Exist?

  • Опубликовано: 11 июл 2024
  • The other two videos in #ProjectHistoricity are:
    Did Jesus Exist?
    • Did Jesus Exist?
    Did Muhammad Exist?
    • Did Muhammad Exist? | ...
    Narration: Matt Baker
    Audio Editing: Jack Rackam
    / @jackrackam
    Voice of Sargon of Akkad: Hikma History
    / @hikmahistory
    Intro Animation: Syawish Rehman
    / @almuqaddimahyt
    Intro music: "Lord of the Land" by Kevin MacLeod
    Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.

Комментарии • 8 тыс.

  • @junglebyte
    @junglebyte 2 года назад +3583

    So, technically, Moses is the first man to download files from the cloud using a tablet.

  • @mrbeep8096
    @mrbeep8096 3 года назад +1272

    Poor bloke at the beginning. Imagine being king then passing away just for your body to be discovered hundreds of years later under a parking lot.

    • @worldwatcher5787
      @worldwatcher5787 3 года назад +24

      Boss the clairvoyant told me that in the future there going to build a parking lot where you want to be buried. So hell no bury me somewhere else.

    • @adlibitum2139
      @adlibitum2139 3 года назад +86

      TF dude, you can't refer to Richard III as "poor bloke"... he is one of the most (in)famous kings in English history and one of Shakespeare's most famous plays is named after him

    • @mrbeep8096
      @mrbeep8096 3 года назад +18

      @@adlibitum2139 I don't know anything about this king and of the play.

    • @tnickknight
      @tnickknight 3 года назад +19

      I don't think he cares

    • @saxoncodex9736
      @saxoncodex9736 3 года назад +14

      @@mrbeep8096 lolz. Well don't spread your ignorance too widely, some might make the right conclusions:-))

  • @fcruz43215
    @fcruz43215 Год назад +313

    This was well done! I studied the Bible as literature at university back in the day. We touched on several of these themes. Looking forward to the other portions.

    • @davidlafleche1142
      @davidlafleche1142 Год назад +4

      @Tommy Yes, Moses did exist. No, God is not a "she."

    • @itskeagan3004
      @itskeagan3004 Год назад

      @Tommy you should stick to original scripture and stop listening to man made religion.

    • @itskeagan3004
      @itskeagan3004 Год назад

      @Tommy fascinating that she chose you, I hope she’s there when you stand before Jesus to confirm her identity to you.

    • @theidleguy9041
      @theidleguy9041 Год назад

      @Tommy what about half of the world population who is Buddhist and Hindu, who don't believe anything related to Bible and Quran. Why do they still survive in large numbers and are prosperous also?
      Why she had to hide her gender? If the so called followers of Abraham's religion are so good, why can't they accept the female supreme goddess, while most of the pagans don't have any problem accepting a female goddess?

    • @bluwng
      @bluwng Год назад +8

      It’s hard to prove the existence of anyone in ancient history, goes to show we really don’t know even a quarter of what we think we know.

  • @lrx001
    @lrx001 2 года назад +432

    As a historian I love the way you explain the historical method and the way you went through it throughoughly. I love this series! Also as a Muslim, I appreciate how open-minded you and other commentators are!

    • @Vlugazoide
      @Vlugazoide Год назад +25

      Yeah, the idea that "it's not archaeologically clear, but it can be true and those who believe it aren't idiots" it's quite beautiful

    • @stephenmarlowe3907
      @stephenmarlowe3907 Год назад +8

      Do we take the warnings of the Gospel, the New Testament, seriously? The Savior warned us: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). The apostle Peter gave this testimony: “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). However, we have many names for Christ: Jesus, Iesus, Iesous, Yeshua, Isa, and not to mention the pronunciation “Hey-zeus.” So is the name based on God’s revelation or on the linguistics of mankind? Therefore, which one is the revealed name from Heaven? Halleluyah is universally known throughout the world, and yet few seem to know what it actually means. Hallelu, means Praise, and YAH is the name which is above every name, and this name means “I AM.” Halleluyah means “Praise YAH.” YAH means “I AM” in Hebrew. YAH is found in Strong’s Dictionary of Bible Words # 3050. Where did the name YAH originally come from? Moses asked God for His name: “Then Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?” And God said to Moses, (“HAYAH ASHAR HAYAH) “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM {YAH} has sent me to you.’ Moreover God said to Moses, ‘Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations’” (Exodus 3:13-15). Praise YAH, Halleluyah!
      According to the prophets “YAH” is the only name of salvation for us: “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation” (Isaiah 12:2 NKJV), and Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name Yah, and rejoice before Him” (Psalm 68:4 NKJV). “I, even I, am the Lord {YAH}, and besides Me there is no savior” (Isaiah 43:11). Christ tells us that He is YAH, when He said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM {YAH}” (John 8:58). Christ is I AM, that is YAH. Therefore the angel came to Joseph and said, “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name YAHSHUA, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). Joseph was given a command to name Him YAHSHUA!
      The apostle Paul on the road to Damascus, to persecute Christians, was confronted by a bright light, and the Savior told him in Hebrew, “I am YAHSHUA...” (Acts 26:13-15). The apostle Paul heard the name which is above every name {YAH}, for he writes, “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of YAHSHUA every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that YAHSHUA the Messiah is LORD, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-11) All languages are to know this one revealed name “YAHSHUA” from the LORD. What happens if one rejects the revealed name YAHSHUA, the one name given under heaven by which we must be saved? Answer: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:16-18). The name Jesus has only existed in its present form since the 17th century. Reject the revealed name YAHSHUA, the one name by which we must be saved, and stand before the Judgment Throne condemned according to the Gospel, the New Testament. In YAHSHUA’S Name, Amen. Many Christian religious leaders are not representing the New Testament in Spirit and Truth. They are not teaching the truth about the Savior’s true name YAHSHUA. Christ said in Matthew 7:21-23, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” We must follow the revelation of the LORD! Another warning to the religious leaders: “And now, O priests, this commandment is for you. If you will not hear, and if you will not take it to heart, to give glory to My name,” Says the Lord of hosts, “I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have cursed them already, because you do not take it to heart” (Malachi 2:1-2). There is only one name given under heaven by which we must be saved, behold the name of salvation, YAHSHUA! Halleluyah, Praise YAH, Praise YAHSHUA! Take it to heart!

    • @amychan811
      @amychan811 Год назад +1

      ​@@stephenmarlowe3907but the narrow gate sounds like currents life it is harsh and difficult

    • @ralphcaluag2403
      @ralphcaluag2403 Год назад

      @@amychan811 "In this life you shall have trials and tribulations... But take heart, I have overcomed the world"
      I know it's difficult and a lot of Christians still use the Latin Vulgate translation of the Messiah's name (Jesus or Ieosus). But the name (Ha-Shem) of God (YHWH: often spoken as Yahweh [Yah-wey] or Yahowah [Yah-o-wuh: where Jehovah came from]). Yod-Shem-Uau/Vav-Ayin (YSUA) is the Hebrew name of the Messiah (Aramaic-accent: Yeshua, Hebrew/Jewish accent: Yahshua). The name means Yah-Saves or Yah-is Salvation (similar to Yahoshua/Joshua, Hosea/Hoshea or Yashayah/Isaiah).
      I cannot condemn nor judge the people who still uses the Latin Vulgate version since I'm merely human who could be mistaken. Nor I could say that God is not forgiving (or loving) enough to see that his Creation is struggling to know that longed for His Parental Majesty [longed to go home to Him]. But I prefer the Aramaic or Hebrew version of the name because it still has the spirit of Theophoric wisdom [speaking God's name].
      Note: Many titles/names had been given to God through out history.
      Ha-Shem (The Name/The Presence)
      Adonai (LORD)
      Elohim (Maker/Creator/God)
      Ein Sof (Eternity/Without End/Immortal One/Athanatos)
      YHWH (Tetragrammaton: Yahweh/Yahowah[Jehovah])
      Adonai Melech (Lord of Lords/Lord of Host)
      Melech Ha-Olam (King of Universe)
      Elohim Gibor (Almighty God/God of Armies/God of Strength)
      El-Shaddai/Shaddai El-Chai (Almighty Living God)
      Elohim Ha-Aretz (God of the Earth/World)
      Adonai Eloheinu (LORD, our God)
      Ruach Haqodesh (The Holy/Set-Apart Spirit)
      There are 72 Names but I can't say it all (according to some books of Judeo-Christian history and/or records).
      Allah is Arabic for God which can be based from Allahim (Elohim).

    • @amychan811
      @amychan811 Год назад +3

      @@ralphcaluag2403 emm sounds like someone that is very devoted to religion is babbling nonsense to me again

  • @muixzdicky3255
    @muixzdicky3255 3 года назад +2561

    I like that everyone is open minded here, they can discussed about Religious topic without being harsh on each other. Thanks man

    • @allahblessrussiaandchinaan3719
      @allahblessrussiaandchinaan3719 3 года назад +31

      Yes, Moses did exist and my channel proves it

    • @tnickknight
      @tnickknight 3 года назад +27

      Ye, because religious people are violent

    • @hollidizzlemusic6946
      @hollidizzlemusic6946 3 года назад +134

      @@allahblessrussiaandchinaan3719 i don't think anybody asked actually 🤷‍♂️

    • @sshaikh8104
      @sshaikh8104 3 года назад +23

      Yep and also not disrespected to each others religion we all love our religion

    • @bellamckinnon8655
      @bellamckinnon8655 3 года назад +3

      @@andrewfrankovic6821 what

  • @DiggyGrams
    @DiggyGrams 3 года назад +2079

    Kind of unrelated, but Matt you should do a collaboration on the various flood narratives of the Middle East. It would be cool to see how they all match up and what differs and see if we can even pinpoint when they were written. Otherwise than that great video!

    • @DreaOnzagle
      @DreaOnzagle 3 года назад +45

      Ooh, this would be super cool!

    • @MrRebelSniper
      @MrRebelSniper 3 года назад +9


    • @sagaramskp
      @sagaramskp 3 года назад +72

      Yeah..nice. also in Hindu mythology it's mentioned as Manu and his flood. Also in Gilgamesh epic of ancient Babylonia

    • @cajunboy67
      @cajunboy67 3 года назад +28

      Irving Finkel has done some great research on this as well, if you search for some of his videos. The original ark was actually a giant circular basket!

    • @BillGreenAZ
      @BillGreenAZ 3 года назад +29

      @@sagaramskp I used to work with an Orthodox Jew and a Hindu. They would tell each other about their respective histories. Some of the history of both groups is similar.

  • @christianealshut1123
    @christianealshut1123 Год назад +25

    I think what you also have to take into account is that, as Northrop Frye wrote, every historical text is not just "about" the time it depicts, but just as much "about" the time in which it was written, and the Bible would benefit a lot from being viewed in the same light. I think this is actually where the "truth" of the Bible lies, not necessarily in the question as to whether a person named Moses actually existed. I have heard somewhere that most of the Pentateuch (Five Books of Moses) was written at the time that the Israelites were in diaspora in Babylon; they had thus a vested interest in depicting a past for themselves which affirmed them as a united people, as well as their claim for the Holy Land. They lived as strangers in a strange land and they wanted out of it, they wanted an exodus, and what better way to affirm this than by depicting another exodus in their past, namely the one from Egypt, not to mention that the Bible as a whole is full of Exoduses as it is. And it is only conceivable that they would be inspired by the legends from the country they were living in just at that time, and adapting them to their own needs. The Five Books of Moses were in all likelihood written down by priests or scholars, and they would have had access to such material.

    • @MrChiangching
      @MrChiangching 2 месяца назад

      Except the Jews never lived in Egypt.

  • @alexnovak2669
    @alexnovak2669 2 года назад +96

    Finding Richard the third under a parking lot is one of the coolest archeological discoveries ever.

    • @Emacee1701
      @Emacee1701 10 месяцев назад +5

      He said, "My kingdom for a horse." So I guess it's appropriate he was laid close to the horse's successor.

    • @leahsimmons530
      @leahsimmons530 9 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@Emacee1701the real King Richard never said that, don't forget that Shakespeare was never an historian (he never claimed to be actually) so people should not think that the plays he's done about real people is true history.

    • @Mute_Nostril_Agony
      @Mute_Nostril_Agony 8 месяцев назад

      Leicester is a city, Dude. As in Leicester City Football Club

    • @leahsimmons530
      @leahsimmons530 8 месяцев назад

      @@Mute_Nostril_Agony I replied to another person, you idiot. I am very aware that Richard was found under a car park in Leicester. I may of been 7, but I still remember the news. I was replying to the comment that said a Shakespeare quote about Richard. The person's @ is even in my comment. Your comprehension skills are shocking, mate. Learn to read, darling.

    • @exaucemayunga22
      @exaucemayunga22 4 месяца назад

      How did they even come to the conclusion that it was him?

  • @Dear_Mr._Isaiah_Deringer
    @Dear_Mr._Isaiah_Deringer 3 года назад +1280

    2 Minutes in and i just learned that Richard the third untill recently rested underneath a parking lot. History is sometimes so close.

    • @KateHistoryMysteries
      @KateHistoryMysteries 3 года назад +74

      It used to be the church courtyard. Historians were more surprised that he was intact not he was there at all...

    • @CasualSunGod42
      @CasualSunGod42 3 года назад +89

      According to my sources, which I read and understood completely and correctly, Richard's body was right underneath an R sign (for reserved parking).

    • @danilapolesciuk4316
      @danilapolesciuk4316 3 года назад +50

      @@CasualSunGod42 and his name is Richard so that's a weird coincidence

    • @ScrappingDiva
      @ScrappingDiva 3 года назад +72

      We were there when they discovered it. Just a block away.

    • @n0nchalanc3
      @n0nchalanc3 3 года назад +7

      The lecture by Turi King on the Royal Institute's YT page is a great watch if you're interested in how they found him and then verified that the skeleton found was Richard III

  • @Nazoto
    @Nazoto 3 года назад +1592

    This channel: "Nowadays, history falls very clearly into the category of non-fiction..."
    History channel: A L I E N S 👽

    • @christinegreene1986
      @christinegreene1986 3 года назад +39

      😆 it's always 👽

    • @PetouKan
      @PetouKan 3 года назад +6


    • @mdw3148
      @mdw3148 3 года назад +7

      Correct and scientifically proven to reduce wrinkles.

    • @tinikiv2885
      @tinikiv2885 3 года назад +8

      There ar no aliens its all a big elusion

    • @Achill101
      @Achill101 3 года назад +17

      History Channel wants to earn money. If telling the truth helps them earning money, they will so so. If speculating helps them...

  • @bluwng
    @bluwng Год назад +31

    Your videos are eye openers it gives a good respect for historians and historical science

    • @vibecheck3572
      @vibecheck3572 Год назад

      It’s not history, it’s just anti Christian propaganda

    • @bluwng
      @bluwng Год назад

      @@vibecheck3572 how so?

  • @Ed-hz2um
    @Ed-hz2um Год назад +50

    An excellent presentation, complete with much research. You are able, in all your videos, to present such historical findings in a way that does not threaten anyone's particular beliefs. Well done!

    • @BornAnAtheist666
      @BornAnAtheist666 6 месяцев назад

      The magical mythical book of superstitious ignorance, the bible is no more a historical book than Harry Potter.
      Basically a book of supernatural, superstitious bullshit with fictional characters.
      Where did you get your education, a "Christian" university? A school where wearing knee boots to because of all the bullshit?

  • @kigas24
    @kigas24 3 года назад +576

    "Applying the Historical Method" would make a great series!

    • @guilhermespindler5145
      @guilhermespindler5145 3 года назад +2

      Great idea.

    • @4200Shields
      @4200Shields 3 года назад +1

      Yes please!

    • @ThoriberoCaroli
      @ThoriberoCaroli 3 года назад +11

      In Sweden (and I believe the germans does it to) just call it "källkritik" (source critizism) and apply it not just to historical sources, but to news papers, tv, social media and information in general.
      So the concept is definitly somehting worth expanding on in another video.

    • @ThoriberoCaroli
      @ThoriberoCaroli 3 года назад +2

      @@superm530 I'm unsure of the term on english, but I believe that would be called a historical perspecive or meta-theory.
      And those there are many of.
      *A* historical method (as opposed to *the* Historical Method, which frankly is a confusing name) on the other hand is simply a method of studying history, like text-analysis, discourse-analysis, statistical analysis and others, which are also used more than in the field of history.

    • @aceimus5319
      @aceimus5319 3 года назад

      @@ThoriberoCaroli does that mean there are no fake news in Sweden? no history revisionism, no propaganda? Sounds like Utopia to me.

  • @torumakalig5692
    @torumakalig5692 3 года назад +924

    This colab idea was a match made in heaven.... literally

    • @theparadigm8149
      @theparadigm8149 3 года назад +9

      Hmmmm... 🤨 I see what you did there...

    • @hwgwrestling9203
      @hwgwrestling9203 3 года назад +13

      Is it going to reset the universe

    • @bosbanon3452
      @bosbanon3452 3 года назад +3

      In the lauh al mahfuz

    • @aceimus5319
      @aceimus5319 3 года назад

      @@hwgwrestling9203 will the resetting of the universe reset my life as well?

    • @simonkaggwanjala
      @simonkaggwanjala 3 года назад +4

      Mohammed is buried in Madinah. This was ignored in the beginning of the video.

  • @mabiniss2
    @mabiniss2 6 месяцев назад +24

    Sometimes without rigourous archelogical evidence, it's difficult to ascertain whether people from that far back actually existed at all because so much written works have long since been lost or destroyed and all that is left is oral history and written accounts from centuries later. It's basically like playing a 1000 year old game of telephone, eventually what the final receiver ends up hearing will be vastly different than what was originally conveyed. It's for the same reason that Homer's existence (the author of the Illiad) has also come into question.

  • @adriennegormley9358
    @adriennegormley9358 Год назад +173

    It's kewl that you brought up that all the prominent Levite names (including Moses) were Egyptian names. I learned years ago that Moses' name was, considering how close it is to the names of pharaohs Ahmose and Rameses (Hellenized version of the Egyptian name), but I hadn't realized the other Levites had Egyptian names.
    I"ve also heard it proposed that if the Red Sea crossing did happen, it wasn't at the deepest or widest part tha tmost people think, but at one of the narrow arms, such as the "Sea of Reeds", which is a lot narrower, as well as closer to the Canaanite lands and modern-day Israel. Since that is all part of the same tectonic rift system as the East African Rift and even the Jordan Valley, some fringe groups speculates that there was some sort of earthquake at the time and the parting was actually caused by the withdrawing of waters in anticipation of a subsequent tsunami. It's all fun to speculate on, but then, I do write science fiction and fantasy :-) One of the fringe speculators I read about tied it to the eruption of Thera that destroyed the Minoan civilization.

    • @projectreracccty4764
      @projectreracccty4764 Год назад +2

      Atlantis has nothing to do with Thera and you know it. The Richat Structure would be a better suggestion since it does lie outside the Strait of Gibraltar. According to legend King Atlas the son of Poseidon was King of Mauretania, and the Richat Structure lies within what was ancient Mauretania. Atlas was also the King of the Atlantean empire. The Atlas Mountains derives its name from the King called Atlas.

    • @projectreracccty4764
      @projectreracccty4764 Год назад +4

      Wind setdown can easily explain the parting of the Red Sea. Wind setdown is a drop in water level caused by wind stress acting on the surface of a body of water for an extended period of time. As the wind blows, the water recedes from the upwind shore and exposes terrain that was formerly underwater.

    • @michaelsmith9453
      @michaelsmith9453 Год назад

      Please check out "Patterns of Evidence" an award winning documentary that shows that be archeologists and "scholars" are ignoring all the evidence by looking in a different time period. Also see "Red Sea Crossing" on RUclips.

    • @TheStellarmanCo.
      @TheStellarmanCo. Год назад +1

      Ahmose and Ramesis are Greek interpretations of the "KMT" names and the Greeks didn't arrive until 332 bce as conquer colonizing invaders
      For instance Rameses is a misnomer his name was "Wsr Maat Ra Stp n Ra" (Harmonious Power of Ra, Chosen by Ra)
      And Ahmose is actually "Iah ms" (born of the moon)
      Pharaoh is another misnomer no ine was called a Pharaoh, they were called "Nwst Bity" ruler's of Upper and lower KMT

    • @harveywinkerbean1193
      @harveywinkerbean1193 9 месяцев назад +1

      While it is plausible that some Levites may have had Egyptian names or names of Egyptian origin, the available evidence is extremely limited, and the precise naming practices of the Levites during their time in Egypt (including slavery) remain uncertain.

  • @glenn-younger
    @glenn-younger 2 года назад +789

    "You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were once strangers in the land of Egypt." Now THAT'S a lesson to revisit in these modern times. Thank you for sharing this video with us.

    • @multifandom203
      @multifandom203 2 года назад +76

      Yup, talking about Israel and Palestine 😢 the irony

    • @livingtoaster1358
      @livingtoaster1358 2 года назад +29

      Actually not just that if you actually read the laws from God they are actually really progressive especially at that time, like God forbid sex slaves, which is common practice back then to have them, also he talks about Asylums, where if someone killed another person by accident and they had no evil in their heart aka if they committed manslaughter, he is to go to another city where he shall not be harmed at all and the elders shall investigate and when they conclude it was manslaughter he is allowed to go back and his neighbors shall not judge him

    • @maple22moose44
      @maple22moose44 2 года назад +7

      @@livingtoaster1358 there is also the whole thing about hire if you have a hebrew slave then you have to give the choice to leave after their first seven years, if they say yes to leaving, they are exiled from the town, if they say no, then you keep them forever. sooo progressive right!

    • @livingtoaster1358
      @livingtoaster1358 2 года назад +17

      @@maple22moose44 that's not true, first if they decide to leave after 7 years, they're not exiled nowhere does it say that at all, second they can choose to stay with the master after 7 years, if and only if they love the master, third again in those days at least they gave the option to the slave to go free, also slave in the bible most likely meant indentured servitude, as often they referred to slaves as "neighbors who work to pay off something" or to get out of poverty, and it is voluntary, which again, is pretty progressive at the time, so yes, I stand by the statement it's progressive

    • @vbs1992
      @vbs1992 2 года назад +21

      @@livingtoaster1358 those rules are for Hebrew slaves. Slaves from other places were property
      “Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.”

  • @fakhribintang
    @fakhribintang 3 года назад +684

    It’s awesome to see such a passionate community of academic religious historians on RUclips, thanks for the really interesting videos! These videos have gotten me really interested in a topic I had no prior interest in! Wish my discipline of earth science had a similar thing to get a wider community interested

    • @hannahstahl1857
      @hannahstahl1857 3 года назад +3

      Which kind of earth science do you particularly look at? If you are more into geology then finding and cracking open rocks would definitely be a good start. Or looking at genetic makeup in the earth

    • @FathurRahman-os9pi
      @FathurRahman-os9pi 3 года назад


    • @DreaOnzagle
      @DreaOnzagle 3 года назад +7

      Not an entire channel, but I know PBS' Eons will usually mention things of an earth science-y bent in their videos! It's great stuff.

    • @briangarcia7384
      @briangarcia7384 3 года назад +3

      You should check out atlas pro, he occasionally does videos on subjects in that category.

    • @vannah12222
      @vannah12222 3 года назад +5

      @@DreaOnzagle haha just came from there! Was watching their "The Pandemic That Lasted 15 millon Years" episode. Sorry, just got excited when you mentioned them!(:

  • @joshwondra9821
    @joshwondra9821 Год назад +39

    I thought I’d bring this up, since it wasn’t mentioned in the video and it’s one of my favorite fun little theories. It doesn’t comment at all on whether Moses was a real guy, but if you wanted to say that the basic plot points of the exodus story are based on real events, I think it’s the best way to try to date them.
    1.) the battle of Kadesh is nowhere in the Torah. The single biggest battle in human history to that point, between Egypt and the Hittites, which turned them from rivals into trading partners, and there’s not a word. So if you want to have people faffing about in Sinai missing important events, that’s when you’d have them do it. It’s inconceivable that anybody living in Egypt wouldn’t have noticed such a transformative event, and since the battle physically occurred IN Canaan, they would have noticed it there as well.
    2.) that’s also roughly when the transition of power between the Hyksos rulers and the 18th dynasty occurred. So if you wanted to have a guy be in tight with the Pharaoh as a youth, leave, and return as an adult to find a new pharaoh who hates him, that’s ALSO a good point to set that.

    • @christianealshut1123
      @christianealshut1123 Год назад +7

      Isn't there at least one instance where the Israelites are actually mentioned in Egypt? Kadesh, that was Ramesses II., right? If I remember it right, the Stele of Mernepthah (the son and successor of Ramesses II.) mentions about that Pharaoh being involved in a war with a group of people called the "Hapiru", which some historians have interpreted as a reference to the Hebrews? But this would mean that even the name of that nation would be Egyptian in origin...
      The Hyksos angle might actually be right, because the story of the Israelites in Egypt begins with Joseph, who brought his family (brothers, representing the tribes of Israel) to Egypt because of the famine, and it ends with Moses, from the tribe of Levi, leading the Israelites out. While the maker of the video links the Exodus to the end of the Hyksos period, I also happen to remember once seeing a feature which linked the story of Joseph, who rose from a slave to Vizier to the Pharaoh, to the Hyksos as well. So the grain of truth might lie there somewhere... But perhaps crafting the story of the Exodus and the character of Moses also reflects a more general historical truth - the fact that Egypt and its religion and legends were an important influence on the religion that later became Judaism, and on the text that mater became the Bible. Throughout the Bible are strewn references that Egypt was an important influence:
      1. Abraham and Sarah flee there and the Pharaoh covets Sarah, with the conflict that ensues, and leads to Abraham and Sarah fleeing from there
      2. Sarah's handmaid Hagar, whom Sarah gives to Abraham as a surrogate mother and who later gives birth to Ishmael, is an Egyptian (and I think I did hear somewhere that Hagar may even have been an Egyptian princess), and God tells her she will become mother of a great nation through her son just as Sarah will through hers
      3. Joseph is sold into slavery in Egypt, and rises to be the second most powerful man in the country, and he marries in Egyptian woman, Asenath, the daughter of a priest
      4. Israelites living in bondage in Egypt when a Pharaoh comes to power who "does not know anything about Joseph" (which might indicate a new dynasty and major social changes within the state), Pharaoh refusing to let the children of Israel go, the Ten Plagues, the Exodus, and isn't there even a tradition (not in the Bible, but in another source) hat even Moses' foster mother the Egyptian Princess goes with them and later marries an Israelite (which is why she is named Bithiah, "Daughter of God", the name Batya still being a popular Jewish female name today)
      5. Even in the New Testament, Mary and Joseph go with Jesus to Egypt to escape persecution in their homeland
      All of this points to Egypt being the second most important influence on the stories we are told in the Bible - next to the Sumerian culture perhaps, because a lot of what's in the Bible is actually gleaned from Sumerian legends in the widest sense, being given a distinct Jewish twist. This is probably due to this being the area in which the people who later became the Israelites predominantly lived. And a lot of what's in the Bible can be interpreted as the efforts of those people to define themselves as a distinct religious and cultural identity against the peoples and ethnicities surrounding them - predominantly by stating that all of these peoples prayed to the "wrong" Gods mainly for the reasons that they still prayed to multiple deities instead of just to one God.

    • @skylershuman7705
      @skylershuman7705 7 месяцев назад +3

      Your timeline isn't quite accurate to my understanding. The Battle of Kadesh occurs well after most people believe Exodus occurred (half a century at least). The transition of the Hyksos to the 18th dynasty occurs several centuries before Exodus is believed to occur.

    • @joshwondra9821
      @joshwondra9821 7 месяцев назад

      @@skylershuman7705 when are you putting it?

    • @br.m
      @br.m 7 месяцев назад +2

      There was a video I saw about archeology. I seem to remember it mentioning some ancient writing. It mentioned the group of people who have been living in the wilderness for generations. It seemed to be referring to Moses and the Hebrews.
      Though I can't be sure my memory is accurate, nor where I heard this from.

    • @Unknown-jt1jo
      @Unknown-jt1jo 6 месяцев назад +3

      The Bible is extremely light on details of Egyptian chronology in general. Very few Egyptian events are mentioned--at least of the events that can be cross-referenced with other historical sources. I don't think the omission of Kadesh necessarily means anything.
      If anything, your second point is more relevant, in that the Bible doesn't mention the Hyksos takeover of Egypt, either. That's arguably a much bigger event than a single inconclusive battle. But then, the Bible doesn't mention the destruction of the Hittite Empire (one of the great powers of the region) in the 12th century BCE... or any other number of events from that era.
      The Bible does mention the construction of the city of "Ramses," which is probably a reference to Pi-Ramses, which existed between the 13th and 11th centuries BCE. So at least it does appear to preserve some legitimate memories from that era (at least if you accept the identification of Pi-Ramses as such).

  • @xmariner
    @xmariner 8 месяцев назад +29

    I have been blessed from my youth, along with being exposed to scholarly studies such as your series, to be exposed to the different philosophical and theological concepts.
    Your formula for sorting through complicated information is fair and refreshing. I enjoy every video of yours I've watched.

  • @LetsTalkReligion
    @LetsTalkReligion 3 года назад +169

    This video turned out so good! Love your incredibly thourough explanation of the historical method.
    I'm very glad to have been part of this collboration. Thank you!

    • @torumakalig5692
      @torumakalig5692 3 года назад +6

      Excellent colab idea by you three. It’s always iconic when a RUclips community does joint projects like this.

    • @ytweirdgameryt6907
      @ytweirdgameryt6907 2 года назад


  • @zinedinezethro9157
    @zinedinezethro9157 3 года назад +983

    Moses talking to God through bushes is literally his training arc

    • @JL-1123
      @JL-1123 3 года назад +67

      We're gonna need a montage....

    • @Bemark100
      @Bemark100 3 года назад +36

      Moses was,talking to Jesus face to face. OT Then he appeared with Jesus on the mount of transfiguration NT or Moses died speaking to God face to face. Think batman think . He spoke to the resurrected Jesus Christ who transported him into the future. Out side of our time is.........it is.. .He is the past present and future. Someone is going to get this. No one can see the face of God and live.....lol so whom is he talking to face to face? Jesus .All things was made through him and for him. ,I want in on this game of thrones...I want to be a part of this. He was. And he is and will always be.

    • @proculusjulius7035
      @proculusjulius7035 2 года назад +44

      @@Bemark100......... a figment of Christianity's fiction narrative.
      There, I fixed the latter part of your comment. You're welcome.

    • @Bemark100
      @Bemark100 2 года назад +52

      @@proculusjulius7035 I get you . Until he comes around us , we are blind . I understand where you are. I pray that the father of lights shine upon you. His face turns towards you. It’s a blessing from me to you.

    • @scharb
      @scharb 2 года назад +4

      As the sages said, the miracle of the Burning Bush was not that the bush was undamaged by the fire, but that Moses watched it long enough to notice.

  • @somniumisdreaming
    @somniumisdreaming 2 года назад +18

    Wonderfully done and the ending was perfection. An amazing piece of work, thank you.

  • @brockjazz8838
    @brockjazz8838 4 месяца назад +3

    Well- done video! I appreciate your analysis and promoting the main lesson of the story of Moses

  • @jaquubjummah7538
    @jaquubjummah7538 3 года назад +911

    This channel is more educative than the entire education system in my country

    • @letsburn00
      @letsburn00 3 года назад +41

      A video asking if a major figure in certain religions was real or just mythical? I can imagine why they'd want to avoid the topic.

    • @jaquubjummah7538
      @jaquubjummah7538 3 года назад +17

      @@letsburn00 very very true my friend

    • @unturbe
      @unturbe 3 года назад +22

      Are you talking about the U.S. educational system?😅

    • @anirudhani9245
      @anirudhani9245 3 года назад +2

      Ohh! Are you from India ?

    • @rattydime_
      @rattydime_ 3 года назад +4

      ​@@letsburn00 pretty sure they were referring to the whole channel but ok

  • @shadowsnake94
    @shadowsnake94 3 года назад +329

    the story of Moses gave us The Prince of Egypt and that's all that counts

    • @Normal_Boii
      @Normal_Boii 3 года назад +42

      That film was amazing

    • @cajunboy67
      @cajunboy67 3 года назад +15

      Also, the Charlton Heston version of The Ten Commandments, which I grew up watching every year. So it really rocked my world as an adult when I realized on my own that the story of Moses and the exodus was more legend than reality.

    • @97epicman
      @97epicman 3 года назад +3

      @@cajunboy67 That's crazy to me. Where are you from?

    • @folio2068
      @folio2068 3 года назад +4

      + the amazing soundtrack

    • @alexdale8705
      @alexdale8705 3 года назад

      Oh damn I remember that movie as well, i was forced to watch it in my christian day school

  • @valleyscharping
    @valleyscharping 6 месяцев назад +4

    You cannot say argue from silence in the category of archeology, stating as you did that there was merely no evidence, and then say that the archeological evidence "contradicts the biblical account." I think there is more evidence than many are willing to accept for the exodus, but even assuming your statements are true, the most you can say is that the archeological evidence does not currently support the biblical account.

  • @moses1202
    @moses1202 Год назад +38

    It’s weird that people keep arguing about if I ever existed 😂

    • @wadegaviota6629
      @wadegaviota6629 Год назад

      Because Christians keep swearing that it happened word for word lol

  • @arad4852
    @arad4852 3 года назад +518

    This is probably hardest to find out among the three. Good luck 😂

    • @jonathonjubb6626
      @jonathonjubb6626 3 года назад +8

      I disagree. They are all a piece of cake.. not even close.

    • @o-o2399
      @o-o2399 3 года назад +9

      I wonder when the normal royal family trees will come back ?

    • @jonathonjubb6626
      @jonathonjubb6626 3 года назад +8

      @@o-o2399 but they are so boring compared to these...

    • @eddylewis9297
      @eddylewis9297 3 года назад +37

      Yeah Moses is like the oldest

    • @blankcarrot3826
      @blankcarrot3826 3 года назад +1

      @@jonathonjubb6626 wdym

  • @thorpeaaron1110
    @thorpeaaron1110 3 года назад +57

    Useful Charts can you do Who would be King of Romania today?

    • @blankcarrot3826
      @blankcarrot3826 3 года назад +4

      Check the Canada video and you’ll get your answer

    • @cgt3704
      @cgt3704 3 года назад +4

      Its pretty easy actually. Margareta, daughter of the late king, is the best candidate. Not just because she has a better claim but because she is more popular (to give you an idea of her popularity she gained the title of the most influential woman in Romania 4 times since 2016)

    • @cgt3704
      @cgt3704 3 года назад

      @@docd2295 well there is the lsat option. Nicholas, The king's grandson, has been excluded from the line of succesion. And the guy, Paul, is from a legitimate line, and also hes condemned by the court of justice.

    • @blankcarrot3826
      @blankcarrot3826 3 года назад

      @@ILoveKimPossibleAlot ?

    • @gigixxii2228
      @gigixxii2228 3 года назад

      Viktor Orbán would be

  • @roderuna7750
    @roderuna7750 Год назад +5

    "And mention Moses in the Book; surely he was one of the purified, and he was a messenger, a prophet” (Quran - 19:51)

    • @albertlondres4455
      @albertlondres4455 Год назад

      @@danbeech4241 but more real than moses 🤣🤣🤣

  • @rodschmidt8952
    @rodschmidt8952 7 месяцев назад +1

    What IS the main lesson from his story?

  • @anniekallen4472
    @anniekallen4472 3 года назад +179

    "If we come across a text that clearly uses literary tropes that were common at the time, we need to consider whether or not the details in that text should be considered in a literal or in a figurative way." Wait... Are you telling me that Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is fiction??

    • @stephengibson4823
      @stephengibson4823 3 года назад +11

      Annie Kallen There was a battle of Gettysburg so Vampire Hunter MUST be real. Which means because there is a Red Sea Moses MUST have parted it. There is a Bethlehem so........You see where this is going ? lol

  • @108asf
    @108asf 3 года назад +215

    Last time i was this early, the main point was far more important than the details.

    • @UsefulCharts
      @UsefulCharts  3 года назад +40


    • @osamaanees8406
      @osamaanees8406 3 года назад +2

      nice one

    • @ghartman56
      @ghartman56 3 года назад +3

      @Heberth R. "Lie" implies deceit. The culture of that time did not expect details to be historical because they didn't care about that, so they would not have considered it a lie. Even today, we wouldn't expect every detail of certain mediums to be historically factual. For instance, even in the closest biographical films, there's no expectation that every word the actor/actress says or every piece of clothing they wear is something the historical figure actually said or wore.

    • @ghartman56
      @ghartman56 3 года назад +8

      @Heberth R. I'm not refuting the Bible. Just stating that not every part of the Bible is meant to be historically accurate. Literally the first two chapters of Genesis (two different accounts of creation) factually contradict each other. One states humans were created before all other animals, and the other states humans were created after all other animals. Neither is a lie because God's point was religious truth and the religious truths and meanings behind them align perfectly. The historical accuracy or lack thereof wasn't the point. God's truth extends beyond that. You can have a nuanced understanding of the Bible that doesn't deny God or deny history.

    • @ghartman56
      @ghartman56 3 года назад +1

      @Heberth R. I read it a few times and don't understand it, but no worries. Have a good one.

  • @anare3050
    @anare3050 Год назад +13

    Matt, I agree with your conclusions. However, could the length of time it takes for Moses, Jesus and Mohammed to appear in ‘outside’ written materials have something to do with how common writing was with a general increase in literacy as time goes on?

  • @benabaxter
    @benabaxter 8 месяцев назад +3

    5:53 There is no such thing as an account without bias! Bias is just perspective. Why would the third party write it down? Never for a neutral reason, because the only neutral action is the absence of action---inaction.

  • @christianthememedealer6341
    @christianthememedealer6341 3 года назад +14

    1:21 Omg i cant believe you named my city ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ.

  • @tolgahanbozkurt401
    @tolgahanbozkurt401 2 года назад +83

    We know baby Sargon's river adventure because it's written in A Neo-Assyrian text from the 7th century BC.
    There were 3 Sargons in the history: 1 Akkad, 1 old assyrian, 1 neo assyrian (722-705 BC)

    • @kamitecnative3286
      @kamitecnative3286 2 года назад +2

      All them bible characters are taken from history

    • @ky3532
      @ky3532 2 года назад +21

      @@kamitecnative3286 all these Abrahimic books were possibly based on some actual source but the fiction and mythologies around it were added later.

    • @amychan811
      @amychan811 2 года назад +1

      And there is also one Sargon that is about some girl with reptile tail I think it is from arknight 😂

    • @ahad1609
      @ahad1609 2 года назад +3

      @@kamitecnative3286 Islam says all people had prophets and the storiws are not new

    • @bryces9951
      @bryces9951 2 года назад +5

      To me just the fact that almost all stories in the bible are just repurposed older stories completely discredits the whole thing as being literal fact. Well that and the magic and miraculous birth and coming back to life and pretty much all of it.

  • @mattdebathe
    @mattdebathe Год назад +17

    Great content! - although were there not actually massive migrations of peoples around the eastern Mediterranean during the Bronze Age Collapse? - around the tail end of the timeframe you’ve given for when Moses could’ve lived.

    • @kaptaink1959
      @kaptaink1959 Год назад +6

      and the Torah does not say the every Jew went to Judah. There is evidence of Jews in Crete around the time of exodus.

    • @williamrenz3141
      @williamrenz3141 Год назад +8

      Even Jewish archeologists, who had every reason to want to prove that the book of Exodus was nonfiction, admitted that there was no evidence to corroborate any of it.

    • @Unknown-jt1jo
      @Unknown-jt1jo 6 месяцев назад

      @@kaptaink1959 Really? What's that evidence? Seems rather doubtful, considering that Judaism isn't attested prior to the 12th century BCE, whereas the Exodus is considered to have occurred (if indeed it occurred) around the 13th century BCE.

  • @matthewrousseau2982
    @matthewrousseau2982 7 месяцев назад

    I wish you'd do some documentary on the second temple period

  • @TheBigRedskull
    @TheBigRedskull 3 года назад +146

    Who else is here before the comment section goes crazy?

  • @kingshelomah7083
    @kingshelomah7083 3 года назад +50

    Bro. Three videos in one? I’m truly blessed today.

  • @nohandler1493
    @nohandler1493 Месяц назад +1

    Why anyone needs a biblical statement to understand not to do wrong with strangers. Why only strangers, one should not do wrong with known people as well.
    More complete statement would be
    One should not do wrong or oppress a fellow human being.

  • @mikeor-
    @mikeor- 4 месяца назад +2

    You should do a video on whether or not Abraham existed. Since Abraham was the first Jew, it would mean that without him, there would be no monotheistic religions.

  • @o-o2399
    @o-o2399 3 года назад +80

    It's going to be a holy war in the comments.

  • @AlMuqaddimahYT
    @AlMuqaddimahYT 3 года назад +76

    Of course Moses existed. He looked a lot like Christian Bale.

    • @haha-lj5sq
      @haha-lj5sq 3 года назад

      Love your stuff!

    • @isaiahrowe8367
      @isaiahrowe8367 3 года назад +1

      That movie has some of the most inaccurate portrayals and casting

    • @yaseenmiah7987
      @yaseenmiah7987 3 года назад +5

      @@isaiahrowe8367 trust me it shows him as europian but in history he was of a dark skin colour 🤣🤣🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

    • @Xerxes2005
      @Xerxes2005 3 года назад +7

      Heresy! Everyone knows he looked like Charlton Heston...

    • @cgt3704
      @cgt3704 3 года назад

      I am Moses

  • @iswitchedsidesforthiscat
    @iswitchedsidesforthiscat 7 месяцев назад

    Can u cite so I can read them

  • @johnnesbit2371
    @johnnesbit2371 Год назад +3

    Was "Homer" inspired by the Torah exemplars? Or was it the reverse inspiration? (future topic for this or some other channel?). [[OH! My own 2-bits worth from a year ago. I would opine now that "Homer" might not have made it to the Land of the Israelites. Of course, I'm not sure, although IF the Torah is seen to have been suffering in the Fiery Furnace of Hellenism, perhaps there is some Homeric influence somewhere in it or perhaps the reverse influence--- in either case I would simply mean some poetic, literary hints of one to the other. Most poignantly, The one might be a mirror of comparison for the other. ]]

  • @AdamRHemmings
    @AdamRHemmings 3 года назад +81

    Thank you for such a thoughtful and balanced analysis. In terms of historicity, it is undoubtedly clear that the Five Books (and the Hebrew Bible more broadly) likely incorporate multiple sources, some ancient and others not so. However, there is a trend in much of the new scholarship surrounding the Exodus-Wilderness Narrative (see in particular the work of Benjamin J. Noonan, and your mention of Friedman's work on Levite names) that introduces detailed linguistic analysis into the equation.
    By focusing on Egyptian (or other) loanwords in the Hebrew text and then comparing these with known attestations across the different chronological language phases (for example, words that are attested in Middle Egyptian, but cease to be attested or undergo significant change by the time we reach Late Egyptian), it is possible to tease out when these words were loaned from one language into another, meaning that at the very least certain phases are datable to earlier periods than previously assumed. There is also the broader idea that texts composed in an Egyptian context would likely contain more Egyptian loanwords (which is indeed the case with Exodus and the Wilderness Narrative), whereas books with later context would show little or no such loanwords (such as the Book of Esther and its preponderance of Old Iranian loanwords). Slowly, scholars are peeling back the layers to reveal those sections that are datable to the stated period in question - a most fascinating endeavour indeed.
    Thank you again for your video. It is sure to get people thinking deeply.

  • @tkayube
    @tkayube 3 года назад +187

    This reminds me of the college professor who wanted to teach a course on comic books and convinced the dean by having him recount the origin stories of Moses and Superman.

    • @charlesurdy-barnes413
      @charlesurdy-barnes413 2 года назад +18

      As the creators of Superman were Jewish. It is said that they said themselves that Superman was given an origin likened to Moses and more Jewish ideas. The one I like most is Superman's them of Truth and justice

    • @boshirahmed
      @boshirahmed 2 года назад +9

      @@charlesurdy-barnes413 sargon of akkad had the same birth story.. Its a common theme around the world.

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent 2 года назад +2

      You must mean the invisible man with super powers who lives in a big cotton candy land in the sky.

    • @victorm152
      @victorm152 2 года назад +1

      That was Michael Uslan...he went on to become the producer of every theatrically released Batman movie.

    • @indonesiaamerica7050
      @indonesiaamerica7050 2 года назад

      @@charlesurdy-barnes413 Superman, as a character, comes from Nietzsche's Ubermensch. That's a theory based on the idea that Darwin was correct about the ascent of man.

  • @masterxgt
    @masterxgt 7 месяцев назад +3

    Suggestion: You should look into the evidence of the exodus story from the perspective of the Israelites wandering in what is the ancient Sinai desert. It is never mentioned that the Sinai desert was a peninsula, that was renamed later by the Romans. There is evidence, however, that the Israelites wandered in the Sinai desert that is now modern Saudi Arabia. A lot of evidence, from inscriptions to alters and more. Looking for signs of the Israelite encampments in the peninsula is like looking for fish in the dead sea. You're not going to find any. The most likely place of the sea crossing being "Nuweibaa". It's a large beach and the only place that has a gentle slope descending and ascending on the other side. They may have traveled through the peninsula, but at that point they were on the run, so they did not settle in a place long enough to leave evidence.

  • @PierreVeniot
    @PierreVeniot Год назад

    What do you think about Shlomo Sand Books? Have you read it?

    • @PierreVeniot
      @PierreVeniot Год назад

      Ahknaton was erased from Egyptian religion because of his monontheistic religion... Maybe Jews where Egyptians that had to flew out of Egypt due to their monotheistic views...

  • @sparklingbluestars
    @sparklingbluestars 3 года назад +49

    That conclusion was amazing and not what i was expecting! Great job, I've been learning a lot from your channel.

    • @sepehrariaei8123
      @sepehrariaei8123 2 года назад

      Did you expect someone open the Niel river with his wand?

    • @timewave02012
      @timewave02012 Год назад

      Jews are too intelligent to take their scripture literally.

  • @benrollins1
    @benrollins1 3 года назад +128

    These videos on biblical historicity are so well done! Thank you, Matt!!
    I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian, the Bible is wholly historical and inerrant world. I basically got painfully ousted from such gatherings by raising these kinds of questions about the Text, realizing the genre in which Scripture is written is often more mythic, than historical. And yet still full of meaning and spiritual insight. So these videos are deeply meaningful and precious to me! Such a blessing!

  • @Theslavedrivers
    @Theslavedrivers 6 месяцев назад +1

    Is there a good book out there, which deals with those 'other sources', mentioned in the video?

  • @claytondennis8034
    @claytondennis8034 11 месяцев назад +1

    Honest question... wasn't the account of Josephus written less than 63 years from the death of Jesus? Josephus said he was there for the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, about 40 years after the crucifixion?

    • @fred7883
      @fred7883 11 месяцев назад

      Josephus's writing has been proven to be later inserts, we do not have the originals from Josephus and the way he speaks about Jesus reads worse than if you just skip the throwaway sentence he does about James being the son of god.

  • @eliperetz8159
    @eliperetz8159 3 года назад +86

    Beautiful analysis of the story of Exodus. As an orthodox man who believes the meaning of the Torah is far more valuable than using it as a form of historical text I think you did a formidable job. Love from Israel.

    • @gj1234567899999
      @gj1234567899999 2 года назад +9

      Here is why I believe Moses was a real figure: why would the Israelites make their origin story that they were slaves and give their hero and savior an Egyptian name: Moses. As you pointed out, Moses is not an Israelite name. From the point of view of the Israelites it’s one of those strange but true stories.

    • @eliperetz8159
      @eliperetz8159 2 года назад +6

      @@gj1234567899999 i believe it's HaShem's way of reminding us as he did with Jethro and King David that he will pick people from all walks of life and often with flawed characters etc. To do His work because anyone is capable of good and advancing His will.

    • @boshirahmed
      @boshirahmed 2 года назад +4

      @@gj1234567899999 same reason that jesus christ was a carpenter.. It magnifies the heroism..

    •  2 года назад

      @Mike Zielinski what is your evidence

    • @alejandromagnobarrasa9244
      @alejandromagnobarrasa9244 2 года назад +1

      Yeah without the historical significance it is meaningless. Your orthodox and living in Israel? The hatred for your people is widespread even in your own land that you have not been swallowed by your enemies and utterly destroyed from the face of the earth is a Testament to the God Of Our Father Abraham. Or do you doubt his existence also? God who is promised is more than sufficiently able to fulfill what He says, or do you think that the spiritual aspects of the religion are more important than His actual existence also? It’s alright I’m sure When Jacob revealed himself as Israel to His family they doubted also or When Abraham said God appeared to Him and changed His name with a promise to give him a son in a year. They considered him mad for cutting all the males in his camp in their foreskin of their private member. God removed all doubt when He opened Sarah’s womb. I pray he removes all doubt as He opens your mind also, but more importantly your heart

  • @TahaWasiq
    @TahaWasiq 3 года назад +12

    Thanks for being generous enough to present this very honest and up to date academic approach, on RUclips. We really needed these Videos since a long time.

  • @petrifiedpops
    @petrifiedpops Год назад +5

    It's a wee bit more complicated. Sargon is well attested as he is widely considered to be the first emperor of an empire. The text mentioned, however, was from the 7th century BCE and not contemporary with his reign. The date of the Torah has not been established, but is likely later. The academic word used is "myth" which is a romanticized story built on a factual event. The flood of Noah may fall into the same category. A flood such as we are seeing in places like Ft. Myers and Australia, and actual felling in a boat with family and a few animals, etc. Exaggerated to make a point, but not wholly fiction. I do this all the time with stories of our family and they are thoroughly enjoyed.

  • @kingfisher-u8q
    @kingfisher-u8q 4 месяца назад

    Thanks ! Interesting and important!

  • @NasirKhan-je6fi
    @NasirKhan-je6fi 3 года назад +2

    Was very exited have checked the channel 10+times today

  • @roscoeholcomb4979
    @roscoeholcomb4979 3 года назад +23

    Very, very well done. I appreciate the detailed explanations.

  • @SlightlySusan
    @SlightlySusan 5 месяцев назад

    Some of the new discoveries in Egypt in the era of the building of the earliest pyramids made me wonder whether the builders were native Egyptians or slaves or, even, trainees in Egypt to learn stone cutting and building. The 40 years of wandering in the desert could have represented people traveling from Hebrew territories to Egypt and then returning to their homeland to make room for the next group of "interns."

  • @beautybearswitness
    @beautybearswitness 11 месяцев назад +3

    Do we have these criteria fulfilled when applied to other persons we consider ‘historical’
    from the same time period? How many?
    I am just wondering if it is appropriate to set such a high standard for the Bronze Age.
    For later periods, there is no doubt.
    Thank you for the video!

    • @UsefulCharts
      @UsefulCharts  11 месяцев назад +7

      Yes. We do have the criteria for many bronze age figures - mostly Pharaohs and Kings but there are hundreds of people from the bronze age that can be said, without a doubt, to have existed.

      @TIFFANYDlAS 11 месяцев назад +1

      While it’s harder to establish whether or not someone existed from millennia ago, it’s possible. And they absolutely change the criteria for what is considered “true” that being said if there isn’t anything corroborating someone’s existence we can’t say definitively. While that’s a hard thing to accept, it’s the truth.

  • @whtbobwntsbobget
    @whtbobwntsbobget 3 года назад +195

    I remember when they found Richard IIIrd. That was mind blowing

    • @Chynaaaaaa
      @Chynaaaaaa 3 года назад +3

      who’s that?

    • @mnomadvfx
      @mnomadvfx 3 года назад +22

      @@Chynaaaaaa The guy that Shakespeare made into a hunchbacked monster to please the royalty and aristocracy of the era.
      A horse, a horse!
      My kingdom for a horse!

    • @mnomadvfx
      @mnomadvfx 3 года назад +24

      @@Chynaaaaaa He was the king that Henry VII (Henry Tudor) defeated to become king of England and begin the Tudor dynasty of English kings and queens.
      His niece Elizabeth of York later married Henry VII unifying the Lancastrian and York royal bloodlines and ending the so called 'War of the Roses'.
      Elizabeth of York and Henry VII were the parents of Henry VIII of England, the much more famous king known for his six wives, their various ends and the breaking of England from the Catholic church required to achieve his first divorce.

    • @thisisnido
      @thisisnido 2 года назад +25

      Richard III is sufficiant, you don't need "rd".

    • @tatata1543
      @tatata1543 2 года назад +5

      Look at the photo of his skeleton, that is one seriously deformed spine.

  • @ozgurozhan192
    @ozgurozhan192 2 года назад +52

    I remember reading that "the vocabulary and the rhetoric used in Torah adresses a fact that it might have been written by multiple persons in different ages". Thus as an author of Torah Moses identity is mysterious as well. Thanks for the video. Very brief and plain summary. Tesekkurler.

    • @SignsBehindScience
      @SignsBehindScience 2 года назад +1

      That's because Torah and Bible are corrupted and edited by various people, who omitted, added, and eventually altered the previous scriptures.

    • @radrook2153
      @radrook2153 Год назад +1

      The employment of different scribes could account for different styles. Also, the changes of subject-matter changes a writer's style.

  • @moroccanfuturestrader94
    @moroccanfuturestrader94 7 месяцев назад

    14:00 Osarseph is closer to Joseph not Moses, The pharaoh is propbably Ramses II he drowned and his wizir was named Hamane

  • @r-duppcreatstah8815
    @r-duppcreatstah8815 2 месяца назад +4

    I remember i first watched this video approximately in september 2022, then my english wasn't that good, but still with subtitles i still managed to understanda lot. now, i rewatched this, and i understood all without any subtitles. thanks for great videos on interesting for me topics and inspiring me learning english, even though in that time i did it not on purpose, i just was interested in the video:D

  • @princekrazie
    @princekrazie 3 года назад +126

    The story of Moses is very similar to the Sargon of Akkad... Speaking of which, would you ever do a video about the Sumerian King List?

    • @GigiAbbi-cu9qn
      @GigiAbbi-cu9qn 3 года назад +1

      Difference Sargon was born into royalty when he was born into slave family.

    • @simonpantermuller6997
      @simonpantermuller6997 3 года назад +5

      @@GigiAbbi-cu9qn Sargon wasn't born into royalty, he was raised by some gardener

    • @GigiAbbi-cu9qn
      @GigiAbbi-cu9qn 3 года назад +2

      @@simonpantermuller6997 right but his mother was a queen

    • @GigiAbbi-cu9qn
      @GigiAbbi-cu9qn 3 года назад +2

      @@simonpantermuller6997 it’s exactly the opposite,
      and there’s reasons for it.
      It’s ideological argument with the Babylonians it’s exactly what Judaism is opposing the Babylonian belief system.

    • @GigiAbbi-cu9qn
      @GigiAbbi-cu9qn 3 года назад

      @@simonpantermuller6997 as well as the Jewish laws that are a ideological argument with the Code of Hammurabi

  • @endrawes0
    @endrawes0 3 года назад +95

    How the hell do you lose the remains of a king?!

    • @eyeballpapercut4400
      @eyeballpapercut4400 3 года назад +17

      dark ages man

    • @musAKulture
      @musAKulture 3 года назад +76

      new king hates old king or the king likes to play hide and seek with his buried treasures. also, grave robbers.

    • @eddylewis9297
      @eddylewis9297 3 года назад +16

      Grave robbers

    • @gregorymckinney1574
      @gregorymckinney1574 3 года назад +3

      I know right? I lost my luggage, too!

    • @smorcrux426
      @smorcrux426 3 года назад +4

      @@eyeballpapercut4400 dude that was literally 1000 years after the dark ages

  • @JetADR
    @JetADR 6 месяцев назад

    Archeological evidence of Semitic Sheppards does exist in Avaris in the Nile Delta. This is near The city later called Rameses. It is just earlier than people assume if they rhu k it was Rameses II.

  • @elmothedonklon9154
    @elmothedonklon9154 12 дней назад

    3. Is there any chance that the source is biased?
    Why do the Greeks win on not the Persians in your example? Do you like Greeks more the Persians? Why?

  • @Swoost
    @Swoost 3 года назад +3

    have you ever thought about attaching maps to your posters, like the location of the seats of different family branches that are on a particular tree, etc.

  • @xHTxRaptorF22
    @xHTxRaptorF22 3 года назад +153

    the biggest thing I love about you, other than your passion for history, is the fact that you take a neutral stance to start and are always reasonable (coming from an atheist)

    • @xHTxRaptorF22
      @xHTxRaptorF22 3 года назад +13

      @Typhoid Mary You seem to be accusing others of sin, yet you are bearing false witness against your neighbors. How can you explain that? You claim I am lying through my teeth, yet I made no assertions of fact. You claim I have no concept of sin as a liberal as you break one of the 10 commandments, by bearing false witness. You do not know me, so by implying that you do you are yourself committing hypocrisy. You are only proving the stereotype that most christians have no idea what they believe in and just spout nonsense

    • @networknomad5600
      @networknomad5600 2 года назад +4

      @@tonybodlovic5825 His religious perspective? As far as I've seen, there's nothing on his channel that indicates his faith or bias.

    • @michaelwright2986
      @michaelwright2986 2 года назад +11

      @@networknomad5600 That's not quite accurate. In one video he talks about his conversion from a "Christian" sect to Judaism, and from time to time he remarks that he is a Jew: always properly, giving due notice that he approaches things from a specific point of view. Since no one can avoid having a point of view, this is the most honest way to do things. But I agree, what is refreshing is that as far as possible he presents an account that could be agreed on by sufficiently well informed people of Jewish, Christian, or no religious belief. Thus, he is equally obnoxious to fundamentalists at both ends of the spectrum, and a delight and resource to the rest of us.

    • @jakeg3126
      @jakeg3126 2 года назад +1

      @@xHTxRaptorF22 not sure who the typhoidmary you were talking to was, but I just wanted to let you know that whoever it was deleted her message because you called her out on it

    • @dragonbane44
      @dragonbane44 2 года назад +3

      @@jakeg3126 Even the name Typhoid Mary is blasphemous

  • @ianmatthew5824
    @ianmatthew5824 16 дней назад +1

    Admittedly I haven't touched a bible since Sunday school and have only been watching youtube religeous videos for about a year, but this video seems to confirm the conclusion I have come to, that the bible (like many films) is a book based on a true story.

  • @maganhassan2627
    @maganhassan2627 4 месяца назад +1

    I heard that there is the physical remains of the pheoroh in egypt now considering the islamic tradition that god did peserve his body after he drowned

  • @HistoryandHeadlines
    @HistoryandHeadlines 3 года назад +6

    Don't worry, I'm not planning on anything bad with this comment, but I do wonder sometimes what kind of butterfly effect there'd be had I never existed... Anyway, having also noticed the other two videos in the collab, am fairly convinced the Jesus and Muhammad existed, although, what they were really like is difficulty to know, but Moses is much trickier. I suspect there was probably some kind of historical basis or inspiration at least, but it's one of the mysteries I'd really like to know. Given the progression of Moses - Jesus - Muhammad, it would be interesting to see an expanded version of this collaboration with others such as Adam and Noah. If a channel were willing, maybe an interesting question could be a discussion of whether or not there is historical existence for God? Some others could be some of the figures mentioning in the Book of Mormon: Lehi and Nephi. Maybe even going beyond the Abrahamic religions to include did Buddha and Confucius exist? As well as Laozi and Zoroaster.

    • @samaccardi
      @samaccardi 3 года назад +1

      Dr. Zar in the comments leaving nuggets of wisdom and questions for his students and subscribers. I love it!

    • @HistoryandHeadlines
      @HistoryandHeadlines 3 года назад +2

      @@samaccardi Thanks!

  • @arjanvv8182
    @arjanvv8182 3 года назад +57

    " You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were once strangers in the land of Egypt". This line is very telling when you see the treatment of people from Palestine in Israel and their ongoing problems between the two states.

    • @UsefulCharts
      @UsefulCharts  3 года назад +17

      I agree!

    • @arjanvv8182
      @arjanvv8182 3 года назад +6

      @@UsefulCharts Thanks for the reply, I've been watching your videos for years now. They are very interesting and educative. Keep it up.

      @CASSEMELLO 3 года назад +11

      You're confusing a political state with a religion. Judaism ✡ is THE MOST spiritual religion I have ever learned about. Just because some Israeli defense forces kill Palestinians, it doesn't mean the religion condones it. I identify as a Muslim Arab, so don't come at me with the assumption that I'm being biased towards Jews. I'm just telling it how it is.

    • @SafetySpooon
      @SafetySpooon 3 года назад +3

      What's even more telling is when you know what actually happened over there & then see someone spew what you just did.

    • @SafetySpooon
      @SafetySpooon 3 года назад +1

      @@UsefulCharts Ah, so now I know that as a historian, you are worthless.

  • @sadib100
    @sadib100 8 месяцев назад

    I want to know more about the other versions of Moses.

  • @Merlinacus
    @Merlinacus Год назад

    Did u do Merlin yet?

    • @UsefulCharts
      @UsefulCharts  Год назад

      Actually I did. Search King Arthur family tree :)

  • @coolthefool1
    @coolthefool1 3 года назад +38

    Great work Matt! Educating people about Islam Christianity and Judaism without bashing people's religions and showing religious tolerance god bless you

    • @philisii
      @philisii 3 года назад +1

      It's extremely disrespectful to the Bible. This video is a lie. Moses freed his People just as the Bible says, and there is Archeological and Historical proof.

    • @69ten
      @69ten 3 года назад +2

      @@philisii weeeeeeeeeeel, not that mutch proof, there is more proof around jesus then there is of moses for instance

    • @philisii
      @philisii 3 года назад

      @Selim Sadek because you don't know where to look... Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia

    • @noel_21
      @noel_21 2 года назад +1

      @@philisii well then present evidence that follows the concensus of the experts (proper archeologists and historians). Dont just leave us hanging.

    • @paokholensingson7162
      @paokholensingson7162 Год назад

      @@philisii I fully agree with you.. This video is totally lie... Please make the video after knowing the facts

  • @erentopcuoglu2282
    @erentopcuoglu2282 3 года назад +26

    13:59 The name Osarseph has sounded very familiar to name Yuzarsif in Turkish. Yuzarsif is just another spelling of Yusuf (Prophet Joseph) in Turkish. Actually if you pronounce the name Yuzarsif in Turkish it is nearly the same as Ousarseph. Yuzarsif (Joseph) has became the King of Egypt and he was a monotheist too. Maybe Ouasarseph is Yuzarsif (Joseph) and not Moses?

    • @hxyzazolchak
      @hxyzazolchak 3 года назад

      Exactly what I was thinking. Especially when you take into account that during the time of the hyksos there was no pharaoh while Moses dealt with a pharaoh

    • @IceWolfLoki
      @IceWolfLoki 3 года назад

      So Joseph stages a coup in Egypt with the help of the Hyksos is then later overthrown by the Egyptians and flees with his supporters (11 tribes) perhaps some of his supporters (1 tribe) were unable to flee and taken as slaves and after a period of subjugation this smaller group is later freed/escaped/whatever and reunites with the other "tribes" who then go on to invade Caanan.

    • @hxyzazolchak
      @hxyzazolchak 3 года назад

      @@IceWolfLoki you have to remember that it was only Joseph and his brothers at the time so they could only make what seemed like one tribe. It reminds of another part of the Quran which talks about how joseph took one of their brothers benjamin ( though his name was not specifically stated) with him when his brothers came from Israel when their was a famine and sent the rest of them back

  • @stephenkaake7016
    @stephenkaake7016 6 месяцев назад +1

    I begged God and was trained to be a holy person for 6 months, I was given a greater mind, I felt like Jesus, my body, voice and mind were taken over. I was psychic, I could see blessings and curses. I also had to battle demons, go into hell. after this I am left with a mind that is like an intelligent agent, my physical abilities were increased but my life is a nightmare

  • @johnthomas1521
    @johnthomas1521 Год назад +2

    I have a problem with this story is using europeans images instead of the Afrikan Diaspora images which is actually of that time and region. So you are giving a false narratives perspective and perception of what you are attempting to prove 🤔

  • @geraldmeehan8942
    @geraldmeehan8942 3 года назад +25

    Another point, wasn't Canaan under Egyptian rule for a good part of the "Moses" time period?

    • @aralornwolf3140
      @aralornwolf3140 2 года назад +10

      Yes, yes it was.
      Source: Dr. Joshua Bowen (Digital Hammurabi)

    • @w.s.b.3529
      @w.s.b.3529 2 года назад +1

      Moses is stolen

    • @noelhausler2911
      @noelhausler2911 2 года назад +3

      Yes see Israeli archaeologist Israel Finkelstein bok The Bible Unearthed where he says there were Egyptian garrisons in Canaan at that time.

    • @mechadoggy
      @mechadoggy 2 года назад

      I thought that the Egyptian occupation of Canaan was during the time of Abraham? Moses was a few centuries later

    • @Phantom_275
      @Phantom_275 2 года назад

      @@mechadoggy no when supposed Abraham moved into the land it was Canaan. An independent country who believed in different gods. After the Exodus Egyptian forces ruled the pant for like a hundred years.

  • @treekangaroo.7691
    @treekangaroo.7691 3 года назад +20

    my synogauge has a magazine-ish thing and a few years ago it had an interesting article that was about how archeology showed that exodus and the egypt slavery never happened

    • @TesterAnimal1
      @TesterAnimal1 3 года назад +1

      Very interesting to speculate on where that story came from then. It’s a huge part of Judeo-Christian mythology.
      Was it based on some event? I can’t see it being pure invention.

    • @jacksonaaron103084
      @jacksonaaron103084 3 года назад +3

      @@TesterAnimal1 probably prisoners of war. Over time embellishments happened and Egypt was never a slave economy.

    • @sharonodonnell2147
      @sharonodonnell2147 3 года назад +3

      I will believe God through the centuries
      If you compare the Bible Old and New testaments.
      Bible Many Centuries, Many Scribes, Many Believers
      With Islam .
      Only one murdering man ramblings
      Stealing from the Bible in the 6th century
      was a later murderer Thief and rapist of 9 year old s
      A violent Liar who calls on followers to kill the
      Jews and Chrisrians .
      you figure it out ....
      Next they will try to take out israel .
      But God is suppose to step in .
      If he had not shortened those days ,
      no flesh would be saved .
      Make Haste Jesus +

    • @aaquib2010
      @aaquib2010 3 года назад +3

      @@sharonodonnell2147 haha so funny, don't the Jews use abusive words about Jesus like u did for Mohammad, u are truly ignorant. For sure you are rejecting the truth as Jews rejected jesus

    • @brassholio
      @brassholio 3 года назад

      @@sharonodonnell2147 This is a video with logic and reason and here you are spewing your rhetoric and prejudice. Put down your bible and look in the mirror.

  • @johnnesbit2371
    @johnnesbit2371 8 месяцев назад

    Hypothesis: There was three Moseses??? Moses #1 was a quasi-historical person that inspired the 5 extrapolative traditions featured here. Moses #2 was a person who at some time--- in, probably, Hellenistic times---who compiled the Torah. 'Joshua', too, maybe. Moses #3 would be the character written into the mass of Mosaic tradition laid out in the famous Books of Moses. I DO believe that there is some Divine Inspiration involved in all of this.

  • @jocelyngray6306
    @jocelyngray6306 8 месяцев назад

    This is very important right now.

  • @shadow002
    @shadow002 3 года назад +69

    I actually agree with this video, and as many theologians have stated, an exodus might have happened but in a lower scale than what was depicted in biblical accounts.

    • @grahvis
      @grahvis 3 года назад +33

      One big problem with the Exodus story is that Egypt ruled over Canaan at the time it was supposed to have taken place.
      The Israelites would have been going from one part of Egypt to another.

    • @apureo5720
      @apureo5720 2 года назад +7

      Nah, that's just people trying to make it sound like God doesn't exist. They are too afraid of the idea so they shove these things off by saying they didn't happen that way. It's sad to see

    • @TheSquad4life
      @TheSquad4life 2 года назад +22

      @@apureo5720 how the exodus happened doesn’t invalidate the existence of god. Unless you think mans history somehow limits god, in that case you have a very limited view of almighty being. That’s sad

    • @apureo5720
      @apureo5720 2 года назад +1

      @@TheSquad4life I never said otherwise. But the Bible isnthe word of God which Is not ever wrong, so by saying that exodus is exaggerated is saying that God's word is fake. Obviously God's existence inst based on humanity. I've studied this stuff for over 20years have yet to find a single flaw I'm Theology. Cheers!

    • @reuteratwork8983
      @reuteratwork8983 2 года назад +12

      @@apureo5720 - Why would I be afraid of something that doesn't exist? Silly...

  • @MythologywithMike
    @MythologywithMike 3 года назад +37

    3:17 I didn't know cuneiform was still used by that time! I already learned a lot in this video but that was something I did not expect. Great video! I've always sort of reconciled the Exodus story as a story that was told through oral tradition and over time it became embellished with larger numbers. I like the thing you said at the end about how people focus too much on whether or not these figures existed when we should ask ourselves are we going to take his lessons to heart. It's like people miss the whole point of these books :P

    • @MythologywithMike
      @MythologywithMike 3 года назад

      @Maximiliano Fauda Cariddi You just showed why the messages are more important than the stories. If people paid more attention to the messages than the world would be a better place

    • @MythologywithMike
      @MythologywithMike 3 года назад

      @Maximiliano Fauda Cariddi I mean, you're ridiculing them right now aren't you?

    • @MythologywithMike
      @MythologywithMike 3 года назад

      @Maximiliano Fauda Cariddi Scientific racism was a big part of science in the early days but we don't condemn science for its messy past. The same can be said about religion, it did some bad in the past but the core message of love and kindness prevails

    • @philisii
      @philisii 3 года назад +1

      The Bible did not embellish or exaggerate anything. When people TRY to discredit the Holy Bible that's when lies are paramount.

    • @philisii
      @philisii 3 года назад

      @Maximiliano Fauda Cariddi You made these lies sound like facts. What part of the Bible is false? Proverbs? The 10 Commandments? Israel being in Egypt? The Kings of Israel like David? You think Jesus was not real? Babylon? Assyria? Persia? Hittites? Philistines? Mt. Sinai or The Red Sea Crossing? You don't believe in a Creator?

  • @Dluck7
    @Dluck7 Год назад +2

    Mashah's (Moses) name is NOT of Egyptian origin. It is rooted in a Ghabaray (Hebrew) verb.

  • @mitchellbrooks9798
    @mitchellbrooks9798 3 месяца назад

    Great ending to this video. Love it

  • @mrme8521
    @mrme8521 2 года назад +11

    I'm not Muslim, nor an Islamic scholar, but I'm quite sure there's enough scholarly evidence to prove Muhammad existed. He's not nearly as ancient as Jesus and Moses. He clearly falls into your second category.

    • @kamitecnative3286
      @kamitecnative3286 2 года назад +1

      😆😂😆 and said Gabriel gave him knowledge 😆😂😆😆 he ran his ass to TEHUTI school n KAMIT and learned 7 principles

    • @sianu872
      @sianu872 2 года назад +1

      @@kamitecnative3286 Please defeat Zakir

    • @kamitecnative3286
      @kamitecnative3286 2 года назад

      @@sianu872 ???

    • @phun1901
      @phun1901 2 года назад +6

      He probably existed, but virtually everything including Islamic sources written about him were compiled at best 150 years after he lived. Muslims believe in chains of word of mouth transmission that bridge these centuries, it is at best complicated to evaluate how reliable that might have been.
      There was an explosion of stories and myths about Jesus about 150-400 years after he lived. That's basically the same timeframe for most of what we have about Mohammad. And it shows. There are a lot of "authentic" hadith that are remind me of yo mamma jokes, often gross or unjust or bizarre. And they are comparable to some bizarre gnostic stories about Jesus.

    • @kaamdev810
      @kaamdev810 Год назад

      @@kamitecnative3286 Zakir Naik is a famous Indian scholar and apologetic of Islam...who has ran away from India after causing trouble there...

  • @edibbl5970
    @edibbl5970 3 года назад +67

    "history" and "story" are actually the same word in greek: "istoría"

  • @JasonEyermann
    @JasonEyermann Год назад +1

    So interesting! I love your videos so much!!

  • @faisalriaz8287
    @faisalriaz8287 21 день назад

    Please make a video on Waqia e Karbala

  • @flyintothestorm
    @flyintothestorm 3 года назад +17

    I was today years old when I learned the Torah is the same as the Pentateuch

    • @cajunboy67
      @cajunboy67 3 года назад +1

      "Penta" meaning "five"

    • @mfaizsyahmi
      @mfaizsyahmi 3 года назад +2

      @@cajunboy67 -emia meaning presence in blood

  • @salatnedir.blogspot
    @salatnedir.blogspot 3 года назад +54

    sargon' story knowlegde comes from *A Neo-Assyrian text from the 7th century BC* (Sargon of Akkad
    - Wikipedia). And there was another Sargon who ruled between 722-705 BC in Neo-Assyrian Empire...

    • @doctorisout
      @doctorisout 2 года назад +2

      Kings have cities and monuments. Could I disprove you existed in 1300 B C ?

    • @salatnedir.blogspot
      @salatnedir.blogspot 2 года назад +6

      Moses destroyed Sadd el Kafara Dam and sent the pharaoh to the Nile where Moses was saved when he was a baby. That's why Ancient Egyptians records never mention about Sadd el Kafara disaster!
      The dam was existed hundreds of years before Sargon of Akkad. That's why we have baby Sargon' river adventure. Moses lived before Sargon.

    • @salatnedir.blogspot
      @salatnedir.blogspot 2 года назад +4

      There is no record about the 1st dam Sadd el Kafara, either!
      The Elohist source goes back to the second half of the *9th century BCE* (Elohist - Wikipedia)

    • @pepecomputers5312
      @pepecomputers5312 2 года назад +5

      The versions of the Neo-Assyrian text that were found dating back to the 7th century BC were found in a library and were likely a copy of an earlier work. Given this, it's hard to date the original work. It could have been written as early as shortly after Sargon's reign in 2000BC or it could have been written in the 7th century BC. A more recent theory suggests a ruler around that time period named himself Sargon II and may have commissioned authors to write about the Sargon in order to increase his reputation. It's not really possible to accurately date the original work, however.

    • @salatnedir.blogspot
      @salatnedir.blogspot 2 года назад +5

      @@pepecomputers5312 how do you know that was a copy of earlier work? What is the source of that knowledge? if this was just an opinion, someone can claim same thing about Moses source...

  • @ejoep
    @ejoep 6 месяцев назад +1

    I have so many questions in mind after watching this, like do ancient egyptians kept a record of how many slaves they have? If the story of moses was not true then why so many people of diff cultures and religion was even interested to have diff versions of the moses story... its comparable to a junk thrown by a neighbor beside the road... no one will be interested to claim it? How about the ancient egyptian law regarding people who turn their back on their royal status... are their records also be erased?....

    • @BarginsGalore
      @BarginsGalore 5 месяцев назад

      many cultures having different versions of the story is evidence against him existing

  • @offthehookproductions4481
    @offthehookproductions4481 Год назад +8

    Just a quick question. How soon after Moses was the first biblical account recorded (besides what muses wrote)? You mentioned that other sources were over 1000 years later but never dated the first biblical references. Wouldn’t the first biblical reference also bear some weight on the historical method?