I sometimes change my serger cones twice in a day and it takes me only a minute. I always make a simple knot in the threads of the two left threads and carefully pull them through and I simply rethread the left two threads (or sometimes I will use only one of them). Fast and easy and no need for an airthreader.
Hi, new subbie here. Just bought a serger but never used one before. Im having trouble finding the right tension for all dials in order to begin serving projects. Is 3 the most commonly used setting for the tension? I have a Janone 8933. --Virginia in NYC, USA 😊
I sometimes change my serger cones twice in a day and it takes me only a minute. I always make a simple knot in the threads of the two left threads and carefully pull them through and I simply rethread the left two threads (or sometimes I will use only one of them). Fast and easy and no need for an airthreader.
I agree. It's a rare day I will do all 4
Hi, new subbie here. Just bought a serger but never used one before. Im having trouble finding the right tension for all dials in order to begin serving projects. Is 3 the most commonly used setting for the tension? I have a Janone 8933. --Virginia in NYC, USA 😊
Hi there! I always start at 3, if I move them it will normally be the loopers. I'd inch them up very slowly to 4