The Sahara is graphic proof of the possibility that prehistoric water exists...that, along with Venus's extremely heavy atmosphere, and the fact that Venus does not have a magnetosphere, leads us to believe that hypothetical ideas are easily disproved.
I'm okay with it, but you, NASA will be delighted.It opens all kinds of doors with a great chance of life, past and present. Good luck , merry Xmas and all that Tommy Rot. Chick.
No drilling The deepest hole ever made by humans is the Kola Superdeep Borehole, located on the Kola Peninsula in Russia. Drilling began in 1970 and continued for about 24 years, reaching a depth of 12,262 meters (40,230 feet) in 1989.
The Sahara is graphic proof of the possibility that prehistoric water exists...that, along with Venus's extremely heavy atmosphere, and the fact that Venus does not have a magnetosphere, leads us to believe that hypothetical ideas are easily disproved.
I'm okay with it, but you, NASA will be delighted.It opens all kinds of doors with a great chance of life, past and present. Good luck , merry Xmas and all that Tommy Rot. Chick.
All Talk click bate
No drilling The deepest hole ever made by humans is the Kola Superdeep Borehole, located on the Kola Peninsula in Russia. Drilling began in 1970 and continued for about 24 years, reaching a depth of 12,262 meters (40,230 feet) in 1989.