bosszillas that must be stopped - REACTION

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2,6 тыс.

  • @twiggystardust9573
    @twiggystardust9573 Год назад +2878

    I had a coworker that had a miscarriage at work, and our boss wouldn't let her go. Luckily, her husband walked in about an hour later and literally carried her out of there, and when the boss opened her whore mouth to say something, the husband said "she quits" and kept walking. Man, we all hated that woman.

    • @moonhunter9993
      @moonhunter9993 Год назад +561

      He should have walked back in with a police officer later to lay charges

    • @bkilg2509
      @bkilg2509 Год назад +182

      Now THAT is a bad boss!

    • @The1Mommalau
      @The1Mommalau Год назад +458

      I had a boss who had no children and didn't like them. Her boss was a misogynist working in an office full of women. So, child care called. My 3yo son had 104° fever. I told them and said I needed to leave because my son was sick and doctors would be closing. Instead of being supportive and understanding they called my into his office to discipline me. They said that work had to be most important in my life. I amazed myself by saying "my family will always be first in my life." Then I stood up and left. Guess who had strep throat! My husband, my son and I. Guess who got strep throat! The little jerk and the child hater! I was so sorry they got sick. That disciplinary meeting must have been long enough to get them sick. Karma was in fast response that time! Yes!!! And I still had my job. 😂😂😂

    • @TheLilaSky
      @TheLilaSky Год назад

      Poor woman how heartbreaking. What a douchebag!!!!!

    • @personafanatic4597
      @personafanatic4597 Год назад +136

      love that he supported her for that! best husband award 🎉

  • @evelynvslife
    @evelynvslife Год назад +42

    One of my managers (just a shift manager) threw away a full can of energy drink I had in my space before the store opened because we were only allowed water outside of the staff room. We always ignored that rule because it’s stupid, but I would still put my drink away before opening. He knew it was mine a put it in the bin so when I found out I told him not to touch my stuff ever again. He threatened me over that. He only had one more shift because he was fired after the boss found out. He was also only in my store because he was moved on for causing trouble and sexual harassment. He’s a teacher now 😥

    • @celiashen5490
      @celiashen5490 Год назад +4

      No, not a teacher! Dafuq...

    • @jenl1541
      @jenl1541 Год назад +6

      I would call in to the school at and drop an anonymous info call to them

    • @evelynvslife
      @evelynvslife Год назад +3

      @@jenl1541 I don’t know where he works. Also, any school would be able to find out these details before hiring him.

    • @mellym3523
      @mellym3523 Год назад

      Well you'd be surprised how many schools do not make checks. You should do some research and maybe suggest they relook. Students need to be safe

    • @evelynvslife
      @evelynvslife Год назад

      @@mellym3523 so I should check every school in my state to try and find someone I want nothing to do with? Nah fam. That’s too much work.

  • @blockhartinabox
    @blockhartinabox Год назад +1

    I had a boss who made Christmas Eve a mandatory inventory counting day for all warehouse employees every year. She chose this day bc her and her adult children took a week off to celebrate the holiday, starting the day *after* Christmas. So i guess she figured since she'd just be sitting home alone on Christmas Eve anyway (her kids lived out of town) why not make everyone come in to work with her!
    One year another manager let it slip that this annual, oh-so-important inventory count we *had* to get done on Christmas Eve, was 100% voluntary on the part of my boss. As in, the company did not require her to do it. At all. It was just something she chose to do bc she liked to stay on top of things apparently. I honestly just think she was a miserable person who wanted everyone else to be miserable too. Bc why else would you take that special time from your employees and their families?

  • @mumplaysthesims8396
    @mumplaysthesims8396 8 месяцев назад

    I was always super supportive of people who were ill when I was a store manager. I knew how sucky it was being on the other side of it

  • @JDChavez713
    @JDChavez713 9 месяцев назад

    I had a boss who wanted me to work even though I had a fever and flu. What makes it worse is that this job was working in fast food. Imagine a very sick employee handling your food and you watch him sniffling and sneezing with a defeated face.
    They say fast food is not good for you and this just adds to why you shouldn’t eat out all the time.

  • @cbg4ev
    @cbg4ev Год назад +4

    To answer Charlotte's question at 12:20, I was watching a true crime show on psychopaths and one of the experts said that people with psychopathic traits can be quite successful in business. The reason is because tasks (like firing someone) can be difficult for a person without the traits, but easy/easier for people with the traits.
    Forgot which episode, but it's from Signs of a Psychopath. I think from the current season...?

  • @melissafaught8112
    @melissafaught8112 9 месяцев назад

    If someone snaps at me or something at work, I will get a family emergency real quick.

  • @TheSingapuraCat
    @TheSingapuraCat Год назад

    The 1st one, is either from Singapore or Malaysia. If its from Singapore, there are tons of those. They are so worried that their jobs will be passed to them, esp when they dun noe how to do their jobs. Long holiday, funeral, surgery, for guys going on 2 weeks reservists, its like a no-no. Some bosses will guilt trip that because 1 is gone the person took over have to do more work.
    I had a friend who gave birth twice in a year, which gave us 4 months maternity leave, she was issued a warning letter...

  • @oldgeezer2780
    @oldgeezer2780 Год назад

    Many years ago...Got to work one Monday and Don had literally gotten into a barr room fight and had a tooth or two knocked loose. He'd called around and found a dentist to see him in the afternoon. Around 2 p. m. I cleaned up my work station and went to get my coat to leave. Boss asked what I wa doing? I was going to the doctor's appointment I'd told him about two weeks ago, and reminded him about last Friday, and told him that. "Well, what am I supposed to do? Don's gone for the afternoon!" "Don shouldn't have gotten into a barroom brawl on a SUNDAY, I said."
    Of course he was upset. Don didn't do much work, so it didn't really matter if he was there or not.
    For those who think I'm exaggerating about Don's laziness: Don had a self winding watch that kept stopping. We were working in a tailor shop.

  • @darklyangelic
    @darklyangelic 2 месяца назад

    When I was about 3 months pregnant my boss berated me in front of customers when I refused to unpack 500kg of 25 kg over stock paint by yelling "you are f'ing pregnant not an f'ing invalid. Do your f'ing job". The customer was so horrified he got his labourers to come out of his van and shift the paint for me while I tried not to cry. I was signed off the next week when the doctor told me that I let him sign me off work today or he would see me after I lost my baby. Biggest reality check that his bullying wasn't right. Downside of a life time of it blinding me to how I actually deserved to be treated.

  • @trtarts4814
    @trtarts4814 Год назад

    I was having an anaphylactic reaction where my tongue was so swollen I couldnt fit it in my mouth and my boss made me come in to make the donuts before I could leave. Same boss made me prove a family member was murdered before he'd give me the day off to be with family. real evil guy.

  • @fatwolf
    @fatwolf 2 месяца назад

    Armpit confetti!! YAY!!!🎉

  • @andreac8437
    @andreac8437 Год назад

    Not the worst boss, but probably the worst boss moment. I was getting migraines more often than normal. I worked in a bar as a floater-kitchen and waitstaff-my boss knew i have migraines. They are debilitating and i dont get warnings. I told her when i started about them and how i literally cannot work. She yelled at me while i was eating my lunch, telling me because she gets migraines and "gets a warning", theres no excuse as to why i cant give her more of one for mine. She also told me-without any warnings/write ups-that id be fired if it happened you were told ahead of time, said it would be ok, now you have me in tears in front of customers...

  • @quinzoprojects
    @quinzoprojects Год назад +5

    Oh how I absolutely love all your videos! This one hit home because I just got fired ... literally. I appreciate your opinions, advice and comments Charlotte! much love Babe

    • @lisamelroy2855
      @lisamelroy2855 Год назад

      I hope something better comes along soon! ❤

  • @surferdude9494
    @surferdude9494 7 месяцев назад

    The girl that got “snapped at” just sounds like she’s complaining. Sounds like she doesn’t know how to communicate with managers. I love when people snap at me at work. I’m allowed to cuss people out.

  • @sherriv4860
    @sherriv4860 Год назад

    Ahaha! I worked at Burger King years ago and my general manager wouldn't let me take off. I felt terrible at work for a week. I go to the doctor and guess what I had... Mono 😑

  • @candykickle4984
    @candykickle4984 5 месяцев назад

    alright girl day 5. My brain still cant get enough and i love you and your beautiful face, but i downloaded a relaxing game to play while im off work (family stuff, the kind that rips your heart out and hurts the kids too). thank you for helping me escape for bit.

  • @SithBunny1
    @SithBunny1 Год назад +1097

    I was always told "people don't quit jobs, they quit their managers". Almost every job is make or break by how the boss treats their employees.

    • @d4ever649
      @d4ever649 Год назад +3

      That’s what I did !

    • @louiserawcliffe
      @louiserawcliffe Год назад +10

      Oh absolutely, that is why I left last job and almost left current job. The person who was the issue has left and heard from her new work colleagues that she is telling lies making out that she was being bullied etc when she was the bully

    • @Krifpumpumkrify
      @Krifpumpumkrify Год назад +7

      100% there is some absolute crap going on with our head office overseas.
      If it wasn't for the absolute incredible support our whole office and warehouse gets from all the people within our country, there would be nothing but new staff and eventually no office or warehouse able to cover the countries we do.

    • @becca1189
      @becca1189 Год назад +5

      I was fortunate enough to have a great store manager. Corporate was the issue. I turned in my resignation when they fired her due to "customer" (i.e. thieves) complaints (after we reopened from COVID I was filling out three police reports a week on average). It turns out they fired the four highest earning store managers. My former boss being one of them in spite of the fact that they hadn't given her a raise in over eight years. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

    • @tsholofelomolefe6450
      @tsholofelomolefe6450 Год назад +5

      We work for most of our lives there is no need to make it a horrible environment , why do some leaders hate peace in life , they could be happier too 😂

  • @hopie46064
    @hopie46064 Год назад +664

    I was pregnant and so was another coworker of mine. We had our children 10 days apart. I was lucky and never experienced any postpartum depression. My coworker however struggled so badly. It was heartbreaking. After our maternity leaves were over my coworker used some of her accrued sick time as she was struggling with suicidal thoughts and severe PPD. Our FEMALE SGT who was also a mother said that my coworker “needs to figure it out” so she would stop using sick time…..I reported it to our Warden…he said “well, when people use excessive sick time it causes staff shortages”…so these grown adult morons were so displeased that my coworker was trying to take care of her PPD and STAY ALIVE…horrible. I left that job…after 15 years. So did my coworker. She is thriving in her new career btw. ❤

    • @laureneras9523
      @laureneras9523 Год назад +25

      Yayayayay we love coworker and you thriving away from that toxic environment

    • @melissaherrera940
      @melissaherrera940 11 месяцев назад +21

      “We’ll, when people use excessive sick time it causes staff shortages”. And suicide doesn’t cause staff shortages? 🤔 maybe let your employee recover so you don’t have to rehire?

    • @crazedwolfpuppy
      @crazedwolfpuppy 9 месяцев назад +3

      So an SGT isn't even a doctor. I had to look it up, even added doctor to see if this 🤬 even deserved to have an opinion. If I'm wrong please correct me, but I don't care what some non-doctor 🤬 thinks on medical issues, and no one else should either. Glad y'all are doing better.

    • @Fogysoks4709
      @Fogysoks4709 4 месяца назад

      So many women suffer from internalized misogyny

  • @jay_song_
    @jay_song_ Год назад +224

    My manager is a godsend. She is so sweet. Last year, I had a breast reduction. She helped me take care of my time off, get everything taken care of at work, and told me to call her if I needed anything. This was scheduled months in advance but she was still so great about it. This year my gallbladder got a terrible infection and several stones so within 3 months my health declined incredibly quickly (I wasn't eating cuz I was so sick so I lost 25 pounds and had zero energy.) My manager was so great and accommodating. I went into the office for one day to do something in office and she told me to go home cuz I was so weak. I took long lunches for doctors appointments and had a surgery with only a months notice. She helped me with everything so I was still working the correct amount of hours weekly but accommodating my doc appointments. She checked in with me every chance she got before and after my surgery to make sure I was alright. I love my manager so much

    • @maggiecrawford2088
      @maggiecrawford2088 Год назад +15

      I came here to try to find some comment like this, and I'm so sad it took me so long to find it. I lead a team of 10 amazing humans and I would do anything for them and their health. I am literally in tears reading how terrible people are to those who trust in them. We are LEADERS. Not managers, not supervisors, not bosses. Thank you for posting this. There are good people out there who treat their team like family.

    • @StudlyFudd13
      @StudlyFudd13 11 месяцев назад

      @@maggiecrawford2088 I have had nothing but horrible horrible bosses pretty much my whole life. First place I was a stable hand. I picked up the slack of everyone else there. I was the horse breeder for the mares, the full time caretaker for all of the horses, the trainer, the salesman etc etc. My boss talked to me and a fellow coworker one day and my boss said to us, "I saw a barn that was paying 18$/hr. (for reference we made 12$/hr...below minimum wage) If you want that kind of money you actually need to be worth it." I was proud of my work. I took great pride in everything I did. After that day? I lost all motivation and quit shortly after. Why try if your best is just garbage anyways...
      I have sooooooo many more stories of S- harassment etc etc. I finally found myself a decent job with decent pay and am going back to college to get my dream career.

    • @Alwaysbmoving
      @Alwaysbmoving 10 месяцев назад +5

      Thanks for sharing your Positive experience!

    • @Meimoons
      @Meimoons 5 месяцев назад +3

      We need more people like this! 🥲

  • @steveroughley6622
    @steveroughley6622 Год назад +205

    I was a telecom field service tech for 18 years so I visited literally thousands of businesses and I could tell almost immediately when a place had a toxic boss. You could actually feel it and see it in the demeanor of the employees.

    • @callmelittled
      @callmelittled Год назад +13

      I worked at a chain retail store, in the pharmacy, and my horrible boss/toxic workplace would drain any enthusiasm I had when I walked in the building. I could be having the greatest day when I walked in, but I'd feel like death by the time I got back to the pharmacy. 😕

    • @brendacarter4968
      @brendacarter4968 Год назад +6

      I start to wear sweaters in a toxic workplace. Literally chills me. Started to watch for it at interviews/tours. Bet others do too and maybe haven't connected the dots. GTFO of there ASAP.

    • @themisskgreene
      @themisskgreene Год назад +3

      You sure can feel it, assuming one is not a narcissist and has any amount of empathy. And often you can sense something is off right away but it takes a second to pinpoint the exact cause/nature of the problem. There is one GIANT 🚩that I have nailed down though. If a manager/supervisor/boss says the work team is a “family,” RUN!

    • @brendacarter4968
      @brendacarter4968 9 месяцев назад +2

      I've found they affect the physical environment. Maybe toxic people cause stress/release our adrenaline...not sure. I put a sweater(s) on and don't warm up. When it happens I start to carefully watch behaviour and interactions. I got better at screening, but it did take a decade +. I'm pretty empathetic.

    • @brendacarter4968
      @brendacarter4968 9 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah. Makes sense. To do with internal energy too? I end up wearing light clothing when in a 'happy' place. Pretty consistent for me.

  • @RabidSnarf
    @RabidSnarf Год назад +438

    Back in the 90's, I remember once having a supervisor who unfortunately suffered a miscarriage one weekend. She wasn't very far along, so she wasn't showing and she didn't tell many people what happened. We were in a conference room meeting and the male big bosses kept picking at her that she wasn't being very know, the ol' 'why don't you smile some?' She said she had a bad weekend, but didn't want to talk about it. They kept on and kept on bringing it up that she wasn't looking too friendly and she stood up and yelled something along the lines of " I had a miscarriage this weekend and don't feel like F*CKING SMILING!!! I'm here and I'm doing my job. Are you happy now?" My heart broke for her, but every man in there shut up and stopped telling her she needed to smile more.

    • @EditorOfSL
      @EditorOfSL Год назад +50

      That makes me think of that entitled customer story where the customer told the cashier, who was thinking about someone in her family who was sick at the time, some stupid joke and thought he was entitled to a laugh from her. He got all huffy when she just smiled and told him to have a good day. Some people!

    • @RabidSnarf
      @RabidSnarf Год назад +7

      @@EditorOfSL, that is wild 😳

    • @tracemiller1519
      @tracemiller1519 9 месяцев назад +5

      I get picking a little bit but how do you not get the hint…?

    • @RabidSnarf
      @RabidSnarf 9 месяцев назад

      @@tracemiller1519 , yeah, picking a time or two is one thing, but they were badgering her. This also included the main boss who asked me one day why I never brought him coffee to his office. I said "You've never brought me a Coke to mine" and he looked taken aback. Then I said "I'm not your secretary, I'm your payroll and accounts payable person, and believe it or not, I don't sit in my office wondering if you have fresh coffee" For bosses day, my petty ass got him a card from the far side that shows a waitress holding a cup of coffee under her armpit and two men sitting at a table. She asks the second man, "Do you want your coffee warmed up too?" lol

    • @susangrande8142
      @susangrande8142 9 месяцев назад +15

      @@tracemiller1519they were stupid men who felt entitled to have her smiling at them, because it made them feel better.

  • @dicitalore605
    @dicitalore605 Год назад +1026

    Hilarious how bosses will constantly say that you're totally replaceable, until you need to take time off of work. Then all of a sudden the entire company will collapse without you.

    • @gravyz2cute4u
      @gravyz2cute4u Год назад +15


    • @sharim
      @sharim Год назад +34

      The two words she should’ve used instead of “I quit”, were “Human Resources” because of course, the boss opened herself up to all kinds of legal issues.

    • @nicolecook6159
      @nicolecook6159 Год назад +5

      Yes. 10000000000 times yes.

    • @SoulShiner1115
      @SoulShiner1115 Год назад +21

      So….let me start by saying that I am the boss at my job. If you work somewhere that puts people in leadership positions who will tell you that you are replaceable, find another job. Also, if you work somewhere that doesn’t promote a healthy work/life balance and not only allow you to take time off but actually ENCOURAGE you to do so, find another job. I promise you that there are places out there that value their team members.

    • @dicitalore605
      @dicitalore605 Год назад +10

      @@SoulShiner1115 it seems rare to find these kinds of positive places to work. I'm so lucky that today I am working in a place that values me and makes me feel like an essential part of the team. I'm so glad you provide the exception to that rule.

  • @erikarussell1142
    @erikarussell1142 Год назад +1578

    Kelly’s editing skills and humor are top notch beyond par. We love Charlotte Vanessa and Kelly.

    • @AimeeAimee444
      @AimeeAimee444 Год назад +17

      Love you too Vanessa! 😊🙌🏼💕

    • @Miss207
      @Miss207 Год назад +44

      Honestly. Lucky for us the fans, these 3 found each other 😂 where else can we get petty revenge ideas as exquisite as here? ❤🎉

    • @dinasilva9263
      @dinasilva9263 Год назад +16

      They are the perfect team. ♥️

    • @brookespencer6212
      @brookespencer6212 Год назад +20

      And the editing and graphics compliment Charlotte perfectly. Awesome team! ❤

    • @Livingingratitudeforever
      @Livingingratitudeforever Год назад +2


  • @Keitilenn
    @Keitilenn Год назад +58

    The first hospital I worked for (5 years) left me with PTSD. At first, I felt like I had found my true calling - within months I realized it was a lie. One of the many issues with working there is mandation (you either stay for another shift or forfeit your job no matter responsibilities outside of work). I was a little too dedicated and, at some points, worked 88-hours per week. In the end, I had worked three 16-hour shifts (I worked nights usually) and then was mandated for a 4th. The following shift, I was terminated for not keeping up with my work.
    I've never been so happy.
    I left with two checks adding up to a little over 2 months of pay (I was making .50 above minimum wage when I left, but still) due to overtime and an incentive I had completed PLUS the maxed out PTO I never used.
    It took 2 weeks to get a new job at the hospital I had dreamed of switching to.
    I was called into my managers office after a few days and began to have a panic attack. I'm wondering what the heck I had done wrong. Turns out the only thing wrong was my hourly pay which was increased about 25% as soon as I left the office. (This actually happened about 3 times in the next few months.) After over two years, I still flinch at being called to the office, but since all meetings have either been positive or positive critiquing, the anxiety is nowhere near as bad.
    All-in-all, if you feel mistreated at work, WALK AWAY! There's another employer out there who deserves you.

  • @Mng421
    @Mng421 Год назад +218

    I worked at Dairy Queen in college and the owner was the worst. He just generally made working there awful every time he would come into the store. So anyway, the grill cook’s husband got murdered in an armed robbery and my boss threw a tantrum because she called in after three days off and told him that she really didn’t feel ready to come back in yet. He called her lazy and inconsiderate. We were all like…literally her husband died three days ago dude like…😳

    • @EditorOfSL
      @EditorOfSL 11 месяцев назад +8

      I was the same after my dog died but instead of giving me space to mourn my old boss kept ringing me every other day to ask when I’d be back in.

    • @lexilou2116
      @lexilou2116 10 месяцев назад +15

      Not as bad as your story but another DQ one. I worked at DQ in highschool, from 14-16. I have a medical disability called endometriosis that causes debilitating physical pain (think vomiting induced by pain) and such heavy bleeding that I used to have to be hospitalized from blood loss (now im on meds that help yay). Anyways, this condition started appearing when I was 14, almost 15. It was peak summer, and I called out of work, verge of tears, on my way to the hospital. They told me I didn't "sound sick". When I tried explaining what was going on, they gave me the day off but very begrudgingly. Then call me later to tell me they have removed me from the schedule for the next two weeks, and I hear from another coworker that the boss was saying he was going to fire me. Now that's mega against the law, and my mom is a mommas bear, and someone who knew my mom told my boss (the owner, grown man with kids) that if he fired me illegally like that, my mom would have the business closed within a month (small town, my mom works in the schools, knows everyone and their kids). He calls to tell me saying he only gave me the time off because he wanted me to "feel better". Come my next shift, he brings me into the back and proceeds to scream at me for AN HOUR. I'm 14. 5ft tall little girl. Being screamed at by a 6ft+ muscle head. For an hour. Im sobbing, having a panic attack, not doing well. And when he's done, he forces me to get back on the floor and go to work. While I'm still actively crying. I should have walked out then and there, but sadly didn't get a back bone until I turned 16. I have stopped many people from working or going there since, but God I wish I could go back to scream in his face.

  • @dawnhayes1231
    @dawnhayes1231 Год назад +369

    My husband & I lost a really good friend at 32 years old to brain cancer. He went in to tell his boss he needed a day off for the funeral. His boss responded with “well next time we need more times notice”. Umm ok next time we loose a good friend to cancer we will ask them to die in a more convenient timing for your schedule 🤦‍♀️

    • @0oFlicko0
      @0oFlicko0 Год назад +35

      My friend had the same thing happen to him. His Dad died and he needed to fly back to his home country. His boss told him he should have better time management and planned this better. I'm glad for the bosses in these both case as they obviously never experienced loss, but both clearly need a reality check

    • @star-boltlover9609
      @star-boltlover9609 Год назад +12

      You can't plan how and when you die 🙄

    • @samimua1986
      @samimua1986 Год назад +10

      I’m so sorry you lost your friend. My youngest son has a tumor on the left side of his 🧠 by his ear like 4-5 inches in. They don’t want to take it out unless the absolutely have to. 1 it’s 🧠 surgery 2: bc of the spot it’s in. It’s not on the top it’s in in his brain. So if anything we would need to do other things to get it gone. Idk what I would do if there ever a day they tell me he has to have surgery or do chemo! Bc that’s a choice he’s going to have to make and either of them are not fair or easy roads he Wouod have to take. He passed out at school teacher couldn’t tell me how long he was out for not breathing b4 they knew he was “dead” the emts called me and told me they had to revive him! And the next day he was having the same symptoms so the very next morning we took hik to all children’s and they found it right away! 😊

    • @SonjaElizabethTeal
      @SonjaElizabethTeal Год назад

      Freaking disgusting human being...😡

    • @whiteraven562
      @whiteraven562 Год назад +3

      When i worked at a theme park, they made me turn in a program from my grandfather's funeral to prove I'd actually attended

  • @asdf-gh8vd
    @asdf-gh8vd Год назад +555

    "No one gets fevers in July"
    Yeah, healthcare professionals wishes no one gets sick in July too, Ron. However, that's not how illnesses works.

    • @Sts90
      @Sts90 Год назад +9


    • @hellowendy1029
      @hellowendy1029 Год назад +16

      Yeah seriously? Nobody gets fevers in July? Make that make sense!!

    • @ruthiecolby7554
      @ruthiecolby7554 Год назад +24

      I got hit by a car my boss was pissed that I couldn’t work. I tried to go in the same day and was yelled at for later in the night realizing that I was hurt worse than I thought and slowing down on the fry line

    • @LazyIRanch
      @LazyIRanch Год назад +1

      What a stupid thing for that idiot to say, but it seems "stupid" just oozes out of that guy.
      10 Years ago I had a high fever and pneumonia in July, had to go to the ER one week after surviving a major wildfire while sheltering in place at my house because we couldn't evacuate. I was sick from smoke inhalation, and that became a pneumonia infection.
      I've also had strep throat in the middle of Summer. Those tacky viruses and bacteria are so thoughtless! They never consult a calendar before infecting us!🤧🤒😷

    • @shannonlind82
      @shannonlind82 Год назад


  • @nikkiberns1365
    @nikkiberns1365 Год назад +296

    My “wtf” boss moment was when my high-risk pregnant coworker was rushed to the ER at 2am and by 7am was in the middle of emergency surgery. Like, on the table, put under, cut open-which is important to know because of the phone call her mother made to our store. Obviously no one was available before opening, so that’s when her mother called to tell our boss she wouldn’t be coming in due to the emergency surgery. He STRAIGHT UP SAID, “Well, I don’t understand why she couldn’t call me to tell me that herself.” Her mother tried repeating the info and he just, “Yes, but I don’t understand why she had her mother call me. She’s a grown woman who can talk to me herself about these things.” His assistant manager had to spell it out for him and he STILL huffed the rest of the morning.

    • @irisjuliete8057
      @irisjuliete8057 Год назад +28

      Wow he sounds like a total psycho

    • @addyshorhnr3544
      @addyshorhnr3544 Год назад +34

      Clearly she should have had someone wake her up from surgery still cut open in the sterile field to call out. Clearly

    • @elizaleroux9173
      @elizaleroux9173 Год назад +16

      Did he expect her to phone him at home before going into theater? How important is he to her health?

    • @shadowfox009x
      @shadowfox009x 10 месяцев назад +10

      Some bosses are that dense. And not only bosses. I once had a massive cold and my voice was completely gone. I could only squeak and communicated by pointing and written notes. Sent an email to work. My co-worker called me several times which I ignored. Finally got an email from both my co-worker and my boss that I should call because of important work. Wrote back, explained again that I was unable to call because voice gone. This repeated several times and it still didn't sink in.

    • @crystalcastle3489
      @crystalcastle3489 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@shadowfox009x- I used to work in a call center. I would regularly lose my voice when sick or having severe stress. Customers would hang up, thinking I wasn't there, or ask for a manager they could. Transferring to support with a squeak didn't really explain anything. Still wasn't sent home. If I left, it was on me. Guess they liked my call times or something.

  • @teresakimhopkins2784
    @teresakimhopkins2784 Год назад +66

    Semi retired RN here. Last hospital I worked at for 34 years, being sick was not an excused absence. Told not to come to work with the flu but apparently not being able to use paid time off for it and risking being written up. So, yes, I worked sick. They didn’t care, they needed warm bodies.

    • @Corvusthemad
      @Corvusthemad 11 месяцев назад +4

      Not much has changed unfortunately. I’m a PCT at a hospital. They still do that 🥶

    • @phastinemoon
      @phastinemoon 7 месяцев назад +1

      That seems… unwise

    • @KathleenPatterson-d7s
      @KathleenPatterson-d7s 2 месяца назад


  • @PhazeParsnip
    @PhazeParsnip Год назад +35

    As someone who recently had to quit her job becasue of a toxic boss this video hitts a little harder than I was prepared for. I had to seek emergency counseling for the trauma I endured and the councilor told me that what i had untill then assumed was fairly normal at a workplace was "textbook psychological abuse" 🙃

  • @amputeeright
    @amputeeright Год назад +80

    I had a boos that was toxic and a dimwit to boot. I had my right leg amputated below the knee, and returned to work using a knee roller until my prosthetic was ready. The toxic boss told me my bathroom breaks were taking "too long" I didn't wait-I went right to HR, and they made her try my knee roller so she could see what I had to contend with. I have to admit I almost gigglesnorted when she fell off.

  • @Suzie_Q1989
    @Suzie_Q1989 Год назад +292

    I had a “boss” that wouldn’t let me go to my cousin’s wedding because a co-worker had already requested that day off for her nephew’s first birthday. I explained that it was the last time I’d see my uncle alive, as he had cancer so the wedding was moved so he’d be able to be there. I still wasn’t allowed to go. Another coworker got a horrible phone call that his father killer himself… boss told him that he needed to finish his shift. He flipped her the bird and left…. The thing is, we were all under a 1099 (illegally) and considered self employed. Eventually, all the employees quit, and the turn over rate for that place is still crazy because the boss is a POS. She was also reported to the IRS by the employees. I can’t believe she still even has a business.

    • @cheeling794
      @cheeling794 Год назад +16

      it will all catch up to her. no fear, karma is here!😂

    • @abigailmaturana741
      @abigailmaturana741 Год назад +5

      oh man, did you just go to the wedding or did you miss it?? 😭

    • @Suzie_Q1989
      @Suzie_Q1989 Год назад +10

      @@abigailmaturana741 I missed it. He died a week later. I never got to see him coherent.

    • @kaitlynbennett4348
      @kaitlynbennett4348 Год назад +13

      @@Suzie_Q1989 That sucks you missed it. If i worked there i wouldve just told her i quit

    • @Suzie_Q1989
      @Suzie_Q1989 Год назад +8

      @@cheeling794 the kicker is, the coworker didn’t even go to the party, she went to the spa instead. I’d even asked if she’d be willing to switch days, and she’d said no because she wanted to go to the party. It was a crappy place all the way around. It sucked. The place gets regular bad reviews, but the boss has her mom call the ppl leaving bad reviews, pretending to be a lawyer and threatens them to remove the reviews. They’re only up for a few days at a time.

  • @patriciatriolo1585
    @patriciatriolo1585 Год назад +186

    The girl that shared about having surgery I totally related to her story. I was scheduled for a major surgery and trying to get everything done at work before hand. I was even covering for some "out" for a minor issue. My boss rode my a** relentlessly, giving me a hard time. I finally told her that when I am dead and buried they will not put on my tombstone if I was a good manager or not. Please remember I am a person not just an employee. She used to accuse me of being " too nice" to my staff. I told her I did not know how else to be.

    • @Krifpumpumkrify
      @Krifpumpumkrify Год назад +10

      Where I work now are incredible.
      My previous job... was an experience.
      When I was working at my previous job I was Dx with one of the most pain chronic illnesses (only took 15 years to be diagnosed, but I am a woman so of course all my symptoms were ignored and I was gaslit like you wouldn't believe) and some other things like brain tumours and epilepsy but those are the easy diagnosis for me to deal with.
      I had other staff going through my medication and taking photos, sending them to other staff and talking about my meds, mocking my appointments and surgery (even though it meant that they could work a week day during the day), any time I'd bring up issues to higher ups they were ignored, but boy did they try and write my up for every little thing, images of my medications were one of the things they tried to get me in trouble for.
      When I referenced the date and time I discussed staff going through my personal affects and theorising my medical situation was a gross violation they dropped it pretty fast.
      It is why I always highly recommend getting all staff into their union ASAP.

    • @Sica210
      @Sica210 Год назад +10

      Sometimes women bosses can be harder on other women…maybe seeing us ‘other women’ as a threat..? Idk, but I’ve had some pretty horrible women bosses that have no sympathy.
      I had a coworker at my _old_ job that was fired by another woman because she (the coworker) had had a miscarriage and was really just struggling at work…and she *fired her!* I don’t know if this was a factor but the woman who fired her doesn’t want children so… I was so mad though…and ended up quitting shortly after when they wouldn’t let me stay home for more than a week when I had Covid. I used to love that job but the kept terrible managers and supervisors that micromanage and get high off their power instead of decent hard working people; it just became unbearable. I’d rather be broke than work there every again…I had been working there 12 years but after their *amazing* VP left, it went downhill so effing fast! Now they have a revolving door of employees and they had to hire *five* people to take over my _one_ job/position. 🙄
      Last I heard, that company has started to fold… Karma’s a bitch! 👏🏼

  • @ThatOneWeirdGal
    @ThatOneWeirdGal Год назад +42

    I used to have a very nosey boss that would seem to want to know about personal aspects of my life. She would also gossip as if she was a high school student. I have many examples of this but this one time in particular she had asked me to cover a shift for someone the day of (my coworker called out sick). I told her I couldn't, as I had other commitments and left it at that. She continued to try to convince me to come in. Her: "Only for a couple hours?" Me: "Sorry, I can't." Her: "How long are you going to be busy today? Can you come in after or before?" I stopped responding. Her again: "Can I ask what the commitment is that requires you to be busy from 8AM until 9PM?" I never responded. These were the questions she asked me word for word; went back and looked at my texts from years ago. Yes, I keep the receipts. The next day I came into work and my coworker told me that she overheard another one of our coworkers and our boss talking about me. She apparently told him that she thought I was lying and that I just like to be lazy.
    Our lives do not revolve around our jobs...especially THAT job (entry level position).
    Sidenote: I found out she still works there and there are a multitude of negative Indeed reviews that are all about her and they're hilarious. This kinda makes me feel so satisfied.

    • @ashleymiles4050
      @ashleymiles4050 7 месяцев назад +1

      Why do they think it's cool for u to drop everything on ur day off? Even if it's taking a nap it's ur right as it's UR DAY OFF!!! My boss asked for me to come in on a Sunday when I had all 3 of my nieces the night before, I was exhausted, now she is passively aggressively mad and cut 2 days off my schedule this week, jokes on her tho, I'm not mad at all, I took that nap... Again on the day she shaved off too... I got 4 kids myself, I'm always good for a day off while they are at school...

    • @ashleymiles4050
      @ashleymiles4050 7 месяцев назад +1

      She's always talking about someone too, just like high school😒

  • @Shridra
    @Shridra Год назад +21

    My worst boss actually started out as one of my best. She would make sure I had off whatever time I needed (I didn't ask for much), did things like bring us coffee, was always willing to listen. It made me want to help out, so I never complained when I was doing 60 hour weeks, or had to come in early or stay late to cover other people who didn't come in. Then slowly she started actually coming in to work less and less (owner/manager), she hired her son who was lazy as 💩 but still paid more than us, stopped acknowledging the hard work of the core staff. I finally went to her after not having a raise in 2 years and asked for one, not even a big raise, like 50c, and she laughed in my face. I still kept working for a few months, but the last straw was my birthday. At the time I saw my parents for maybe a week twice a year. It was a big birthday so they were flying in for it. Of the 5 days I had asked for off to spend time with them, she gave me 2.
    I had another job lined up by the end of the week.
    The kicker? When I gave her my 2 weeks notice she offered me over a dollar more an hour.

  • @1diagram
    @1diagram Год назад +295

    Years ago I went into anaphylactic shock after taking penicillin. A doctor saved my life (thank you!😭). Once the episode was over I called work and told them I wouldn't be in for the night shift and explained what happened. A few hour later my boss called me and asked how I was doing. I thought "how nice of her to call and check on me". Then she said "are you sure you can't come in tonight"? 🙄

    • @brendacarter4968
      @brendacarter4968 Год назад +1

      Just wondering if you're an ER nurse? Sounds very familiar to me!

    • @1diagram
      @1diagram Год назад +20

      @@brendacarter4968 now if I was an ER nurse I MIGHT understand them really needing me to come in. No, I was managing a schmancy gift store in NYC. Ya know, life or death if I wasn't there 🤣

    • @irisjuliete8057
      @irisjuliete8057 Год назад +7

      I would of said oh I’m pretty sure that I was seconds away from flat lining but if you’d like to speak to the Dr who saved my life, I can ask him if he’s able to take your phone call.

    • @LadyMaeghan
      @LadyMaeghan 11 месяцев назад +7

      I had a friend's dog bite my foot (accident) and I ended up with cellulitis (infection in the skin) on my food, 3/4 of the way to my ankle. I could barely walk, and no shoes fit. My doctor wrote me off work for almost a week to get the antibiotics time to work, and because I worked nights in a nursing home as the charge nurse.
      The managers didn't want to come in - normally, they would just sit in their office and do paperwork or watch movies, but they didn't feel like it, so they kept asking me if I was SURE I couldn't make it. I was like, I cannot wear shoes, and I can barely walk. If there's a medical emergency, I cannot get there. So yeah, pretty sure! LOL

    • @1diagram
      @1diagram 11 месяцев назад

      @@LadyMaeghan that's what it was for me! The manager didn't want to come in 😂

  • @karenmitchell77
    @karenmitchell77 Год назад +128

    I was scheduled for a surgery. My manager denied my pto time off for it. She said I had to get someone to cover my shift. I had the surgery already booked. Needless to say that was the final straw for me and I quit a few weeks later. Bosses don't get to treat people like that.

    • @WeedWitch1620
      @WeedWitch1620 2 месяца назад +1

      It is NOT your job to find coverage for your time off it is the BOSS/MANAGER job to find coverage. Staffing is part of their job description and their duties.

  • @davidguidry657
    @davidguidry657 Год назад +482

    Unpopular opinion time: The quiet treatment does not work on bosses (or at all for that matter) so speak up for yourself. It may feel awkward at first but comes easier with practice.

    • @ljzi1161
      @ljzi1161 Год назад +18

      100% communication goes both ways

    • @faithreturns333
      @faithreturns333 Год назад

      I'm a woman who's been in the workplace since the early 70s. I can tell you women are the worst people to have working for you because they are Petty and they will stab you in the back in order to advance themselves. I would much rather have a man boss who expected me to do my job than a liberal Petty woman who's more concerned about her feelings than getting the job done. Women think that they can treat their bosses like they can their husbands or their boyfriends! They are some of the most ignorant people I've ever watched in my entire life! Not all women but I'm telling you it is 95% of the women in the workplace! Nobody wants to hear about your flowing vagina! Nobody cares about how you don't feel well, there's protocol in all things and these people don't use it they use their emotion in order to manipulate. Godless women are just whores

    • @SofieAndMe
      @SofieAndMe Год назад +26

      Truth. Right now at my sh!t 2nd job, we have a boss that was so abusive people kept up & quitting AT THE "MORNING" (night job) MEETING. One night I had enough & I said some stuff, which turned into a yelling match on the floor. Ever since that night he has made a huge effort to not be a douche. Had no idea me losing my sh!t would ever change anything. Could have been fired but the employees around me were clearly supportive of what I was saying. Pick a person to speak & go as a group. Most bosses have no interest in doing your job if you all walk.

    • @rra7490
      @rra7490 Год назад +12

      That one is obvious but some bosses just yell at you for speaking up.

    • @parkerbrown-nesbit1747
      @parkerbrown-nesbit1747 Год назад +5

      ​@@rra7490and sometimes you get fired.

  • @Anei888Zotto
    @Anei888Zotto 8 месяцев назад +5

    I was working at a grocery store when I was younger. My mom had died unexpectedly so I called into work asking for some time. After 3 days I was contacted by my employer and was reprimanded for not giving them advanced notice for my leave. He said it was selfish because they were understaffed and I had screwed over my coworkers. I quit on the spot. ✌️

  • @elizabethjohnston7156
    @elizabethjohnston7156 3 месяца назад +5

    When I was pregnant with my first child many moons ago my water broke in the middle of the night two weeks early. I called my principal to tell him that my maternity leave was going to start earlier than I thought. Instead of congratulating me or offering words of encouragement, he huffed and complained how he was going to have to scramble to get a substitute teacher for me. THEN my husband's principal (we were both teachers in the same district) made him go work a concession stand the exact time he was supposed to bring me and our newborn home from the hospital. The whole district was toxic.

  • @meganclow6959
    @meganclow6959 Год назад +413

    Our HR lady told us a story once in a corporate meeting. An employee was late to his shift so the manager kept calling his phone and was having other employees call his phone because he was pissed the guy was late. Couple of hours later they get a phone call to the store, it was the boys grandmother and he had been hit by a car on his way to work and he passed away. It's never that serious, employees are not property or your children, just let it be. If someone is late, roll with it. If they don't show up at all, roll with it. You never know what is happening with people

    • @ThatOneWeirdGal
      @ThatOneWeirdGal Год назад +46

      I mean I wouldn't say just roll with it. You need to follow up when someone is a no call-no show. Calling anymore times than once though? No.

    • @mooony22
      @mooony22 Год назад +8

      @@ThatOneWeirdGal I agree at that point too obviously something may be wrong. Yes its easier to think the worse and not hurt your expectations but in reality its easier to be understanding and put your effort in working the current situation.

    • @addyshorhnr3544
      @addyshorhnr3544 Год назад +6

      Depends, to pester them into answering because your annoyed but it absolutely a no, to pester them because you have a closer relationship that’s abnormal and you are seriously concerned, absolutely.

    • @CreedsofYore
      @CreedsofYore 9 месяцев назад +6

      With the amount of people I know who have been found deceased or on the floor having a stroke and desperately needing medical attention - a no call no show is definitely cause for concern. However, instead of blowing up the phone, the boss should have called the employees emergency contact number in their file. A wellness check on someone is always a good thing.

    • @tracemiller1519
      @tracemiller1519 9 месяцев назад

      I guarantee she never did that again. How messed up is that.

  • @erichhesse6853
    @erichhesse6853 Год назад +90

    When I was a truck driver ( Long Haul), I had a driver manager (dispatcher) that tried to make me run an illegal route when I was out of driving hours for the day and had a minor break down issue with my truck. I told him to put it across my in cab computer, and he did. So I called corporate safety office and got him fired that night. He'll NEVER work in the transportation industry in the US again with that on his record.

    • @fanfictiondreamer7836
      @fanfictiondreamer7836 Год назад +12

      *applauds* Major props to you, you did the right thing. That guy needed to be removed.

    • @lisamelroy2855
      @lisamelroy2855 Год назад +6

      Good for you!!

    • @dracofirex
      @dracofirex Год назад +3

      YES! get the evidence! great work!!

  • @AlisonRuthless
    @AlisonRuthless 11 месяцев назад +14

    I swear I could have written these stories & relate so much to everything. You are SOOO right about a boss making or breaking a place/job & that the worse people often get into management positions. Yes!

  • @waynealien
    @waynealien Год назад +7

    Shoutout to the editor Kelly!! Loving the return of the random Charlotte characters!!! The Holy Canoli was my favorite but now Charzilla 🤣🤣🤣🤣👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • @lindajanedeuel483
    @lindajanedeuel483 Год назад +68

    I had a boss who told me she needed me to come in even though I was trying to call out sick. I went to work feeling like absolutely crap, with a fever. When I arrived my boss told me I looked awful and I responded by throwing up on her desk.....needless to say I was "allowed" to go home sick.
    I went to urgent care later that day...I had the flu and strep-throat. I missed 5 days of work..😊 9:03

    • @seameology
      @seameology 9 месяцев назад +6

      😂🤣😅 I hope you didn't clean it up!

    • @pippagrey9633
      @pippagrey9633 3 месяца назад

      I hope you shared the bug with her!

  • @ruthiecolby7554
    @ruthiecolby7554 Год назад +86

    I worked for CFA. Had a miscarriage while working back of house. Was told the bleeding was normal and to keep working. I am blessed now with a warehouse job with a company that treats me like family and actually cares about our health.

    • @d4ever649
      @d4ever649 Год назад

      Chick FiL A? Truit kids are a holes

  • @Percy_Of_The_Sea
    @Percy_Of_The_Sea Год назад +11

    My toxic manager story:
    I used to work the last shift for the Deli at Walmart. This shift was pretty simple. Help the customers and keep food cooked until its time to clean then we needed to clean.
    We got a new manager over the Deli, I want to say, my second year in. She was very harsh and would yell at my shifts team just as we got on over stuff the previous group had neglected to do. She sent me into panic attacks weekly! She did not last long. Thankfully.

    • @marymasavage8986
      @marymasavage8986 7 месяцев назад +2

      For me, I was a cashier at Walmart. This was during the time of those "wonderful🙄" credit card apps. I wasn't the pushy type to convince people to get those things but those managers kept pressuring me to get them. After so much stress, I started to have medical problems and psych problems. I was carted off in ambulances twice, maybe three times and once by a sheriff because I dealt with my anxiety and panic attack in a bad way. Also, every stint I had in the psych ward was seven days.
      I asked for help on how to improve, but never got it. Just get more apps they would say. I loved when they started putting in self checkouts (only six) because I could get away without asking about those things.
      Anyway, I wound up missing half a month due to two stints in the psych ward seven days each (by the way, did call in) returned to work after the last one with a note as usual and they let me go like the next day due to absenteeism. I was clearly not in the right mind to fight it and was out of work for a year while dealing with the b.s. they caused and more intense medical help.

    • @Percy_Of_The_Sea
      @Percy_Of_The_Sea 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@marymasavage8986 That's messed up. I'm so sorry they put you through all of that. Walmart just sucks to work at in general. My older brother worked there a while back before I had and was let go over a medical incident. He was severely dehydrated and working Cap 2. They basically told him that if he left to get medical assistance they would fire him. He collapsed in the front bathroom and was helped by a customer. He said screw it and left anyway. I honestly don't know why but he went back to working for them a year later.
      No one deserves the treatment given. They really need to do better.

  • @breanarosscvt7630
    @breanarosscvt7630 11 месяцев назад +3

    When I left my full time day job, they needed to hire 3 people to replace me. That’s when it hit me that I was right to be overwhelmed by this job. BECAUSE IT WAS 3 JOBS that I was doing without the compensation or recognition!!!🎉

  • @peachesnmulder
    @peachesnmulder Год назад +128

    I had a manager who micromanaged the shiit out of me. I was the one who was in the office more than the other workers. He finally quit and I was talking to my mother about it. She told me that she noticed I had changed since he started working there. The stress was unbelievable. Found out later that the next job he had he was caught naked in one of the rooms and asked a female employee to join him. Yep. And he used to be a cop.

    • @jeng8401
      @jeng8401 Год назад +12

      I remember the documentary on American Apparel and the founder used to do the same thing walk naked around young women. And they had to act like it was normal. They tossed him out of the company.

    • @tigurehime1811
      @tigurehime1811 Год назад +3

      😂 my brain read that microchip aha❤ no no

  • @sarahpetroff7621
    @sarahpetroff7621 Год назад +102

    I had a boss who was cashing and checking out my till at Big Lots, and when I told him that I had college classes two days he scheduled me and I couldn’t be at work those two days, he muttered under his breath “You women don’t need a higher education you should be working non stop…” I quit the next day

    • @KeyanuOhioChick
      @KeyanuOhioChick Год назад

      Good for you cause he had you fucke up

    • @hopefletcher7420
      @hopefletcher7420 Год назад +17

      OMG. I had a boss once who didn't like hiring women because he said they just get pregnant and leave.

    • @ranran8934
      @ranran8934 Год назад

      What a very insecure your boss is.

    • @MadFretsy24
      @MadFretsy24 Год назад +15

      @@hopefletcher7420 my former boss says that too. She's a woman and has a child.

    • @samanthahughes7783
      @samanthahughes7783 Год назад +4

      Yes queen! Know your worth. ❤

  • @adairsharon1
    @adairsharon1 Год назад +289

    Had a toxic boss who didn’t have children, and had zero sympathy for those of us who did. When my co-worker got a call from her child’s daycare center that her baby had had a seizure, our garbage supervisor said to her, “Did you finish that packet?” She screamed at Gloria, “F$#& YOU!” And ran out of there. What a piece of work she was.

    • @ellencox8415
      @ellencox8415 Год назад +1

      Reminds me of my boss when I was 9 weeks pregnant with our first child. I started bleeding profusely. I was absolutely terrified. I go screaming into her office that I need to leave, I'm going to the hospital. She said... and I quote... "Is it really that bad?"
      I went to the hospital and never went back to that job.
      The absolute balls of this hag. Yes Karen, I didn't just get my period.

    • @ArwenAngel1
      @ArwenAngel1 Год назад +6

      It's not that she had no sympathy. It's that parents use their kids as an excuse for everything.

    • @adairsharon1
      @adairsharon1 Год назад +49

      @@ArwenAngel1 You are making one HELL of a sweeping generalization there when you say parents use their kids as an excuse for everything. As a parent, I personally would not use my child as an excuse and especially saying they’ve just had a seizure! Her shock from the phone call was genuine. There were eight of us in one small room working at our computers, with Gloria sitting at her desk reading magazines and filing her nails. Phone conversations could clearly be heard. Sheila turned around, stood up, said, “My baby’s just had a seizure!” In sheer panic, grabbed her purse when Gloria then asked her if she had finished her packet. And we women were there working because we needed the income. We didn’t just take time off. And we rarely missed a day.

    • @youraverageanxiouscommente2756
      @youraverageanxiouscommente2756 Год назад +42

      ​@@ArwenAngel1her kid had a SEIZURE. Are you Gloria?

    • @haz.fellie
      @haz.fellie Год назад +34

      ​@@ArwenAngel1 Sorry your mom doesn't love you.

  • @ipponymous5573
    @ipponymous5573 Год назад +9

    One of my jobs had me running an entire department: setting up files, running machines, setting up customer virtual proofs, cutting and installing art, and setting up art for other departments. I got in trouble for missing meeting that I was never notified of, was in a completely different part of the building from everyone else, so communication was non-existent. The Owner constantly reminded me of their previous employees who had done everything I did and more and so they couldn't understand why I was always just finishing everything on time. It was the longest 4 months of my life. Got let go in the middle of the day with no warning. Sometimes you don't know you are working in hell until it is over.

  • @isabellamartinez8656
    @isabellamartinez8656 Год назад +9

    The first story reminded me of when I got hurt at my first job, I literally couldn’t walk for a week, and the manager was the only other person with me. My manager didn’t even ask me if I was ok, I had to continue working the rest of my shift and another shift the week. My boss didn’t even answer me when I told them I got hurt, I didn’t even know I had to write down that I got hurt at work until after I quit. Some bosses and managers just don’t care

  • @delphinelavendermorgan4627
    @delphinelavendermorgan4627 Год назад +51

    I worked at a dinner like establishment, one of my coworkers was pregnant and it was close to her due date, our boss had his car ready, us ready, the phone ready and always said to our regulars if you see that she is not doing so good please tell one of us. Sure enough, she had a beautiful boy (in the hospital) and still works there

    • @Sts90
      @Sts90 Год назад +4

      Aww, u guys r lucky..

    • @AuntyBec
      @AuntyBec Год назад +5

      Now that's a place you'd love to work for.

  • @Hani_irl
    @Hani_irl Год назад +109

    My boss told the receptionist to fire me at the end of the work day because I mouthed "sorry" to a pharma rep after the receptionist was being nasty to him. The manager/wife of the Physician's office always told us to be mean to reps so they won't come in again. There's a reason this doctors office has a 2 star rating.

    • @fanfictiondreamer7836
      @fanfictiondreamer7836 Год назад +9

      And they wouldn't even considering fixing that. Wow, talk about not caring about people in the least bit.

    • @Hani_irl
      @Hani_irl Год назад

      @@fanfictiondreamer7836 that's true

    • @Rowdygirl50
      @Rowdygirl50 Год назад +7

      That is so common in medical practices. Yes, there are a still quite a few outstanding, professional office staffed well. However, the majority of them run by either the wife or the mistress are top tier toxic places to work.

    • @ktwhimsy6946
      @ktwhimsy6946 Год назад

      @@Rowdygirl50in my 40 years I only found ONE medical office where everyone is amazing (granted I’m a patient/client and don’t work there, but it seems they all really like each other!) I drive over an hour to get there & pay cash every month because it’s not covered by my insurance… about a year ago, pharmacies were so understaffed they weren’t answering phones, and I was stressed about driving ALL the way out there without knowing if anything was in stock, so one of the office gals literally drove to the pharmacy on her lunch break to check for me 🤗 totally worth the drive because the staff are wonderful ❤❤

    • @saphiael-mansub2206
      @saphiael-mansub2206 Год назад +3

      Wow I tell my receptionist not to let reps in to see me when I have a busy day but no need to be nasty. I went to work day before major surgery but I'm nuts and wouldn't expect it of other people

  • @nylekinc
    @nylekinc Год назад +59

    During the pandemic I accepted a PhD offer from a university. I decided that while I waited to move, I would find a job to do (had like a month or two left in my old city). I became a substitute teacher. Doesn’t pay much but it was a relatively easy gig and gave me a way to not be bored and earn a little extra cash. A couple of weeks in, I became sick. Thought it was COVID, texted them and told them I was sick and that I was gonna test for COVID, turns out it was just a regular fever. I’m out like three days. I come back and the principal of the school takes me to her office and says: “Next time, if you’re planning on being sick, you have to let us know in advance.” Like WTF! So since I didn’t really need the job, I walked out and quit. 😂

    • @AuntyBec
      @AuntyBec Год назад +8

      You really wish you could say to them, "Now can you just repeat that back to yourself & see how unreasonable that sounds?!". I swear some of these higher ups must never get sick a day in their life, the way they talk down to people.

    • @laramaaike3050
      @laramaaike3050 Год назад +5

      That principal sounds a lot like one of my old bosses. He told me through the phone that I can't be sick on fridays, bc it is always busy. Other days will work better...what the F?

    • @akherousia
      @akherousia Год назад +6

      ​@@AuntyBecmaybe the principal usually gets "sick" instead of actually getting sick. And that stuff can be planned.

    • @pleasestopscreaming
      @pleasestopscreaming Год назад +7

      My mom has a job like this, she's only allowed like 8 sick hours A YEAR, then she gets written up for unexcused absences. Like, most people don't plan when they are sick?!

  • @TwylahsMom
    @TwylahsMom Год назад +33

    My boss called me into his office To make me aware that no one in the office likes me 😂 I giggled and said "That's unfortunate; I'm here to make money, not friends." I knew he was just being a dick to push my buttons, I've watched him do it with other employees over the years.

    • @fanfictiondreamer7836
      @fanfictiondreamer7836 Год назад

      Wow, you really work for such a petty bully.

    • @niamphdollieofficial
      @niamphdollieofficial 5 месяцев назад +1

      That is the most stereotypical 'boss' thing I've ever-
      That's something a woman woukd do smdh

  • @angelgregory9445
    @angelgregory9445 Год назад +45

    Like 12 years ago I had a terrible boss who was so insensitive to what we had going on in our lives. One of my coworkers mom passed away and he got the call while we were working. He obviously would be taking a few days off and when she was told this she had the nerve to say, "Ugh.... well she has bad timing." Like what the actual fuh....? Chick was crazy.

    • @seameology
      @seameology 9 месяцев назад +2

      As if there ever is a good time to die 🤷

  • @mapatterson173
    @mapatterson173 Год назад +419

    Guys, sorry. I was a female in the U.S, Army in the 80s. Toxic bosses? I’m still in therapy. However, I’ve come to realize that for the standout, career-influencing, toxic yay-holes in charge, I had far too many supportive leaders and teammates to count. It was an honor and privilege to serve my country along side them.

    • @lisamelroy2855
      @lisamelroy2855 Год назад +15

      Thank you for your service!!!

    • @davidguidry657
      @davidguidry657 Год назад +6

      Hoorah! Thank you for your service! 🫡 🇺🇸

    • @heatherdavis345
      @heatherdavis345 Год назад +4

      Thank you for your service ❤

    • @faithreturns333
      @faithreturns333 Год назад

      Petty women are disgusting! These nasty women think that they're attractive but they really just there was a huge scab on the American Workforce. Thank you for serving your country honorably. Women should never be in combat but only and supportive roles. If you don't agree with that then you're part of the problem

    • @sarahbrewer53
      @sarahbrewer53 Год назад +4

      Thank you for your service 😊

  • @amandadellinger1392
    @amandadellinger1392 8 месяцев назад +6

    I had a difficult boss turned VP for several years at my job. He was kind to some people, not others he just didn't like and treated us very differently. He left the company 2 years ago and our new leadership is so amazing. I'm so grateful I stuck it out. On Monday I celebrated my 12 year work anniversary!

  • @SLP828
    @SLP828 11 месяцев назад +5

    I needed a hysterectomy. I'm a teacher so I was planning to do it during the summer but pandemic. I was in a lot of pain. Also, my girls had lost their dad at the beginning of the pandemic so I wanted to be careful not to expose myself and have them lose both their parents. So I was teaching virtually and I asked my boss if I could continue to teach virtually for two more weeks so I would squeeze my surgery between breaks. NOT necessarily what was best for me. She declined. So I took the full 12 weeks FLMA at the beginning of the year and there wasn't anything she could do.

  • @pizzagal7
    @pizzagal7 Год назад +23

    OMG! That first story reminded me of bad and good. Bad - I worked for a government department (loved the job but managers sucked). One evening I was visiting family for dinner and ended up getting severely burnt with flaming hot oil. I had 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns head to toe. My supervisor calls me the next morning (she had already been notified), and the first thing out of her mouth was 'when will you be back at work?'
    Now, the good story. I now work for a small community organisation, and I love my job and all of the staff. Back in 2016 I was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Everybody, including the committee that runs the organisation, was so supportive. They even bought me a Lenovo tablet because I had said something about my old tablet dying. Unfortunately, because of all the health problems I developed after that, they have a tendency to mollycoddle me. I love them though 🥰

  • @MidnightPumpkin666
    @MidnightPumpkin666 Год назад +67

    As a manager in a retail store, I want my employees to feel comfortable enough to talk with me about issues that I can help with. I don't want my employees to feel the way I did when I first started working, so I always strive to be patient and understanding. I am far from perfect, but it absolutely makes a difference when you do have a great boss; I am thankful every day for my superwoman of a DM.

  • @cursedreverie
    @cursedreverie Год назад +238

    The whole 'I quit' thing doesn't work well in the US. We need insurance.

    • @xBeefcorex
      @xBeefcorex Год назад +46

      I just purchased a private insurance plan for my large family and was floored when it was over $100 less than the company insurance I had previously. I don’t understand our system at all sometimes but I feel like we’re being lied to somewhere. We don’t need these companies as much as they want us to think we do.
      Edited for typo

    • @thatgardeninggirl2864
      @thatgardeninggirl2864 Год назад +9

      I just lost my insurance on August of 1st 15 million people are about to lose their insurance I don't know what I'm going to do if anybody knows of any good insurance companies please let me know

    • @davidguidry657
      @davidguidry657 Год назад +26

      I’ll avoid politics as best I can but “I quit” is still effective. The competition for jobs requiring any form of skill, ability, or customer service is laughable so finding another job is not that difficult. You may not be able to coordinate the “mic drop” moment but you ARE replaceable to your employer, NOT replaceable to your family, and should always keep your résumé current/up to date and continually testing the employment pool. If the work place/boss is toxic, start looking. You will likely be able to negotiate higher pay rates since you currently have a job so they will need to compete with that.
      Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

    • @fanfictiondreamer7836
      @fanfictiondreamer7836 Год назад +27

      Wow, it's like they're trying to trap a lot of us to stay in a toxic work environment for the insurance.

    • @melissacoviello2886
      @melissacoviello2886 Год назад +19

      I just came to point out that the “I quit” doesn’t work so well when your insurance is through your employer. This country, I swear. It’s even antithetical to productivity, and they still don’t care and won’t pass universal healthcare. Sad.

  • @ShawnC.W-King
    @ShawnC.W-King Год назад +3


  • @dirtylaundry9785
    @dirtylaundry9785 Год назад +4

    So unfortunately I’ve had my share of horrible bosses 😩 I’ve done a lot in my working years from the teenage jobs then ran an entire pizza spot in my early twenties (owners were clueless) but here are the 2 stories that stuck with me…. After the pizza shop I decided I like to cook as I often helped out on the line when we were super busy so I applied and got a position as a line cook but working directly with the head chef as we immediately got along and I like to learn new things well it was going great until his girlfriend or wife decided she was gonna target me and whatever task he had me doing 🙄 we also catered events and I was told that we had a wedding and one of the choices in the buffet was lasagna and that I would have to do about 20 of them so ok no problem I came in early and got right to work and I remember she didn’t come in until later that morning and I was about 15 deep at the time when I was getting ready to start my next tray and while laying down the base noodle she comes over my shoulder and says right in my ear “your putting that noodle in backwards” I out of sheer instinct and because I have no filter said “wtf are you talking about it’s literally the same thing on both sides” Kevin heard what was happening and called her over to him and winked at me kinda like saying I’ll keep her busy so I go on with the day while actively avoiding her until about a half hour before closing when I was making a dish table side and she came over screaming that I was using to much chicken 🤦‍♀️ she made us portion everything out and I understood that for overhead but lady your screaming at me in front of customers in the middle of the dining room so I walked away went into the kitchen said goodbye to the people I liked and quit on the spot 😂 I was done with cooking professionally after that and got into management for a small health foods store in my city and honestly rocked it then covid happened and I understood my hours would be cut but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get my check on time and I wasn’t! It was direct deposit every Friday but I wouldn’t get my check until Tuesday or Wednesday so finally I had enough (after almost a month of constantly being paid late) and said if my check wasn’t on time I wasn’t coming in until it did and the owner freaked out then finally told me to come at noon and get it and when I got there he said “don’t come in for the rest of the week” so I basically got suspended for asking for my paycheck 😅 That day I started looking for another position and found the one I’m at now going on 3 years and absolutely LOVE the owners they are amazing and as the store manager those shitty experiences help me be a better boss!

  • @blue.5058
    @blue.5058 Год назад +15

    I worked on the Conan O’Brien show (for TBS) for approximately six years.
    There was one time when I had to build a porta-potty shaped like a Minion (those yellow pill-shaped creatures with the bug eyes) for a week of remote shows in San Diego for Comic-Con. This was around 2016.
    Now what TYPICALLY happens is that everything is specially made for such a prop. This would include the commode and the urinal, as just because it’s supposed to LOOK like a porta-John doesn’t mean it actually has to BE one, right? We’d use stuff like plywood and PVC piping that would be gussied up to look like the real thing, but totally wasn’t.
    Not in this case.
    One of the unwashed hipsters on the show calling himself a “production designer” hauled in a commode and other related parts from a REAL Andy Gump. These weren’t new, unused items straight from the factory, either- these things looked like they just came out of a working unit somewhere on the studio lot (WB in Burbank, CA). The show wanted me to “adapt” those parts to our prop, which required way too much cutting and fitting for my comfort. I simply had no way of knowing where those things had been.
    I immediately asked if these items in question were sanitized (as in either steam-cleaned or cleaned out with strong disinfectant chemicals of some sort) as I wasn’t going to cut up a commode with poop residue still inside. That would be rather puke-inducing.
    The production designer assured me that the items were “thoroughly sanitized”. I wasn’t satisfied with the answer so I went to my Boomer boss to express my concerns. He took a flashlight, looked inside for a second, and told me to, “just fucking get the job done”.
    So I went to work, starting with the cutting open of the commode so I could fit it in our tank.
    It wasn’t sanitized in the least.
    I was almost immediately splattered with soiled blue Andy Gump water (dotted with what looked to be not-quite-digested corn kernels and strands of spinach) once I opened it up. I would experience the feeling of dried shit no matter where I’d try to grab the inside of the commode. The smell of fermenting urine and fecal matter was everywhere.
    It turned out the tank had a baffle in it that kept some of the refuse inside until I cut the poop tank open. Then SPLOOSH… instant mess. And SPLOOSH was an understatement, as it went all over my clothes from mud-chest down.
    All the higher ups changed their tunes almost immediately after hearing of the incident in what had to be the most animated game of hot potato I’d ever scene. NOBODY wanted to take responsibility for the mishap, which I didn’t find particularly appreciative in the least.
    Calling my union to file a grievance on the show was futile, as they never bothered to call back. Going to the studio safety department was even worse as no one was even there to take a report.
    Faced with no other options, I did what any good worker on the show WOULD do- I put the thing together… commode, poop residue and all, where it eventually ended up on the stage where the show was taped. I’m sure the heat from the lights must’ve made things rather… aromatic over time lol

  • @paradoxerror3969
    @paradoxerror3969 Год назад +27

    This is why you need to look for small throw away lines in your job description that are "Duties as assigned". It mostly means your manager can assign anything to you and it's now your job, within reason, he can't send someone out to get his dry cleaning, but he can send someone out to get the pizza's he bought for the office so no one leaves for lunch and works through it.

  • @rebella8898
    @rebella8898 Год назад +31

    The final straw that made me quit my last job was my boss telling me that they allow people to take extended lunch breaks to take care of their step children. Mind you, we have previously spoken about this, she agreed to letting me take an extra 5-10 minutes to get my kids home from summer camp and wait for the babysitter. And the day it started I texted her and told her thank you. 5 weeks later she blew up about it after I begged her for at least 2 weeks to talk to me about her concerns. 🙄
    She also tried to move me from the business office to reception. Bish please, I have a masters degree and 5+ years of experience. I walked the eff out.
    Never settle for working for an ab*sive boss. Never. You are worth more than that.

  • @patiencecree3458
    @patiencecree3458 Год назад +3

    Ugh, I remember when I was at my first job and I got sick. I was a cashier so you'd think they'd want to send me home but they just put me on the register closest to the bathrooms :(( my young and naïve self. We weren't even busy and there were plenty of other workers; I was constantly in/out of the bathroom or sitting on the floor at the register.

  • @KayleeFarnes
    @KayleeFarnes Год назад +36

    I was spoiled in college with my boss. Most her staff was already out for spring break, but she had no hesitation letting me leave for a few days for my grandpa's funeral. Then I once went into work, she looked at me and said "You're sick, go home." She set a high standard for me so when a later job was upset I had to take time off for my unexpected miscarriage, I started looking elsewhere because it was completely unacceptable to me.

    • @gravyz2cute4u
      @gravyz2cute4u Год назад +3

      Good on you! That's insane for someone to expect you to come in right after a miscarriage!
      If that's not a good enough reason then what is? "I know you're literally on your death bed, but can you come in and work just one short shift?" 🙄🙄🙄

  • @dicitalore605
    @dicitalore605 Год назад +37

    I got appendicitis and instead of rushing to tell my parents about it, my first thought was to call my boss and let her know. I felt the pains at 3 in the morning and by 4:30am she was the first to know (I knew she woke up very early for her daily workouts so I thought it might be close to the time she wakes up anyway). My husband's cousin is a doctor and when I told him what the pain was like he immediately suggested an ultrasound. At 7 my boss was calling me asking if I was already getting said ultrasound. I didn't answer at the time because the clinic where I go opens at 8:00am (we start work at 9). It would be nice if she was showing concern for my health but she really wanted to know if I would be able to work that day. After the surgery she was in touch with me to see how much time the doctor recommended for me to rest. The medical certificate said 8 days and that's only because I talked him down from 10 days because I know how my boss would react. He wouldn't give me any less. She insisted that I should go back sooner because I had it done via lapracopically (sorry spelling), I told her that I would not go against my doctor's orders. Next I was told that I had used up all my permitted sick days. Now this is January, so I wasn't able to get sick again and ask any for a whole year. By May I was out of there.

    • @maggiecrawford2088
      @maggiecrawford2088 Год назад +2

      OK, but you shouldn't need to defend yourself about why you texted at a certain time! You were in medical distress. If they are concerned about times they are contacted they can set up their phone to be silent during certain times. You shouldn't need to worry about that when you should be prioritizing your health ❤

    • @susangrande8142
      @susangrande8142 9 месяцев назад

      I got appendicitis and had an emergency appendectomy also via laparoscopy. It took me 6 weeks to feel anything like normal again, and I was off work at least 4 of those 6 weeks. Your boss was a real d!ickhead. 🙄 I’m glad you got out!

  • @angelazuspan6302
    @angelazuspan6302 Год назад +32

    As a boss these bosses disgust me. People over job every day...and we immediately send employees home if they are sick. No questions ask...just go!

    • @nats9524
      @nats9524 Год назад +4

      You sound like a lovely boss ❤

    • @angelazuspan6302
      @angelazuspan6302 Год назад

      Thanks! I try not to be the boss I had!@@nats9524

  • @hyelicious
    @hyelicious Год назад +3

    i'm not sure if anyone already commented about this, but for the first one where the subtitle says "[INDISTINGUISHABLE]", she actually said "cause long MC, right".
    MC stands for 'medical certification' and it looks like she's from Malaysia so they use "MC" as a term for sick leave. hope this helps!

  • @isabelaandzico
    @isabelaandzico Год назад +59

    My most toxic boss was the owner of the Pilates studio which certified me and then offered me a job. My certification was a year long with hundreds of hours of observation, shadowing and teaching classes and privates and being paid a fraction of the salary “because I wasn’t fully qualified yet” - it’s common in the industry. We became close (I was her “pet project” I guess) and she was a great coach and instructor. I worked my a*s off to be my best and eventually I built a following… that was the beginning of the end. It got to the point where the clients would ask for me, not her. She became verbally abusive to me and the clients too (mind you, she took a cut from my sessions as the studio owner and it’s not my fault she was such a good teacher). It became too much and being mean to clients is unprofessional and unacceptable. I got all the clients’ info, found a space and made the best and scariest decision of my life: going off the reservation and opening my own studio. She’s never talked to me again.

    • @lisamelroy2855
      @lisamelroy2855 Год назад +11

      I hope your business is still going strong!

    • @Sts90
      @Sts90 Год назад +7

      I hope u r still going stronger then ever. 😊

    • @isabelaandzico
      @isabelaandzico Год назад +6

      @@Sts90 I am. Thank you 🙏🏻

  • @rooroolaboo
    @rooroolaboo Год назад +17

    I had a boss who unbeknownst to me didn't actually want to hire me. She had wanted to give the job to her nephew but she was in trouble with head office for only hiring family and friends and as I was the only other person who applied, she had to take me on but she made sure to alienate me by telling all the staff I was looking down on them and saying I was better than them because I had just finished my degree. There were also numerous health and safety issues which I told to put up with or shut up and the staff toilet was leaking into the kitchen area. When I found out the truth about the lies, I left and a few days later, she had a surprise inspection from head office who found countless food violations, a burst pipe, and a bunch of staff that confessed they had skipped all the safety training and were allowed to drink at work. Everything was shut down for four weeks and everyone fired. Karma is real.

  • @bryellebernard2653
    @bryellebernard2653 Год назад +5

    So I work in a bakery and about 2 months ago they had me start doing cake decorating, I agreed because I thought they would be giving me the starting cake decorating pay. Come to find out I was told at first I would need to see where I'm at in 2 months before they would consider giveing me the title and pay of cake decorator, then I was told by the store director that i would need 6 months of experience and would need to take a test that I would probably fail the first few times (mind you I learned to cake decorate in the store and from a cake decorating teacher 2 years ago, apparently that doesnt count even though I've been practicing it at home and in store since). I'm making $14 rn, cake starting pay is $15, yet I'm not worth that extra pay...

  • @isabelaandzico
    @isabelaandzico Год назад +7

    For some people it’s always a competition: you went to Tulum for vacation? That’s cute. I went Tuscany and stayed in an ancient castle. Or you have a tumor and can’t work? I don’t understand. When I got my uterus/spleen/appendix/whatever I work until surgery day. Wtf 🤬

  • @nathanhinman9069
    @nathanhinman9069 Год назад +82

    I had an absolutely horrendous boss back in the 90s, worked as a movie theatre usher and the manager was just a sour mean POS to almost everyone with creepy vibes to some of the younger employees. quit that job without notice after getting a writeup for something not my fault. Googled that boss's name about 20 years later (he really left a long term impression on me) found out the creepy vibes weren't just a suspicion as he was found to be a S-Predator to several young boys in other theatres he was shuffled to. He got 5 years for his crimes but it's possible what they nailed him for was just the tip of the iceberg.

    • @lisamelroy2855
      @lisamelroy2855 Год назад +1

      That is terrifying.

    • @sarahbrewer53
      @sarahbrewer53 Год назад +8

      5 years??? So tired of monsters like that getting a slap on the wrist

    • @nathanhinman9069
      @nathanhinman9069 Год назад

      @@sarahbrewer53 yeah 5 years, if you google "theatre manager winnipeg guilty" and go to news results you'll find the stories about him.

    • @samanthahughes7783
      @samanthahughes7783 Год назад +3

      It is ALWAYS just the tip of the iceberg.

    • @rubberducky8065
      @rubberducky8065 Год назад

      Hi, question, what does POS stand for?

  • @sarahsilveira640
    @sarahsilveira640 Год назад +112

    My father told me a story about his boss, but it didn't happen to him. He worked on a company where the boss was extremely rude and basicaly treated people like trash. One day, a guy's wife (she didn't work there) passed out and was rushed to the hospital. He went to the boss to tell he was leaving for the day because of his wife and the response was: "Are you a doctor for the matter? No! Then go back to work"

    • @Sts90
      @Sts90 Год назад +10

      Oh what the heck wrong with these bosses??

    • @akherousia
      @akherousia Год назад +7

      I know of a similar story. My coworker's son was urgently taken to the hospital (a car accident I think) and she went to our boss to ask for a leave. So the boss told her: "And what will you be doing there? Just sitting and waiting? He's being taken care of so there's no use for you to be there right now."
      So will that come as a surprise that when this helluva boss was being fired no one came to support the guy? Most people who worked with him for years were openly happy to finally see him gone and actually signed a letter that said that they supported this decision. 90% of all the workers signed that letter, because he did this kind of stuff all the time.

    • @MissHellybaybee
      @MissHellybaybee Год назад +2

      Oh my god, that reminds me of something that happened to my ex. He was showing clients into the building and going up and down stairs all day. He told the manager that he had a pain in his side and he was feeling really sick. He had a temperature and they made him carry on. At the end of the day he literally crawled, hands and knees onto his train, turned out his appendix had ruptured and he was in the throes of peritonitis - he could have died. I hope that guy just left.

  • @RowanEBR
    @RowanEBR Год назад +144

    Just a heads up, trauma bonding is NOT bonding with someone over shared trauma. It refers to the connection between an abuser and their victim.

    • @Roadent1241
      @Roadent1241 Год назад +6

      Oh. So what IS it called if you and someone else have had the same sort of problem?

    • @mawhaley11
      @mawhaley11 Год назад +14

      Maybe shared trauma or something?

    • @SassyYazzy1212
      @SassyYazzy1212 Год назад +3

      Maybe collective trauma?

    • @tastx3142
      @tastx3142 Год назад +8

      @@Roadent1241 Hostages 😏

    • @giggle_snort
      @giggle_snort Год назад +3

      @@mawhaley11 Yep, shared trauma is what I've heard.

  • @ChioGaru
    @ChioGaru Год назад +46

    One of my former bosses did a lot of despicable things in the 6 or so years I worked for them, but probably the worst thing was their decision to take the money that was supposed to increase the employees' salaries during the pandemic (since we were all working from home and had to pay for our own internet...etc.) and give themselves a massive raise instead.

  • @marybell8995
    @marybell8995 Год назад +11

    People don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses! Luckily I’m my own now and so are you Char! Happy weekend! 😘

  • @kayleeciccarello8668
    @kayleeciccarello8668 11 месяцев назад +3

    This is why I love my job. They made me fill out an incident report for a spider bite(possibly black widow). I did end up having to go to the er( urgent care was closed). I wouldn’t have even thought about it and just paid for the visit but I am glad to know that bill will be covered. I already have a intense fear of spiders really hoping this doesn’t make it too much worse. Just happened a couple days ago so we shall see.

  • @rakashael
    @rakashael Год назад +4

    One of the most powerful things you can do as an employee of anything is to know. your. rights. Know your rights from the very moment you are eligible to work. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. Also, always threaten to unionize and record the interaction. If they try to outright tell you you can't do that or they'll fire you or start treating you worse, you can report them because all of that is illegal.

  • @captainwatercress
    @captainwatercress Год назад +27

    When I was a teenager, my boss made me feel humiliated and ashamed for needing to leave due to extreme pain (which turned out to be a severe chronic condition). This was on a night when the store was dead, too.

  • @carolsilveira3403
    @carolsilveira3403 Год назад +23

    In 2021 I was in a job and my new boss kept saying she wanted to be my friend, which already made me very suspicious. After a while she started to tell me that I had a bad behavior at work because I wasn't as friendly as my coworkers and that no one at the company liked me, and it got more frequent until she started to say those things to me everyday and I cried a lot about it. I told her that my doctor and I where investigating the possibility of me having autism, she looked me very deeply in the eyes and said "my stepson has autism, he's five and he behaves much better than you". I started crying and went home, and reported her to HR, they made her apologize to me. Still, she fired me two days before new year's. Turns out that I made some more investigation and tests e found out I truly am autistic. Til this day I dream of suing her.

    • @cail171
      @cail171 Год назад +3

      If I were you, I'd at least get a free consult from an attorney so you can find out the statue of limitations on suing her. Some have no limitations. Just so you have the choice if you decide to do so. Imo, I'd definitely speak to an attorney that specializes in disabilities & workplace stuff.

    • @cail171
      @cail171 Год назад +2

      Sounds like she caused you immense emotional distress. To the point of going home crying & crying at work. That's unacceptable. I'm sorry that happened to you.

    • @footyfan101ful
      @footyfan101ful Год назад +1

      I might be autistic myself. I need to do the testing. If you live in Australia that is illegal as it is discrimination because of your autism. I hope you sue.

    • @0oFlicko0
      @0oFlicko0 Год назад

      That's awful. What is stopping your dream from coming true?

  • @deemariedubois4916
    @deemariedubois4916 Год назад +96

    I was so blessed with amazing bosses. The best most honorable men you could ever want to meet. The only bad boss I had was a woman. The office hated her with a group passion. We had been a very productive group before she joined us. We gave her all the cooperation we could when she arrived but it took no time for us to realize that she wasn’t qualified for the position at our fast paced division. The unnecessary changes she made slowed us down, the mandatory meaningless meetings she held every day slowed us down, and her disrespectful treatment of long time employees, slowed us down while pissing us off. It only took two months for the higher ups to take note of our slower production times and a boss-the owner’s son-to arrive unannounced to see what was going on. I don’t know where she went when she left us that very day but in no time, we were all happily busting our butts for our much loved company again.

    • @phillyphan1225
      @phillyphan1225 Год назад +5

      Every bad boss I had happened to be a woman who seemed to think that by being a nasty “b” she was being tough..three male bosses and all three were the best!

    • @phamdung3884
      @phamdung3884 Год назад +3

      An asshole is an asshole, but the language sounds slightly misogynistic. I didn’t expect Charlotte’s content would appeal to you, especially one mentioning a good female boss.

    • @callmelittled
      @callmelittled Год назад +1

      I worked at an ophthalmologist office and they hired a new back office manager. She fired several people (including yours truly), but when she tried to fire one of the most experienced writers (she worked directly with one of the founding doctors/part owners), she got booted out on her "I know better" ass! I would have loved to have been there to see it. She basically got rid of/tried to get rid of anyone with any kind of a spine.

    • @tetedur377
      @tetedur377 Год назад +1

      ​@@phillyphan1225 For me, it's been a mixed bag, as far as both male and female bosses go. One of the first bosses I ever had, when I was 16, was a female boss who was great. She pretty much set the standard by which I measured all bosses from there on.
      I had a male boss with whom most everyone who worked for him had a love/hate relationship with. He was simultaneously one of the best and worst (not THE worst) bosses I ever had. Which is weird, when you think about it.
      The last boss I had was a woman who, while she certainly wasn't the worst boss I ever had, certainly exhibited a behavior many women in the Government exhibited, which is what we colloquially called "kingdom building." Or Queendom, if you prefer.
      Basically, they surround themselves with "yes" women (and a few men) and begin entrenching themselves in their position. They take any questioning of their authority (hint: anything and everything is perceived as questioning their authority) EXTREMELY seriously, and constantly stand by to repell all boarders. It doesn't happen overnight, of course, but I've seen and heard of it amongst the civilians and the military over my 25 year career.
      Not that men don't do that. Men tend to play favorites more than they actually kingdom build, but they do do that. Been there, ran afoul of that more than once.
      I worshipped the woman who was my boss before that, and I remain friends with her to this day, even though I've retired and she moved on. Most people I know instantly know who I'm talking about when I don't mention her by name, but refer to her as "The Best Boss Ever."
      She was (is) amazing, and she brought out the best in me. My one real regret is that I did not work for her early on in my career. As much as I learned in the 3 years I did work for her, I could have learned and done and become so much better under her tutelege.

    • @maggiecrawford2088
      @maggiecrawford2088 Год назад

      As a woman leader this saddens me. Please don't put people into categories. A bad person is a bad person, regardless of gender. My team is my family and I would do anything for them.

  • @theauditminionexplores5508
    @theauditminionexplores5508 Год назад +2

    8:03, think this depends on the boss, but when I was working during Covid, at the beginning they laid people off with suspected covid cases, but by the time I got sick in November (and might have actually had Covid) they were like, "Sure, come to work! Just wear a thicker mask!" Honestly, my current job is the only job I've had where I was encouraged to stay home when I was sick.

  • @angelagreen3642
    @angelagreen3642 Год назад +90

    I got pregnant at 17 with my now husband. Only man I ever "knew" in the biblical sense. And my bosses when I worked at a restaurant treated me horribly when they found out, especially since I am a Christian. Despite throwing up every 5 minutes from hyperemesis gravidarum (severe morning sickness) they placed all the heavy duty work on me while the other girls laughed and they took all my tips. That's in the past and I've been with my husband for 24 years and have 3 beautiful children.

  • @sarahfullerton6894
    @sarahfullerton6894 Год назад +34

    I worked in the same Department with an extremely toxic and childish older co-worker for 15 years. All of her hostility would directed at me, when I did nothing to deserve it. She also did things like call her out-of-state daughter using the company's long-distance line for 1/2 hour blab sessions, abd generally to treat me nastily. Once, when we moved into a new office, when she found out that she didn't get the desk location she wanted, she sulked, whined, and cried. She was in her 50's at the time.
    Our supervisor, a whimpy, milktoast, cardboard-cutout of a boss, never challenged her, and always gave her great reviews, even though she was this narcissistic nightmare to work with .
    A lot of the people who worked there knew how rotten she was to me, and were surprised that I didn't react in kind. In my family, we were taught to treat people with dignity and respect. Hard to do to such a coworker, but I tried, until I would reach my boiling point. Then, I would walk away, and get the heck away from her.
    I would talk to my brother about her, and we would fantasize about ways to "accidentally" injure her!
    When she and our supervisor were both let go, because their jobs were gone, my friend at work advised our V.P. to let me know, so I wouldn't quit.
    15 years without her has been a dream!

    • @phamdung3884
      @phamdung3884 Год назад +2

      Wow, congrats on surviving that. It’s a bit of a bummer to know she wasn’t let go because of her abuse.

  • @laurengriffiths4501
    @laurengriffiths4501 Год назад +47

    I can absolutely relate to toxic bosses forcing work through illness. My last boss actually took my sick leave out of my annual leave, just before covid lockdown... she had passed HER flu on to me and I developed pneumonia.
    Really nasty woman.

    • @rra7490
      @rra7490 Год назад +8

      I dont understand that one, you make yourself more sick and pass it on others and you are less productive when sick. Its better to stay home and get better. Some bosses are just plain mean.

    • @nekk-ra7080
      @nekk-ra7080 Год назад

      I call my boss Typhoid Mary because she'll come into work dog-sick, touch everything, get a bunch of us sick, then scold us for calling in sick. Keep your butt home, woman, then we wouldn't sick because of YOU.

  • @joybodelay9679
    @joybodelay9679 6 месяцев назад +2

    I had a boss that was a horrible bully, Elena, who stood over me while I worked and barked criticism at me. She made the OTHER staff do that to me, also. They were trying to make me quit from the bullying. I held on until the store was closed down. I did not quit.

  • @phoenixrising7777
    @phoenixrising7777 Год назад +2

    My boss made me cry on my work anniversary. Fun times.

  • @julianfreelove8866
    @julianfreelove8866 Год назад +16

    Reminds me of when I asked if someone could swap a shift with me because I had gotten food poisoning that morning. The boss had been a complete brat two months before because I had had to be out two days in a row due to bronchitis (and mind you, this was during the pandemic), and at first he tells me not to worry about it and to just stay home. Then, less than an hour before my shift is supposed to start, he texts me saying I'm going to have to come in because they haven't found someone else and "frankly I've had enough of your calling out."
    "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn," is what I wanted to send and what I would have sent right then and there if quitting had been an option at the time. But of course it wasn't. So I made do with letting him know I would take the next bus and reminded him that I had only asked if someone could swap and "with all due respect, that is not a call-out." (Barb intended.)

  • @brittanym9266
    @brittanym9266 Год назад +16

    I had a boss that was constantly doing nothing, just “hanging out” with his teenage employees, and generally just there for free money. I got a phone call one day asking me to cover for him. He was caught watching RUclips and other things on the work computer and he wanted me to tell them it was me. At first, I was shocked and said ok. But as soon as we hung up, I called him back and said I couldn’t do that. He railed on me for being an awful person and then had some of our coworkers call to tell me the same thing. He was fired.
    The next person hired, also sucked. Asked me to do things that weren’t in my job description, wrote me up for insubordinations when I expressed how I wasn’t comfortable with those things. He was never around, completely untrained for the job, and hung out with his boss all the time. He also was fired for sleeping with his boss. Let’s just say, the day I left that place I never looked back.

  • @Good.Morning.Petty.Potatoes
    @Good.Morning.Petty.Potatoes Год назад +23

    Good Morning Petty Potatoes! ❤
    I think everyone has had a terrible boss story.
    I have really, really heavy cycles and really painful cramps. I had a male boss and his male assistant confront me me and tell me that I needed to "Get a handle on it." Multiple times!
    I looked them dead in the eyes and offered to give them a full description of how the human body works, in explicit detail. I usually get halfway through that first sentence while holding a tampon before both waddle away in disgust. 😂

    • @akherousia
      @akherousia Год назад +1

      One of my mom's coworkers had such horrible periods that she could faint. When she started working she warned about it and so at some point she asked for a day off on the worst day. The boss didn't care and told her to come anyway. So she actually did faint while at work. The bosses were so terrified that they ALWAYS gave her a day off once a month when she requested it.

  • @mdcochran85
    @mdcochran85 Год назад +2

    I worked at subway and called in one morning cuz I woke up and my feet and hands where so swollen and I literally couldnt put shoes on. I felt very light headed and dizzy and kept seeing black spots and dbl vision. My store boss wanted me to come see her so she could see if I was being truthful, but don't walk thru the front of store cuz we cant let costumers see me if I really am sick. I went in and passed out when I got there, woke up with vomit all over myself being taken by an ambulance. She texted me and said next time I needed to find someone to cover my shift...thats all she said. So nice of her, right?

  • @MeredithAnne88
    @MeredithAnne88 Год назад +2

    I've had my share of interesting/toxic bosses over the years. It made me stronger and also taught me how I don't want to be if I become a leader.