for some reason its perfectly fine to spend 2 hours on social media or video games or something useless, but all of a sudden 2 hours in the gym is extreme 😂i spend around 90 mins to 2 hours in the gym because i take 3 mins rest per set, around 5-6 exercises, plus its pretty packed so i gotta wait sometimes. this amount of time feels great to me.
@@rikwilkinson9060 what are you doing? I train legs, back, chest and shoulders on the same date … two warm up sets before the first exercise for a muscle and that’s it … warm up for each additional exercise for the same muscle is nonsense
I am a 62 year old woman, a natural bodybuilder and I easily train hard for two hours 5 days a week. 💯 Love your content. Thank you for all the great videos
Love the thumbnails, the black and white camera on these new training videos of you, just makes it so enjoyable to watch! the last few videos were so on point. Please continue to make content Pete 🙏 ❤
I train usually 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours on some days 4-5 days a week with an additional 2-3 hours of walking everyday. Been doing this for the better part of a year now. Never felt better. I have had some pain from time to time but this is honestly the best and fittest ive ever felt in my life.
I am at 6 months as a weight lifting heart patient. I work out by how my heart feels, if it knocks back during a workout I stop. since starting, my heart feels stronger and has not knocked back in a while.
I’m happy you made a video on this. I’m completely natural and my workouts take 90-120 minutes regularly. I’ve tried to par it down but it just doesn’t work. In fact I just finished back day. Slow and controlled heavy RDLs 5 sets, bent over rows 5 sets, T bar rows 4 sets, wide pull ups 4 sets, DB pull over 4 sets, shrugs 4 sets, bicep curls 4 sets, reverse curls 4 sets, rear delt flys 4 sets. Not including warm up
That sounds like a solid back/pull workout for me including the right assistance exercises. 38 sets, 1 min each = 38 mins + 2 min rest in between = 74 min....getting that (incl warmup/setup) done in under 120 mins is awesome! There is not a lot of time wasted.
@@Braddaddyx keep in mind the RDLs are done slow with a 3 second pause at top. Plus the warm up sets to get to working weight. I don’t mess around much when working out… but then again I don’t have many distractions in my garage
I do push/ pull / legs repeat , and Saturday is rest day. Our longest day is 2 hours, the shortest an hour. It doesn’t take long to adapt to higher volume. One reason the longer days is because bench press takes longer because i do a lot of warm-ups slowly adding weight. I prefer to do that than rushing and getting injured
That is absolutely right! reducing the chance of injury takes a lot of additional time. And as you say adapting to high volume is possible, but that adaption does not result in bigger muscles or more strength like most people want it to be. Adapting to a high volume improves your endurance, your regeneration and your capability to hardship.
Steve Reeves worked out for 3 Hours full body same as reg park and other bronze and early silver era who were natties. I think it's safe to work out 3 hours.
I'm 71 and strong, I have to do dynamic stretching to avoid injuries. Like he said people are soft. I work out to failure, mind muscle concentration and no fricking headphones and it takes 1:45 on average, I follow his trunk, limbs with a day between and every other week a 2 day rest. I'm a old farmer foundry man and I know work
Long workouts are not an issue. Working on ranches for many years showed me this. You could always tell who spent all summer, bucking hay bails. They would always have boulder shoulders.
I’ve been training for 2-3 hours each workout 5 times a week for about a year and a half and have put on around 12 lbs of muscle. It does take more time, but I do love training so it pays off
I love a full body hour and a half workout. Back chest,bi, tri, shoulders. 4-6sets per part. I hardly see anyone lift for more than an hour. Supersets are great for blood flow, and time. But most folks are not looking for hard gains. So I can see where more are an hour or less. It's hard to go to failure. Gotta be seasoned to stress those body parts to a beneficial workout.
I agree with you totally. I’ve been training for 16 years consistently. It’s like going into a battle with yourself. Around a hour ur like ok I accomplished what I needed but just like in anything in life, just enough is not good enough. Let’s be honest no one’s training or eating like Dorian Yates out here anyway.😂
Yeah I tried to do the Mike mentzer style 1 session every few days. Or go three days and take 4 off. It was silly. 3 on 1 off now is doing much more. And if I feel lethargic to the point I can't perform I take a day off or that is ultimately why I have an arm day. Easy to do. And don't wear you down like legs or back days
Yeah but no. Theres a balance to be had for each person. From my own experience i would try to do too much and i naturally put my all into everything i do so id end up overreaching, getting burnt out and not making much progress. Since i reduced the volume and no longer go to faliure or beyond every single workout, i am making fast progress. So hard work alone will not cut it, you gotta be sensible.
I think that was the key word in this...experiment. Everyone needs to experiment for themselves what their needs are. Once you know how your body responds to the training, you can make adjustments as needed to grow. Never stay stagnant with a certain exercise and/or training.
hit the nail right on the head when you said "you'll inevitably spend longer in the gym as you grow stronger." i never understood how that isn't common sense, personally for leg sessions or days where i pair back and chest i'm in the gym for a while, but those months were when i made the most progress. time does not entirely define your workout, time and workout quality together do.
I train longer as I gain more muscle. As a beginner I lifted for about 45 min per session and as I put on more muscle I kept adding time. I'm at about 1hr 20 mins now per session. I expect it to continue to get longer, it just feels like the most natural way of doing things. I feel more muscle fibers require more stimulus. Instead or "Train longer grow bigger", I would say.. "As you get bigger train longer".
I can go till 1h30 for a session specially on legs day which is exhausting but so damn great! I take 3-5mns of break depending on the fatigue or my mood. I don't push hard every day but when I do I go beyond my limit each time😊
After 45 mins to l hour . I lose the rush and blood and feeling like i didnt workout . I like 45 to 50 mins i feel pumped when im done and not deflated and tired
I can totally relate. Back and leg day are 90 minutes minimum and sometimes 2 hours long. My squats alone sometimes takes up 40 minutes since I also take about 15 minutes of warmup sets. I never understood how anyone can train for 45 min to an hour.
Yeah i am thinking the same, also meta-analyzes show to optimum workout to be progressive overload to failure, 2-3 sets big muscles. Chest 2-3 sets, tricep 2 set and then 2 for shoulder, how the f you can do that in less than an hour ? You cant.. so this is kinda bs but not totally.
I do full body. 6 sets per major body part broken into 3 compound and 3 isolation. 3 sets at the end for biceps and triceps. I do antagonist supersets. Takes about 2 hours for 40 - 44 total sets.
Hey man how u doin, i was 85 till lkdwn after i shreded to 65 in 8 months, now in 23 i joined gym to get some muscle but now im stuck in a place where i want to grow but im getting fat, i also tried eating in calorie def but then i feel weak, as u said in ur earlier vids dat train hard and lift more weights I'm sticking to dat.
I would say after reducing your body from 85 to 65 k he craves to get every calorie he can and store it into fat. That might be why you are building up fat easier than muscle. Just keep up training with compound barbell exercises at the 5-10 rep range, 2-5 sets per compound exercise. Eat veggies and natural grains+proteins and you will get jacked.
I live in southeast asia. Our warm up? Well, the whole day😂 2 warm up sets and you're done for W.U. sweating like a pig already. Even walking to the gym will elevate your core.
I train somewhere around an hour to an hour and a half 6 days a week and hit every muscle 2-3x a week because I really like being in the gym. My leg days have longer rest days and less volume and my upper sessions have supersets and shorter rest times but they even out because there are more muscles in the upper body so more isolation. A lower day might be Front squats 3x6-10 Good morning 3x8-12 superset Calf raise 3x10-15 A push day might be Weighted deficit push-ups 3x5-8 Skull crushers 4x6-10 superset wrist curls 4x6-10 Deficit push-ups 4xamrap superset ez curls 4x6-10
My current weight lifting session goes on for 45mins, not exceeding 16 sets per session 6 days a week, each session I look forward to and I'm getting huge and strong.
@@shane555 Currently shifted to PPL 5 days a week. Mon-Pull Tue-Push Wed-Legs+Core Thur-Pull Fri-Push Sat+Sun two consecutive days of rest, works better than one day because I'm in the 5-8 rep range (excluding side delts and forearms).
@@shane555 On the PP days, Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri I get some LISS done after weightlifting, 'low intensity steady state' cardio, the reason for that is to not release too much cortisol, easy relaxed cardio, for improved aerobic durability. On Wed, HIIT, high intensity interval training, namely sprinting for cardiovascular elasticity and variability with improved anearobic capacity.
I personally work out with two other guys and our workouts take 3 hours usually. If I'm paying monthy for a gym membership you better be damn sure I'm getting my moneys worth
When i was younger, I trained 3 hours. 2 hours today is perfect. This includes midsection and cardio on certain days . I usually hit one body part. Its lower body 1st day, chest and midsection 2nd day, back and cardio 3rd day, shoulders, calves and midesection 4th day and 5th day arms and cardio. This routine works for me today. Its maintaining my body in my 50s. Back in the day i did the body twice a week doing heavy pyramid sets and maxing out. Ive did 45 minute workouts as well as 60 minute workouts and i got a great workout with a massive pump. These work well for me esoeciallly if i was on the go. Work, errands, home life, etc.
45-60 min, 3 days per week full body works great. If you superset everything and use ramping sets for the heavy excercises, you can bang out 30 work sets in that time.
Nobody ever asked "Oh you have been to the movies? How long did it take you?" but today many people try to say that spending time with strength training is a bad thing. You said it right, "whatever needs to be done"!
I do two high-intensity, full body workouts per week. They take 90+ mins but time flies. RIR 0 or 1 on each and every set (no squats or deadlifts). Results for me are great. Less often but more time per workout is better for me.
The more time you take for any workout, the cleaner you do the reps, the lesser risk of injury you have, the more powerful you do each rep, and the more mind-muscle connection you have. Investing more time for something is always a good thing...just wasting time is bad.
45-60 minutes is generally when I'm strongest. Don't mind a little junk at the end after that 1 hour mark though if I can get the big movements done in that first hour
experimented with different type of training splits after 6 months of basic training. Chest+Triceps, Back+BIceps, Legs+Shoulder (6 days training) was the most difficult for my body. After that discussed with the trainer and now doing 4 days per week training each lasting 60-70 minutes.
@@Intact9you can't experiment with different training splits as a beginner for short time and make conclusions you need at least 2-3 months with each training split to let the body adapt to it and see the effects you trained for what ? 1 year tops ?
Try Full body 3 times per week and gradually make changes ,and do not believe everything you see in the magazines!! When in doubt calisthenics is an excellent entry level to working out,I wish I knew what i know now back in my early 20s
People forget that you need to include your warmup and rest between sets into your total time. Idk how anyone can get a good workout, with a proper warm up, and at least 2mins rest between sets within 60mins. I don’t see how it’s possible.
@jonathancontreras633 by upper body I mean all the upper body muscles - chest, back, shoulders(all 3 heads), traps, arms. With appropriate rest times included that takes me some 2 to 2.5 hours no kidding
Pete speaking the truth. People hate the truth 💪🏼. People wanna be robots and say everything is either black or white. There are no rules to this sport! All the top bodybuilders have said stuff like this and no one listens. That’s why you look the way you do. Stop blaming your genetics and steroids. Train hard and eat a lot of food always incorporate the basics and watch what happens.
Another factor in my opinion is what is being trained that day. For example, I I typically train each muscle with 4 exercises & 3 working sets(12 per muscle on that day) which usually takes me approximately 1 hour start to finish(warmup sets + working sets) however my leg day(hamstrings, quads & calves) usually takes 75-90 mins due to longer recovery between sets & fact I do 6 exercises total in this workout….
31 year old dad of a 4 year old and 2 year old here that works 50 hours a week. I train 3 times a week, full body, 1 hour long. I’ve been in a gym since I was 13. I’m in the best shape of my life, and I used to compete competitively in Olympic style weightlifting. I wish I could train slightly longer, but my time is worth a lot. Especially with young kids. Most other guys my age I see, outside of the gym, are overweight and flabby. Most dont even have kids. It amazes me.
I do between 24 and 28 sets per workout, which includes my warm up sets and only resting for 60 to 75 seconds between sets, and it still takes me way longer than an hour to complete! I do take longer on each rep though, so I guess that all adds up eventually 🤔
It would be absolutely impossible to do that kind of volume, time and frequency with any kind of intensity. Plus, I work a full-time job, so i cant just spend 2 hrs/day at the gym, even if it was productive.
I break my workouts up into 2 different seasons everyday. I wake up at 0400 and do a high intensity 30 minute workout on a single muscle group. Then I do the same at about 1900 on a different muscle group. 2 muscle groups a day, 3 days on and 1 day off, I take a week off every 16 weeks. It works for me, I've gained 15# in 9 months. Im also a Nazi when it comes to my diet, only having 1 or 2 cheat meals a week.
I agree with him on most things but if i trained for two hours with even a moderate level of intensity id be shot. Sure you can build up to it but is that necessary for hypertrophy?
Ive tried aronlds high volume, mentzers hit high weight low volme go slow rep, and myo reps. Myo reps training is by far the best for me. It combines menzter go slow but lower weight less injury and slightly more volme.
I did 22 sets on my upper workout today. About 90 minutes with a typical 3 minutes between compound sets and some waiting on machines since it was a little busy. Pretty reasonable to spend 90 minutes in the gym if you have the time. I can see that 90 minutes turning into a bit longer as I get stronger. 💪
I lose focus after an hour. 1hr-110. Right now im in a strength focused period, so volume is low rest is long and only lifting 4 days per week at abput 45 mins
I think if someone is a lifetime natural and wants to increase both strength and hypertrophy, they cannot train within one hour doing intense sets enough for that purpose, unless they look for a good pump. Their Bench Press five top sets with RPE 8+ will take more than 20 minutes, minimum. They will not recover a 315x5 bench press set just in two minutes, and if they can, they will need to add more weight in strength-wise. Adding warm-up sets, it's already thirty minutes for the bench press. This is similar to strength athlete train, adding 30-45 minutes main movement and sprinkle one or two accessories. And they do that twice a day.
Nowadays my workouts take up to 2,5-3 hours 4 times a week + 3*30min active recovery. I had the same results when I had been training 4x30min a week. But I like to train, so why not train even more as long as it does not compromise the results?
I think that the main point always get blown off right away. there are more followers than doers at this time in the world and most of them are to dumb to even care to question things they're told and to lazy to do any research. point being not everyone is the same period what works for some will not work for everyone. I trained for 3 years on 60 minutes work outs focusing on form, intensity, nutrition and recovery and it didn't work for me. then I started to do my work outs with out worrying about time 2 to 3 hours doing the same things the same work outs. I see much more results in a year than I did with 60 minutes workouts. the key is finding what works for us will focusing on proper form, intensity, nutrition and recovery.
I need around two hours each session, I think that's fine. I also take 5 minutes break in between sets, I try not to rush, as I want to excute everything as good as I can, but that is just me. 🤷🏾♂️
When I heard that you train for 2 hours I thought, "pete probably needs a lot of volume because he's so advanced, so it probably makes sense for him to do that, I'm lucky that I still see plenty of growth working out for 45-60 mins since I'm nowhere near that advanced, I have a lot of growing to do"
I don't believe in warm ups. I just go. I'm 38 and I started training again and that way a year ago. I have Zero injuries. Warming up is a waste of Time. My workout consists of always doing a calisthenic first as the workout. I'll do 5 sets of push ups then flat bench and Cables.
When you actually get strong you'll find out warmups are a necessity. Not only will it be stupid to go heavy without a warmup but the bar simply won't move.
I'll be 62 in January, A retired vet, Been in and out of the gym since I was 20, Started training for 2 hours 5 times a week about 6 years ago, Works for me and I still got the gains to show it!
All I know is that all the great bodybuilders, would train more than one time a day. Look it up, Arnold said he would train three times a day, piana as well, cutler, etc. Our bodies are amazing, the body needs to go back to its roots of abuse!
for some reason its perfectly fine to spend 2 hours on social media or video games or something useless, but all of a sudden 2 hours in the gym is extreme 😂i spend around 90 mins to 2 hours in the gym because i take 3 mins rest per set, around 5-6 exercises, plus its pretty packed so i gotta wait sometimes. this amount of time feels great to me.
I guess most ask the wrong question. The right question is: how little time you need to spend in the gym and Mine Mentzer gave us the right answer.
When doing a full body you gotta do more warm up sets. Shit takes half an hour alone
@@rikwilkinson9060 what are you doing? I train legs, back, chest and shoulders on the same date … two warm up sets before the first exercise for a muscle and that’s it … warm up for each additional exercise for the same muscle is nonsense
2warm up sets it's not enough especially for compound movements and If you don't wanna get injured.
@@norodzubara8888 I do it for 21 years now without any problems
I am a 62 year old woman, a natural bodybuilder and I easily train hard for two hours 5 days a week. 💯 Love your content. Thank you for all the great videos
Inspiring 💪🏽💪🏽
Love the thumbnails, the black and white camera on these new training videos of you, just makes it so enjoyable to watch! the last few videos were so on point. Please continue to make content Pete 🙏 ❤
I train usually 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours on some days 4-5 days a week with an additional 2-3 hours of walking everyday. Been doing this for the better part of a year now. Never felt better. I have had some pain from time to time but this is honestly the best and fittest ive ever felt in my life.
You nat or not?
I lift very heavy and take two to seven minutes' rest: Two hours, easily
I also walk two - three hours daily
@@tjvincenzi3695 never took a steroid in my life. Only pre worky and creatine.
Great advise man. I’ve noticed this as well and, now I’m glad to hear this as conformation.
I am at 6 months as a weight lifting heart patient. I work out by how my heart feels, if it knocks back during a workout I stop. since starting, my heart feels stronger and has not knocked back in a while.
Naturally i agree with the volume speechless training,1 hour to 1.5 hour,always listen to your body and mind,there is no one size fits All.
On point! I train 1hr30min to my limit, working each rep as slow and controlled as possible using drop sets, rest pauses & other techniques.
Doing the exact same thing, and feels great. I only go past 2 hours for some isolation exercises.
I’m happy you made a video on this. I’m completely natural and my workouts take 90-120 minutes regularly. I’ve tried to par it down but it just doesn’t work.
In fact I just finished back day. Slow and controlled heavy RDLs 5 sets, bent over rows 5 sets, T bar rows 4 sets, wide pull ups 4 sets, DB pull over 4 sets, shrugs 4 sets, bicep curls 4 sets, reverse curls 4 sets, rear delt flys 4 sets.
Not including warm up
38 sets is 18 more than my limit 🤔
@@jakesmith6337 🤷♂️
That sounds like a solid back/pull workout for me including the right assistance exercises. 38 sets, 1 min each = 38 mins + 2 min rest in between = 74 min....getting that (incl warmup/setup) done in under 120 mins is awesome! There is not a lot of time wasted.
@@Braddaddyx keep in mind the RDLs are done slow with a 3 second pause at top. Plus the warm up sets to get to working weight. I don’t mess around much when working out… but then again I don’t have many distractions in my garage
Pretty solid back routine for a strong guy. Post this anywhere else and you'll see a stream of pencilnecks going "bUt NaTuRaLs CaNt Do ThIs!!!!"
I do push/ pull / legs repeat , and Saturday is rest day. Our longest day is 2 hours, the shortest an hour. It doesn’t take long to adapt to higher volume. One reason the longer days is because bench press takes longer because i do a lot of warm-ups slowly adding weight. I prefer to do that than rushing and getting injured
That is absolutely right! reducing the chance of injury takes a lot of additional time. And as you say adapting to high volume is possible, but that adaption does not result in bigger muscles or more strength like most people want it to be. Adapting to a high volume improves your endurance, your regeneration and your capability to hardship.
@@Braddaddyx yes! Personally i find I struggle with low volume , i get more sore and difficult to progress, other people are opposite 🤷♂️
Steve Reeves worked out for 3 Hours full body same as reg park and other bronze and early silver era who were natties. I think it's safe to work out 3 hours.
Reeves championship routine is crazy long. 2 hours minimum!😮
I'm 71 and strong, I have to do dynamic stretching to avoid injuries. Like he said people are soft. I work out to failure, mind muscle concentration and no fricking headphones and it takes 1:45 on average, I follow his trunk, limbs with a day between and every other week a 2 day rest. I'm a old farmer foundry man and I know work
I’d love to train for two hours, hell yeah Pete. Love your content.
Long workouts are not an issue.
Working on ranches for many years showed me this.
You could always tell who spent all summer, bucking hay bails.
They would always have boulder shoulders.
No wonder Steve reeves could train 3 hours full body no problem. He was a rancher his whole life
I’ve been training for 2-3 hours each workout 5 times a week for about a year and a half and have put on around 12 lbs of muscle. It does take more time, but I do love training so it pays off
Cut your stuff in half and grow faster. 12 lbs in that time probably isn't your best
I love a full body hour and a half workout. Back chest,bi, tri, shoulders. 4-6sets per part. I hardly see anyone lift for more than an hour. Supersets are great for blood flow, and time. But most folks are not looking for hard gains. So I can see where more are an hour or less. It's hard to go to failure. Gotta be seasoned to stress those body parts to a beneficial workout.
I agree with you totally. I’ve been training for 16 years consistently. It’s like going into a battle with yourself. Around a hour ur like ok I accomplished what I needed but just like in anything in life, just enough is not good enough. Let’s be honest no one’s training or eating like Dorian Yates out here anyway.😂
Yeah I tried to do the Mike mentzer style 1 session every few days. Or go three days and take 4 off. It was silly. 3 on 1 off now is doing much more. And if I feel lethargic to the point I can't perform I take a day off or that is ultimately why I have an arm day. Easy to do. And don't wear you down like legs or back days
Truth is..pretty much everything works if you train as hard as you can and eat clean consistently with dedication over many years!
Yeah but no. Theres a balance to be had for each person.
From my own experience i would try to do too much and i naturally put my all into everything i do so id end up overreaching, getting burnt out and not making much progress.
Since i reduced the volume and no longer go to faliure or beyond every single workout, i am making fast progress. So hard work alone will not cut it, you gotta be sensible.
Great take on this topic. My workouts are usually 30-40 minutes. I'll experiment with more volume.
I think that was the key word in this...experiment. Everyone needs to experiment for themselves what their needs are. Once you know how your body responds to the training, you can make adjustments as needed to grow. Never stay stagnant with a certain exercise and/or training.
hit the nail right on the head when you said "you'll inevitably spend longer in the gym as you grow stronger." i never understood how that isn't common sense, personally for leg sessions or days where i pair back and chest i'm in the gym for a while, but those months were when i made the most progress. time does not entirely define your workout, time and workout quality together do.
I train longer as I gain more muscle. As a beginner I lifted for about 45 min per session and as I put on more muscle I kept adding time. I'm at about 1hr 20 mins now per session. I expect it to continue to get longer, it just feels like the most natural way of doing things. I feel more muscle fibers require more stimulus. Instead or "Train longer grow bigger", I would say.. "As you get bigger train longer".
I can go till 1h30 for a session specially on legs day which is exhausting but so damn great! I take 3-5mns of break depending on the fatigue or my mood. I don't push hard every day but when I do I go beyond my limit each time😊
After 45 mins to l hour . I lose the rush and blood and feeling like i didnt workout . I like 45 to 50 mins i feel pumped when im done and not deflated and tired
I can totally relate. Back and leg day are 90 minutes minimum and sometimes 2 hours long. My squats alone sometimes takes up 40 minutes since I also take about 15 minutes of warmup sets. I never understood how anyone can train for 45 min to an hour.
40 mins on the squat rack. What if people are waiting to use it.
Yeah i am thinking the same, also meta-analyzes show to optimum workout to be progressive overload to failure, 2-3 sets big muscles. Chest 2-3 sets, tricep 2 set and then 2 for shoulder, how the f you can do that in less than an hour ? You cant.. so this is kinda bs but not totally.
@@nopenope7482 I have a home gym and a power rack at home :)
This guy's a legend 😂
Great advice brother! Thanks
2 hours very normal. Upper body 10 minutes warm up + 24 sets + 2min rest between sets + 10 cool down = 2hr 15 minutes
Tf is a cool down? I head out the moment I've reracked the weights do I can walk outside all pumpy pumpy.
@@user-he4ef9br7zi heard that some smaller lifters like to go cooldown in a fridge. its popular nowadays, they found it from tiktok.
Interesting feedbacks and advices 💪🧠👍
Could you do the same about your frequency and your trade-off with your intersity/training duration ?
I do full body. 6 sets per major body part broken into 3 compound and 3 isolation. 3 sets at the end for biceps and triceps. I do antagonist supersets. Takes about 2 hours for 40 - 44 total sets.
Same here
Hey man how u doin, i was 85 till lkdwn after i shreded to 65 in 8 months, now in 23 i joined gym to get some muscle but now im stuck in a place where i want to grow but im getting fat, i also tried eating in calorie def but then i feel weak, as u said in ur earlier vids dat train hard and lift more weights I'm sticking to dat.
I would say after reducing your body from 85 to 65 k he craves to get every calorie he can and store it into fat. That might be why you are building up fat easier than muscle.
Just keep up training with compound barbell exercises at the 5-10 rep range, 2-5 sets per compound exercise. Eat veggies and natural grains+proteins and you will get jacked.
@@Braddaddyx thnks bro u got my point I really get fat easily.
I live in southeast asia. Our warm up? Well, the whole day😂 2 warm up sets and you're done for W.U. sweating like a pig already. Even walking to the gym will elevate your core.
I train somewhere around an hour to an hour and a half 6 days a week and hit every muscle 2-3x a week because I really like being in the gym. My leg days have longer rest days and less volume and my upper sessions have supersets and shorter rest times but they even out because there are more muscles in the upper body so more isolation.
A lower day might be
Front squats 3x6-10
Good morning 3x8-12 superset Calf raise 3x10-15
A push day might be
Weighted deficit push-ups 3x5-8
Skull crushers 4x6-10 superset wrist curls 4x6-10
Deficit push-ups 4xamrap superset ez curls 4x6-10
People say 2 hours is too much but look at the size of this guy obviously works for him
“60 minutes is the most you ever need”
“Naturals can’t train for that long”
*Laughs in D1 strength athlete*
My current weight lifting session goes on for 45mins, not exceeding 16 sets per session 6 days a week,
each session I look forward to and I'm getting huge and strong.
....completely natural (throwing it out there for the rest/recoop speed).
What's your training split? I'm gradually taking longer for my workouts and it's getting boring, so 45 minutes would be ideal for me!
@@shane555 Currently shifted to PPL 5 days a week.
Sat+Sun two consecutive days of rest, works better than one day because I'm in the 5-8 rep range (excluding side delts and forearms).
@@shane555 On the PP days, Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri I get some LISS done after weightlifting, 'low intensity steady state' cardio, the reason for that is to not release too much cortisol, easy relaxed cardio, for improved aerobic durability.
On Wed, HIIT, high intensity interval training, namely sprinting for cardiovascular elasticity and variability with improved anearobic capacity.
The above mentioned LISS and HIIT is on top of the 45 mins or there abouts weights.
I personally work out with two other guys and our workouts take 3 hours usually. If I'm paying monthy for a gym membership you better be damn sure I'm getting my moneys worth
When i was younger, I trained 3 hours. 2 hours today is perfect. This includes midsection and cardio on certain days . I usually hit one body part. Its lower body 1st day, chest and midsection 2nd day, back and cardio 3rd day, shoulders, calves and midesection 4th day and 5th day arms and cardio. This routine works for me today. Its maintaining my body in my 50s. Back in the day i did the body twice a week doing heavy pyramid sets and maxing out. Ive did 45 minute workouts as well as 60 minute workouts and i got a great workout with a massive pump. These work well for me esoeciallly if i was on the go. Work, errands, home life, etc.
I can agree with this i bench 330 and it takes me about 10mins to warm up and to do a full complete 3 sets working sets 30mins
45-60 min, 3 days per week full body works great. If you superset everything and use ramping sets for the heavy excercises, you can bang out 30 work sets in that time.
I just take as long as it takes. Some days might be 1 hour, others might be 3 hours. Whatever needs to be done.
Same here brother 2 to 3 hr ,I'm done when i'm done.
Nobody ever asked "Oh you have been to the movies? How long did it take you?" but today many people try to say that spending time with strength training is a bad thing. You said it right, "whatever needs to be done"!
@@Braddaddyxyou got it brother
And as we get older we need to take more time warming up and sometimes less intense more volume works better
I do two high-intensity, full body workouts per week. They take 90+ mins but time flies. RIR 0 or 1 on each and every set (no squats or deadlifts). Results for me are great. Less often but more time per workout is better for me.
The more time you take for any workout, the cleaner you do the reps, the lesser risk of injury you have, the more powerful you do each rep, and the more mind-muscle connection you have. Investing more time for something is always a good thing...just wasting time is bad.
45-60 minutes is generally when I'm strongest. Don't mind a little junk at the end after that 1 hour mark though if I can get the big movements done in that first hour
{Very long session + Few rest day = CNS fatigue* may be} personal experience as a beginner
Why are you training so long as a beginner then?
Take more rest.
Eat more.
Sleep more.
The problem isnt ur cns, its you.
experimented with different type of training splits after 6 months of basic training. Chest+Triceps, Back+BIceps, Legs+Shoulder (6 days training) was the most difficult for my body. After that discussed with the trainer and now doing 4 days per week training each lasting 60-70 minutes.
Key word " beginner "
@@Intact9you can't experiment with different training splits as a beginner for short time and make conclusions you need at least 2-3 months with each training split to let the body adapt to it and see the effects you trained for what ? 1 year tops ?
Try Full body 3 times per week and gradually make changes ,and do not believe everything you see in the magazines!! When in doubt calisthenics is an excellent entry level to working out,I wish I knew what i know now back in my early 20s
People forget that you need to include your warmup and rest between sets into your total time. Idk how anyone can get a good workout, with a proper warm up, and at least 2mins rest between sets within 60mins. I don’t see how it’s possible.
Upper body days for me take 2.5 hrs, note that I waste no time between sets
That’s how long my full body workouts take
@jonathancontreras633 by upper body I mean all the upper body muscles - chest, back, shoulders(all 3 heads), traps, arms. With appropriate rest times included that takes me some 2 to 2.5 hours no kidding
Pete speaking the truth. People hate the truth 💪🏼. People wanna be robots and say everything is either black or white. There are no rules to this sport! All the top bodybuilders have said stuff like this and no one listens. That’s why you look the way you do. Stop blaming your genetics and steroids. Train hard and eat a lot of food always incorporate the basics and watch what happens.
What happened to your old golden era bodybuilding videos, where you had pictures of Larry Scott, Arnold, Franco etc?
Damn bro you have so many warmup sets for that bench haha I just do the standard plate and quarter jumps to 315.
Another factor in my opinion is what is being trained that day. For example, I I typically train each muscle with 4 exercises & 3 working sets(12 per muscle on that day) which usually takes me approximately 1 hour start to finish(warmup sets + working sets) however my leg day(hamstrings, quads & calves) usually takes 75-90 mins due to longer recovery between sets & fact I do 6 exercises total in this workout….
I don't think about it in terms of time unless I'm lagging. I have a set amount of work I need to get done, whatever time it takes is what it is
31 year old dad of a 4 year old and 2 year old here that works 50 hours a week. I train 3 times a week, full body, 1 hour long. I’ve been in a gym since I was 13. I’m in the best shape of my life, and I used to compete competitively in Olympic style weightlifting. I wish I could train slightly longer, but my time is worth a lot. Especially with young kids. Most other guys my age I see, outside of the gym, are overweight and flabby. Most dont even have kids. It amazes me.
Thanks again my Friend, outstanding information! Aye it’s true ❤😮😊
A little progress each day adds up to big results.
can you explain me how you need 7 set just to warm up??
how can you not count them as part of the volume?? i mean: 7 set!!! 😄😄
I do between 24 and 28 sets per workout, which includes my warm up sets and only resting for 60 to 75 seconds between sets, and it still takes me way longer than an hour to complete!
I do take longer on each rep though, so I guess that all adds up eventually 🤔
It would be absolutely impossible to do that kind of volume, time and frequency with any kind of intensity. Plus, I work a full-time job, so i cant just spend 2 hrs/day at the gym, even if it was productive.
I break my workouts up into 2 different seasons everyday. I wake up at 0400 and do a high intensity 30 minute workout on a single muscle group. Then I do the same at about 1900 on a different muscle group. 2 muscle groups a day, 3 days on and 1 day off, I take a week off every 16 weeks. It works for me, I've gained 15# in 9 months. Im also a Nazi when it comes to my diet, only having 1 or 2 cheat meals a week.
I agree with him on most things but if i trained for two hours with even a moderate level of intensity id be shot. Sure you can build up to it but is that necessary for hypertrophy?
Tbh a thing keeping me going to the gym is makeing it short and intense
2 hrs to 2.5 hrs but a lot of it is rest time. 8 excercise for upper, 6 for lower day.
Ive tried aronlds high volume, mentzers hit high weight low volme go slow rep, and myo reps. Myo reps training is by far the best for me. It combines menzter go slow but lower weight less injury and slightly more volme.
I do what I need to do in the gym, and however long that takes is however long that takes. I am lucky to have that flexibility in my schedule.
With 1.5-2 minute rest in between sets a 2 hour workout is doable especially if you have your stamina built up.
Imagine just warming up with 315 bench for your 335 working weight
I did 22 sets on my upper workout today. About 90 minutes with a typical 3 minutes between compound sets and some waiting on machines since it was a little busy. Pretty reasonable to spend 90 minutes in the gym if you have the time. I can see that 90 minutes turning into a bit longer as I get stronger. 💪
I could do 315 lb x12 and find that just 135,185,225 and 275 is adequate for warming up
Studies show that high frequency is better
Doing HIT lately and am done in 45 min or less including warmups
As you don't know where I've been or what my goals are, that is a pretty bold statement, but you are entitled to your opinion@Mantastic-ho3vm
I lose focus after an hour. 1hr-110. Right now im in a strength focused period, so volume is low rest is long and only lifting 4 days per week at abput 45 mins
Thx pete
I think if someone is a lifetime natural and wants to increase both strength and hypertrophy, they cannot train within one hour doing intense sets enough for that purpose, unless they look for a good pump. Their Bench Press five top sets with RPE 8+ will take more than 20 minutes, minimum. They will not recover a 315x5 bench press set just in two minutes, and if they can, they will need to add more weight in strength-wise. Adding warm-up sets, it's already thirty minutes for the bench press. This is similar to strength athlete train, adding 30-45 minutes main movement and sprinkle one or two accessories. And they do that twice a day.
Nowadays my workouts take up to 2,5-3 hours 4 times a week + 3*30min active recovery. I had the same results when I had been training 4x30min a week. But I like to train, so why not train even more as long as it does not compromise the results?
bro all my workouts last longer than 60 minutes and i always think its a bad thing bro thanks for changing my mind :D
I think that the main point always get blown off right away. there are more followers than doers at this time in the world and most of them are to dumb to even care to question things they're told and to lazy to do any research. point being not everyone is the same period what works for some will not work for everyone. I trained for 3 years on 60 minutes work outs focusing on form, intensity, nutrition and recovery and it didn't work for me. then I started to do my work outs with out worrying about time 2 to 3 hours doing the same things the same work outs. I see much more results in a year than I did with 60 minutes workouts. the key is finding what works for us will focusing on proper form, intensity, nutrition and recovery.
I would say 45 minutes to 90 minutes for myself training program on my push day. 12 to 20 sets. 3 to 5 exercises.
I do 2 4 hour weight Training full body session 1 to 2 min max rest in between and 2 times a week two 3 hour carido season
I need around two hours each session, I think that's fine. I also take 5 minutes break in between sets, I try not to rush, as I want to excute everything as good as I can, but that is just me. 🤷🏾♂️
If I don’t train for 2 hours, it’s not a training. I am natural. But I also have ADHD.
Tbh it all depends on the efforts on the compounds. Thise are the ones that kill me but i can go on isolations with 100% effort for 2h.
For me its 1.5 to 2hrs in my home gym depending on my energy and groove. 1 hr isnt enough for lifting imo.
When I heard that you train for 2 hours I thought, "pete probably needs a lot of volume because he's so advanced, so it probably makes sense for him to do that, I'm lucky that I still see plenty of growth working out for 45-60 mins since I'm nowhere near that advanced, I have a lot of growing to do"
" They are warmup sets, not my working sets"
Bro just roasted Greg Douchead who is planning to give a response video until he heard this 💀
Do you mean 90 min everyday? 7 days a week? Every set to failure on top of it? How?
Peter can you show your tattoo on your left forearm
My workouts last 2 to 3 hours a day and I'm 60 and diabetic
The stronger + more advance you are the longer your session gonna be due to all the time u spend recovering from the fatigue
But sometimes the gym gets crowded that's why when they trying to get a workout it takes longer than an hour
I don't believe in warm ups. I just go. I'm 38 and I started training again and that way a year ago. I have Zero injuries. Warming up is a waste of Time. My workout consists of always doing a calisthenic first as the workout. I'll do 5 sets of push ups then flat bench and Cables.
When you actually get strong you'll find out warmups are a necessity. Not only will it be stupid to go heavy without a warmup but the bar simply won't move.
2hours and 30minutes is really good for me.
If only thing I was doing was weight lifting, I would've loved 2 hours.
So funny how dudes who haven’t even been lifting that long just assume they have the whole thing figured out 😂
Train enough, grow bigger.😎☕
In my 60's, strength training. 1.5-2 hours, 4 days a week. My most recent upper body:
Typical warm-up lifts
4 sets OHP, barbell
5 sets Spoto Press, barbell
2 sets Triceps Pushdowns
2 sets Biceps Cable Curls
4 sets Triceps OH, dumbbells
4 sets Biceps Curls, dumbbells
4 sets Rear Delt Fly, dumbbells
4 sets Bicep Curls, chest-down incline barbells
Almost all excercises are arms. Wouldn't do that.
I'll be 62 in January, A retired vet, Been in and out of the gym since I was 20, Started training for 2 hours 5 times a week about 6 years ago, Works for me and I still got the gains to show it!
Antagonist workouts with supersets, will significantly cut the time in the gym. Ex: Bicep/Triceps, hit one directly after another, no breaks.
Dont tell us Recon boys two hours is to long ! Pain is a sign of weakness leaving the body
All I know is that all the great bodybuilders, would train more than one time a day. Look it up, Arnold said he would train three times a day, piana as well, cutler, etc. Our bodies are amazing, the body needs to go back to its roots of abuse!