@@amebumpous4042 heard the gases build up then explode. Started noticing how graves a few weeks old look sunken...creepy. I thought you were required to have that overcasket thing in America-honestly that freaks me out more than death. Just found out there's a green burial place here in Ireland, inexpensive too :)
@@johnlavery3433 q tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttffttttfffffffffffffffffafaffffffffffffffffffffffffsfafffffffafffffffffffffffffffffffafffffffffffaffsddadaddadaaddasadddaaadadadadadadadadadadadadadada dad ddadadaddadddadddaaaddadadadddadaadadadaadddaddddadddddddaadddaadddaaddadaddadadaadadaddadadadaadadadddadadadadaadadaadaddadaddadada d's 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 d's adaddadadaddaaddaadadaadadaddadadadadaddaadddadadadadadaddadddadaddadaadaadaadaaddadaaddddaadaddddddaddddadadaadadaaddadaadddddadadadaddadddddadddaddddaaaddddadadadadaaddaadadddddadddddadddddadddddadddddddddaadadsadaadaddadaddaadaadadaadaadddadadddaadaaadddddadddadadaaaaaadadddddddadadadaaadadaadadadaddadaddaadaddddaddddddaddaadadadadadadadddadddaaddaadaaddaaddaddaadadaddaaadaaadadaaaddadaddaaddadadaadadadaadadaadaddddaddddaadadadadddadddaaddaaddadaaadaadaadadddaaaddadadaddddaddadaadaaaaddadaddddadaddaddaaadadadadaadadaaddadadadddadadadadadaadaaddadaadaddaadadaddaddaaddddadadaaddadaaddddddaddddadadadaadaadadadaadadaaadadadddaadadddddadaaddaadadaaadaddadddadddadaaddaaddadaaddaddddadddaadddddddaddadaddddaadddaddddadaddaadadadddddddddadaaaadadaaaadddddddaadadaddddddaaddadadaaddaaadddaadddddaaadaadaddaaddaddadaddadaddaaddaaddddaadaddaadaaadaaddaadaddddddaaaaadaddddadadadsadadadddadadaadadadaadadddaadddddddaadaddaadddadadadddadaddddddddaaddaaaddddaadaddaaddaadadadaddaaddadaddaaddaaaadddddddadaadadaddaaddaadddddaadddddadaadaadadadaddaaadaadddddddddaaddddadaddaddddaadaadddaddddadadadadaaadaadadddddddadddddadadaadddddddadddadddddddddddddaaaaddaadadaadadadadaadaddddaddaddddaddddadaddaddadaaddaaadddadaadddddddaddaadaadadaddaadddddaddaadaaddddadaddadadadaaddaddddadddaddadadaaddddadaadddadadaaddadadaaddaadaaddadddaadaddaaddddddddaaadaddadddddaddadaadaadadadadaadadaadddddaddddddddaadaadaadaadaddddaaddddadaddddadddddddaadadddadaadddddadadaadaddadadaadddaadaadadadadadaddddddaadaaaddaaadadaddaddddddadaaddadaaddaaddadaaadaadddaaadddaddadadaaadaaaddadadadadaadaddadaadadaaddaadadaadddaddadaddaaddddddaadadddadadddadaadadddddadddaaddddadddaddaddadddddaddddadaaaddaddaddadaadadadaaddadadaaddddadadadadadadaadadadadadadaadadddadadadaadadadaadaaadadaaaadaddddddddddadadaadadddadadddaaddaaddadaadadddaadddadaaddadddadadaaddaddaaddadaaddadadadadddadaaadaadadddadaddadaddaaddaddddddddddadddadaddaaddadddddddadddadddaadddddddadadaaddaaadaddaaddadadadddaadadadddddadaaadaadadaddaddddaaadaadaaddadddadadddadadadadaddaadddddddaddaadadaaddaaaadddaaaddddddddaaddaadadadadaadaddaddddddaadaddadaaaadadaadadadaaaadadaaddadaaddadaaddddaaaadadaddddadaddddadadaddddadddddadadadaddaddddddadaaddadadddaadadaadadaadaddadadaddaadddaddaadddddaaaadadaddddddddaadaddadddddaaaaddddddaddaddaddaaaddddadaaadaddaaddaadddaadadddadaddaddadaddaadddaaddddaddddddddddaddddddaadaddddadadddddadaadaaddddaddadddaaddddddadadadddaddadadaadaaaaadddddddadaadddaadddadaaddadaadddddddadadadadaddaaadddddaadddddaddddaadadaddadaadadaaadaadddddadadaaadadaadaaaddaadddaadaaddddaaddadadddddddddddaadaaaadaddaaadadaadddddaaddadddddadadadddddaddddadadadaddaadadadaddddaddddddaaadadadaddaddddadaadadddddadadadadadaadadadddddaadadaddddaaaadaadddadaadadaaddadaaddadadaadddadddaaadadddadaadddaddddddaadaddaddaddddddadadddddddadadaaddddadadadadadaddddadaadaddadadadadadadadddddddadadadadadddadaaadddddaaddadaaddddaddaddddddaaddadadddaadddadaaddddaddaaadadadadaaadadadadsadaad d's da s dqsdqqdqdq$da$added+
It`s probably nothing compared to the waste you produce during a lifetime if that`s a comfort ;) hehe.. Unless you`re one of those people that eat out of the trash et cetera..
Same! I want to be put in the earth in a shroud and that's it. No embalming, no preservatives, just put in a shroud and left to become one with the soil!
"Natural burial is so badass, like doing a protest sit-in at a forest for eternity" LOL they could dig a slightly deeper, square hole and lower you in a squatting position! Hey why not
Since my husband is on the board of our local cemetery, I asked him to bring up the idea of natural burial at their last meeting. Some of the folks didn’t know what that meant but I’d coached him beforehand! Turns out, they agreed that they’d have no problem with natural burials in the cemetery and approved it unanimously! Hurray! I’m goin’ into a hole, naked and wrapped in a sheet with an untreated wooden plank underneath my body to make lowering my corpse a little less awkward and cumbersome! He, on the other hand wants a Viking “burning ship” style funeral. I explained that it isn’t legal, but that I’d have him cremated, put his ashes on a remote control toy boat, launch it into the local lake, and blow it up with an M80 firecracker. He says that’s cool!
kauaijohn As a Odinist I don’t know where you and your husband live but there is this little thing in the constitution that guarantees religious freedom. Who says being cremated in a wooden ship on a lake or Ocean is against the law. My funeral vessel is already made . I am Canadian and the Charter of rights and freedoms here protects my funeral rights. When I die I will be loaded in my ship on top of my funeral pyre soaked in diesel and my friends and family will set it adrift shooting flaming arrows at the ship to ignite it after drinking copious amounts of liquor. Where I live we are along way from police and coastguard response It will all be over long before any official shows up . Being set adrift in the ocean in my burning funeral ship is my religious right as long as I am not a hazard to navigation. It’s going to be a great party.
Nat Calverley In the U.S.A., there are laws governing the “disposition of human remains” that forbid cremation anywhere except for that done in a licensed/regulated crematorium or one single outdoor pyre somewhere in Colorado (I think). I guess they just don’t want people burning grandma in the backyard! And, honestly, I don’t think a wooden ship would survive long enough with the funeral Pyre burning on it to sufficiently cremate a human body. I believe that the Death Mother discusses this fact in one of her videos.
kauaijohn I know I won’t be fully cremated the crabs and prawns will feast on the rest. Very eco friendly other than the diesel ignition but hey no more polluting than bilge water from the thousands of boats that ply the waters.
Nat Calverley I wish you well in your life and a spectacular send-off on your final journey on this plane. May it be all you hoped for and more! All the best, Kauaijohn
That weaved casket actually looks pretty good. Personally I find the thought of my skeleton being intangled into the roots of a grand tree metal and romantic at the same time.
@@robertnett9793 - good imagery but I don't think it's possible because the time and conditions necessary to grow a tree large enough to be toppled by wind and soil damp and loose enough to let it fall are not ideal for preservation.
Since I started watching this channel I've been talking to my parents and siblings about what I want. This, in turn, has made them talk about what they want.
I asked my mother, she told me she didn't care, whatever was cheapest. I said," So, basically, you want us to surprise you!" She said "yeah" and we had a good laugh.
I've been telling people for YEARS that I just want my natural body to be put in a dirt hole and left alone and people kept telling me that it wasn't legal. I looked up conservation burial places near me and there is a whole ass park for it less than an hour away!
I just looked up the Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery in Florida that she mentioned. It’s 1.5 hours from my house. I think I’ve got a plan coming together!
@@sinish5418 A shame those eco-friendly wicker caskets are as expensive as a steel casket. Yes, it's about money and sanctioned green choices are just as expensive as other choices because politicians still need their kickbacks.
@@kevinsullivan3448 If you check Caitlin's website, you will find that the wicker caskets are not expensive. There are plenty of eco-friendly and budget friendly choices.
@@moodyblues6321 I work for a mortuary and have prices eco-friendly caskets for clients and, at least here in Arizona, the prices are equivalent. Maybe in California the cost of steel caskets is higher due to excessive taxation. P.S. Nights in white satin, never reach the end.
The concrete is required in my state but we have a very high water table here and it is to prevent the decay from seeping into ground water ie drinking water. This I get. The rest, at least in my state, I believe are pretty flexible.
I'm Chinese and the traditional way to bury someone (like my grandma and great grandparents) is to put them in white cotton clothes and bury in the ground, no casket needed. I'm sure this is the standard process in lot of cultures.
That's exactly what I want. If there's any organs that can be salvaged, cut them out and put them in someone else. Wrap up whatever is left in a bedsheet and bury it in the woods. Or maybe weigh down the bedsheet with rocks and throw it overboard. Hell, bury me in the backyard if you really want to be able to come back to it
For most of my life, I've found traditional western burial to be incredibly creepy. It's one step short of stuffing your loved ones and sitting them up in a chair so that they seem alive. The whole thing is basically a denial of death and decomposition. I thought natural burial wouldn't be an option for me, but after a quick Google search, I turned up a natural burial site situated in a local meadow, where the land is used to grow hay. I like this idea a lot better than being sealed in a box for eternity as if someone is going to open it and check on me later.
I found out about “green” burial or natural burial in 2018 when my mother died. We had never sat down for a formal discussion of exactly what she wanted, but in her final days she made me promise her that her body would be placed in the earth. From my childhood I remember overhearing her joke around, saying things such as that she didn’t want anything fancy, just a plain box and into the ground. After she died, I was very clear with each conventional cemetery I met with that she didn’t want anything removed, no embalming, no fancy casket. I’m fortunate that no one tried forcing me into anything, and I was even encouraged to purchase a “green” casket from a third party to abide by my mom’s wishes. The only downside was the required vault that it would be placed in regardless of how “green” it was. When I stumbled upon natural burial, I kind of got excited because what was described seemed to be exactly what she wanted. The only problem here in LA is that the 2 cemeteries with natural burial sections charge 5 figures for just the plot itself. I found an actual natural cemetery, but it’s all the way in Joshua Tree. On top of all these complications was the grand fact that there was no money at all for her burial. She left behind nothing and no life insurance, and I’m an only child with no other (involved) family. That’s when what I consider a miracle happened: upon referral from a hospice rabbi I had met by chance, my mom’s case was approved for a free burial program with a Jewish cemetery. (We’re Jewish by ethnicity, but I wasn’t raised in a Jewish community.) I quickly discovered that my ancestors had been burying their dead in the same fashion for centuries: the natural way. The service was described by the FD as one of the sincerest and beautiful services they had in a while, and everything was done just as she wanted. A plain wooden casket with no nails, no embalming, and into the ground. I was even invited to begin shoveling in the dirt if I wished after the casket was lowered into the ground. All in all, everything came together despite having no plan in place. But that’s no to say that it wasn’t very very hard to experience, therefore just ask Caitlin says, please please please make some sort of plan with your wishes and share with family and friends. It will not only save everyone who survives you a world of time and confusion, but it will also allow for your loved ones to enter the grieving process uninhibited. Side note: Was anyone else astonished by the fact that this might be the very first time we saw Caitlin’s forehead?? 🤔😂
My mom also died in 2018 and we went with the green burial option. She and I had always talked about planting her with a sapling when she died. And now she is out in a beautiful natural preserve :)
We were in the lucky position where she had already basically made her death plan. And one of my brothers was already out in the same Cemetery so it was pretty easy to get her there
Buy a $20 shovel from Home Depot, find some desert or forest far from civilization, dig a hole about six feet deep, place body in the hole, replace dirt, flatten dirt so it looks like nothing happened, and leave. Also, make sure no one sees you. So much cheaper than paying 5 figures.
I remember 20 some years ago expressing to my family that I wanted a chemical-free, shroud burial and was told that that would be illegal. This gives me some hope.
I was like "I'll spearhead this campaign to get alkaline hydrolysis approved in my state!" only to google it and find out that Minnesota was the first state to approve alkaline hydrolysis for human corpses. Damn ecofriendly medically advanced Minnesotans.... (I am actually very proud of this, go Minnesota!!)
yeah I myself just discovered Illinois approved it in 2012, proud of us. only wish I knew about it last time I lost someone, they would have very much approved of that option rather than raining down cancer!
I'm so fucking angry that nobody told me options for dad besides choice of casket. He wouldn't have wanted to be embalmed, I'm incredibly pissed nobody made me aware that it was just an option, not a legal requirement. Then they charged me £1200 or something to drive the three miles to the funeral home at 3mph. There's nothing about the whole arrangement that doesn't make me wanna throw a casket at someone. Dad would have wanted to be cremated and planted in a tree or something, not pumped with cancerous whateverthefuck so the cancer that killed him could be nicely preserved :/
Daniel Gould I'm so, so sorry for your loss and your bad experience with the funeral industry. Such experience is what no one should ever experience. Let's hope one day it all changes.
I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your dad. You should know that cremated remains actually don't do any good to trees they are planted with, it would be better to have a tree planted on a grave at a natural burial or scatter them in a forest. Planting a tree with cremated remains can actually hurt it's growth, those people that sell urns with trees in them are scammers and most of those trees die. Again, so sorry to hear what happened.
I find natural burial such a beautiful concept. To truly give oneself back to the earth seems to me like a very spiritual endeavour. Definitely want this when I go.
I definitely agree! Have you seen the video where she goes to a body compost farm? That'd be really awesome too. I love the circle it brings, the spiritual giving to the Earth. Really beautiful
Half of my death-related depressions went out the window when I wrote down my funeral and burial wishes at 23. Guys, we all die. Choose how you wanna be disposed of, and life will go smoothly.
THE NAFERATU I told the funeral home that AFTER they fry me up, “take what’s left and sprinkle it around the tree in the back of the funeral home”. “There is a tree back there, right”?
I always tell my family, I don't care what you do to me when I die, just make sure I'm actually dead. Lol. Take me to the dump for all I care. Bury me in the yard with my dog even . Don't spend all your money.
My sister's mother in law wants to be kept in a coffee can and kept in the trunk of the car so that if her son gets stuck on NY 11 in the winter he can spread some under the tires and "thank mom one more time." Although usually the only reason they take that highway is to go see his mom in the first place!
In Germany and suppodedly other European countries it's not allowed to use sealed caskets or caskets made from iron or plastic or any non-rotting material. Because of the population density you can only rent a grave for 25 to 30 years, so the body and the coffin must rot away within this timespan. And many graveyards don't allow embalmed bodies to be buried there because the toxins will get into the groundwater.
@@EmmaGodLovesTruth95 I hope it changes in USA. Ruining nature is harshly punished in my country. Everything needs to be in it's place, including human remains and it must be ensured, that after a time, we still have place for our loved ones to lay at rest. Right now, people interested in cremation, but it's not so popular as it still pollutes the air.
Honestly, after watching my mom, uncle, and grandparents be embalmed and given traditional burials, it only increased my necrophobia growing up, the memories giving me night terrors for years. I'm so thankful to have found your channel. I started watching to help begin overcoming my fear of decomposition and corpses, but your work has also helped me come to terms with my own mortality. I used to be TERRIFIED of my body decomposing in the ground or the idea of being burned (even if not alive), so learning about aquamation has in a weird way helped me find peace with my own death someday for the first time. Thank you so much, Caitlin!
Same here Courtney! (Though still squeamish) I for one never liked the traditional funeral idea. After this video I'm thinking either form of cremation (don't think water cremation is an option here as I've never heard of it until now) and that I don't even want a viewing. Just chuck my body into the appropriate machine and have a good old fashioned Irish wake with lots of drinking and people sharing favorite memories of me.
I already had a plot and funeral plan as I didn't want my young daughter to have to do anything if I died while she is young. I didn't even know i had the option to be embalmed or not the funeral home we went through insisted on it never gave me any other option. I have now revised my burial plan. Thank you so much for giving us information all funeral homes should but refuse to give us. You are amazing...
Same here... the few Funeral Homes in my region all claim you either Embalm or go elsewhere... 1.) They try to claim it is a State Law, but will not disclose where such law exist... 2.) They try to claim it is a Cemetery Requirement... however, when I have told them no it is not, they want to argue with me... until I pull out a copy of the Private Cemetery Deed, denoting that I OWN the private cemetery as private Real Estate and make all of those determinations... that is when the funeral directors tend to SHUT DOWN on me, as they are out of excuses by then...
I was totally unaware of this type of burial. I've been telling my kids for years not to stick me in the ground but to cremate me. After watching this video, you have changed my mind. I will be advising my children of my alternate choice. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!
I feel the same way. As in I dislike the thought of 'bugs' indulging on my body after I have died! Hoping that my having already informed my children that I want (a cremation or (b eco-friendly coffin or shroud (as cheap a coffin as possible, I am unable to appreciate it so why waste money!). The idea of the aquamation or water cremation sounds very doable to me and is my preference. Hope they will abide by my wishes when I do 'go'!
@@boiledegg3534 That thought is actually what brings me peace. Everything that I'm composed of will return to nature and will be used in other forms of life.
I just commented the same thing hahaha (about writing my arrangements at 24) and how as long as I can fertilize the growth of some blue hydrangea beds and sycamore trees MINUS any possibility of unnatural carbon footprint I'm perfectly comfortable with the disposition of my body!
I had never heard of alkaline hydrolysis until now but it seems like such a great choice and now I have another reason to be proud to be Minnesotan. You talked about some really beautiful things in this video, Caitlin.
Recently there also came out a coffin that is made from a fungus and moss that speeds up the decomposition into a compost. Not as fast as alkaline hydrolysis though
The timing of this upload couldn't be more serendipitous. I'll explain - My family started a tradition about 10 years ago where take turns every holiday to show a video of our choosing, and it's (finally) my turn. I'm, admittedly, the "black sheep" of the bunch, but I'M SO EXCITED TO SHOW THIS.
Natural burial seems very romantic to me. Laid to rest and becoming part of the earth. Maybe having some flowers or a tree planted that your body will help to fertilize. It seems so right
Saffron Sugar want it more romantic, have the ceremony take place at dusk with candle light and fine cotton curtains stop decorate your body as your loved ones lower you into the ground.
I know, it seems like if there is a right way to do it, natural burial is it. You can give back to the earth what you borrowed during your lifetime. Plus the conservation option is another way to help the environment even in death :)
I used to be scared of just disappearing into the earth, but now it just seems so chill yk like your chilling with all the things that have ever lived and thats so cool
me, age 17, desperately trying to explain to my spanish speaking father i want to be aquamated while speed translating everything this video said in my head: mmmme water death PLEASE
Wow, that is some serious game step up ! I always love your videos, but to me this one is something else. You go in depth in your subject, it is so informative for the viewers. Thank you for the quality content !
How about a video on "sky burial?" It sounds so beautiful and pure: "When I die I'll become one with the sky!" Actually, they chop you up and feed you to the vultures. Marketing at its finest.
Well, you do still become one with the sky. Also, you are supposed to get favourable (technically good and bad karma aren't things) karma in Hinduism and Buddhism if your body gets donated for something useful/being eaten.
@@Ellie-rx3jt You might have a look at the Wikipedia article on the subject at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_burial. Most of those who are familiar with the process and can conduct it properly appear to be in Tibet. For Caitlin: How about it? Y'think mortuary schools should add this to their curriculum as an elective? :-)
One of my daughters has been asking me to get started on making my final arrangements, (I'm 72 and my cardiologist seems to thing I've got a couple more decades) so to humor my sweet worry-wart, I've emailed both daughters about my decision to have a natural burial. I haven't heard back from them and it's been two days, so I'm guessing they never saw that coming. Your video has been very reassuring that I've made the right choice for myself.
Its definitely good to get this done early but yah it was probably a bit of a shock to em lol, I am lucky that my parents were upfront about what they wanted for a funeral. So if I have questions I just have to ask "yo mom when you die what do you want done with your meat sack?"
Most UK eco-burial sites plant a tree on top of the grave. It marks the grave so people don't dig it up and the family can visit and see the tree as the spirit of their loved one (if that way inclined) and it turns grassland into woodland which is good for the environment.
I love this part so hard, because it's very much like the movie The Wicker Man (the original one, not that piece of garbage made by Nicolas Cage et al). Everything about that movie pretty much jives with my spirituality. Well... except for the whole burning people part. I mean, live ones, anyway. Where was I going this? Oh yeah. Tree. Yeah; I'm feeling that.
I find it fascinating that the most eco-friendly and simple method of just properly burying a body that has been around for thousands of years is so unheard of in modern society! Thank you for bringing awareness to this topic. I will try to educate the rest of my family as well.
Omg I just found out that my local funeral home offers aqua cremation! Apprently they are the first to offer it in a funeral home. So proud of my little town and community!
Aquamation is the reduction of the body by a chemical process, not a flame process. In traditional cremation, the soft tissue is removed with fire. In aquamation, the tissues are dissolved into water. What remains after either process are the bones of the deceased.
New Hampshire still doesn't offer it, but we do have a few choices for a green burial! My other choice would be to become a prop at Disney World, but apparently it's frowned upon. BOO!
Holy hell, I had no idea conservation burials even *existed*! I WANT THAT! I can spend the rest of my eternity protecting nature in some small way, giving birds and animals a safe home that will never be taken from them.
As a student of ecology, I can already tell I'm going to be interested in these novel 'eco' options. I haven't even watched this yet, but I'm going to be sad if the video doesn't get loads of views. Share this, people.
Taylor Hood and I'm saying don't be a puss about such trivial nonsense, if this makes you sad, what is a death going to do to your fragile psyche of sadness. All I'm saying is grow up, no one cares if a grown man is sad😣😥😣😥😣😣
You seem very prone to imagination and extrapolation. I can only imagine you think I was actually sincerely saying I would be sad... Whilst I think Caitlin deserves more views, I wrote my comment with a straight face. It was almost a throw away remark. It wouldn't ACTUALLY effect my mood. I don't think you understand how the internet works. How can I explain such a trivial comment to you? My tone was more akin to someone jokingly saying "you make me sad". It was almost light hearted. I was simply trying to show my support for the channel and my disappointment that it sometimes doesn't get as much views as it should, which even Caitlin has said. That's as far as it goes. Heavens knows where you got the idea that I was actually genuinely grieved or whatever.
Update; On May 21, 2019 Governor Inslee signed SB 5001 Concerning Human Remains into Washington state law, legalizing alkaline hydrolysis (aquamation) and "natural organic reduction" (recomposition).
My SIL's cat passed today and will be aquamated at Resting Waters tomorrow. She found it herself, but the interview in this video was comforting for the whole family.
Aquamation reminds me of that saying when people die. "They went out with the tide." It just seems so much nicer rather than having grandma set on fire, she goes back to nature through water. makes me feel peaceful.
What came to my mind was a pressure cooker like my instant pot combined with the soap making process but with human fats, and yeah, man, reducing to soup bones would be incredibly efficient, I gotta say. I don't honestly have any complaints, there. Heck, it might be funny to make soap from my fat tissue, but nobody is going to approve my more madlad last wishes.
My mom has always told me she wants to be cremated, because she wants her ashes spread free on a mountain in British Columbia, near where she grew up. I'm so excited to tell her about alkaline hydrolysis!! She can still be free in BC, but she gets those ashes in a much better way
Thankfully we live in Ontario, where it is currently legal!! So she'll be "cremated" here, and me and whoever else will go out to BC to let her go. It all sounds pretty beautiful
Simon Williamson oh my goshhhh it is!! I've only been to the Interior, but it's amazing. The lakes in the valley are beautiful, and they're surrounded by gorgeous mountains. I love it sooo much
British Columbian here, I think you've seen some of the best parts of the province. I live in Vancouver; it's nice, so is the island but I've always loved the Interior and driving through the Rockies. Sea to Sky Hwy is a beautiful place too but it's kind of pricy to stop anywhere along the way.
I made a poem for my English class since we were doing the poetry unit and my teacher really liked my poem about death, I call it "grim reaper" lol I am the Grim Reaper I am your friend I follow those who need me From time and again I come to you when times are grey I will be waiting Right under that archway I help guide travelers People of all age I help them start writing On a new page When your time is done And you’re in the ground I will come find you Under your mound I am the Grim Reaper I am there at the end I’ll lead you to freedom For I am your friend hope you like it :)
Me: I want a natural eco friendly funeral, with a biodegradable willow or bamboo cassette under a native tree on a protective site with herbs, woods and maybe crystals if possible. The funeral home: youre 18 Edit: I cant believe my dumb comment got so many likes xD im not even into crystals anymore lol or 18...
Well of course, if you say it like that! The funeral guys will only say why not chuck in some joss sticks and a recorded Greta Thunberg eulogy and a monk chant to fully round out the green new deal?? I'm not taking the piss really but if the lady wants her 'vegan woo woo' and laundry room methods to be popular and available, the marketing needs to be way less hippy teenager and rather more that they are cut price, practical, potentially less paperwork and with the promise that building tenders can be lower price to tempt politicians.
@@MrDustpile In Germany a Friedwald (cementary in the woods) is gaining more and more traction. Although they don't do coffins. It's cremation, your urn gets buried under a tree and a plaque is attached. Nothing hippy about it. Lots of older people really like that idea. My mom has already stated that she wants that.
@@shadowfox009x I didn't say that in itself is all that hippy, it's just how the girl put it across. Though burying ashes is an interesting twist, the idea doesn't sound too odd compared to gardens of remembrance where ashes are put. Still, I'm not hot on the idea of bodies in baskets lain in shallow graves. It's all a bit near the topsoil for my liking.
@@MrDustpile In Germany you have to bury the ashes. Either in a regular cemetary or in a Friedwald. No keeping auntie on the shelf. And with space being a real issue, that's a good option I think. I guess the idea of the basket doesn't bother me so much, as German cemetaries want a body to decay quickly (you are only allowed to dress the body in organic fibre and all jewelry and such has to be removed if possible). Graves are expensive and you can only "rent" one for twenty or thirty years. In some cities it's even just ten years. Once those are up, you either have to renew the "rental" or the garve get's used for a new body with the bones of the old body either buries a bit deeper or collected and buried elsewhere.
@@shadowfox009x I would have thought with no cemetery space, letting punters take the ashes home would be just the ticket. And you should if it's family. Germans, kuh! Mind, they do a bit better with the rental thing than in places like Guatemala where bodies are left in public for the refuse men when the crypts are emptied. Well there's a difference between doing things differently and being fruity. ruclips.net/video/WcOVzecfehU/видео.html
I told my mom i want a natural burial and she freaked out. Asking me WHY I'm talking about my death... I told her .. well because death is natural. 🤣🤣😂😂 she got mad at me .
If that doesn't sound like my grandmother, which I find weird because she's really religious, and when we die, according to our religion, we reunite with GOD. Doesn't she want that? : P
In the veterinary field we are very comfortable with death. We make death beautiful and painless. We give our patients dignity when they go. We use Euthasol to help them to cross the rainbow bridge. I just watch my grandmother 2 days ago take her last breath in a hospital bed. I'll tell you animals have it easier. 🐾🐾 😭😭
@@angelica.86 right?! They call it "dr assisted suicide" when Drs. help a human die without unnecessary pain and with dignity. My grandpa died recently, and it really shook me how horrible his death was. He's been on dialysis for years, but it stopped working. He was over 90, and his body couldn't handle it anymore. When that happens the lungs slowly fill with fluid until you basically drown. It seems cruel to me to let someone die so horribly.
I wish I had seen this back in 2013. I have prepaid my burial already. My life is on edge and will soon be over. I love the thought of a "green burial", but I have no family to take care of me in the end. So it comes down to a traditional burial as opposed to cremation or green... And when Death pays me the final visit, I hope she is as beautiful as you. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
I am sorry ☹️ do u not have a friend even who could see to arrangements for you after your gone 😢 like they say ,nothing is set in stone ....YET , so is there any way to talk your funeral home even and express your wishes to spend your money on an alternative burial? They technically still haven't spent your money .I wish the best for you and I'm sorry you have no family ,how lonely that must be😔💓✨💓
Put your last wishes for your bodies disposition in your will, and have your lawyer/law firm as your executor, they will ensure that your final wishes are fulfilled. It's the last imprint you will make on this Earth, you should get the disposition that you want. You may be surprised, the place that you made your initial arrangements with will probably give you at least a partial credit (they can re-sell your plot and its unlikely that they have purchased your casket yet, and they can certainly resell it anyway, unless it's a custom casket), they may even be able to help make arrangements to get the final disposition you want.
I just found out my state, MD, legalized it in 2010. And we have several green burial choices. Thanks to this channel I am talking to my partner and making a plan.
The seagrass/willow casket is so pretty ! With the flowers on top, it looks so much more 'comforting' and something you would put a relative in instead of a wooden/traditional casket with the silk. It seems also logic to choose for a natural burial. I got curious and looked into Dutch regulations and found this: In the Netherlands corpses can't be embalmed, it's ONLY reserved for members from the Royal family/house or when the corpse has to go on a plane or when you donate your body to science! There is a thing called Thanatopraxie which is allowed, it's a light version of embalming if I looked it up right. They will use less formaldahyde (0,5% solution) and the body can be preserved for 10 days or more depending on the solution. I'm not sure if Thanatopraxie is the same as embalming in the USA? Because I can't imagine that it's so common to embalm all the dead ! That really is bad for the environment. And i'm also surprised! We have 18 natural burial sights/cemeteries ! And I live close to one and it's beautiful. ( This is their Facebook page: facebook.com/NatuurbegraafplaatsOmmen/ - it's work in progress and it's not 'open' yet :-) ) or this one; www.natuurbegraafplaatshilligmeer.nl - You don't get a headstone or something like that, just a wooden disk. Oh and Aquamation (in the Netherlands its called 'Resomeren' ) isn't allowed yet ! They're on it though. Since 2011.. I love your channel ! Keep up the good work and I totally agree with you :-)
I just wanted to thank you for this video. I watched it on my previous account about a year ago and learned about aquamation. I recently lost my 16 year old fur baby who had always pulled me through the rough times. I didn’t want to bury her on our property, because we may eventually move. I also couldn’t stand the idea of cremating her. Aquamation was the right way to go for us and made my heart feel a little better about a terrible thing. I know it’s strange, but she was family and I wanted her to have the best.
Hi, I'd like to decompose, thanks. Got land, I just have to choose what type of fruit tree I want to feed with my corpse. Leaning heavily towards fig or walnut.
That doesn't make sense, for trees to grow and give fruit it take years I don't think chemicals other than radiation and metals can still be around that long, and even those are very small quantities very deep in the ground. Idk just saying
@@rai1879 I'm guessing there'd be differences depending on whether you are buried under a tree already mature enough to bear fruit, or if you a buried and then a seed or sapling is planted above you. in which case, yeah, could take decades even
@@888pil I dont think it's possible to open a grave under a mature tree without damaging the roots and killing it. Also there's fungi/micelio in mature roots
@@rai1879 hmm u might be right. I know u can plant small objects or pet corpses under mature trees but i wouldn't know abt something as large a human body. or what if tree was transplanted on top of you? like with an intact root ball? 🤔 unfortunately the info online abt this is lacking Haha
When my time comes I want to be aquamated and my remains kept in an urn if someone wants them, or mixed with soil that will have catnip planted in it so cats will visit my grave.
Skrael, that’s a very good idea. Environmentally friendly burials were never brought up in my Environmental Sciences classes... but that was 35 years ago.
OMG, thank you! Before watching this video (and some of your others) I had no idea how many options there were. And I just discovered that aquamation is legal in NSW Australia where I live. Only the "liquid remains" can't be poured down the drain. So instead the water is used to water national parks and bushland. How awesome is that? I also found out that there are a lot more natural burial sites than I would have thought. And once the land is full to capacity, it becomes a national reserve. You might also like to know Australia might be legalizing Promession (spelling?), in the near future. Which has me excited.
As great as coffins look with the whole vampire aesthetic, I actually think that shrouds are much lovelier than coffins or caskets. Green burials are lovely ~ 💚
Months ago, when my cat got sick, I started doing research about possible death plans for him. I found and decided upon Resting Waters, as it was the most appealing option I could find in Seattle. Seeing Resting Waters in this video confirmed that I made a good choice, and I know that my cat and I will be treated well when he does die.
In Oregon, the water from aquamation is used to water sod farms. When my mom and aunt were going to have their mom cremated the other year, they decided on aquamation instead. Not only because it seemed a better process, but they knew their mom would appreciate both being more environmentally friendly and the water being used to help things grow (she was an avid gardener). My mom wants the same.
Thank you for talking about and explaining what some consider to be taboo subjects. By educating us, you've made it easier for us to answer those hard questions our children ask of us.
You are amazing Caitlin, I watch you over and over, and share. Green, natural burial yaay! Comedic, intelligent, informative. Your slots should be part of school curriculum, removing fear and giving the power of choice. Well done, thoroughly good job🌹
When my great uncle died, the memorial service ended early enough for us to get to the grave site before the grave was entirely dug. The men of the family all went over, and helped to finish digging the grave. It felt special and respectful, and I felt blessed to have the experience.
Learning about aquamation (in a Psychology of Death and Dying class) changed my life! Fire and bugs are my worst fears but I had planned to opt for cremation as the lesser of two evils. As a bath enthusiast, aquamation can let me have one last one while being turned into ash. Now to convince the politicians in my area - give me my aquamation, dammit!
This is like a Christmas Special !! Thank you Caitlin (and the team who filmed and edited) because now I can finally put a name on the type of burial that I've always imagined in my head, natural/conservation burial. I'm going do some researche to see if it exist in the country I live in right now (:
I never thought I'd be as obsessed as I am with you and your channel (no offense) You were in my recommendations, now I can't stop binge watching your content!!!!!
"Hi, I'd like to decompose; thanks!" You're awesome. I'd never heard of aquamation but would definitely choose it if it were an option where I live. Thank you for teaching!
I love the idea of a conservation burial so much. Having my remains help prevent land development is one last way I can be a pain in the ass to people I probably don't like.
But also, on a more serious note, I thank you deeply, Caitlyn, for helping me confront death in a sober, honest way. I’ve been crippled by the thought of death for too much of my life, and watching your channel has helped me not necessarily confront my own mortality, but rather become more comfortable with the reality of facing the inevitable. I’ve learned so much from what you have explained in your videos, and I can’t thank you enough for helping me (and I’m sure many many more people) understanding and confront realities that need to be address when it comes to death and the thereafter (meaning for your family and loved ones). Seriously, thank you, Caitlyn. Thank you.
Started watching this out of morbid curiosity but actually it's so much more, honestly your channel has made me feel so much better about death as a concept. Remarkable work. My mum died 2 years ago and had a natural burial, and while i knew it was more environmentally friendly, i didn't know the full extent, thanks for making this!
When I had cancer, my sister and I discussed what I wanted. A. Bury me where I die. B. Eco burial -- wool shroud if it's permitted, plain wooden box, no lining, if shroud not permitted. C. No cremation. D. No embalming. Where I live there's only one section of one cemetery which permits eco-burial. It even has three options: headstone, memorial bench, or sapling with plaque. I want option two, if there's space, or option 3 if not.
I'm so glad that I've found this channel. I'm only 22, however I've though about how getting embalmed and plopped in a field of corpses never has appealed to me. You have opened my eyes to the possibilities out there, and I thank you
5 лет назад+49
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of Aquamation, I love this. I was glad to hear it didn’t cost an arm and a leg. Definitely what I want.
So, I used to be terrified of death. Mainly because of being buried/or burned to death. But, your channel has actually put me at ease about the whole process. You’re very informative and talk about death in a way I never thought about. I have much less of a huge phobia now.
I want my body to be disposed of the old fashion way:
Flung from a trebuchet over the city walls of my enemies
I like it xD.
LMFAO! 😂🤣😂😂
That's only helpful if you die of a seriously contagious disease...
Okay the fact that there are *preserved* corpses down there freaks me out waaaaayyyyy more than the idea of rotting corpses and skeletons ever did.
Ew, me too. Carcinogenic pickled people.
Then fear not...the vaults sold as "Waterproof" are most certainly not. Leaving toxic black soup. Glad to make you feel better!
Vampires, am I right?
enter Mr. Linclon.........lol
@@amebumpous4042 heard the gases build up then explode. Started noticing how graves a few weeks old look sunken...creepy. I thought you were required to have that overcasket thing in America-honestly that freaks me out more than death. Just found out there's a green burial place here in Ireland, inexpensive too :)
Now I'm going to take a basket weaving class at my local community college. Maybe I'll get extra credit for weaving my own casket basket.
Reminds me of a terry Prachet book, a witch got just enough warning of her own death to weave her own wicker coffin
That was my first thought! It seems like it would be a very soothing activity
That would be awesome
@@johnlavery3433 q tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttffttttfffffffffffffffffafaffffffffffffffffffffffffsfafffffffafffffffffffffffffffffffafffffffffffaffsddadaddadaaddasadddaaadadadadadadadadadadadadadada dad ddadadaddadddadddaaaddadadadddadaadadadaadddaddddadddddddaadddaadddaaddadaddadadaadadaddadadadaadadadddadadadadaadadaadaddadaddadada d's 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 d's adaddadadaddaaddaadadaadadaddadadadadaddaadddadadadadadaddadddadaddadaadaadaadaaddadaaddddaadaddddddaddddadadaadadaaddadaadddddadadadaddadddddadddaddddaaaddddadadadadaaddaadadddddadddddadddddadddddadddddddddaadadsadaadaddadaddaadaadadaadaadddadadddaadaaadddddadddadadaaaaaadadddddddadadadaaadadaadadadaddadaddaadaddddaddddddaddaadadadadadadadddadddaaddaadaaddaaddaddaadadaddaaadaaadadaaaddadaddaaddadadaadadadaadadaadaddddaddddaadadadadddadddaaddaaddadaaadaadaadadddaaaddadadaddddaddadaadaaaaddadaddddadaddaddaaadadadadaadadaaddadadadddadadadadadaadaaddadaadaddaadadaddaddaaddddadadaaddadaaddddddaddddadadadaadaadadadaadadaaadadadddaadadddddadaaddaadadaaadaddadddadddadaaddaaddadaaddaddddadddaadddddddaddadaddddaadddaddddadaddaadadadddddddddadaaaadadaaaadddddddaadadaddddddaaddadadaaddaaadddaadddddaaadaadaddaaddaddadaddadaddaaddaaddddaadaddaadaaadaaddaadaddddddaaaaadaddddadadadsadadadddadadaadadadaadadddaadddddddaadaddaadddadadadddadaddddddddaaddaaaddddaadaddaaddaadadadaddaaddadaddaaddaaaadddddddadaadadaddaaddaadddddaadddddadaadaadadadaddaaadaadddddddddaaddddadaddaddddaadaadddaddddadadadadaaadaadadddddddadddddadadaadddddddadddadddddddddddddaaaaddaadadaadadadadaadaddddaddaddddaddddadaddaddadaaddaaadddadaadddddddaddaadaadadaddaadddddaddaadaaddddadaddadadadaaddaddddadddaddadadaaddddadaadddadadaaddadadaaddaadaaddadddaadaddaaddddddddaaadaddadddddaddadaadaadadadadaadadaadddddaddddddddaadaadaadaadaddddaaddddadaddddadddddddaadadddadaadddddadadaadaddadadaadddaadaadadadadadaddddddaadaaaddaaadadaddaddddddadaaddadaaddaaddadaaadaadddaaadddaddadadaaadaaaddadadadadaadaddadaadadaaddaadadaadddaddadaddaaddddddaadadddadadddadaadadddddadddaaddddadddaddaddadddddaddddadaaaddaddaddadaadadadaaddadadaaddddadadadadadadaadadadadadadaadadddadadadaadadadaadaaadadaaaadaddddddddddadadaadadddadadddaaddaaddadaadadddaadddadaaddadddadadaaddaddaaddadaaddadadadadddadaaadaadadddadaddadaddaaddaddddddddddadddadaddaaddadddddddadddadddaadddddddadadaaddaaadaddaaddadadadddaadadadddddadaaadaadadaddaddddaaadaadaaddadddadadddadadadadaddaadddddddaddaadadaaddaaaadddaaaddddddddaaddaadadadadaadaddaddddddaadaddadaaaadadaadadadaaaadadaaddadaaddadaaddddaaaadadaddddadaddddadadaddddadddddadadadaddaddddddadaaddadadddaadadaadadaadaddadadaddaadddaddaadddddaaaadadaddddddddaadaddadddddaaaaddddddaddaddaddaaaddddadaaadaddaaddaadddaadadddadaddaddadaddaadddaaddddaddddddddddaddddddaadaddddadadddddadaadaaddddaddadddaaddddddadadadddaddadadaadaaaaadddddddadaadddaadddadaaddadaadddddddadadadadaddaaadddddaadddddaddddaadadaddadaadadaaadaadddddadadaaadadaadaaaddaadddaadaaddddaaddadadddddddddddaadaaaadaddaaadadaadddddaaddadddddadadadddddaddddadadadaddaadadadaddddaddddddaaadadadaddaddddadaadadddddadadadadadaadadadddddaadadaddddaaaadaadddadaadadaaddadaaddadadaadddadddaaadadddadaadddaddddddaadaddaddaddddddadadddddddadadaaddddadadadadadaddddadaadaddadadadadadadadddddddadadadadadddadaaadddddaaddadaaddddaddaddddddaaddadadddaadddadaaddddaddaaadadadadaaadadadadsadaad d's da s dqsdqqdqdq$da$added+
My husband just called aquamation "grandma bouillon", and now, food will never be the same for me.
Your husband is a genius, I'm *wheezing* from laughing so hard.
Dude 🤣!
I was in mid chew of beef from a stirfry.. thank your husband
I'm not scared of dying, but the idea of my body being embalmed and shoved in a fancy box to pollute the earth horrifies me.
Same. That's the most terrifying part of death for me. I don't wanna be stuck in a box forever
It`s probably nothing compared to the waste you produce during a lifetime if that`s a comfort ;)
Unless you`re one of those people that eat out of the trash et cetera..
@Liz I. I know but it freaks me out anyways
or put in sight - in perfect state with a nice smile - like the grannies in Wierd Science - hi hi.. yes.. a nice smile.. a dent..
Same! I want to be put in the earth in a shroud and that's it. No embalming, no preservatives, just put in a shroud and left to become one with the soil!
I swear if death doesn't come for me looking exactly like Caitlin did in the intro, I'm going to be very disappointed
Look behind you.
Alyssa Ortega Yoo, same.
I'd also take Death from Discworld.
@@AskAMortician do you always have to have the concrete vault?
This information needs to be viral. This is the first time I've heard of these options, and they're 100% better than the scamming operations going on.
Same here, I didn't know about acquamation and it's super exciting!
Natural burial is so badass, like doing a protest sit-in at a forest for eternity
I like this idea.
"Natural burial is so badass, like doing a protest sit-in at a forest for eternity"
LOL they could dig a slightly deeper, square hole and lower you in a squatting position! Hey why not
Since my husband is on the board of our local cemetery, I asked him to bring up the idea of natural burial at their last meeting. Some of the folks didn’t know what that meant but I’d coached him beforehand! Turns out, they agreed that they’d have no problem with natural burials in the cemetery and approved it unanimously! Hurray! I’m goin’ into a hole, naked and wrapped in a sheet with an untreated wooden plank underneath my body to make lowering my corpse a little less awkward and cumbersome! He, on the other hand wants a Viking “burning ship” style funeral. I explained that it isn’t legal, but that I’d have him cremated, put his ashes on a remote control toy boat, launch it into the local lake, and blow it up with an M80 firecracker. He says that’s cool!
Can I steal his death plan loool!
kauaijohn As a Odinist I don’t know where you and your husband live but there is this little thing in the constitution that guarantees religious freedom. Who says being cremated in a wooden ship on a lake or Ocean is against the law. My funeral vessel is already made . I am Canadian and the Charter of rights and freedoms here protects my funeral rights. When I die I will be loaded in my ship on top of my funeral pyre soaked in diesel and my friends and family will set it adrift shooting flaming arrows at the ship to ignite it after drinking copious amounts of liquor. Where I live we are along way from police and coastguard response It will all be over long before any official shows up . Being set adrift in the ocean in my burning funeral ship is my religious right as long as I am not a hazard to navigation. It’s going to be a great party.
Nat Calverley In the U.S.A., there are laws governing the “disposition of human remains” that forbid cremation anywhere except for that done in a licensed/regulated crematorium or one single outdoor pyre somewhere in Colorado (I think). I guess they just don’t want people burning grandma in the backyard! And, honestly, I don’t think a wooden ship would survive long enough with the funeral Pyre burning on it to sufficiently cremate a human body. I believe that the Death Mother discusses this fact in one of her videos.
kauaijohn I know I won’t be fully cremated the crabs and prawns will feast on the rest. Very eco friendly other than the diesel ignition but hey no more polluting than bilge water from the thousands of boats that ply the waters.
Nat Calverley I wish you well in your life and a spectacular send-off on your final journey on this plane. May it be all you hoped for and more!
All the best,
That weaved casket actually looks pretty good. Personally I find the thought of my skeleton being intangled into the roots of a grand tree metal and romantic at the same time.
Except in the Evil Dead movie, that was weirder🤣🤣
Upside down with a tree growing out my...
Eventually, if wind topples the tree and your bones poke out of the ground, you get to look like a Games Workshop terrain model :D
@@robertnett9793 - good imagery but I don't think it's possible because the time and conditions necessary to grow a tree large enough to be toppled by wind and soil damp and loose enough to let it fall are not ideal for preservation.
My parents buried my sister's placenta in the yard and planted a tree over it. I like this idea for corpses too.
Since I started watching this channel I've been talking to my parents and siblings about what I want. This, in turn, has made them talk about what they want.
ladyicondraco That is good. My mom just tell me to shut up cause that not something to talk about 😧
My mother would be like, "You just want me dead, huh? Uh, I knew it!" *dramatic crying* *and then remembering every fault I have in me*
I wish my parents would be like that. My parents just get angry with me telling me I shouldn’t be talking about stuff like that. :(
Same! My mother said she wants to be cremated, but perhaps she would consider aquamation!
I asked my mother, she told me she didn't care, whatever was cheapest. I said," So, basically, you want us to surprise you!" She said "yeah" and we had a good laugh.
I've been telling people for YEARS that I just want my natural body to be put in a dirt hole and left alone and people kept telling me that it wasn't legal. I looked up conservation burial places near me and there is a whole ass park for it less than an hour away!
Better get that en-of-life plan written down.
Or you're going in a box.
there's a place that does it in my city with a whole forest & I live in a pretty small city! I think it's definitely becoming more common
Just tell your local mortician that you want the Serial Killer Special.
I just looked up the Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery in Florida that she mentioned. It’s 1.5 hours from my house. I think I’ve got a plan coming together!
You're like a goth Ms. Frizzle and I love it
Oh my god! That's the perfect description!
Hahahaha so true
Awwww man, not another field trip on the magic hearse!
@@elongatedcarrot3704 hahahahah
@@elongatedcarrot3704 I want in on EVERY trip on the magic hearse!
Why in the name of anything are they still using toxic chemicals, tons of wood, steel and concrete? I'm so glad Caitlin is out there educating us all!
Because there isnt money in green choices.
@@sinish5418 A shame those eco-friendly wicker caskets are as expensive as a steel casket. Yes, it's about money and sanctioned green choices are just as expensive as other choices because politicians still need their kickbacks.
@@kevinsullivan3448 If you check Caitlin's website, you will find that the wicker caskets are not expensive. There are plenty of eco-friendly and budget friendly choices.
@@moodyblues6321 I work for a mortuary and have prices eco-friendly caskets for clients and, at least here in Arizona, the prices are equivalent. Maybe in California the cost of steel caskets is higher due to excessive taxation. P.S. Nights in white satin, never reach the end.
The concrete is required in my state but we have a very high water table here and it is to prevent the decay from seeping into ground water ie drinking water. This I get. The rest, at least in my state, I believe are pretty flexible.
I'm Chinese and the traditional way to bury someone (like my grandma and great grandparents) is to put them in white cotton clothes and bury in the ground, no casket needed. I'm sure this is the standard process in lot of cultures.
That's exactly what I want. If there's any organs that can be salvaged, cut them out and put them in someone else. Wrap up whatever is left in a bedsheet and bury it in the woods. Or maybe weigh down the bedsheet with rocks and throw it overboard. Hell, bury me in the backyard if you really want to be able to come back to it
I’m Muslim and we are buried in three layers of cloth and put in the earth :)
“From earth we are made and from earth we shall return to”
@@GillOfTheNorth I hope your family excepts your wish dear friend have a good day :)
@@전정국-s1u Yup, and it's obligatory for Muslim burials though in my culture they add a layer of banana leaves.
@@전정국-s1u and also its to keep them from coming back as pocongs in some countries if they werent buried properly.
For most of my life, I've found traditional western burial to be incredibly creepy. It's one step short of stuffing your loved ones and sitting them up in a chair so that they seem alive. The whole thing is basically a denial of death and decomposition. I thought natural burial wouldn't be an option for me, but after a quick Google search, I turned up a natural burial site situated in a local meadow, where the land is used to grow hay. I like this idea a lot better than being sealed in a box for eternity as if someone is going to open it and check on me later.
I found out about “green” burial or natural burial in 2018 when my mother died. We had never sat down for a formal discussion of exactly what she wanted, but in her final days she made me promise her that her body would be placed in the earth. From my childhood I remember overhearing her joke around, saying things such as that she didn’t want anything fancy, just a plain box and into the ground. After she died, I was very clear with each conventional cemetery I met with that she didn’t want anything removed, no embalming, no fancy casket. I’m fortunate that no one tried forcing me into anything, and I was even encouraged to purchase a “green” casket from a third party to abide by my mom’s wishes. The only downside was the required vault that it would be placed in regardless of how “green” it was. When I stumbled upon natural burial, I kind of got excited because what was described seemed to be exactly what she wanted. The only problem here in LA is that the 2 cemeteries with natural burial sections charge 5 figures for just the plot itself. I found an actual natural cemetery, but it’s all the way in Joshua Tree. On top of all these complications was the grand fact that there was no money at all for her burial. She left behind nothing and no life insurance, and I’m an only child with no other (involved) family. That’s when what I consider a miracle happened: upon referral from a hospice rabbi I had met by chance, my mom’s case was approved for a free burial program with a Jewish cemetery. (We’re Jewish by ethnicity, but I wasn’t raised in a Jewish community.) I quickly discovered that my ancestors had been burying their dead in the same fashion for centuries: the natural way. The service was described by the FD as one of the sincerest and beautiful services they had in a while, and everything was done just as she wanted. A plain wooden casket with no nails, no embalming, and into the ground. I was even invited to begin shoveling in the dirt if I wished after the casket was lowered into the ground. All in all, everything came together despite having no plan in place. But that’s no to say that it wasn’t very very hard to experience, therefore just ask Caitlin says, please please please make some sort of plan with your wishes and share with family and friends. It will not only save everyone who survives you a world of time and confusion, but it will also allow for your loved ones to enter the grieving process uninhibited.
Side note: Was anyone else astonished by the fact that this might be the very first time we saw Caitlin’s forehead?? 🤔😂
i’m so glad your mum got the funeral and burial she wanted :,) may she rest in peace, and may you have a wonderful day
@theo taylor, thank you for the kind words and wishes. Have a wonderful day as well and be safe and healthy! :)
My mom also died in 2018 and we went with the green burial option. She and I had always talked about planting her with a sapling when she died. And now she is out in a beautiful natural preserve :)
We were in the lucky position where she had already basically made her death plan. And one of my brothers was already out in the same Cemetery so it was pretty easy to get her there
Buy a $20 shovel from Home Depot, find some desert or forest far from civilization, dig a hole about six feet deep, place body in the hole, replace dirt, flatten dirt so it looks like nothing happened, and leave. Also, make sure no one sees you. So much cheaper than paying 5 figures.
You've heard of a wicker basket, now get ready for... wicker casket!
They had them, looked like a large wicker basket I seen one from the 1800's and of all places at a Flea market in Denver.
Heck no I’ve seen both versions of The Whicker Man and he still gets cremated 🤣🤣
Eventhough I would be dead I don't care for being put in a basket to
decompose and feed the insects.
Omg, a half hour of Caitlin???!!! Holiday dreams CAN come true!!!
I T ' S . T H E . Y E A R . O F . C O N T E N T
Merry Deathmas, my children!
A half hour of my Fairy Death Mummy!!
Id like ur comment but it's at 420 so im leaving a comment instead...
chicken permission I do appreciate the effort. Lol
I remember 20 some years ago expressing to my family that I wanted a chemical-free, shroud burial and was told that that would be illegal. This gives me some hope.
As long as it's done within 24 hours, it's legal in most places.
When I die, I don’t want my family to die with me... financially, that is.
😂Qualifying the financial bit afterwards makes it sound like
"But dying physically with me, well, I'm all for it!"
Lyta A well, I still want them to be alive! But after they die, I want them to be buried next to me.
Revenge from beyond the grave
Life insurance 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I was like "I'll spearhead this campaign to get alkaline hydrolysis approved in my state!" only to google it and find out that Minnesota was the first state to approve alkaline hydrolysis for human corpses. Damn ecofriendly medically advanced Minnesotans.... (I am actually very proud of this, go Minnesota!!)
Woo, go Minnesota!
yeah I myself just discovered Illinois approved it in 2012, proud of us. only wish I knew about it last time I lost someone, they would have very much approved of that option rather than raining down cancer!
I just also looked it up and where I live (Saskatchewan) was actually the first place to legalize it in Canada in 2012
Maine’s been on board since 2012 at least 🙂
I'm so fucking angry that nobody told me options for dad besides choice of casket. He wouldn't have wanted to be embalmed, I'm incredibly pissed nobody made me aware that it was just an option, not a legal requirement. Then they charged me £1200 or something to drive the three miles to the funeral home at 3mph. There's nothing about the whole arrangement that doesn't make me wanna throw a casket at someone. Dad would have wanted to be cremated and planted in a tree or something, not pumped with cancerous whateverthefuck so the cancer that killed him could be nicely preserved :/
I'm so sorry this happened to you, Daniel. But hearing this story helps other people, I promise!
Daniel Gould Very similar situation happened to me. It sucks. We are in debt.
Daniel Gould I'm so, so sorry for your loss and your bad experience with the funeral industry. Such experience is what no one should ever experience. Let's hope one day it all changes.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your dad.
You should know that cremated remains actually don't do any good to trees they are planted with, it would be better to have a tree planted on a grave at a natural burial or scatter them in a forest. Planting a tree with cremated remains can actually hurt it's growth, those people that sell urns with trees in them are scammers and most of those trees die.
Again, so sorry to hear what happened.
I find natural burial such a beautiful concept.
To truly give oneself back to the earth seems to me like a very spiritual endeavour.
Definitely want this when I go.
I definitely agree! Have you seen the video where she goes to a body compost farm? That'd be really awesome too. I love the circle it brings, the spiritual giving to the Earth. Really beautiful
Half of my death-related depressions went out the window when I wrote down my funeral and burial wishes at 23.
Guys, we all die. Choose how you wanna be disposed of, and life will go smoothly.
THE NAFERATU interesting... I have a lot of depression, not necessarily about my own death but maybe writing things down will help
I agree with a green burial. However, I don't agree with a southern accent being a negative thing 😠
I told the funeral home that AFTER they fry me up, “take what’s left and sprinkle it around the tree in the back of the funeral home”.
“There is a tree back there, right”?
"When I'm dead; just throw me in the trash!" Danny Devito in its always sunny.
My death quote.
I always tell my family, I don't care what you do to me when I die, just make sure I'm actually dead. Lol. Take me to the dump for all I care. Bury me in the yard with my dog even . Don't spend all your money.
Even better, donate it!
My sister's mother in law wants to be kept in a coffee can and kept in the trunk of the car so that if her son gets stuck on NY 11 in the winter he can spread some under the tires and "thank mom one more time." Although usually the only reason they take that highway is to go see his mom in the first place!
Just sew me into a burlap sac and chuck me into a river lol
This is what I tell my mom all the time.
In Germany and suppodedly other European countries it's not allowed to use sealed caskets or caskets made from iron or plastic or any non-rotting material. Because of the population density you can only rent a grave for 25 to 30 years, so the body and the coffin must rot away within this timespan. And many graveyards don't allow embalmed bodies to be buried there because the toxins will get into the groundwater.
In the western USA there are vast expanses of desert so we're not going to run out of space for burying human corpses anytime soon
That's correct. I'm from Lithuania. I can confirm that.
Gotta love places that actually care about our precious planet... Sigh... (F@#$ the USA....)
@@EmmaGodLovesTruth95 I hope it changes in USA. Ruining nature is harshly punished in my country. Everything needs to be in it's place, including human remains and it must be ensured, that after a time, we still have place for our loved ones to lay at rest. Right now, people interested in cremation, but it's not so popular as it still pollutes the air.
There is an exception to the limited rent time of graves for Jews in Germany...
//something something 1930's ... etc whatever//
Honestly, after watching my mom, uncle, and grandparents be embalmed and given traditional burials, it only increased my necrophobia growing up, the memories giving me night terrors for years. I'm so thankful to have found your channel. I started watching to help begin overcoming my fear of decomposition and corpses, but your work has also helped me come to terms with my own mortality. I used to be TERRIFIED of my body decomposing in the ground or the idea of being burned (even if not alive), so learning about aquamation has in a weird way helped me find peace with my own death someday for the first time. Thank you so much, Caitlin!
Same here Courtney! (Though still squeamish) I for one never liked the traditional funeral idea. After this video I'm thinking either form of cremation (don't think water cremation is an option here as I've never heard of it until now) and that I don't even want a viewing.
Just chuck my body into the appropriate machine and have a good old fashioned Irish wake with lots of drinking and people sharing favorite memories of me.
I already had a plot and funeral plan as I didn't want my young daughter to have to do anything if I died while she is young. I didn't even know i had the option to be embalmed or not the funeral home we went through insisted on it never gave me any other option. I have now revised my burial plan. Thank you so much for giving us information all funeral homes should but refuse to give us. You are amazing...
Exactly, when my father died the places I talked to essentially made it seem like It was law that we had to purchase the casket or have him cremated
Same here... the few Funeral Homes in my region all claim you either Embalm or go elsewhere...
1.) They try to claim it is a State Law, but will not disclose where such law exist...
2.) They try to claim it is a Cemetery Requirement... however, when I have told them no it is not, they want to argue with me... until I pull out a copy of the Private Cemetery Deed, denoting that I OWN the private cemetery as private Real Estate and make all of those determinations... that is when the funeral directors tend to SHUT DOWN on me, as they are out of excuses by then...
I was totally unaware of this type of burial. I've been telling my kids for years not to stick me in the ground but to cremate me. After watching this video, you have changed my mind. I will be advising my children of my alternate choice. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!
I feel the same way. As in I dislike the thought of 'bugs' indulging on my body after I have died! Hoping that my having already informed my children that I want (a cremation or (b eco-friendly coffin or shroud (as cheap a coffin as possible, I am unable to appreciate it so why waste money!). The idea of the aquamation or water cremation sounds very doable to me and is my preference. Hope they will abide by my wishes when I do 'go'!
Evelyn Harber no matter what you do you’ll never escape being fuel for another organism you should just come to terms with that now
@@boiledegg3534 That thought is actually what brings me peace. Everything that I'm composed of will return to nature and will be used in other forms of life.
My mom has always said the same thing! She finds the thought of her body decaying in the ground disgusting. 😂
You’ve made me choose my burial at age 24... (25 now). ABSOLUTELY NO EMBALMING, only a natural burial. A wicker coffin with a white sheet and flowers.
I just commented the same thing hahaha (about writing my arrangements at 24) and how as long as I can fertilize the growth of some blue hydrangea beds and sycamore trees MINUS any possibility of unnatural carbon footprint I'm perfectly comfortable with the disposition of my body!
Good for you sweetie!
I’ve been saying it for years, “just put me in the ground so I can give back to Earth” lol and now I’m grateful to know it’s a real option
I had never heard of alkaline hydrolysis until now but it seems like such a great choice and now I have another reason to be proud to be Minnesotan. You talked about some really beautiful things in this video, Caitlin.
LunaZola I hate living in Illinois but somehow it’s actually legal here
Super_squishy_awesomeness420 _ Wow! That's a good reason for me to move back to Chicago!
I can't suggest the book Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers enough if you're interested in learning more!
I’m all for an ECO-FRIENDLY burial!
Your so awesome and beautiful 😘
Alkaline hydrolysis sounds like the perfect approach for someone who _really_ loved gardening -- get turned into fertilizer when you die!
It's the ciiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiife....
Recently there also came out a coffin that is made from a fungus and moss that speeds up the decomposition into a compost. Not as fast as alkaline hydrolysis though
@@fdfischer my bestfriend LOVES that idea (he's a mushroom n u t)
@@byrnetdown6076 Personally, unless I somehow die rich and or famous enough to get my own tomb a natural burial sounds like a neat idea
@@byrnetdown6076 in some other comment i just read about a mushroom death suit. Maybe that's an option?
My english class has to write short STEM-related essays and I chose to write mine about alkaline hydrolysis :D
Good for you!
The timing of this upload couldn't be more serendipitous.
I'll explain - My family started a tradition about 10 years ago where take turns every holiday to show a video of our choosing, and it's (finally) my turn. I'm, admittedly, the "black sheep" of the bunch, but I'M SO EXCITED TO SHOW THIS.
That's such a neat idea
Please let us know what the family thought. I actually think it will open some eyes!
So? How did it go?
I want to know about it too!
My family used to do this. It stopped because apparently I'm annoying.
Natural burial seems very romantic to me. Laid to rest and becoming part of the earth. Maybe having some flowers or a tree planted that your body will help to fertilize. It seems so right
Saffron Sugar want it more romantic, have the ceremony take place at dusk with candle light and fine cotton curtains stop decorate your body as your loved ones lower you into the ground.
I know, it seems like if there is a right way to do it, natural burial is it. You can give back to the earth what you borrowed during your lifetime. Plus the conservation option is another way to help the environment even in death :)
"April showers bring CANCER" randomly pops into my head at least 3x a week
I used to be scared of just disappearing into the earth, but now it just seems so chill yk like your chilling with all the things that have ever lived and thats so cool
me, age 17, desperately trying to explain to my spanish speaking father i want to be aquamated while speed translating everything this video said in my head: mmmme water death PLEASE
Lmao. I tried explaining to my mom about my green funeral. She listened then said, no seas pendeja. Primero me muero yo! 🤣
What you said but in indonesian
Same but I'm mute and my parents don't know much sign language.
@@Sebeks_Biggest_Fanmega oof dude
Use one of those wood chipper things!
Fun(?) fact: We could build 2 Golden Gate bridges every year with the amount of steel we use for metal caskets in one year in this country.
Just.... WOW!!!
@Heather A so it's a waste because tradition and business says keep doing it.
Yeah, but what would you do with all those bridges?
David Roddick maybe not build bridges, but build things more needed.
Wow, that is some serious game step up ! I always love your videos, but to me this one is something else. You go in depth in your subject, it is so informative for the viewers.
Thank you for the quality content !
BehindTheMoons +
BehindTheMoons , this has totally eased my mind, no doubt..I feel as if I dodged a bullet...lmao..no really.
What type of affect does water cremation have on a wastewater system ? If there are any ?
You are one pretty lady
BehindTheMoons damn right and I’m so glad Caitlin does
How about a video on "sky burial?" It sounds so beautiful and pure: "When I die I'll become one with the sky!" Actually, they chop you up and feed you to the vultures. Marketing at its finest.
Well, you do still become one with the sky. Also, you are supposed to get favourable (technically good and bad karma aren't things) karma in Hinduism and Buddhism if your body gets donated for something useful/being eaten.
Yes please I would like to be fed to vultures that sounds amazing.
@@Ellie-rx3jt You might have a look at the Wikipedia article on the subject at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_burial. Most of those who are familiar with the process and can conduct it properly appear to be in Tibet. For Caitlin: How about it? Y'think mortuary schools should add this to their curriculum as an elective? :-)
Funnily enough Caitlin's dream death plan would be a sky burial
Washington State just passed a bill into law that allows human composting as of April 2019.
Human compositing?
@@angels4225 www-foxnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/washington-becomes-first-state-ever-to-allow-human-composting.amp?amp_js_v=a3&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3D#aoh=15812116098184&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fpolitics%2Fwashington-becomes-first-state-ever-to-allow-human-composting
I know this is an old video but being in the bath with full make-up and a gorgeous cocktail ring is my aesthetic.
I have breast cancer. Staring death in the face everyday. This is awesome!! Thank you miss C!!!
harleymama 40 try drinking baking soda in water for cancer.
harleymama 40 rock on honey x
sending love
Hug >😊< stay brave
Yea. No. Stop pedaling pseudoscience.
One of my daughters has been asking me to get started on making my final arrangements, (I'm 72 and my cardiologist seems to thing I've got a couple more decades) so to humor my sweet worry-wart, I've emailed both daughters about my decision to have a natural burial. I haven't heard back from them and it's been two days, so I'm guessing they never saw that coming. Your video has been very reassuring that I've made the right choice for myself.
Its definitely good to get this done early but yah it was probably a bit of a shock to em lol, I am lucky that my parents were upfront about what they wanted for a funeral. So if I have questions I just have to ask "yo mom when you die what do you want done with your meat sack?"
You should totally send them this video if you haven't done that already. 🙂
Most UK eco-burial sites plant a tree on top of the grave. It marks the grave so people don't dig it up and the family can visit and see the tree as the spirit of their loved one (if that way inclined) and it turns grassland into woodland which is good for the environment.
I love this part so hard, because it's very much like the movie The Wicker Man (the original one, not that piece of garbage made by Nicolas Cage et al). Everything about that movie pretty much jives with my spirituality. Well... except for the whole burning people part. I mean, live ones, anyway. Where was I going this? Oh yeah. Tree. Yeah; I'm feeling that.
I find it fascinating that the most eco-friendly and simple method of just properly burying a body that has been around for thousands of years is so unheard of in modern society! Thank you for bringing awareness to this topic. I will try to educate the rest of my family as well.
Omg I just found out that my local funeral home offers aqua cremation! Apprently they are the first to offer it in a funeral home. So proud of my little town and community!
I just looked it up. My state also has several locations that offer this. :)
@@miraeverwyn9911 illegal in my state 😭 I wonder if it would be legal to jump over a state lol
14Rain14 which state is for water crematon?
Aquamation is the reduction of the body by a chemical process, not a flame process. In traditional cremation, the soft tissue is removed with fire. In aquamation, the tissues are dissolved into water. What remains after either process are the bones of the deceased.
New Hampshire still doesn't offer it, but we do have a few choices for a green burial! My other choice would be to become a prop at Disney World, but apparently it's frowned upon. BOO!
Holy hell, I had no idea conservation burials even *existed*! I WANT THAT! I can spend the rest of my eternity protecting nature in some small way, giving birds and animals a safe home that will never be taken from them.
Yes half an hour of Caitlin!!!!
As a student of ecology, I can already tell I'm going to be interested in these novel 'eco' options. I haven't even watched this yet, but I'm going to be sad if the video doesn't get loads of views. Share this, people.
Taylor Hood lack of views on someone's vid makes you sad? Awww poor baby
Eff Yoo - dude... who hurt you....
You completely misjudged the tone of my comment. I'm saying I like Caitlin's videos and will be disappointed if it doesn't get a lot views.
Taylor Hood and I'm saying don't be a puss about such trivial nonsense, if this makes you sad, what is a death going to do to your fragile psyche of sadness. All I'm saying is grow up, no one cares if a grown man is sad😣😥😣😥😣😣
You seem very prone to imagination and extrapolation. I can only imagine you think I was actually sincerely saying I would be sad... Whilst I think Caitlin deserves more views, I wrote my comment with a straight face. It was almost a throw away remark. It wouldn't ACTUALLY effect my mood. I don't think you understand how the internet works. How can I explain such a trivial comment to you? My tone was more akin to someone jokingly saying "you make me sad". It was almost light hearted. I was simply trying to show my support for the channel and my disappointment that it sometimes doesn't get as much views as it should, which even Caitlin has said. That's as far as it goes. Heavens knows where you got the idea that I was actually genuinely grieved or whatever.
Update; On May 21, 2019 Governor Inslee signed SB 5001 Concerning Human Remains into Washington state law, legalizing alkaline hydrolysis (aquamation) and "natural organic reduction" (recomposition).
Oh yay... I was just gonna read comments then google if it was legal in WA.
Yay Inslee
Aquamation's in all my end-of-life documents and I'm a P.M.A. member, so I'm covered. (WA resident here.)
Thank you for the update!
My SIL's cat passed today and will be aquamated at Resting Waters tomorrow. She found it herself, but the interview in this video was comforting for the whole family.
Aquamation reminds me of that saying when people die. "They went out with the tide." It just seems so much nicer rather than having grandma set on fire, she goes back to nature through water. makes me feel peaceful.
What came to my mind was a pressure cooker like my instant pot combined with the soap making process but with human fats, and yeah, man, reducing to soup bones would be incredibly efficient, I gotta say. I don't honestly have any complaints, there. Heck, it might be funny to make soap from my fat tissue, but nobody is going to approve my more madlad last wishes.
My mom has always told me she wants to be cremated, because she wants her ashes spread free on a mountain in British Columbia, near where she grew up. I'm so excited to tell her about alkaline hydrolysis!! She can still be free in BC, but she gets those ashes in a much better way
Thankfully we live in Ontario, where it is currently legal!! So she'll be "cremated" here, and me and whoever else will go out to BC to let her go. It all sounds pretty beautiful
I'm so glad for you!! I've always wanted to go to BC, it's so beautiful! :D
Simon Williamson oh my goshhhh it is!! I've only been to the Interior, but it's amazing. The lakes in the valley are beautiful, and they're surrounded by gorgeous mountains. I love it sooo much
Try to get her used for fertilizer through it too, it'd be so cool you could be in even more places!
British Columbian here, I think you've seen some of the best parts of the province. I live in Vancouver; it's nice, so is the island but I've always loved the Interior and driving through the Rockies. Sea to Sky Hwy is a beautiful place too but it's kind of pricy to stop anywhere along the way.
I made a poem for my English class since we were doing the poetry unit and my teacher really liked my poem about death, I call it "grim reaper" lol
I am the Grim Reaper
I am your friend
I follow those who need me
From time and again
I come to you when times are grey
I will be waiting
Right under that archway
I help guide travelers
People of all age
I help them start writing
On a new page
When your time is done
And you’re in the ground
I will come find you
Under your mound
I am the Grim Reaper
I am there at the end
I’ll lead you to freedom
For I am your friend
hope you like it :)
Tyler Rankin hmmm I’m not sure how I feel about that
Green burials have been getting pretty popular in Australia over the last decade. Tis really cool.
Me: I want a natural eco friendly funeral, with a biodegradable willow or bamboo cassette under a native tree on a protective site with herbs, woods and maybe crystals if possible.
The funeral home: youre 18
Edit: I cant believe my dumb comment got so many likes xD im not even into crystals anymore lol or 18...
Well of course, if you say it like that! The funeral guys will only say why not chuck in some joss sticks and a recorded Greta Thunberg eulogy and a monk chant to fully round out the green new deal??
I'm not taking the piss really but if the lady wants her 'vegan woo woo' and laundry room methods to be popular and available, the marketing needs to be way less hippy teenager and rather more that they are cut price, practical, potentially less paperwork and with the promise that building tenders can be lower price to tempt politicians.
@@MrDustpile In Germany a Friedwald (cementary in the woods) is gaining more and more traction. Although they don't do coffins. It's cremation, your urn gets buried under a tree and a plaque is attached. Nothing hippy about it. Lots of older people really like that idea. My mom has already stated that she wants that.
@@shadowfox009x I didn't say that in itself is all that hippy, it's just how the girl put it across. Though burying ashes is an interesting twist, the idea doesn't sound too odd compared to gardens of remembrance where ashes are put.
Still, I'm not hot on the idea of bodies in baskets lain in shallow graves. It's all a bit near the topsoil for my liking.
@@MrDustpile In Germany you have to bury the ashes. Either in a regular cemetary or in a Friedwald. No keeping auntie on the shelf.
And with space being a real issue, that's a good option I think.
I guess the idea of the basket doesn't bother me so much, as German cemetaries want a body to decay quickly (you are only allowed to dress the body in organic fibre and all jewelry and such has to be removed if possible). Graves are expensive and you can only "rent" one for twenty or thirty years. In some cities it's even just ten years. Once those are up, you either have to renew the "rental" or the garve get's used for a new body with the bones of the old body either buries a bit deeper or collected and buried elsewhere.
@@shadowfox009x I would have thought with no cemetery space, letting punters take the ashes home would be just the ticket. And you should if it's family. Germans, kuh!
Mind, they do a bit better with the rental thing than in places like Guatemala where bodies are left in public for the refuse men when the crypts are emptied. Well there's a difference between doing things differently and being fruity.
I told my mom i want a natural burial and she freaked out. Asking me WHY I'm talking about my death... I told her .. well because death is natural. 🤣🤣😂😂 she got mad at me .
If that doesn't sound like my grandmother, which I find weird because she's really religious, and when we die, according to our religion, we reunite with GOD. Doesn't she want that? : P
In the veterinary field we are very comfortable with death. We make death beautiful and painless. We give our patients dignity when they go. We use Euthasol to help them to cross the rainbow bridge.
I just watch my grandmother 2 days ago take her last breath in a hospital bed. I'll tell you animals have it easier. 🐾🐾
Mothers are wacky like that...... Peace to all
Diana 0000 same
@@angelica.86 right?! They call it "dr assisted suicide" when Drs. help a human die without unnecessary pain and with dignity. My grandpa died recently, and it really shook me how horrible his death was. He's been on dialysis for years, but it stopped working. He was over 90, and his body couldn't handle it anymore. When that happens the lungs slowly fill with fluid until you basically drown. It seems cruel to me to let someone die so horribly.
I wish I had seen this back in 2013. I have prepaid my burial already. My life is on edge and will soon be over. I love the thought of a "green burial", but I have no family to take care of me in the end. So it comes down to a traditional burial as opposed to cremation or green...
And when Death pays me the final visit, I hope she is as beautiful as you.
I hope you have fulfilling and peaceful last days.
@@cherie7725, thank you beautiful lady, I hope your life is full of love and laughter! 💖
I am sorry ☹️ do u not have a friend even who could see to arrangements for you after your gone 😢 like they say ,nothing is set in stone ....YET , so is there any way to talk your funeral home even and express your wishes to spend your money on an alternative burial? They technically still haven't spent your money .I wish the best for you and I'm sorry you have no family ,how lonely that must be😔💓✨💓
Put your last wishes for your bodies disposition in your will, and have your lawyer/law firm as your executor, they will ensure that your final wishes are fulfilled. It's the last imprint you will make on this Earth, you should get the disposition that you want. You may be surprised, the place that you made your initial arrangements with will probably give you at least a partial credit (they can re-sell your plot and its unlikely that they have purchased your casket yet, and they can certainly resell it anyway, unless it's a custom casket), they may even be able to help make arrangements to get the final disposition you want.
Hope you’re still kicking and happy, if not I hope your wishes came true and you were laid to rest peacefully in your own choices.
I just found out my state, MD, legalized it in 2010. And we have several green burial choices. Thanks to this channel I am talking to my partner and making a plan.
So with conservation burial, you basically become a national park? Sign me up!
I love the idea of becoming a tree. Put a nice marble bench next to me so people can relax as they sit in my shade.
The seagrass/willow casket is so pretty ! With the flowers on top, it looks so much more 'comforting' and something you would put a relative in instead of a wooden/traditional casket with the silk. It seems also logic to choose for a natural burial.
I got curious and looked into Dutch regulations and found this:
In the Netherlands corpses can't be embalmed, it's ONLY reserved for members from the Royal family/house or when the corpse has to go on a plane or when you donate your body to science! There is a thing called Thanatopraxie which is allowed, it's a light version of embalming if I looked it up right. They will use less formaldahyde (0,5% solution) and the body can be preserved for 10 days or more depending on the solution. I'm not sure if Thanatopraxie is the same as embalming in the USA? Because I can't imagine that it's so common to embalm all the dead ! That really is bad for the environment. And i'm also surprised!
We have 18 natural burial sights/cemeteries ! And I live close to one and it's beautiful. ( This is their Facebook page: facebook.com/NatuurbegraafplaatsOmmen/ - it's work in progress and it's not 'open' yet :-) ) or this one; www.natuurbegraafplaatshilligmeer.nl - You don't get a headstone or something like that, just a wooden disk.
Oh and Aquamation (in the Netherlands its called 'Resomeren' ) isn't allowed yet ! They're on it though. Since 2011..
I love your channel ! Keep up the good work and I totally agree with you :-)
Pien - thank you for this! I want a natural burial, and one of those places you linked is pretty close to me! I'll look into it further now 😊
Ik hoop echt dat resomeren later een optie wordt
I've got a flight on Monday and I'm hella excited for it now bc I'm gonna save this video to watch on the plane gahhh
Good luck. Make sure you recommend this video in your will :)
Just watch it already!!! This is enlightening and interesting!
Thomas Rollond
I recommend you watch it now and again on the plane! It's that good!
I just wanted to thank you for this video. I watched it on my previous account about a year ago and learned about aquamation. I recently lost my 16 year old fur baby who had always pulled me through the rough times. I didn’t want to bury her on our property, because we may eventually move. I also couldn’t stand the idea of cremating her. Aquamation was the right way to go for us and made my heart feel a little better about a terrible thing. I know it’s strange, but she was family and I wanted her to have the best.
Hi, I'd like to decompose, thanks. Got land, I just have to choose what type of fruit tree I want to feed with my corpse. Leaning heavily towards fig or walnut.
Pear tree or my favorite honeycrisp apple
That doesn't make sense, for trees to grow and give fruit it take years I don't think chemicals other than radiation and metals can still be around that long, and even those are very small quantities very deep in the ground. Idk just saying
@@rai1879 I'm guessing there'd be differences depending on whether you are buried under a tree already mature enough to bear fruit, or if you a buried and then a seed or sapling is planted above you. in which case, yeah, could take decades even
@@888pil I dont think it's possible to open a grave under a mature tree without damaging the roots and killing it. Also there's fungi/micelio in mature roots
@@rai1879 hmm u might be right. I know u can plant small objects or pet corpses under mature trees but i wouldn't know abt something as large a human body. or what if tree was transplanted on top of you? like with an intact root ball? 🤔 unfortunately the info online abt this is lacking Haha
When my time comes I want to be aquamated and my remains kept in an urn if someone wants them, or mixed with soil that will have catnip planted in it so cats will visit my grave.
I love the idea of planting catnip!!!❤❤❤❤❤👍
Being visited by cats is the ideal last wish
You make me want to make a death plan. Traditional burial has never been something that appealed to me but I like the concept of green burial
I shared this with my Environmental Science class! Spreading the word of death positivity!
Skrael, that’s a very good idea. Environmentally friendly burials were never brought up in my Environmental Sciences classes... but that was 35 years ago.
This is giving me Bill Nye but morbid vibes and im loving it
It feel SO good to be educated on these topics! I'm all for an Eco Friendly death 😌👏🏼
I completely agree!
Raithi Govender heh heh economy friendly death
Yas! 😊 Same here
OMG, thank you! Before watching this video (and some of your others) I had no idea how many options there were. And I just discovered that aquamation is legal in NSW Australia where I live. Only the "liquid remains" can't be poured down the drain. So instead the water is used to water national parks and bushland. How awesome is that? I also found out that there are a lot more natural burial sites than I would have thought. And once the land is full to capacity, it becomes a national reserve.
You might also like to know Australia might be legalizing Promession (spelling?), in the near future. Which has me excited.
As great as coffins look with the whole vampire aesthetic, I actually think that shrouds are much lovelier than coffins or caskets. Green burials are lovely ~ 💚
My ten year old brother wants to be turned into a tree when he dies... he's kinda passionate about it... its kinda adorable...
I do too
A human corpse can never become another living organism.
Totally false notion
@@BillDerBerg .........u dumb
Months ago, when my cat got sick, I started doing research about possible death plans for him. I found and decided upon Resting Waters, as it was the most appealing option I could find in Seattle. Seeing Resting Waters in this video confirmed that I made a good choice, and I know that my cat and I will be treated well when he does die.
In Oregon, the water from aquamation is used to water sod farms. When my mom and aunt were going to have their mom cremated the other year, they decided on aquamation instead. Not only because it seemed a better process, but they knew their mom would appreciate both being more environmentally friendly and the water being used to help things grow (she was an avid gardener). My mom wants the same.
Carbon dioxide and water vapor help things grow.
Thank you for talking about and explaining what some consider to be taboo subjects.
By educating us, you've made it easier for us to answer those hard questions our children ask of us.
Thank you! I'm grateful for all this educational info. The quirky humor is the icing on the corpse. Err, I mean cake.
how about a cake made with human ashes
You are amazing Caitlin, I watch you over and over, and share. Green, natural burial yaay! Comedic, intelligent, informative. Your slots should be part of school curriculum, removing fear and giving the power of choice. Well done, thoroughly good job🌹
This video carries such importance it's insane.
Who knew????
“I heard you like caskets, so I got you a casket for your casket for your casket.” 🤣🤣🤣
When my great uncle died, the memorial service ended early enough for us to get to the grave site before the grave was entirely dug. The men of the family all went over, and helped to finish digging the grave. It felt special and respectful, and I felt blessed to have the experience.
Learning about aquamation (in a Psychology of Death and Dying class) changed my life! Fire and bugs are my worst fears but I had planned to opt for cremation as the lesser of two evils. As a bath enthusiast, aquamation can let me have one last one while being turned into ash. Now to convince the politicians in my area - give me my aquamation, dammit!
This is like a Christmas Special !! Thank you Caitlin (and the team who filmed and edited) because now I can finally put a name on the type of burial that I've always imagined in my head, natural/conservation burial. I'm going do some researche to see if it exist in the country I live in right now (:
I never thought I'd be as obsessed as I am with you and your channel (no offense)
You were in my recommendations, now I can't stop binge watching your content!!!!!
"Hi, I'd like to decompose; thanks!" You're awesome.
I'd never heard of aquamation but would definitely choose it if it were an option where I live. Thank you for teaching!
I love the idea of a conservation burial so much. Having my remains help prevent land development is one last way I can be a pain in the ass to people I probably don't like.
"Are you trying to hawk some _gimmicky new age gluten free organic vegan woo woo funeral thingy in _*_my wOODS_*_ "_ IM DEAD LMAO😂😂😂
I’ve literally always said I just wanted to be chucked in the ground without a box. I didn’t know it was an actual option!
But also, on a more serious note, I thank you deeply, Caitlyn, for helping me confront death in a sober, honest way. I’ve been crippled by the thought of death for too much of my life, and watching your channel has helped me not necessarily confront my own mortality, but rather become more comfortable with the reality of facing the inevitable. I’ve learned so much from what you have explained in your videos, and I can’t thank you enough for helping me (and I’m sure many many more people) understanding and confront realities that need to be address when it comes to death and the thereafter (meaning for your family and loved ones). Seriously, thank you, Caitlyn. Thank you.
Oh yes, I agree. Your videos have really helped me too!
Started watching this out of morbid curiosity but actually it's so much more, honestly your channel has made me feel so much better about death as a concept. Remarkable work.
My mum died 2 years ago and had a natural burial, and while i knew it was more environmentally friendly, i didn't know the full extent, thanks for making this!
When I had cancer, my sister and I discussed what I wanted. A. Bury me where I die. B. Eco burial -- wool shroud if it's permitted, plain wooden box, no lining, if shroud not permitted. C. No cremation. D. No embalming.
Where I live there's only one section of one cemetery which permits eco-burial. It even has three options: headstone, memorial bench, or sapling with plaque. I want option two, if there's space, or option 3 if not.
I'm so glad that I've found this channel. I'm only 22, however I've though about how getting embalmed and plopped in a field of corpses never has appealed to me. You have opened my eyes to the possibilities out there, and I thank you
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of Aquamation, I love this. I was glad to hear it didn’t cost an arm and a leg.
Definitely what I want.
So, I used to be terrified of death. Mainly because of being buried/or burned to death. But, your channel has actually put me at ease about the whole process. You’re very informative and talk about death in a way I never thought about. I have much less of a huge phobia now.