Final Fantasy XII Larsa Ferrinas Solidor

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • ファイナルファンタジーXII インターナショナル ゾディアックジョブシステム HD リマスターのゲームプレートレーラーです。
    ✪ キャラのリスト (List of Characters) ✪
    13:57 ヴァン (Vaan)
    06:38 パンネロ (Penelo)
    04:18 バルフレア・ミド・ブナンザ (Balthier mied Bunansa)
    17:24 フラン (Fran)
    12:50 アーシェ・バナルガン・ダルマスカ (Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca)
    12:29 バッシュ・フォン・ローゼンバーグ (Basch fon Ronsenburg)
    00:13 ラーサー・ファルナス・ソリドール (Larsa Ferrinas Solidor)
    33:06 ヴェイン・カルダス・ソリドール (Vayne Carudas Solidor)
    20:12 グラミス・ガンナ・ソリドール (Emperor Gramis Gana Solidor)
    28:16 ジャッジ・ガブラス (Judge Gabranth)
    41:17 ノア・フォン・ローゼンバーグ (Noah fon Ronsenburg)
    33:54 ハルム・オンドール4世 (Marquis Halim Ondore IV)
    28:49 シドルファス・デム・ブナンザ (Cidolfus Demen Bunansa)
    30:00 ヴェーネス (Venat)
    27:22 大僧正アナスタシス (Gran Kiltias Anastasis)
    04:23 バッガモナン (Ba'Gamnan)
    02:02 ギース (Judge Ghis)
    08:34 ウォースラ・ヨーク・アズラス (Vossler York Azelas)
    15:18 ミュリン (Mjrn)
    17:16 ヨーテ (Jote)
    22:17 アルシド・マルガラス (Al-Cid Margrace)
    🏆 Trophy / Achievement List
    · Champion of Ivalice (Platinum) 💎
    Collected all other trophies.
    · Assault Striker (Bronze) 🥉
    Used Attack 300 times.
    · Spellslinger (Bronze) 🥉
    Cast Magicks 200 times.
    · Premier Prestidigitator (Bronze) 🥉
    Used Technicks 100 times.
    · Master Thief (Bronze) 🥉
    Successfully stole 50 times.
    · Blood Dancer (Bronze) 🥉
    Defeated 500 foes.
    · The Unrelenting (Bronze) 🥉
    Completed a 50-chain in battle.
    · Wayfarer (Bronze) 🥉
    Took 50,000 steps.
    · Plunderer (Bronze) 🥉
    Acquired 100,000 gil.
    · Record Breaker (Bronze) 🥉
    Obtained 500,000 Clan Points.
    · Spendthrift (Bronze) 🥉
    Spent 1,000,000 gil.
    · Privateer (Bronze) 🥉
    Sold 1,000 pieces of loot.
    · Exemplar (Bronze) 🥉
    Raised your party's average level above 50.
    · Conqueror (Bronze) 🥉
    Earned 48,000 License Points.
    · Scrivener (Silver) 🥈
    Completed the Bestiary.
    · Runeweaver (Silver) 🥈
    Learned every Magick.
    · Jack-of-All-Trades (Silver) 🥈
    Learned every Technick.
    · Collector (Bronze) 🥉
    Obtained a Morbid Urn.
    · Cartographer (Silver) 🥈
    Fully explored every map.
    · Mist Walker (Gold) 🥇
    Performed every Concurrence.
    · Eagle Eye (Bronze) 🥉
    Defeated Deathgaze.
    · Wyrmslayer (Bronze) 🥉
    Defeated Fafnir.
    · Sharpshooter (Bronze) 🥉
    Defeated the Trickster.
    · Freshmaker (Bronze) 🥉
    Defeated Carrot.
    · Master Swordsman (Silver) 🥈
    Defeated Gilgamesh.
    · Lord of the Kings (Silver) 🥈
    Defeated the Behemoth King.
    · Hunter Extraordinaire (Gold) 🥇
    Defeated Yiazmat.
    · Radiant Savior (Silver) 🥈
    Defeated the Hell Wyrm.
    · Fell Angel (Silver) 🥈
    Defeated Ultima.
    · Zodiac Knight (Silver) 🥈
    Defeated Zodiark.
    · High Summoner (Gold) 🥇
    Obtained every Esper.
    · For the Homeland (Bronze) 🥉
    Faced the Archadian Empire as an initiate in the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca.
    · Galbana Bloom (Bronze) 🥉
    Defeated your first mark.
    · A Traitor Redeemed (Bronze) 🥉
    Escaped from the Nalbina Dungeons.
    · Fated Meeting (Bronze) 🥉
    Rescued the Princess of Dalmasca.
    · The Mist Seethes (Bronze) 🥉
    Obtained the Dawn Shard.
    · Visions of the Dreamer (Bronze) 🥉
    Set out from Mt Bur-Omisace.
    · Reins of History (Bronze) 🥉
    Faced Doctor Cid.
    · Wings of My Own (Silver) 🥈
    Restored peace to Ivalice.
    · Judge Magister (Bronze) 🥉
    Completed the 50th trial.
    · Imperator (Gold) 🥇
    Completed the 100th trial.
    ✪ ストーリー ✪
    - あらすじ -
    イヴァリースと呼ばれる世界では、ダルマスカという国があり、その統治元の帝国アルケ­イディア、そしてアルケイディアの敵対国であるロザリアの戦争があった。ダルマスカ王­国の王位継承者、アーシェ・バナルガン・ダルマスカは戦争の中で幾多の悲劇を目の当た­りにし、特にアルケイディアに夫を殺されたためにアルケイディアに対する復讐心を抱く­ことになる。「破魔石」を用いて復讐を果たそうと、破魔石を探すことになるが、その道­中で様々な人間と触れ合うことで、次第に母国を守り、戦争を止めたいという強い意志に­変わっていく。各国家(特にアルケイディア)の中の裏切りや政治情勢の乱れ、そしてア­ルケイディア帝位継承の座を巡った兄弟間の動きによって、戦争は次第に荒ぶってゆく。 また、本作の主人公であるヴァンの、彼が憧れを抱く「空賊」のバルフレアやフランとの­出会いによって彼が成長してゆく様子も見届けることができる。基本的に6人+αのパー­ティーメンバー達は、破魔石を入手するため冒険をし、アーシェのダルマスカ復権・打倒­帝国に協力する事がストーリーの骨子。が、その6人のうちバッシュとアーシェ以外はさ­ほど戦争の主軸に関わっていないため、アーシェの護衛だったり補助役のような役まわり­で冒険についていく。ストーリーの中心的存在である従来のFF作品の主人公達と比べ、­ヴァンは客観的な立場でストーリーに関わっており、オンドール公の回顧録にも歴史の主­要人物として触れられない。
    「FINAL FANTASY」シリーズの第12作目をベースにゲームデザインを再構築&システムを­追加した、『FINAL FANTASY XII INTERNATIONAL ZODIAC JOB SYSTEM』を、ついにHD化!
    本作『FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE』は、さらなるシステムの改良や現世代の技術を導入し、PlayStation­®4用ゲームソフトとして遜色のない、臨場感溢れる究極のファンタジーRPGとして制­作中です。 Coouge playing Final Fantasy XV! I can't believe I've played this game for over 188+ hours. It was fun but the gameplay is too repetitive. Mostly just keep warp striking and holding O you'll win 90% of all the battles including bosses. I think FFXII is the best FF game. They just have to remake it and add more to the story. Still FFXV is a good game. If you wish to play it, guy buy it now :) #FFXV

Комментарии • 83

  • @freeignition
    @freeignition 8 лет назад +72

    this game was truly a final fantasy setting

    • @Ansemrp
      @Ansemrp 4 года назад +4

      Ivalice Alliance

    • @gabrielaacosta1157
      @gabrielaacosta1157 5 месяцев назад

      Larsa's voice actor in the English dubbed Johnny McKeown was 15 years old.

    • @roleemack1535
      @roleemack1535 3 месяца назад

      @@gabrielaacosta1157 perfect casting 👌

  • @crazycrafter77
    @crazycrafter77 Год назад +16

    I love Larsa's line "No, no brother I will not. Though I lack your power I will still persist." This boy is trying so hard to save not just his home of Arcadia, but the other nations as well. He is a great example of a younger Final Fantasy character who isn't super annoying, and their whole personality isn't defined by being the youngest and therefore the most childish.

  • @BC465
    @BC465 5 месяцев назад +6

    I think Larsa is a great example of a well-written guest character.
    You can see his transformation throughout the game and it's a joy to watch every time.

  • @shockwave.pulsar
    @shockwave.pulsar 4 года назад +45

    I did appreciate Larsa's potions during battle.

    • @LaviniaDeMortalium
      @LaviniaDeMortalium Год назад +5

      I'm still furious the Zodiac version got rid of the limitless potions. Let me mooch off the rich kid here.

  • @Zatois
    @Zatois 2 года назад +17

    This is my favourite FF game. It’s truly a masterpiece in my eyes

  • @SpliTTMark
    @SpliTTMark 9 лет назад +41

    their cloths is moving... omg i didn't think that was even possible. on ps2. love this game

  • @hanarzn
    @hanarzn 8 лет назад +22

    underrated game. one of my bests

  • @KrishLius
    @KrishLius 9 лет назад +25

    omfg this game deservers to be remastered! its one of the final fantasy gems. a man can only dream...

    • @SpliTTMark
      @SpliTTMark 9 лет назад

      the internet that ive seen didnt like it

    • @aderbezfontana5878
      @aderbezfontana5878 9 лет назад +10

      ***** They're mostly kids blinded by nostalgia. If they ever grow up then maybe they can enjoy such a masterpiece as FFXII is.

    • @cameronarmwood34ca
      @cameronarmwood34ca 3 года назад +7

      Its remastered now

  • @LarsVonTrier2007
    @LarsVonTrier2007 5 лет назад +11

    The magic of Matsuno, Ito and Sakimoto: the holy trinity of JRPGs. THEY SHOULD MAKE ANOTHER GAME!

  • @naadirsoeker2504
    @naadirsoeker2504 Год назад +4

    This game is amazing. I love the entire world that was crafted, truly beautiful and the work of a great Imagination

  • @jemandjemand2362
    @jemandjemand2362 Год назад +3

    i was so amazed by the ingame scenes with those graphics. and larsa rocks

  • @rukioruk6949
    @rukioruk6949 2 месяца назад +2

    I like how Vaan just casually said Bash's name in front of a stranger. I wonder if Larsa figured out at that moment.

  • @LaviniaDeMortalium
    @LaviniaDeMortalium Год назад +5

    10:22 - This line implies that Gabranth just LEFT a TWELVE YEAR OLD ROYAL out in the middle of nowhere lolol

    • @Omega-jg4oq
      @Omega-jg4oq Год назад +1

      How the hell did he manage to find them and how did he know they’re gonna be there anyway

    • @LaviniaDeMortalium
      @LaviniaDeMortalium Год назад +2

      @@Omega-jg4oq Spitballing this here, but since Gabranth is bascially the investigation branch of the archadian judicial system, Larsa likely snooped through his papers.

  • @benjaminli6088
    @benjaminli6088 Год назад +5

    Larsa is my favorite character next to Balthier and Basch.

  • @tartaglia11thofthefatuihar71
    @tartaglia11thofthefatuihar71 3 года назад +7

    I hope one day we can play this game on the same engine that they used for FF7 Remake.
    Oh that day would be GLORIOUS!

  • @josephanthonnydeez4050
    @josephanthonnydeez4050 2 года назад +7

    When an 8-9 year old kid is more matured than you...

  • @johnnonamegibbon3580
    @johnnonamegibbon3580 9 лет назад +48

    This game makes XIII look bad.
    It's so beautifully animated and plays very well, too. Cohesive would be the word.

    • @TheKpa11
      @TheKpa11 4 года назад

      The footstep sounds could have been toned down though. It gets just as bad as 13 and 10.

    • @TheNuts1225
      @TheNuts1225 3 года назад

      It plays itself with the gambit system, but the cool thing is that you have complete control of your characters' AI. It makes it very satisfying when you have that perfect gambit and equipment setup and you don't have to go into the menu for anything. Easily my top 3 in the series.

    • @dominicw4723
      @dominicw4723 3 года назад

      XIII's main flaw as far as plot was that it was too "god" heavy. When your antagonist's wishes are too esoteric then it's hard to sell the story. It's not impossible... but the final fantasy way has always been to share the screen time with the protagonist and the antagonist and have us be the audience to it all. XIII did share screen time with AN antagonist, but it wasnt the important antagonist for the game.
      I think XII succeeds with the idea that otherworldly beings have all the time in the world but the humes make better strides because of their limited timeframes.

    • @dominicw4723
      @dominicw4723 3 года назад

      @@TheNuts1225 im of the opinion that they wanted to have a decent AI to compensate for the lack of a proper multiplayer ability. XII is the successor to the movement from XI and it's MMO gameplay. I think we're getting into complex territory with each successive game and I don't see fans of the typical ff gameplay happy about it.

    • @lune5289
      @lune5289 3 года назад +1

      6 years later this comment is still trash

  • @tsukilorren1422
    @tsukilorren1422 8 лет назад +32

    I am cured by Larsa's beautiful angelic voice. Meh. I'm feeling perverted.

  • @Dinomight125
    @Dinomight125 3 года назад +8

    Easily this game's best boi :D

  • @Tbear995
    @Tbear995 9 лет назад +16

    An amazing game. HD REMAKE PLEASE!

  • @kyriellepunongbayan6909
    @kyriellepunongbayan6909 2 года назад +4

    i never get tired off ff12's scripts

  • @franceswhite5771
    @franceswhite5771 8 лет назад +9


  • @brakie44820
    @brakie44820 9 лет назад +2

    A PS3 remaster would be good. I still play this game a least once a month.

  • @baschlives9252
    @baschlives9252 7 лет назад +1

    Good video I can defiantly see where they are making changes from this video. If you look at the new gameplay videos the changes are in the hands, in the shadows of the characters, in the hair detail in cutscenes, and in the quality of some of the more pixelated details. They didn't have to do much this game is beautiful just as you have it optimized.
    I can't wait for this remaster I've never played the IZJS and never bothered to emulate it because I knew this remaster was coming!

  • @Nobodyss21
    @Nobodyss21 3 года назад +5

    The best final fantasy ever. When i play the 13th one i even confused, where the free weapon types? Where the large maps? Where is the freakin gambits?

    • @lune5289
      @lune5289 3 года назад

      13 is awesome dont you dare talking sh* about 13. Funny how 12 came out yall were saying the same thing. 13 and 12 are awesome final point

    • @harrydrake4173
      @harrydrake4173 10 месяцев назад

      @@lune5289 FFXIII was garbage and panned for it.

  • @GuerreiroAventureiro
    @GuerreiroAventureiro 3 года назад +4

    guess what, now you can get Larsa set on FFXIV in patch 5.55 on relics.

  • @Vaginetta
    @Vaginetta 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm Basch Von Rasenburg of Dalmasca.png

  • @TheZprogram
    @TheZprogram 9 лет назад +5

    Final Fantasy 12 HD Remaster needs to happen

    • @Plyskin05
      @Plyskin05 5 лет назад +3

      Your wish is realized

  • @xilusRipper
    @xilusRipper 9 лет назад +5

    I wish square released it again on ps3..

  • @grhtheblahaj4248
    @grhtheblahaj4248 6 лет назад

    I remember that I said some not-so-random trivia back in the live chat of the official live stream of FF12 Zodiac Age vol. 5 though I kinda wish I tried to say it in Japanese back then but I was fighting against Cu'chulainn at the same time (bad attempt at multi-tasking)
    It was a trivia about Vayne's beyond wonderful voice actor. :3
    あんのミスターアンドミセス・スミス「2005年のアメリカ映画」は、S&Mシーンであとアンジェリーナ・ジョリーさんはミストレス。このシーンの言い成り放題なイケメン(兵器屋 マルコ・ラシン)はFF12キャラ「ヴェイン・ソリドール」の英語版声優。ヴェインの英語版声優の名前は「イライジャ・アレクサンダーさん」です。 (じょうだんじゃないの〜!ホラ見せってください-->Vimeo ID 66467469) いい男ですね w

  • @muhamadk3096
    @muhamadk3096 9 лет назад +2

    i hope they add HD shadow on it :D

  • @niatureama
    @niatureama 6 лет назад +1

    Yo siempre pensé que Lamont (Larsa) era una niña xD y hasta me enamore de ella luego descubrí que ella era el :(

  • @love187punk
    @love187punk 9 лет назад +27

    Im willing to pay 200$ for this game on ps4

    • @politicalcorrectness7151
      @politicalcorrectness7151 8 лет назад +1

      +Earth Since Birth I'm willing to pay $200 as well!!
      I'll definitely buy their Collector's Edition if they have one.

    • @Coouge
      @Coouge  8 лет назад +3

      Well, you can buy it next year! They're still updating the sprites and models. So it would be much more better!

    • @Ultimabuster92
      @Ultimabuster92 8 лет назад

      I would pay 200$ as well!! I LOVE this game!!

    • @bnoob7051
      @bnoob7051 7 лет назад +1

      and it's only a quarter of that price!

    • @baschlives9252
      @baschlives9252 7 лет назад

      I can't wait for the Zodiac Age! I'm just waiting for a collectors edition announcement.

  • @little4boy
    @little4boy 9 лет назад +3

    Does this mean its in the works? If so I'll finally be able to play it and not just watch!!!!! ^_^

  • @luna1112
    @luna1112 8 лет назад +2


  • @hollowbastion9372
    @hollowbastion9372 Год назад +4

    Surprisingly Rude.

  • @alucius1
    @alucius1 9 лет назад +1

    Please remake for ps4 was one of my favorites

  • @joe71002
    @joe71002 8 лет назад +3

    Is FFXII HD version are real or this are just a fanmade video?

    • @Coouge
      @Coouge  8 лет назад +2

      It is real, it's in development (hd remake) as we speak. Release date is TBA.
      It'll be on PS4 (^_~)*
      Really exciting!!!

  • @AlexxxMYLSince2013
    @AlexxxMYLSince2013 8 лет назад +1

    there one thing i dont understand why does penelo looks so diferent betwen the original ff 12 and revenand wings is like another person

  • @user-pq4ui6ln6k
    @user-pq4ui6ln6k 9 лет назад +4


  • @futagoza611
    @futagoza611 10 лет назад +1


  • @kaneoniwa3574
    @kaneoniwa3574 9 лет назад


  • @ctreiko
    @ctreiko 9 лет назад +1


  • @benjaminli6088
    @benjaminli6088 4 месяца назад +1

    FF12 >>>>> FF7

  • @kayne8544
    @kayne8544 3 года назад +3

    1st time i saw him i thought he was a she 😂

  • @chrisalvarez4298
    @chrisalvarez4298 9 лет назад +1

    The only thing an HD remake of this game doesn't need...... is Penelo. She is not useful in the story at all and all she does is worry and cry and is too "girly."

    • @Thomastm33
      @Thomastm33 8 лет назад +8

      best character!
      throw some ninja blades on her and watch her go. nothing wrong with her character story wise either.

    • @niatureama
      @niatureama 6 лет назад +2

      Nunca entendiste a FFXII en realidad los protagonistas son Ashe y Bachs. Balthier y Fran como segundos protagonistas. Vaan y Penelo son los espectadores en la historia. Esto se pensó así para que el jugador se sintiera mas identificado al jugar solo como espectador, este juego rompía con la tradición de todas las historias donde siempre jugamos al protagonista.

    • @DuckSute
      @DuckSute 3 года назад +1

      @@Thomastm33 totally agree! I gave her the Shikari job and she kicked ass! I love her character too

    • @Dadiris
      @Dadiris 2 года назад +2

      Why do you guys think every character in the game needa to be super important to the plot?? We had Wakka and Kimari from 10, selphie from 8, lots of characters from 6 and nobody says anything about that

    • @frozendevil9549
      @frozendevil9549 2 года назад +2

      @@Dadiris 100%. not even just final fantasy, most rpgs have at least 1 party member who doesn’t have much impact on the story, but people like to pick and choose when to complain about it and it’s annoying af

  • @callmek186
    @callmek186 4 года назад +17

    Vaan still tries to be the main character even in this video compilation.