A Reflection on the Past 6 Months of Rigpa upheaval

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @wisdombell9432
    @wisdombell9432 5 лет назад +2

    As his long time and distance student ( since 1992) I am,
    His teaching gave a me such a insight and love for Dharma through out of my life 💝
    As his teaching , we can rely on his teaching not personality.
    We can open heart and understand of his humanness and let go of judgment.
    If we doubt his teaching and judging , it reflect our own smallness and level of wisdom each of us carry.
    After all.
    It is not my business as I didn't,t experienced his misconduct and if whoever did it, that person need handle own situation with courage.
    Now his present life is left from this earth, I am only wish his well depart and honor his teaching as my gift of life.🙏

  • @mrsmith7741
    @mrsmith7741 6 лет назад +4

    A person who distorts Buddhism and the tradition of Guru devotion is not doing it for 'their own benefit.'
    They are harming themselves even more than those they abuse.
    It's good to tell people how it is and keep warning them. Stick to clear and provable examples so as not to get abused further!

  • @joansutton
    @joansutton 5 лет назад

    This is what "awake" really means.

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 лет назад

    Dhamma is about causes and effects to train the self and the mind. AND NOT BY CONQUERING THE SELF.

  • @dubinthedam
    @dubinthedam 6 лет назад +1

    Its great to hear you talk about things just as well as you write about them. So clear, so on point and so indeed we do go on. Thanks again Tahlia.

  • @rossmorebaz
    @rossmorebaz 6 лет назад +1

    While I am extremely disappointed by Sogyal Rinpoches actions.. realise that he is merely human and flawed like the rest of us... also realise that Sogyal Rinpoche is NOT the dharma. I still have great faith in the teachings.. and I know that they have helped me very much on my journey

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 лет назад

    Meditation needs a healthy and clean self/body to climb.
    1. Mentally Fit.
    2. Physically Fit.

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 лет назад

    A Sick Man Is Unable To Sit Still.

  • @richardpadma7018
    @richardpadma7018 6 лет назад +1

    Lovely Lady.x

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 лет назад

    Is this right understanding and right view is the Dhamma practice.

  • @ceciliawyu
    @ceciliawyu 6 лет назад +1

    Keep talking. The boys club is still really upset with you so you are doing well! 😎

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 лет назад

    Reflection is alike watching a movie.

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 лет назад


  • @delanym
    @delanym 6 лет назад

    Please can u give references for the incident involving Sogyal's teacher lashing "500 monks 10 at a time". Thanks

    • @AlkiraPublishingEditing
      @AlkiraPublishingEditing 6 лет назад


    • @lucetteryder7171
      @lucetteryder7171 6 лет назад +3

      thank you so much Tahlia for your report! I am absolutely certain that the truth will come out somehow and that more people will respond to you as they gradually become more enlightened and they will feel the need to uphold honour and love and compassion in a real way and not in a wishful thinking way, and i would go as far as saying. .not any more in an utterly sick manner !
      I am truly sorry and even horrified at hearing your report ! But at the same time it doesn't surprise me .
      This year we are told that this old matrix of fear and confusion will dissolve and love will prevail at last allowing a new paradigm to rise and the feminine energy to speak her truth!
      in the meantime of this painful transition we do need women like you who is so gifted to express yourself so beautifully. Carry on doing as much as possible in order to prevent further disasters and in order to protect unsuspecting young souls who deserve the best and not to fall into humiliation and maltreatance without realising where they put themselves into.
      Only to be told that it was well deserved. .insanity is rampant!

    • @irenan6585
      @irenan6585 6 лет назад +1

      "gradually becoming more enlightened"

  • @blackmetalbabarobertk.7591
    @blackmetalbabarobertk.7591 6 лет назад +1

    a teacher who take this lot money is thiev

  • @ceciliawyu
    @ceciliawyu 6 лет назад

    You must be saying something real if so many arseholes are hating on you. Keep talking!!!!! :)

    • @xxxooollloooxxx
      @xxxooollloooxxx 6 лет назад +1

      it is real, it's just so many people can't stand reality

  • @kazzj62
    @kazzj62 5 лет назад +1

    Any of these people could walk away from their teacher and so could this woman.. if you do not like what they are doing. This person's motives for going on and on about it on behalf of other ADULTS that claim they were abused... .. feels like a witch hunt. We in the west are obsessed by abuse. We also expect lamas and teachers from other cultures to be our 'GURU' father, freind, boyfriend.. and 'save' us from our misery and when that doesn't happen, .. when they learn they are real human beings people.. fallible or imperfect or not a guru just a teacher ,then they feel let down. I have seen women and men longing to be the centre of attention of the master.. the special one!
    I left RIGPA because of the bullshit establishment steeped in Western tradition and money making. The lama himself when he eventually took the platform after hours of listening to rubbish from western students ... gave profound and beautiful teachings to anyone who wanted to hear them. Students in the inner circle were perhaps made to work a bit harder in their practice as they were students..But I seriously doubt that any of them was forcibly held down and raped or molested or beaten. If you were asked to take your clothes off and stand naked ... you can always say NO! If after wards they cry rape... well .. what is that? If they are complicit - if they consent ? If they keep hanging around and doing what they are told without question.. Its all hearsay anyway. someone's 'story' . maybe they were being given an opportunity to say NO and to walk away. Like when you are on a date with a guy who wants to get your pants off... you can go along with it and say -well I agreed to that - but wish I hadn't or go along with it and say I didn't agree with that and wish I hadn't so therefore that was abuse! All subjective and all very grey area. For me I look at his teachings, his writings, his talent for delivering complex ideas and beliefs in a profound and entertaining way to people who cannot really grasp the concept of the Dharma... and the purity and the intent behind his delivering of them. They have been enormously helpful and a great comfort to many people and I will not ever set foot in RIGPA org again with this vile poison that has entered it and pervaded it through people like this. They claim to be a sangha of westerners now.. it should be closed. Without Rinpoche there is really no spiritual practice or teachings there.. unless they show his videos.. which they probably do. I was not or never needed to feel close to him in the way these so called students did. These lessons from masters sometimes are shocking to us caught up in our own bubbles of what should be and what shouldn't be allowed... our rules and notions and perceptions and profound sense of right and wrong.. all a massive ego trip! .. There are so many tales that come from Zen Buddhist teachings from masters using energy to open people up and it is a fact that some people are drawn to masters to try and experience this kind of extreme method of teaching. In Tibetan is not so prevalent. These are adults we are talking about. Not young teens or kids.. Adults who are capable of and who need to take responsibility for themselves and this woman is showing her true colours in revenge, anger, bitterness hate, spite and jealousy with her own agenda and need to point fingers of blame . I ask you: What are you trying to get madam? What do you seek through this? What are your unresolved childhood/ personal issues driving all this? Because it all comes back to you and you are missing that point! Because you are clearly immersed and caught up in your own negative thoughts and negative state of being and the unconscious state of of your own suffering mind ...Perhaps you need to do more practice to really try and learn and realise you are creating your own hell. Get help! Get healing forgive and move on.

  • @osel1000
    @osel1000 6 лет назад


    • @xxxooollloooxxx
      @xxxooollloooxxx 6 лет назад

      I dig your articulate skill

    • @ceciliawyu
      @ceciliawyu 6 лет назад

      Why .....so insistent....did Sogyal father you while he was still a monk? 😂😂😂 Grow up loser. She is telling the truth!

    • @jacquedaw
      @jacquedaw 2 года назад +1

      Actually everything she said is true, as proved by an external law firm, it is the management of Rigpa that lied, whilst teaching Dharma... I'll listen to HHDL and follow his example of ethics, transparency and kindness. He always tells the truth with no distortion