What brand of hand Stapler are you using, and what size staples does it take. I looked at the staplers on the Sailrite website.They were pricey (one was $75 and the other was $107). If that is what I have to pay, I will invest the money. But if there's another brand at a little lower price, I thought at least I would reach out and ask. Thank you.
What brand of hand Stapler are you using, and what size staples does it take. I looked at the staplers on the Sailrite website.They were pricey (one was $75 and the other was $107). If that is what I have to pay, I will invest the money. But if there's another brand at a little lower price, I thought at least I would reach out and ask. Thank you.
Unless doing it professionally, one could baste stitch it. Or use stray glue- uck!!
I got that same stapler from an office supply store and it takes standard staples.