Landing Meriden Markham field, in a Mooney M20

  • Опубликовано: 13 янв 2022
  • In this situation we are landing runway 18 (calm winds). Enter downwind leg @ 1000 ft. AGL, reduce power to 17 inches of manifold pressure (MP) airspeed to 120 mph, gear down and locked mid field, add 15 degrees of flaps. Maintain altitude until making the turn to base leg, at approximately 750 ft. AGL make a standard rate turn to final. Stabilize the approach, set 12” MP, gear down and locked, flaps set, maintain 76 mph. control airspeed with pitch and reduce power as needed to lose or increase power to gain altitude. Power off after crossing runway threshold, flair just about the runway and maintain center line to land, use ailerons to correct for cross winds..

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