This is a _long_ trip for a single train. Zushi to Kimitsu is essentially a trip from west side of Tokyo Bay to the other side. (By the way, the E217 train sets are starting to disappear. I expect the last train sets to be refired by the end of 2025.)
まさかのトプナン!? 撮影ありがとうございます🙇🏻
This is a _long_ trip for a single train. Zushi to Kimitsu is essentially a trip from west side of Tokyo Bay to the other side. (By the way, the E217 train sets are starting to disappear. I expect the last train sets to be refired by the end of 2025.)
横須賀線快速 逗子 → 鎌倉 → 北鎌倉 → 大船 → 戸塚 → 東戸塚 → 保土ヶ谷 → 横浜 → 新川崎 → 武蔵小杉 → 西大井 → 品川 → 新橋 → 東京 → 新日本橋 → 馬喰町 → 錦糸町 → 新小岩 → 市川 → 船橋 → 津田沼 → 稲毛 →千葉 → 蘇我 → 浜野 → 八幡宿 → 五井 → 姉ケ崎 → 長浦 → 袖ケ浦 → 木更津 → 君津 🌰