Should I attend funeral on Sabbath? Should I do Sex on Sabbath?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • This is Pastor Randy Skeete's weekly Audio podcast.

Комментарии • 41

  • @lindenihamashe6994
    @lindenihamashe6994 Год назад +5

    questions that have bothered me for the past 14yrs finally answered...thank u Ps Skeete 🙏🏽

  • @dionnemartin9895
    @dionnemartin9895 Год назад +1

    Wonderful I love your answers my brother ... god bless you for this one ... the world are in darkness

  • @Armistead_MacSkye
    @Armistead_MacSkye 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you Pastor Skeete. My mother died yesterday. God bless everyone - time is short.

  • @ForgetChiporoporo-no5pu
    @ForgetChiporoporo-no5pu Год назад +3

    God bless you my pastor

  • @willietrollip4061
    @willietrollip4061 Год назад +2

    Thank you pastor. 🙏 Much appreciated ❤️

  • @thetruthshallmakeyoufree1959
    @thetruthshallmakeyoufree1959 4 месяца назад +1

    Ellen White said that people who had criticized a man for burring his wife on the Sabbath
    were wrong.
    "I saw it was for no wrong of yours that she was taken away, but if Brother A had come directly to your house she would have been rescued from the grasp of the enemy." {14MR 52.3}
    "I saw [that] they did wrong in afflicting the afflicted by reproving you for having the funeral on the Sabbath. I saw they had better been looking at themselves and seeing where they had erred from the path of duty that God had marked out for them to go in." {14MR 52.4}

    • @Manny535
      @Manny535 4 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for sharing the quotes and for giving us light on this subject.

    • @thetruthshallmakeyoufree1959
      @thetruthshallmakeyoufree1959 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Manny535 praise God

  • @PeterLawrence_
    @PeterLawrence_ 4 месяца назад +1

    In Genesis 50 Egyptians and Joseph’s family mourn and attended Jacob’s funeral on the sabbath.

    • @westtalkup
      @westtalkup 4 месяца назад +2

      Greetings can you guide to where you find this information that he's was buried on the sabbath please

  • @celestialsuccess
    @celestialsuccess Год назад +4

    I wonder if this is correct, we can't just take one thing from the Bible and spread it abroad. We need texts. Texts showing its a sin to do these things. Well if you know the funeral will turn to a party or the wedding etc I can understand you saying no. But your family, mother father etc died, would you say, I not going the funeral because it is the Sabbath. Or your brother marrying. Now yes to an extent according to the vibe they push. But scripture say don't forsake the house of morning it builds the countenance and God didn't say except on the Sabbath. But then it is true that Mary and they didn't go, but Christ before He died told the pharisees that they made God's law a burden. Choking the joy out of the commandments. They weren't entering into heaven and they were keeping people out with all the rules. And if Mary and they grew up with these type of pressures it's automatic they would still be keen to some of what they were forced to believe is holiness. Hence the teachers of the law had loads of issues with Christ, healing on the sabbath, picking corn on the sabbath not washing His hands before he ate and so on. I wonder if we can be by extention doing the same by bracketing some of the most solemn cerimonies into that of a birthday party of bar b que. There is nothing secular about Holy Matrimony either to me. And I will definitely do some serious indept study into this. Because I can't (from my fragile, faulty, earthly point of view, flesh fails so I can be corrected) see my God as one telling me my marriage activity is desicrated because it came on the sabbath or I seeked self by comforting a grieving heart which just lost its mother or child or so. I don't know but I can't.

    • @sandrabarree7528
      @sandrabarree7528 2 месяца назад

      But do you have the control of that schedule the funeral to be on one of the six days of the week other than the Sabbath

    • @vegancookingwithpamandcaro1884
      @vegancookingwithpamandcaro1884 2 месяца назад +2

      Both these events calls for the hiring of labor on THE Sabbath. God calls for all nature to rest on THE Sabbath. When the people of God plan such events on THE Sabbath, we are breaking the 4th commandment, we have engaged in hiring people to work on THE Sabbath, the day that God said we are to rest on. Adam and Eve entered into their covenant before THE Sabbath began. We serve THE God of creation, He knew what He was doing with creation.

  • @3angels.Rev.14
    @3angels.Rev.14 4 месяца назад

    Glory to God alone

  • @austinhenry2893
    @austinhenry2893 Месяц назад

    Should I use electricity that is generated on the Sabbath.

  • @celestialsuccess
    @celestialsuccess Год назад +2

    How can something that God say is holy, and undefiled, be secular and unholy on the Sabbath. Isn't holy holy? Also he told Adam and Eve be fruitful and multiply on the eve of the Sabbath and He didn't tell them start on Sunday or sunset Saturday. Basically the entered into their honey moon on the Sabbath as stated in Genesis and scripture says they were naked and unashamed. Now hearing you say to use one's discretion to me. I am a bit confused. Because if it's holy how can it be defile the Sabbath which was made for man, how can a holy activity stain the Sabbath? And become unholy automatically or secular when Sabbath begins. Which is family time. I am genuinely asking because I keep searching scripture and not seeing that. Now to say use my discretion is fine, but God also said the greatest wisdom of man is foolishness to God. So I don't want to rely on my discretion. Cuz I could get this wrong as it is natural to do opposite, as the flesh is enmity with God. And scripture also says in proverbs or ecclesiastical, don't be over much holy. So what is it really. Christ also said, if it were not so I would have told you. Why would he bless marriage on the sabbath eve. Give our 1st parents the command on the sabbath eve, and then turn and say holy and unfiled sex is unholy and defiled on the sabbath. I need scripture to back that up. Not my conscience.

    • @ethanhomeimprovements9142
      @ethanhomeimprovements9142 Год назад

      When israelites wanted to meet God by the mountain they were told not to engage in that "holy act" for 3 days. Surely then because they were meeting the Creator, the same applies to us when we meet Him by the pulpit on the Sabbath

    • @Justgloryn
      @Justgloryn 6 месяцев назад

      Well said

    • @frshprncejf
      @frshprncejf 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@ethanhomeimprovements9142with all due respect, that would mean sex on Thursday, Friday and Sabbath would be off limits based on that principle. I’m sure that’s not what you mean?

  • @loex345
    @loex345 Год назад +2

    How can sex be secular within a marriage activity?

    • @dkny39
      @dkny39 Год назад

      You're right, it is not satan who created it its God.

    • @Armistead_MacSkye
      @Armistead_MacSkye 8 месяцев назад +1

      Sex is CREATION. God rested from all CREATION on the seventh day. It is a day to worship God in all we do.

    • @loex345
      @loex345 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@Armistead_MacSkye sex is more than just Creation

  • @hopeinscriptures3787
    @hopeinscriptures3787 2 года назад +1

    Thanks very much my pastor, just for clarification on the issue of attending funerals on the sabbath can you explain why Ellen and James White were buried on the sabbath and also why was Sister White rebuke some church members who had condemned a fellow member for attending his wife's funeral on the sabbath in MR 14 pg52, Thank you l hope to hear from you

    • @annaswanson176
      @annaswanson176 Год назад +1

      God did not tell her it was alright to attend a funeral on the sabbath. She just went. Just because Ellen White went to a funeral on the Sabbath doesn't make it right by God.
      We follow the Bible first!

    • @Armistead_MacSkye
      @Armistead_MacSkye 8 месяцев назад

      Whoever buried Ellen and James White made the choice to bury them on the Sabbath. That burial was not directed by the Whites. As for the spouse who attended the funeral of a spouse, I'd need to read EG White's words in context to understand why she spoke on it in that manner. Maranatha!

    • @Armistead_MacSkye
      @Armistead_MacSkye 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@annaswanson176You need to read that again. Ellen White did not attend a Sabbath funeral, yet she did not condemn the spouse of the deceased for doing so.

  • @beardednomad4658
    @beardednomad4658 Год назад

    And the man that does any work on it shall die: whosoever desecrates that day, WHOSOEVER LIES WITH HIS WOMAN, or whosoever says he will do something on it, that he will set out on a journey thereon in regard to any buying or selling: and whosoever draws water thereon which he had not prepared for himself on the sixth day, and whosoever takes up any burden to carry it out of his tent or out of his house shall die. YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 50:8

  • @westtalkup
    @westtalkup 4 месяца назад

    Why seventh day Adventist church never held a funeral service on the sabbath no matter who dies?

    • @vegancookingwithpamandcaro1884
      @vegancookingwithpamandcaro1884 2 месяца назад

      Personally, I don't plan funerals on the Sabbath, because Sabbath is THE day that God calls for all creation to rest from six days of Labor, even the beast of the field are called to rest. When funerals and weddings (and other events) are held on THE Sabbath, we are breaking His command for all of His creatures to rest. When we plan events for The Sabbath, we are hiring and paying people to work on THE Sabbath that God has called all creatures to rest on. Typically, people that don't observe THE Sabbath, hold weddings and funerals on THE Sabbath. Because those who claim to be Sabbatarians would rather be accepted of man rather than of God, they refuse to accept the sacredness of THE Sabbath, and follow the traditions of man.

  • @amadeusjean4019
    @amadeusjean4019 Год назад +1

    Pastor skeete ,I need more clarity about sex on the sabbath,am trouble with this one

    • @isiahgreen8405
      @isiahgreen8405 Год назад +1

      We have to keep it holy.
      Isaiah 58:13
      If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy PLEASURE on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine OWN WAYS, nor finding thine OWN PLEASURE , nor speaking thine own words:
      Exodus 19:15
      King James Version
      15 And he said unto the people, Be ready against the third day: come not at your wives.
      Leviticus 15:16-17
      King James Version
      16 And if any man's seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even.
      17 And every garment, and every skin, whereon is the seed of copulation, shall be washed with water, and be unclean until the even.
      1 Samuel 21:4-5
      King James Version
      4 And the priest answered David, and said, There is no common bread under mine hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women.
      5 And David answered the priest, and said unto him, Of a truth women have been kept from us about these three days, since I came out, and the vessels of the young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner common, yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel.

    • @carmedzwoodley4582
      @carmedzwoodley4582 5 месяцев назад

      Question. I have read leviticus 15 and based on the understanding I have gotten from it does it mean that even now when a woman experiences her menstrual cycle on the sabbath she is also unclean?

  • @MarvinCounciltcreg
    @MarvinCounciltcreg Год назад +3

    Life sketches of Ellen G White chapter 41 252.3 says Ellen G white attended her husband's funeral. And quote...
    "Though I had not risen from my sick-bed after my husband's death, I was borne to the Tabernacle on the following Sabbath to attend his funeral. At the close of the sermon I felt it a duty to testify to the value of the Christian's hope in the hour of sorrow and bereavement. As I arose, strength was given me, and I spoke about ten minutes, exalting the mercy and love of God in the presence of that crowded assembly. At the close of the services I followed my husband to Oak Hill Cemetery, where he was laid to rest until the morning of the resurrection. LS 252.3"

    • @celestialsuccess
      @celestialsuccess Год назад +1

      See what I saying. We can't just take one thing from the Bible and spread it abroad. We need texts. Texts showing its a sin to do these things. Well if you know the funeral will turn to a party or the wedding etc I can understand you saying no. But your family, mother father etc died, would you say, I not going the funeral because it is the Sabbath. Or your brother marrying. Now yes to an extent according to the vibe they push. But scripture say don't forsake the house of morning it builds the countenance and God didn't say except on the Sabbath. But then it is true that Mary and they didn't go, but Christ before He died told the pharisees that they made God's law a burden. Choking the joy out of the commandments. They weren't entering into heaven and they were keeping people out with all the rules. And if Mary and they grew up with these type of pressures it's automatic they would still be keen to some of what they were forced to believe is holiness. Hence the teachers of the law had loads of issues with Christ, healing on the sabbath, picking corn on the sabbath not washing His hands before he ate and so on. I wonder if we can be by extention doing the same by bracketing some of the most solemn cerimonies into that of a birthday party of bar b que. There is nothing secular about Holy Matrimony either to me. And I will definitely do some serious indept study into this. Because I can't (from my fragile, faulty, earthly point of view, flesh fails so I can be corrected) see my God as one telling me my marriage activity is desicrated because it came on the sabbath or I seeked self by comforting a grieving heart which just lost its mother or child or so. I don't know but I can't.

    • @annaswanson176
      @annaswanson176 Год назад +2

      God did not tell her it was alright to attend a funeral on the sabbath. She just went. Just because Ellen White went to a funeral on the Sabbath doesn't make it right by God.
      We follow the Bible first!

    • @westtalkup
      @westtalkup 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@annaswanson176you are perfectly right men are foldable men often times er. I love the way you puts it. We follow the Bible not ellen white are we saying ellen white do it then it's ok? She also faces struggles of her own and that might be one.

    • @vegancookingwithpamandcaro1884
      @vegancookingwithpamandcaro1884 2 месяца назад

      @@celestialsuccess a principle which I follow is, I will not hire/contract with anyone to do work for me on the Sabbath. Having a funeral on the Sabbath, I have hired folk to work on the Sabbath. I have attended funerals on the Sabbath, for the express purpose of meeting the needs of those that are grieving. I do not have the habit of thoughtlessly attending funerals on the Sabbath.

  • @nirvaansinghtheartist
    @nirvaansinghtheartist 10 месяцев назад

    Your answer about sex on the Sabbath is contrary to that of Pastor Doug he says its not a problem I really think you are wrong

    • @vegancookingwithpamandcaro1884
      @vegancookingwithpamandcaro1884 2 месяца назад

      Adam and Eve were given the command on preparation day to be fruitful and multiply Gen. 1:28. Contextually, there was no prohibition. With that being said, for me, Sabbath is not a day to get my groove on. If there is a NEED for such on the Sabbath, I find no fault. Christians often fail to look at the spirit of the law/principle/precept and focus on the letter. Yes, we are called to keep the Sabbath Holy. Sabbath is a very sacred day. No, we should not have the habit of meeting our needs on the Sabbath because we failed to prepare for the Sabbath. But, it is lawful to eat the shew bread IF there is a NEED. Many christians defined need as not taking the time to do it in the six days. My response to them is, if God created this vast universe in 6 literal days, why isn't 6 days enough time to prepare food, clean house, shop, do laundry, iron clothes, polish shoes, and etc. before sunset on Friday? God is not as man, He is not to be taken lightly.