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[MATTHEW 19:26] "And Jesus looking upon them Said to them, With Men this is Impossible; But with God all things are Possible". [LUKE 1:37] King James Version 37"For with God nothing shall be Impossible".
The Church That Jesus Christ Built Doesn't Break The Sabbath Day No One Is Parking Cars, Cooking or Doing Other Work That Is Considered Breaking The Sabbath Day Because We Do All That On Sunday The Commandment Is Not To Work On The Seventh Day There Is No Commandment Not To Work On The First Day Of The Week The Only Ones Breaking The Sabbath If It Were Still A Day Are Companies, Sports Teams, Cell Phone Users And Seventh Day Adventist Car Parkers, Snow Shovelers, Ushers, Cooks, And Ministers. You hear that?! That's The Sound Of The Mic Dropping.
@@themanofjesuschrist7836Why do you think the Seventh Day Adventist are breaking sabbath on Saturday? Just curious! I have a few SDA friends who claim the Sunday worship is the mark of the beast.
this is so sad... you guys have fully mislead people here... the Sabbath still stands today... it is the 4th commandment of Gods on law... no where in scripture does it portray that the Sabbath is not to be upheld or has been done away with, it is still a requirement today of Gods true people... the only law nailed to the cross was the sacrificial law, hence the Messiah became the sacrificial lamb, so no longer do we need to follow the sacrificial laws, we simply can receive forgiveness in the Name of our Christ as he was the lamb slain for the world... however, the Law of God, the ten commandments still remains... "till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. " .... The Sabbath is a blessing, and as mentioned many times in scriptures it is a sign between him and his people... The Sabbath is a Saturday, not a Sunday, Christians influenced by paganism think Sunday is the sabbath today... hence why man today try to debunk the Sabbath, but God changes not, his Sabbath remains... shame on these guys for attempting to belittle the Sabbath as something that is no longer required... I find its only due to selfish worldly commitments that many cant and refuse to keep the true Sabbath, they would rather embrace Sunday the pagan day of worship... I believe that if mankind truly wish to seek Gods truths that his Spirit will reveal to them how important the true Sabbath is... IF you simply use common sense ask yourself this, all scripture was written by man, but the Ten Commandments was written with Gods own finger, why would it be done away with, it is not, the true Sabbath remains, a holy day, a day of worship, the 7th day... not the first day of the week a Sunday... wake up people... its so obvious, don't let your own selfish life stop you keeping the true day of worship... stop looking for loop holes as alike the guys in this video... its say simple....The Sabbath is a blessing, a Gift from God... It is his Day not ours, you have no right to make up a random day of worship and keep it holy.... Constantine was the cause of this, bringing paganism into Christianity.. let go of the world people, embrace Gods true ways.. Keep the Sabbath Day and keep it holy, God commands this of you ...
Very much agreed, but unforturnatly, we use this to say that Jesus replaced that the sabbath in which, it doesnt say that at all. To the best of my knowledge, i dont believe it mentions anything about the sabbath in the entire chapter.
Hi I have a question.. recently my mom told me to wash the bathroom on a Sabbath, and I told her that today was the Sabbath and that we aren't supposed to work, but she forced me to, but my question is, Does it count as work to clean?
@@PreciousKalu18 You are so welcome. Thanks for the thanks! I was assuming that when you said "Sabbath" you meant nightfall Fri. to nightfall Sat. Just in case, though, you have been taught, like most, that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday.... The word "church" comes from the translated Greek word ecclesia which simply means a gathering of believers. Churches generally teach that the Law has been done away with. Can you murder now, or covet, or bow down to other gods? Yes, we are saved solely by faith in the Isaiah 53 Savior. However, He said "If you love Me, keep My Commandments." His Commandments are the same as His Father's as They are One. The Bible says that the Almighty "will not alter what goes out of His mouth." If that is not true, the Bible is not reliable. At Mt. Sinai, to the ears of the terrified Israelites below, He audibly spoke the 10 Commandments. This included a Fri. nightfall to Sat. nightfall Sabbath. NOTHING in the Bible says the Sabbath was changed to Sunday..
People say "Paul said....Paul said..." But Paul said to follow the Savior, not him, and anyway Paul never said the Sabbath was changed and certainly had no authority to change what was audibly spoken by our Creator and written on stone with His very finger. When he said "Let no man judge you" he was talking to new converts and encouraging them in their observance, not NON observance, of the Biblical holy days, i.e. to not give into pagan peer pressures.
. Throughout the New Testament you can see that the apostles, including Paul, actually kept the Mosaic Law. In Acts 15, for example, "even" the food laws are upheld and yes, for NON Jewish converts. We see there that blood is still forbidden and that the new converts are expected to be, as was the tradition, in Synagogues, on the Sabbath, to learn the rest of the Law of Moses. In Acts 21, KJV, we see that Paul, and all those in the Jerusalem Council, upheld the Law of Moses and Paul took an oath to demonstrate that. Read the false accusations spoken against Stephen in the KJV. He was falsely accused of saying that our Savior came to do away with the Law of Moses. Acts 6:11-14. Further, our Savior affirmed the Sabbath by telling his followers, about the time when the Temple would be destroyed - after His Ascension - "Pray that your flight will not be in the winter or on the Sabbath." He wanted them to be able to rest on the Sabbath in the future, as always in the past. . You can see some RCC leaders online admitting to the fact that the Bible does not sanction a Sunday Sabbath, but that Protestants keep it anyway since - guess who changed it? ROME, under the pagan sun worshipper Constantine over a millenium ago. Constantine said that Christians were to be executed if they kept the true Sabbath and said they needed to rest "on the venerable day of the sun." Check it out. It's not the Sabbath. However, the Father of Mercies knows we are all confused children. We need not to turn on others about it, therefore, but to show love. If we do not, no matter what we do it's all a waste, certainly not the path to Heaven. Yet, if you want to move away from "traditions of men" to the real truths of the real Bible, I recommend 119 Ministries' vids, starting with The Pauline Paradox. . And yes, you can worship on any day of the week, but you are not supposed cook...on the Sabbath - neither you nor those in your home, nor any servants (think waitresses and sales clerks etc.). Not even animals are to work then, or be penned up then. In fact, in Isaiah we are told to keep the Sabbath holy unto the Lord and also not to buy or sell on that day. The Sabbath is the longest Commandment and is stated in the Bible to be the very sign given to Israel of their Covenant with Him. (The New Testament tells us to be grafted into what? Israel.) Other nations had laws against murder and theft for example. Only those who wanted to Covenant with YHWH, aka God, were asked to keep the Sabbath. The 4th Commandment is not a suggestion. And no, I'm not a 7th Day Adventist. You don't need a "religion". You just need the Bible, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and fellowship. Revelation 22:14 Blessed are they that keep His Commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.
@@loricalass4068 Wow thank you so much for this wonderful explanation, I also heard people say " But Paul said or Paul did this" But Paul is not Jesus, we need to follow Jesus' example, and I will definitely check out 119 ministries, My church worships on Sunday and it's hard for me but I'm trying to tell them that the Sabbath is on Saturday and not on Sunday, some of my church members already know it on Saturday but they still worship on Sunday, but I want to make sure I tell the whole church the truth and see if they will obey the law of God or the laws of men. Thank you again for the explanation.God blesss you.
My roommates and I started keeping the shabbath from friday evening to saturday evening and it is the most blessed time of the week for sure! I am so grateful every time we get to celebrate it :)
On friday evening we do a shabbat dinner togehther. On saturday, I will do things I personally enjoy, like being creative, meeting with friends and eating good food. Every shabbat is a bit different and I go through my whole day with Jesus :) I also spend a lot of time in the secret place/ word@@kernalization
@@kernalization hi, I can speak for her, but I watch sermons, spend time in nature by going on walks and so on, spend time with family, go to church on Saturday, do Bible studies, etc. I hope this helps
Hi my name is Maheema I’m from India I’m a seventh day Adventist I have a small request for you all kindly keep our family in your prayers because we are going through very difficult times….I lost my grandparents and so many relatives in less than a year and now my own brother was diagnosed with blood cancer (Hodgkin lymphoma) even my mother had to get mammography done we are still waiting for her test results my dad lost his job a year ago financially we are in a bad situation….by God’s Grace we don’t have any problems with food, shelter and clothes but kindly keep our family in your prayers.praise the lord 🙏🏼
I never took that literally When the Lord said come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens I will give you rest... He really does give rest to those who come to him I came to him recently His spirit came to me and set me free .... praise God
If taking it literally means getting set free by Jesus, that sounds awesome! If taking it to not care about Sabbath anymore because I can always rest in Jesus, that is not understanding scripture but putting things in the text that it does not say...
@@jakeschwartz2514 I know your question wasn't directed towards me. But I did want to offer some encouragement. Just ask Jesus to help lift your burdens from you and help you live. Ask him to help you surrender. He said his load is light and his yoke is kindly. As He helps us walk with him and he continues to grow us in personal relationship with him, we become more intimate with him, our inner person shifts and we notice our loads are lighter. Doesn't mean circumstances are always light, but the weight of it is definitely lighter as we are not at all carrying them alone. A freedom no doubt. Christ teaches, leads, guides, encourages, strengthens us to constantly surrender our burdens to him, delight in intimacy with him and experience the fullness and all that comes with it. Just ask him to help you release your burdens to him and lessen the weight. He'll do it - He loves to do it and even more importantly, He loves you! Be well, Grace & Peace be with you ✌🏼💖
I really wonder why whyte girls even Christian ones choose the destructive path.. even preacher's daughters gets prgnant and don't know the father at very young age.. and when b@by comes out.. boom!👶🏾 *_(Don't be poIiticaIIy correct here)_*
Aman I love the Sabbath I listen to only Christian music which includes Christian hip-hop, I like to watch nature videos and I try to make my food before sunset a lot of times I end up cooking Friday night, I have to work on that. I don't go to church I watch Church live on RUclips . But usually after church a nice lunch and then resting enjoying nature or something for the rest of the day. Maybe visit sick people. The Sabbath is so relaxing and blessed people just don't know what they're missing out on
I ment to say if I don't go to church I watch it all RUclips. but I like to go to church because we have lunch afterwards to in the fellowship is good lol
I grew up in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, where everyone aimed to rest from all the things from the week, and focus on God and his blessings, from Friday Sunset to Saturday sunset. Now that the world is moving faster than ever - I can see how beneficial this really is.
It's the only commandment that begins with the word, REMEMBER! It's like God knew we would forget! Proud Seventh Day Adventist!! God bless you all and the Bible Project!!! 🎉❤
Yess omg finally someone who actually reads the true sayings of Jesus, my friend can i advice you to read something, read the Gospel of the kailedy, a lot of truth is laying there
Therefore: “The Sabbath was made for man", OR it is not made for man? What do you think? Is it possible that "Sabbath was made for man"(kind) at Creation of the world? The Seventh Day, God Rests Gen 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Gen 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. (quote from the second chapter of the Bible)
Yes the Sabbath was made for man (all mankind) for Adam was the father of all mankind, because man forgets his maker. The Seventh day Sabbath (Saturday as it’s known now) is to be a perpetual sign for those who follow there Lord and God that they have Him as their God and Savior. It is true, the Sabbath, the Law, do not Save you, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ does that. What for did Jesus save us? To do good works and take on His character which was that He kept all His Fathers commandments. If we are to call are selves His children we should strive unto death like Him to do the same. Can we keep them? No! We can not do such a thing. Only through Christ Jesus can we. That is not to say that we won’t be able to, but if it is with our own self it is impossible but with Christ Jesus all things are possible. We must deny daily ourselves and pick up the cross and follow knowing in faith that as we do He is to do His good Pleasure in us and change us into His likeness. It is His righteousness that covers us, not ours. For ours are but filthy rags. Our works are not to save us, but to show His glory working through us that He did and has saved us. Do not look to the Law as a restraint. It is the Law of Liberty. He helps us restrain that which is bad for us (individually and collectively) so we may enjoy that which is good for us all (individually and collectively). How to address A topic that is spiritual spiritual things are spiritually discerned there are things that were to be taught as metaphors to translate into spiritual meetings such as stoning someone. Stoning is to tell the truth tell someone dies the self if they will not Harkin they will die in the sin. I beg you I plead with you ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and really no truth there are a lot of hard things to understand. Forgive the analogy but God is trying to explain to us like us trying to explain to an ant. But unlike us He can make the ant understand. It is like a relationship that you have for the friend, if you are not willing to put in the effort you will never understand the viewpoints of that friend and that friend will not be a friend, because you will not take the time. He’s trying desperately to be our friend! It’s up to you, to work on your part of the friendship. He came and took on our being, to show that he does care for you and me. He gave up all, so that we could be friends and more than friends His children. You can ask, if He is such a good Friend and or Father how come He lets us suffer. Because He does not want to control you! He wants you to control yourself and the only way that can be done is to keep his commandments and reflect Him. He wants true love not a robot. You do not have freedom if you can’t choose. He is the God of freedom, but you must choose. Are there rules and consequences for either way, I answer yes! Love hurts sometimes. He loves us so much that He will do the right thing and allow the mass majority not to choose Him. The problem to the mass majority is they do not realize to choose not to have Him is to choose death, because without Him there is no life. This is why Jesus cried Father forgive them they know not what they do. When you’re asking not to have God in your life you’re asking to cease to exist and He will grant that at the end to all who ask. He is not a spiteful God. He will make it as you never where, this doctrine of the devil that you will be burning for eternity in hell is to make you not want God this is not God. This is the doctrine of the devil.
@@partlysimpson5154I am an adventist and whoever tells you keeping the sabbath saves you doesn’t acknowledge what Jesus did. Keeping the sabbath doesn’t save us. Only Jesus does. However, Its a delight to obey God. Obedience to the God is out of love, because we are already saved through Jesus. He said in John 14:15 “if you love me keep my commandments.” And the 4th commandment starts with “Remember”, and so we should not forget or ignore it.
@@alexandruciprian yes that statement is true, but how we can be saved if we don't show our faith in God if we don't follow His rules, one of them is keeping sabbath holy right
@@alexandruciprian we keep sabbath day to show our love and faith in God by following His commandments, we keep sabbath to rest and enjoy His creation, and we keep sabbath to RECHARGE our faith to God, knowing that our faith is decreasing day by day bcs of our activities
When we hear of the depth of what the Most High intended in giving us the Sabbath, why would we not believe that it is still commanded and relevant today? The meaning of it still stands, as we taste this bit of the future Kingdom every week! It is not a burden but a beautiful gift! Every week I look forward to this day. Some weeks it's what gets me through, knowing that no matter how hard my work week is, rest is coming!
@Kevin Belgrove Why the hostility toward keeping the Sabbath? It is not a burden but a gift. Just watch the video again. There's so much richness in it! The meaning the Most High gave the Sabbath still stands! It is a taste of that Millennial Kingdom Sabbath rest to come, reminding us weekly of that. Heb. 4:9-11 "So there remains a Shabbat-keeping for Elohim's people. For the one who has entered Elohim's rest has also rested from his own works, as Elohim did from His. Therefore, let us do our best to enter that rest; so that no one will fall short because of the same kind of disobedience." In context, the writer is speaking of those Israelites who failed to enter into the Promised Land (aka Yah's rest) because of disobedience. Likewise, we are warned to be careful that we don't also fall short of entering His rest- the future Promised Land (aka the Millennial Kingdom). The weekly Sabbath keeping is a reminder of this. In Exodus 31:16-17 it says, "Therefore the people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath throughout their generations, AS A COVENANT FOREVER. It is a sign between Me and the people of Israel FOREVER; for in six days YHWH made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day He stopped working and rested." "Forever": Hebrew- "Owlam", meaning forever, always, continuous existence, perpetual, everlasting, eternity. Scripture shows that it is kept forever. New Testament believers kept it (as you already pointed out). Mashiach kept it. And it is kept in the Millennial Kingdom- Is. 66:22-23 "For as the new heavens and new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, says YHWH, so shall your seek and your name remain. And it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another, from one Sabbath to another, will all flesh come to worship before Me, says YHWH."
For me it is a time of rest from work, including even the mental aspect of thinking and talking work! I try to disconnect from things like social media that can be distractions. and instead spend more time connecting with the Most High- through His word, through spending time in His creation (nature) if possible, talking with God through journaling, and gathering with others for Bible study and prayer. Sometimes I’ll put on worship music, lay down and just rest. Sometimes I take a walk.
@@Amado.Souljourner wow thank you for this! That's very helpful to me. I'm a workaholic and I think the Holy Spirit is leading me this direction for more than one reason.
@@MarySmith-ry9cu Glad to share! It can feel like a discipline at first because we're not used to it, but it's such a gift that I know you'll be blessed by!
I'm a sinner who loves the Lord everyday and if he is asked me to REMEMBER then I'm going to try with all my heart and soul to keep it ❤️ Peace and blessings to all my brother's and sisters KING JESUS 👑
Justin Smitley - (2 Corinthians 3:2) clarifies the covenant made with Moses & Israel is a law of death & that the letter written on stone does not give life but the spirit of God does.
@@user-md7tj8cz1r God gave Moses the 10th commandments.... Why People insist on changing something that God said to remember... He already knew Men would fail on this one for sure...
It is a Law that neither the Hebrews nor we can satisfy. If our salvation depended upon following it, all of us would go straight to hell when we passed from this world to the next. Everything in the Old Testament pointed to the New Covenant in Jesus. Our salvation doesn't come from worship on either a Saturday or a Sunday. (John 3:16)
YT4Me57 not to forget that if we try to establish a righteousness by the law we are no different than 1st century Pharisees. Jesus lived under the law perfectly our righteousness is established by faith. The law is not sin either is is holy. But our righteousness has nothing to do with our performance of any command except BELIEF in Jesus atoning death and resurrection. :)
Jesus was resurrected on the 8th day, the day of new beginnings. Every Sunday is a commemoration of that magnificent event, a mini Easter. Meeting together to worship on the first day of the week is an absolute delight. Amen.
This deserves an Oscar or something. I’ve been listening to the podcast and I was so excited about how they place hours of conversation into a wisdom filled video. I must say I am blessed by this today !!!
@@RasKalevthesouljourner The Lord (Baal) of the Sabbath is Saturn. Sabbath/Shabbat is compounded of Sab/Shab (Saturn) plus Bath/Bat (Daughter). The seventh day (Sheba day) is Saturn Day (Saturday). Saturn is the god of agriculture. Friday is Venus day and Venus is the "Daughter" in ths story. Venus is the beautiful woman that none can resist, she is the biblical Bathsheba (Bath + Sheba). Bathsheba is the mother of Solomon. Solomon is a compound of Sol (Sol invictus) + Om/Aum (Hindu sun) + On (Coptic sun).
@@nikolajgrunig7993 Every story, in the bible, is keyed to Ptolomaic astronomy. No person can understand the bible without this knowledge. Another requirement is a knowledge of Egyptian, Sumerian, Persian, Greek and Indian mythology which is incorporated into the bible.
@@harveywabbit9541 what you are writing is false and can be easily refuted. Let's look at the name "Solomon" for example. In hebrew, it's "Shelomoh". Now, you can't say anymore that the name is made up of sol, om (made a quick research: couldn't find a connection between "om" and sun) and on. When one knows greek and hebrew, one can see things in the Bible that translations can not fully show (sometimes, there are even blatant translation errors). But it's false to say that one can only understand the Bible when being able to read hebrew and greek. Nor does one need to know ancient pagan mythology. Jesus is the only way to the Father. Get away from every path of deception and follow Him.
Dont ever be fooled with nice words. Ever ever ever. Love is the fulfilling of the law according to Rom 13:10. It is not with flattering lips and fancy videos.....dont ever be fooled with tongues of angels. 1 Cor 13:1 When Jesus rose again it did not become law to keep that day as the sabbath day they cannot show you that in the bible. When the devil came with flattering lips quoting scripture out of context and showed him the world....he answered .....*it is written* Ask them to show you where it says the day Jesus rose again is a new commandment. Why didnt jesus tell Paul it is another day other than the 7th day when he was writing hebrews 4?
Ras Kalév Valiante Elyon You are right. Don't forget, without him, you can't do anything even the simplest one that resting on the Sabbath. Also, Sabbath means more than just stop doing your activities. The only way you can fulfill it is to lean on Jesus first.
@@onlykingforever2839 "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matthew 22:40) You forgot the last part of the text, Jesus Christ clearly states hang all the laws upon these two. If you love God you're going to keep the first 4 commandments, you're not going to have idols, you're not going to use his name in vain, and also you're going to keep Sabbath Holy. And if you love your Neighbors you would keep the last six Commandments, "Thou shall not kill"
Keep the Sabbath holy! Thanks for this video which teaches us the importance of the Sabbath. Saturday was from the beginning and will be in heaven. Isaiah 66:23. Happy Sabbath everyone!
The "rest from work" is is not about a creator god, but the period when the earth rests from the labor of crop production. Genesis one is not a one time event but is annaul, beginning with day one and spring. It is amazing that bible "teachers," are able to get away with their mistranslations of bible myth. The six "days" aka the period when the sun appears to be in the northern (summer) hemisphere, is modified by taking the first night and adding it to the six days. This became the seven days (summer), which left five days for winter, which is lead by the Scorpion (Scorpio). The "winter" of five days became the five months that can harm man through hunger, cold, sickness, blindness, hunger, exile, slavery, death, moaning and groaning and other baddies. The birth of Eve (the crops) takes place at the spring equinox with the resurrection of earth (new crop growth).
*Me and everyone else after the video:* Breathed a sigh of relief Thank you for the reminder! I love the thought *while you are in the wilderness now, practice the art of rest.* Thank you Lord for the Bible Project!
At one of my major conversion moments, I was at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. My life before my journey of faith was marked by a deep depression resulting from knowing that no matter what we do in this life, it will all be for nothing: human achievement is futile, progress is a lie, and the earth will one day pass away, rendering all of man-made accomplishment nil. I was totally restless in filling my empty heart with worthless pleasure and sin, and I was on the verge of suicide: I thought, “I’m going to die one day, so why prolong this miserable existence any longer?” That all changed. After a few weeks of going to Mass, I went to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I heard the voice of God, who forgave me for everything. He lifted the burdens of initquity from my back. And for the first time in my life I felt truly at rest. I began crying, which I hadn’t been able to do in so long due to depression. I cried tears of joy, because I knew that God was real and loved me no matter what, and that He saved my life so that I could one day share eternal rest with Him. By loving God I found the meaning of both my life and of the universe. Recalling the words of Saint Augustine, “our hearts are restless O Lord until they rest in thee.”
Ooh this is wonderful, thank you. I literally sobbed. I really forgot that I always longed for rest. I know Jesus said it, but I kind of thought it like a ''common phrase'' just to shush your conscience and just believe with your mind, but it is ''just'' something to remember or else... Now through your words and visualization I can completely understand and take it to heart, mind, body, soul and my whole being. I finally am able to rest right now (thanks to God after a lot of horrible years), but felt guilty, because I never did it before and thought I did not deserve it ........Yet. But I can rest now, enjoy, treasure this time, be grateful, joyful and amazed like a little child💙. Get restored and begin the week again. I also wanted to take rest on Saturdays instead of Sundays and I think I will do it. Nothing feels better then to rest and enjoy your Saturday and be fresh and energized on a Sunday morning, thank you very much. This video is an answer to my prayers and a way of God speaking to me and I finally understand. 🥰
I am so thankful every week when the Sabbath comes. Sadly the churches have for the most part not been taught about the Sabbath day. We all need to enter His rest. We are to not forget that even God rested after completing His work in six days.
It is sooo amazing how God just spoke and everything came in to being with the exception of the creation of man "made in His image". How beautiful is that 😍
Right now I'm a person who has to do chores and a teaching job and sometimes the schedules can be almost everyday and I'm lacking of holiday, so usually when I'm already tired and burnt out, I pray to God for strength and helping me survive the day Praise God❤
I would put YeHoVaH/God first and not let worldly work to overshadow our relationship with our Creator. I've heard so many testimonies of people who quit their jobs to find better ones as a result of obeying YeHoVaH's 4th commandment. In the end, it really doesn't matter how much money you make, how big your house is, how much food you have on the table, how much knowledge you obtain, because if you are not saved, they will all be for nothing. May YeHoVaH/Yeshua lead and bless you through all trials and tribulations, to discern truth from error, and overcome fears and worries. p.s. I'm not necessarily saying that you are not saved because you do not keep the 7th day Sabbath, but you'll have a closer relationship with our Creator if you do.
In Genesis chapter 1, God creates a beautiful and ordered world out of chaotic darkness, all in six days. And on the seventh day, God rests. Modern conversations about these seven days usually focus on historical and scientific questions. People have been debating how these seven days relate to our own modern conceptions about the timing and processes of the universe's origins for generations. And while it’s a fascinating question, it’s hijacked all of our attention. There’s a more fundamental question: What did the biblical authors, in their own ancient cultural context, mean by describing the origins of the cosmos in a seven-day sequence? If we can put our modern controversies aside and ask what the seventh day meant to ancient Israelites, a whole new world opens up, literally and metaphorically! The seventh day is a common biblical theme that is repeated in dozens of stories and poems throughout the Hebrew Bible. The number seven is spelled with the same letters as the Hebrew word "complete" or "full," and it’s an image of complete goodness. Seven is also a number with strong symbolic connections to the ancient Jewish calendar and to the sacred space of the tabernacle and temple. In the Bible, when something happens in a pattern of seven, it usually involves God rescuing his people out of darkness and death and into a period of abundance or rest in his presence. This is why Jewish people celebrate this seventh day rest, or the Sabbath, every week and why the festivals of the Jewish calendar revolve around this pattern of seven. It’s about resting in the presence of God, mirroring the sequence we see in Genesis. Jesus was activating all of these symbols of seven when he launched his public mission on the Sabbath, announcing that the ultimate year of Jubilee was beginning through him (Luke 4:14-20). He said that he was "lord of the Sabbath," releasing the divine goodness of seventh day rest out into the world and bringing healing and life (Matthew 12:1-13). Jesus timed his conflict with Jerusalem's leaders to take place during Passover, a seven-day Jewish festival (Mark 14:12). He was executed and placed in a tomb, where his body lay during the Sabbath (Mark 15:42 and 16:1). And when Jesus raised from the dead, it was the first day of a new week (Mark 16:2), that is, a new creation pattern of seven! Jesus' resurrection marked the beginning of a new age where God's light and life shone into the darkness and brought hope of the ultimate seventh day rest of the new creation. When we take time to set our modern assumptions aside, we see the rich symbolism of the seven day sequence and Sabbath rest of Genesis 1 and how this symbolism is woven throughout the entire biblical story leading to Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. If you have questions about this video on the Sabbath and 7th Day Rest, we recommend checking out our podcast series here: and our explore page on Sabbath here:
@@SabbatarianSundayer. was there a law to not kill in genesis yet Cain knew it was wrong to kill without having the 10 commandments written in stone. Because it was written in the hearts of man
Sabbath honors the planet and god Saturn who is the father of all nations (the stars). Saturn is called Abraham and Israel in our bible, "he" is also called Brahma, Osiris, Seb, and others. Abraham, Brahma, and Osiris are all "married" to the beautiful star Sirius.
@@harveywabbit9541 Sorry I believe in the Word of God and Exodus 20:3-5 King James Version (KJV) says; 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; I hope this helps you. Be Blessed and remember the Sabbath day and to keep it Holy.
@@bvic If you wish to call Saturn your god, that is fine with me. But I favor Jupiter, the angel in white. who wrestled with Jacob. Jacob came out of this wrestling match as a clean shaven eunuch. He lost his "sinew."
Gerald McFarlin I’m no expert, my knowledge on this is novice at best. But from why I’ve turned up, those who follow Saturn as a god, a “celestial cult” are largely made up of globalists and high functioning “elites” of today’s world who also incorporate aspects of child sacrifice. I’m also aware of Saturn being portrayed in some circles as the god of the intellect, and hence his modern worshipers claim their minds/ability to reason is the true path toward salvation. Maybe I’m misinformed, and that could be propaganda who knows. But until I see compelling reasons to believe otherwise, the only associations I know of involving Saturn worship have not lead to anything good. The true God is one who created and reigns over all celestial bodies, by my estimation. Thus Saturn, if it’s a being that holds any power at all, is likely a false god/idol
That is a Jewish interpretation. Days are governed and ruled by the sun, not the moon. Jubilees 2:9 states God appointed the sun for days, Sabbaths, months, years, feasts, Sabbaths of years, jubilees and all seasons of the year. Before citing the end of each day of creation, don't forget that God worked during the light, which He called day, and then dusk and dawn followed. Ask yourself if you are a child of light or the darkness.
The REMEMBER part is concerning to Exodus 16, not Genesis. The Sabbath was given to the Israelites (Exodus 16:29) as a remembering that they were slaves in the land of Egypt. There's no intention in the creation of Sabbath keeping in Genesis. God gave instructions to Abraham about many things but there's no mention of Sabbath-keeping at all. How can God forgot something so important? Should He also have remembered?
halaluYAH! My soul REJOICES! Looking forward to Shabbat! With that being said, in advance, I bid EVERYONE that reads this a BLESSED, RESTFUL and EDIFYING Shabbat! Shalom! 📯📯📯
Thank God for this channel, I've begun to understand the Bible much differently and better now, praised be Adonai the god of Israel and yeshua the Messiah his son! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@harveywabbit9541 Adonai is the title given to the Merciful and Mighty God of Israel! May he reign forever and may his son yeshua come back to bring the Messianic age speedily in our days! 🙏
The shabbat is such a blessing. People are truly missing out. When people speak about how busy they are and how they have trouble making time for God , I think on how the shabbat is a gift from God to us. To draw near to him and escape our outer and insular worlds. I love you God! All praises to the most high ! 💜🙌🏿
somehow, the 7th of January is when we celebrate Christmas here in Russia. And it's much more of a religious holiday, while all the presents and stuff are related to The New Year
@@blind5211 well Merry Christmas. Makes sense to me. Keep the birthday holy and celebrate a new year with gifts. Everybody in the world celebrates the same New Year Day on Jan 1 right? I know Chinese have their own New Year coming up in Frb.
@@cbcimutebi5564 Thanks CBCI Mutebi 😊 I don't really know as I never tested myself but as a young kid I usually saw numbers in colour. It disappeared as I grew older.
I am new to understanding Christianity. And honestly, that was so beautiful understanding the Sabbath has more genuinely compassionate and beautiful love of God seeped into what could just be simply bypassed of "day of rest". But, there is more of God in that day and his character and love for us. I don't think i could see Saturday as just a saturday as much now as I once did and I thank you for this lesson Bibleproject. : )
Well done! I appreciate that you didn't go beyond the text! I am a Seventh-Day Adventist and I am happy to agree with everything this video says. While I obviously believe the 4th commandment binding along with the other nine (and dismissing the festival Sabbath's referred to in Colossians) I am glad you put the emphasis of the Sabbath on Jesus and the rest HE provides, all commandments and institutions are meaningless without Christ at the center. Thank you again for a great video!
Miguel Harris I think its saying that Jesus invites us to keep true Shabbat through him. The idea being that keeping the Shabbat, at least according to this video, is holding out hope for the coming eternal Shabbat which only Yeshua can provide by being our salvation. So we keep the seventh day shabbat and continue that hope, since the eternal shabbat is not yet here and we still must work and the seventh day is the day God ordained for that practice, but remember Yeshua and his salvation everyday.
Gal 5:14 “For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”” • James 2:8 Yes indeed, it’s good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” • 1 John 2:7 - love one another • 1 John 3:23 - And this is his commandment: believe and love one another • John 13:34 - So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other…
@@boondocksaint8088 Look family I love you that's why I'm spending all this energy trying to point you in the right direction if you want to refuse this knowledge Jesus will refuse you if you love him you will keep his commandments his law is perfect the law was never the problem flesh was🙏 I'm trying to help you save your soul my brother or sister but I have instructions that if you just want to be ignorant I have to let you be🙏
Joshua Barlow Jer 31: 31-34 31Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: 33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. “A new commandment I give unto you that you love each other as I have loved you.” -Jesus. We are not Jews and not under the Jewish laws. Additionally the sabbath was so important in the Old Testament because Christ would become our rest from works of the law. If you are trying to please God by keeping the sabbath- even if you are doing so not for salvation then you are not at rest and you are not in Christ.
@@memowilliam9889 Bro you've obviously bought in to false doctrine please stop trying to mislead God sheep you will be held accountable my friend for if you love God you will keep his commandments it's a new covenant a better covenant because the commandments are now written on your heart🙏
Joshua Barlow You are the one that’s deceived and a blind leader of the blind. Im trusting Christ and keeping his commandment: They fulfill all the law and the prophets. I guarantee I will never stop teaching the sheep to avoid legalists such as you. You’ve got a frightening day ahead of you when you meet Jesus.
"Jesus timed his death to take place at the end of the week. His body rested in a tomb during the Sabbath and on the eighth day he rose from the dead." This made me go "whoa" out loud. How did that not click with me before?
Christians Cannot Mix the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ · The Pharisees mentioned in Acts 15 who were claiming that Christians had to be circumcised and to keep the law of Moses had carried their false teaching to the churches in Galatia. It had become such a problem that Paul wrote them the letter to the Galatians in order to correct this false teaching. In Galatians 5:1-4, Paul wrote, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. 2 Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. 3 And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. 4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace" (NKJV). The Judaizers had been teaching Christians in Galatia that they had to mix certain works of the law of Moses with their Christian faith. Paul told them that to do that caused them to be bound to the entire law of Moses. They could not mix the two at all. Paul then went on to tell them in verse 4 that it caused them to be separated from Christ and to fall from grace.
@@antinwokilluminati1202 actually sabbath is the 6th day after new moon which doesnt always line up with sunday. so sabbath day usually changes every month since we are not following Gods calendar
@@servant_symm yeah I've come into the truth now it is definitely based upon new moon and changes monthly TMH YAH has revealed the truth to me the Gregorian Calendar is not what we must go off of
I love how when his death is timed, he is in the tomb for the whole sabbath, and then RISES on the first day kind of like how we rest on the sabbath and rise again on the first day to begin working again.
why? Sabbath is a Jewish practice. They don't even understand that in order to be a Law keeper you need to be circumcised. The 10 commandments never are called the law of God.
@MarcyyD the video is an intepretation of the text. You're being conditioned to accept this view. It has nothing to do with the bible "bruv". If you think the 7 days of the Bible are literal you have a lot to explain.
Ketsune23 my dear from the beginning of time - Genesis - when God created the earth he rested on the 7th day. It was His gift to us. God made the 10 commandments himself. If you think its not his law - are you telling me I should worship other gods other than him? Commit adultery? Commit murder? Disobey my parents? I highly encourage you to re-read the Bible. I enjoy readin it and i always pray for the spirit of revelation and get annointed with the Word. For me there is nothing wrong in obeying the Law. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law.
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17-20
@@nadiashami If you believe in the 7 days as literal you have a lot to explain. Moreover the 7th day it never finished it means God is resting until now? You don't understand what the 10 commandments are. The 10 commandments are the covenant made with Israel ONLY. Are you suggesting that because of the 10 commandments people dont kill and commit adultery? If you just do these things because of the 10 commandments I must say that's not a good reason. So it means that if there are no 10 commandments you are going to start killing and committing adultery? What a narrow view of morality. Are you telling you are going to behave like a criminal without a law to follow? This is very primitive morality. Moral values do not depend on God alone. I know many atheist people that have better moral values than many Christians. I highly recommend you to stop learning about Sabbatarian theology. If Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law why you need to keep it? Have you ever wondered? If Jesus already kept it why you need to keep it? You are living a old covenant gospel besides that it says in the Law you want to keep that only people that are circumcised or born in Israel can keep the Law. You're doing it the wrong way. The Law also says that you should stone your children if they disobey you are you going to stone them? The Apostles forbad the teaching of the Law.
I am a Seventh-day Adventist, and I have enjoyed such a blessing from taking a Sabbath day of rest apart from worldly things every week. Some in my denomination see their relationship with God as a legal one, and God‘s laws as imposed rules. This works ok for spiritual children, but God needs us to mature and write the principles of His laws of love on our hearts. He created us, and He has given us the recipe for a happy fulfilled life connected with God. I see His laws of love as natural laws like gravity. Being in harmony with Him and His laws of love naturally result in benefits to us.
@@Onkuty I'm sorry, but perhaps you're a bit misinformed. Everything that Adventists believe can be backed up by the Bible. I don't know where the "sect" thing comes in. Go, do some research and come tell me when you find something we believe that is not straight from the Bible. Now, if you don't believe that the Bible is God's word and entirely true and relevent, well then I can't help you there. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." P.s. And I'm curious, where did you hear that we DON'T repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? If you mean to say that we ought to repent of our convictions, then show me where in the Bible God condemns ANY of them? Just curious.
Yes well said Piano Kids . I do not see the word chaos in chapter one Genesis . I will not keep all that belief in Chaos in mind because that is in fact Evil suggestion as if God is somehow not Supreme . You can hear the ignorance in the commentators promoting [ Error ] a lie , as if it is real . GOD reigns supreme eternally . Just ask JESUS who is still alive for he believed not in evil , the DEVIL , [ LIES ] . '' THY KINGDOM COME'' , more properly means , perfection reigns now and always . DO YOU BELIEVE IT ? Jesus was the perfect teacher who taught perfection because the Father is perfect . DO YOUI BELIEVE IT ??? Then read the scriptures with their spiritual context and you will know the truth . SEVEN is set as a perfect time , the Sabbath , for teaching weekly the next generation the reality of GOD . But GOD is all perfection , never chaos . Thank you lord Jesus for showing us the perfect CHRIST. Christianity should be science and science is always christian , GOOD . PRAISE GOD
@Eastern Catholic The Catholic church is saturated with paganism, one example would be the rosaries “Pagans had used prayer beads even before the 8th century before CHRIST, and they still use them today.” (-A HISTORY OF PRAYING ON BEADS Patricia A. Dilley) This is the main reason why you find the rosary in every other religion. “Most commonly recognized in the United States as a symbol of Catholicism, other religions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism and Islam employ rosary beads as well.” (-The Meaning of Rosary Beads What Do Rosary Beads Symbolize? By Jessica Ciosek) The Bible warns us against use of prayer beads - Matthew 6:7 says - “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." Another example would be the Mitre hat that is worn by Catholic priests, cardinals and the Pope, which represents Dagon the Babylonian fish god. Also the Zucchetti which is worn by Catholic priests, cardinals and the Pope, represents respect, fear and submission to Cybele, the Mother Goddess of Rome. You can see it in many other religions including the Yarmulke (Jewish) and Kufi (Muslims). Remember this is pagan, it has its origin from the skull cap which was worn by the sun priests of Egypt. This also contradicts the Bible, the word of God declares “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 11:7) Roman Catholic doctrines such as infant baptism, sprinkling during baptism, teachings on death and immortality, tonsured and celibate priests with power over the dead, prayers to the dead and to relics, repetitive prayers with the use of beads, doctrines on forgiveness of sins, teachings on hell, the mass, and Sunday worship are doctrines actually derived directly from ancient paganism (Babylon), not the Bible.
Appreciate the Sabbath of the LORD- the LORD made everything in 6 days. On 7th Day He rests. Bless the LORD our Heavenly King out Dearest Saviour our God Almighty and LORD Christ Jesus our Saviour and Heavenly King😊💞❤️💕💕💛💕❤️💕💞💖💖💖💖✝️🙏🏿✝️☦️📖☦️
I’m an Seventh Day Adventist! 😁and this is very encouraging to see this video! It’s unfortunate that so many people are getting this incorrect but by Gods grace we can share this information with others and they can see! ❤️
Colossians 2:16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a [a]festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the [b]substance is of Christ. We have to clearly understand the true heart of God towards Sabath before we think of keeping it. In the video I heard that Sabath has no end, it's not just a day but it represents christ.
also: (Hebrews 4:9-10) *There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of Elohim. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as יהוה did from His.* Non-believers don't observe the weekly Sabbath as God wishes us to observe: (Isaiah 58:13-14) *If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on My holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of יהוה, honourable; and shalt honour Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in יהוה; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of יהוה hath spoken it.* (Ezekiel 20:12) *Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am יהוה that sanctify them.* Praise YHVH Elohim ( Ἰησοῦ) for a weekly Sabbath rest so that we may be sanctified.
I know it’s a minor detail, but I love that at the beginning of the video “the bible project” shows up with the sound it makes😄 Anyone else love that intro?!
Jesus said "come to me and I will give you rest". Are you double dipping?? Are you cheating on Jesus with the law of Moses?? Are you taking two types of rest under two different covenants???
@@returntoeden The law in our hearts is a state of love, and God's very nature imprinted into us. Romans 13:8 says, "for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law". 2 Peter 1:4 says, " that through them you may participate in the divine nature..." Does the divine nature need to be governed by 10 commandments???? People who are not actually born again (born from above) have a very hard time understanding this.
@@theextreme7134the divine nature is the 10 commandments written in our hearts. This is why the 10 commandments is referred to as His testimony, which is another way of saying character. (Exo 25:16; Rev 11:19) this is the nature of His kingdom. Do you want to adapt to His nature or are you asking Him to change His nature for you?
@@returntoeden Does the divine nature need to be governed by 10 commandments??? Or is it naturally perfect towards others??? Does God wake up every morning and look at the 10 commandments and say, "gee, I better behave like that"??????? It's time to take the training wheels off, and become truly free and complete in Christ. This is the new covenant.
Saturday is the sabbath 🙏 remember it and keep it holy for it is a sign between God and his children 🙏 merely remembering it is not enough 🙏 God bless 🙏
As it was at the start of Christianity (Galatians) so it is till this day, “there is nothing new under the sun”. It is a hard pill to swallow that keeping the Saturday Sabbath may be a non issue, at least until Jesus returns if at all, let’s pray for truth and for the “weaker” brethren to come to understanding, whether it be the Sabbath keepers or the ones who believe it is no longer a law/requirement
They did crate controversy by picking and choosing what part of the story of the Israelites life in Egypt they told. No mention of Joshua whatsoever, no mention of the invitation of the entire Nation if Israel into Egypt, no mention about his Joshua conned the Egyptians into giving him all they possessed to get the food of their own land which he tax collected
@@ariannemilosavljevic9825 Imagine it more as Jesus and his words, including what he spoke through his disciples, as our 10 Commandments now. National/Biological Israel had a law given to them through Moses. But now the world including Israel are given the law of the Messiah to supersede anything else. In this new law things like food and holy days are non religious issues and there is no law given to them. You are not found favorable or guilty by keeping or not keeping it. The New Testament makes a distinction that Jesus and his words really is a new thing set apart from what was before him and being of higher authority. Tldr; All that matters now is obeying Jesus words. Which are above anything else. If he doesn’t judge against non Jews not keeping Sabbath how can we.
I have listened to hundreds of Tim’s videos and this one is one of the best as it demonstrates (to me) the over all end direction of God’s plan, good job Tim and John.
The "it is finished " is not the end. The pattern of the sanctuary shows that Christ carries on a work after the burnt alter(cross) after the cross is the tabernacle.
Well, in my opinion it shows a lot of glory of the Sabbath, at the same time somehow ruins it because it is just a symbol for eternity. Somehow I think they took some weird turns in their story.
One question is unanswered. Why did God needed to rest in the first place? From what he should rest? _”.he who watches over you will not slumber; Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.”_ (Psalm 121:3-4) _”The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom”_ (Isaiah 40:28) Is this not a contradiction?
@@myyellow-submarine5144 oh hey again. Actually, God says in Dueotoromony, that you must keep all of the law, including all the Sabbath days throughout the year, sacrifices for sin offerings, memorial offerings, etc. I highly doubt you have kept all these things which are written in the Torah. And also are you an Israelite, are you're ancestors the patriarchs, Jacob's sons? Are you 2,000 years old? Just read the Bible, and stop commenting you're own beliefs.
@@8thdayadventist911 he does not say you have to keep them perfectly. When we miss the mark and sin he provides forgiveness by the blood of his son for those who confess and repent of the evil they have done this restoring them so they are able to once again obey his law from the heart. It is the lies of paul that have led those who believe the liar Paul to think its impossible to keep Gods law but that couldn't be further from the truth. When Moses had delivered the entire law God had given him to Israel he said that what he had given them was not too difficult for them to obey or beyond their reach to discover it... neither was it high in the heavens or across the sea. But the word of the law was near them and written on their hearts so that if they reall wanted to they could obey it. But most do not love God enough to obey his laws in a consistent way... That is why Moses set before Israel a choice... life ot death. To obey Gods law and have life or to rebel and disobey and die. It is disobedience to the law of God that brings Gods curse upon them and his wrath, but to obey them brings life and peace. Of course the liar paul mutilated this passage and confused it with his good sounding but ridiculous arguments. So, as it is, everyone has a choice, whether it be life and obedience to Gods law or death and disobedience, either way everyone has a choice and they are responsible for the choice they have made. And free will is one of Gods greatest gifts. JC
@@myyellow-submarine5144 I trust Paul more than I trust you. The Apostles of Jesus spoke well of him, and Paul even helped them. You just don't understand what Paul is saying or you can't accept his teaching. God did lay a stone in Zion, and many stumbled over it. Who has heard, who has seen, so to as they might turn and hear and see and be be healed.
@@8thdayadventist911 well then you shouldn't be talking to me, because we are not on the same side and we don't share the same spirit. Have a good day. JC
Don't let men rob you of what Yahweh has given to you. "So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they teach." - Matthew 23:3 Thank you for making the video.
May Yahweh be Magnified! Messiah spoke this to the people because He knew the Priests were hypocrites, pretending to be Holy when in fact they were not! Many quote the Scriptures and claim to follow them, but their actions testify against them. Live Well.
Amen! We were created to celebrate the Sabbath and are blessed to have a chance every week and with all the Sabbath Feasts, years and jubilee. I have fallen in love with God even more by studying and observing the Sabbath and forgoing the extraneous holidays cloaked in religion. It’s beautiful to see how the Sabbath feasts all reflect on Jesus! Meanwhile this world is stuck in a Hellenistic Babylonian Slave System and people are out there chasing their “best life”.
The Sabbath rest has of late reminded me of how much my efforts don't matter, that I am not alive by my own providence; there is a greater power at work...I choose to rest and submit to God's way; I wouldn't settle for less
Beautiful video thank you guys. Sadly this topic has been looked over by many of our brothers in Christ, the sabbath is a gift of God for mankind to dedicate one whole day to honor and glorify him as if we were in heaven but sadly many people don't and even speak out against it not knowing it's importance, I invite you all brothers to follow the Lords commandments and take pleasure in his holy day.
@@JrVargas13 certainly we are obligated to obey God in what sense. We are talking about the keeping of the Sabbath law included in the mosaic law which God made a covenant with the nation of Israel (Exo20-21) and Gentiles like you and me are excluded from the mosaic covenant (Eph2:11-12). Both questions are not the same as evidenced by my exposition. If you are excluded from the covenant, how can you participate in it. It won't make any sense.
@@93556108 ok I’m going to focus on the first part of your position then the second. When was the sabbath made holy? When the sabbath was created were there any Israelites? Were commandments being kept BEFORE the nation of Israel? Was the sabbath ONLY for Israelites? most importantly is the mosaic law and the moral law the same? Answer with bible verses
I would really like to keep a day just for rest but it seems almost impossible 😅... I will be going to school again and I have a job too. Any suggestions
I am a Sabbath Keeper” Friday sun down till Saturday sun down that’s how you keep the Sabbath” The Most High Made the Sabbath in the beginning before the Law Genesis chapter 2”. Of you Love Yahweh Keep His Commandments Shalom!!!!
Boy i got goosebumps watching this. You guys are doing a marvelous job with those videos! I mean the content, the visuals, the sounds, the script. Amazing! And glory be to the Lord Jesus, our Sabbath, our Jubilee, every day, all day. He is our rest!
I am a seventh day adventist and I must say that sabbath (which is Saturday) is my favorite day at the week. When I see people doing theyr business I really feel sorry for them for not knowing how to rest and enjoy the God's creation
▸ Keeping the sabbath was part of the law that Christ took away. “He . . . canceled out the certificate of death consisting of decrees against us . . .; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ” (Colossians 2:14-17). Christians are no more obligated to keep the sabbath than the other Old Testament festivals or its food and drink regulations! In fact, we are warned against going back to the Law to justify our practices. To do so severs us from Christ (Galatians 5:1-4).
@@koray7781 Remembering the weekly Sabbath (the 7th day of the week), as well as keeping the rest of the 10 commandments *_is_* what loving the Lord and others means.
Amazing video! Stunning design, excellent plot. "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, becase the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings (the gospel) to the poor." (Isaiah 61:1) Christ is our sabbath-rest!
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[MATTHEW 19:26]
"And Jesus looking upon them Said to them, With Men this is Impossible; But with God all things are Possible".
[LUKE 1:37]
King James Version
37"For with God nothing shall be Impossible".
The Church That Jesus Christ Built Doesn't Break The Sabbath Day
No One Is Parking Cars, Cooking or Doing Other Work That Is Considered Breaking The Sabbath Day
Because We Do All That On Sunday
The Commandment Is Not To Work On The Seventh Day
There Is No Commandment Not To Work On The First Day Of The Week
The Only Ones Breaking The Sabbath If It Were Still A Day Are Companies, Sports Teams,
Cell Phone Users And Seventh Day Adventist Car Parkers, Snow Shovelers, Ushers, Cooks, And Ministers.
You hear that?! That's The Sound Of The Mic Dropping.
@@themanofjesuschrist7836Why do you think the Seventh Day Adventist are breaking sabbath on Saturday? Just curious! I have a few SDA friends who claim the Sunday worship is the mark of the beast.
this is so sad... you guys have fully mislead people here... the Sabbath still stands today... it is the 4th commandment of Gods on law... no where in scripture does it portray that the Sabbath is not to be upheld or has been done away with, it is still a requirement today of Gods true people... the only law nailed to the cross was the sacrificial law, hence the Messiah became the sacrificial lamb, so no longer do we need to follow the sacrificial laws, we simply can receive forgiveness in the Name of our Christ as he was the lamb slain for the world... however, the Law of God, the ten commandments still remains... "till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. " .... The Sabbath is a blessing, and as mentioned many times in scriptures it is a sign between him and his people... The Sabbath is a Saturday, not a Sunday, Christians influenced by paganism think Sunday is the sabbath today... hence why man today try to debunk the Sabbath, but God changes not, his Sabbath remains... shame on these guys for attempting to belittle the Sabbath as something that is no longer required... I find its only due to selfish worldly commitments that many cant and refuse to keep the true Sabbath, they would rather embrace Sunday the pagan day of worship... I believe that if mankind truly wish to seek Gods truths that his Spirit will reveal to them how important the true Sabbath is... IF you simply use common sense ask yourself this, all scripture was written by man, but the Ten Commandments was written with Gods own finger, why would it be done away with, it is not, the true Sabbath remains, a holy day, a day of worship, the 7th day... not the first day of the week a Sunday... wake up people... its so obvious, don't let your own selfish life stop you keeping the true day of worship... stop looking for loop holes as alike the guys in this video... its say simple....The Sabbath is a blessing, a Gift from God... It is his Day not ours, you have no right to make up a random day of worship and keep it holy.... Constantine was the cause of this, bringing paganism into Christianity.. let go of the world people, embrace Gods true ways.. Keep the Sabbath Day and keep it holy, God commands this of you ...
"Come to me all of you who are weary and burden, and I will give you rest"
That word brings my tear...
Very much agreed, but unforturnatly, we use this to say that Jesus replaced that the sabbath in which, it doesnt say that at all. To the best of my knowledge, i dont believe it mentions anything about the sabbath in the entire chapter.
Amen! Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God Almighty! God bless You All In Jesus Christ’s Holy, Powerful, And Mighty Name!
I was in admiration. So Jesus became himself The sabbath so that he can give us rest every time we come to him. 🙏🏾🙏🏾😍
@@007dog1 actually, it does. It is just that our 'works mentality' that says we need to keep X day as Sabbath.
"and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” - Yeshua, Moshiach.
I started keeping the sabbath on Saturday and man it just feels amazing to not feel guilty for not working
Hi I have a question.. recently my mom told me to wash the bathroom on a Sabbath, and I told her that today was the Sabbath and that we aren't supposed to work, but she forced me to, but my question is, Does it count as work to clean?
@@PreciousKalu18 Yes. You could do that on the six other days.
@@loricalass4068 Thank you so much
@@PreciousKalu18 You are so welcome. Thanks for the thanks! I was assuming that when you said "Sabbath" you meant nightfall Fri. to nightfall Sat. Just in case, though, you have been taught, like most, that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday....
The word "church" comes from the translated Greek word ecclesia which simply means a gathering of believers. Churches generally teach that the Law has been done away with. Can you murder now, or covet, or bow down to other gods?
Yes, we are saved solely by faith in the Isaiah 53 Savior. However, He said "If you love Me, keep My Commandments." His Commandments are the same as His Father's as They are One. The Bible says that the Almighty "will not alter what goes out of His mouth." If that is not true, the Bible is not reliable. At Mt. Sinai, to the ears of the terrified Israelites below, He audibly spoke the 10 Commandments. This included a Fri. nightfall to Sat. nightfall Sabbath. NOTHING in the Bible says the Sabbath was changed to Sunday..
People say "Paul said....Paul said..." But Paul said to follow the Savior, not him, and anyway Paul never said the Sabbath was changed and certainly had no authority to change what was audibly spoken by our Creator and written on stone with His very finger. When he said "Let no man judge you" he was talking to new converts and encouraging them in their observance, not NON observance, of the Biblical holy days, i.e. to not give into pagan peer pressures.
. Throughout the New Testament you can see that the apostles, including Paul, actually kept the Mosaic Law. In Acts 15, for example, "even" the food laws are upheld and yes, for NON Jewish converts. We see there that blood is still forbidden and that the new converts are expected to be, as was the tradition, in Synagogues, on the Sabbath, to learn the rest of the Law of Moses. In Acts 21, KJV, we see that Paul, and all those in the Jerusalem Council, upheld the Law of Moses and Paul took an oath to demonstrate that.
Read the false accusations spoken against Stephen in the KJV. He was falsely accused of saying that our Savior came to do away with the Law of Moses. Acts 6:11-14. Further, our Savior affirmed the Sabbath by telling his followers, about the time when the Temple would be destroyed - after His Ascension - "Pray that your flight will not be in the winter or on the Sabbath." He wanted them to be able to rest on the Sabbath in the future, as always in the past. . You can see some RCC leaders online admitting to the fact that the Bible does not sanction a Sunday Sabbath, but that Protestants keep it anyway since - guess who changed it? ROME, under the pagan sun worshipper Constantine over a millenium ago. Constantine said that Christians were to be executed if they kept the true Sabbath and said they needed to rest "on the venerable day of the sun." Check it out. It's not the Sabbath. However, the Father of Mercies knows we are all confused children. We need not to turn on others about it, therefore, but to show love. If we do not, no matter what we do it's all a waste, certainly not the path to Heaven. Yet, if you want to move away from "traditions of men" to the real truths of the real Bible, I recommend 119 Ministries' vids, starting with The Pauline Paradox. . And yes, you can worship on any day of the week, but you are not supposed cook...on the Sabbath - neither you nor those in your home, nor any servants (think waitresses and sales clerks etc.). Not even animals are to work then, or be penned up then. In fact, in Isaiah we are told to keep the Sabbath holy unto the Lord and also not to buy or sell on that day.
The Sabbath is the longest Commandment and is stated in the Bible to be the very sign given to Israel of their Covenant with Him. (The New Testament tells us to be grafted into what? Israel.) Other nations had laws against murder and theft for example. Only those who wanted to Covenant with YHWH, aka God, were asked to keep the Sabbath. The 4th Commandment is not a suggestion. And no, I'm not a 7th Day Adventist. You don't need a "religion". You just need the Bible, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and fellowship.
Revelation 22:14
Blessed are they that keep His Commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.
@@loricalass4068 Wow thank you so much for this wonderful explanation, I also heard people say " But Paul said or Paul did this" But Paul is not Jesus, we need to follow Jesus' example, and I will definitely check out 119 ministries, My church worships on Sunday and it's hard for me but I'm trying to tell them that the Sabbath is on Saturday and not on Sunday, some of my church members already know it on Saturday but they still worship on Sunday, but I
want to make sure I tell the whole church the truth and see if they will obey the law of God or the laws of men. Thank you again for the explanation.God blesss you.
My roommates and I started keeping the shabbath from friday evening to saturday evening and it is the most blessed time of the week for sure! I am so grateful every time we get to celebrate it :)
What do you do during that time?
On friday evening we do a shabbat dinner togehther. On saturday, I will do things I personally enjoy, like being creative, meeting with friends and eating good food. Every shabbat is a bit different and I go through my whole day with Jesus :) I also spend a lot of time in the secret place/ word@@kernalization
@@kernalization hi, I can speak for her, but I watch sermons, spend time in nature by going on walks and so on, spend time with family, go to church on Saturday, do Bible studies, etc. I hope this helps
Hi my name is Maheema I’m from India I’m a seventh day Adventist I have a small request for you all kindly keep our family in your prayers because we are going through very difficult times….I lost my grandparents and so many relatives in less than a year and now my own brother was diagnosed with blood cancer (Hodgkin lymphoma) even my mother had to get mammography done we are still waiting for her test results my dad lost his job a year ago financially we are in a bad situation….by God’s Grace we don’t have any problems with food, shelter and clothes but kindly keep our family in your prayers.praise the lord 🙏🏼
Prayer sent to Jesus :)
I will pray for you ❤️
May God bless you
I hope you're doing well. Meet God give your strength and have his grace on you 🙏
Wow, that's a lot. I praise God for your perseverance. Be like Jacob: hold on to God and don't let go.
I never took that literally
When the Lord said come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens I will give you rest...
He really does give rest to those who come to him
I came to him recently
His spirit came to me and set me free .... praise God
Indeed praise the sovereign Lord!
If taking it literally means getting set free by Jesus, that sounds awesome! If taking it to not care about Sabbath anymore because I can always rest in Jesus, that is not understanding scripture but putting things in the text that it does not say...
Please tell me how to do this!
@@jakeschwartz2514 what do you want to know? Be a bit more specific please! :D
I know your question wasn't directed towards me. But I did want to offer some encouragement. Just ask Jesus to help lift your burdens from you and help you live. Ask him to help you surrender. He said his load is light and his yoke is kindly. As He helps us walk with him and he continues to grow us in personal relationship with him, we become more intimate with him, our inner person shifts and we notice our loads are lighter. Doesn't mean circumstances are always light, but the weight of it is definitely lighter as we are not at all carrying them alone. A freedom no doubt. Christ teaches, leads, guides, encourages, strengthens us to constantly surrender our burdens to him, delight in intimacy with him and experience the fullness and all that comes with it. Just ask him to help you release your burdens to him and lessen the weight. He'll do it - He loves to do it and even more importantly, He loves you! Be well, Grace & Peace be with you ✌🏼💖
Great video! I love the Sabbath. My family observes every Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. It's a gift from the Lord.
I really wonder why whyte girls even Christian ones choose the destructive path.. even preacher's daughters gets prgnant and don't know the father at very young age.. and when b@by comes out.. boom!👶🏾
*_(Don't be poIiticaIIy correct here)_*
Amen it is a gift!
@Tiger Stripe
Why Shotgun weddings existed.
Aman I love the Sabbath I listen to only Christian music which includes Christian hip-hop, I like to watch nature videos and I try to make my food before sunset a lot of times I end up cooking Friday night, I have to work on that. I don't go to church I watch Church live on RUclips . But usually after church a nice lunch and then resting enjoying nature or something for the rest of the day. Maybe visit sick people. The Sabbath is so relaxing and blessed people just don't know what they're missing out on
I ment to say if I don't go to church I watch it all RUclips. but I like to go to church because we have lunch afterwards to in the fellowship is good lol
I grew up in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, where everyone aimed to rest from all the things from the week, and focus on God and his blessings, from Friday Sunset to Saturday sunset. Now that the world is moving faster than ever - I can see how beneficial this really is.
I just gave an uploaded my testimony concluding on exactly that
It's the only commandment that begins with the word, REMEMBER! It's like God knew we would forget!
Proud Seventh Day Adventist!! God bless you all and the Bible Project!!! 🎉❤
Sabbath keeper here♥️♥️♥️..6 days of Working and busy saving money and 7th day Let's rest on Saturday to FEEL HIS PRESENCE.. ❣️❣️❣️
Hm i have two sabaths Saturday and Sunday
Amen. Same
I have seven.
God’s redemptive work is done, I rest in that every day
Actually the total rest of Christians is when Jesus come back to redeem us from this sinful nature.. ♥️♥️♥️
Too bad I work on Saturdays, part-time. My day off is Monday.
Can we acknowledge how satisfying these sound effects are
How about the amazing animation???!!
I always listen to their videos with a good headset/headphone..
They knew what they are doing
The cat purr hit me right. I'm sure I should find a more profound response to this teaching, but, yes, well done, y'all!
“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”
Yess omg finally someone who actually reads the true sayings of Jesus, my friend can i advice you to read something, read the Gospel of the kailedy, a lot of truth is laying there
Therefore: “The Sabbath was made for man", OR it is not made for man?
What do you think?
Is it possible that "Sabbath was made for man"(kind) at Creation of the world?
The Seventh Day, God Rests
Gen 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
Gen 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
(quote from the second chapter of the Bible)
So, as long as a man exists...
Yes the Sabbath was made for man (all mankind) for Adam was the father of all mankind, because man forgets his maker. The Seventh day Sabbath (Saturday as it’s known now) is to be a perpetual sign for those who follow there Lord and God that they have Him as their God and Savior. It is true, the Sabbath, the Law, do not Save you, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ does that. What for did Jesus save us? To do good works and take on His character which was that He kept all His Fathers commandments. If we are to call are selves His children we should strive unto death like Him to do the same. Can we keep them? No! We can not do such a thing. Only through Christ Jesus can we. That is not to say that we won’t be able to, but if it is with our own self it is impossible but with Christ Jesus all things are possible. We must deny daily ourselves and pick up the cross and follow knowing in faith that as we do He is to do His good Pleasure in us and change us into His likeness. It is His righteousness that covers us, not ours. For ours are but filthy rags. Our works are not to save us, but to show His glory working through us that He did and has saved us. Do not look to the Law as a restraint. It is the Law of Liberty. He helps us restrain that which is bad for us (individually and collectively) so we may enjoy that which is good for us all (individually and collectively). How to address A topic that is spiritual spiritual things are spiritually discerned there are things that were to be taught as metaphors to translate into spiritual meetings such as stoning someone. Stoning is to tell the truth tell someone dies the self if they will not Harkin they will die in the sin. I beg you I plead with you ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and really no truth there are a lot of hard things to understand. Forgive the analogy but God is trying to explain to us like us trying to explain to an ant. But unlike us He can make the ant understand. It is like a relationship that you have for the friend, if you are not willing to put in the effort you will never understand the viewpoints of that friend and that friend will not be a friend, because you will not take the time. He’s trying desperately to be our friend! It’s up to you, to work on your part of the friendship. He came and took on our being, to show that he does care for you and me. He gave up all, so that we could be friends and more than friends His children. You can ask, if He is such a good Friend and or Father how come He lets us suffer. Because He does not want to control you! He wants you to control yourself and the only way that can be done is to keep his commandments and reflect Him. He wants true love not a robot. You do not have freedom if you can’t choose. He is the God of freedom, but you must choose. Are there rules and consequences for either way, I answer yes! Love hurts sometimes. He loves us so much that He will do the right thing and allow the mass majority not to choose Him. The problem to the mass majority is they do not realize to choose not to have Him is to choose death, because without Him there is no life. This is why Jesus cried Father forgive them they know not what they do. When you’re asking not to have God in your life you’re asking to cease to exist and He will grant that at the end to all who ask. He is not a spiteful God. He will make it as you never where, this doctrine of the devil that you will be burning for eternity in hell is to make you not want God this is not God. This is the doctrine of the devil.
Adventist here, it is so good to know other Christians advocating for Sabbath Rest
Why adventist belive ur not saved if you dont follow sabbath? Do you keep the whole law then? I follow Jesus, new cov hallelujah
@@partlysimpson5154 yes the whole moral law.
@@partlysimpson5154I am an adventist and whoever tells you keeping the sabbath saves you doesn’t acknowledge what Jesus did. Keeping the sabbath doesn’t save us. Only Jesus does. However, Its a delight to obey God. Obedience to the God is out of love, because we are already saved through Jesus. He said in John 14:15 “if you love me keep my commandments.” And the 4th commandment starts with “Remember”, and so we should not forget or ignore it.
@@partlysimpson5154 If you say that you follow Jesus/Yeshua then shouldn't you observe the Sabbath as Yeshua did? Please prayerfully think about it.
I'm so blessed by the Bible Project, it has been one of my greatest resources!! Bless you guys!
Autumn Tiger did you get those “ohhhh so that’s what that means!” Watching The Bible Project?
@Ash lifting you up in prayer ❤
@@GeneralLocooo lots of those!!!
@Ash Matthew 24, and other prophets like Daniel and Jeremiah... Isaiah... all tell you about the future
@Ash I'm doing the most powerful and tangible thing. Human being can possibly do for another human being. I pray for you to encounter Jesus Christ ❤
I am seventh day adventist, and I thank God that He created seventh day for us to rest, and enjoy His creation
Praise God
Me too! ☺️
Yes, but if we keep day 7, that doesn't mean we will be saved
@@alexandruciprian yes that statement is true, but how we can be saved if we don't show our faith in God if we don't follow His rules, one of them is keeping sabbath holy right
@@alexandruciprian we keep sabbath day to show our love and faith in God by following His commandments, we keep sabbath to rest and enjoy His creation, and we keep sabbath to RECHARGE our faith to God, knowing that our faith is decreasing day by day bcs of our activities
@@alexandruciprian being sda isn't just a religion it's a lifestyle
When we hear of the depth of what the Most High intended in giving us the Sabbath, why would we not believe that it is still commanded and relevant today? The meaning of it still stands, as we taste this bit of the future Kingdom every week! It is not a burden but a beautiful gift! Every week I look forward to this day. Some weeks it's what gets me through, knowing that no matter how hard my work week is, rest is coming!
@Kevin Belgrove Why the hostility toward keeping the Sabbath? It is not a burden but a gift. Just watch the video again. There's so much richness in it! The meaning the Most High gave the Sabbath still stands! It is a taste of that Millennial Kingdom Sabbath rest to come, reminding us weekly of that.
Heb. 4:9-11 "So there remains a Shabbat-keeping for Elohim's people. For the one who has entered Elohim's rest has also rested from his own works, as Elohim did from His. Therefore, let us do our best to enter that rest; so that no one will fall short because of the same kind of disobedience."
In context, the writer is speaking of those Israelites who failed to enter into the Promised Land (aka Yah's rest) because of disobedience. Likewise, we are warned to be careful that we don't also fall short of entering His rest- the future Promised Land (aka the Millennial Kingdom). The weekly Sabbath keeping is a reminder of this.
In Exodus 31:16-17 it says, "Therefore the people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath throughout their generations, AS A COVENANT FOREVER. It is a sign between Me and the people of Israel FOREVER; for in six days YHWH made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day He stopped working and rested."
"Forever": Hebrew- "Owlam", meaning forever, always, continuous existence, perpetual, everlasting, eternity.
Scripture shows that it is kept forever.
New Testament believers kept it (as you already pointed out). Mashiach kept it.
And it is kept in the Millennial Kingdom-
Is. 66:22-23 "For as the new heavens and new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, says YHWH, so shall your seek and your name remain. And it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another, from one Sabbath to another, will all flesh come to worship before Me, says YHWH."
So may I ask, how do you spend your Sabbath?
For me it is a time of rest from work, including even the mental aspect of thinking and talking work! I try to disconnect from things like social media that can be distractions. and instead spend more time connecting with the Most High- through His word, through spending time in His creation (nature) if possible, talking with God through journaling, and gathering with others for Bible study and prayer. Sometimes I’ll put on worship music, lay down and just rest. Sometimes I take a walk.
@@Amado.Souljourner wow thank you for this! That's very helpful to me. I'm a workaholic and I think the Holy Spirit is leading me this direction for more than one reason.
@@MarySmith-ry9cu Glad to share! It can feel like a discipline at first because we're not used to it, but it's such a gift that I know you'll be blessed by!
I'm a sinner who loves the Lord everyday and if he is asked me to REMEMBER then I'm going to try with all my heart and soul to keep it ❤️ Peace and blessings to all my brother's and sisters KING JESUS 👑
Amen !
Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy
Justin Smitley - (2 Corinthians 3:2) clarifies the covenant made with Moses & Israel is a law of death & that the letter written on stone does not give life but the spirit of God does.
@@user-md7tj8cz1r God gave Moses the 10th commandments.... Why People insist on changing something that God said to remember... He already knew Men would fail on this one for sure...
@@user-md7tj8cz1r is the 10 commandments law of death ?
It is a Law that neither the Hebrews nor we can satisfy. If our salvation depended upon following it, all of us would go straight to hell when we passed from this world to the next. Everything in the Old Testament pointed to the New Covenant in Jesus. Our salvation doesn't come from worship on either a Saturday or a Sunday. (John 3:16)
YT4Me57 not to forget that if we try to establish a righteousness by the law we are no different than 1st century Pharisees. Jesus lived under the law perfectly our righteousness is established by faith. The law is not sin either is is holy. But our righteousness has nothing to do with our performance of any command except BELIEF in Jesus atoning death and resurrection. :)
This fractal-mathematical art was sooo cool
I am a Seventh-day Adventist we rest on a Saturday😍😍 it restores my soul and energy
Jesus was resurrected on the 8th day, the day of new beginnings. Every Sunday is a commemoration of that magnificent event, a mini Easter. Meeting together to worship on the first day of the week is an absolute delight. Amen.
Never thought of it like that! Thanks for sharing!
He got up to work on the 8th day, a new day
Where does YHWH refer to the 8th day?
@@Hoppieg Genesis 17; Leviticus 12, 14, 22, and 23; Numbers 29; Nehemiah 8
Yes, but Jesus rose from that cross. He's not there. Even Jesus rested in death on the Sabbath
This deserves an Oscar or something. I’ve been listening to the podcast and I was so excited about how they place hours of conversation into a wisdom filled video. I must say I am blessed by this today !!!
The Lord (Baal) of the Sabbath is Saturn.
Sabbath/Shabbat is compounded of Sab/Shab (Saturn) plus Bath/Bat (Daughter). The seventh day (Sheba day) is Saturn Day (Saturday). Saturn is the god of agriculture. Friday is Venus day and Venus is the "Daughter" in ths story. Venus is the beautiful woman that none can resist, she is the biblical Bathsheba (Bath + Sheba). Bathsheba is the mother of Solomon. Solomon is a compound of Sol (Sol invictus) + Om/Aum (Hindu sun) + On (Coptic sun).
@@harveywabbit9541 could you clarify what you are trying to say? It seems to me that you are doing word-gymnastics.
Every story, in the bible, is keyed to Ptolomaic astronomy. No person can understand the bible without this knowledge. Another requirement is a knowledge of Egyptian, Sumerian, Persian, Greek and Indian mythology which is incorporated into the bible.
@@harveywabbit9541 what you are writing is false and can be easily refuted. Let's look at the name "Solomon" for example. In hebrew, it's "Shelomoh". Now, you can't say anymore that the name is made up of sol, om (made a quick research: couldn't find a connection between "om" and sun) and on. When one knows greek and hebrew, one can see things in the Bible that translations can not fully show (sometimes, there are even blatant translation errors). But it's false to say that one can only understand the Bible when being able to read hebrew and greek. Nor does one need to know ancient pagan mythology. Jesus is the only way to the Father. Get away from every path of deception and follow Him.
Dont ever be fooled with nice words. Ever ever ever. Love is the fulfilling of the law according to Rom 13:10. It is not with flattering lips and fancy videos.....dont ever be fooled with tongues of angels. 1 Cor 13:1 When Jesus rose again it did not become law to keep that day as the sabbath day they cannot show you that in the bible. When the devil came with flattering lips quoting scripture out of context and showed him the world....he answered .....*it is written* Ask them to show you where it says the day Jesus rose again is a new commandment. Why didnt jesus tell Paul it is another day other than the 7th day when he was writing hebrews 4?
"I will give you rest."
I've been waiting for this for a long time. Thank you, Lord.
I await the rest...
Amen. 🙏🏾
Ras Kalév Valiante Elyon You are right. Don't forget, without him, you can't do anything even the simplest one that resting on the Sabbath. Also, Sabbath means more than just stop doing your activities. The only way you can fulfill it is to lean on Jesus first.
Jesus is the fulfillment of everything and he is even for the sabbath. He is the real way that leads to real rest.
There is a spiritual rest and a physical rest. Jesus gives us the spiritual rest and the Seventh day Sabbath gives us the physical rest.
@@onlykingforever2839 "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matthew 22:40) You forgot the last part of the text, Jesus Christ clearly states hang all the laws upon these two. If you love God you're going to keep the first 4 commandments, you're not going to have idols, you're not going to use his name in vain, and also you're going to keep Sabbath Holy. And if you love your Neighbors you would keep the last six Commandments, "Thou shall not kill"
This was amazing. God bless the Seventh Day Sabbath. A marvelous gift to all mankind. ❤️
Keep the Sabbath holy! Thanks for this video which teaches us the importance of the Sabbath. Saturday was from the beginning and will be in heaven. Isaiah 66:23. Happy Sabbath everyone!
The "rest from work" is is not about a creator god, but the period when the earth rests from the labor of crop production. Genesis one is not a one time event but is annaul, beginning with day one and spring. It is amazing that bible "teachers," are able to get away with their mistranslations of bible myth. The six "days" aka the period when the sun appears to be in the northern (summer) hemisphere, is modified by taking the first night and adding it to the six days. This became the seven days (summer), which left five days for winter, which is lead by the Scorpion (Scorpio). The "winter" of five days became the five months that can harm man through hunger, cold, sickness, blindness, hunger, exile, slavery, death, moaning and groaning and other baddies. The birth of Eve (the crops) takes place at the spring equinox with the resurrection of earth (new crop growth).
Sheila karen silva chiquian, are Christians obligated to keep the Sabbath, listed in the 10 commandments?
That's an entire misreading of Isaiah 66, with no regard for historical, theological, or cultural context.
Thank you for making this important point about eternity and sharing this scripture. You have helped me today. God bless you ❤️
*Me and everyone else after the video:* Breathed a sigh of relief
Thank you for the reminder! I love the thought *while you are in the wilderness now, practice the art of rest.*
Thank you Lord for the Bible Project!
At one of my major conversion moments, I was at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. My life before my journey of faith was marked by a deep depression resulting from knowing that no matter what we do in this life, it will all be for nothing: human achievement is futile, progress is a lie, and the earth will one day pass away, rendering all of man-made accomplishment nil. I was totally restless in filling my empty heart with worthless pleasure and sin, and I was on the verge of suicide: I thought, “I’m going to die one day, so why prolong this miserable existence any longer?” That all changed. After a few weeks of going to Mass, I went to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I heard the voice of God, who forgave me for everything. He lifted the burdens of initquity from my back. And for the first time in my life I felt truly at rest. I began crying, which I hadn’t been able to do in so long due to depression. I cried tears of joy, because I knew that God was real and loved me no matter what, and that He saved my life so that I could one day share eternal rest with Him. By loving God I found the meaning of both my life and of the universe. Recalling the words of Saint Augustine, “our hearts are restless O Lord until they rest in thee.”
Praise God for the Holy Sabbath 😊😊
The Holy Sabbath belongs to Saturn the god of agriculture who rests during the winter period (non crop production).
Ooh this is wonderful, thank you. I literally sobbed. I really forgot that I always longed for rest. I know Jesus said it, but I kind of thought it like a ''common phrase'' just to shush your conscience and just believe with your mind, but it is ''just'' something to remember or else... Now through your words and visualization I can completely understand and take it to heart, mind, body, soul and my whole being. I finally am able to rest right now (thanks to God after a lot of horrible years), but felt guilty, because I never did it before and thought I did not deserve it ........Yet. But I can rest now, enjoy, treasure this time, be grateful, joyful and amazed like a little child💙. Get restored and begin the week again. I also wanted to take rest on Saturdays instead of Sundays and I think I will do it. Nothing feels better then to rest and enjoy your Saturday and be fresh and energized on a Sunday morning, thank you very much. This video is an answer to my prayers and a way of God speaking to me and I finally understand. 🥰
I had no idea how important "7" is. How Holy it really us. Thankyou for this beautiful teaching
In my family we keep the Sabbath from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.
@@a.c.slater573, have a blessed Sabbath.
@@S.Waters. Shabbat shalom
why sunset? why not nightfall? what about twilight?
I am so thankful every week when the Sabbath comes. Sadly the churches have for the most part not been taught about the Sabbath day. We all need to enter His rest. We are to not forget that even God rested after completing His work in six days.
Yes indeed, work and school resume on Monday - our 1st day. So Sunday is the 7th.
Praise God for the sabbath 🙏🏿🙏🏿
It is sooo amazing how God just spoke and everything came in to being with the exception of the creation of man "made in His image". How beautiful is that 😍
Right now I'm a person who has to do chores and a teaching job and sometimes the schedules can be almost everyday and I'm lacking of holiday, so usually when I'm already tired and burnt out, I pray to God for strength and helping me survive the day
Praise God❤
I would put YeHoVaH/God first and not let worldly work to overshadow our relationship with our Creator. I've heard so many testimonies of people who quit their jobs to find better ones as a result of obeying YeHoVaH's 4th commandment. In the end, it really doesn't matter how much money you make, how big your house is, how much food you have on the table, how much knowledge you obtain, because if you are not saved, they will all be for nothing. May YeHoVaH/Yeshua lead and bless you through all trials and tribulations, to discern truth from error, and overcome fears and worries.
p.s. I'm not necessarily saying that you are not saved because you do not keep the 7th day Sabbath, but you'll have a closer relationship with our Creator if you do.
In Genesis chapter 1, God creates a beautiful and ordered world out of chaotic darkness, all in six days. And on the seventh day, God rests. Modern conversations about these seven days usually focus on historical and scientific questions. People have been debating how these seven days relate to our own modern conceptions about the timing and processes of the universe's origins for generations. And while it’s a fascinating question, it’s hijacked all of our attention. There’s a more fundamental question: What did the biblical authors, in their own ancient cultural context, mean by describing the origins of the cosmos in a seven-day sequence?
If we can put our modern controversies aside and ask what the seventh day meant to ancient Israelites, a whole new world opens up, literally and metaphorically! The seventh day is a common biblical theme that is repeated in dozens of stories and poems throughout the Hebrew Bible. The number seven is spelled with the same letters as the Hebrew word "complete" or "full," and it’s an image of complete goodness. Seven is also a number with strong symbolic connections to the ancient Jewish calendar and to the sacred space of the tabernacle and temple. In the Bible, when something happens in a pattern of seven, it usually involves God rescuing his people out of darkness and death and into a period of abundance or rest in his presence. This is why Jewish people celebrate this seventh day rest, or the Sabbath, every week and why the festivals of the Jewish calendar revolve around this pattern of seven. It’s about resting in the presence of God, mirroring the sequence we see in Genesis.
Jesus was activating all of these symbols of seven when he launched his public mission on the Sabbath, announcing that the ultimate year of Jubilee was beginning through him (Luke 4:14-20). He said that he was "lord of the Sabbath," releasing the divine goodness of seventh day rest out into the world and bringing healing and life (Matthew 12:1-13). Jesus timed his conflict with Jerusalem's leaders to take place during Passover, a seven-day Jewish festival (Mark 14:12). He was executed and placed in a tomb, where his body lay during the Sabbath (Mark 15:42 and 16:1). And when Jesus raised from the dead, it was the first day of a new week (Mark 16:2), that is, a new creation pattern of seven! Jesus' resurrection marked the beginning of a new age where God's light and life shone into the darkness and brought hope of the ultimate seventh day rest of the new creation. When we take time to set our modern assumptions aside, we see the rich symbolism of the seven day sequence and Sabbath rest of Genesis 1 and how this symbolism is woven throughout the entire biblical story leading to Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.
If you have questions about this video on the Sabbath and 7th Day Rest, we recommend checking out our podcast series here: and our explore page on Sabbath here:
The Bible Project: the creation was six days in literal context.
No Sabbath in Genesis; BTW.
J. Chuck Wycoff there six days of creation and one day of rest.
love your podcast series on the Sabbath! "Reenacting in the present what you hope will happen in the future"... beautifully put!
@@SabbatarianSundayer. was there a law to not kill in genesis yet Cain knew it was wrong to kill without having the 10 commandments written in stone. Because it was written in the hearts of man
Lord I Choose to keep your Sabbath holy.
The seventh day is Saturday. Really sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.
Sabbath honors the planet and god Saturn who is the father of all nations (the stars). Saturn is called Abraham and Israel in our bible, "he" is also called Brahma, Osiris, Seb, and others. Abraham, Brahma, and Osiris are all "married" to the beautiful star Sirius.
@@harveywabbit9541 Sorry I believe in the Word of God and Exodus 20:3-5 King James Version (KJV)
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
I hope this helps you. Be Blessed and remember the Sabbath day and to keep it Holy.
If you wish to call Saturn your god, that is fine with me. But I favor Jupiter, the angel in white. who wrestled with Jacob. Jacob came out of this wrestling match as a clean shaven eunuch. He lost his "sinew."
Gerald McFarlin I’m no expert, my knowledge on this is novice at best. But from why I’ve turned up, those who follow Saturn as a god, a “celestial cult” are largely made up of globalists and high functioning “elites” of today’s world who also incorporate aspects of child sacrifice. I’m also aware of Saturn being portrayed in some circles as the god of the intellect, and hence his modern worshipers claim their minds/ability to reason is the true path toward salvation.
Maybe I’m misinformed, and that could be propaganda who knows. But until I see compelling reasons to believe otherwise, the only associations I know of involving Saturn worship have not lead to anything good.
The true God is one who created and reigns over all celestial bodies, by my estimation. Thus Saturn, if it’s a being that holds any power at all, is likely a false god/idol
That is a Jewish interpretation. Days are governed and ruled by the sun, not the moon. Jubilees 2:9 states God appointed the sun for days, Sabbaths, months, years, feasts, Sabbaths of years, jubilees and all seasons of the year. Before citing the end of each day of creation, don't forget that God worked during the light, which He called day, and then dusk and dawn followed.
Ask yourself if you are a child of light or the darkness.
God said "REMEMBER the Sabbath day", but it seems like many people have sadly forgotten...
Too many has forgotten
The REMEMBER part is concerning to Exodus 16, not Genesis. The Sabbath was given to the Israelites (Exodus 16:29) as a remembering that they were slaves in the land of Egypt. There's no intention in the creation of Sabbath keeping in Genesis. God gave instructions to Abraham about many things but there's no mention of Sabbath-keeping at all. How can God forgot something so important? Should He also have remembered?
@@ketsune23 It's in the 10 commandments as a commandment - He didn't forget.
@@sujithmedari1852 the REMEMBER is about Exodus 16 not Genesis.
halaluYAH! My soul REJOICES! Looking forward to Shabbat! With that being said, in advance, I bid EVERYONE that reads this a BLESSED, RESTFUL and EDIFYING Shabbat! Shalom! 📯📯📯
But it is Wednesday? Saturday is not happening until Friday is over in around two days. (Depends of the time zone).
@@philippgrau9499 Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. Hence why I said in advance.
HalleluYah!! And Shabbat shalom!
Thank God for this channel, I've begun to understand the Bible much differently and better now, praised be Adonai the god of Israel and yeshua the Messiah his son! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Adoni/Adonai is plural for Adonis the male counterpart of Aphrodite.
@@harveywabbit9541 Adonai is the title given to the Merciful and Mighty God of Israel! May he reign forever and may his son yeshua come back to bring the Messianic age speedily in our days! 🙏
The first Bible Project video of a new decade!
The new decade starts in 2021
@@joseg.solano1891 😂😂😂 just like Y2K happened in 2001
@@joseg.solano1891 Ooh snap!
Sabbath is a blessing
Saturday is the Sabbath. The presentation and message are outstanding, just know that Saturday is the 7th day. Sabado, Sabbatismos, etc...
The Holy Sabbath belongs to Saturn the god of agriculture who rests during the winter period (non crop production).
@@harveywabbit9541Sabbath from bible Is From friday night to saturday night, is not the day that you're mention. God bless
It is still Saturn's day which follows Venus's day.
@@harveywabbit9541 nope. God bless
Sun day is also Jupiter day aka Leo. The Sun rules Jupiter day. Leo is the noble/royal lion of Isaiah 9.14-15.
The shabbat is such a blessing. People are truly missing out. When people speak about how busy they are and how they have trouble making time for God , I think on how the shabbat is a gift from God to us. To draw near to him and escape our outer and insular worlds. I love you God! All praises to the most high ! 💜🙌🏿
I have not come to change the law but to fulfill it.
-Yeshua son of the most high living G O D !
And he did fulfill it. It is finished...Christ said at the cross.
Boondock Saint 808 well said
He fulfilled the sacrificial or ceremonial laws not the ten commandments meaning we are still to follow the sabbath.
@@hamexgaming4720 We are under a new covenant now. see the books of Hebrews, Romans, Galatians, Corinthians and Colossians
@@boondocksaint8088 What does the covenant tell us to do? Jesus said to keep his commandments if we love him and thats the ten commandments
Did anyone just notice that they released this on the 7th of January. Smart XD
somehow, the 7th of January is when we celebrate Christmas here in Russia. And it's much more of a religious holiday, while all the presents and stuff are related to The New Year
@@blind5211 well Merry Christmas. Makes sense to me. Keep the birthday holy and celebrate a new year with gifts.
Everybody in the world celebrates the same New Year Day on Jan 1 right? I know Chinese have their own New Year coming up in Frb.
Katai Lutanda Mutale 🤗🥰
Seven has always been my favourite number, even as a little kid. And it always looked like a bright, golden light ! Now I know why !
How old are you??? 7! ? LOL
@@boondocksaint8088 That’s pretty rude
@cascade7777 I have a question. Do you have synesthesia?
@@cbcimutebi5564 Thanks CBCI Mutebi 😊 I don't really know as I never tested myself but as a young kid I usually saw numbers in colour. It disappeared as I grew older.
Mickey Mantle!
I am new to understanding Christianity. And honestly, that was so beautiful understanding the Sabbath has more genuinely compassionate and beautiful love of God seeped into what could just be simply bypassed of "day of rest". But, there is more of God in that day and his character and love for us. I don't think i could see Saturday as just a saturday as much now as I once did and I thank you for this lesson Bibleproject. : )
I recommend TruthUnedited videos here on YT. Stay in prayer and read your Bible thoroughly:)
Well done! I appreciate that you didn't go beyond the text!
I am a Seventh-Day Adventist and I am happy to agree with everything this video says.
While I obviously believe the 4th commandment binding along with the other nine (and dismissing the festival Sabbath's referred to in Colossians) I am glad you put the emphasis of the Sabbath on Jesus and the rest HE provides, all commandments and institutions are meaningless without Christ at the center.
Thank you again for a great video!
Josiah Payne did this video portray that because Jesus invites us to rest (Matt 11:28) that we don’t need to keep the sabbath?
The 8th day argument was the same the early fathers of catholic church used to justify sunday observance.
Miguel Harris I think its saying that Jesus invites us to keep true Shabbat through him. The idea being that keeping the Shabbat, at least according to this video, is holding out hope for the coming eternal Shabbat which only Yeshua can provide by being our salvation. So we keep the seventh day shabbat and continue that hope, since the eternal shabbat is not yet here and we still must work and the seventh day is the day God ordained for that practice, but remember Yeshua and his salvation everyday.
Migel Harris is the Ten Commandments the law of GOD if is obey it including the sabbath 🙏🏻
I love you LORD, and I can’t wait to see you in heaven so to show you how much you changed my life :] ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
We follow the commandments because we are saved not too be saved 🙏 God bless 🙏
Gal 5:14 “For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.””
• James 2:8 Yes indeed, it’s good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
• 1 John 2:7 - love one another
• 1 John 3:23 - And this is his commandment: believe and love one another
• John 13:34 - So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other…
@@boondocksaint8088 Look family I love you that's why I'm spending all this energy trying to point you in the right direction if you want to refuse this knowledge Jesus will refuse you if you love him you will keep his commandments his law is perfect the law was never the problem flesh was🙏 I'm trying to help you save your soul my brother or sister but I have instructions that if you just want to be ignorant I have to let you be🙏
Joshua Barlow
Jer 31: 31-34
31Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: 33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
“A new commandment I give unto you that you love each other as I have loved you.” -Jesus.
We are not Jews and not under the Jewish laws. Additionally the sabbath was so important in the Old Testament because Christ would become our rest from works of the law.
If you are trying to please God by keeping the sabbath- even if you are doing so not for salvation then you are not at rest and you are not in Christ.
@@memowilliam9889 Bro you've obviously bought in to false doctrine please stop trying to mislead God sheep you will be held accountable my friend for if you love God you will keep his commandments it's a new covenant a better covenant because the commandments are now written on your heart🙏
Joshua Barlow
You are the one that’s deceived and a blind leader of the blind.
Im trusting Christ and keeping his commandment:
They fulfill all the law and the prophets.
I guarantee I will never stop teaching the sheep to avoid legalists such as you.
You’ve got a frightening day ahead of you when you meet Jesus.
Yes, YESHUA is our rest! All believers can rest in YESHUA and invite others into His rest as well.
My soul shouts, "HALLELUJAH!" Glory to the Lamb who brings us to sabbath!
"Jesus timed his death to take place at the end of the week. His body rested in a tomb during the Sabbath and on the eighth day he rose from the dead."
This made me go "whoa" out loud. How did that not click with me before?
Yep. That's amazing!!
Woah, Im so amazed at how everything comes full circle!
For such a time as this!
eighth day?? There are only seven days in a week... Jesus rose on the First day of the week: Sunday.
@@yellaboi2671 and rested on sabbath
Took me awhile to learn how to 'worship & rest' on the sabbath. Its my time to spend with my wife & kids after church!
Sabbath is Saturday not Sunday
Sabbath is Saturday
Christians Cannot Mix the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ
· The Pharisees mentioned in Acts 15 who were claiming that Christians had to be circumcised and to keep the law of Moses had carried their false teaching to the churches in Galatia. It had become such a problem that Paul wrote them the letter to the Galatians in order to correct this false teaching. In Galatians 5:1-4, Paul wrote, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. 2 Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. 3 And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. 4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace" (NKJV). The Judaizers had been teaching Christians in Galatia that they had to mix certain works of the law of Moses with their Christian faith. Paul told them that to do that caused them to be bound to the entire law of Moses. They could not mix the two at all. Paul then went on to tell them in verse 4 that it caused them to be separated from Christ and to fall from grace.
@@antinwokilluminati1202 actually sabbath is the 6th day after new moon which doesnt always line up with sunday. so sabbath day usually changes every month since we are not following Gods calendar
@@servant_symm yeah I've come into the truth now it is definitely based upon new moon and changes monthly TMH YAH has revealed the truth to me the Gregorian Calendar is not what we must go off of
It refreshes my spirit just to hear you talk about ir.
I love how when his death is timed, he is in the tomb for the whole sabbath, and then RISES on the first day kind of like how we rest on the sabbath and rise again on the first day to begin working again.
YOUR post gave me a chill! It's just as I thought, too.
Wow wow ! Great perspective! I had to screenshot 😂
Im glad Sabbath has been finally brought up but not explained well. we should keep the sabbath.
why? Sabbath is a Jewish practice. They don't even understand that in order to be a Law keeper you need to be circumcised. The 10 commandments never are called the law of God.
@MarcyyD the video is an intepretation of the text. You're being conditioned to accept this view. It has nothing to do with the bible "bruv". If you think the 7 days of the Bible are literal you have a lot to explain.
Ketsune23 my dear from the beginning of time - Genesis - when God created the earth he rested on the 7th day. It was His gift to us. God made the 10 commandments himself. If you think its not his law - are you telling me I should worship other gods other than him? Commit adultery? Commit murder? Disobey my parents? I highly encourage you to re-read the Bible. I enjoy readin it and i always pray for the spirit of revelation and get annointed with the Word. For me there is nothing wrong in obeying the Law. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law.
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:17-20
@@nadiashami If you believe in the 7 days as literal you have a lot to explain. Moreover the 7th day it never finished it means God is resting until now?
You don't understand what the 10 commandments are. The 10 commandments are the covenant made with Israel ONLY. Are you suggesting that because of the 10 commandments people dont kill and commit adultery? If you just do these things because of the 10 commandments I must say that's not a good reason. So it means that if there are no 10 commandments you are going to start killing and committing adultery? What a narrow view of morality. Are you telling you are going to behave like a criminal without a law to follow? This is very primitive morality. Moral values do not depend on God alone. I know many atheist people that have better moral values than many Christians. I highly recommend you to stop learning about Sabbatarian theology. If Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law why you need to keep it? Have you ever wondered? If Jesus already kept it why you need to keep it? You are living a old covenant gospel besides that it says in the Law you want to keep that only people that are circumcised or born in Israel can keep the Law. You're doing it the wrong way. The Law also says that you should stone your children if they disobey you are you going to stone them? The Apostles forbad the teaching of the Law.
Always thank GOD for EVERYTHING Blessings and Miracles!
I am a Seventh-day Adventist, and I have enjoyed such a blessing from taking a Sabbath day of rest apart from worldly things every week. Some in my denomination see their relationship with God as a legal one, and God‘s laws as imposed rules. This works ok for spiritual children, but God needs us to mature and write the principles of His laws of love on our hearts. He created us, and He has given us the recipe for a happy fulfilled life connected with God. I see His laws of love as natural laws like gravity. Being in harmony with Him and His laws of love naturally result in benefits to us.
I'm also seventh day Adventist, ❤from india
You are heretic, get right with God. Repent and belive on the Lord Jesus Christ. Seventh-day Adventism is a sect.
@@Onkuty I'm sorry, but perhaps you're a bit misinformed. Everything that Adventists believe can be backed up by the Bible. I don't know where the "sect" thing comes in. Go, do some research and come tell me when you find something we believe that is not straight from the Bible. Now, if you don't believe that the Bible is God's word and entirely true and relevent, well then I can't help you there. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
P.s. And I'm curious, where did you hear that we DON'T repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? If you mean to say that we ought to repent of our convictions, then show me where in the Bible God condemns ANY of them? Just curious.
Yes well said Piano Kids . I do not see the word chaos in chapter one Genesis . I will not keep all that belief in Chaos in mind because that is in fact Evil suggestion as if God is somehow not Supreme . You can hear the ignorance in the commentators promoting [ Error ] a lie , as if it is real . GOD reigns supreme eternally . Just ask JESUS who is still alive for he believed not in evil , the DEVIL , [ LIES ] . '' THY KINGDOM COME'' , more properly means , perfection reigns now and always . DO YOU BELIEVE IT ? Jesus was the perfect teacher who taught perfection because the Father is perfect . DO YOUI BELIEVE IT ??? Then read the scriptures with their spiritual context and you will know the truth . SEVEN is set as a perfect time , the Sabbath , for teaching weekly the next generation the reality of GOD . But GOD is all perfection , never chaos . Thank you lord Jesus for showing us the perfect CHRIST. Christianity should be science and science is always christian , GOOD . PRAISE GOD
@Eastern Catholic The Catholic church is saturated with paganism, one example would be the rosaries “Pagans had used prayer beads even before the
8th century before CHRIST, and they still use
them today.”
Patricia A. Dilley) This is the main reason why you find the rosary in every other religion.
“Most commonly recognized in the United States
as a symbol of Catholicism, other religions including
Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism and Islam employ
rosary beads as well.”
(-The Meaning of Rosary Beads
What Do Rosary Beads Symbolize?
By Jessica Ciosek)
The Bible warns us against use of prayer beads -
Matthew 6:7 says - “But when ye pray, use not vain
repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that
they shall be heard for their much speaking." Another example would be the Mitre hat that is worn by Catholic priests, cardinals and the Pope, which represents Dagon the Babylonian fish god. Also the Zucchetti which is worn by Catholic priests, cardinals and the Pope, represents respect, fear and submission to Cybele, the Mother Goddess of Rome. You can see it in many other religions including the Yarmulke (Jewish) and Kufi (Muslims).
Remember this is pagan, it has its origin from the skull cap which was worn by the sun priests of Egypt. This also contradicts the Bible, the word of God declares “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 11:7)
Roman Catholic doctrines such as infant baptism, sprinkling during baptism, teachings on death and immortality, tonsured and celibate priests with power over the dead, prayers to the dead and to relics, repetitive prayers with the use of beads, doctrines on forgiveness of sins, teachings on hell, the mass, and Sunday worship are doctrines actually derived directly from ancient paganism (Babylon), not the Bible.
Appreciate the Sabbath of the LORD- the LORD made everything in 6 days. On 7th Day He rests. Bless the LORD our Heavenly King out Dearest Saviour our God Almighty and LORD Christ Jesus our Saviour and Heavenly King😊💞❤️💕💕💛💕❤️💕💞💖💖💖💖✝️🙏🏿✝️☦️📖☦️
@Kevin Belgrove LORD Bless you brother, also, i wanted to be faithful to the LORD so i wamted to keep His Sabbath. Thank you , LORD Bless you 😁
I’m an Seventh Day Adventist! 😁and this is very encouraging to see this video! It’s unfortunate that so many people are getting this incorrect but by Gods grace we can share this information with others and they can see! ❤️
I don't think you understood the concept
Colossians 2:16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a [a]festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the [b]substance is of Christ. We have to clearly understand the true heart of God towards Sabath before we think of keeping it. In the video I heard that Sabath has no end, it's not just a day but it represents christ.
Come unto me all you workers for salvation and I will give you rest.
(Hebrews 4:9-10) *There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of Elohim. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as יהוה did from His.*
Non-believers don't observe the weekly Sabbath as God wishes us to observe:
(Isaiah 58:13-14) *If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on My holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of יהוה, honourable; and shalt honour Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in יהוה; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of יהוה hath spoken it.*
(Ezekiel 20:12) *Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am יהוה that sanctify them.*
Praise YHVH Elohim ( Ἰησοῦ) for a weekly Sabbath rest so that we may be sanctified.
I know it’s a minor detail, but I love that at the beginning of the video “the bible project” shows up with the sound it makes😄 Anyone else love that intro?!
@@요르단-j4j lol
This explain why Jesus is the sabbath day. Because He have forgiven our sins, and made us rest for He is gentle and kind. Amen and Hallelujah.
Hallelujah for the Sabbath.
Wow that is sooo deep. Never heard this teaching from everyday church
Our family keeps the Sabbath holy. Every Saturday, from Friday at sunset to Saturday sunset. Jesus rested on the sabbath too. 😊
Jesus said "come to me and I will give you rest". Are you double dipping?? Are you cheating on Jesus with the law of Moses?? Are you taking two types of rest under two different covenants???
New covenant Heb 8:10
@@returntoeden The law in our hearts is a state of love, and God's very nature imprinted into us. Romans 13:8 says, "for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law". 2 Peter 1:4 says, " that through them you may participate in the divine nature..." Does the divine nature need to be governed by 10 commandments???? People who are not actually born again (born from above) have a very hard time understanding this.
@@theextreme7134the divine nature is the 10 commandments written in our hearts. This is why the 10 commandments is referred to as His testimony, which is another way of saying character. (Exo 25:16; Rev 11:19) this is the nature of His kingdom. Do you want to adapt to His nature or are you asking Him to change His nature for you?
@@returntoeden Does the divine nature need to be governed by 10 commandments??? Or is it naturally perfect towards others??? Does God wake up every morning and look at the 10 commandments and say, "gee, I better behave like that"???????
It's time to take the training wheels off, and become truly free and complete in Christ. This is the new covenant.
im a happy sabbath keeper every saturday. Thank You Lord Jesus
I look forward to the ultimate eternal rest by God.
For now, we continue to enjoy the rest he provides in this burdensome world.
Ty sir, I used your video in my class. And it helps me a lot. Through your effort I was able to introduce the Bible story to my 7th grade student
Saturday is the sabbath 🙏 remember it and keep it holy for it is a sign between God and his children 🙏 merely remembering it is not enough 🙏 God bless 🙏
I'm impressed how you managed to touch on the topic of the sabbath and avoid the controversies. CAn't say the same 'bout the comment section, though.
@Supreme Ace Very subtle way to talk about controversies. But youre wrong.
As it was at the start of Christianity (Galatians) so it is till this day, “there is nothing new under the sun”. It is a hard pill to swallow that keeping the Saturday Sabbath may be a non issue, at least until Jesus returns if at all, let’s pray for truth and for the “weaker” brethren to come to understanding, whether it be the Sabbath keepers or the ones who believe it is no longer a law/requirement
They did crate controversy by picking and choosing what part of the story of the Israelites life in Egypt they told. No mention of Joshua whatsoever, no mention of the invitation of the entire Nation if Israel into Egypt, no mention about his Joshua conned the Egyptians into giving him all they possessed to get the food of their own land which he tax collected
@@youngknowledgeseeker with all due respect... not keeping one of the Ten Commandments is a non-issue?
@@ariannemilosavljevic9825 Imagine it more as Jesus and his words, including what he spoke through his disciples, as our 10 Commandments now. National/Biological Israel had a law given to them through Moses. But now the world including Israel are given the law of the Messiah to supersede anything else.
In this new law things like food and holy days are non religious issues and there is no law given to them. You are not found favorable or guilty by keeping or not keeping it.
The New Testament makes a distinction that Jesus and his words really is a new thing set apart from what was before him and being of higher authority.
Tldr; All that matters now is obeying Jesus words. Which are above anything else. If he doesn’t judge against non Jews not keeping Sabbath how can we.
I have listened to hundreds of Tim’s videos and this one is one of the best as it demonstrates (to me) the over all end direction of God’s plan, good job Tim and John.
So, He said on the cross, "It is finished." And then rested on the seventh day. So cool how the Heavenly Author uses parallels to declare His themes.
It so fascinating, isn't it? God is amazing. ☺️
Miss Elizabeth Bennet P21 for sure!!! :)
Resting from what? Is God tired?
What was finished?
The "it is finished " is not the end. The pattern of the sanctuary shows that Christ carries on a work after the burnt alter(cross) after the cross is the tabernacle.
the Priestly ministry of Christ. Read the book of Hebrews KJV.
Never in my lifetime have I seen a video thst describes the true meaning of Sabbath so very well.
Well, in my opinion it shows a lot of glory of the Sabbath, at the same time somehow ruins it because it is just a symbol for eternity. Somehow I think they took some weird turns in their story.
One question is unanswered. Why did God needed to rest in the first place? From what he should rest?
_”.he who watches over you will not slumber; Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.”_ (Psalm 121:3-4)
_”The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom”_ (Isaiah 40:28)
Is this not a contradiction?
@@billionburns The kind of rest it speaks of isn't sleeping or relaxing. It just simply means to stop working.
@@austintucker394 would be great to use a more specific word instead of rest.
LORD, thank you!
Bless and sustain O GOD Your workers involved with Bible Project.
Jesus is MY Sabbath. He is the LORD of the Sabbath. I rest on HIM! He is my Lord, my God, and my Father.🔥
But it has always been and will always be the 7th day and God has commanded his people to keep holy and set apart for him and themselves.
@@myyellow-submarine5144 oh hey again. Actually, God says in Dueotoromony, that you must keep all of the law, including all the Sabbath days throughout the year, sacrifices for sin offerings, memorial offerings, etc. I highly doubt you have kept all these things which are written in the Torah. And also are you an Israelite, are you're ancestors the patriarchs, Jacob's sons? Are you 2,000 years old? Just read the Bible, and stop commenting you're own beliefs.
@@8thdayadventist911 he does not say you have to keep them perfectly. When we miss the mark and sin he provides forgiveness by the blood of his son for those who confess and repent of the evil they have done this restoring them so they are able to once again obey his law from the heart.
It is the lies of paul that have led those who believe the liar Paul to think its impossible to keep Gods law but that couldn't be further from the truth.
When Moses had delivered the entire law God had given him to Israel he said that what he had given them was not too difficult for them to obey or beyond their reach to discover it... neither was it high in the heavens or across the sea. But the word of the law was near them and written on their hearts so that if they reall wanted to they could obey it.
But most do not love God enough to obey his laws in a consistent way...
That is why Moses set before Israel a choice... life ot death. To obey Gods law and have life or to rebel and disobey and die.
It is disobedience to the law of God that brings Gods curse upon them and his wrath, but to obey them brings life and peace.
Of course the liar paul mutilated this passage and confused it with his good sounding but ridiculous arguments.
So, as it is, everyone has a choice, whether it be life and obedience to Gods law or death and disobedience, either way everyone has a choice and they are responsible for the choice they have made.
And free will is one of Gods greatest gifts.
@@myyellow-submarine5144 I trust Paul more than I trust you. The Apostles of Jesus spoke well of him, and Paul even helped them. You just don't understand what Paul is saying or you can't accept his teaching. God did lay a stone in Zion, and many stumbled over it. Who has heard, who has seen, so to as they might turn and hear and see and be be healed.
@@8thdayadventist911 well then you shouldn't be talking to me, because we are not on the same side and we don't share the same spirit.
Have a good day.
Don't let men rob you of what Yahweh has given to you.
"So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they teach." - Matthew 23:3
Thank you for making the video.
May Yahweh be Magnified! Messiah spoke this to the people because He knew the Priests were hypocrites, pretending to be Holy when in fact they were not! Many quote the Scriptures and claim to follow them, but their actions testify against them. Live Well.
Amen! We were created to celebrate the Sabbath and are blessed to have a chance every week and with all the Sabbath Feasts, years and jubilee. I have fallen in love with God even more by studying and observing the Sabbath and forgoing the extraneous holidays cloaked in religion. It’s beautiful to see how the Sabbath feasts all reflect on Jesus!
Meanwhile this world is stuck in a Hellenistic Babylonian Slave System and people are out there chasing their “best life”.
The Sabbath rest has of late reminded me of how much my efforts don't matter, that I am not alive by my own providence; there is a greater power at work...I choose to rest and submit to God's way; I wouldn't settle for less
Beautiful video thank you guys. Sadly this topic has been looked over by many of our brothers in Christ, the sabbath is a gift of God for mankind to dedicate one whole day to honor and glorify him as if we were in heaven but sadly many people don't and even speak out against it not knowing it's importance, I invite you all brothers to follow the Lords commandments and take pleasure in his holy day.
JrVargas, are Christians obligated to keep the Sabbath, listed in the 10 commandments?
@@93556108 Are True Christians obligated to obey God? Both questions are the same
@@JrVargas13 certainly we are obligated to obey God in what sense. We are talking about the keeping of the Sabbath law included in the mosaic law which God made a covenant with the nation of Israel (Exo20-21) and Gentiles like you and me are excluded from the mosaic covenant (Eph2:11-12). Both questions are not the same as evidenced by my exposition. If you are excluded from the covenant, how can you participate in it. It won't make any sense.
@@93556108 ok I’m going to focus on the first part of your position then the second. When was the sabbath made holy? When the sabbath was created were there any Israelites? Were commandments being kept BEFORE the nation of Israel? Was the sabbath ONLY for Israelites? most importantly is the mosaic law and the moral law the same? Answer with bible verses
I would really like to keep a day just for rest but it seems almost impossible 😅... I will be going to school again and I have a job too. Any suggestions
I am a Sabbath Keeper” Friday sun down till Saturday sun down that’s how you keep the Sabbath” The Most High Made the Sabbath in the beginning before the Law Genesis chapter 2”. Of you Love Yahweh Keep His Commandments Shalom!!!!
Shabbat shalom!
Boy i got goosebumps watching this. You guys are doing a marvelous job with those videos! I mean the content, the visuals, the sounds, the script. Amazing! And glory be to the Lord Jesus, our Sabbath, our Jubilee, every day, all day. He is our rest!
God bless and forgive this world for our sins amazing video God bless you in the name of the Almighty Lord Amen
I am a seventh day adventist and I must say that sabbath (which is Saturday) is my favorite day at the week. When I see people doing theyr business I really feel sorry for them for not knowing how to rest and enjoy the God's creation
I'm an orthodox Jewish and can't rest on Sabbath because of work 😞
▸ Keeping the sabbath was part of the law that Christ took away. “He . . . canceled out the certificate of death consisting of decrees against us . . .; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ” (Colossians 2:14-17). Christians are no more obligated to keep the sabbath than the other Old Testament festivals or its food and drink regulations! In fact, we are warned against going back to the Law to justify our practices. To do so severs us from Christ (Galatians 5:1-4).
Jesus is my sabbath I rest on him!
Javier Mendoza “ if you love me keep my commandments” Said Jesus to those who rest on Him
Amen. And by the way. Youre doing all commandments, through your new hearth. And its easy: Love God and Love your next.
Amen. He is my sabbath too. It's just now that I realize I have been resting on him so long. Every single day to be honest.
@@koray7781 Remembering the weekly Sabbath (the 7th day of the week), as well as keeping the rest of the 10 commandments *_is_* what loving the Lord and others means.
I love this from the bottom of my heart. Blessings to your channel.
Amazing video! Stunning design, excellent plot.
"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, becase the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings (the gospel) to the poor." (Isaiah 61:1) Christ is our sabbath-rest!
This is beautiful it was explained very well
Always makes me teary eyed from happiness :'-)
This was perfect timing. Thank you
Beautiful explanation, our sabbath rest is in the person of Jesus Christ 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
This is broken down so well. I didn’t realize Jesus’s death was timed like that. That is amazing. Thank you for sharing this.
God bless y’all.
This video was a perfect birthday gift.
Sabbath is Saturday ❤🌊🔥👑
Sabbath according to the Hebrew callender(the original) is Wednesday
With different Christians arguing over what Sabbath means by just following the Bible you put it in its proper context. Thank you.