290 lb clean @ 170 lbs - Isaac Wade

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2014
  • Ugliest clean technique ever. I'm trying to learn to keep my elbows off the knees but they always end up hitting when I'm a max weight.
  • СпортСпорт

Комментарии • 9

  • @Bodyknowledge77
    @Bodyknowledge77 9 лет назад +3

    Funny how cleans are called cleans..When they can be actually quite dirty..:-) Nicely done coming from a non-cleaner!

  • @EvilSecondTwin
    @EvilSecondTwin 9 лет назад


  • @trblesum6969
    @trblesum6969 9 лет назад

    Holy moly

  • @beauwing2973
    @beauwing2973 9 лет назад +5

    Man, careful, people have broken wrists hitting elbows to knees, your strong but you need to catch the bar on your delts, not in your hands, Your pulling the bar too high and it is crashing down on you, then you drop into the bottom of the clean limp and get slammed, you have to meet/catch the bar strong and ride the momentum down. don't let it drop on to you and don't just drop into the hole. Practise power cleans catching at parallel then riding slowly into the hole.

  • @someguy9897
    @someguy9897 9 лет назад

    Man almost died. Good effort

  • @TomShufflebottom
    @TomShufflebottom 9 лет назад

    ayyyyy way to get it

  • @romank01
    @romank01 8 лет назад

    That's how I broke my wrist. Drop the weight right down and practice the technique of it before you end up with a serious injury like I did.