50 years of Light on Humanity

  • Опубликовано: 3 дек 2023
  • This video is a TRIBUTE to Maitreya RAEL… expressing awareness, admiration and recognition towards the last of the Prophets sent by the ELOHIM.
    The revolutionary Message that he brings gives extraordinary teachings to try to save humanity with peace, to learn to love ourselves and others, to develop kindness, Love,
    supra-consciousness, Being ...
    Here, in a 2-minute summary, is what our dear Prophet has done to carry out THE MISSION with all the Raelians in the world for half a century! 50 years of light and, through Maitreya, thank our Creators. ELOHIM, we love you …
    50 years have passed, since Rael's fantastic encounter, finally revealed the truth, about our origins.
    50 years on the shoulders of the messenger of the Elohim, who relentlessly pursues his immense mission.
    50 years during which his revolutionary message has touched millions of people and spread across the earth.
    50 years of giving highly privileged teaching on every continent to all those who wanted to awaken and become happier.
    50 years during which tens of thousands of followers remained in his wake.
    50 years of working to save humanity and lead it towards peace and a better world.
    50 years of strengthening ourselves through pitfalls, epic struggles, and fighting against unconsciousness and indifference.
    50 years of initiating social actions to shake things up, denounce them, change them.
    50 years of spreading a deep love imbued with immense compassion for humankind.
    50 years of imbuing us with the true meaning of religiosity.
    It's an unspeakable privilege to be at his side, to exist alongside him.
    50 years of touching us with the gentleness of his gaze. Caressing us like the flower we are. Helping us to blossom, in Kindness, Love, Supra-consciousness and to be.
    50 years of helping us build our "Inner Embassy". The one we all dream of erecting to welcome our creators.
    It's in tribute to these fifty years of light spread by the last prophets Rael that we thank our beloved Creators.
    "Elohim, WE LOVE YOU! as you had to love mankind to admit THE BEST OF THEM among your

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