Summer 2021 - Tuesday July 13th: I'll be streaming the entirety of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia & Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafaliss on Twitch - so come on over and vote which waifu I go for and a bunch of other stuff! The stream will be on Tuesdays and one or two more other days during the week! -
4:48 is probably the best part IMO. I like how they try to sing together while having different lyrics. I don't know how to describe that particular moment though
Call and Response singing is powerful, which is why its used in battle songs and work songs (like slave music or rowing dirges) because it has the effect of pulling hearts together. Perfect for Metafalica TBH, the creation of a new world.
This game.. rather, this series, holds a special place in me indeed. From the beautiful osts, it's depth storyline, gameplay mechanics and so much more. Really hope they haven't forgotten about this gold mine right here and bring it back to life at some point.
Totally agreed. Ar tonelico was my 1st JRPG and i remember played in Japanese. Even though i can't understand the story in my 1st play-through but the OST just really get me. After finish the 2nd play through in English, i felt so empty for weeks. Hope Gust able to spent more time on this series
Interesting tempo and stylistic shift at around 3:45. Cool mysterious music. Really has the feel of representing a unique world view and story. Same at 6:15 with the move to a choir and choral singing. The end is also slightly mysterious with the chord movements and the singers’ voices.
That's true as well, but so far, he's the most dedicated AT fan I have seen. I believe though he did have help with a large amount of information, it's just that he's one of the few who took the time to pile all the information resources together.
Still so fucking brilliant that the binary code in the intro is actually in the song, and if you listen closely you can hear each 0 and 1, given by an o sound and an i sound respectively. They made a binary opcode into goddamn *poetry*
That's not even the most impressive feat pulled off by Ar Tonelico songs, in my opinion : in Noriko Mitose's EXEC_DISHADOW_includes.EX_VANISLAND/., there is an actual _chmod command in octal syntax_ and it is sung so naturally it's absolutely ridiculous.
Oh wow, you made the Wikia? Thank you for that, man. I literally just finished AT2 not too long ago. I was one of those impatient people and got too curious halfway through the game and just had to wiki Jacqli's identity. Your wiki helped alot and also refreshed my memory of what happened in AT1. Can't wait to start AT3 ^_^
***** That is very unfortunate that you no longer have your game. I have my game for the PS2 yet. I have been around for several years. I listen to the songs of love. Do you have a dive into another world. The manga I've later imported from Japan. The drawings have appealed to me immediately, as I have the Manga times on the internet in English. Soon the soundtrack CD will arrive to the game with me. Also comes from Japan. I'm really looking forward to it.
There are more than a few carryovers from both versions, and that applies to harmonies, melodies and lyrics. Just try to listen to either the EXEC or the METHOD version alone and then to this one. In fact, one of the challenges the creators made to the players was finding the points where the EXEC and the METHOD parts intersect.
Actually, the binaries have nothing to do with expressing emotion: that's the role of the trio of Emotion Sounds present at the start of the sentences (Standard) and the vowels placed in the Emotion Verbs (Pastalie). The binaries are more like specifying particular commands to the Song Server that will execute the song.
it's sad to think that probably many people can't enjoy this kind of song since most of them play it on tv (ps2), with just tv speaker. this is a game that need good quality speaker / headphone to enjoy it at its fullest.
There are a lot of romaji mistakes, and one of the most awkward translation is the mune ---> breast, chest might be better IMO. BUT it was an amazing job done!
(making another post because of character limit) Plus I doubt many people on RUclips would know you unless they decided to pay attention to the person who created the wikia articles for the whole series and the people of NIS. May not seem much here, but to us, you could say you're like our prophet on all things AT and Hymmnos.
No problem. Though if you want more conversation than just me, try looking up low-key Let's Plays of any of the games. I'm sure those people would love to discuss. One of the people I've been currently following is a person who makes replies regularly to his commenters. The game he's LPing (Let's Playing) is AT2 and his name is SyfeKS. I'm sure he'd love to see you talk with him about the series. His current release of the game is at part 66 in Phase 3 with the duel against Targana.
Err... that's isn't the case here. That's Binasphere, and it only serves to fuse two statements into a single sentence and it's always preceded by a =>, while a formula that shows how to decrypt it is always placed at the end of the song. The binary present here is just to indicate which will be the execution parameters for the entirety of Metafalica.
@crazyjavi87 If you're referring to the binary, it's an advanced grammar rule in Hymmnos designed to accommodate singing two songs at once, like, say, Exec_Metafalica and Method_Metafalica. It lets the tower know the pattern by which the songs will switch by representing one with 0 and the other with 1.
L:Was Yea ra chs leeya fhyu en xest eazas yanyaue yor ,xest 1x1101101001100110111000>> syec mea. 나는 희망의 바람이 되리라, 그리고 소중한 당신과 함께 변환하리라 C:Wee ki ra chs wasara dor en xest eazas yanyaue yor ,xest 1x1101101001100110111000>> syec mea. 나는 기름진 대지가 되겠어요, 그리고 소중한 당신과 함께 변환하리라 L&C:enne yanje yehah… 영원한 행복을 바라노라 L:天に滿てよ 地に降り注げ [테은니 미테요 치니 후리소소게] 하늘에 가득차라 땅으로 나리라 眠る小さき種子に 惠み與えん [네무루 치이사키 타네니 메구미 아타에응] 잠든 조그마한 씨앗에 은혜를 주소서 瑠璃のしずく 璧玉の雨 [루리노 시즈쿠 헤키교쿠노 아메] 유리의 물방울 벽옥의 비 始まりの朝告げる 唄聲を聽いて [하지마리노 아사 츠게루 우타고에오 키이테] 시작의 아침을 고하는 노랫소리를 들으며 L:この身 燈して 眠り邊を照らす [코노 미 토모시테 네무리베오 테라스] 이 몸을 태워서 머리맡 비추는 淡き 焔<ほむら>の 朝陽<かぎろい>とならん [아와키 호무라노 카기로이토 나라응] 희미한 불꽃의 아지랑이가 되리라 L&C:Was yea ra hymme ar ciel 들어줘 이 목소리를 Was paks ra kiafa hynne mea 불러줘 이 세상을 Was yea ra hymme ar ciel 들어줘 이 목소리를 Was paks ra ates omnis 모든 걸 받아들여서 C:幽けき 深淵の底 聽こえ… [카소케키 시은에응노 소코 키코에…] 희미한 심연의 저 밑에서 들려오… L:Was Paks ga suwant,mea irs here an yor 괜찮아 함께 있으니까 C:來たれや… [키타레야…] 오소서... C:vEsEk sarr, arhou, nafa, infel… 흘러오네… 따스함, 희망, 다정함, 사랑하는 마음… fEwErYEneh yor, herr en harr, mea, infel… 감싸주네… 당신을, 모두를, 나를, 사랑을…
L:光 授く [히카리 사즈쿠] 빛 얻는 C:幽けき 深淵の底 聽こえ來るは 深き息吹 [카소케키 시은에응노 소코 키코에쿠루와 후카키 이부키] 희미한 심연 저 밑 들려오는 건 깊은 숨결 L:いざや 目覺めよ 明<あけ>き黎明に [이자야 메자메요 아케키 레이메이니] 자아 눈을 뜨소서 밝은 여명에 C:來たれや 開かれし刻 [키타레야 히라카레시 토키] 오소서 열리는 때 L:我ぞ 生命を與う 嗚呼 謳になれ [와레조 이노치오 아타우 아아 우타니 나레] 나야말로 생명을 주는 아아 노래가 되리라 C:全て捨てて この身よ 謳になれ [스베테 스테테 코노 미요 우타니 나레] 모든 걸 버리고 이 몸이여 노래가 되리라 L&C:Rra kira chs hymmnos, aulla mea tes ciel 마음을 열어 나는 노래가 되네 C:ともに愛しき大地 一步 靭<つよ>く 踏みしめ [토모니 이토시키 다이치 이입뽀 츠요쿠 후미시미] 함께 사랑스런 대지를 한 걸음씩 강하게 딛으며 L:ともに愛しき大地 一步 靭<つよ>く 踏みしめて [토모니 이토시키 다이치 이입뽀 츠요쿠 후미시미테] 함께 사랑스런 대지를 한 걸음씩 강하게 디디고 L:搖るがずにただ 進む この脚で [유루가즈니 타다 스스무 코노 아시데] 흔들리지 않고 오직 이 다리로 나아가리 C:搖るがずにただ 進む この脚で [유루가즈니 타다 스스무 코노 아시데] 흔들리지 않고 오직 이 다리로 나아가리 L&C:踏みしめられた 足跡 繫がり行く [후미시메라레타 아시아토 츠나가리유쿠] 새겨진 발자국 이어져가네 步みの軌跡 記す ひとつずつ [아유미노 키세키 시루스 히토츠즈츠] 걸은 궤적을 하나씩 새기네 L&C:Was yea ra, Rra yea ra synk mahin yor en mea 손을 잡아 당신과 함께 Was yea ra, Rra uea ra irw an ar ciel,ee 손을 잡아 아름다운 이 세상과 함께 Was yea ra, Rra yea ra synk sphilar yor en me 마음을 모아 당신과 함께 부르리라 exec hymme 이 노래를 L&C:METAFALICA. 메타파리카. L&C:waath! 재생을! C:謳は胸を溢れて [우타와 무네오 아후레테] 노래는 가슴을 넘쳐 地に溪に湖<みず>に滿てる [치니 타니니 미즈니 미테루] 땅에 골짜기에 호수에 가득 차네 やがて生いし木は深く [야가테 오이시 키와 후카쿠] 이윽고 활기찬 나무는 깊게 土に根ざし大地 抱く [츠치니 네자시 다이치 이다쿠] 땅에 뿌리내려 대지를 안네 L:目眩<まばゆ>き 蒼穹の 碎けし欠片<かけら> [마바유키 소오큐유노 쿠다케시 카케라] 눈부신 창공의 부서진 조각들 この手の上<うえ> いま宿れ [코노 테노 우에 이마 야도레] 이 손 위에서 지금 깃들라 L:降り注げ 光よ [후리소소게 히카리요] 나리라 빛이여 C:降り注げ光の球よ [후리소소게 히카리노 타마요] 나리라 빛의 구슬이여 L:舞い降りよ この胸の中 [마이오리요 코노 무네노 나카] 내려오라 이 가슴 안으로 C:舞い降りよ この胸の中 [마이오리요 코노 무네노 나카] 내려오라 이 가슴 안으로 L:AH 響きわたれや 紡ぎ謳よ [AH 히비키와타레야 츠무기 우타요] AH 울려퍼져라 자아낸 노래여 C:解き放て 響きわたれや 紡ぎ謳よ [토키하나테 히비키와타레야 츠무기 우타요] 해방하라 울려퍼져라 자아낸 노래여 L:Was 遠く 羽を のばして [Was 토오쿠 하네오 노바시테] Was 멀리 날개를 뻗어 C:Was 高く 空に 枝をのばし [Was 타카쿠 소라니 에다오 노바시] Was 높게 하늘에 가지를 뻗어 L:遙か 風に 想い託して [하루카 카제니 오모이 타쿠시테] 머나먼 바람에 마음을 맡겨 C:yea 廣き 大地<つち>に 想い託して [yea 히로키 츠치니 오모이 타쿠시테] yea 넓은 대지에 마음을 맡겨 L:ra 螺旋 描き 屆けや [ra 라세응 에가키 토도케야] ra 라선을 그리며 닿으라 C:ra みおの 軌跡 天へ 屆け [ra 미오노 키세키 테응에 토도케] ra 수로의 궤적 하늘에 닿아라 L:果てぬ 祈り この謳よ [하테누 이노리 코노 우타요] 끝나지 않는 기도 이 노래여 C:weal 枯れぬ 希い謳よ [weal 카레누 네가이우타요] weal 시들지 않는 희망의 노래여 L:綠もえ出ずる 草と花たちの色 [미도리 모에니즈루 쿠사토 하나타치노 이로] 녹색 새싹 돋아나는 풀과 하나들의 색 L:今日も 惠み溢れ [쿄오모 메구미 아후레] 오늘도 은혜는 넘쳐 C:明日も 惠み溢れ [아스모 메구미 아후레] 내일도 은혜는 넘쳐 L:ささやく 水も木も こんなにも優しい [사사야쿠 미즈모 키모 코은나니모 야사시이] 속삭이는 물도 나무도 이렇게나 다정해요 C:ささやく 水も木も こんなにも優しい [사사야쿠 미즈모 키모 코은나니모 야사시이] 속삭이는 물도 나무도 이렇게나 다정해요 L:空よ 祈りよ とこしえに [소라요 이노리요 토코시에니] 하늘이여 기도여 영원히 C:大地よ 穣りよ 嗚呼 [타이치요 미노리요 아아] 대지여 곡식이여 아아 C:xE rre sor a.u.k. akata rhaplanca. 라플란카라고 하는 소녀의 이야기 L:Harr selena phira, ciel accroad 0 papana 소녀는 혼자, 작은 씨앗을 키우고 있었죠. 그 나라에 비는 내리지 않았어요 C:xA rre maoh w.n_s sasye, tYAnAmLYEn phira. 소년은 소녀와 만났어요. 소년의 이름은 마오라고 했죠. 소년은 같이 씨앗을 키우기로 했어요 L:Harr crannidale infel en kapa 그녀는 씨앗에 물을 나눠줘 키웠죠 C:かけがえない この世界 兩手に抱いて [카케가에나이 코노 세카이 료오테니 다이테] 너무나도 소중한 이 세상을 양 손으로 안고서 L:たいせつなこの 日日を 兩手に抱いて [타이세츠나 코노 히비오 료오테니 다이테] 너무 소중한 이 날들을 양 손으로 안고서 C:淸<きよ>き 日日を 步む [키요키 히비오 아유무] 맑은 나날을 걷네 L:嗚呼 あまねく 祝福を 受け止め [아아 아마네쿠 슈쿠후쿠오 우케토메] 아아 골고루 축복을 받아 C:ただ あまねく 祝福を 受け止めて [타다 아마네쿠 슈쿠후쿠오 우케토메테] 그저 골고루 축복을 받아서 L:輝く 明日へ [카가야쿠 아시타에] 빛나는 내일로 C:輝く明日へ [카가야쿠 아시타에] 빛나는 내일로 C:xE rre herr en harr yEyYE phira art kapa enrer. 언젠가 사람들도 새싹에 물을 주게 되었죠 L:Phira selena infel, ciel accroad 0 papana 그 나라에 비는 내리지 않았어요 C:den, xA rre LYAglansee r,w, walasye implanta. 하지만 신의 큰 나무 임플란타가 있었죠 L:AH, infel sos ar ciel 사람들이 함께 키운 큰 나무. 큰 나무는 모두를 적시고 있었죠 世界中の聲:Was yea rahymme ieeya en rannef, 온 세상의 목소리: 찬양하라, 너무나도 소중한 세상 世界中の聲:chanti ee ar ciel, onfel yor. 온 세상의 목소리: 노래하라, 희망과 감사의 노래 C:arciel, en echaaa eje 세상은 하나, 마음도 하나 라플란카의 마음은 누구에게나 깃들어있죠 C:惠みあれ この 愛しき地に 紡がれし 想い湛え [메구미 아레 코노 이토시키 치니 츠무가레시 오모이 타타에] 은혜 있으라 이 사랑스런 땅에 자아낸 마음을 담아서 L:光あれ この 優しき天<そら> 生くる者に [히카리 아레 코노 야사시키 소라 이쿠루 모노니] 빛 있으라 이 다정한 하늘을 살아가는 자에게 L&C:愛を 永久<とわ>に [아이오 토와니] 사랑을 영원히
Well, if it's worth anything, I will listen XD Not too many people on RUclips that know about the series go around posting comments. If it counts for anything, I tried to get some people into the series. Mainly through the music because I'm big on music and that's how I found the series to begin with. (searched for songs from Akiko Shikata because I just loved Utsusemi which was the ending theme of the anime Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi, and I found Phantasmagoria and others.)
It's funny now the 3rd language I learned is a fake one all because I wanted to understand the language of song used from it. Then I find out that men don't often use it in the setting.
Hmm yes I could see that, didn't think of bit flags. Another thought is that it could be some form of access code like a WEP, which would also be a decent explanation as to why the digits don't appear to calculate to anything particularly meaning full.
I always come back to this song no matter how long it has been since I played this game. Now and again on other lyric videos, I'll see people commenting saying that Akiko Shikata wasn't as strong singing as Cloche here as Haruka Shimotsuki is as Luka and it makes me a little sad because I've always interpreted it as Cloche trying to sing and be strong even as she's feeling very overwhelmed and insecure even in this moment, after everything that has happened in the story up to this point. I dunno. Maybe I'm looking into it too much but this song will always have a strong emotional effect on me. (:
Summer 2021 - Tuesday July 13th: I'll be streaming the entirety of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia & Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafaliss on Twitch - so come on over and vote which waifu I go for and a bunch of other stuff! The stream will be on Tuesdays and one or two more other days during the week! -
Nice to see you!
It is the middle of 2024 and I still come here to listen to this song to refill my hope meter
People who still listen to this in 2023, where you at 🎉🎉🎉
Edit 1: We're still listening in 2024 and going strong!
I'm trying to find a specific song that I only vaguely remember so digging through ALL of them.
@@TheElfiestElf good luck!
@ValentinoHarpa thanks; found it. Exec_dishadow_includes_exec_vanisland
@@TheElfiestElf you're welcome! Glad you found it
i miss ar tonelico, i miss our little ARM community, i miss everything. this song has so much impact on me even up to this day.
4:48 is probably the best part IMO. I like how they try to sing together while having different lyrics. I don't know how to describe that particular moment though
oh boy wait till you learn about j.s.bach
aa the part when they sing back and forth always gives me chills
Call and Response singing is powerful, which is why its used in battle songs and work songs (like slave music or rowing dirges) because it has the effect of pulling hearts together. Perfect for Metafalica TBH, the creation of a new world.
@@ChargeQM ah thats ACTUALLY so interesting! i had no idea what it was called so tysm!! 💕
This game.. rather, this series, holds a special place in me indeed. From the beautiful osts, it's depth storyline, gameplay mechanics and so much more. Really hope they haven't forgotten about this gold mine right here and bring it back to life at some point.
Totally agreed. Ar tonelico was my 1st JRPG and i remember played in Japanese. Even though i can't understand the story in my 1st play-through but the OST just really get me. After finish the 2nd play through in English, i felt so empty for weeks. Hope Gust able to spent more time on this series
No Surge is getting rereleased in JP, so Gust seems to of not forgotten about the franchise to some capacity.
To me, Ar Tonelico/No Surge will always reign as the games with the best OSTs.
absolutely! NO game can beat this style of songs.
Sheepen Neepen nieR has the same style. Stella glow and others too...
EXA_PICO, or Ar tonelico/Surge Concerto. There isn't a "No Surge" series.
Now I am compelled to bind my life to game development just to try approaching this divine level
2020 listeners let’s keep this going to next year 🤩🤩
@@unironic1184 YUSSSS!! >:3
Still one of my favorite song of all time
Yes sir!
And listening to this great song again this year
Interesting tempo and stylistic shift at around 3:45. Cool mysterious music. Really has the feel of representing a unique world view and story.
Same at 6:15 with the move to a choir and choral singing.
The end is also slightly mysterious with the chord movements and the singers’ voices.
Someone in 2019?I've been listening this series for years and keep going on.
Pika pika check in 2019
This music is too good not to revisit
2019 here. Still listening.
I don't think a week goes by where I don't listen to Exa_Pico music.
2020 here
It's been years since I first listened to these, and I still listen to them now. :)
No matter what I'll never forget ar tonelico. It's part of my childhood.
2020, eyes tearing up hearing this song again
Coming in for my New Year's Day listen in 2021. Hopefully things get better eventually y'all.
Same here but for 2022 this time
We have to make a way 2022~🎉
Here again for 2023
Happy new year y'all !
Still here for 2024
Happy new year everyone !
Happy new year too!@@teiwara
I literally got goosebumps everytime i hear their songs
more than 7 years and I still find myself back here.
Ringing in the new year with the most appropriate Ar Tonelico song I can think of. As is tradition.
That's true as well, but so far, he's the most dedicated AT fan I have seen. I believe though he did have help with a large amount of information, it's just that he's one of the few who took the time to pile all the information resources together.
My sister always sings as Luca and I always have to be Cloche......I AM SO OUT OF BREATH.
It's read as i ku i i o i i o i o o i i o o i i i o o o. That's how the 1s and 0s are pronounced in Hymmnos Binary.
Going through my favorite Ar Tonelico songs to celebrate Ar Tonelico 3. The music is so god-tier! It deserves to be animated one day.
Still so fucking brilliant that the binary code in the intro is actually in the song, and if you listen closely you can hear each 0 and 1, given by an o sound and an i sound respectively.
They made a binary opcode into goddamn *poetry*
That's not even the most impressive feat pulled off by Ar Tonelico songs, in my opinion : in Noriko Mitose's EXEC_DISHADOW_includes.EX_VANISLAND/., there is an actual _chmod command in octal syntax_ and it is sung so naturally it's absolutely ridiculous.
While playing around with ChatGPT I discovered that it knows and can translate words into Hymnos. I have no idea how accurate it is though.
Oh wow, you made the Wikia? Thank you for that, man. I literally just finished AT2 not too long ago. I was one of those impatient people and got too curious halfway through the game and just had to wiki Jacqli's identity. Your wiki helped alot and also refreshed my memory of what happened in AT1. Can't wait to start AT3 ^_^
listening to this whenever i feel down
give me energy to continue on
ein echtes Meisterwerk
***** That is very unfortunate that you no longer have your game. I have my game for the PS2 yet. I have been around for several years. I listen to the songs of love. Do you have a dive into another world. The manga I've later imported from Japan. The drawings have appealed to me immediately, as I have the Manga times on the internet in English. Soon the soundtrack CD will arrive to the game with me. Also comes from Japan. I'm really looking forward to it.
This always brings me to tears
you did a great job, it's on my favourites and playlist now
I love the "binary" part at the beginning; it sounds so entrancing~ :3
I love the percussion work on this song.
There are more than a few carryovers from both versions, and that applies to harmonies, melodies and lyrics. Just try to listen to either the EXEC or the METHOD version alone and then to this one. In fact, one of the challenges the creators made to the players was finding the points where the EXEC and the METHOD parts intersect.
And there you have it from the AT Encyclopedia himself! Glad to see you're busy on RUclips bringing knowledge to us ignorants XD
omg the beginning gives me goosebumps its so great
Actually, the binaries have nothing to do with expressing emotion: that's the role of the trio of Emotion Sounds present at the start of the sentences (Standard) and the vowels placed in the Emotion Verbs (Pastalie). The binaries are more like specifying particular commands to the Song Server that will execute the song.
It's magnificent and splendid.
Love Ar Tonelico hymnos. Never gets old how awesome they can make a bit shift command sound. @0:12
dat saron/kotekan and gamelan start at 1:17 - 1:54 superb
Merry Christmas!!!!!
i want remake version or new ♥ i love this game series so much.
Amazing!!! Thank you for creating this!
Oh how much I struggle to sing this... The only pastalian dialect i managed to sing is implanta :(
Dio Satyaloka that's better than i can do T.T
Man.. this song is good as always. Never get tired of listening to it
Ar Tonelico coming from downtown with absolutely no excuse for slapping this hard: WAS YEA RA
simply beautiful
Haha crap, I totally missed that when I was doing the description! Thanks =P
My favorite composition from the entire Ar Tonelico soundtrack!
it's sad to think that probably many people can't enjoy this kind of song since most of them play it on tv (ps2), with just tv speaker.
this is a game that need good quality speaker / headphone to enjoy it at its fullest.
OMG it's 10 years already since I first time play this game :"
Wonderful song! And great work, it must have been very hard! Thanks a lot for this :D
Ken Nakagawa best Genius Maestro for creating this kind of Melody cant believe this video 13 years ago...
Ken Nakagawa had nothing to do with this song. The composers and arrangers for it were Akira Tsuchiya himself and Akiko Shikata.
woooaaa thx mate... i think,..the more you know hehe... @@aquagondrag
anyone else think the beginning of the first luca only segment kinda sounds like something from Lord of the Rings?
Thanks for the encouragement. And it's always a pleasure to talk to anyone who actually likes and respects the series for what it is. :)
-salutes- Thank you for creating this video
I WANT TO CRY..!!! goosebumps everywhere!! luca take me!! :)
Akiko does really beautiful songs. I gotta find out more about this series.
2022 and still listening to this song every day
I just realized in 0:21, one sings on analog signal and the other on the equivalent digital signal, and this is great.
Wrong. That section is just specifying execution parameters for the song, and it's identical for both singers.
Still love all ar tonelico songs even in 2022
Thanks! I always seem to forget the source.. the most important thing haha
On the contrary, it's more of an honor for me to continue being able to be of help in some way or other. ^^
2021 :) this ost is eternal
One of the last true rpgs of my time, I will always remember and love Ar Tonelico... Oh and Luca!
@brady6723 It's in progress, look forward to it being released this week sometime!
There are a lot of romaji mistakes, and one of the most awkward translation is the mune ---> breast, chest might be better IMO. BUT it was an amazing job done!
It does throw you off when attempting to sing along !
shit. i was overflowed with this nostalgic feelings.
This game is so amazing , i love all musics in this game, 2019 from Brasil
exelente video wow your works are the best
Oh and I forgot to mention, I think I did do the Waath part, it's at 3:45 =)
***** Thanks for your comments. It's great to learn something new about this series. And you're the person who wrote the wiki?! I feel privileged!
(making another post because of character limit) Plus I doubt many people on RUclips would know you unless they decided to pay attention to the person who created the wikia articles for the whole series and the people of NIS. May not seem much here, but to us, you could say you're like our prophet on all things AT and Hymmnos.
This is definitely a masterpiece
Ohh, that extra delightful section @ 4:39
No problem. Though if you want more conversation than just me, try looking up low-key Let's Plays of any of the games. I'm sure those people would love to discuss. One of the people I've been currently following is a person who makes replies regularly to his commenters. The game he's LPing (Let's Playing) is AT2 and his name is SyfeKS. I'm sure he'd love to see you talk with him about the series. His current release of the game is at part 66 in Phase 3 with the duel against Targana.
If you learn the language, you will understand the numbers, and why they are needed.
Err... that's isn't the case here. That's Binasphere, and it only serves to fuse two statements into a single sentence and it's always preceded by a =>, while a formula that shows how to decrypt it is always placed at the end of the song. The binary present here is just to indicate which will be the execution parameters for the entirety of Metafalica.
No. It's because no matter how polite I try to be, it doesn't change anything. That's what I've learned from being here for so long.
The song which created the new land!
im still here :)))
I love this song ♡
@crazyjavi87 If you're referring to the binary, it's an advanced grammar rule in Hymmnos designed to accommodate singing two songs at once, like, say, Exec_Metafalica and Method_Metafalica. It lets the tower know the pattern by which the songs will switch by representing one with 0 and the other with 1.
@Suzumushi100 If I have time I will. That song has a lot of overlapping lyrics so it would be a difficult video to do ^_^;;;
MyraSlokov !!!
Still here in 2021 who's with me?
L:Was Yea ra chs leeya fhyu en xest eazas yanyaue yor ,xest
1x1101101001100110111000>> syec mea.
나는 희망의 바람이 되리라, 그리고 소중한 당신과 함께 변환하리라
C:Wee ki ra chs wasara dor en xest eazas yanyaue yor ,xest
1x1101101001100110111000>> syec mea.
나는 기름진 대지가 되겠어요, 그리고 소중한 당신과 함께 변환하리라
L&C:enne yanje yehah…
영원한 행복을 바라노라
L:天に滿てよ 地に降り注げ
[테은니 미테요 치니 후리소소게]
하늘에 가득차라 땅으로 나리라
眠る小さき種子に 惠み與えん
[네무루 치이사키 타네니 메구미 아타에응]
잠든 조그마한 씨앗에 은혜를 주소서
瑠璃のしずく 璧玉の雨
[루리노 시즈쿠 헤키교쿠노 아메]
유리의 물방울 벽옥의 비
始まりの朝告げる 唄聲を聽いて
[하지마리노 아사 츠게루 우타고에오 키이테]
시작의 아침을 고하는 노랫소리를 들으며
L:この身 燈して 眠り邊を照らす
[코노 미 토모시테 네무리베오 테라스]
이 몸을 태워서 머리맡 비추는
淡き 焔<ほむら>の 朝陽<かぎろい>とならん
[아와키 호무라노 카기로이토 나라응]
희미한 불꽃의 아지랑이가 되리라
L&C:Was yea ra hymme ar ciel
들어줘 이 목소리를
Was paks ra kiafa hynne mea
불러줘 이 세상을
Was yea ra hymme ar ciel
들어줘 이 목소리를
Was paks ra ates omnis
모든 걸 받아들여서
C:幽けき 深淵の底 聽こえ…
[카소케키 시은에응노 소코 키코에…]
희미한 심연의 저 밑에서 들려오…
L:Was Paks ga suwant,mea irs here an yor
괜찮아 함께 있으니까
C:vEsEk sarr, arhou, nafa, infel…
흘러오네… 따스함, 희망, 다정함, 사랑하는 마음…
fEwErYEneh yor, herr en harr, mea, infel…
감싸주네… 당신을, 모두를, 나를, 사랑을…
L:光 授く
[히카리 사즈쿠]
빛 얻는
C:幽けき 深淵の底 聽こえ來るは 深き息吹
[카소케키 시은에응노 소코 키코에쿠루와 후카키 이부키]
희미한 심연 저 밑 들려오는 건 깊은 숨결
L:いざや 目覺めよ 明<あけ>き黎明に
[이자야 메자메요 아케키 레이메이니]
자아 눈을 뜨소서 밝은 여명에
C:來たれや 開かれし刻
[키타레야 히라카레시 토키]
오소서 열리는 때
L:我ぞ 生命を與う 嗚呼 謳になれ
[와레조 이노치오 아타우 아아 우타니 나레]
나야말로 생명을 주는 아아 노래가 되리라
C:全て捨てて この身よ 謳になれ
[스베테 스테테 코노 미요 우타니 나레]
모든 걸 버리고 이 몸이여 노래가 되리라
L&C:Rra kira chs hymmnos, aulla mea tes ciel
마음을 열어 나는 노래가 되네
C:ともに愛しき大地 一步 靭<つよ>く 踏みしめ
[토모니 이토시키 다이치 이입뽀 츠요쿠 후미시미]
함께 사랑스런 대지를 한 걸음씩 강하게 딛으며
L:ともに愛しき大地 一步 靭<つよ>く 踏みしめて
[토모니 이토시키 다이치 이입뽀 츠요쿠 후미시미테]
함께 사랑스런 대지를 한 걸음씩 강하게 디디고
L:搖るがずにただ 進む この脚で
[유루가즈니 타다 스스무 코노 아시데]
흔들리지 않고 오직 이 다리로 나아가리
C:搖るがずにただ 進む この脚で
[유루가즈니 타다 스스무 코노 아시데]
흔들리지 않고 오직 이 다리로 나아가리
L&C:踏みしめられた 足跡 繫がり行く
[후미시메라레타 아시아토 츠나가리유쿠]
새겨진 발자국 이어져가네
步みの軌跡 記す ひとつずつ
[아유미노 키세키 시루스 히토츠즈츠]
걸은 궤적을 하나씩 새기네
L&C:Was yea ra, Rra yea ra synk mahin yor en mea
손을 잡아 당신과 함께
Was yea ra, Rra uea ra irw an ar ciel,ee
손을 잡아 아름다운 이 세상과 함께
Was yea ra, Rra yea ra synk sphilar yor en me
마음을 모아 당신과 함께 부르리라
exec hymme
이 노래를
[우타와 무네오 아후레테]
노래는 가슴을 넘쳐
[치니 타니니 미즈니 미테루]
땅에 골짜기에 호수에 가득 차네
[야가테 오이시 키와 후카쿠]
이윽고 활기찬 나무는 깊게
土に根ざし大地 抱く
[츠치니 네자시 다이치 이다쿠]
땅에 뿌리내려 대지를 안네
L:目眩<まばゆ>き 蒼穹の 碎けし欠片<かけら>
[마바유키 소오큐유노 쿠다케시 카케라]
눈부신 창공의 부서진 조각들
この手の上<うえ> いま宿れ
[코노 테노 우에 이마 야도레]
이 손 위에서 지금 깃들라
L:降り注げ 光よ
[후리소소게 히카리요]
나리라 빛이여
[후리소소게 히카리노 타마요]
나리라 빛의 구슬이여
L:舞い降りよ この胸の中
[마이오리요 코노 무네노 나카]
내려오라 이 가슴 안으로
C:舞い降りよ この胸の中
[마이오리요 코노 무네노 나카]
내려오라 이 가슴 안으로
L:AH 響きわたれや 紡ぎ謳よ
[AH 히비키와타레야 츠무기 우타요]
AH 울려퍼져라 자아낸 노래여
C:解き放て 響きわたれや 紡ぎ謳よ
[토키하나테 히비키와타레야 츠무기 우타요]
해방하라 울려퍼져라 자아낸 노래여
L:Was 遠く 羽を のばして
[Was 토오쿠 하네오 노바시테]
Was 멀리 날개를 뻗어
C:Was 高く 空に 枝をのばし
[Was 타카쿠 소라니 에다오 노바시]
Was 높게 하늘에 가지를 뻗어
L:遙か 風に 想い託して
[하루카 카제니 오모이 타쿠시테]
머나먼 바람에 마음을 맡겨
C:yea 廣き 大地<つち>に 想い託して
[yea 히로키 츠치니 오모이 타쿠시테]
yea 넓은 대지에 마음을 맡겨
L:ra 螺旋 描き 屆けや
[ra 라세응 에가키 토도케야]
ra 라선을 그리며 닿으라
C:ra みおの 軌跡 天へ 屆け
[ra 미오노 키세키 테응에 토도케]
ra 수로의 궤적 하늘에 닿아라
L:果てぬ 祈り この謳よ
[하테누 이노리 코노 우타요]
끝나지 않는 기도 이 노래여
C:weal 枯れぬ 希い謳よ
[weal 카레누 네가이우타요]
weal 시들지 않는 희망의 노래여
L:綠もえ出ずる 草と花たちの色
[미도리 모에니즈루 쿠사토 하나타치노 이로]
녹색 새싹 돋아나는 풀과 하나들의 색
L:今日も 惠み溢れ
[쿄오모 메구미 아후레]
오늘도 은혜는 넘쳐
C:明日も 惠み溢れ
[아스모 메구미 아후레]
내일도 은혜는 넘쳐
L:ささやく 水も木も こんなにも優しい
[사사야쿠 미즈모 키모 코은나니모 야사시이]
속삭이는 물도 나무도 이렇게나 다정해요
C:ささやく 水も木も こんなにも優しい
[사사야쿠 미즈모 키모 코은나니모 야사시이]
속삭이는 물도 나무도 이렇게나 다정해요
L:空よ 祈りよ とこしえに
[소라요 이노리요 토코시에니]
하늘이여 기도여 영원히
C:大地よ 穣りよ 嗚呼
[타이치요 미노리요 아아]
대지여 곡식이여 아아
C:xE rre sor a.u.k. akata rhaplanca.
라플란카라고 하는 소녀의 이야기
L:Harr selena phira, ciel accroad 0 papana
소녀는 혼자, 작은 씨앗을 키우고 있었죠. 그 나라에 비는 내리지 않았어요
C:xA rre maoh w.n_s sasye, tYAnAmLYEn phira.
소년은 소녀와 만났어요. 소년의 이름은 마오라고 했죠. 소년은 같이 씨앗을 키우기로 했어요
L:Harr crannidale infel en kapa
그녀는 씨앗에 물을 나눠줘 키웠죠
C:かけがえない この世界 兩手に抱いて
[카케가에나이 코노 세카이 료오테니 다이테]
너무나도 소중한 이 세상을 양 손으로 안고서
L:たいせつなこの 日日を 兩手に抱いて
[타이세츠나 코노 히비오 료오테니 다이테]
너무 소중한 이 날들을 양 손으로 안고서
C:淸<きよ>き 日日を 步む
[키요키 히비오 아유무]
맑은 나날을 걷네
L:嗚呼 あまねく 祝福を 受け止め
[아아 아마네쿠 슈쿠후쿠오 우케토메]
아아 골고루 축복을 받아
C:ただ あまねく 祝福を 受け止めて
[타다 아마네쿠 슈쿠후쿠오 우케토메테]
그저 골고루 축복을 받아서
L:輝く 明日へ
[카가야쿠 아시타에]
빛나는 내일로
[카가야쿠 아시타에]
빛나는 내일로
C:xE rre herr en harr yEyYE phira art kapa enrer.
언젠가 사람들도 새싹에 물을 주게 되었죠
L:Phira selena infel, ciel accroad 0 papana
그 나라에 비는 내리지 않았어요
C:den, xA rre LYAglansee r,w, walasye implanta.
하지만 신의 큰 나무 임플란타가 있었죠
L:AH, infel sos ar ciel
사람들이 함께 키운 큰 나무. 큰 나무는 모두를 적시고 있었죠
世界中の聲:Was yea rahymme ieeya en rannef,
온 세상의 목소리: 찬양하라, 너무나도 소중한 세상
世界中の聲:chanti ee ar ciel, onfel yor.
온 세상의 목소리: 노래하라, 희망과 감사의 노래
C:arciel, en echaaa eje
세상은 하나, 마음도 하나 라플란카의 마음은 누구에게나 깃들어있죠
C:惠みあれ この 愛しき地に 紡がれし 想い湛え
[메구미 아레 코노 이토시키 치니 츠무가레시 오모이 타타에]
은혜 있으라 이 사랑스런 땅에 자아낸 마음을 담아서
L:光あれ この 優しき天<そら> 生くる者に
[히카리 아레 코노 야사시키 소라 이쿠루 모노니]
빛 있으라 이 다정한 하늘을 살아가는 자에게
L&C:愛を 永久<とわ>に
[아이오 토와니]
사랑을 영원히
한글 번역 감사
2022 still find this amazing!
I think that Luca is Haruka and Cloche Akiko.
Anyway, the outcome is awesome.
Someone needs to port this to the PC. My PS2's already busted. I'd love to replay these gems.
I just finished playing it on PC. they emulate very well
Well, if it's worth anything, I will listen XD Not too many people on RUclips that know about the series go around posting comments. If it counts for anything, I tried to get some people into the series. Mainly through the music because I'm big on music and that's how I found the series to begin with. (searched for songs from Akiko Shikata because I just loved Utsusemi which was the ending theme of the anime Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi, and I found Phantasmagoria and others.)
que obra de arte
It's funny now the 3rd language I learned is a fake one all because I wanted to understand the language of song used from it.
Then I find out that men don't often use it in the setting.
You can be like Croix and sing for the sake of love. ❤
If you do one of these videos for phantasmagoria, I will love you for ever!!! :)
Actually, these are execution parameters. On the other hand, SH Server addresses are more similar in syntax to our own IPv4 addresses.
Hmm yes I could see that, didn't think of bit flags. Another thought is that it could be some form of access code like a WEP, which would also be a decent explanation as to why the digits don't appear to calculate to anything particularly meaning full.
i dont know what game is this, but OMG starting at 5:38 the melody is sooo good !!! like wtf?? i need to play this game
It's Ar tonelico 2 for PS2 :) good luck finding a copy to play!
I always come back to this song no matter how long it has been since I played this game. Now and again on other lyric videos, I'll see people commenting saying that Akiko Shikata wasn't as strong singing as Cloche here as Haruka Shimotsuki is as Luka and it makes me a little sad because I've always interpreted it as Cloche trying to sing and be strong even as she's feeling very overwhelmed and insecure even in this moment, after everything that has happened in the story up to this point.
I dunno. Maybe I'm looking into it too much but this song will always have a strong emotional effect on me. (:
ohh, you got a lot of knowledge about hymmnos :D