Bock Saga - Leo Nygren - Some Talks About Ior Bock and Saga

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 167

  • @kauniskaukomieli9482
    @kauniskaukomieli9482 4 года назад +26

    At 42:10 is spoken of German Catholic forces in Gulf of Finland at time when the pope was Leo IX, of a Germanic background. He was a warlike pope and is known to have used Swabian mercenaries against Normans in 1053 by personally organising the military force. The Swabians were a Germanic tribe that dwelled in southern Germany and Switzerland. Writing some 25 years after the Catholic military operation led by Swedish king Anund, German author Adam of Bremen mentions it in his 1070s work History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen. As source Adam was a near contemporary, having been a young child when the military operation took place.
    A memory of the military operation was retained also in the Þingeyraklaustur monastery of Iceland, where in the 1100s a monk called Oddr Snorrason knew it. This memory became a Norse saga called Yngvars saga víðförla, at the very end of which the Catholic authors say that the whole saga is about a real military operation by a real Swedish king Anund, but turned into a fable form. See ch. 14 of the Tunstall translation, the link is given at the Wikipedia page for the saga.
    The beer spoken of is called Welternburger Kloster Asam Bock Dunkler Doppelbock, a highly rated beer type. The label indeed reads Seit 1050, or 'from 1050'. There is a review here on RUclips with the label shown:видео.html
    To know more of medieval German monasteries working as breweries, see Weltenburg Abbey and Weihenstephan Abbey at Wikipedia.

    • @ulisirius9027
      @ulisirius9027 2 года назад

      Globalism takes over the whole world now.
      Teil 1 : Der subjektlose Prozess der Verwertung des Werts aus Wert mehr Wert zu generieren führt vermittelt durch den stummen Zwang der Konkurrenz zum Prozess des Kapitals zum Weltkapital. Dabei bleiben schwache Nationen auf der Strecke, mittlere werden unterhöhlt, starke bilden Tiefe Staaten aus. Bei diesem Prozess bildet sich eine transnationale Ebene , bestehend aus Multis, Multikultis, NGOs, EU usw.. ( Globalisierung). Globalismus befördert diesen Prozess, bewusst wie bewusstlos.
      Teil 2 Vermittelt durch den stummen Zwang der Konkurrenz, dem Neid, der Gier, ab er auch dem Wunsch nach Sorgfalt, der ökologischen Rückverfolgbarkeit, der Bekämpfung von Kriminalität, Steuerhinterziehung, dem Wunsch zu kennen was der Konsument wie konsumiert, dem Wunsch nach Kontrolle, der besseren Konsumierbarkeit, der immanenten technischen Entwicklung bedingt auch durch mögliche Kriege usw., wird die Technologie, Information, Konsumption, Produktion zusammengeschaltet gleichgeschaltet und immer mehr werden angeschlossen. Immer mehr wird vercodet und gechipt.Die industrielle Maschinerie verschmilzt mit dem Organischen und der nationalen Staatsmaschine. Alles was hergestellt wird kommt in die Maschine alles was benötigt wird aus der Maschine. Güter fliessen in der Maschine. Alle sind angeschlossen. Überall ist Zentrum.
      Teil 3 Rückkopplung des Konsums in die Produktion geschieht automatisch. Jeder Wunsch jede Ab- Stimmung wird erfasst und koppelt sich in die Maschine zurück Das Marketing möchte das wie, wann wo und warum kennen. Cookies werden losgeschickt und implementiert. Zentralisierung der Macht führt zum planetaren Kontrollstellen wie im Bankenwesen. Digitalisierung führt zur Abschaffung des Bar- Geldes.
      Teil 4 Das Warenuniversum des Kapitals und seine Logik ist imperial und total. Alles wird absorbiert, verschiedenes wird verglichen, bedingt durch das Geld, dem Gleichmacher, es ist Vergleichung. Die Egalité ist was sehr kapitalistisches. Das Kapital geht mit der Communis schwanger.
      Teil 5 Jede Abstimmung immerzu soll da in Perfektion erfasst sein und keine Ab- Stimmung soll verloren gehen. Die Geldmonaden, das formvollendete Individuum soll da schwirren in der Zirkulation, global total. Frei verfügbar soll die Arbeitskraft weltweit verwertet werden
      können. Nationalstaaten sind heute dafür nur noch hinderlich. Die reine Plutokratie ist durchgesetztes Weltkapital. Radikal imperial. Formvollendete Verhandelbarkeit von allem Abstimmbarkeit über jedes Vegleichbarkeit von allem. D.h. auch Austauschbarkeit. Voilà der Globalfaschismus als vollendete Plutokratie. Dieser kann mehr technokratische, mehr ökofaschistische Züge haben, er kann auch oszillieren. Hängt wohl von der Verlaufsform ab.
      Teil 6 Vergleichung ist dem Gelde immanent. Irgend ein Schnösel legt ein Sack davon auf den Tisch. Wer Gleichheit ablehnt muss das Geldsystem ablehnen. So liegt in der Unterhölung des Bargeldes immer auch die Kontrolle, der Kontrollwunsch. Die Krise kann zu Reformgeld aber auch zur Weltkastenherrschaft führen. Die Eliten können direkt durchregieren. Voilà, Globalfaschismus als Kastenherrschaft.
      Teil 7 Die Digitalisierung führt zur weiteren Machtkonzentration aber auch der Abschaffung des Bargeldes. Da alle an die Maschine angeschlossen sind kann theoretisch eben auch die Dazwischenkunft des Geldes ganz abgeschafft werden. Die Leute nehmen sich das was sie benötigen "aus" der Maschine. Was knapp ist wird via Zufallsgeneratoren zugewiesen.
      Jeder ist qua Geburt oder Zeugung darin. Alle sind schlussendlich eingebetet in die Maschine. Es gibt kein Aussen mehr. Alle Universa und Dimensionen sind all absorbiert für alle Zeit und Ewigkeit bis in alle Ewigkeit. Voilà Globalfaschismus als Communis. Lohnsystem ist auch beseitigt. Zumindest politökonomisch. (Bei-Sein-In).
      Teil 8 Durch Machtkämpfe können sich Eliten durchsetzen die die Technologien völlig nihilistisch befördern. Es entstehen dystopisch kollektivistische Szenarien. Giger Kunst, Borg, Matrix worin die Technik den Menschen verschlingt und vernutzt. ( In- Sein-Bei). Voilà Globalfaschismus als Dystopie.
      Teil 9 Und bedingt durch Ordo ab Chaos Strategien, aber auch apolaren Strategien, werden Nationalstaaten geschwächt. Umvolkung bzw. Migrationspakt laufen aus dem Ruder. Der faschistische Islam übernimmt das Szepter. Auch durch Dekadenz ist ein solches Szenario möglich. Voilà der Islamfaschismus. Umma als sklavistisch mafiotisches Dschihad Imperium.
      Teil 10 Wichtig ist noch folgendes. Die Communis basiert auf Transzendenz auf Entwicklungsfähigkeit. Dazu ist eine Art bewusste Religion/ Spiritualität vonnöten. Dies zur Abgrenzung der Dystopie. Wir wollen den neuen Menschen als Chiborg( Kiborg) nicht Borg.
      Teil 11 Dies und das. Vermehrung erfolgt kulturell wie von einer gewissen Stabilität aus betrachtet aber auch idealtypisch 1. Monogam, 2.polygam( mit Sexsklaverei und Cousinenehe), 3. Retortenzucht, Eugenik, Euthanasie oder Lebensschutz. 4. Promisk in Kombination mit öffentlichen Ritualen 5. Polyamorie kann durchaus überall auftreten. Ist aber keine feste Struktur. --- Ausserdem kämpft das Lebensschützerische gegen das Bevölkerungsreduktionistische. Das Sexualfeindliche gegen das Sexualfreundliche.
      Teil 12 Der universale Kampf. Seit es höhere Staatlichkeit oder militärische Kampfkraft gibt, gibt es die Auseinandersetzung ob die Ordnung lokal, gruppenspezifisch, regional zu verbleiben hat oder "überall" zu gelten hat. Dabei ist es einerlei ob etwas partikulares universal ausgebreitet wird oder eine universelle Idee. Da es nicht nur die Erde mit Leben gibt, sondern auch andere Planeten mit Leben und auch höherem Leben, ist davon auszugehen das dieser Grundkonflikt wirklich und wahrhaftig universal ist. Dieser Kampf ist derjenige zwischen Empire/ Global Gouvernance/Weltordnungsidee/ Reichsidee auf der einen Seite und der nationalen Souveränität(Nationalsouveränismus) auf der anderen Seite. Dabei gibt es viele Pläne auf allen Seiten, bewusstes wie unbewusstes agieren. Die Vertreter der Weltordnungsidee agieren dabei selbstverständlich mit allen Mitteln Mitteln, wie auch ihre Gegner. Heute zumeist unipolar oder apolar. Die souveränistischen Akteure zumeist von strikter Souveränität( mit Cheks and Balances und direkter Kommunikation) oder gehen von einem Konzept von Multipolarität aus. Nationale Souveränisten gehen davon aus das es Freihandel nur unter gleichstarken geben kann. Idealtypisch demokratisch, moderate Libertäre wie moderate Sozialisten. Starker Präsident oder Milizkollegium. Der Kapitalismus wird sozial gezähmt, allerdings nicht überwunden. Jede Nation soll ihre eigene Raumfahrt machen. --- Es ist noch hinzuzufügen das es wechselnde Allianzen und Querfronten geben kann. Und auch die Strömungen untereinander sich zum Teil heftig bekämpfen können.
      Teil 13. Attila Hildmann. Faktisch alles kann globalistisch transformiert werden. Selbst völkisches und partikulares kann umgedreht werden. Deshalb wäre bei Durchsetzung des deutschen Nationalsozialismus umgehend ein globalistischer Transnationalsozialismus geworden. Hildmann verkürzt vieles ist aber unterstützenswert da er das Overton Fenster verschiebt. Hildmann ist wie Kenfm Antizionist. Kenfm hat mehr Einfluss wie ein Hildmann. Zionismus. Ist die Bewegung für Volk und Heimat im Judentum und die Durchsetzung europäisch abendländischer Nationalstaatlichkeit innerhalb des Judentums. Bei allen Allianzen, mit Globalisten Selbsthassern, Islamisten usw., war der Zionismus bis jetzt sehr erfolgreich sich durchzusetzen. Antisemitismus kann man überwinden durch Affirmation der Zirkulation. Zum einen wie Trump durch nationalen Patriotismus und (säkularisierten) Calvinismus. Zum anderen wie es Finanzglobalisten tun, alles in die Zirkulation. Dahin gehört auch der Globalfaschismus der Israel zu Weltisrael (Postzionismus) aufbläst oder die Zirkulation durch die Maschine ersetzt oder diese deckungsgleich macht. (Postkapitalismus) Attila verbleibt auf der subjektiven Handlungsebene und verabsolutiert diese bzw. hängt sich bei Spezialplänen auf. Es ist zwar richtig das es Verantwortlichkeiten gibt, es den universalen Kampf aber eben nicht juckt ob mehr Soros, mehr, Transhumanismus mehr Gates oder Rockefeller dahintersteckt, die Engelwesen auf Sirius juckt das nicht... Es sind eben nicht nur Juden sondern auch Buddhisten, Christen, Synkretisten, Mohammedaner, Nihilisten,Atheisten usw unter den globalistischen Akteuren... Compact Magazin.
      Communis ist gemeinschaftlich durchgeführter Genuss. Dies gilt überhistorisch. Das marxsche präfaschistische Verständnis verbleibt in erster Linie bürgerlich immanent. Heute wissen wir: Emanzipation führt in den Transhumanismus, ist zwar auch globalfaschistisch, aber wohl dystopisch.
      Bin zwar kein Identitärer aber ohne Identitäres wird es nicht gehen. War früher eher wachstumskritisch, bzw. für einen Mix, heute neige ich immer mehr zur massiven Steigerung der Energieflussdichte, mindestens bis die Nationen eigene Weltraumsiedlungen haben.Siehe Positionen Dr Blex, Benedict Kaiser, Sieferle, Sellner, Curio, LaRouche.(Spannungsbogen).
      Quelle zum Globalfaschismus. Kommentarsektion von Kenfm. Dort treten Globalfaschisten hervor. Propagieren aggressiv Reichsidee. Bedrohen AfD, Identitäre, Kenfm und seine Querfronten, Patrioten usw..Sind für (!!!) SAntifa.

    • @islandbuoy4
      @islandbuoy4 2 года назад

      blah blah blah ... how does this recent history (within the last 2000 years) impact the details of a story that claims to be the source of all humanity dating back to ???? DUH that is correct nobody knows ....

  • @AgathaVelvet
    @AgathaVelvet 4 года назад +9

    What a great pleasure listening to this gentleman. Thank you 🧙‍♂️🌟

    • @islandbuoy4
      @islandbuoy4 2 года назад

      his name is Al Z. Heimer

  • @Boreaser
    @Boreaser 4 года назад +10

    Very well done, Aleksander Popov. Tx!

  • @jultomten8270
    @jultomten8270 4 года назад +5

    I want to point out that the Ordlek ( wordplay) has to be in relation with the breedingsystem, offeringsystem and informationsystem and the soundsystem. The soundsystem is like a key to see that the words are correct.

  • @myday1440
    @myday1440 4 года назад +6

    Thanx, Very nice, Got some new words i never thought about before, but make totally "understandably".
    ex: Sota and Sotilas (War and Soldier). Aka=Chimney sweep. Wow, Love the way everything unfold. I speak Rot, grow up whit Van, and still working on this third one!:) Merci and Aloha

    • @Sukinsun
      @Sukinsun  4 года назад +1

      Don't forget to support us!

  • @7iKs
    @7iKs 4 года назад +7

    Great job mate - many thanks for this and I hope more will come 👍 - in polish God is Bóg ;)

    • @Sukinsun
      @Sukinsun  4 года назад

      Don't forget to support us!

  • @tamborinevillage333
    @tamborinevillage333 4 года назад +5

    Please protect our Temple during these times. I love you all. Thank you.

    • @Sukinsun
      @Sukinsun  4 года назад +1

      Don't forget to support us!

    • @tamborinevillage333
      @tamborinevillage333 4 года назад +2

      I have invested in certain crypto and I intend to fully fund the opening of our temple when the time is right. Patience is a virtue my friend, good things come to those who wait. I trust Uuden's plan for our Planet and we are both in that plan. For now I'll do what I can to support you.

    • @heidismith8970
      @heidismith8970 7 месяцев назад

      @@tamborinevillage333 I’ve waited since 86.

  • @aiaffiliate69
    @aiaffiliate69 4 года назад +4

    Leo Nygren. My friend. We are a long ways apart but I think of you often.

    • @Sukinsun
      @Sukinsun  4 года назад +1

      Welcome and don't forget to support!

  • @orgihamburger
    @orgihamburger 4 года назад +6

    Hello from Hamburg Germany 🙂👍
    I Love bock Saga

    • @findthetruth7619
      @findthetruth7619 4 года назад +1

      Check out the new Bock Saga Channel in RUclips in German (BockSagaDE) we Start a new project and translate in German all Videos from the Bock Saga, jim chesnar, Ior Bock...Check it out

    • @islandbuoy4
      @islandbuoy4 2 года назад +1

      you love fantasy

  • @heidismith8970
    @heidismith8970 7 месяцев назад

    A friend of Ivor came to India around 86 and spoke/did talks about the Saga. He told us that there was a Fort/Temple about to be opened up after having got through the water layer. Inside was supposed to have artefacts and information regarding the history of the world. What happened?

  • @jultomten8270
    @jultomten8270 4 года назад +6

    Aser (man and women) was buried under the ashtree (yggdrasil) and Vaner (man and women) was buried under the oaktree.

    • @michelmerle1331
      @michelmerle1331 4 года назад +1

      Only people from Piru-ätt with a title come under the Ashtree…...

    • @kaalidass4568
      @kaalidass4568 2 года назад +1

      I thought we first have to be burnt then the ashes was placed under the tree boom

  • @Sukinsun
    @Sukinsun  4 года назад +5

    Don't forget to support us!

    • @Andreh.T
      @Andreh.T 3 года назад +1

      I just want to say thank you all for informing us about ourselves on History.i really appreciate it for sharing.

  • @TakaPihanPoika
    @TakaPihanPoika 4 года назад +2

    Kiitos tästä 👍 thank's for this

    • @Sukinsun
      @Sukinsun  4 года назад

      Don't forget to support us!

  • @braedenmoses
    @braedenmoses 4 года назад +3

    My initial question after delving into the book itself regards the initial Van people.
    If Frei and Freia were the first two people on earth that created the initial 19 children, 12th son being Leminkainen, then after the first Svan from one of Frei and Freya’s daughters, where did the next initial Svan from the Van come from?
    I believe it was said that the original Disor were simply the daughters born after the initial seven, but where did the Van people of the other 10 tribes originate from and when necessarily in relation to Frey/Freya??
    If the Svan was the most beautiful and healthy of the Van (keeping the bloodline healthy) the Van people would have already had to exist in my current understanding of Saga.
    Love the work, love the attention to detail, haven’t found something that seemed to resonate and make such logical sense to such an extent in my life.
    Wishing you all the best of health and understanding 🌱

    • @jultomten8270
      @jultomten8270 4 года назад +1

      I been talking with Ior about that and he said that naturaly it had to take many generations before the system of Aser and Van could start. The 10 tribes of Vaner starts when The ice age begins. The Vaner diveded in ten new breeding places while the Aser where trapt in the ice

    • @braedenmoses
      @braedenmoses 4 года назад

      jul tomten, thanks for the reply!
      So in the case of many initial Aser family generations, the first people making up the Van would have been the sons and daughters born after the initial 19 (that’s a lot of children to begin with) that decided to leave Odenma and venture out to create their own ring-land?
      Would they, being the Van, have been able to procreate then? If not, and only one Vaner woman was chosen as Svan, the Van would have trouble initially growing their numbers.
      Until the Rabi came along to impregnate the Van Jarlet, the Van would not have means to creat the next generation unless they bred among themselves initially.
      I know that may be convoluted, but I’m legitimately trying to wrap my head around this and greatly appreciate your time and explanation 🌞🙌🏽🙌🏽

    • @jultomten8270
      @jultomten8270 4 года назад +1

      @@braedenmoses The svan is the mother of the Aser whom belong to the piroett family. The Disa is mother to the Aser wich belong to the rosett family.The Vaner belongs to the rosett family.

    • @michelmerle1331
      @michelmerle1331 4 года назад +2

      @@jultomten8270 The Vaner consist of 3 casts Jarl , Karl ,and Träll or Talo , Torpari ja Savupiirti peoples. They are the children, grandchildren and great grand -children of the Maaherra or Rabi that belong to the Ros-ätt. Father and mother of Rabi are Lemminkäinen and Disa.

    • @kauniskaukomieli2098
      @kauniskaukomieli2098 4 года назад +2

      As noted by others, naturally such a complicated (refined) social system would have taken a long time to evolve. In general, I would suggest not to take creation myths too literally. For historical Swan queens, please see 4th c. Gothic Sunilda-Svanhildr wife of king Ermanaric and 11th c. English Edith Swanneck wife of king Godwinson. Icelandic and Danish myths associate similar Swan princesses with Swedish and Finnish royals.

  • @smirnability
    @smirnability 2 года назад +2

    yeast -> gestation (could it be?)
    Thank you for this beautiful information

  • @SuperUmeet
    @SuperUmeet 4 года назад +14

    Bock saga = Spinal Tap of mysticism!

    • @danne8797
      @danne8797 2 года назад +1

      Oh no u didn't🤣

    • @islandbuoy4
      @islandbuoy4 2 года назад +2

      LOL more like David Koresh got a bunch of Wackos to search for a treasure on property he owned ... only 2 survive the treasure hunt out of an original 24

  • @HimmelsscheibeNebra
    @HimmelsscheibeNebra 4 года назад +2

    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    • @HimmelsscheibeNebra
      @HimmelsscheibeNebra 4 года назад +1

      I think the best way to approach this is by just listening to it and forgetting all that has been learned. Just listen to these videos, to feel the knowledge, to go with that knowledge inside and reflect, even meditate over it. Here and there some other knowledge already inside me was called up, connected, remembered. This cannot be approached with only the mind thinking and with logic to try to fully understand, as there is mythology and mysticism involved. But what is mythology and mysticism? I am thinking about this quite some years now and realize that it gets more and more difficult as closer someone goes back to the origins. And there is some knowledge that was fabricated to falsify history and religion and mythology. Very interesting is that the Vatican came along and was taking care of the saga(s). That's very interesting; even a bit suspicious.

  • @GrueneVanilleWaffel
    @GrueneVanilleWaffel Год назад

    what do you guys know and think of/ about oera linda book?

  • @darkschneider8508
    @darkschneider8508 4 года назад +5

    Here is an idea which came to my mind: How about Jim or anyone knowledgeable visits the Joe Rogan podcast? The message would reach more listeners. The world needs to know :-D

    • @Sukinsun
      @Sukinsun  4 года назад +2

      it would be nice. but someone need to promote this meeting! You can try!

    • @karljohnsenF33
      @karljohnsenF33 2 года назад +1

      ​@@Sukinsun Joe Rogan is a shill

  • @sisu4134
    @sisu4134 4 года назад +3

    Does anyone know which book he's speaking about at 48:14? I've googled "Greek author (both Mattias & Battias as I can't fully understand him) 350bc Finnish history" and several other ways and of course Google leads me no where. Any ideas? 😁

    • @jultomten8270
      @jultomten8270 4 года назад +5


    • @sisu4134
      @sisu4134 4 года назад +2

      jul tomten Thank you! I was way off 😊

    • @kobusswart4302
      @kobusswart4302 2 года назад +1

      @@sisu4134 sounds close

    • @barryoconnor721
      @barryoconnor721 2 года назад +1

      Mattias was the 13th disciple after Judas, voted in by the rest. He was a convert from Iraq and of another religion. He preached to the cannibals in Ethiopia where he died as told by Mark.
      It is credited to Mattias the wealthy man through the eye of a needle proverb.

  • @AndyFlagg1
    @AndyFlagg1 Год назад

    Thank God my Grandmother was a tad finicky about eating sweets. Can you say this?

  • @michelmerle1331
    @michelmerle1331 4 года назад +2

    Many nice stories by Leo, but not all is 100 % , we'll try to get it all right in the future….

  • @flightrisk6176
    @flightrisk6176 4 года назад +1

    A fin sits in the sent her of a body part and raises above the water. In-fin-night.

  • @jultomten8270
    @jultomten8270 4 года назад +4

    Nygren means new branch of the tree and its not 6000-8000 years old its only from 1248 when the Aser made 12 tribes with many familys in each tribe.

    • @jultomten8270
      @jultomten8270 4 года назад +1

      @Thelma Lynne Infact there is no more races, we are not racing people we are just fuc-king around

    • @jultomten8270
      @jultomten8270 4 года назад +1

      @Tim O'ney Don´t be to hard on the Jews, they maybe made 12 tribes also.

    • @jultomten8270
      @jultomten8270 4 года назад +1

      @Tim O'ney After the second Ragnarök when the icecap where gone the Aser restarted the system of Aser and Vaner, so both where blond. In 987 the Aser hide in the north of Finland and made a new system with the Sami/Lappish people who came originaly from Tibet. The Aser got a new outlook by breeding with the Sami/Lappish.

    • @jultomten8270
      @jultomten8270 4 года назад +1

      @Tim O'ney The Aser and Vaner after ice age was a restart of that system, they were blond. The tropical people was divided in 10 new Kingdoms and therefor not Vaner anymore. There are no more pure Aser because that require the concept of that breeding-system. We are all descendents from some old system/race. We have also been mixing between arctical and tropical many thousands of years for different reasons.

    • @jultomten8270
      @jultomten8270 4 года назад

      @Tim O'ney Yes the borders between arctical and tropical become a natural mixing zone. But there where also the Gothic tribes that was moving out to the empty places(allover the planet) made from the catastrophe of the second Ragnarök. Most of these tribes got mix up, with the tropical people, after some time. The Gothic people was living in Gotland as one special ringland. They diveded that island into three parts and made a system of overpopulation.They took every third person for every generation to make a new tribe. The reason for this was to populate the empty places on the planet after the catastrophe from the second ragnarök.

  • @RockNRoll-wb8fn
    @RockNRoll-wb8fn 9 месяцев назад


  • @RockNRoll-wb8fn
    @RockNRoll-wb8fn 9 месяцев назад


  • @loveishope4406
    @loveishope4406 3 года назад +1

    Is this gentleman still living please?

    • @Sukinsun
      @Sukinsun  3 года назад +1

      He is living in Finland

  • @rachmondhoward2125
    @rachmondhoward2125 Год назад

    Fascinating. The first languages were probably made up of two to three symbol combinations which was an attempt to connect different pictographs (hieroglyphs). For example SR became *SORA or *SORE (SO + RA) meaning Sun in Bushman language (the First People), SURA in Sanskrit means sun, idol or god. RA is the sun god of Ancient. SRH transliterated from Arabic becomes SURAH, a chapter or verse in the Quran. These symbols could also be switched, for example RA can also become AR. One guy from the Bock Saga is correct in stating that each of the 22 signs gave rise to many words because each sign, like the Chinese characters are ideograms, they express ideas and ideas are made of many words, which are in turn made of many letters. It would be worthy for the linguists to study the Bock Saga language claims.

  • @blinkinell8216
    @blinkinell8216 4 года назад +3

    you should get this stuff on LBRY

    • @Sukinsun
      @Sukinsun  4 года назад +1

      It's not free. Can you send some LBC for open channel on LBRY for

  • @L.Nyquist
    @L.Nyquist 4 года назад +4

    Find out the story about Stalo people, and all will be clear

    • @loveishope4406
      @loveishope4406 3 года назад +2

      Where might I find accurate information on the Stalo people please?

    • @ijahtom
      @ijahtom 2 года назад

      Are you still alive? If yes please where to find infos bout these stalo people?

  • @lysanderbock1509
    @lysanderbock1509 Год назад

    Are all Bock people related to the Bock family

  • @danielcouto9422
    @danielcouto9422 4 года назад +1

    A search for Finnish people research the first flag of Portugal 🇵🇹 🥰🥰

  • @davidlloyd2225
    @davidlloyd2225 Год назад

    0:40 yeh saxon/celt 3 times cross luna❤️🇬🇧💯 1:20

  • @arandvonankerfeld983
    @arandvonankerfeld983 4 года назад +1

    Gott mit uns

  • @Olkavogue
    @Olkavogue 4 года назад +2

    My fam name is 420y. Old at least

    • @Sukinsun
      @Sukinsun  4 года назад +2

      also you can support us!

  • @nicholasmatthew9687
    @nicholasmatthew9687 3 года назад +2

    I think Leo should get a genetic ancestry test done before trying to explain some fine points of history from such a intimate perspective. This is again another video from this channel where someone gives an alternative account of history while simultaneously presenting a limited and sometimes inaccurate understanding of well record far more recent history. A great deal of cherry picking has to be done inorder for these sagas or stories to have any remote plausibility. Theres just no way he or other speakers from this channel could have any understanding of such a distant time if they have such a limited understanding of the relative time they live in. I don't even know how to address the absolute psuedoscience behind his explanation of reproduction and sexual orientation. You have no idea how dangerous it is to promote that narrative. This is just an oldman with wild and extremely outdated beliefs, it detracts from anything we could actually learn from these accounts of the Bock. Notice how he doesn't cite any real science and only speaks through persuasive narrative.

    • @danne8797
      @danne8797 2 года назад

      On top of all that Ior Bock claimed that the saga had two versions, one for males and one for females. Somehow he knows both of these even though he told this saga was taught to him by his mother and older sister when he was a child. Lemminkäisen temple was never found and everytime they were expecting a breakthrough, Ior explained that "We're not deep enough. We have to dig just a little more and then we'll find the treasure!".
      Not saying this has no value ofcourse. It is an intriguing story with very interesting play on finnish and swedish languages. I'm hooked on these tales even though this all might've been just ravings of an attention seeking hash-head haha!

    • @markus1642
      @markus1642 10 месяцев назад

      Please tell us how is it DANGEROUS to say what he said about reproduction? I immediatly have a bad feeling when someone starts saying that you cant talk about something and starts censor someones words. It far more dangerous to people to censor and forbid people of speaking, last time i checked we still have a right to speak as we like. Go spread your hate somewhere else.

    • @nicholasmatthew9687
      @nicholasmatthew9687 10 месяцев назад

      @@markus1642 who has suggested censorship? I’m an active free speech advocate, as in an actual legal professional. The whole point of free speech is to allow ideas to battle it out in the marketplace of idea. Free speech doesn’t protect you from criticism. Criticism is one of the main features. Overall what you’re saying is really ironic because you’re making an argument of authority and morality while saying that people shouldn’t be subjected to my words. I made a very logical argument and used all the keywords one needs to do a little research of their own if they want to vet anything I said or inform themselves. I’m sorry you lack a fundamental understanding behind these concepts. Would you like me to write an essay in the RUclips comments for you? That’s an odd sense of entitlement on top of everything else. I will however give a solid description on where the danger on promoting misleading information like this is though, I just need to rewatch the video first so I can properly address each point accurately. I’ll be sure to cite sources for you because I refuse to make an argument out of opinion or value judgment.

  • @jultomten8270
    @jultomten8270 4 года назад +1

    The first son of the Aser always get round balls in the sack and son number 12 always get egg shape balls in the sack. This is a nonsence story of sweet diet

  • @anttityykila9384
    @anttityykila9384 4 года назад +3

    Songs tell the truht.. and viking sagas.. and argeology... theres nothing about bock. But odin and thor there is but no bock.

    • @michelmerle1331
      @michelmerle1331 4 года назад +3

      Jul bocken= Joulu pukki , Jul Gubben- Joulu Ukko , Jul Gumman= Joulu Akka , Jul Bisse= Joulu Bissi……...

    • @michelmerle1331
      @michelmerle1331 4 года назад +1

      Oden= Uuden .Odin= Danish .Tor= Tuuri Jos sulle on Tuuria voitsään uuden raka -uuden ,viisa uuden , viisa uden vedästa elika S pär maa.

    • @anttityykila9384
      @anttityykila9384 4 года назад +1

      @@michelmerle1331 where are you from? Odin and thor are ancient finnish kings.. finnish language has nothing to do whit swedish language, zero. Bock was drug addict.. acid and stuff. I know a bit of my people and language.

    • @anttityykila9384
      @anttityykila9384 4 года назад +1

      @@michelmerle1331 there is no joulu akka or joulu bisse only joulupukki.

    • @michelmerle1331
      @michelmerle1331 4 года назад +3

      @@anttityykila9384 In this story you have to think in sounds, not in black letters on white paper...….everybody knows that Odin is Danish , Oden is Swedish and Finnish-swedish and Uuden is Finnish as a form of Uusi….Oden in Finnish -swedish and Uuden have the same sound. You should stop with your catholic danish Odin nonsense from the historybook and just listen to sounds.To say that Odin and Thor are Finish kings you must have been studying a lot of Catholic historybooks that have nothing to do with Bock saga or Väinämöinen mythology. Obviously you don't know anything about Ior as you seem to believe a part of Finish media that is as stupid as fuck. Friendly greetings from Michel and as a bit of advise you could read and listen to all information on after watching and listening you might change your attitude to the enomous amount of info Ior Bock has been leaving us. We are used to people copying Erko 's info which is full of shit.