Johnson is a young earth creationist who said the planet is 6,000 years old and that evolution is a "cultural Marxist" lie. So yeah, he's a totally sane human.
He belongs nowhere near any level of government and nowhere near any schools or making decisions that affect schools. He should be sent back in time exactly 6001 years!
Just figured out that this is what you get when you have people who only run on culture war issues - you elect people who can't actually govern. I wholly blame the voters who are putting these incompetent fools in office.
I live in a Red state and pretty much have no hope of getting anyone better elected regardless of the fact that I vote. Plus, "special" interest always wins over sound fiscal policy.
@@RaveYoda Why aren’t you running? Do you know even one person who can run in your district who is better? GA 14th district found 2 who were marginally less. Qualified than MTG And mic Johnson ran unopposed. Please not only vote, but also run for office
It shows a level of devolution so many amers voting for strange lying confused repunglicanculters which effect Americans lives so negatively. Don't support the would be king autocrats
Use your voice NOW to talk to young adults about getting registered to vote and to vote where they are registered. College students need to pay attention to the Where part. Explain to these young adults how much they have to lose, if Republicans still control the House. They’ll lose their personal Rights to love who they want, marry who they want, and females lose their bodily autonomy, permanently.
Well. We are a Government designed with checks and balances so that one party or group does not dictate what we do as a country. So, voting one party completely out of office never happens because the citizenry instinctively knows how bad that would be. Also, we have a Republic and not a Democracy so a few larger states (you know who you are) cannot control the country and this means we don't use the majority of the popular vote to elect Presidents, by design.
@arthurtennessen9680 that is true. Zero Republican voted into office won't happen, but to reduce their number to a minority so they won't be a menace to society is the goal here. While America is a Federal Constitutional Republic, party majority still dictate who controls what legislation to enact. And I totally disagree with you. I think it's time to remove electoral college as a way to determine who leads this country as it's become a toll to disenfranchise certain groups of people, particularly minority by redistricting zones so minority's voice don't carry that much weight. It's time we put someone in power that is largely voted by the people. Lastly, we need to get rid of the two-party system. This created too much division. More party can help.legislators to work together and meet halfway for a bill to pass. That's how it should be.
I've watched this party go from bad to worse since the Reagan administration. You'd think they would have hit rock bottom by now but, no, it looks like they can slide even lower.
"Because they've paid the price to come so far/ just to wind up where they are/ tell me, who's the next to cross the Fascist Line...." paraphrased from The Borderline by Ry Cooder, John Hiatt and Harry Dean Stanton
I'd put the low point at Nixon, prior to Dirty Don the Treasonous Con. Poppy Bush actually came close to not being a criminal, even though he was still more criminal than the _most_ criminal Democrat, Bill Clinton. I take your point that Americans have no excuse for voting for this party given their half-a-century run of corruption and crime. They aren't going to get any better.
Don't give up! Many Gerrymandered States are being overturned in Court and Maps are being redrawn to include more Minority Voters in Several Red State Counties in 2024! Last Tuesday Dems showed up and VOTED and WON in States like Virginia, Ohio, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and many other States across the United States in "Special Elections"! We are making a difference! Our Voices are being heard! They want us to think it's just madness and it is... but "We the People" see it and are Alert to it and are not going to permit the clown show to continue!💪💙💪
This is exactly why we need term limits in the House and Senate . 6 years and your done . I’m so tired of these career politicians, doing nothing, but getting rich .
It's a knee jerk reaction to how crap congress is but it isn't the solution. If the system and incentives are corrupt, changing the face of corruption doesn't improve it. Instead, lobbyists will gain more power. They will bribe lawmakers with jobs after their short stint in office and hand them bills to pass. What leverage do voters have over lawmakers? Not voting them back in? Guess what I can't even run for re-election anyway! It destroys institutional experience. We have many examples to back this up. When new states were admitted, their new state houses couldn't make deals to get stuff done and sometimes even appoint senators. More recently we saw gridlock in some states that passed strict term limits. That caused chaos and voters then extended the terms in response. I'd have generous time limits. They can spend a life in congress but they must switch chambers after say 20-30 years. That leads to more competition by experienced lawmakers against each other and movement in more seats. It allows experience to accumulate. Raise their wages like Singapore but have very strict rules on corruption. That way they can live an upper middle class life but the cost is being very clean. Also add in age limits, campaign finance and electoral reform. It takes a buffet of measures to alter the incentives and workings of the system to do what you want. Hyper strict limits make the problem worse.
Tbh, I don't know what these Republicans are doing other than show that they are unfit to hold office. If their constituents still vote them in, at least vote them out of power to legislate anything. Record their names in history as lamest House. Don't give their districts anything until they are voted out of office. Cause they will claim that it was their efforts even when they voted no. It's not a Party issue it's a merit issue.
People are starving and rent/bills are high. The government can help them. But they would rather be petty and useless. This has been the case for decades.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say again: there needs to be a constitutional law change. If you are a member of congress, and you flat out REFUSE to do the job that you were elected to do, then after a certain amount of time passes (maybe a month), then you need to be removed from your post, an alternate will be selected to replace you, and you will be fined and potentially be imprisoned based on the amount of time and money you wasted at the expense of the American taxpayers. The American government should not be forced into shutting down almost every year because Republicans want to throw tantrums and not do their jobs.
How does a person with no reported banking in his civilian life, and supposedly no investments to claim (nor his spouse)-how can this guy be in charge of federal spending??
Not only a disgrace, but a big danger. He's probably already compromised with the usual enemies of the States. Hopefully the intelligence agencies are already investigating his contacts with the likes of Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and all the others who have banked rolled Trump. The elections are too close. We cannot afford to have such tainted person in such a key position.
Why did Trump select an outspoken Oil Lobbyist to be head of the EPA? these people WANT to destroy government by the people. They want to return to feudal estates like they had in the South before the civil war.
Of the 147 Republicans who voted not to certify Biden's 2020 win, some 109 of them are still in office. That's a cancer on the body politic and we cannot ignore it.
“Never compromise” became the republican mantra in the Newt Gingrich era, and you can’t get anything done in the house without some degree of compromise. With their thought process they’ve sealed their own fate to getting nothing done. They are their own worst enemy.
Instead of GOP sending out proposal to lower the Dems pay to one $1. GOP do your jobs! Keep the government running because if you don't, we are penaltizing all members that vote no and shut the government down for whatever reasons you come up with. Vote them out of office!!!
These Republicans are doing the rest of us a huge favor....they will be voted out soon and then we can move on without them while they get their diapers changed and go back to the sandbox and throwing sand in each others faces.
Am I understanding this claim. Are you blaming the Republican party for the president not signing the budget resolution bill? Basic functions of Congress, the house, and the senate come up with the with the budget for the following year. The president signs into law or vetos. Which then goes back through the process if it gets vetoed. Did you even bother looking at what the president wants in the budget? Thankfully, the Democrat and the Republicans congress members are not going to allow it so far. Your claim is that it is all the Republicans fault. I assume you know the basic fundamentals of government budget and how bills are created and signed into law. If you didn't. That does create the question. Do you want the taxpayers to pay for your education?
The way to "keep the Government running" is to not push it into bankruptcy as the Dems are doing. It's good to get back to the core reasons for what people do. Dems spend money to get votes and Republicans do not.
I hate to break it to you but taxpayers do pay for public education. And the budget has to get out of the GOP "led" House (& the Senate) before Biden can either sign or veto.
Not one federal politician should leave the U.S. Capitol until a budget is passed. No holiday vacations and their salary payday is reduced by 10% each payday, including benefits.
These clowns are not even out of the car, they've grabbed the wheel from backseat and are happily swinging it right, and then again so hard to right the wheel came loose on their hands.
There is none. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence that they want to do whatever Trump tells them to, and he very much wants them to shut down the government so he can go around blaming Joe Biden for it for the next several months, knowing too many Americans are too stupid to figure out that he's lying to them.
And Speaker Mike Johnson just told the House to go home for the weekend while he jets off to Paris to attend an international conference of RW authoritarian wingnuts. Nice.
I am really curious as to what people (that voted for these representatives) really think of this?? Is this truly what some want for this country? We all deserve better and need better than this representation. So sad!
Please remind me, what is it that the MAGA Republicans are trying to make America again? Keep it up and we'll all be learning to speak Chinese whether we want to or not. Greetings from Australia.
When I was 7 I wanna say, I got a mail-away Lion Voltron as a gift from my uncle. It wasn’t one that separated into the individual lions, but it was still Lion Voltron I think it was just about 2 weeks later that a couple of suits came by and explained that they needed it back as it had levels of lead in the paint that weren’t just above the allowed levels, but *WAY* above the allowed levels I was presented with my first introduction to Vehicle Voltron soon after… I understand now the importance of those suits, but I’m still resentful all these decades later than my Lion Voltron was replaced by Vehicle Voltron… Lead poisoning is not a fun thing. The fact that it keeps showing up in children’s toys and baby products is beyond me, but just think how much more it would happen and how many more health issues would be in play right now without that oversight Yeah I didn’t like the outcome, but that’s a teensy tiny price to pay to avoid lead poisoning from something that’s supposed to bring simple joy to a child Oversight isn’t always convenient or appreciated in the moment, but it’s something that’s easy to take for granted until it’s gone 7 yr old me wasn’t happy about losing a non-transforming Lion Voltron, but 43 yr old me is happy that I didn’t potentially endure lead poisoning
The cheaper imitation toys of real thing come out of China mfg. They have no restrictions on lead in paint. The repuklicans know the poor by the cheaper versions. They don't care about the lead poisoning. That's obvious when they wouldn't provide infrastructure funds to fix lead water pipes in poor neighborhoods!! They don't care, as long as it's not their kids,family, and the people can still vote for the R candidates!!
Two can play at that game! Is there any truth to the rumor that Mike Johnson has been caught several times touching Capitol statues on inappropriate places?
Is there any truth to the rumor that his expenses are a lot like those of Clarence Thomas? Those vacations he doesn't pay for, that fancy motorhome he didn't pay for, his mother's house he didn't pay for?
These Republicans don't really support less government. They are definitely using the government to take away people Rights, control people children education, fight against higher wages and unions and anything that would better the lives of the average American. These Republicans don't mind the government long as it serves their purpose and works for them alone.
Look at the great state of Texas and the governor who's been elected and yet they still haven't fixed the power. Grid and 2 regulators are being retired or quitting. Because they know that s*** is gonna hit the fan pretty soon. And I don't want to testify because abbott isn't cahoots with these people and they're really not doing their job safety for the people of texas. We live in austin texas and we were without power for over five days... And we're in the city... Just incompetent
We the real adults running and fueling this country need to stand up and push back against MAGA,GOP and anyone who isnt working for our betterment 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Both parties need to be willing to work together! It's the job of Congress to keep the government open and working. The 2 parties aren't enemies, they are 2 wings of the same bird the need to work together so the bird doesn't spiral down to death. Get this bird flying and prepared for our future. You can't do that when you keep wanting to burn the place down. We don't want a burned out nation!
There is one party that consistently undermines any bipartisan effort, that loses popular vote, losing popular policies that are favored by the majority of US Citizens, that is constantly causing the looming of a government shutdown, and even oust their speaker, when they don't have their way. Want to guess what party is that? Your comment is akin to saying "Both hostages and kidnappers, must work together!"
Nice try kathy...while the Democrats don't agree with the Republicans, they are willing to work with them because they understand that politics is a cooperative game, the Republicans on the other hand want to have their way or nothing and that's the cause of the disfunction. They are trying to stop Ukraine aid, when 1 it would be bad for the US's standing in geopolitics and 2. They do not have the support for it, neither democratic wings of the senate and congress nor their own counterparts in the Senate are onboard, but they keep trying to flog the bones of that horse (flesh rotted away long time ago)
Gee Mike. Not much time left. Hey I know. Why don’t you ask the house Democrats what to do. They’ve been kinda able to keep the government going for awhile.
This makes me so sad. The majority party has no idea whatsoever how to keep the government from shutting down.... or how to work with anyone who isn't a religious or far right extremist. 😢
I reached 66 last October, one of the EXTREMELY rare times in my life that I TOTALLY agreed with Mitch McConnell. He actually said that there were going to be MAJOR problems in the House of Representatives for the next two years, its not because Republicans took it back, it IS because of who they elected to do it It's pretty obvious that he was right.
When Mitch McConnell is the voice of reason in the Republican party you know things are totally messed up and even more than a little scary. What is Mike Johnson's plan? Maybe he wants to hold a prayer meeting where a burning bush will start speaking to Congress and tell them how to vote, because things like reason, logic or even basic common sense seem beyond him and rest of this lunatic party.
Again, all of this chaos is because people are in a cult and as a sign that they are faithful to their cult leader, they will believe everything he says and will vote against themselves.
Other than "No" what exactly does the top stand for? When you vote republican, beyond vitriol, grand standing and going backwards, what are you voting for?
Dept ceiling always bugged me. Congress orders the president to spend x amount of money in the budget, but they have this other 'law' that says he can not spend over y amount. If congress tells the president to spend x amount, it should automatically move the y value to cover it. Not make the president to come back to ask can you raise the limit so I can spend the money you told me to spend (and by law he must spend)
European here: it’s a stupid rule, ripe for abuse (as we’re seeing time and time again). In Europe I can’t think of one country that has that system: you approve the yearly budget and that’s it, you don’t have to ask a government branch for authorisation to spend what was budgeted to be spent
pretty sure "debt ceiling" is more like your credit card bill. all the stuff we decide to buy - later the debt ceiling number is generated from that. THEN they just agree to pay it. katie porter had a really good breakdown you could look up (short, sweet, kinda funny because she was schooling them)
I'm very close to 80 years old and my memory isn't what it used to be. For example, I can't remember the last time a Republican bill that would help the average citizen was proposed. Can someone help me out?
Denying the climate model won’t save the economic model. The climate is physics and chemistry, and economics is marginal preference and utility. It’s a brutal reality, but undermining each and every step is making it so much worse.
I said it when McCarthy got knifed by the crazies: the only candidate for speaker who will be able to get anything substantive done in the house is Hakeem Jeffries, because (unlike anyone put forward by Republicans) Jeffries is not beholden to the crazies and can tell them to shut up and sit in a corner… which is the only way anything is going to get done in the House.
Active military not only have hundreds of promotions blocked by 1 congress republican TOMMY TUBERVILLE, over policy disagreement. NOW THIS WEEKEND The deadline to fund the government is almost here and they went home for the weekend. WHY??? TO CELEBRATE VETERANS DAY??? Any republican thinking about attending a veteran parade. SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR POLITICAL PARTY!!! SILENCE IS COMPLICITY!
With a political party dedicated to the premise that "guvamint don't work": the looming disaster may end up proving how necessary governing actually is.
That's been the Republican mantra since Reagan. Government doesn't work touted by those who've spent their entire careers in government sucking off the teat of government THEMSELVES. And becoming wealthy the longer they're there.
There should be an amendment to defund the Representatives in Congress, because they don't do their job. Where else can you receive a paycheck without doing your job?
I have never been so scared, upset and embarrassed by my country like I have been the past few years. It’s truly terrifying, especially for women and basically any minority… I fear for my daughter’s future. Worse part is we don’t have the money to move out of the country, so the only thing I can do is vote and cross my fingers… last weeks election results were good, so maybe there is hope. Just keeping spreading the word to vote, especially to those who don’t typically vote.
What we are seeing here is the last desperate attempts of people who know (subconsciously) their time is up. A drowning man will grasp at a straw to keep him afloat, and a Republican will go to any lengths of ridiculous, pointless measures to hold onto power. Just as people faced with death will go through the stages of grief- denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. We can see most of them are in the anger stage. After the second World War, Britain was trying desperately to hold onto its empire. Colony after colony demanded independence. The response was to hold onto them tighter, give them fewer self-governing rights, when until that point the trend was to give them more and more self governance. The British political class tried to hold on ever tighter to what it knew was slipping away, by reverting to policies which were of the distant past (even at that time). We know now how successful that was.
Johnson is a young earth creationist who said the planet is 6,000 years old and that evolution is a "cultural Marxist" lie. So yeah, he's a totally sane human.
He is in there only becuz jungle jim was even scarier.
He actually believes that there were Dinosaurs on Noah's ark.
If that's NOT total insanity, what is it?
yeah considering the earth is way over a billion years old
Mike Johnson also ran unopposed in 2015 and in 2022.
He belongs nowhere near any level of government and nowhere near any schools or making decisions that affect schools. He should be sent back in time exactly 6001 years!
So very sad to see this plague of insanity in Red America. We all needlessly suffer for it.
Sorry but it's not sad, it's making everybody mad and disgusted. The incompetence of the gop is well established, and frankly expected as well.
@@brianabc83 the sad part comes when it turns into the next phase of the civil war americans started over 150 years ago.
A religious radical in charge of politics, what … could … go … wrong …
The Crusades? 😂😂😂
Another inquisition?
@@jeanneganrude8549 Ask Spain!
The very reason why there's always suppose to be separation of church and state.
Just figured out that this is what you get when you have people who only run on culture war issues - you elect people who can't actually govern. I wholly blame the voters who are putting these incompetent fools in office.
I live in a Red state and pretty much have no hope of getting anyone better elected regardless of the fact that I vote. Plus, "special" interest always wins over sound fiscal policy.
Why aren’t you running? Do you know even one person who can run in your district who is better? GA 14th district found 2 who were marginally less. Qualified than MTG
And mic Johnson ran unopposed. Please not only vote, but also run for office
@@bettyjones113 Are you running for office?
Trump was bad enough; now, you have to deal with Trump's Johnson........
Is Trump's right-leaning Johnson up to the task at hand?
Someone should send Johnson a Toad cap.
Dems know it’s ‘bad’ to have a christian man leading the country
Vote Republicans out of office in 2024. Use your voice.
It shows a level of devolution so many amers voting for strange lying confused repunglicanculters which effect Americans lives so negatively. Don't support the would be king autocrats
Use your voice NOW to talk to young adults about getting registered to vote and to vote where they are registered. College students need to pay attention to the Where part.
Explain to these young adults how much they have to lose, if Republicans still control the House.
They’ll lose their personal Rights to love who they want, marry who they want, and females lose their bodily autonomy, permanently.
You better get out in the street! Protest, general strike. if you think you are going to be able to fight this in comfort you are WRONG.
Well. We are a Government designed with checks and balances so that one party or group does not dictate what we do as a country. So, voting one party completely out of office never happens because the citizenry instinctively knows how bad that would be. Also, we have a Republic and not a Democracy so a few larger states (you know who you are) cannot control the country and this means we don't use the majority of the popular vote to elect Presidents, by design.
@arthurtennessen9680 that is true. Zero Republican voted into office won't happen, but to reduce their number to a minority so they won't be a menace to society is the goal here. While America is a Federal Constitutional Republic, party majority still dictate who controls what legislation to enact. And I totally disagree with you. I think it's time to remove electoral college as a way to determine who leads this country as it's become a toll to disenfranchise certain groups of people, particularly minority by redistricting zones so minority's voice don't carry that much weight. It's time we put someone in power that is largely voted by the people. Lastly, we need to get rid of the two-party system. This created too much division. More party can help.legislators to work together and meet halfway for a bill to pass. That's how it should be.
They could not come up with a budget if it was handed to them…
They want our government to fail. This has been their plan for awhile now.
@@rosesims6103 Johnson is going to regret accepting this position as speaker. He may not make it to the end of the year.
“We need to stop electing these idiots” - Liz Cheney (R)
I've watched this party go from bad to worse since the Reagan administration. You'd think they would have hit rock bottom by now but, no, it looks like they can slide even lower.
...they have to reach up to touch bottom...
They have no bottom. Sad that we are funding these nut jobs.
"Because they've paid the price to come so far/ just to wind up where they are/ tell me, who's the next to cross the Fascist Line...." paraphrased from The Borderline by Ry Cooder, John Hiatt and Harry Dean Stanton
... and people support this. I do not understand how folks can't see right through it.
I'd put the low point at Nixon, prior to Dirty Don the Treasonous Con. Poppy Bush actually came close to not being a criminal, even though he was still more criminal than the _most_ criminal Democrat, Bill Clinton. I take your point that Americans have no excuse for voting for this party given their half-a-century run of corruption and crime. They aren't going to get any better.
If you want a complete breakdown of the US government, then vote Republican at your own peril. The GOP is no longer an electable party!
Exactly!! Dump tRump and the goppers, Save American Democracy for Our Equal and Honest Lives To Come!!
At least they'll close their border and deport all the illegals swarming. Basically our country is being invaded lol
...and these mad representative would get elected by the real crazy population that they represent. It's a never ending cycle of madness.
Especially thanks to GOP gerrymandering 🙄
They are acting like talk radio hosts, not responsible legislators.
Don't give up! Many Gerrymandered States are being overturned in Court and Maps are being redrawn to include more Minority Voters in Several Red State Counties in 2024! Last Tuesday Dems showed up and VOTED and WON in States like Virginia, Ohio, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and many other States across the United States in "Special Elections"! We are making a difference! Our Voices are being heard! They want us to think it's just madness and it is... but "We the People" see it and are Alert to it and are not going to permit the clown show to continue!💪💙💪
Yeah because LGBT+ BLM+ Venezuelan+ Muslim should run this country.
@@chrischristophers618 Better then the Christian Taliban
This is exactly why we need term limits in the House and Senate . 6 years and your done . I’m so tired of these career politicians, doing nothing, but getting rich .
It's a knee jerk reaction to how crap congress is but it isn't the solution. If the system and incentives are corrupt, changing the face of corruption doesn't improve it. Instead, lobbyists will gain more power. They will bribe lawmakers with jobs after their short stint in office and hand them bills to pass. What leverage do voters have over lawmakers? Not voting them back in? Guess what I can't even run for re-election anyway!
It destroys institutional experience. We have many examples to back this up. When new states were admitted, their new state houses couldn't make deals to get stuff done and sometimes even appoint senators. More recently we saw gridlock in some states that passed strict term limits. That caused chaos and voters then extended the terms in response.
I'd have generous time limits. They can spend a life in congress but they must switch chambers after say 20-30 years. That leads to more competition by experienced lawmakers against each other and movement in more seats.
It allows experience to accumulate. Raise their wages like Singapore but have very strict rules on corruption. That way they can live an upper middle class life but the cost is being very clean. Also add in age limits, campaign finance and electoral reform.
It takes a buffet of measures to alter the incentives and workings of the system to do what you want. Hyper strict limits make the problem worse.
This guy is a freshman, so unfortunately it'd probably make the problem worse if we're being completely honest.
Johnson is so creepy. Like sitting on a park bench creepy
Last time you were in a park someone was holding your hand and telling you the sand is not to be eaten.
Like staying away from schools creepy...
It's the glasses😮🤓
@@seanschisler4287 ... you've probably been watching since then...
Plastic ventriloquist puppet 'Smile'. Creepsville.
Tbh, I don't know what these Republicans are doing other than show that they are unfit to hold office. If their constituents still vote them in, at least vote them out of power to legislate anything. Record their names in history as lamest House.
Don't give their districts anything until they are voted out of office. Cause they will claim that it was their efforts even when they voted no. It's not a Party issue it's a merit issue.
I think we all know republicans never learn!
Roe vs Wade ring a bell?
you can ring my bell as long as i have the choice not to get pregnant.
@@daintycakedThe GOP wants to take your personal health choices away.
People are starving and rent/bills are high. The government can help them. But they would rather be petty and useless. This has been the case for decades.
How are they even still called the GOP???
God Offal Party (I wanted awful but offal is even worse)
@@easternecho1622 Or Greedy.
They can't spell 'Republican' ?
They're RepubliCONS to no end‼️ 🙄😒🤦🤢🤬
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say again: there needs to be a constitutional law change. If you are a member of congress, and you flat out REFUSE to do the job that you were elected to do, then after a certain amount of time passes (maybe a month), then you need to be removed from your post, an alternate will be selected to replace you, and you will be fined and potentially be imprisoned based on the amount of time and money you wasted at the expense of the American taxpayers.
The American government should not be forced into shutting down almost every year because Republicans want to throw tantrums and not do their jobs.
I don't like your solution but I sure agree with your conclusion! 😅
I LIKE Your Solution, Spot On!!!!
The only time there has been a govt shut done is when repuklicans have had the house majority!! Go figure! None when democrats were in charge!!
Ahhh brings back the good old days of early October just a month ago
Democrats can actually use this as a slogan
"Sick of Gov shutdowns?"
"Vote Democrat"
Right? But they won’t
That is a great idea if the goal is red pill the entire country.
problem is your kicking the can down the road with the debt. every time a democrat saves money the republicans blow it on a war.
How does a person with no reported banking in his civilian life, and supposedly no investments to claim (nor his spouse)-how can this guy be in charge of federal spending??
Probably by the same sort of means by which Clarence Thomas doesn't pay for the vacations he goes on or the fancy motorhome he drives.
Not only a disgrace, but a big danger. He's probably already compromised with the usual enemies of the States. Hopefully the intelligence agencies are already investigating his contacts with the likes of Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and all the others who have banked rolled Trump. The elections are too close. We cannot afford to have such tainted person in such a key position.
Why did Trump select an outspoken Oil Lobbyist to be head of the EPA? these people WANT to destroy government by the people. They want to return to feudal estates like they had in the South before the civil war.
So Johnson has no experience. How bad can it be to put a complete newbie into a position of top power? (Oh, wait…2017-2021. Never mind.)
Chris, thanks for this informative, helpful synopsis. Much appreciated.
How does a political party expect to win control of Congress or the Executive Office if they reject the Constitution?
Guns & stupidity
They’re All Delusional and Ignorant as a Box of Rocks 🤬
They thought they'd get power with a coup. These people don't think.
Of the 147 Republicans who voted not to certify Biden's 2020 win, some 109 of them are still in office. That's a cancer on the body politic and we cannot ignore it.
Rejecting the Constitution is their goal. It's what they're running on.
Republican learning?! Not possible!!
The chimpanzees used by nasa in the sixties learned better than the GOP...😂
“Never compromise” became the republican mantra in the Newt Gingrich era, and you can’t get anything done in the house without some degree of compromise. With their thought process they’ve sealed their own fate to getting nothing done. They are their own worst enemy.
Instead of GOP sending out proposal to lower the Dems pay to one $1. GOP do your jobs! Keep the government running because if you don't, we are penaltizing all members that vote no and shut the government down for whatever reasons you come up with. Vote them out of office!!!
These Republicans are doing the rest of us a huge favor....they will be voted out soon and then we can move on without them while they get their diapers changed and go back to the sandbox and throwing sand in each others faces.
He is so incompetent that he has no personal bank account, and yet Congress is in charge of the money.
Am I understanding this claim. Are you blaming the Republican party for the president not signing the budget resolution bill?
Basic functions of Congress, the house, and the senate come up with the with the budget for the following year. The president signs into law or vetos. Which then goes back through the process if it gets vetoed. Did you even bother looking at what the president wants in the budget? Thankfully, the Democrat and the Republicans congress members are not going to allow it so far. Your claim is that it is all the Republicans fault.
I assume you know the basic fundamentals of government budget and how bills are created and signed into law. If you didn't. That does create the question. Do you want the taxpayers to pay for your education?
The way to "keep the Government running" is to not push it into bankruptcy as the Dems are doing. It's good to get back to the core reasons for what people do. Dems spend money to get votes and Republicans do not.
I hate to break it to you but taxpayers do pay for public education. And the budget has to get out of the GOP "led" House (& the Senate) before Biden can either sign or veto.
Not one federal politician should leave the U.S. Capitol until a budget is passed. No holiday vacations and their salary payday is reduced by 10% each payday, including benefits.
I'm sure the Capitol police would enjoy locking them in.
You can take the clowns out of the car, but they’re still clowns. 😂
These clowns are not even out of the car, they've grabbed the wheel from backseat and are happily swinging it right, and then again so hard to right the wheel came loose on their hands.
Get those maggots out of our Government.
Speaker of the House job requirement: No experience needed. God help us!
Why don't they agree to do the spending bill that McCarthy and Biden originally agreed to before!!!
because they have to paint Biden as the bad guy, in order for Trump to be the ... good guy.
yes, they really are that simplistic.
That'd be too easy!
Compromise with the Devil himself!! NEVER!! /s
He just has something off about him. Not likable.
He looks like an X-Men villain. And that he has a little girl locked in his basement. The creepy villain factor is off the charts with Johnson.
Religious extremists are like that.
yes despite his mr Peabody looks he is another obsequious delusional supporter of Donald Trump .🤥🥴
@@Mathew-8896LOL Excellent silence of the lambs reference! 😂👍🏻💯🎯🏆🎖
Key question: where's the evidence that the GOP even wants to keep the government open?
There is none. On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence that they want to do whatever Trump tells them to, and he very much wants them to shut down the government so he can go around blaming Joe Biden for it for the next several months, knowing too many Americans are too stupid to figure out that he's lying to them.
That is a very valid question, thank you for bringing it up. We must not forget, tRump Wants them to shut the Gov. down- remember?
Can we vote to cut their pay
Large Marge keeps picking the wrong ones.
We can vote to "fire" them but that's about a year away.
We can call every single day and make our voices heard
They get many many times their salaries from their endless grifting. They don't care.
Every November.
There are at least 20 GOP reps who want to get rid of the current government. Easiest way to do that is make sure you don't pay anyone.
My Sentiments Exactly!!
Strangely true, yes. They are trying, and succeeding, in making a joke out of the US politics.
Once again, going nowhere fast.
Thank you Chris Hayes… 😊brilliant news.. love to listen to the truth 😊
The Republican creep show just gets worse by the day. How much lower can they go?
There's always a new low for the turd reich.
It's all going exactly like Putin planned 😖
Xi gets kickbacks too, lol.
And his best pal, tRump.
And Speaker Mike Johnson just told the House to go home for the weekend while he jets off to Paris to attend an international conference of RW authoritarian wingnuts. Nice.
He wants to learn how to convert the country run by dictators.
Truly?? 🤬
new rule: nobody gets to take SIX - 6 - as in SIX WEEKS off in Aug until the budget for the next year has been passed.
And no week off after coming back from that 6 week vacation!!
We gotta get these clowns out of there. Vote Blue!
I am really curious as to what people (that voted for these representatives) really think of this?? Is this truly what some want for this country?
We all deserve better and need better than this representation. So sad!
They're not paying attention. They're too busy trying to fight woke,stop kids from reading books,fighting off unicorns.....
Some folks will vote for a skidmark in an old pair of underwear as long as theres an R next to it.
Please remind me, what is it that the MAGA Republicans are trying to make America again? Keep it up and we'll all be learning to speak Chinese whether we want to or not. Greetings from Australia.
They're trying to make America the _Confederacy_ again.
Watch out... I have just one word to say if you're Australian:
When I was 7 I wanna say, I got a mail-away Lion Voltron as a gift from my uncle. It wasn’t one that separated into the individual lions, but it was still Lion Voltron
I think it was just about 2 weeks later that a couple of suits came by and explained that they needed it back as it had levels of lead in the paint that weren’t just above the allowed levels, but *WAY* above the allowed levels
I was presented with my first introduction to Vehicle Voltron soon after… I understand now the importance of those suits, but I’m still resentful all these decades later than my Lion Voltron was replaced by Vehicle Voltron…
Lead poisoning is not a fun thing. The fact that it keeps showing up in children’s toys and baby products is beyond me, but just think how much more it would happen and how many more health issues would be in play right now without that oversight
Yeah I didn’t like the outcome, but that’s a teensy tiny price to pay to avoid lead poisoning from something that’s supposed to bring simple joy to a child
Oversight isn’t always convenient or appreciated in the moment, but it’s something that’s easy to take for granted until it’s gone
7 yr old me wasn’t happy about losing a non-transforming Lion Voltron, but 43 yr old me is happy that I didn’t potentially endure lead poisoning
The cheaper imitation toys of real thing come out of China mfg. They have no restrictions on lead in paint. The repuklicans know the poor by the cheaper versions. They don't care about the lead poisoning. That's obvious when they wouldn't provide infrastructure funds to fix lead water pipes in poor neighborhoods!! They don't care, as long as it's not their kids,family, and the people can still vote for the R candidates!!
The party that brings us a Bumper crop of Nothing, Nada, Zip AND Zilch.
God help us all, and pray that by 2024 GOP not running anything, if we want to get things done.
Two can play at that game! Is there any truth to the rumor that Mike Johnson has been caught several times touching Capitol statues on inappropriate places?
Heard he cruises for dates in a schoolbus.
I don't know but the victims aren't talking.
Is there any truth to the rumor that his expenses are a lot like those of Clarence Thomas? Those vacations he doesn't pay for, that fancy motorhome he didn't pay for, his mother's house he didn't pay for?
I heard there was a $200,000 interfamily payment made, too, but that's all. @@surelyyoujokemeinfailure7531
thank you Chris Hayes, very clear explanation of what's happening, minus the histrionics and side-comments! please keep it up!
Why trusting a party that promotes less government? Looking at the GOP of today I see why people don’t trust government
The GOP only *says* they want less government and less spending. They have proved over and over they want the opposite.
These Republicans don't really support less government. They are definitely using the government to take away people Rights, control people children education, fight against higher wages and unions and anything that would better the lives of the average American. These Republicans don't mind the government long as it serves their purpose and works for them alone.
Look at the great state of Texas and the governor who's been elected and yet they still haven't fixed the power. Grid and 2 regulators are being retired or quitting. Because they know that s*** is gonna hit the fan pretty soon. And I don't want to testify because abbott isn't cahoots with these people and they're really not doing their job safety for the people of texas. We live in austin texas and we were without power for over five days... And we're in the city... Just incompetent
They were always this bad, just not so outright and open like they are now. Us older folks seen them as lazy do-nothings for years.
@@MikeF-90909 no they have been pretty out and open about it for quite a while now. All the racists fled to their party when Kennedy was elected.
Even jobs at McDonalds want you to have experience, but not here🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
We the real adults running and fueling this country need to stand up and push back against MAGA,GOP and anyone who isnt working for our betterment 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Agreed, I do think everyone should unionize.
@@user-th1pv6ks5oStrong Unions are best for the working classes.
This is the government that the GQP voted for, its not fair to all but then again thank those who voted for the party instead of their own interests.
Both parties need to be willing to work together! It's the job of Congress to keep the government open and working. The 2 parties aren't enemies, they are 2 wings of the same bird the need to work together so the bird doesn't spiral down to death. Get this bird flying and prepared for our future. You can't do that when you keep wanting to burn the place down. We don't want a burned out nation!
Dems are the bird but the repuke wings keep stabbing it.
@kathyd9324 Very well stated. Thank you. You're right. 👍🏻💯🇺🇸💙❤️🇺🇸✌🏽🎯
They are selling t-shirts that read: "GIVE VIOLENCE A CHANCE" at Trump rallies. Do you even see what's going on?
There is one party that consistently undermines any bipartisan effort, that loses popular vote, losing popular policies that are favored by the majority of US Citizens, that is constantly causing the looming of a government shutdown, and even oust their speaker, when they don't have their way. Want to guess what party is that? Your comment is akin to saying "Both hostages and kidnappers, must work together!"
Nice try kathy...while the Democrats don't agree with the Republicans, they are willing to work with them because they understand that politics is a cooperative game, the Republicans on the other hand want to have their way or nothing and that's the cause of the disfunction. They are trying to stop Ukraine aid, when 1 it would be bad for the US's standing in geopolitics and 2. They do not have the support for it, neither democratic wings of the senate and congress nor their own counterparts in the Senate are onboard, but they keep trying to flog the bones of that horse (flesh rotted away long time ago)
Vote Republicans OUT
They are the government and their pay should be held up like all other government employees.
that and have the same healthcare. would do a LOT if the legislators were at the whims of the legislation they make.
You can't make this stuff up
Btw, Chris cracks me up with his explanations. Hang in there Chris.
Gee Mike. Not much time left. Hey I know. Why don’t you ask the house Democrats what to do. They’ve been kinda able to keep the government going for awhile.
This makes me so sad. The majority party has no idea whatsoever how to keep the government from shutting down.... or how to work with anyone who isn't a religious or far right extremist. 😢
Maybe he should get all of his sycophants to kneel on the house floor and pray for resolution.
I reached 66 last October, one of the EXTREMELY rare times in my life that I TOTALLY agreed with Mitch McConnell. He actually said that there were going to be MAJOR problems in the House of Representatives for the next two years, its not because Republicans took it back, it IS because of who they elected to do it It's pretty obvious that he was right.
When Mitch McConnell is the voice of reason in the Republican party you know things are totally messed up and even more than a little scary. What is Mike Johnson's plan? Maybe he wants to hold a prayer meeting where a burning bush will start speaking to Congress and tell them how to vote, because things like reason, logic or even basic common sense seem beyond him and rest of this lunatic party.
For once in his life
Again, all of this chaos is because people are in a cult and as a sign that they are faithful to their cult leader, they will believe everything he says and will vote against themselves.
Exactly right.
Need to pass a bill that when the government is shut down they don’t get paid‼ I bet that would fix the issue‼
As has been said before, congress would need to pass it. They certainly are not going to vote against their own interests.
Other than "No" what exactly does the top stand for?
When you vote republican, beyond vitriol, grand standing and going backwards, what are you voting for?
Chaos, Destruction and Hate, courtesy of g.o.p.
We haven't heard from Johnson and it could be shut down for months and still not hear from him.
Congress, If I left all the important things I need to do for a job till the last minute, I’m stressing my clients senselessly.
We’re not their Clients, We Are Paying Their Wages!! We The People Are Their Bosses!!!!
@@susanbengston3208You're not their boss. You're a subject in a kingdom. You're worthless.
Closing down the Govt is the ultimate MAGA strategy.
Voting Blue.
Vote Blue!
Another coup attempt ?
Dept ceiling always bugged me. Congress orders the president to spend x amount of money in the budget, but they have this other 'law' that says he can not spend over y amount. If congress tells the president to spend x amount, it should automatically move the y value to cover it. Not make the president to come back to ask can you raise the limit so I can spend the money you told me to spend (and by law he must spend)
We’ve got a whole lot of Revising to do to get Our Democracy up to date and Functioning For We The People- Equaly and Honestly Working For Us All.
European here: it’s a stupid rule, ripe for abuse (as we’re seeing time and time again). In Europe I can’t think of one country that has that system: you approve the yearly budget and that’s it, you don’t have to ask a government branch for authorisation to spend what was budgeted to be spent
pretty sure "debt ceiling" is more like your credit card bill. all the stuff we decide to buy - later the debt ceiling number is generated from that. THEN they just agree to pay it. katie porter had a really good breakdown you could look up (short, sweet, kinda funny because she was schooling them)
@@lurklingX Yes, but congress controls both what the executive MUST spend and the 'Credit card limit'
I'm very close to 80 years old and my memory isn't what it used to be. For example, I can't remember the last time a Republican bill that would help the average citizen was proposed. Can someone help me out?
Denying the climate model won’t save the economic model. The climate is physics and chemistry, and economics is marginal preference and utility. It’s a brutal reality, but undermining each and every step is making it so much worse.
It’s ignorance and insanity.
Voting Blue , professional , powerful, know-how , 🔷 🔵 💙
How far will they bring the hostage situation with the economy
As far as they can. If Russia and China invades the US they've reached their goal.
@@Mathew-8896 That could be disastrous...
Lunatics who think COVID was a conspiracy to damage Trump's economic record WANT to trash the dollar to harm Biden.
I said it when McCarthy got knifed by the crazies: the only candidate for speaker who will be able to get anything substantive done in the house is Hakeem Jeffries, because (unlike anyone put forward by Republicans) Jeffries is not beholden to the crazies and can tell them to shut up and sit in a corner… which is the only way anything is going to get done in the House.
We the Real TaxPayers are over this Circus!!And this is why we're all voting Blue!!! You'd think they'd get it🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Active military not only have hundreds of promotions blocked by 1 congress republican TOMMY TUBERVILLE, over policy disagreement. NOW THIS WEEKEND The deadline to fund the government is almost here and they went home for the weekend. WHY??? TO CELEBRATE VETERANS DAY??? Any republican thinking about attending a veteran parade. SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR POLITICAL PARTY!!! SILENCE IS COMPLICITY!
Excuse me senator!
Stefanik and Boebert in the front row to try to minimize the revolt against the gop that wants to legislate mandatory pregnancy.
Well put!!
This is a feature not a bug to hold the country hostage.
Oh, but wait. Mike Johnson needs to go to Paris to speak to a Conservative gathering. 🧐
On Our Taxpayers dime?? GRAACK!!!!
We’re all of those countries I used to see America put down now. These individuals are getting paid to come up short & disagree.
Remember being a good steward of the taxpayers purse includes doing the work the taxpayers hired you to do.
If only they would.😤
Denies evolution, climate change, women’s choices and what else?
All Science and Anything that makes sense.
With a political party dedicated to the premise that "guvamint don't work": the looming disaster may end up proving how necessary governing actually is.
That's been the Republican mantra since Reagan. Government doesn't work touted by those who've spent their entire careers in government sucking off the teat of government THEMSELVES. And becoming wealthy the longer they're there.
to get anything done; the GOP has to do what they hate: deal with Democrats and deal with FACTS. Math can be very uncompromising at times.
In their playbook they are following 1984. Ask them what two plus two is and they will say five.
@@lesliecurran1704 oh, you're right, unfortunately. 1984 was meant as a warning, not a guidebook.
Have the Republicans gone mad😮
Yes. About 40-something years ago.
They are intent on matching Trump for lunacy. Quite an ask, but they are getting there.
You must be new here...
You're just asking that now??
There should be an amendment to defund the Representatives in Congress, because they don't do their job. Where else can you receive a paycheck without doing your job?
The Gop is #1 at coming in 2nd.
Same 'ol, same 'ol.
The democrats are #1 at funding proxy wars
I have never been so scared, upset and embarrassed by my country like I have been the past few years. It’s truly terrifying, especially for women and basically any minority… I fear for my daughter’s future. Worse part is we don’t have the money to move out of the country, so the only thing I can do is vote and cross my fingers… last weeks election results were good, so maybe there is hope. Just keeping spreading the word to vote, especially to those who don’t typically vote.
"Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run... -it's still time to change the road you're on!" :)
What we are seeing here is the last desperate attempts of people who know (subconsciously) their time is up. A drowning man will grasp at a straw to keep him afloat, and a Republican will go to any lengths of ridiculous, pointless measures to hold onto power.
Just as people faced with death will go through the stages of grief- denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. We can see most of them are in the anger stage.
After the second World War, Britain was trying desperately to hold onto its empire. Colony after colony demanded independence. The response was to hold onto them tighter, give them fewer self-governing rights, when until that point the trend was to give them more and more self governance. The British political class tried to hold on ever tighter to what it knew was slipping away, by reverting to policies which were of the distant past (even at that time). We know now how successful that was.
Excellent analogy! Very much like an ex-president who refused to admit he was defeated and who they still follow.
Shame on the gop
They have NO SHAME 🎉
Because of the *_gallery of grotesques_* from which they select their leaders.
2:56 making sure his hands up so people don't know he's diddling with that little boobbert that staring at him.😂
There was this famous guy who said crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Trouble is Commander Johnson is, himself, one of those that thinks any proposed spending bill spends too much.
Under his eye.
We've been sent good weather.
It's almost like they shouldn't have taken a month off. After the last time they were in this position.
So.. Is Matt Gaetz or someone else threatening to oust the speaker again?
Sometimes I think its what the magats have to do to stay "relevant" to their base.
22 House republicans left today for Paris for a conservative conference. America first eh?
WHAAATT??!!?? Damnation 🥶!!!!!!
Johnson reminds me of Captain Binghamton from McHale’s Navy and that’s not a compliment.
That happen when you get speaker of the house no experience nothing not going good.