Demonic Spirits & The Soul

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • Psalm 51:10
    Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
    Skype: followingthenarrowpath

Комментарии • 341

  • @lovetestimonyforjesus8042
    @lovetestimonyforjesus8042 7 лет назад +124

    I had the spirit of lust in me, and those things happened to me! The demons would keep coming at me at night, but Jesus delivered me from that demonic possession I was feeling. I can feel how the enemy keeps trying to get me back through people close to me, and my family, but I have put on the full armor of God, I anointed my whole house, myself, and I can cast them out now in Jesus' name, I can tell them to leave, and they will! I love Jesus so much! All I want to do is study the word of God, and spend time with him, and praying. All the things I used to enjoy doing, I feel repulsed by. Sometimes I can feel the spirit of lust try to take over my mind, but I just bind it up, and rebuke it in Jesus' name! People do need to realize we are in a spiritual warfare, and the enemy is out to get us, and steal our soul from the Lord!

  • @Blue_Kryptonite
    @Blue_Kryptonite 8 лет назад +106

    You would make a great Pastor. I see the fire in you. You know the words of God.

  • @salvadordiaz7898
    @salvadordiaz7898 7 лет назад +92

    Best way to be delivered from demon influence? LET'S STOP FEEDING THEM!

  • @dpojr.7940
    @dpojr.7940 8 лет назад +82

    This is a deep message my brother.

  • @VW-uq5jn
    @VW-uq5jn 7 лет назад +28

    I get attacked very much a night, with fear condemnation and anxiety. I had fear my whole life, and was raised for four years by people who condemned me. I struggle a lot with this, especially when I try to ask God for help and tell my family about Him. Please beloved brothers and sisters of Yashua, pray that these evil demons will go away forever. It drains my spirit of energy, and it cripples me. Please pray that God will deliver me!!

  • @Lowkeychaye
    @Lowkeychaye 5 лет назад +25

    They’re aren’t many BIBLE based preachers. They are more like “motivational speakers”. They don’t preach what God says is wrong or God’s wrath.

  • @angelvamful
    @angelvamful 5 лет назад +12

    I am always looking for videos about exposing the spiritual warfare and Satan tactics...great video...May God continue to bless you.🙏

  • @christabelletanya
    @christabelletanya 8 лет назад +74

    I'm surprised that you have a few followers... more people need to listen to this kind of stuff. #sigh

  • @a.e2385
    @a.e2385 7 лет назад +27

    Sorry for my english in advance, i'm from the Netherlands. I have encountered demons when i was living in sin. I was doing drugs, partying, fornicating etc and i was suicidal for a while. During the time i was suicidal and clean of drugs for a while i woke up one night paralyzed and hearing strange sounds. Than i looked at the end of my bed and i saw a hooded shadow figure coming towards me. It felt so extremely evil. Somehow God put it in my head that it was a demon and that if i was going to die he would be there to take me to hell. i don't know how but i fell back asleep and again i was woken up being paralyzed and someone was pinching me in my back and i heard evil laughing. I cried so hard, from that point i knew that hell is a real place that i need to change my life completely. A few days later i cried out to God and begged Him to reveal Himself to me. At that very moment i encountered a feeling of overwhelming love. It felt like God was hugging me. It was the moment that changed my life, but not enough. I still continued to go out and live in sin, while at the same time worshipping God. A typical lukewarm christian. Recently i have had enough and want to completely give up sin but i find it so extremely hard. I also want to be baptized. If someone knows someone in the Netherlands to help me that would be great. God bless.

  • @explosivecorrosive4677
    @explosivecorrosive4677 8 лет назад +12

    Amen, bro.
    That conviction from the Holy Spirit is no joke. You are brought to true repentance but, like you said, set free! Jesus didn't come to give us a free pass to sin, he came to totally set us free from it.

  • @mathiasboysen5123
    @mathiasboysen5123 7 лет назад +10

    I struggle with social anxiety and Think to much about What people Think of me, but i am born again and live for Christ

  • @lamarross4283
    @lamarross4283 7 лет назад +7

    Man my feet hurt so bad! Thank you Josh for this amazing story. I have never heard of you but I will following you. Thank you my brother for shedding me a new light! Be blessed.

  • @erichpengel1528
    @erichpengel1528 8 лет назад +71

    The spirit world is real satan is real the falling angels are real demons are real satan and his demons and falling angels have one mission to distroy humanity but in the name of Jesus every knee will and must bow in heaven on the earth and under the earth the demons al so have and must bow in that name Jesus Amen. Thanks for the video message

  • @Rambert3
    @Rambert3 8 лет назад +20

    Everything you have covered is spot on Josh !.

  • @MyLivingJournal
    @MyLivingJournal 8 лет назад +8

    This is totally incredible teaching from the Holy Spirit! Praise God, thank you Jesus!

  • @Maja161
    @Maja161 4 года назад +2

    This was so deep and helpful. Thank you so much! God bless you ❤

  • @kimber5566
    @kimber5566 7 лет назад +9

    Josh Cohen one of the best messages I have heard about the spirit world, our soul ...
    Etc answered a lot of my questions. I wish all of this would have been taught in church- the seriousness of "spirituality", the spirit world, how easy it is to be misled. I believe I went to church with a good pastor - full of the spirit- but we didn't touch in this.
    It is a lot to get ones head around.
    My kids think I'm crazy when I bring it up / or they just don't want to hear it. Ofcourse I'm 50 so it took me a while to start understanding the depth of this.
    I worry about my children - they are 18 and 22 and how do I make them understand - I know I can't .... I can pray and lead by example .... But still I want them to know this world and the evil. Reminds me -
    I was. One told - let them be innocent - the innocence is going to kill them however.
    Right ? How to make youth /young adults get it ?
    Thank you for this insightful message. I thank God for continuing to open my eyes and have me seek Him and the truth.
    Blessings to you ...

  • @livelaughgab7668
    @livelaughgab7668 6 лет назад +8

    This is so good! I’m struggling with a lot of demonic oppression and possession in my house and I’m building my faith right now to cast them out. But it’s only me and my god against who knows how many demons. And like you said am I going to be ground enough in my faith or coward against the evil spirit? That’s why I’m fasting and praying and digging deep into the world so the Holy Spirit is so strong in me I will pierce through any attack from devil!

  • @isaacampofo5087
    @isaacampofo5087 7 лет назад +18

    Powerful! Full of wisdom,but people will not understand. Hmmm!

  • @beanplants5026
    @beanplants5026 7 лет назад +4

    I love your RUclips channel so much. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus! Amen. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is the Deliverer! God Bless You Brother!

  • @tigersinstinct
    @tigersinstinct 7 лет назад +4

    one of the very best breakdowns on relationships between body soul and spirit and Satan influence on them

  • @hearcamir7810
    @hearcamir7810 5 лет назад +4

    Josh, you have the unction of the Holy Spirit! I yearn for more of Him!
    Thank You for your obedience 💕

  • @tonirodriguez1329
    @tonirodriguez1329 7 лет назад +15

    So helpful thank you!

  • @mikiabacchus8356
    @mikiabacchus8356 7 лет назад +1

    Wow... and I always loved Joyce Meyers... but now that I think about it.... yes she always appealed to my emotions and always knew what I was going thru. Wow!!! My mind is blown. Now is truly the time to get serious about Christ.

    • @jasont5427
      @jasont5427 7 лет назад +2

      mikia bacchus - I am very joyful that you want to turn to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Follow this guide to learn how to repent from your sins. You must be SAVED. Today is the day of SALVATION as tomorrow is never promised. Repentance is an intentional change or turning away from sin and turning to God; from wanting to sin to not wanting to sin. If you truly want to repent it is because God has laid it on your heart. One very important thing you have to remember is that God does NOT want anyone who is only HALF-hearted or lukewarm. He does not work that way. "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with ALL YOUR HEART." Jeremiah 29:13. You must have a FULLY REPENTANT HEART. So when you are alone just drop to your knees and take all the time you need to discuss it all over with the Lord on how you have wronged Him, how you wish to know Him and feel so distant from Him. Most of all just admit your every sin under the sun as have total regret in your heart (in tears like a baby) and
      express your love for the Lord. Ask Him to even forgive you of sins you cannot remember.
      Don’t try to hide your sins as He knows them ALL anyway. But He wants you to be humble and put your PRIDE aside and confess them to Him and let Him know how sorry you are. Confess ALL of your sins to Him. Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. Pray and cry out to Jesus Christ with all of your heart and wide open soul and ask Him to forgive your sins. He will blot out all of your sins when you REPENT/ TURN from your sins. He will take away your heart of stone (from being “hard hearted toward Him”) and give you a heart of flesh. But you must repent so He can LIVE in your heart again. You must come to the point of HATING SIN because it is what separates us from God. That is why you feel the way you do. Breaking free from the bondage of sin is not an event but a process. But Jesus died to atone/ cover your sins and bring you back to God when you Get right and STAY right with Him. Becoming
      holy is not an event, it is a PROCESS. So pray to the Lord and ask Him for the Holy Spirit which will convict you of sin on your new walk with the Lord.
      For God to forgive us, we must forgive EVERYONE who has ever hurt us or done wrong to us so we have no bitterness in our hearts. Unresolved bitterness that you carry with you only leads to quickness in getting angry in the future. Forgiveness is not just for them, it is for YOU too... If you haven't done so already, you should work on this when you talk to God in the next couple of days to let Him know WHO you are forgiving, and for WHAT, and WHY you should forgive them....
      I am not saying you have to stop ALL sinning right away for Jesus to reveal himself to you spiritually. The Holy Spirit enters when one truly makes the decision to believe on Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But I am saying that God, in His foreknowledge, may not reveal His Son to those whom He knows don't really want to fully turn to Him, but are just testing Him and would end up NOT REPENTING, therefore rejecting Him anyway. In other words, God knows our hearts and if we desire to fully know and receive God, or if we are just testing Him without a repentant
      heart. When you get the Holy Spirit you will STOP willful sinning. Ask the Lord which sins you need to repent of and He will reveal those to you. You will go thru the process of Sanctification (being made holy by sinning less and less) in your new Christian walk with the Lord. One of Satan's greatest tricks is to excite/ entice us with 'worldly' pursuits and stay busy so that we never have time for God. You must make time for God daily or the devil will get you like he has you now. He has been torturing your mind and keeping you in the bondage of sin. YOU MUST NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP. Let God know the areas you are weak or ignorant or still confused and would like his guidance. He will help you, He really will!! Pray to God every day and night for His help in what you need, (not want). Pray for discernment and wisdom. Ask God what His will is now, not yours. Seek God through Jesus Christ, who is His
      word. Read your BIBLE daily, start with ALL 4 GOSPELS, to draw closer to God and help you fight the enemy. Make Jesus’ teachings and the New Testament the new standard for your life. "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6.
      Again, since sin is what separates us from God, we must come to the point of hating sin so we do not disappoint the Lord or ourselves on Judgement Day. The fleeting pleasure of sin is not worth it. The verse "resist the devil and he will flee" comes from OBEDIENCE to God that takes the "power" away from demons. Satan will still tempt you of coarse since that is what he DOES. But as soon as sin comes up in our hearts OR our minds we must defeat it IMMEDIATELY so it does not continue to LINGER AND GROW. When you let it grow it can overcome us and turn into
      action if we let it. That is how the devil gets in and STAYS IN. And idle time is the devil’s workshop. God always provides a way out of sin, you just have to find the strength 'in the moment' to walk away. "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 You have to fight the enemy every day, all day. The fight NOW is better than going to hell where you can't fight your way out. So "resist the devil and he will flee" - you will have peace especially when you get more familiar with God's word - the verses you learn help to reassure you and keep the devil 'at bay' so he stops torturing you and keeping you in willful sin (bad habits). Reading the bible daily helps give us peace “Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.” Proverbs 3:7. This is an ONGOING process and the healthy Fear of the Lord helps us to become sanctified. The devil gets in because he knows your weaknesses and will use them against you. He will not try to go in thru a locked front door (one sin previously conquered), he will sneak around to find a breach... The devil never stops. So you must "Put on the full armor of God." Ephesians 6. Read it.Or you will continue to be miserable until you surrender your life to Christ.
      The devil is never gone for good, NOT YET! Not til we're in heaven. We must fight the enemy every day, all day. The devil TEMPTS us b/c that's what he DOES, even to the most strong Christians. This is the SPIRITUAL WARFARE WE ALL go through. He will use FEAR and DOUBT to try and throw you off the narrow path. "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.' James 4:8. You purify you heart by not giving into the temptations of the devil and you stop being "double-minded" by not just professing with your lips but by professing with your actions and not being a "double-minded hypocrite saying one thing yet doing another. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9. Read the bible and stay in God's word DAILY to help you stay at peace and put God's word ON YOUR HEART... TO PURIFY IT MORE. This is like the purifying process of gold. It is passed through the fire and heated so the impurities rise to the top. This is an ongoing process until death, but deliverance helps this process
      become easier. The verse "resist the devil and he will flee" comes from Obedience to God. OBEDIENCE takes the power away from our demons so we can be delivered from them. Pray to God constantly to show you any impurities or dirty spots on your heart and He will reveal those things you need to IMPROVE ON... TO PURIFY IT EVEN FURTHER. We must have a PURE HEART. Purifying your heart is an ongoing process.
      Now you just have to remain on the narrow path of repentance until the end. Just ask God constantly which sins to you need to get rid of and He will reveal them to you. If stumble, ask God HUMBLY to forgive you and help you to learn from that sin and He will help you. He really will!! But the only one who was perfect was Jesus Christ. So it is a constant process of refinement. The Holy Spirit will help and guide you daily. Welcome to your New Christian walk with the Lord!! The Christian walk is not an easy one but it is certainly well worth it in the end. It is all about the journey AND the destination. May the God of all peace bless you abundantly.
      (copy and paste to Print this out or Save it).

  • @lettherebelight123
    @lettherebelight123 7 лет назад +12

    God bless you well said

  • @yussefbechara714
    @yussefbechara714 7 лет назад +9

    Amen brother it was a lot of stuff I didn't know so thank you

  • @NewEraSportsPodcast
    @NewEraSportsPodcast 7 лет назад +32

    Thanks Bro Josh this is the real battle of church and there is not a lot of people talking about Demons ..

  • @alegarcia2012
    @alegarcia2012 7 лет назад +4

    Awesome message!! Glory to God thank you Lord for opening my eyes.

  • @joeaquilino6404
    @joeaquilino6404 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you so much for not speaking to people like they are simple you are a great man.

  • @RobHarmsOrg
    @RobHarmsOrg 7 лет назад +1

    I find it to be so encouraging to hear your teaching and testimony of what Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit are doing in your life! Father, O God of Peace, equip us all with every good thing to do Your will, and keep working in us and through us that which is pleasing in Your sight, through You, Lord Jesus!

  • @rainy2284
    @rainy2284 7 лет назад +11

    Joshua. I like your teaching. I also like your name because it's my son's name and it's also biblical. I sat under a pastor for seven years who taught what you teach which I know is truth. Unfortunately he recently left his flock but went to be with the Lord. I don't understand why God took him. Maybe someday God will reveal to me. God bless you for your work in Christ.

  • @Tilina609
    @Tilina609 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for this!! 🙏🏾 My eyes have recently been open to this. I am 36 years old and I’ve been saved since age 12 but I never knew Christians have demons. The Holy Spirit showed me this while listening to Derek Prince and then moments later I did self deliverance and ever since then I practice self deliverance whenever God brings something to mind that I need to repent of. At first the thought of everything that is actually going on was very scary (like you said ie work out your own salvation with fear and trembling). My first thought was if I have demons what the heck else don’t I know. A very humbling experience indeed.

  • @mdu6580
    @mdu6580 7 лет назад +12

    Brother alot of the stuff you are talking about have happened to me. I have been I the Word and watching edifying videos such as this the last two weeks since I got laid off of work. It is all true, praise God opening my eyes and for sending His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Lastnight was the first peaceful rest in over a week of being attacked. I still got some demons left in me on is the Devil of addiction please pray for me brother.

  • @houseuponarock4548
    @houseuponarock4548 7 лет назад +11

    very good teaching, keep doing this!

  • @mindaavant6932
    @mindaavant6932 4 года назад +1

    I praise God for your life, thank you for imparting the Word of God, the Truth that would set us free who believe in Jesus.

  • @237rosemary
    @237rosemary 7 лет назад +1

    The most informative explanation of how it all works, you've made it so clear for me. Thankyou so much! God bless you!

  • @remingtonbrundige8110
    @remingtonbrundige8110 7 лет назад +1

    I commend you on the job you do in breaking down these topics on your videos, you are a truly blessed young man and the enemy will feel a threat...Keep up the great work my brother in Christ, I really admire the fire in you...That is wisdom and of the Holy Spirit!...Amen!!!

  • @MrOxyfox123
    @MrOxyfox123 7 лет назад +6

    You make a lot of sense. Thank you for sharing.

  • @cleovintora59
    @cleovintora59 7 лет назад +8

    I got back with my boyfriend and I have been feeling stressed anger,feet,doubt and distrust and confusion I'm an emtional mess he's now Muslim and that I can not go for I keep feel that I'm being spiritually attacked and Im being very foolish Nf distance thank you for this message ,demons like u said wk through people and my ex is one of them i have a closer relationship with God and my life and health and spirt is better when he is not in my life. These demons are playing into my emotion and it is physically taking a toll on my body I'm stressed I'm aching and Im constantly obsseing and lusting over this man that has caused nothing but pain smh please pray for me I am goin to fast and I am going to keep praying!! God be with you Josh

  • @fallenentities9877
    @fallenentities9877 8 лет назад +10

    excellent preaching brother!

  • @Paige_AndGrace
    @Paige_AndGrace 7 лет назад +9

    I believe what you are saying brother, I am addicted to smoking please pray for me. I have tried to quit many time. thank you

  • @ashlee7208
    @ashlee7208 8 лет назад +21

    Josh I shot you an E-mail a few weeks ago. Haven't heard back yet. Please do a video on fasting.

  • @EBlack-my8mu
    @EBlack-my8mu 5 лет назад +7

    I get you my brother keep it Real.Love you bro.

  • @nano.joe.4851
    @nano.joe.4851 8 лет назад +1

    This was a excellent video and you were definitely on fire, brother. I pray that everyone who watches this video takes heed to the messages and that God removes their spiritual blindness. Praise Jesus

  • @davidravaioli7860
    @davidravaioli7860 5 лет назад +1

    All over the world God is raising up his elect. Hes opening eyes. He's opening hearts and minds!! Transformation!!

  • @luisenriqueperez4478
    @luisenriqueperez4478 7 лет назад

    it's such a blessing how the lord works ! when a person is ready to really listen and not live by the world's standards he pours out all.

  • @santossalazar1393
    @santossalazar1393 5 лет назад +2

    You are 1000% right brother

  • @yummypiekittylove2123
    @yummypiekittylove2123 8 лет назад

    Thank you, when listening to you i don't look at your face i put the phone ahead and listen the word is enough every word you say is true, attacks will come here but please keep guiding the ones who seeks the lord! God bless.

  • @dazkar7
    @dazkar7 7 лет назад +3

    Josh coen spot on brother this is what the Lord taught me many years ago when being trained by the Holy Spirit about the enemy and his tactics. keep pressing on exposing darkness and bringing it into the light, we all as the body need to be this mature in faith and spiritual maturity to continue the scripture in 1 John 3 v 8 Jesus Christ was manifest to destroy the works of the devil bless you your brother in Christ dazkar

  • @orlandocolorado5837
    @orlandocolorado5837 8 лет назад +9 you brother


    thank you for helping me realize the difference in people and in myself. when you have brought tears to a mans eyes in what you have being saying in this video definitely changes things

  • @marianobalon9939
    @marianobalon9939 8 лет назад +1

    You have been a blessing, brother.. Thank you for channel ..! I pray for you..

  • @aforjesus2413
    @aforjesus2413 7 лет назад +3

    Josh brother,your Awesome and God is blessing to teach the younger generation that have almost lost Gods word.Keep it up bro.New Zealand

  • @fireandiceflorist
    @fireandiceflorist 7 лет назад

    Thank you for your time to make these wonderful videos. educating and eye opening and convicting. I have been a Christian 30 yrs. and I have been learning from your knowledge.

  • @mholmes9893
    @mholmes9893 7 лет назад

    My wife told me how good one of your videos was and we have watched you multiple times! You are doing a great thing in getting the word out to those who are not awake. God bless you and your family!

  • @loisverhaeghe1913
    @loisverhaeghe1913 7 лет назад +1

    Wow this is a very powerful message,and it makes sense,I am beginning to realize the demons in my life . I was raised Catholic ,but by the grace of God I saw that church for what it really is very EVIL and SATANIC . I never had a good feeling whenever I left service's and in fact I always felt worse and very empty .Thank you for sharing this video with us.

  • @petermckenney200
    @petermckenney200 7 лет назад +1

    Thanks for that message. May God bless you and keep you.

  • @misslucillie62
    @misslucillie62 7 лет назад +1

    God bless you and me the Lord continue inspired you to teach us about the truth. I'm really blessed. And working on my deliver pray fore me please!

  • @justifiedfreelybyhisgrace1779
    @justifiedfreelybyhisgrace1779 7 лет назад +3

    Gonna listen again to this, is very helpful. God bless you josh

  • @tinatimthompson3115
    @tinatimthompson3115 5 лет назад

    I am a 54 yr old woman... This guy is so spot on! God really started showing me HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO WATCG TO OUR WORDS...
    Example? When we moved here I said"oh someone is going to break a bone on this cement floors. Well.... I've broke both my wrists!
    So I will refuse to talk of that subject AGAIN!

  • @Zahvalan5173
    @Zahvalan5173 7 лет назад +1

    i just wanna say im SO thankful for you. God bless

  • @giovanoarmano
    @giovanoarmano 7 лет назад +4

    Full agreement !! great man of God !!

  • @aimalhin8372
    @aimalhin8372 8 лет назад +1

    Keep doing what you're doing brother. Thanks for the powerful message. God bless

  • @patrinaadamajapiong9585
    @patrinaadamajapiong9585 7 лет назад +4

    Praise God brother. your messages are really inspiring

  • @2011hib
    @2011hib 7 лет назад +1

    Thanks josh for your teaching. I'm learning so much here. Bless you!

  • @eleonorethein5791
    @eleonorethein5791 6 лет назад

    You know the words of God.very well,I thank you so much for all this teaching,The whole world have to be listen to you.Thank you for this video

  • @jennifersnetwork
    @jennifersnetwork 8 лет назад

    Learned so much from your teaching! Keep doing what your doing for the Fathers Kingdom! And may the Lord give you more wisdom to teach his children!!! Amen! 🙏🏻

  • @sambula1027
    @sambula1027 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for telling us we are at war and we are warriors. Important to start to spiritual boot camp up!

  • @sambula1027
    @sambula1027 6 лет назад

    I thank God for your ministry. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  • @roxanamaria1183
    @roxanamaria1183 8 лет назад +1

    the faith in the Lord is the most important thing

  • @kitik1989
    @kitik1989 7 лет назад +21

    When I was a teen I went to Encounter with this one church and I saw some scary stuff !demons running up walls and scary stuff happened to me. This is all real ppl please repent and find Jesus who is God the begging and the end!

  • @coreynightingale7091
    @coreynightingale7091 5 лет назад

    I'm really glad I found your channel today, brother Josh. Your messages are powerful. I have been dealing with nightmares every night for the past year since becoming born again. Hoping to overcome them soon.

  • @javz49
    @javz49 6 лет назад

    Its amazing to see how much your channel has grown in the past year. God bless brother josh

  • @NatashaCarrero
    @NatashaCarrero 7 лет назад +2

    This video is truly anointed

  • @mandygainey312
    @mandygainey312 7 лет назад

    This is such a refreshing video!!!!!!!!!!! I so believe this to be true!!!!!! Glory to God!!!!! There is sooo much bondage and blindness in America!!! I used to be in bondage! Praise God for the power of the Blood!!!!!!! Thank you, Josh!

  • @cherylknight6080
    @cherylknight6080 7 лет назад

    great message! I understand everything you said. I follow it most of the time. There are times I fall and I hate it when I do. I will repent as soon as I realize what I did. I have come a long way and yet I have a way to go. My bible is falling apart because i'm in it all the time. I still have some things I must put down and It is so hard. Cigs and cussing the cussing is getting better. All I know is to keep working on improvement keep repenting, keep reading my bible, and keep speaking to God and Jesus. I want to be baptized in the holy spirit. Thank you for all of the information you have shared, and many blessings to you.

  • @strawberrychickens6849
    @strawberrychickens6849 6 лет назад +1

    Awesome teachings brother. God bless you!

  • @Masshara
    @Masshara 7 лет назад

    Thank you for actually explaining how in the spirit world the demonic entities affect our physical lives .

  • @MrWb11
    @MrWb11 8 лет назад +1

    Seriously, great video bro. God bless you and your family.

  • @joyceroberts9304
    @joyceroberts9304 4 года назад

    Yes I understand everything your saying thank you, for the word

  • @patricklasiter5665
    @patricklasiter5665 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for this it’s help me God bless you

  • @everzamora9031
    @everzamora9031 5 лет назад

    Im glad I subscribed to your youtube channel. You and many other brothers made me realize the reason why Ive seen so much chaos in my life. I need to submit to Christ in love. Thank you for what you do.

  • @ondreatorrence4322
    @ondreatorrence4322 6 лет назад

    This is truly the message I've heard yet . I have alooot to think about

  • @barrymcbrush5452
    @barrymcbrush5452 7 лет назад

    Awesome teaching, you are truly anointed and a real soldier.

  • @Rinebo
    @Rinebo 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for this, brother!

  • @recoveringbaptist2023
    @recoveringbaptist2023 7 лет назад +8

    What you are saying is TRUE. Satan comes around at night, when I just wake up in the middle of the night, he SLAMS me with horrible thoughts. I have been growing so much closer to the Lord in the past several months, so NO WONDER Satan has been attacking me so mightily. putting wicked thoughts in my mind--and when I'm vulnerable, when I just wake up and don't have my "armor" on yet.
    I'm writing this as I type, and you mention the supernatural strength of demons--you should read my testimony on Put "Karen Reid" in the search bar, and it's posted on the "Karen Reid with 25 followers." My mother was demon possessed from working the Ouija board when I was 11, and I was a ragdoll to her. She could (and DID) thrown me down the stairs many times, and I always wondered where she got such strength.!

  • @matthewcox9131
    @matthewcox9131 6 лет назад

    I believe everything that Jesus says about demons. I am ready to go to battle through the Holy Spirit against these dark powers. Not my will , Jesus will I want. Wow ty for explaining this in detail. Yes be real and not a show. All power and glory and praise to Jesus Christ.

  • @brownsugar15068
    @brownsugar15068 8 лет назад +1

    This has really impacted me and how I look at myself and others around me. These demons are really making my life miserable and they are using my husband he has no idea he was once baptised and saved but now I really dont know and I really need prayer and help for my family.

  • @shellyswedberg1372
    @shellyswedberg1372 7 лет назад

    thank you Brother for shining a light on this. I was under Demon attack And God showed me how to cast them out in Jesus Name Rebuke in Jesus Name All evil spirits. the word the bible I would read demon would be held back growling . Jesus Helps us .

  • @cuddlesdoll5346
    @cuddlesdoll5346 7 лет назад

    This is food for my soul!

  • @thedaydreamer2190
    @thedaydreamer2190 8 лет назад +1

    Hey Josh, I've actually watched people I've watched my brother's and all thier into is thing's of this world, there video games, phone's, tablets it's all they use everyday! Then people on thier phone's or into the latest fashion. It's truly unbelievable how blind the world had become I have been searching for the truth and Christ for a while luckily I have found him. I haven't been baptized which I see it as a good thing because now that I have found Jesus I can born again in his name.

  • @davidravaioli7860
    @davidravaioli7860 5 лет назад

    Amen, brother!! All the glory to Jesus Christ!!

  • @RisnAbuvRubies
    @RisnAbuvRubies 7 лет назад

    Thank you Dear Brother for helping the Body of Yahushua to armour up with this message. Good Info! Shalom

  • @estherluzenja6117
    @estherluzenja6117 7 лет назад +4

    Gosh when he said we ought to have spirit of discernment...i paused a bit just wondering can i discern if his teaching is from the soul or from the heart skipped a beat

  • @topcompilationvideos2051
    @topcompilationvideos2051 7 лет назад

    Josh Coen Thank you so much brother..I got saved 5 months later, and since then, am walking in the light..try to be as holy as possible..this world is so deceitful,and am 19 so it was very hard for me to leave worldly music,movies,anime/cartoons,sex videos, having sex(fornication) masturbation, I I look back, I feel like t was a year ago..but I was so into catholic stuff! And my excuse was the same "I was born in it"! And The lord Jesus opened my cousin's eyes and then he told me about repentance and all that..I remember that when he said "Do you want to repent?" I said, Not really..can I do it tomorrow?" I had this feeling of "come on, this is sleepy"! Your videos are really helpful..and since u see stuff exactly like said exactly what I told my brothers..the holy spirit taught me in 5 month, what I never knew in 19 years!! And it was all right here! My mom is so deep into catholic stuff..I burned my "saint Joseph prayer card" and I threw away all my rosary..but I feel in comfortable because she still have that creepy statue on the cross..hanging on our wall! I wanna break up so hard with my axe, but am scared of problems and stuff!

  • @davidmac3910
    @davidmac3910 7 лет назад +3

    I am with you 100%

  • @mildreddavidson6115
    @mildreddavidson6115 7 лет назад

    Hello,Man Of God..I thank GOD for YOU.

  • @davidmac3910
    @davidmac3910 7 лет назад +2

    They tell me the same thing Josh, and I am on fire for God

  • @Ameroukie
    @Ameroukie 8 лет назад +1

    so true. spiritual world is real!!!

  • @judithngwanyia5144
    @judithngwanyia5144 5 лет назад +1

    keep Edifying, The Lord bless you.