  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 51

  • @lonewolf4111
    @lonewolf4111 Месяц назад +5

    Thank you Bhante, a women adopted a dog for companionship. Everytime she tried to touch the dog it would bark and snap. A man came to help. He put a muzzle on the dog. He had the owner stroke the dogs head for 15 seconds and then ignore the dog. Long story short after about two hours of this the dog came over and nudged the hand because he now wanted that contact. Just with very light nudging in a different direction they were able to change the dogs perception. I think that is a good way to follow the path. Several small nudges daily in the right direction changes perception.

  • @hihowareyou0000
    @hihowareyou0000 Месяц назад +1

    Monks existence means more to me then any tangible item ever 😊❤😊 thank you for your knowledge and time.

  • @shivabhakth07
    @shivabhakth07 Месяц назад +1

    Namo Buddhaya, Thank you so much Guru for the answer, it means a lot to me
    Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu and Sukhi Hontu

    • @englishmonk
      @englishmonk  Месяц назад

      You're welcome it's my pleasure. Be happy and stay well

  • @cariyaputta
    @cariyaputta Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for talking about the connection of anger and addiction. Anger is indeed very addictive, with a false sense of justified, when cultivate will lead to disastrous acts, as seen again and again throughout history.

  • @MegaTen-ts5xf
    @MegaTen-ts5xf Месяц назад +2

    Every time I nurtured anger it just led to disappointment and exhaustion, society gave me this idea that anger is great and should be expressed as much as possible and nobody ever mentions that the problem is craving, resistance, repulsion and pushing away what we don't want

  • @fingerprint5511
    @fingerprint5511 Месяц назад +5

    Anger Outlets ... of course it's American, who else! ... in fairness, Americans are idealistic and always striving for the impossible... beneath anger is grief and that grief is from not understanding Dhamma, not understanding attachments create suffering and not accepting the way things actually are.

    • @ShraddaNiche
      @ShraddaNiche Месяц назад +2

      I often feel I do not recognize my own people. I wish to move to Varanasi in the next 10 years

    • @lonewolf4111
      @lonewolf4111 Месяц назад +1

      There is a huge homeless problem. Often when people go on vacation and return there is someone else moving in claiming squatters rights. It takes a lot of money and court time to evict them. So that is kind of a hot button issue. But the marketing here is very good they convince people that you need to have a certain image or a certain product to be with the in-crowd. But as we know you buy a new car and after two months its just a car, a new home, 6 months later it is just a home. But im convinced this is what I need. There also is a very large gap and getting larger between the haves and have nots. Imagine not being able to buy what your told will show success. Depressing.

  • @AscendingGuru
    @AscendingGuru Месяц назад +1

    Loved the shorts, so I came back for more. Ah yes, I guess when it is 2024 one actually sometimes must use money. So then, the only option is skillfully deducing right action. Its about letting go of dukkha, letting go of samsara. So maybe they were thinking: will you force me to suffer letting go of something that is not good riddance. That's a great saying, when you let go of something and say "Ah! Good riddance!". I will tell you something personal, I wear a toupee sometimes. But it is not made from my shell. Because without a body, like in a dream, I am so very beautiful ❤️

  • @FRED-gx2qk
    @FRED-gx2qk Месяц назад +1

    Much appreciated Sir.

  • @lonewolf4111
    @lonewolf4111 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you Bhante, I started life behind the 8 ball. And when I look back on it, it has been quite a strange trip. I came from hell and now live much better. I enjoy my life. But I also know it had nothing to do with intellect. These tools for life has taken care of my life, despite myself. But I dont understand why we spend so much time on re-birth and nibbana. I feel like my life has been an action movie and Im the hero but really had very little to do with it. If I have to go through this again I wont mind. Yes tons of suffering but with an ability to live with it and overcome in spite of my attempts at sabotage. Im ok, life is ok. I have no recollection of any past life so why do we focus so much on it, beside the obvious goal.

  • @saintsword23
    @saintsword23 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you Bhante. I was the one who asked the question about the potential for the renunciate's life in the US and finding support. I'm not a monk but I've strongly considered it and have moved in the direction of renouncing more and more. I've even considered purchasing some forested land in an out of the way location and setting up a shed to live in - but even this is illegal in most places, as they require building codes and have minimal square footage requirements. Living in your van is also illegal in most places here as well. Admittedly, trying to make a very minimalist life work within legal bounds in a country that seems adamant upon making me do otherwise has filled me with despair.
    I'm glad I asked this question of you as it sounds like you're uniquely positioned to have answered it given that you had a similar experience. Thank you very much. I'm going to consider what you've said, including potentially leaving this country to one more friendly to my spiritual goals.

    • @lonewolf4111
      @lonewolf4111 Месяц назад

      If you knock on enough doors you will find a place. Can you offer anything in trade? Yardwork property maintenance to live in an old building out back. You can find it but it may take a lot of asking. Keep pushing and you will find it

    • @saintsword23
      @saintsword23 Месяц назад

      ​@@lonewolf4111 I think you're misunderstanding the query.

    • @lonewolf4111
      @lonewolf4111 Месяц назад

      @@saintsword23 oh sorry. I thought you were looking for a derelict or unused building. Best of luck and I would be interested in hearing how its going.

    • @englishmonk
      @englishmonk  Месяц назад +1

      Sukhi Hontu

  • @someoneelse6618
    @someoneelse6618 Месяц назад +1

    Sadhu sadhu sadhu
    Thank you!

  • @AscendingGuru
    @AscendingGuru Месяц назад +1

    I am going to try to absorb better time and space. If I figure out how, I will share it. It's easy to see that this is luna see.

  • @learningenglish9316
    @learningenglish9316 Месяц назад +1

    වන්දනා කරමි නමස්කාර වේවා

  • @okay0308
    @okay0308 Месяц назад +1

    Thanks a lot.

  • @Frooji-ps1xk
    @Frooji-ps1xk Месяц назад +1

    Dear Bhante, if there is no soul then what do you think it is that near death experiencers are describing when they talk of themselves floating up out of their bodies and through the tunnel of light and into heavenly realms, or dragged downwards to hell? Same as in the Suttas when The Buddha or Mogallana visit various Heavens - what vehicle were they using? This is surely referring to the astral body, which for all intents and purposes might as well be same thing as soul or spirit. Does annatta actually mean 'no soul' or was Buddha talking about no UNCHANGING soul? or unchanging personality or essence? This seems like a pretty important point as i believe many people are put off Buddhism by this concept🙏

    • @englishmonk
      @englishmonk  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for watching and your comments. I will talk about this in a Q&A's video coming soon.
      Be happy and stay well.

  • @borninwashingmachine4582
    @borninwashingmachine4582 Месяц назад +1

    Dear Banthe, flowers offering can be understood way for existing be in other realms, you are very sceptic, aren't you dear Bathe

    • @englishmonk
      @englishmonk  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching and your comments. I will talk about this in a Q&A's video coming soon.
      Be happy and stay well.

  • @BrianTe0h_非我
    @BrianTe0h_非我 Месяц назад +1

    sadhu X3

  • @AscendingGuru
    @AscendingGuru Месяц назад +1

    I will watch it, think about it, try to apply it, see how it goes. Right now I gotta get some food.

  • @BanAaron
    @BanAaron Месяц назад +1

    During guided meditation today I felt as though my conscious experience was outside of my body. Rather than 'inside' my head as it usually does. Is this a normal experience to have during vipassana meditation?

    • @englishmonk
      @englishmonk  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for watching and your comments. I will talk about this in a Q&A's video coming soon.
      Be happy and stay well.

  • @okay0308
    @okay0308 Месяц назад +1

    How are you doing?
    Hi , There, sir ?

  • @kafka8886
    @kafka8886 Месяц назад

    I struggle with the concept of rebirth. As there can be no evidence or science to support it, is it not simply a belief, like going to heaven or hell?
    And I'm sorry, but I find the idea that a child suffering is getting payback from a previous existence, quite abhorant.
    If a child is suffering, it's usually because of abuse or neglect by the actions of adults.
    You would have seen some children enduring terrible suffering during your time in India - can you honestly say that it's because of previous lives?
    This is where Buddhism falls apart for me.

    • @Frooji-ps1xk
      @Frooji-ps1xk Месяц назад +1

      So do you believe that this life is the first time since the creation of the universe that you have been conscious? What do you think you were doing 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 years ago? Were you nothing? Just waiting for your mother in this life to birth you? You think all you get is a mere 80 years of life out of the whole of eternity? That seems nonsensical to me.

    • @lonewolf4111
      @lonewolf4111 Месяц назад

      I also had a lot of trouble with this too. Suffering of the innocent. I never found an answer that satisfied me. Basically the answer is life is not fair. Its not fair to me, its not fair to you either. At least it seems so. The answer we get is unsatisfactory. Is anything satisfactory? Socrates said ignorance is my knowledge. He said that because there were some things he could not find an answer to. He had reached the ceiling of his knowledge. I may never find the answer to that. Life sucks is true. But we cant stop just because we dont understand the answer. Yes?

    • @lonewolf4111
      @lonewolf4111 Месяц назад

      to put it into the great words of dirty Harry magnum force, a mans gotta know his limitations.

    • @englishmonk
      @englishmonk  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching and your comments. I will talk about this in a Q&A's video coming soon.
      Be happy and stay well.