Concussion was amazing. This guy helped change the game. I applaud his courage and will to sacrifice for what he believed. More movies should chronicle these kind of people who change the world we live in. God bless.
What a man... Proof that the sky is not the limit,, It doesnt matter were you come from, your race or anything. Passion and love for what you do is key,, Great respect. Cant wait to see the movie. God Bless You dr Omalu.
It is interesting how quickly the "movie" was scooted out of mainstream theaters.... It is an awesome movie with a huge revelation about the NON safety concerns for players of the game of football...
I walked away from this movie with relief and cried my soul out knowing I made the right decision not to allow my sons to play. I didn't know about CTE of course, I just had a feeling about it. Mother's intuition. I second-guessed myself. I was tortured about the future. Today he is an electrician and with good decisions, he will live far beyond my exit. I will go on beyond the veil with peace because I didn't focus on money and sacrifice my sons' lives and future for it. My goal was to protect my sons and I believe I did that. (Deep sigh and making the sign of the cross.)😇😇😇
I love this Nigerian brother and Doctor. He maintained his Nigerian accent after all the years spent in the USA. Most Africans will fake american accent.
@Alfie Green I’ve wanted to play football my whole life. My Parents are overprotective and used the concussion movie to prove a point and it never did anything
@@deyluhnas CTE won’t show up early. It would in your 40s-50s if you were to have it. However, it is your choice as long as you know the possibility of CTE
As I recall, Oscars are not given for being in a movie from start to finish. They're awarded on how impressive and memorable the performance comes across, and I daresay, Morse's performance appears to be the only standout in the whole flick. The rest are standard but forgettable...
+cityofchamps66 I have no doubt it's well deserved. All I'm saying is David Morse had, in my opinion, the most memorable role as an actor in the movie. Not really knocking others...
Excellent interview of an extraordinary physician. I am wondering about my own CTE, not from football or sports. But from the 18 years of my parents beating me up, almost daily, since birth, until I could leave home. They committed even more heinous acts, but I cannot elaborate. I have many neurological disorders, epigentic effects which negate proof of causality, and may explain my early dementia onset. Many children have had this happen, and it is occurring now.
+Jordan F I wouldnt call "BS" out just yet!!! Im a grandma and I noticed my daughter would "Pop" (she calls it) my grand kids 3 and 7 upside their heads. So I did research and I found that "popping", smacking, or hitting a child in the side or back of the head can cause concussions!!! google it if you feel the need to look....but I pray for Elaine and any child suffering neurological disorders just because people believe in "popping" their kids!!!
Look up Gerald McClellan to see a heartbreaking example of what trauma to the brain can do. You wouldn't hit your finger with a hammer over and over and expect not to cause injury. The fact that people even debate wether it's "real" is insane. You may not care but you can't say it's not valid.
@@InformationIsTheEdge The thing is in sports like UFC you usually only fight at max 3 times per YEAR. AND not all fights gets you a solid hit in the head .....In America Football the guys get hitted in the head in highspeed movement a lot of times in a SINGLE match and they plays lots of matches during the year.
@@piroloviniIA Thanks for the note. You are entirely right! Sanctioned professional fighters like the UFC have restrictions on how often they can fight. But there are no restrictions on how much they can train and that is typically where the damage comes from. Year in, year out of not crushing, knockout blows, most fighters are careful to avoid those in training. But the accumulation of blows. Over and over week in, week out year after year. Even the mild blows add up. Same in your example of the American Football players. They train hitting and tackling too. A high price to pay for glory.
I suppose he was demonized because players and even fans thought that he was trying to end the game. I didn’t see it that way at all. He was trying to educate people of the dangers of playing the sport. If a person knows the risks and continues to play then that is 100% on the player.
My dad played football in junior high and a year or so into high school. Thank the Lord he had to quit playing because his knee went out on him. I won't let my son play football either. Even before I herd of cte I thought football was to harsh on people.
I wasn’t even a starter just a back up but still suffering pain in my shoulder and neck after 30 years from a vicious hit in garbage time on one play I endured
Helmets seem to encourage people to use their head as a battering ram, i think the league would see fewer head injuries if they went back to the old school leather helmet
Thank you for making football safer I have friends in the nfl and I want to thank dr omalu for telling the truth. Now the nfl has to make the game safer
@James 23 I loved Will Smith on the role, and of course he has all of this star power, but Omar Epps would have been just perfect! People are already used to seeing him wearing the white coat on House M.D.
Will Smith may need more security now. The NFL makes a lot of money and they will do everything to protect that. Seems like a great movie, I might go and see.
+Seth Ellison But you cannot beat Capitalism as a driver and motivator for the population... It just needs certain restrictions at the top end to be better off for the lower end.
Thing is even this movie won't change a thing. Football is only growing, it will never go away. Because until you, as an individual experience what NFL players do on a daily basis nobody bats an eye.
I commend the guy for his work, but at the same time it is almost funny that it took this much to prove that bashing your head against the heads of others for years might lead to some negative side effects.
I just watched an extremely informative movie about CTE and this doctor’s name was NEVER mentioned. How disrespectful. Time to nominate Dr. Omalu for a Nobel Prize. My own experience with multiple concussions, and finally being diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), does not afford me the luxury of remembering if it is a Nobel Peace Prize or what it is properly called. Heck, I rely upon my phone’s auto spelling to help me spell even some of the simplest words. This stuff is REAL!!! And I am not an athlete.
Yeah, that's garbage. that is only about $50,000 per player. And I wonder if the money will go to their families when they die of early deaths because of their CTE.
When is the NFL going to repay the families? and support the children who's dad's gave their lives for the sport? literally? The NFL has so much money and yet, they drop them like a hot potato - concussion did not cover the family trauma at all- nor the devastation to them financially and legally.
I'm referring to those NFL players that played a couple seasons - their rule of 4 gives the NFL the opportunity to cycle players after only 3- then they are off the hook for this terrible condition- often diagnosed as Bi-polar, ADHD, or a miriad of mental health mood swings. Most NFL players. showed signs as teens off being "out of control" boys who love living on the edge. High School and College love these young men- they give them scholarships and diplomas for their love of brut force.
I'm so sorry Elaine Marie its commen sense head trauma will cause son use to fall so much as a child that I truly believe its the reason my son has child like ways when he's in his twenties that hasn't gone away
This story hit me so much Such an inspiring story about an amazing doctor that all he wanted was to help by teaching us the dangers of a brutal sport We neee more doctors like Bennett Omalu
"Have you found yourself feeling down, out, or not worthy of what God has already freely given you? The devil wants to find every area of your life that lacks God's joy and try to take you to a place that remembers your pain, fear, and depression.. I am here to remind you that the joy of the Lord is your strength! Daughters, delight yourself in the Lord and remember there are no circumstances you face that can prevent His joy from breaking through into every situation you encounter!! '... for the joy of the Lord is your strength,' (Nehemiah 8:10). God has given you His divine power over the enemy - and it is His JOY that NEVER runs out! Stand on the Word of God, walk in His truth, and know you are destined for greatness!!" ~David E. Taylor~
I got assaulted by 4 guys and received many blows to my head (5-10) with bare knuckles. Unfortunately I live in Greece so justice probably will not punish really hard the guys (which I know who they are). I really hope CTE does not appear with 1 assault.. I had hit 2 times in my life my head. I feel my cognitive level getting lessen but maybe it's because my depression. Hopefully everything will be alright. Faith in God always.
cte is more repeated which is why babies do not get it when they fall over a bunch you need to fall a lot to get cte anyways reading helps the brain so do. lot of it.
So sorry to learn of your depressing, harrowing experience. I absolutely hate bullies and will do harm to them in a retributive way. Those Idiots will pay for their crimes in due time....
It wasn’t a new medical condition there are cases in boxer way before he found it in Webster the first NFL player who’s brain was tested. The parents are smart a kid that was 18 yrs old committed suicide and he played high school football he had CTE. That’s an 18 yr old. Watch the frontline documentary “League of Denial” it’s a well done doc. With really eye opening stuff and shows exactly how the NFL knew and still denied. It one US Senator compared the NFL to Big Tobacco and I feel that’s a legit comparison
The NFL finally admitted it, but the NHL still denies it as of 2023. Here's what the NHL commissioner has to say, "Gary Bettman, the league’s commissioner, has long insisted there is “no conclusive link” between repetitive head impacts and CTE." So Mr. Bettman is denying it even exist, do a story on Bettman ABC, or will you let your 7 year contract to televise NHL games bias you also? Prove me wrong.
"Faithfulness tends to be a one-sided expectation for many believers. They expect God's faithfulness in their lives, but reciprocating faithfulness back to Him is not often portrayed or demonstrated genuinely.. 'His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord,' (Matthew 25:23). Many Christians claim to be faithful to the "work of God," but can't see that their faithfulness is really to the work they choose to do for God, not necessarily the work He desires to do through them, to fulfill His will. There is a great divide in where faithfulness lies among many believers in the Body of Christ. Some are faithful to their service to people above their service to God. How can you really love and serve God without considering what He desires? Without considering His will and His expected outcome? Being faithful to God should not be second place to anything else in our lives!! Without Him, we are completely nothing.. Walking with Him should be first! Seeking Him should be first! Loving Him should be first!! Only then will we truly be able to be faithful to the infamous quoted scripture, 'thy will be done!' Faithfulness is not just about what we receive from God, but it is how we serve and give back to Him..!" ~David E. Taylor~
I think the worst thing that will happen to Will Smith I'd that some hard core football fans will boycott his movies. Football and the NFL will survive perhaps in a different and safer form. Full contact football is and will always be a rough spot.
Im 6'0 150 and of very average strength. I was trying to mimic some hard closed fist slaps to a punching bag, similar to an O line man. 50 of those FROM ME a day would obviously mess you up. Now imagine a guy 5x my strength.
I never played contact sports but had maybe 5 concussions. Is my risk high or very low? I heard he said repetitive blows are more dangerous over years like boxing and football even hockey.
I've built a helmet for my own brain injuries. Was suffering badly. 3 years later I healed my brain. If anyone reads this that can line things up. Already tested & ready for clinical professional to test.
It's not just former pro athletes that suffer from years of hits to the head and the damage from CTE. Look up the story of of Zac Easter. He played high school football in Iowa in a town called Indianola. His senior year he suffered 3 concussions and he didn't even finish the season. He never suffered another concussion after that and yet he suffered from CTE. He committed suicide when he was 24 years old and like Junior Seau, he shot himself in the chest so that his brain could be examined.
I'm terrified that I am going to end up like Mike Webster. I begged my family to educate themselves and now I am abandoned facing homelessness with my cat alone.
Hey look at me we are victims too... dozens of men dying old wretched from years of body wrecking sport that is legal and praised vs domestic abuse that is illegal and demonized by media, makes me wonder if women do really feel empathy towards men
@@sankofax8082 Not to be rude, but you're clearly new here... There are few NFL players compared to women and kids who get beaten. That's a fact. Nobody said it wasn't bad, but just TRY being a female a pressing charges and try to get that guy to STAY away from you. Good luck. There's next to ZERO consequences for it, too. Not a job (look at famous guys who did it) and not society for certain. Most women will have next to no help at all. The only job I know of that would dump you would be real estate. Only because you're going if theres ANY controversy at all. Anyone else? It's like nothing. Trust us on this who have actual experience with the subject. Read Lundy Bancroft Why Does he DO That? Inside the minds of angry and controlling men. Thank you.
Ben Crossley I use to play football in high school and basketball Nd when this first came out I didn’t like him cuz I still wanted to play until I got a bad concussion in a game and had to get carried out on a stretcher and that scared me enough to quit but I stuck w basketball and I don’t regret but I still will always love football
Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised," (Proverbs 31:25-30).
Anyone who thinks the NFL is the only problem is not paying attention to the science. Unfortunately anything that involves head blows is just as risky. Particularly if it starts in childhood. Football, hockey, military service, MMA, boxing, soccer, NASCAR, high school and college impact sports, skateboarding, etc. Domestic violence as well.
Boxing’s been largely left behind due to this issue, same with mma hockey’s even worse then football, military service doesn’t have the issue that bad compared to other problems servicemen face, and soccer, skateboarding, etc are low risk in comparison and have significant rule changes to mitigate the issue for children in the case of soccer Domestic violence, yeah you have me beat
Late, I know. Try a neurologist and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Not cheap but it helps. If you had it as an assault, you can basically sue the city and demand your medical bill money back. Takes a few years and you won't get it all. But if you spend 6,200, getting 4k back isn't horrible.
yep, not that I knew Chris but watching him on tv for all those years, the "real" Chris wouldn't have did what he did, he wasn't in his right frame of mind at the end of his life.
@@sylentknight Please don't assume you "know" some guy from TV. That's insane and it's like idol worship. Ask his exes, though. They tend to know a lot.
@@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 wow this statement was made 3 years ago lol but for the record I did say not that I knew him. I've seen enough interviews about him to have a feeling of who he was in his "right" mind. I think Eddie's death was the nail in the coffin.
Dr.omalu needs to work on covid 19 vaccination of his resume and hard work. 15 variants are here and if dr.omalu could do good for God and us since he does live in California.
Amir Al-katib I’m pretty sure I got at least 3 blows to the head from playing goalkeeper playing soccer and I’m only 20 only thing I’m feeling is mood swings no headaches maybe my personality has changed idk
“Being humble does not mean that you are depressed, but that you are humbling yourself for the sake of others. You reduce yourself from your original position just to bless somebody else. That’s not easy, when the flesh is full of pride, because pride desires promotion, to be seen, and to show off. Humility is the opposite. Humility teaches you to voluntarily abase yourself.” ~David E. Taylor~ “...he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” (Matthew 23:12)
Dr. Omalu should be awarded the Nobel prize for his findings.
@Duke of Norfolk what are they for ? We all know the answer and that is he is black and worse part is he is continental African
@@LuckyLucky-xp2sz wut
Lucky Lucky or that the nfl would suffer.... that’s more of a real reason... nfl is a billion dollar Industry and has a lot of pull
As someone suffering from this disease I want to thank you for everything you've done for people like me
Sending hugs ur way
How did you receive this disease ?
But u don't know unless ur ded?
Lmfao you cant be diagnosed till after death so there’s that you liar
@@jayw1738 repeated head Injury trauma
This guy is an angel shining light on the dark secrets of the nfl. His discovery wasn't an accident.
@@deyluhnas too bad
Concussion was amazing. This guy helped change the game. I applaud his courage and will to sacrifice for what he believed. More movies should chronicle these kind of people who change the world we live in. God bless.
I watched the movie it was great
The game hasn’t really changed. Look at Tagovailoa’s case.
The 1 dislike is Roger Goodell
CTE found in 99% of studied brains from deceased NFL players
By Daniella Emanuel, CNN
Updated 1857 GMT (0257 HKT) July 25, 2017
What a man... Proof that the sky is not the limit,, It doesnt matter were you come from, your race or anything. Passion and love for what you do is key,, Great respect. Cant wait to see the movie. God Bless You dr Omalu.
It is interesting how quickly the "movie" was scooted out of mainstream theaters.... It is an awesome movie with a huge revelation about the NON safety concerns for players of the game of football...
that was exactly the same thing I was wondering about, too.
How many of you came here after watching Concussion?
One of the best educated, smartest people in the field of medicine and someone calls him a voodoo doctor. What is wrong with people?
I'm sure you don't want to know the names the female doctor who continued his work later was called...
@@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 You're right, I don't. I already think poorly enough of our species without that little bit of horror.
I so like him when he's just smiling as he's mentioning the insults he endured. He's an amazing doctor.
I walked away from this movie with relief and cried my soul out knowing I made the right decision not to allow my sons to play. I didn't know about CTE of course, I just had a feeling about it. Mother's intuition. I second-guessed myself. I was tortured about the future. Today he is an electrician and with good decisions, he will live far beyond my exit. I will go on beyond the veil with peace because I didn't focus on money and sacrifice my sons' lives and future for it. My goal was to protect my sons and I believe I did that. (Deep sigh and making the sign of the cross.)😇😇😇
You did the right thing. There are other sports your kids could play that are safer
Football not worth it. I still suffer neck and shoulder pain 30 years after playing in high school. And I wasn’t even a starter.
I wouldn't let mine either. It's just not worth that risk.
I love this Nigerian brother and Doctor. He maintained his Nigerian accent after all the years spent in the USA. Most Africans will fake american accent.
It's not "faking" an american accent. It's trying to make yourself clear like Rihanna does
@@fuimoleque I honestly love Rhianna's Barbadian accent, though
God bless you Dr. Bennet Omalu.
@Alfie Green bc he basically ruined my childhood
@Alfie Green I’ve wanted to play football my whole life. My Parents are overprotective and used the concussion movie to prove a point and it never did anything
@Alfie Green I’m 15. Care to explain that my neighbor has had 6 concussions and still had a 4.0 GPA in high school
@@deyluhnas He'll feel it in his early 40s. Be lucky that your parents are actually looking out for your health.
@@deyluhnas CTE won’t show up early. It would in your 40s-50s if you were to have it. However, it is your choice as long as you know the possibility of CTE
Bless you Dr.Omalu, for this groundbreaking research.
This man is an Angel. Much love and respect to him. Football is not worth your health.
By the way, David Morse deserves an Oscar for his portrayal of Iron Mike Webster in that flick...
+Ifeanyi Akaolisa He's only in it for a few minutes? Smith probably, Baldwin and Brooks, maybe but Morse's role is too small
As I recall, Oscars are not given for being in a movie from start to finish. They're awarded on how impressive and memorable the performance comes across, and I daresay, Morse's performance appears to be the only standout in the whole flick. The rest are standard but forgettable...
***** Well, Will has been nominated for a Golden Globe for this, I'd be willing to bet a sawbuck on him getting a Oscar nomination as well
+cityofchamps66 I have no doubt it's well deserved. All I'm saying is David Morse had, in my opinion, the most memorable role as an actor in the movie. Not really knocking others...
+Ifeanyi Akaolisa I thought the same.
CTE found in 99% of studied brains from deceased NFL players
By Daniella Emanuel, CNN
Updated 1857 GMT (0257 HKT) July 25, 2017
Excellent interview of an extraordinary physician.
I am wondering about my own CTE, not from football or sports.
But from the 18 years of my parents beating me up, almost daily, since birth, until I could leave home.
They committed even more heinous acts, but I cannot elaborate.
I have many neurological disorders, epigentic effects which negate proof of causality, and may explain my early dementia onset.
Many children have had this happen, and it is occurring now.
+Elaine Marie That's very sad! How old are you?
I hope you will find your peace. I would never hit my kid
+Elaine Marie I call BS. How do you remember getting beating the day of your birth??? Talk about someone crying for intention - pun intended.
+Jordan F I wouldnt call "BS" out just yet!!! Im a grandma and I noticed my daughter would "Pop" (she calls it) my grand kids 3 and 7 upside their heads. So I did research and I found that "popping", smacking, or hitting a child in the side or back of the head can cause concussions!!! google it if you feel the need to look....but I pray for Elaine and any child suffering neurological disorders just because people believe in "popping" their kids!!!,
Look up Gerald McClellan to see a heartbreaking example of what trauma to the brain can do. You wouldn't hit your finger with a hammer over and over and expect not to cause injury. The fact that people even debate wether it's "real" is insane. You may not care but you can't say it's not valid.
The curious thing about McClellan is that there are not hundreds more just like him. Boxers are amazingly powerful athletes.
It’s easier to be in denial than to admit that the sport that you love should cease.
@@InformationIsTheEdge The thing is in sports like UFC you usually only fight at max 3 times per YEAR. AND not all fights gets you a solid hit in the head .....In America Football the guys get hitted in the head in highspeed movement a lot of times in a SINGLE match and they plays lots of matches during the year.
@@piroloviniIA Thanks for the note. You are entirely right! Sanctioned professional fighters like the UFC have restrictions on how often they can fight. But there are no restrictions on how much they can train and that is typically where the damage comes from. Year in, year out of not crushing, knockout blows, most fighters are careful to avoid those in training. But the accumulation of blows. Over and over week in, week out year after year. Even the mild blows add up. Same in your example of the American Football players. They train hitting and tackling too. A high price to pay for glory.
I suppose he was demonized because players and even fans thought that he was trying to end the game. I didn’t see it that way at all. He was trying to educate people of the dangers of playing the sport. If a person knows the risks and continues to play then that is 100% on the player.
Football is big money for high school, college and NFL. The majority will get it eventually
Great interview and the movie was an eye opener.
My dad played football in junior high and a year or so into high school.
Thank the Lord he had to quit playing because his knee went out on him.
I won't let my son play football either. Even before I herd of cte I thought football was to harsh on people.
What if he like it and that’s the only thing he want to do
@@isaiahjilles3588 as long as they know the huge risk. I love football, but I would never play tackle unless I’m a kicker.
I wasn’t even a starter just a back up but still suffering pain in my shoulder and neck after 30 years from a vicious hit in garbage time on one play I endured
Helmets seem to encourage people to use their head as a battering ram, i think the league would see fewer head injuries if they went back to the old school leather helmet
Big up to Dr. Bennet Omalu for Standing up, against the big 700 million dollar giant, the NFL.
He really deserves noble prize
idk why but the doc looks mad young. like hes 15
To speak of him that way shows also how young you are, too. In a different way.
it's the melanin
Are you blind dude???
Thank you for making football safer I have friends in the nfl and I want to thank dr omalu for telling the truth. Now the nfl has to make the game safer
great man...
Cnt believe he was given citizenship just 2015
Did he deserver it or not?
why? is he the wrong color or something?
@@deyluhnas Why?
Never, with aname like that, I Dom think you deserve a chance.
Forest Whittaker should have played him instead of Will Smith.
Forrest is too old for the roll. This doctor is only 48, which would put him around 33 at that time in 2001. So a 55 year old playing a 33 year old?
Morgan Freeman
both Dr Omalu and Will Smith are the same age, yes Will played a younger version of the doctor but its way more convenient than Forest Whittaker
@James 23
I loved Will Smith on the role, and of course he has all of this star power, but Omar Epps would have been just perfect!
People are already used to seeing him wearing the white coat on House M.D.
At 2:30 i thought he was cutting chicken meat but then i realized its really a brain meat...holy shit...😂🤣😂🤣
Will Smith may need more security now. The NFL makes a lot of money and they will do everything to protect that. Seems like a great movie, I might go and see.
+Native722 Saw it today. Recommend!!!!!!
+Talltrees84 It really is a great movie!
+Seth Ellison But you cannot beat Capitalism as a driver and motivator for the population... It just needs certain restrictions at the top end to be better off for the lower end.
Thing is even this movie won't change a thing. Football is only growing, it will never go away. Because until you, as an individual experience what NFL players do on a daily basis nobody bats an eye.
@@Talltrees84 The movie ruined my childhood but go ahead if you want you children to hate you
I commend the guy for his work, but at the same time it is almost funny that it took this much to prove that bashing your head against the heads of others for years might lead to some negative side effects.
What happens when health gets in the way of money… they don’t want people to know the actual effects of it
A very interesting interview & I think a good movie about this.
Nothing but hero. Dr. Bennett Omalu simply deserves noble prize
I just knew the "n-word" was coming but Dr. Omalu is a hero❤️❤️💪
I'm watching after watching the movie and now mind is blown its so big
They keep on saying concussion cause CTE, but it is blunt force repeated trauma like the doc says.
Blessed 94 Multiple concussions ( where the brain has no time to recover properly) causes CTE.
MarineAqua45 the brain never fully recovers
smooth doge No you're right there, as there are always after-symptoms like weakness in strength, migraine headaches, etc.
Kids do your self a favor and make a switch to basketball.
great man
Here after Tua's injuries
Thank you, for sharing👍
I just watched an extremely informative movie about CTE and this doctor’s name was NEVER mentioned. How disrespectful.
Time to nominate Dr. Omalu for a Nobel Prize. My own experience with multiple concussions, and finally being diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), does not afford me the luxury of remembering if it is a Nobel Peace Prize or what it is properly called. Heck, I rely upon my phone’s auto spelling to help me spell even some of the simplest words. This stuff is REAL!!! And I am not an athlete.
How are you currently?
Tell de trooth!!
Wait a minute, the make $9.9bn/year they were order to pay $1bn over 65 years. How is that fair.
Yeah, that's garbage. that is only about $50,000 per player. And I wonder if the money will go to their families when they die of early deaths because of their CTE.
the reporter at the end looked like his voice was breaking and was holding back tears
That this vid has such few views is testimony to why this problem won't be solved
When is the NFL going to repay the families? and support the children who's dad's gave their lives for the sport? literally? The NFL has so much money and yet, they drop them like a hot potato - concussion did not cover the family trauma at all- nor the devastation to them financially and legally.
I'm referring to those NFL players that played a couple seasons - their rule of 4 gives the NFL the opportunity to cycle players after only 3- then they are off the hook for this terrible condition- often diagnosed as Bi-polar, ADHD, or a miriad of mental health mood swings. Most NFL players. showed signs as teens off being "out of control" boys who love living on the edge. High School and College love these young men- they give them scholarships and diplomas for their love of brut force.
The problem is the attitudes we hold when we don't respond well to failures, circumstances, and trials.
I'm so sorry Elaine Marie its commen sense head trauma will cause son use to fall so much as a child that I truly believe its the reason my son has child like ways when he's in his twenties that hasn't gone away
Emily Payne the point is we thought helmets protected your head.
@@footba11fan41ife That's not how physics works.
This story hit me so much
Such an inspiring story about an amazing doctor that all he wanted was to help by teaching us the dangers of a brutal sport
We neee more doctors like Bennett Omalu
Great episode👍
Tell da truuff
"Have you found yourself feeling down, out, or not worthy of what God has already freely given you? The devil wants to find every area of your life that lacks God's joy and try to take you to a place that remembers your pain, fear, and depression.. I am here to remind you that the joy of the Lord is your strength! Daughters, delight yourself in the Lord and remember there are no circumstances you face that can prevent His joy from breaking through into every situation you encounter!!
'... for the joy of the Lord is your strength,' (Nehemiah 8:10).
God has given you His divine power over the enemy - and it is His JOY that NEVER runs out! Stand on the Word of God, walk in His truth, and know you are destined for greatness!!"
~David E. Taylor~
I got assaulted by 4 guys and received many blows to my head (5-10) with bare knuckles. Unfortunately I live in Greece so justice probably will not punish really hard the guys (which I know who they are). I really hope CTE does not appear with 1 assault.. I had hit 2 times in my life my head. I feel my cognitive level getting lessen but maybe it's because my depression. Hopefully everything will be alright. Faith in God always.
cte is more repeated which is why babies do not get it when they fall over a bunch you need to fall a lot to get cte anyways reading helps the brain so do. lot of it.
So sorry to learn of your depressing, harrowing experience.
I absolutely hate bullies and will do harm to them in a retributive way. Those Idiots will pay for their crimes in due time....
How are you currently?
It wasn’t a new medical condition there are cases in boxer way before he found it in Webster the first NFL player who’s brain was tested. The parents are smart a kid that was 18 yrs old committed suicide and he played high school football he had CTE. That’s an 18 yr old. Watch the frontline documentary “League of Denial” it’s a well done doc. With really eye opening stuff and shows exactly how the NFL knew and still denied. It one US Senator compared the NFL to Big Tobacco and I feel that’s a legit comparison
simply , STOP play football
The NFL finally admitted it, but the NHL still denies it as of 2023. Here's what the NHL commissioner has to say, "Gary Bettman, the league’s commissioner, has long insisted there is “no conclusive link” between repetitive head impacts and CTE." So Mr. Bettman is denying it even exist, do a story on Bettman ABC, or will you let your 7 year contract to televise NHL games bias you also? Prove me wrong.
Kids, drop your ego and stop participating in mma while you can. It will destroy your life forever, make it a living hell.
Go from tackle to flag football.
The movie was disrespectful to this doctor. He doesn’t yell or act like a creep.
I would love for Chris Nowinski to meet Dr Omalu the 2 of them going on for hours on head issues including with NFL and Professional Wrestling
Will smith killed the accent😂😂😂😂
Adam Nir It is. Isn't it?
Baseball isn’t exciting enough.. Football is action packed.
Lacrosse on the come up
Baseball players die from cancer from chewing tobacco.
Baseball is a terrible sport.
Imagine being paid 769 dollars a player per year for 65 years for brain damage. Ludicrous.
People losing thier minds over football. ITS NOT WORTH IT STOP PLAYING
A hero and a half!
Is it me or does the good Dr. Sound like Bruce Lee when he speaks😂
"Faithfulness tends to be a one-sided expectation for many believers. They expect God's faithfulness in their lives, but reciprocating faithfulness back to Him is not often portrayed or demonstrated genuinely..
'His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord,' (Matthew 25:23).
Many Christians claim to be faithful to the "work of God," but can't see that their faithfulness is really to the work they choose to do for God, not necessarily the work He desires to do through them, to fulfill His will.
There is a great divide in where faithfulness lies among many believers in the Body of Christ. Some are faithful to their service to people above their service to God. How can you really love and serve God without considering what He desires? Without considering His will and His expected outcome? Being faithful to God should not be second place to anything else in our lives!! Without Him, we are completely nothing.. Walking with Him should be first! Seeking Him should be first! Loving Him should be first!! Only then will we truly be able to be faithful to the infamous quoted scripture, 'thy will be done!'
Faithfulness is not just about what we receive from God, but it is how we serve and give back to Him..!"
~David E. Taylor~
I think the worst thing that will happen to Will Smith I'd that some hard core football fans will boycott his movies. Football and the NFL will survive perhaps in a different and safer form. Full contact football is and will always be a rough spot.
Great dr Omalu ! Man of courage !
Im 6'0 150 and of very average strength. I was trying to mimic some hard closed fist slaps to a punching bag, similar to an O line man. 50 of those FROM ME a day would obviously mess you up. Now imagine a guy 5x my strength.
These poor human beings who were in such mental agony but the NFL only cared about protecting their brand.
Where's the best place or person to do heptopic eptopic pregnancy?
I never played contact sports but had maybe 5 concussions. Is my risk high or very low? I heard he said repetitive blows are more dangerous over years like boxing and football even hockey.
You're not anyone else. It depends on each individual.
Basketball is soon going to be America's number one sport. Soccer will continue to grow and Baseball will even make a comeback.
I've built a helmet for my own brain injuries. Was suffering badly. 3 years later I healed my brain. If anyone reads this that can line things up. Already tested & ready for clinical professional to test.
I’m just going to tell you now, you aren’t regenerating brain cells, you might think you are but I can guarantee you you aren’t
How strange that the American people needed the good doctor and the concussion movie, to know that football must have adverse effects on the brain.
I used to get angry why WWE banned agressive moves as a kid, but now I realise they did the good thing for the wrestlers.
It's not just former pro athletes that suffer from years of hits to the head and the damage from CTE. Look up the story of of Zac Easter. He played high school football in Iowa in a town called Indianola. His senior year he suffered 3 concussions and he didn't even finish the season. He never suffered another concussion after that and yet he suffered from CTE. He committed suicide when he was 24 years old and like Junior Seau, he shot himself in the chest so that his brain could be examined.
Does it really needs a doctor to tell you that when you hit your head constantly for years will result in something really bad!? 🤔
I was wondering too
My uncle played pro hockey now I see what he went I feel so bad 😔😔😔😔 for him
What's his age ?
I'm terrified that I am going to end up like Mike Webster. I begged my family to educate themselves and now I am abandoned facing homelessness with my cat alone.
made me wonder too about women who take beatings to the head from being abused?!
Hey look at me we are victims too... dozens of men dying old wretched from years of body wrecking sport that is legal and praised vs domestic abuse that is illegal and demonized by media, makes me wonder if women do really feel empathy towards men
damn, you have one unique ass name, what is your ethnicity?
@@sankofax8082 Not to be rude, but you're clearly new here...
There are few NFL players compared to women and kids who get beaten. That's a fact.
Nobody said it wasn't bad, but just TRY being a female a pressing charges and try to get that guy to STAY away from you. Good luck.
There's next to ZERO consequences for it, too. Not a job (look at famous guys who did it) and not society for certain. Most women will have next to no help at all. The only job I know of that would dump you would be real estate. Only because you're going if theres ANY controversy at all. Anyone else? It's like nothing. Trust us on this who have actual experience with the subject.
Read Lundy Bancroft Why Does he DO That? Inside the minds of angry and controlling men. Thank you.
I love him
Ben Crossley I use to play football in high school and basketball Nd when this first came out I didn’t like him cuz I still wanted to play until I got a bad concussion in a game and had to get carried out on a stretcher and that scared me enough to quit but I stuck w basketball and I don’t regret but I still will always love football
Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised," (Proverbs 31:25-30).
Anyone who thinks the NFL is the only problem is not paying attention to the science. Unfortunately anything that involves head blows is just as risky. Particularly if it starts in childhood. Football, hockey, military service, MMA, boxing, soccer, NASCAR, high school and college impact sports, skateboarding, etc. Domestic violence as well.
Boxing’s been largely left behind due to this issue, same with mma hockey’s even worse then football, military service doesn’t have the issue that bad compared to other problems servicemen face, and soccer, skateboarding, etc are low risk in comparison and have significant rule changes to mitigate the issue for children in the case of soccer
Domestic violence, yeah you have me beat
I really think I'm struggling from this. I'm so upset.
Late, I know. Try a neurologist and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Not cheap but it helps.
If you had it as an assault, you can basically sue the city and demand your medical bill money back. Takes a few years and you won't get it all. But if you spend 6,200, getting 4k back isn't horrible.
Here after looking the film
all pro sports have to do now is make sure contracts say "participate at own risk".
yep, not that I knew Chris but watching him on tv for all those years, the "real" Chris wouldn't have did what he did, he wasn't in his right frame of mind at the end of his life.
@@sylentknight Please don't assume you "know" some guy from TV. That's insane and it's like idol worship.
Ask his exes, though. They tend to know a lot.
@@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 wow this statement was made 3 years ago lol but for the record I did say not that I knew him. I've seen enough interviews about him to have a feeling of who he was in his "right" mind. I think Eddie's death was the nail in the coffin.
They should have sued for 50 billion.
"It is about our common humanity."
The real Hero
T he settlement was peanuts
Facts on CTE. 🧠
this is why people root for the players instead of joining the team because of this
Dr.omalu needs to work on covid 19 vaccination of his resume and hard work.
15 variants are here and if dr.omalu could do good for God and us since he does live in California.
Doesn't take a genius to know this sport gives brain damage :s
Amir Al-katib I’m pretty sure I got at least 3 blows to the head from playing goalkeeper playing soccer and I’m only 20 only thing I’m feeling is mood swings no headaches maybe my personality has changed idk
“Being humble does not mean that you are depressed, but that you are humbling yourself for the sake of others. You reduce yourself from your original position just to bless somebody else. That’s not easy, when the flesh is full of pride, because pride desires promotion, to be seen, and to show off. Humility is the opposite. Humility teaches you to voluntarily abase yourself.”
~David E. Taylor~
“...he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” (Matthew 23:12)