Charles Firth and the American tourists

  • Опубликовано: 26 янв 2025

Комментарии • 108

  • @TheCatherineFuture
    @TheCatherineFuture 17 лет назад

    Hey guys,
    As an Australian, who watches this AWESOME show, I can tell all you Americans out there that they bag out Australia just as much as they bag out America, if not more so.

  • @lostalex77
    @lostalex77 16 лет назад

    you can tell most of those people were just being polite and friendly. most of them knew where those landmarks were, and just smiled and agreed with the host to be polite and/or were playing along with the joke. they clearly said where the originals were, and then the host said, "noooo, it's in australia", and they just smiled and let him do his gag.

  • @sarah11790
    @sarah11790 14 лет назад +2

    Haha- I'm American and I think this is hilarious! I definitely think we need to include geography classes in our high schools though- it's embarrassing. Thankfully I'm a geography major :)

  • @TheAnn2shoes
    @TheAnn2shoes 14 лет назад

    Oh bless, it's nice how most of the people are so polite - I think they are actually quite a good advertisement for Americans! Even if their geography isn't the best!

  • @lcozzarelli
    @lcozzarelli 17 лет назад

    What I'm saying is that if you interview enough people in any country, you will find that a segment of the population that doesn't recognize famous things. If a US camera crew went down to Brazil (or Australia), got some people to flaunt their ignorance in front of a camera, then edited the knowledgeable ones out to make a show to "prove their point", I think it would be considered very rude.

  • @simonking195
    @simonking195 17 лет назад +1

    charles firth is a legend! hahaha hes so sarcastic

  • @kane966
    @kane966 12 лет назад +1

    Did you type this from your porch, on your rocking chair with your double barrel?

  • @exeuroweenie
    @exeuroweenie 14 лет назад

    These shows are fun and there's a grain of truth to them.You always see them pointedly interviewing everyday slobs on the street, though.It's nothing against them-I'm an everyday slob.I have yet to see these street interviews on university campuses,et al.I've lived all over,and there are oblivious people everywhere.

  • @insertcoolname
    @insertcoolname 17 лет назад

    everybody has something to complain about, I know I do. I also know that I am allowed to speak up about it, a luxury many others don't have. So as much as I dislike how the place works, i like it a little bit more than i hate it

  • @lycurgusthelawgiver
    @lycurgusthelawgiver 16 лет назад

    ha ha ha the tower of Pizza. Thanks, fellow American. You're really making us look good.

  • @lcozzarelli
    @lcozzarelli 17 лет назад

    Hmm...I'm American, and I feel beleaguered at times defending the large percentage of us Americans who aren't idiots against the often ignorant stereotypes thrown at us by foreigners on a daily basis, but I'm not ashamed to be American, nor should you be. That's like tacitly agreeing to their stereotypes. There are 300 million of us, for chrissakes! And our country (historically at least) has done a lot of good.

  • @lcozzarelli
    @lcozzarelli 17 лет назад

    Try asking an average Aussie if he/she recognizes the St. Louis Arch, or the Transamerica building in Chicago--I bet they'd be clueless! Granted, the Sydney Opera House is a famous architectural landmark, but to be fair, it's no Eiffel Tower in recognizeability.

  • @scampc
    @scampc 16 лет назад

    i meant in the few day trip, not in a day

  • @sally65356
    @sally65356 14 лет назад

    wonderful chaser brilliance!

  • @InBloom10
    @InBloom10 16 лет назад

    not very many americans go there because a plane ticket from LA to sydney costs like $3,000 dollars.

  • @insertcoolname
    @insertcoolname 17 лет назад

    damn i wish he could catch me on that show.

  • @alikennedystar
    @alikennedystar 14 лет назад

    that was in nina

  • @simonking195
    @simonking195 17 лет назад

    yes it is. all the landmarks he mentioned in this video are GLOBALLY known.

  • @threechordme
    @threechordme 17 лет назад

    wait wait where in America was that?

  • @Chaduke
    @Chaduke 14 лет назад

    Definitely funny, and I also believe if you grabbed people at random from "certain" American streets you'd get a similar response. It really depends on where you are. I don't know if this is an American phenomenon, but lots of people tend to purge everything they learned in school shortly after graduating. Also, the country is not exactly a tiny place so most people don't get out and visit these places or talk about them, its not like they're right around the corner.

  • @kane966
    @kane966 12 лет назад +1

    I see that you are capable of using Wikipedia. I don't need a history lesson, I understand all of that. What is your point?

  • @CtG-Games
    @CtG-Games 16 лет назад

    That's why "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" is such a GOOD INVESTMENT in the US.

  • @IVSolar
    @IVSolar 17 лет назад

    I've been to Mount Rushmoore. I know there's only one Mount Rushmoore.

  • @mattyblast
    @mattyblast 17 лет назад

    Exactly! How many reasonably intelligent people did they have to interview before finally getting the 4-5 gullible people they needed? Could have been dozens, could have been hundreds. That's why you can't take this too seriously, American or not. It's funny!

  • @imogapils
    @imogapils 17 лет назад

    WTF are you crapping on about? Eiffel Tower is the most famous building in existence. Opera House is probably one of the five most recognisable buildings in the world.

  • @matt2house
    @matt2house 16 лет назад

    well they do have a point u know, hardly any americans come out to australia. it's mostly english tourists that comes out here.

  • @scampc
    @scampc 16 лет назад

    i heard of some pommies that came to aus for a week and planned a trip like those guys at the end, they didn't even make it out of Queensland before they ran out of time, lol Some of the americans wanted to drive 5000KM or more in a day... (for non aussies watching)

  • @85Aheadstix
    @85Aheadstix 13 лет назад

    China is a town outside darwin?!?!? hahahahaha fucking priceless!.

  • @raevyn17
    @raevyn17 17 лет назад

    ::shrugs:: To each their own, I suppose. I'm not trying to impose my viewpoint on anyone else, just as I expect others to do the same. I was just stating an opinion. And, as a side note, the bad that America has done outweighs the good. In my opinion, that is.

  • @Cristian1337
    @Cristian1337 17 лет назад

    and, Aint it Natural to believe the guy in a Tuxedo with a guy filming him?

  • @natesdevices
    @natesdevices 12 лет назад

    that map of australia, and the fictional version of australia it portrayed is underratedly really awesome.

  • @ThaFunkster100
    @ThaFunkster100 13 лет назад

    @pinworms70 Yeah mate totally right on, you are 100% correct about us. Its because we all come from convict origins and most of us are inbred.

  • @raevyn17
    @raevyn17 17 лет назад

    Aww. I'm honored that you think that I'm not American...but I am. Born and bred, sadly. I just watch a lot of British television. Doctor Who, Two Pints of Lager, Blackpool, Friday Night Project, ect...So my slang is more to the British liking.

  • @jwbartle
    @jwbartle 17 лет назад

    In case you didn't figure it out, these guys obviously hand-picked the interviews that went into the video, so only the stupid and funny ones made it in. Yes, it seems unfair how they did this, but don't blow your top over it. Hell, Jay Leno does this for his "Jaywalking" segment.

  • @GiantArapaima74
    @GiantArapaima74 15 лет назад

    apparently sarah palin thinks that, but i wouldn't hold her to rational conclusions.

  • @ashico88
    @ashico88 12 лет назад

    Another positive to us being international friends is that every time I need to use a knife for something, you can come up beside me and say "That's not a knife, THIS is a knife" and then you can whip out a bigger knife seemingly out of no where!!!!
    This is going to be great!!!!

  • @kane966
    @kane966 12 лет назад +1

    It's not irrational. I said above why I hate America. I think you mean to ask why do I not have this irrational hate toward other countries?

  • @pauleky
    @pauleky 17 лет назад

    Would LOVE to see some Aussies try to identify some American landmarks. Still, as an American, I can vouch for the idiocy of my co-citizens. Sad!

  • @ThaFunkster100
    @ThaFunkster100 13 лет назад

    @85Aheadstix I was being sarcastic / facicious / Ironic

  • @GiantArapaima74
    @GiantArapaima74 15 лет назад

    I don't know why do any americans think the earth is 6,000 years old?

  • @ashico88
    @ashico88 12 лет назад +1

    A lot of people say that Australia is like the Alabama of the world, but don't worry, I don't think you are! Australia is more like the second Canada of the world in my opinion....

  • @lanhael
    @lanhael 16 лет назад

    well the fact that they ARE deceived by this just proved that they don't even know what they are talking about, for gosh sake, agreeing on smthing like Australia owns "The great wall of CHINA"? Please, anybody who's sensible enough would have realized what was going on right there. Duh.

  • @simonking195
    @simonking195 17 лет назад

    LMAO this is the great wall of china.. its in a town called china near darwin. LMFAO

  • @allure2006
    @allure2006 17 лет назад

    OMFG! LMAOLMAOLMAO! The girl said, "That was in nemo!" So true though, it was on Finding Nemo. I'm from America and I just find this so funny. These people don't know what to believe. I feel the same way sometimes. People just lie and lie and lie. I personally know that their not in Australia because I've been to most of the places. I don't believe what people say unless I go get the truth myself.

  • @Soldier957
    @Soldier957 12 лет назад

    The eiffel tower LOOKS FAMILIAR!

  • @qolotlh
    @qolotlh 17 лет назад

    Gotta love how gullible people will be when faced with thought and a camera. Goes to show you people will believe anything if you have a microphone in your hand.... So *THAT* is how politics work?!

  • @jabso
    @jabso 17 лет назад

    This is comedy. They are not using comedy as a tool to push their point. Take it a face value as comedy for fucks sake.

  • @RenegadeReplicant
    @RenegadeReplicant 17 лет назад

    You know, all they had to do was only show the stupid comments and edit out all of the intelligent responses.
    You could do the same thing in Australia and get the same results.
    There are stupid people everywhere.

  • @litlemadguitarist
    @litlemadguitarist 14 лет назад

    @Jessabee9 and he said PIZZA! XD

  • @ebrowne369
    @ebrowne369 13 лет назад +1

    @ttiiyy who cares? it's still funny. you guys take it too seriously.

  • @raevyn17
    @raevyn17 17 лет назад

    Oh dear lord. ::sighs:: I hate being an American sometimes. Just because of people like this. They ruin it for the rest of us.

  • @molanlabexm15
    @molanlabexm15 15 лет назад

    Sorry about pal. At least you can smoke weed in your nation without going to prison, but then again you can't own firearms without going to prison or is that misinformation on my part?Here's to you and Holland from America.

  • @Vpmatt
    @Vpmatt 17 лет назад

    Aren't you all taking this a bit seriously? It's just a bit of a laugh! Making gullible people believe anything. It's not an attack on Americans. Although a lot of Americans have no idea about foreign countries. Ask George Dubbya!

  • @otamanlvhs
    @otamanlvhs 14 лет назад

    @lmcwha yeah my grammar suck but I think it's clear enough to understand what I mean.why do you care about what Americans know and what they don't know?Not knowing about other countries' buildings is the sign of uninformativeness rather than dumbness.I doubt anyone cares if Australians know anything.They didn't even attempt to ask those questions their own people.Nice way toward being tolerant to each other.

  • @Craigthepope
    @Craigthepope 16 лет назад

    This makes me sad...

  • @jpwillia30ge
    @jpwillia30ge 12 лет назад

    And there are a few British and Australian families around here, so I'm going to remember this the next time they come knocking at my door to borrow something or ask for directions. Hey, it's only fair to return the favor and share some of that good ol' Southern hospitality. Ya'll come back now, ya here ;-)

  • @reeceap92
    @reeceap92 13 лет назад

    LMAO!! Hahahaha!! Please tell me they're trained actors and aren't really THAT stupid... LOLOL!! Why the hell would we have YOUR president's faces on OUR mountains? xD hahahaha!!

  • @M1243433
    @M1243433 17 лет назад

    thats why most normal australians backpacking overseas say they are from new zealand, cause for some wierd reason its always the yobbos that go overseas and represent us

  • @mattyblast
    @mattyblast 17 лет назад

    Very entertaining stuff. No offense taken from this American! :)

  • @otamanlvhs
    @otamanlvhs 14 лет назад

    Australians afraid to question their own people .

  • @soozers26
    @soozers26 14 лет назад

    i normally like the chasers, but some of this stuff is ridiculous. it's too easy to make people look stupid on television. in fact, i'm sure only the americans who could be most easily persuaded into believing incorrect answers were kept to be shown in this video. EVERY country has its share of idiots, including australia. the united states may have its share of "stupid" people, but we also have our share of intelligent people.

  • @jpwillia30ge
    @jpwillia30ge 12 лет назад

    When the guy told the lady, "there used to be crocodiles in front of the Taj Mahal", she just said, "Uh hum. Ok." She never said she believed him. You guys are reading a lot more into this when there's more than meets the eye. Be careful. Southerners will never confront you directly to your face but will light your ass up behind your back when you least expect it.

  • @raevyn17
    @raevyn17 17 лет назад

    Well. That's your prerogative. If the nation as a whole didn't represent itself as an obese five year old who throws a fit every time he doesn't get his way, perhaps I'd be a bit more chuffed to be American.

  • @ctishman
    @ctishman 17 лет назад

    If they did catch you on the show, they wouldn't feature you. I'm sure they took hundreds of interviews, and only assembled the most puzzlingly idiotic.

  • @iAMsoBEAST1
    @iAMsoBEAST1 14 лет назад


  • @9878rogersj
    @9878rogersj 11 лет назад

    Americans is a proper noun and requires capitalization. There is also no need to make it three sentences - two would have been sufficient, but then again, you also forgot to add a period again. Oh dear, it seems I've went off-topic a bit. Tell me, what was that you were saying about our schools?

    • @xxMrBaldyxx
      @xxMrBaldyxx 7 лет назад

      you are only making yourself seem like an idiot

  • @Carefreeblues
    @Carefreeblues 16 лет назад

    China is a town outside of darwin. LOL!!

  • @ashico88
    @ashico88 12 лет назад

    I thought Australia was made up entirely of kangaroos, crocodile farmers, Hugh Jackman, and young muscular men throwing shrimp on the barbie....

  • @Nfunspoiler
    @Nfunspoiler 16 лет назад

    This is a bunch of bullshit. Why would someone think that a TV show is trying to deceive them? Most of them knew the landmarks, and had no reason to suspect that these jerks were lying about their claims.

  • @flaper41
    @flaper41 12 лет назад


  • @jpwillia30ge
    @jpwillia30ge 12 лет назад

    I think it's the Aussie's showing off their cultural ignorance here. I'm from the South of the United States and despite its troubled past, people express their ideas differently around here. Everything is implicit. We never say what's really on your mind. Since you Aussies have a hard time understanding, let me break it down for you. When the guy said, "China is a town near Darwin", the girl squinted her eyes and said, "Oh really? I didn't know that." She seems pretty skeptical to me.

  • @ThaFunkster100
    @ThaFunkster100 13 лет назад

    Ahhaaa, so cruel!

  • @ashico88
    @ashico88 12 лет назад

    Woah!! Good one tiger!!!
    I want an Australian friend.... to teach me about throwing shrimp on the barbie, and to show me how to catch crocodiles.... BE MY AUSTRALIAN FRIEND!

  • @ashico88
    @ashico88 12 лет назад

    That's what I'm doing right now!!!

  • @GiantArapaima74
    @GiantArapaima74 15 лет назад

    THANK GOD FOR OBAMA lol, he saved you guys and the world from a fate worse than death. just after george bush's presidency i might add

  • @natesdevices
    @natesdevices 12 лет назад

    My point is that america is no worse then it's parent country, or really any other country, so why do you have this irrational hate?

  • @givebeesachance
    @givebeesachance 17 лет назад

    Chuffed? Sorry you arn't a real american. Nice troll though.

  • @jpwillia30ge
    @jpwillia30ge 12 лет назад

    I thought Europeans spoke several languages anyway :-/

  • @jpwillia30ge
    @jpwillia30ge 12 лет назад

    And twice as much evil has been created by the rest of the world. Go do something constructive and read your history books before making a mockery of yourself next time, ok?

  • @slimeytoes
    @slimeytoes 17 лет назад

    I'd go to Australia unfortunately cost me $2000 just to get there.. can't afford to stay there, or fly home...

  • @jpwillia30ge
    @jpwillia30ge 12 лет назад

    Bleh! What an ugly language it is, too! I'd rather listen to parrots mate.