I just want to thank Warhorse Studios again. Not only do they create amazing games, but they are also great people. I am very grateful for this trip and so happy to visit such a lovely place! Enjoy the video!
I have got office next to them. Since 2019 I am looking at them, having a lunch in cantina and saying for myself - heeey guys, I hope you work on KCD 2 (and they did :-) )
@examplenameyoutube 75% is original. Mainly only surface, the face, the dial was destroyed. The clocwork wasnt in such bad condition to be replaced at all.
@examplenameyoutubetak to ne. To se mýlíte. Na staroměstské náměstí žádné spojenecké bomby nepadaly. Jihovýchodní křídlo staroměstské radnice vyhořelo během pražského povstání v květnu 1945, po zásahu německých zápalných střel. Spolu s tím vyhořel i objekt orloje. Shořela vnitřní dřevěná konstrukce, ale původní soukolí i většina vnějších kamenických prvků zůstala zachována. Stroj orloje i jeho středověké jádro je původni. Najdete na něm i originální vyražené znaky N.K. čili iniciály Nikolaus von Kaaden, Mikuláš z Kadaně, což byl zhotovitel orloje.
This is why Warhorse deserves the trust the community gives them. Really looking forward to playing and watching you play KCD 2 when it eventually comes out!
I moved to Prague 2.5 years ago from America and it truly is just an incredible place. I've been to many cities in Europe but none is better and Prague. Wish i could have ran into the legendary Apollo when he was here!
Prague and Czech republic are considered as one of the safest countries in Europe and even in the World. So you felt safe because you were. Glad that you liked it here. Greetings from Prague ;)
Prague is an amazing combination of beautiful classic architecture, modern locations & facilities, great public transport, and a solid nightlife scene with all sorts of musical venues and LGBT community spaces
In short, Czechia is The Shire, The Czechs are the hobbits. The rest You figure out. Small nation - big heart in both good and the bad sense (explore the good). ❤
The Czech Republic is the 12th safest country in the world. But that's only because someone decided that exporting weapons to the world (such as CZUB etc.) lowers this rating.
Posting this comment under a video about Prague, which is constantly among the Top 10 (or even Top 5-6) visited cities in Europe (and also one of the most visited cities in the world) is wild, especially given how popular it is among Americans 😂😂
Jan Hus and the Hussites were not the first Protestants, but they were among the early reformers who criticized the Catholic Church long before Martin Luther (in the case of the Hussites, almost a hundred years before him). I’m not a history expert, but from what I’ve gathered, Jan Hus’s ideas were inspired by the work of John Wycliffe. Jan Hus is mentioned several times in the first Kingdom Come: Deliverance during a quest with Father Godwin and a sermon after a night of drinking. By the way, you're right that the church in Old Town Square (St. Nicholas Church) is now owned by the Hussite Church, but it was originally Catholic. When the Hussites built their own churches, they were usually much more austere and simple because one of the things they criticized about the Catholic Church from the beginning was that Catholics overly decorated their churches with statues, paintings (which Hussites often destroyed during the Hussite wars when they were pillaging Catholic churches and monasteries btw) and similar things that distracted people according to them. Therefore, Hussite churches had to be as plain as possible so that people could focus on God without any distractions. Today, the Czech Republic is quite atheistic, which is why the Hussites are widely seen as heroes who fought against a corrupt Catholic Church. I find it ironic considering that in some cases, the Hussites were way more dogmatic than the Catholics, and I think they would be shocked if they could see what our country looks like now and who is worshiping them.
I like how Sapkowski described it in his Hussite Trilogy, even when it's fantasy, it was pretty realistic in a way that both sides were raping, murdering and burning people, now we see hussites as heroes mainly because of 19th century panslavism, national revivalists a especially because of communism.
Its problematic. Hus himself didnt go as far as Martin Luther, but some other Hussites did and went even further. Prokop Holý's followers and the Fraternal Unity members were completly anti church and begun to be called protestants immediately when the term emerged with Luther although they were older than him.
I completely agree with everything You wrote. Yet, for the sake of clarity, especially for foreigners, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that Hussites were kind of prelude to protestantism. Jan Hus’s goal was to reform the Church, he didn’t intend to create new branch of Church… yet by fate, by him being burnt at stake, the new branch “the Hussites” was indeed born. And quite a few similarities to later protestants were already there. Both in theology and social impact.
@@petrskupa6292 The Fraternal Unity (Jednota bratrská) was strat Calvinist/Anabaptist imo. I would love to see some YT channels talking more in-depth about the Taborit commune. This is some serious mid 16th ct. like phenomenon that was just totally out of place in the 15th century. Frankly its not very controversial to say that reformation could have happened much earlier if it wasn't for the late coming invention of printing
Yeah, I think it's going to haunt me for a while. I really wanted to stay for the whole event, but I am glad I saw some of the event and experienced the beautiful country.
@@PixelatedApollo1 I know it's easy to say but try not to worry about it, your health always comes first and you will definitely get more opportunities as Warhorse clearly likes you
It is always nice to see people from abroad enjoying their time in our country. I just hope, looking at western europe, that we will be able to preserve it. Social trust is easy to break.
" Restaurace U Pavouka" is something like Spider's Restaurant or Restaurant at the Spider. I'm glad you enjoyed our city. Greetings from the Czech Republic.
It's just a shame that they present it as something medieval when belly dancers, half-naked bagpipers, pirate fencers, fire shows, etc., have nothing to do with the actual Middle Ages but that's unfortunately what you'll see at most Czech castles and "medieval" events. I hope he visits some Czech reenactment battle or something like that in the future.
never been more excited for the game, as warhorse is the only studio i can still trust to deliver a fantastic game. they're actually passionate about what they're doing.
A fan from Czech republic here. Appreciate this video very much, KCD is something I am very proud of as a Czech, so thank you very much for this content
Oh I know where I'm going on my next Vacation lol. This seems wonderful. I don't live in a safe area really either so this looks amazing lol. Love ya Apollo. SO CLOSE to 1 mil! Been watching you for a very long time. Thank you for being you. :)
Kutná hora is special as it has 2 catedhrals, the st. Barbara's you visited and the Cathedral of Assumption of Our Lady. In medival times they wanted it to be capital instead of Prague so they wanted to show off the wealth of the city.
Hussites were not first protestants, the priority goes to Wicliff movement in Great Britain. They were inspired by this group. BUT, it was the first movement which achieved something on paper, a deal with church. Even if that was broken by Habsburg dynasty.
Next time you must visit Dětenice Castle ! It's much better than U Pavouka, it's a big resort with everything( Knight Tournaments, Brewery, Medievil Tavern ,.. )
Hey Pixie, fellow insomniac here. I know how shitty it can be when something you're looking forward to gets ruined by lack of sleep and the accompanying anxiety. Horrible to hear you talking about that shame; I know it so well. Pushing through is all fine and good, but at some point you've got to do what's best for you. Sometimes life just throws you a curved ball, and all you can do is roll with it. Glad you had a good trip regardless, looking forward to you playing KCD2 when it comes out 🙂
It is nice to hear how someone admires the Czech land! As a Czech person, I see it in a very ordinary way and sometimes I forget how beautiful it is here. When you mention that you felt like you were in a game... man, I love Kingdom Come and when I play the game and then walk outside in the landscape (the forests are absolutely true to life, for example! also muddy roads ) sometimes my brain doesn't understand if I'm in reality or in a game, and it feels super weeeeird. :D
Its fine leaving when you wont enjoy it anyway, health is always first and I totally know how bad no sleep can be, did it for almost two years working 12h night/day finally leaving after having panic attacks every time on public transport. More so thanks for reporting what you could! Hope you would visit Prague once more with plenty of time to relax here and fully enjoy our country :-)
Don't feel shame from insomnia. It has been wrecking my life experiences for years. Just do the absolute best that you can give that day and move on to the next day. The next day will be better or worse and do the best you can that day too.
I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to enjoy the event fully. But you practically lived a KCD life for a few hours. I hope you will find an opportunity to return in the future and enjoy the country more. Also... imagine you were walking the same streets and rooms Charles IV was walked in 14th century. I find it so cool to think about
15:22 - right behind you is the old school I went to. And if you go to the cathedral, turn left and walk 265 steps (short ones, I was a kid) along the alley of statues and Jezuite building (gallery nowadays), you come to a small square. That is where I lived, second house when looking up the hill. As a kid, I spent a lot of time around the cathedral, down in the valley and in the woods on the opposite side. The park looked quite a bit different back then. Feels like different century...well, it was in fact, even different millennium. I guess I am getting somewhat old after all :-)
Oh! Holy smokes! Apollo travel Vlogger arc is a go! I for sure understand not wanting to narrate things live as you are recording, I've done it a few times when recording videos for friends as I pass by interesting things and I always feel odd with folks passing by.
6:04 U Pavouka can be translated as "at Spiders". And yes its a medieval themed tavern thats meant as a "performance" (not just a restaurant where you go to eat). Basically you are paying for both 2.5 hour performance and 5 course meal plus all you can drink. Its a bit expensive but worth it as a "once in a lifetime" experience so to speak.
Wow, your pronunciation of Jan Hus is spot on! Fun fact, the Moravian Church, a protestant church that also has a presence in the US so you might have heard of it (or not, there are many protestant churches), stems directly from the Hussite movement.
Prague is beautiful for a lot of reasons, the fact that it avoided large scale destruction during WWII (make no mistake, it was bombed but the destruction was thankfully rather limited compared to some other cities) is just one of many. Prague was exceptionally beautiful among European cities even before the war.
Sick that you came to our country:))) did you know there is about 1h away from a prague the real life location that was used for that game? It is called Skalice in the central bohemian area!
Having now finished the video, two additional points: 1) I am sad you were sleep deprived. The event ended with a concert that I heard described as transcendental. There are some videos from it on youtube. But health is paramount and you made the right choice to leave early instead of risking any further fatigue. 2) I am also kinda sad that most of the beauty that one can see in our country, has been built by our ancestors. Communists did a poor job taking care of it, so after the revolution, at least maintenance improved, air quality improved, etc, but modern architects are still mostly ideological captives of that arrognant a-hole corbusier, and are only able to design glass cubes. It is actually one of the pet peeves of KCD director Dan Vávra, who often criticizes modern architecture. I agree with him and hope we will be able to rediscover beauty our ancestors were capable of (and create new).
Super cool! I love to travel when I can but everytime I've tried to travel to anywhere outside of America It has been cancelled for some kind of family issue. I would love to visit Prague because I love medieval architecture, thanks for putting it on my radar! Also, are you continuing the bandit campaign, I really enjoyed the streams.
IF you like medieval architecture I strongly suggest Malbork Castle in Poland. Just take a flight to Gdańsk and one day plan a trip to Malbork. You won’t be disappointed. If it comes more to living then Krakow would be a better option.
Hi Apollo i watching your videos for some few years and i love you Channel and i hope you enjoy your trip in my country and that you visit it again and have more time to see more nice places here 😃 Good day to you and your family 👍
Walk 10 minutes in any direction away from the center and you'll experience the real Prague as real Czechs live it, not just the overpriced tourist trap downtown, AND for half to a quarter of the price.
Mě se líbí, jak všichni argumentujou tím že praha je krásná, protože nebyla vybordovaná behem druhé světové. Ale že se tu od 14. sotletí přehnal kdejakej prevít a přesto to přežilo, to už lidem nedocází. A ano druhá světová zdemolovala hodně měst, ale i před druhou svetovou byla Praha TOP mezi mesty nezničenými druhou světovou. Cizincům nedochází ta naše potřeba neničit, co funguje a co je krásný. Už dávno mohlo být centrum zastavěný novostavbama. Neděje se to tolik, kolik "by mohlo". Na tehle podstatnej detail se tu rádo zapomíná a to mi fakt vadí.
Na druhou stranu, hlavně centrum prahy a pár dalších čtvrtí je krásný, protože to vybudovali naši předci. To co se staví dneska je většinově dost hnus, bohužel. Corbusier byl Pol Pot architektury.
ale ve skutečnosti byla Praha několikrát bombardována a třeba na staromáku chybí 80% staroměstské radnice na kterou spadla bomba. Teoreticky všechna města byla od středověku ničena. V Čechách ničili jak Husité, tak křižáci, ničili tu švédové za třicetileté války, stále se tu něco ničilo. Ale to si někteří neuvědomují a argumentují jenom 2.sv.v. Třeba v Polsku nepoznali válku husitů s křižáky i Třicetiletou válku. To se jim vyhnulo a kolikrát právě poláci argumentují, že Praha nebyla bombardována. Ale ona i tak byla.
At the beginning of KCD1, Martin mentions how Charles IV "Built a bridge over the Moldau" Which I believe is a reference to how in real life Charles IV built the same bridge which is shown at about 10:30 in the video. I realized after I saw it in the video and I thought it seemed like an interesting fact.
Everyone makes the mistake to visit only Prague. Stay a week, walk a tour, ride a bike, borrow a canoe, climb a mountain and visit a touristy castle. Whole czechia is safe, even gypsies are tame when compared to more eastern countries. And the cuisine is both original and hard to hate, proper meals like grandma´s cooking, not too spicy so kids can enjoy it as well.
Greatings from Czech republic, iam realy glad you like it here. As a fan of KCD and history itself, i feel like i need to ad some travel tips. Prague itself has its magic for sure, but several gems are just few hours trip from there. you dont need a car, public transport is recomendable. i like trains, ad some atmosphere to a trip :) 1. Take a map from KCD and walk area around "Sazava monastery". it kinda work, KCD is much more than just inspired 2. If interested in Husites. "Tabor" or "Cesky Krumlov" are amazing to investigate how our ancient revolution happened. History club from that area helped with motion capture and fight system in KCD. 3. last not realy KCD but about Charles IV.. check "Karlstejn" and "Krivoklat" castles... my favourites i visit repeatetly and during summer, there is historic train going from Prague to Krivoklat castle. and if you looking for something more activ than walking, there is HMB - historic medieval battle. some call it a sport and teams grow all over the world.. :)
You should try other Czech cities too. Prague is nice, but it is too commercial and just for tourists. You won't really get to know Czech people and culture there.
Prague is more than just downtown, the vast majority of Prague represents Czechs and Czech Republic pretty well, but when you say Prague, people for some reason mean just Disneyland in center.
@@monke9742 definitly regional cities like Brno, Olomouc, České Budějovice, Jihlava est. But also the small historical ones, that use to be very important in middle ages, but they are not so much today, like Telč, Hluboká, Znojmo, Litoměřice, Litomyšl, Žatec, Poděbrady est. You can't really go wrong with any city, exept cities in suddetenland and Silesia. Also I am from Moravia, so I recommend Moravian cities because Moravian culture is little bit different than the Bohemian one.
5:00 The skeleton is supposed to indicate Death and it has an hourglass in it's hand. But ye the meaning you said is the same pretty much (death as in the grim reaper)
Just FYI the medieval pub is not medieval at all. I know a lot of great people in Prague and in Czech republic that would be able to give you much better tour and experience.
11:28 - 13:40 dude, sleeping is the most important thing in life. I cannot sleep well either... most of the time it is because of my Coca-cola bad habit and watching too much content on my cellphone. but I also have PTSD because of having been visited/paralysed by aliens 5 nights in a row 10 years ago.. which sucked. big time. I am going to try some drugs in future but I don't want to. I just hope you will be fine
I just want to thank Warhorse Studios again. Not only do they create amazing games, but they are also great people. I am very grateful for this trip and so happy to visit such a lovely place! Enjoy the video!
Greatings from Czechia :) .
I’m jealous 😊
Glad you came over, even if you didn't see the full event. The most important factor is, that you had a blast. :)
I have got office next to them. Since 2019 I am looking at them, having a lunch in cantina and saying for myself - heeey guys, I hope you work on KCD 2 (and they did :-) )
4:32 Prague astronomical clock - installed in 1410, it's the world’s oldest working astronomical clock. 🙂
Radovana jsem u Apolla nečekal :D
@@Mono_Lithicc lehce autistická poznáka - víš o tom, že se slovem grammar to nemělo nic poslečnýho, že jo. 😇
Tohle je pro mě překvapení
@examplenameyoutube 75% is original. Mainly only surface, the face, the dial was destroyed. The clocwork wasnt in such bad condition to be replaced at all.
@examplenameyoutubetak to ne. To se mýlíte. Na staroměstské náměstí žádné spojenecké bomby nepadaly. Jihovýchodní křídlo staroměstské radnice vyhořelo během pražského povstání v květnu 1945, po zásahu německých zápalných střel. Spolu s tím vyhořel i objekt orloje. Shořela vnitřní dřevěná konstrukce, ale původní soukolí i většina vnějších kamenických prvků zůstala zachována. Stroj orloje i jeho středověké jádro je původni. Najdete na něm i originální vyražené znaky N.K. čili iniciály Nikolaus von Kaaden, Mikuláš z Kadaně, což byl zhotovitel orloje.
This is why Warhorse deserves the trust the community gives them. Really looking forward to playing and watching you play KCD 2 when it eventually comes out!
I moved to Prague 2.5 years ago from America and it truly is just an incredible place. I've been to many cities in Europe but none is better and Prague. Wish i could have ran into the legendary Apollo when he was here!
If I may ask, what sort of job were you able to get in Czechia?
@@volusian95 I moved here and went to a school to get a TEFL certificate and became a teacher.
@@NorthWesternGaming Nice! That's something I've been considering.
@@volusian95 The Language House in Prague I can highly highly recommend
Apollo was here? What kind of legend is that, pls?
Prague and Czech republic are considered as one of the safest countries in Europe and even in the World. So you felt safe because you were. Glad that you liked it here. Greetings from Prague ;)
Prague is an amazing combination of beautiful classic architecture, modern locations & facilities, great public transport, and a solid nightlife scene with all sorts of musical venues and LGBT community spaces
In short, Czechia is The Shire, The Czechs are the hobbits.
The rest You figure out.
Small nation - big heart in both good and the bad sense (explore the good). ❤
The Czech Republic is the 12th safest country in the world. But that's only because someone decided that exporting weapons to the world (such as CZUB etc.) lowers this rating.
@@ossantheshooter No. It's the fact that we accept practically NO IMMIGRANTS, thank God.
That's the main thing.
@@Tony-ci7ysSouhlas, ale byli bychom v žebříčku mnohem výš, pokud by se do toho nepočítal i export zbraní. To jsem psal.
I love when Americans come to Europe with an open mind and visit different cities than Paris, London and Rome.
Posting this comment under a video about Prague, which is constantly among the Top 10 (or even Top 5-6) visited cities in Europe (and also one of the most visited cities in the world) is wild, especially given how popular it is among Americans 😂😂
@@xStrychninexxx Yeah, but most Americans "tour Europe". They spend like 1-2 days at most at one location, and only visit the most touristy spots.
@@xStrychninexxxat least Prague is different and not as mainstream as Paris, Rome, London and Berlin for example
It’s not just Americans but people in the Anglosphere are like that. People of the UK, Australia, New Zealane and Canada also act like many Americans
Could say the same about Europeans coming to the us
Jan Hus and the Hussites were not the first Protestants, but they were among the early reformers who criticized the Catholic Church long before Martin Luther (in the case of the Hussites, almost a hundred years before him). I’m not a history expert, but from what I’ve gathered, Jan Hus’s ideas were inspired by the work of John Wycliffe. Jan Hus is mentioned several times in the first Kingdom Come: Deliverance during a quest with Father Godwin and a sermon after a night of drinking.
By the way, you're right that the church in Old Town Square (St. Nicholas Church) is now owned by the Hussite Church, but it was originally Catholic. When the Hussites built their own churches, they were usually much more austere and simple because one of the things they criticized about the Catholic Church from the beginning was that Catholics overly decorated their churches with statues, paintings (which Hussites often destroyed during the Hussite wars when they were pillaging Catholic churches and monasteries btw) and similar things that distracted people according to them. Therefore, Hussite churches had to be as plain as possible so that people could focus on God without any distractions. Today, the Czech Republic is quite atheistic, which is why the Hussites are widely seen as heroes who fought against a corrupt Catholic Church. I find it ironic considering that in some cases, the Hussites were way more dogmatic than the Catholics, and I think they would be shocked if they could see what our country looks like now and who is worshiping them.
I like how Sapkowski described it in his Hussite Trilogy, even when it's fantasy, it was pretty realistic in a way that both sides were raping, murdering and burning people, now we see hussites as heroes mainly because of 19th century panslavism, national revivalists a especially because of communism.
They were dogmatic,but They were not corrupted,and if husites were more popular in czechia u would be one too
Its problematic. Hus himself didnt go as far as Martin Luther, but some other Hussites did and went even further. Prokop Holý's followers and the
Fraternal Unity members were completly anti church and begun to be called protestants immediately when the term emerged with Luther although they were older than him.
I completely agree with everything You wrote. Yet, for the sake of clarity, especially for foreigners, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that Hussites were kind of prelude to protestantism.
Jan Hus’s goal was to reform the Church, he didn’t intend to create new branch of Church… yet by fate, by him being burnt at stake, the new branch “the Hussites” was indeed born.
And quite a few similarities to later protestants were already there. Both in theology and social impact.
@@petrskupa6292 The Fraternal Unity (Jednota bratrská) was strat Calvinist/Anabaptist imo. I would love to see some YT channels talking more in-depth about the Taborit commune. This is some serious mid 16th ct. like phenomenon that was just totally out of place in the 15th century.
Frankly its not very controversial to say that reformation could have happened much earlier if it wasn't for the late coming invention of printing
You captured some awesome footage of Prague. Glad you made the most out of the trip despite the travel fatigue. Thanks for sharing Pixie!
I cant wait to hear "Henry's come to see us" again
I'm glad you did the responsible thing of leaving the event early, sleep deprivation is no joke
Yeah, I think it's going to haunt me for a while. I really wanted to stay for the whole event, but I am glad I saw some of the event and experienced the beautiful country.
@@PixelatedApollo1 I know it's easy to say but try not to worry about it, your health always comes first and you will definitely get more opportunities as Warhorse clearly likes you
It is always nice to see people from abroad enjoying their time in our country. I just hope, looking at western europe, that we will be able to preserve it. Social trust is easy to break.
" Restaurace U Pavouka" is something like Spider's Restaurant or Restaurant at the Spider. I'm glad you enjoyed our city. Greetings from the Czech Republic.
It's just a shame that they present it as something medieval when belly dancers, half-naked bagpipers, pirate fencers, fire shows, etc., have nothing to do with the actual Middle Ages but that's unfortunately what you'll see at most Czech castles and "medieval" events. I hope he visits some Czech reenactment battle or something like that in the future.
@@martinzemek5798 those jonglers maybe, but definitely not half naked
never been more excited for the game, as warhorse is the only studio i can still trust to deliver a fantastic game. they're actually passionate about what they're doing.
A fan from Czech republic here. Appreciate this video very much, KCD is something I am very proud of as a Czech, so thank you very much for this content
Oh I know where I'm going on my next Vacation lol. This seems wonderful. I don't live in a safe area really either so this looks amazing lol. Love ya Apollo. SO CLOSE to 1 mil! Been watching you for a very long time. Thank you for being you. :)
Sorry to hear that, what area do you live in if I may ask?
St. Vitus cathedral is amazing! What a great trip!
Kutná hora is special as it has 2 catedhrals, the st. Barbara's you visited and the Cathedral of Assumption of Our Lady. In medival times they wanted it to be capital instead of Prague so they wanted to show off the wealth of the city.
No wonder you felt safe. Czech republic is currently 12th safest country in the world, according to GPI.
Hussites were not first protestants, the priority goes to Wicliff movement in Great Britain. They were inspired by this group.
BUT, it was the first movement which achieved something on paper, a deal with church. Even if that was broken by Habsburg dynasty.
Next time you must visit Dětenice Castle ! It's much better than U Pavouka, it's a big resort with everything( Knight Tournaments, Brewery, Medievil Tavern ,.. )
Great to see you still posting man, I remember watching your awesome siege battles between the Romans and Spartans years back.
You visited my home country! Woohoo ; Side note U pavouka means "at Spider's"
I’m glad you got to enjoy Czech Republic and its rich history. Welcome back!! Looking forward to the Henry Streams!!
Hey Pixie, fellow insomniac here. I know how shitty it can be when something you're looking forward to gets ruined by lack of sleep and the accompanying anxiety. Horrible to hear you talking about that shame; I know it so well. Pushing through is all fine and good, but at some point you've got to do what's best for you. Sometimes life just throws you a curved ball, and all you can do is roll with it. Glad you had a good trip regardless, looking forward to you playing KCD2 when it comes out 🙂
I love it, when my favourite youtuber decides to visit my country. Btw that medieval restaurant U Pavouka translates to At the spider.
It is nice to hear how someone admires the Czech land! As a Czech person, I see it in a very ordinary way and sometimes I forget how beautiful it is here. When you mention that you felt like you were in a game... man, I love Kingdom Come and when I play the game and then walk outside in the landscape (the forests are absolutely true to life, for example! also muddy roads ) sometimes my brain doesn't understand if I'm in reality or in a game, and it feels super weeeeird. :D
This Was So Cool Apollo can’t wait for the KC2 play through
Absolutely thrilling, so happy for you ! Keep up the good work, all the best for the future Apollo !
Keep up the work! I have loved your channel for years and you’re almost at 1mill! I hope to see the day you hit it good luck!!!
Great Wallpaper on the PC behind✝
Its fine leaving when you wont enjoy it anyway, health is always first and I totally know how bad no sleep can be, did it for almost two years working 12h night/day finally leaving after having panic attacks every time on public transport. More so thanks for reporting what you could! Hope you would visit Prague once more with plenty of time to relax here and fully enjoy our country :-)
Don't feel shame from insomnia. It has been wrecking my life experiences for years. Just do the absolute best that you can give that day and move on to the next day. The next day will be better or worse and do the best you can that day too.
I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to enjoy the event fully. But you practically lived a KCD life for a few hours. I hope you will find an opportunity to return in the future and enjoy the country more. Also... imagine you were walking the same streets and rooms Charles IV was walked in 14th century. I find it so cool to think about
Looks like you had fun so congratulations happy for you man
15:22 - right behind you is the old school I went to. And if you go to the cathedral, turn left and walk 265 steps (short ones, I was a kid) along the alley of statues and Jezuite building (gallery nowadays), you come to a small square. That is where I lived, second house when looking up the hill. As a kid, I spent a lot of time around the cathedral, down in the valley and in the woods on the opposite side. The park looked quite a bit different back then. Feels like different century...well, it was in fact, even different millennium. I guess I am getting somewhat old after all :-)
The Battle of Prague 1757 is one of my favorites
Oh! Holy smokes! Apollo travel Vlogger arc is a go! I for sure understand not wanting to narrate things live as you are recording, I've done it a few times when recording videos for friends as I pass by interesting things and I always feel odd with folks passing by.
GOAT Pixelated Apollo
That looks so cool. If only i wasn't such a lowborn peasant, and could afford to travel some.
Keep up the good work, man! 1 milli in no time!!!!
6:04 U Pavouka can be translated as "at Spiders". And yes its a medieval themed tavern thats meant as a "performance" (not just a restaurant where you go to eat). Basically you are paying for both 2.5 hour performance and 5 course meal plus all you can drink. Its a bit expensive but worth it as a "once in a lifetime" experience so to speak.
Wow, your pronunciation of Jan Hus is spot on! Fun fact, the Moravian Church, a protestant church that also has a presence in the US so you might have heard of it (or not, there are many protestant churches), stems directly from the Hussite movement.
Prague is beautiful for a lot of reasons, the fact that it avoided large scale destruction during WWII (make no mistake, it was bombed but the destruction was thankfully rather limited compared to some other cities) is just one of many. Prague was exceptionally beautiful among European cities even before the war.
Sick that you came to our country:))) did you know there is about 1h away from a prague the real life location that was used for that game? It is called Skalice in the central bohemian area!
Ah the tour of tourist traps.
Every average American in a European country:- why does it feel so safe...!?!?😂
haha bro, that was not the same feeling in London...
@@PixelatedApollo1 well London is in a different universe......
@@PixelatedApollo1 London is just dreadful
@PixelatedApollo1 to feel safe in London you'd have to be in the 1960s
Eastern European country is an important qualifier. I am so sad, dismayed and depressed by what westerners have done to their countries.
WOW I would love to see more vlogs like this!
Having now finished the video, two additional points:
1) I am sad you were sleep deprived. The event ended with a concert that I heard described as transcendental. There are some videos from it on youtube. But health is paramount and you made the right choice to leave early instead of risking any further fatigue.
2) I am also kinda sad that most of the beauty that one can see in our country, has been built by our ancestors. Communists did a poor job taking care of it, so after the revolution, at least maintenance improved, air quality improved, etc, but modern architects are still mostly ideological captives of that arrognant a-hole corbusier, and are only able to design glass cubes. It is actually one of the pet peeves of KCD director Dan Vávra, who often criticizes modern architecture. I agree with him and hope we will be able to rediscover beauty our ancestors were capable of (and create new).
To be honest, i prefer the ugly communist architecture more than the stuff our "artists" design, like "Bench of Václav Havel" or similiar shit.
@@shasotaualfa both are terrible
Super cool! I love to travel when I can but everytime I've tried to travel to anywhere outside of America It has been cancelled for some kind of family issue. I would love to visit Prague because I love medieval architecture, thanks for putting it on my radar! Also, are you continuing the bandit campaign, I really enjoyed the streams.
I recommend the Honest Guide and Real Prague Guides channels to anyone planning to visit Prague - it can save you a lot of trouble
@@afiiik1 Thanks for the tip! I'll certainly check them out!
IF you like medieval architecture I strongly suggest Malbork Castle in Poland. Just take a flight to Gdańsk and one day plan a trip to Malbork. You won’t be disappointed. If it comes more to living then Krakow would be a better option.
Hi Apollo i watching your videos for some few years and i love you Channel and i hope you enjoy your trip in my country and that you visit it again and have more time to see more nice places here 😃 Good day to you and your family 👍
Walk 10 minutes in any direction away from the center and you'll experience the real Prague as real Czechs live it, not just the overpriced tourist trap downtown, AND for half to a quarter of the price.
Mě se líbí, jak všichni argumentujou tím že praha je krásná, protože nebyla vybordovaná behem druhé světové. Ale že se tu od 14. sotletí přehnal kdejakej prevít a přesto to přežilo, to už lidem nedocází. A ano druhá světová zdemolovala hodně měst, ale i před druhou svetovou byla Praha TOP mezi mesty nezničenými druhou světovou. Cizincům nedochází ta naše potřeba neničit, co funguje a co je krásný. Už dávno mohlo být centrum zastavěný novostavbama. Neděje se to tolik, kolik "by mohlo". Na tehle podstatnej detail se tu rádo zapomíná a to mi fakt vadí.
Na druhou stranu, hlavně centrum prahy a pár dalších čtvrtí je krásný, protože to vybudovali naši předci. To co se staví dneska je většinově dost hnus, bohužel. Corbusier byl Pol Pot architektury.
@@8Paul7 LC je v tom celkem nevinně. To, co Vám tak vadí, je jenom vulgární interpretace jeho díla ze strany podstatně méně nadaných epigonů.
@@vitezslavnovak2077 No nevinně v tom rozhodně není když celý ten otřesný směr rozjel a přes mrtvoly prosazoval
No, hádal bych se o tom, že Praha nestaví nové budovy, protože je zatím naše "potřeba" neničit to krásné. Spíše za to paradoxně může málo peněz...
ale ve skutečnosti byla Praha několikrát bombardována a třeba na staromáku chybí 80% staroměstské radnice na kterou spadla bomba. Teoreticky všechna města byla od středověku ničena. V Čechách ničili jak Husité, tak křižáci, ničili tu švédové za třicetileté války, stále se tu něco ničilo. Ale to si někteří neuvědomují a argumentují jenom 2.sv.v. Třeba v Polsku nepoznali válku husitů s křižáky i Třicetiletou válku. To se jim vyhnulo a kolikrát právě poláci argumentují, že Praha nebyla bombardována. Ale ona i tak byla.
Glad you enjoyed Prague... nex time beer is on us :)))
prague is probably the most beautiful european capitol city
The best thing is that i can see my house from the plane landing at the airport
I have been there and I really recommend going to Prague, really nice and safe place to be in and there's tons of history
14:04 I sometime say, this game is so beautiful, if only I could live in this country, WELL, I DO.
That song they were playing at the medieval restaurant is such a banger! 9:19
At the beginning of KCD1, Martin mentions how Charles IV "Built a bridge over the Moldau" Which I believe is a reference to how in real life Charles IV built the same bridge which is shown at about 10:30 in the video. I realized after I saw it in the video and I thought it seemed like an interesting fact.
Sure, it's the Charles Bridge. One of the most popular Prague's sights nowadays. The statues are significantly younger though.
I was in Prague 2-3 weeks ago for the first time. Amazing city, beautiful, safe and full of history
Everyone makes the mistake to visit only Prague. Stay a week, walk a tour, ride a bike, borrow a canoe, climb a mountain and visit a touristy castle. Whole czechia is safe, even gypsies are tame when compared to more eastern countries.
And the cuisine is both original and hard to hate, proper meals like grandma´s cooking, not too spicy so kids can enjoy it as well.
@Pyrochemik007 i want to go back and spend more time. I had to race off to Vienna, Venice and Milan after that. So my schedule was pretty tight
Greatings from Czech republic, iam realy glad you like it here. As a fan of KCD and history itself, i feel like i need to ad some travel tips. Prague itself has its magic for sure, but several gems are just few hours trip from there. you dont need a car, public transport is recomendable. i like trains, ad some atmosphere to a trip :)
1. Take a map from KCD and walk area around "Sazava monastery". it kinda work, KCD is much more than just inspired
2. If interested in Husites. "Tabor" or "Cesky Krumlov" are amazing to investigate how our ancient revolution happened. History club from that area helped with motion capture and fight system in KCD.
3. last not realy KCD but about Charles IV.. check "Karlstejn" and "Krivoklat" castles... my favourites i visit repeatetly and during summer, there is historic train going from Prague to Krivoklat castle.
and if you looking for something more activ than walking, there is HMB - historic medieval battle. some call it a sport and teams grow all over the world.. :)
i live in a town where the center has a very well preserved part of timberframe houses. Really apreciate that.
One of the most precious things is the safety of the streets of homeland. It is worth fighting for it.
Nice, hope you enjoyed it here!
Warhorse studios And Kingdom come Is ♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️
You should try other Czech cities too. Prague is nice, but it is too commercial and just for tourists. You won't really get to know Czech people and culture there.
which Czech cities would you recommend visiting then?
@@monke9742 Brno (Brunn) - the second biggest city, Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) - spa, Český Krumlov, Plzeň (Pilsen), České Budějovice (Czech Budweiss).
Prague is more than just downtown, the vast majority of Prague represents Czechs and Czech Republic pretty well, but when you say Prague, people for some reason mean just Disneyland in center.
@@monke9742 definitly regional cities like Brno, Olomouc, České Budějovice, Jihlava est. But also the small historical ones, that use to be very important in middle ages, but they are not so much today, like Telč, Hluboká, Znojmo, Litoměřice, Litomyšl, Žatec, Poděbrady est.
You can't really go wrong with any city, exept cities in suddetenland and Silesia. Also I am from Moravia, so I recommend Moravian cities because Moravian culture is little bit different than the Bohemian one.
No one died in this episode but I'm not disappointed, I stayed for the plot
Love you Apollo!
Did you watch Honest guide, before going to Prague? I'm just curious.
haha yeah, he makes great videos. Wish I could of saw more of the city
Pavouk means spider, so its restaurant "At the spider" :)
5:00 The skeleton is supposed to indicate Death and it has an hourglass in it's hand. But ye the meaning you said is the same pretty much (death as in the grim reaper)
Loves this Pixie....my partner is Czechski and I love the city
Im so exited for KCD 2 AHHHHHHH
hello from Czechia❤
Aaaaah, my beautiful city
Dude that’s awesome
Love that you brought your wife. True gentleman.
I love her so much it’s hard to go anywhere without her.
Strange, I thought any flight to anywhere stopped by Atlanta
The restaurant looks awesome, like a tavern or sth out of KCD 2
It is a very famous restaurant. Ive been there many times.
Just FYI the medieval pub is not medieval at all. I know a lot of great people in Prague and in Czech republic that would be able to give you much better tour and experience.
The overall centre of Prague get's called ,,Pragoland" for a reason.
Bagpipes were fire
U Pavouka = Ooh-pah-woah-kha
6:06 u Pavouka = at Spider :D
Goat is back
I didn't know bagpipes and belly dancers originated from Moriavia. 🤣
Looks like Illinois out in the country.
6:07 At spiders place
Oh I am sad that you had health issues 😔. I hope you still had a good time 🙏🏻.
I miss long haired appollo but that ahort hair is nice as well
11:28 - 13:40
dude, sleeping is the most important thing in life. I cannot sleep well either... most of the time it is because of my Coca-cola bad habit and watching too much content on my cellphone. but I also have PTSD because of having been visited/paralysed by aliens 5 nights in a row 10 years ago.. which sucked. big time. I am going to try some drugs in future but I don't want to. I just hope you will be fine
Jan Hus dont start husite movemnt that start after his death in Constanc But his Teaching was think that Husat ideologi is behind
Sure he did by his preachings. The revolution was triggered by his death of course but the movement was already there earlier.
You look like that guy from dar man
12:56 tbh there is 6 hours difference between Czechia and Atlanta.
I’m soooo EXCITED for KCD2!!!
21:50 i understad they said it's a tomb 😂from the background
Kingdom come♥️
holy crap i did not think it was you at the start. not used to the short hair
Some American visited Prague
RUclips: here is video you might like.
October from want I have heard with the 30 minutes of game Play that's going to be shown this month so I believe a October or November release date.