Slovakia vs. Czechia - Cultural Differences

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
  • Do you work with Slovaks and Czechs? Did you ever wonder how similar they are? Find out more in this week’s video :)

Комментарии • 622

  • @bandrej
    @bandrej 7 лет назад +193

    Chin up Slovak bros and sisters, same as us Slovenes, you had to survive and endure for thousand years as a small nation in the most heated region of Europe where almost every other nation wanted to assimilate or wipe you out! And yet, here we are, our both nations stayed true to our roots, ethnicity, language! Slava bratje!

    • @luboslier347
      @luboslier347 7 лет назад +7

      bandrej x yep, we survived but dont forget what happened to polabian Sorbs (practically dead culture now) and the north western slavs: Oborides, Wends and others (wiped out).

    • @Mrkva22296
      @Mrkva22296 6 лет назад +5

      Love this comment

    • @tomachristopher2584
      @tomachristopher2584 6 лет назад +12

      95% of DNA of hugarians is slavic. Slavs were magayrized they didnt have rights to learn their slavic language only hungarian.

    • @modrysokol
      @modrysokol 6 лет назад +8

      The young lady forgot that Slovakia's 1st Republic was from 1939 to 1945 under Dr., Msgr. Jozef Tiso. Many other great Slovaks fought for independence as Pastor Andrej Hlinka, Dr. Vojtech Tuka, etc. In history we had King Svatopluk and other princes. Yes we were dominated by the Czech government. I agree the Slovenes and Croatia are our real brothers.

    • @CGJUGO80
      @CGJUGO80 4 года назад +3

      Jugoslavija protected Slovenija from a lot so I don't know if that's a fair assessment.

  • @martinvit3008
    @martinvit3008 5 лет назад +70

    Do you know the main difference between Czech and Slovak guy when they meet in one pub? The Czech guy has $100 in his pocket, but he behaves as if he has the last dollar. And the Slovak guy has the last dollar, but he behaves as if he has $100

    • @LaszloVondracsek
      @LaszloVondracsek 10 месяцев назад

      Ha, ha, ha! 🤣🤣😂😂Moc me pobavilo vase pozorovani, je to SUPER!

  • @YERtv
    @YERtv 6 лет назад +60

    My husband is from Slovakia 🇸🇰 also
    My sisters in law are living in Czechia 🇨🇿
    I love both Countries ♥️♥️♥️
    New Subscriber ☺️

  • @atisalvaro
    @atisalvaro 5 лет назад +18

    As a Croat that has been in 90 countries worldwide I have nowhere been accepted better as a turist than in Slovakia. I find Slovakian girls better than Croatia /except for Bratislava/, more mature and reliable for their age. General experience with the Czech is fine as well, although a bit more reserved

  • @RodesLaw
    @RodesLaw 7 лет назад +23

    Very true observations. I think you're right on point on most of these. But, I don't think Slovaks are more open to change, if they are outside of Bratislava, they tend to be very set in their ways, especially the 40+ crowd.

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  7 лет назад +12

      +Kyo Slovakia yeah there are definitely differences between the generations too... But I feel like the younger generation is getting more flexible. But of course it's hard to generalize.

  • @PolosLatinos
    @PolosLatinos 5 лет назад +47

    From my experience (although I hate generalizing), Czechs are a bit like Germans: not very emotional. Slovaks are more emotional, but still not as much emotional as Poles (one of my Portuguese friends laughs that Poles are the Latins of the North while his compatriots are the Lithuanians of the South). And yes, you are right: I noticed Slovaks feel like they have to prove themselves. Overall, as a Westerner of Polish ascent, I understand almost everything in Slovak. I can even read texts in this language. I have a similar facility when I hear Belarusian (btw, just as Slovaks, they love the word “vel’mi” ;) ). In Czech or Ukrainian, people have to talk slowly so I understand them and reading is a bit more difficult. It is still easier than Russian or Bulgarian though.

    • @akcjaxd7863
      @akcjaxd7863 5 лет назад +1

      We're not emotional, we're extravert. Well not everyone of course, I'm introvertic, but a lot of Poles, majority of my friends and family are extravertic and very sociable. :) A subtle difference, but very important to describe a Polish soul. :D

    • @miriam7779
      @miriam7779 5 лет назад +1

      You described us perfectly.😁 Greetings from 🇸🇰

    • @LordDamianus
      @LordDamianus 5 лет назад +7

      @@akcjaxd7863 What? Poles aren't extrovert! Czechs are much more extrovert than Poles. Everything south of Poland is more extrovert. This is how it works. More south you go you will find more extroverts while more north you go you will find more introverts. Czech Rep. and Slovakia are south of Poland. Please, don't spread this bullshit about Poles. Just because we're catholic doesn't mean we are sociable like Italians or other Romance people. Everytime I ride a bus or train no one talks with each other. It's always quiet. Polish soul is melancholic and introvert.

    • @slavicdrill3211
      @slavicdrill3211 5 лет назад

      Ja też po słowacku rozumiem prawie wszystko

    • @OfficeNothanks
      @OfficeNothanks 4 года назад +1

      Polish are very friendly people, just don’t do the mistake to drink vodka with them :)), they know they’re business :))

  • @caxaptt6514
    @caxaptt6514 3 года назад +8

    3:15 "Czechs are closer to the Germans" - don't know much about either one but I would bet that's where the 131 dislikes came from lol

  • @sigitasmikutis6310
    @sigitasmikutis6310 4 года назад +12

    At first greetings from Lithuania!!!
    Once i had honor to visit Slovakia, Kosice city. Despite the fact that we came for short term (only for competition) i was stunned by this country beauty. The mountains, castle, countryside, beautiful ladies... and strange thing - i find a lot of similarities with Lithuania in value, attidute, communication between people... That was experience i want to repeat :)

    • @saturnguytwelvesg127
      @saturnguytwelvesg127 3 года назад +2

      In the U.S. in 1975, I had to give a presentation on my nation of origin. (I was about 9 years old). I told my teacher I was Slovak and she told me to work with the Lithuanian group instead. 😖😂

  • @dishonesttAbe
    @dishonesttAbe 5 лет назад +11

    Cool video! as a Czech citizen living most of his life in the USA, I am always interested in knowing the differences between us and our brothers and sisters in Slovakia. :)

  • @matovicdalibor4898
    @matovicdalibor4898 3 года назад +6

    I was born in Československo. :) So it1s true what Petra mentioned about "raňajky". People in my generation perfectly understand each other. Czechoslovakia was a bilingual country, but split up. It was very surprising for me when I first realized that there can be langauge problem between Czech and Slovak people. But these misundertandings are not so serious. I almost never speak or write in Czech. I use Czech word when my Czech partner doesn't understand a Slovakian word. You may ask me why I don't speak or write in Czech..... Well I have a good reason..... But sometimes I am not sure in Czech spelling, ot the correct Czech word. But when I see or hear them I totally understand everything.
    It's still normal that I write business letters in Slovak to my Czech partners and they answer me in Czech. It is very interesting that I clearly remember what someone told me in train one year ago or so..... But I don't remember he was Czech, or Slovak? He spoke in Czech, or Slovak? I don't have great problems with Polish, Slovenian, or Croatian ppl.
    To be Slovak (or Slawish) is a blessing! It opens gates in this territory. :)

    • @SuperJoeywhite
      @SuperJoeywhite 2 месяца назад

      Are these Slavic languages very similar? I know the culture is! ( which is wonderful btw !) Growing up and When I watched my grandmother and aunts ( who are 100% Polish) talk about other Slavic people with such love and appreciation. And then I witnessed them meeting other Slavic people, my appreciation was only surpassed by my amazement watching them interact and actually and mutually understanding each other conversing with Slovaks, Lithuanians, Czechs , Ukrainians... it made me feel like they were all in a special club filled with mutual admiration and kinship with each other! Even though I couldn't quite pick up slightly different variations of words, but they all could fully understand each other perfectly and acted like family! I absolutely LOVED THAT and was so impressed! Sto lat ! Ja cie kohum!

  • @luboslier347
    @luboslier347 7 лет назад +43

    Nezapomeň, že historicky Slováci byli 1000 let součástí Horních Uher, kdežto Češi zase součástí německého kulturního okruhu: Svatá Říše Římská a Rakouské Předlitavsko. Tady je podle mě hlavní rozdíl v temperamentu obou národů.
    Jak již bylo řečeno v Čechách se málokdy dabuje/překládá Slovenština - je to spíše naopak.
    A důvod proč Slováci jsou více otevření novým myšlenkám, i když jak říkáš jsou více konzervativní, je si myslím právě proto, že jako nově samostatný národ cítí potřebu se prosadit a sebeformulovat.

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  7 лет назад +3

      Suhlasim na 100%

    • @sushi2922
      @sushi2922 5 лет назад

      Luboš Lier Češi jsou jeden z nejvíc konzervativních národů na světě takže lžete!

    • @rug8558
      @rug8558 4 года назад +2

      @@sushi2922 tak ale proti Slovenskku aj tak je viac Česko liberálnejšie

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 4 года назад

      @@sushi2922 asi jak v čem, každej je konzervativní jenom dokud ho ňáká ta tradice nesere, pak je z něj největší revolucionář a odstraňovač tradic :-D

  • @christinakuhn5739
    @christinakuhn5739 5 лет назад +4

    I am American, but my grandfather's history is Slovakian (although they were from Hungary). I watched this video for fun to get an idea of what cultural behaviors Slovaks tend to have, and I found it fascinating as I found some similarities in my father and grandfather's side of the family. You all ROCK!!! :D

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  5 лет назад

      Hahaha, happy you liked the vid :)

    • @mermer3168
      @mermer3168 5 лет назад

      Same here, but for my husband's family. His father is pure Czech and his mother has full German and Italian on her side. I can definitely see that organized, almost austere personality.

    • @bigtimejames8641
      @bigtimejames8641 4 года назад

      My dad side is Italian and Irish I am ltalian and Irish and German and Polish my mom’s side is German and polish my mom keeps saying I am either polish or Slovak maybe I could be all 5 in my heritage.

  • @Mrkva22296
    @Mrkva22296 7 лет назад +38

    I also know from my experience that us- slovaks understand czech language much better than czechs do understand slovak. So many times I had to speak english to them or explain a word or say it in czech. Because somehow I know these words which are very different from in slovak. I think that we watch czech movies, know czech celebs many things are not translated in media while in czechia, they dont talk about slovaks they dont interview them they dont play slovak songs in media, no slovak films etc. I think that´s why us slovak know all of these words that are different... We kind of grew up hearing them asking parents what does this word mean when we hear it.... One time, me and my friends were abroad and wanted to play a game but we didnt know the rules and we saw some czechs playing it so I came to them and said : Dobrý deň, prosím vás, ako sa tá hra hrá? .... they answered : Já vám nerozumím, mluvíte anglicky?........ I said the same thing in czech and it felt really awkward

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  7 лет назад +3

      +Maha chanel very on point :)

    • @danny-boy1998
      @danny-boy1998 6 лет назад +19

      Možná to bude tím, že jsme početnější národ a tudíž máme větší vliv na vás, než naopak vy na nás. Čeština je zkrátka používanější jazyk, hlavně mnohem více Slovaků je vystaveno češtině (spousta slovenských studentů), než Čechů vystavených slovenštině, takže to i novou generaci zkrátka nutí rozumět česky.
      Nakonec bych chtěl alespoň za sebe říct, že se slovenštinou, ač jsem nevyrůstal v Československu, vůbec nemám problém a pochybuji, že to bude napříč mojí generací jinak. Jako opravdu, naše jazyky jsou téměř totožné, takže ty příklady toho, že bychom si nerozuměli, mi přijdou přehnané.

    • @temeraf.8667
      @temeraf.8667 6 лет назад +11

      To nehovor ani zo srandy že ti Česi nerozumeli a musel si jim to prekladat do angličtiny... Nikdy som si nemyslel, že by sa niečo také mohlo stat, keď máme skoro úplne isté jazyky...

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 6 лет назад +2

      Může mi to tady někdo prosím přeložit do Angličtiny? :-D

    • @mufrodrigo
      @mufrodrigo 6 лет назад +3

      Z matčiny strany jsem poloviční Slovák, moje babička, i když žila na Moravě, stále mluvila Slovensky, takže mi nepřijde slovenština nijak cizí a dobře jí rozumím, s chybami bych dokázal i slovensky hovořit. Ale u svojí dcery, která se se Slováky setkala jen krátce na výletech po slovenských horách, vidím, že často nerozumí - asi tak jako rozumím já rusky 30 let od školní ruštiny :D Osobně preferuju filmy ve slovenském znění (originálním), slovenština mi vždy připadala libozvučná a rozumím jí, tak co. Slevnské hlasatelky, moderátoři v ČT mi nijak nevadí, naopak. I audioknihy od Dominika Dána namluvené fantasticky Mariánem Geišbergem posluchám v originále, knihy čtu taky v originále, proč sakra překládat něco, co je na 95 % shodné s češtinou? Navíc nikomu neuškodí se trochu přiučit slovensky.

  • @gr84all
    @gr84all 2 года назад +1

    Never call Slovakia "Upper Hungary" or "Slovenia" & don't call Czechia "Chechnya" and you will be ok.

  • @chac66
    @chac66 3 года назад +3

    Greetings from Estonia, it's good to know better whole spectrum of Slavic nations in Eastern Europe :)

  • @janasubrtova808
    @janasubrtova808 4 года назад +4

    I don't know if someone else had written this before but I have to address the language gap. From my point of view as a Czech born in 2000, I don't really have a huge problem understanding Slovak (with the exception of a few words) as we had Slovak TV channels growing up. But I was quite shocked to find out are Czechs that don't understand Slovak and, from what understand, it's mostly the generation that was born in the mid 1990's since they didn't have that constant presence of Slovaks in the TV like my parents would have, RUclips wasn't a thing and if you didn't pay extra you wouldn't get Slovak channels on TV. That's what I've always thought. 🤷

  • @Forgor.it_81
    @Forgor.it_81 2 года назад +2

    Im from Slovakia 🇸🇰💖
    Czechia is my brother 🇨🇿💖

  • @Skidmark_aviation
    @Skidmark_aviation 4 года назад +1

    My Czech friend says that Czech is better because Prague has a subway and Slovakia doesn't😂

  • @betespatiotemporelle
    @betespatiotemporelle 6 лет назад +14

    Czechia : self system. City, money, career.
    Slovakia : altruist system. Countryside, natural resources, family.
    Most people will recommend the first system because of money, but I prefer the second because I feel more love there...

    • @o9577
      @o9577 4 года назад +1

      jak tě to napadlo? mluvíš tak o praze ne?

    • @sadcookie7401
      @sadcookie7401 2 года назад

      But that only applies to the cities, which is understandable as there is basically only one city in Slovakia. I come from a small town in the middle of Moravia and it’s for sure much less career oriented and much more family oriented. (I study in Prague)

    • @jirikozel3801
      @jirikozel3801 2 года назад


  • @stefanreichenberger5091
    @stefanreichenberger5091 6 лет назад +4

    Well, I only spent two days in Slovakia. But I noticed that people could understand me without problems when I tried to speak (broken) Czech. They only didn't get the word "nádraží".

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад +2

      Haha yes that one is different in Slovak :)

    • @IjeskrewRBMC
      @IjeskrewRBMC 6 лет назад +2

      Stefan Reichenberger in slovak it’s nádražie

    • @ladislavczafik4433
      @ladislavczafik4433 4 года назад

      @@IjeskrewRBMC stanica

    • @IjeskrewRBMC
      @IjeskrewRBMC 4 года назад

      @@ladislavczafik4433 aj tak sa to môže

  • @mullerj143
    @mullerj143 5 лет назад +4

    I'm Brazilian and i have czechoslovakian roots, my great grandfather came from there. Im always curious about the culture.

    • @ivetamoore3868
      @ivetamoore3868 4 года назад

      Muller J no such thing as czechoslovakian...

    • @mullerj143
      @mullerj143 4 года назад

      @@ivetamoore3868 Okay, Czech. He came from Bohemia.

    • @naqiszhalia9334
      @naqiszhalia9334 4 года назад

      Hello, what part of Bohemia your family came from? If you want to know anything, I can tell you more. Actually, your ex president Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira had roots in the Czech Republic too, one part of his family was from the South Bohemia. Surname Kubitschek is from Czech "Kubíček".

  • @nqtaliq
    @nqtaliq 4 года назад +10

    Kdo je z Česka? 🤣❤️🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿

  • @ATraneMMA
    @ATraneMMA 6 лет назад +2

    I just found your videos and they're fantastic. So helpful in trying to make the move. With so much to consider, they've been invaluable. Thanks, Andy

  • @ЯковФинкельштейн
    @ЯковФинкельштейн 6 лет назад +19

    From my experience young Slovaks abroad are more friendly then young Czechs.

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад

      What made you feel that way?

    • @ЯковФинкельштейн
      @ЯковФинкельштейн 6 лет назад

      +BoundaryLess just from my experience but I guess I haven't met enough young people to make a solid statistically based conclusions.;)

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад

      I'm just curious :) was it because of how fast they opened up or something different?

    • @ЯковФинкельштейн
      @ЯковФинкельштейн 6 лет назад +1

      +BoundaryLess yeah I felt they more like Americans in a positive way I mean openness to strangers and positive attitude in general or maybe I was just lucky to meet those kind of young Slovak travelers it was not like a very deep thing just a regular friendly small talk.

    • @Mrkva22296
      @Mrkva22296 6 лет назад +1

      Яков Финкельштейн slovaks love small talks... so if they feel confortable with their language skill they're really easy going. If they're not, that's most probably because they are just insecure with speaking a different language

  • @PolskiProdigy
    @PolskiProdigy 5 лет назад +3

    Czech is very similar to Polish. I can read Czech and understand it.

    • @richardhruskoci1227
      @richardhruskoci1227 4 года назад

      But we dont understand you, sorry

    • @drzpicuanemluvuz
      @drzpicuanemluvuz 4 года назад +2

      Richard Hruškoci Rozumíme jim :d Jenom máme problémy s čtením jejich jazyka.

    • @slavkopolskiperun5358
      @slavkopolskiperun5358 3 года назад +1

      Czech isn,t similar to polish, more similar is german and hungarian. Hungarians and Austrians are our brothers.

    • @nicoled5160
      @nicoled5160 2 года назад

      My polish hair dresser has some older polish ladies that come and they thought i was polish. I’m half czech. she understands czech as well. The older polish ladies welcomed me right into the chatter. I’ve never been spotted as an eastern european before. I was so happy. I’m also half french, not not french enough to be fully embraced. Basically i don’t feel enough of either culture for the people of that culture to embrace me. I do know how to cook dishes on both sides. my czech side raised me to be more suspicious of governments and who o give my information to. :)

  • @emiruska
    @emiruska 7 лет назад +117

    my ale slovenské filmy nepřekládáme; žádné se tu nevysílají :)

    • @viktordelrey2824
      @viktordelrey2824 7 лет назад +12

      asi tak :D zatím jsem nevidel za svuj zivot ani jeden slovenský film

      @xXxIMNOTANGELxXx 6 лет назад +35

      Ano pretože vy ukradnete pointu slovenského seriálu, a slovo od slove ho prekopírujete s českými hercami :) Viď. Profesionály, Ordinácia v ružovej záhrade, Partička..

    • @viktordelrey2824
      @viktordelrey2824 6 лет назад +11

      na takovy sračky nekoukám

      @xXxIMNOTANGELxXx 6 лет назад +7

      Ani ja. Ja som napísala príklady vecí čo sa vysielajú. A teraz mi povedz príklad čského seriálu ktorý pozeráš.

    • @petrmilota6398
      @petrmilota6398 6 лет назад +8

      Za me treba Pripady prvniho oddeleni, jinak se na to opravdu moc koukat neda... ale slovenska Particka me bavila.. ta ceska sla zprvu, ted se koukat neda.. Moderatory mate lepsi o poznani - casto si je pujcujeme :) smutne je, ze tu opravdu moc casto slovenske filmy nevysilaji..

  • @instrumentalist28
    @instrumentalist28 3 года назад +2

    Jak se mas, vitame vas .....I m not Czech, but in this area I live in Texas, there are many people that are of Czech heritage.....but many refer to themselves as fact signs with Czech phrases are sold in just about every store here, with Jak se mas being a big seller of signs and car stickers

  • @KaitheKnightly
    @KaitheKnightly 5 лет назад +1

    I know this isn't extremely related, but this is important to me. If my family left the country when it was still one nation, how would I know if I am Slovak or Czech? My great grandparents immigrated to America to escape WW2.

    • @global.citizens
      @global.citizens 5 лет назад

      Do you know their names to check? If you do, that can be a start ...

    • @richardhruskoci1227
      @richardhruskoci1227 4 года назад

      If you was born on now slovak borders you are slovak, If not you are czech, look on Google maps

    • @naqiszhalia9334
      @naqiszhalia9334 4 года назад

      Which locality are they really from? Do you know the name of the place? What are their names? Based on that you might find out where are they from.

    • @KaitheKnightly
      @KaitheKnightly 4 года назад +1

      @@naqiszhalia9334 I think I will have to discuss it with my grandmother more. She can tell me my great grandparents last name. I will look into it.

  • @PolskiProdigy
    @PolskiProdigy 5 лет назад +2

    90% of Czechs are not atheists. I knew this statistic was not possible I looked it up right away.

    • @drzpicuanemluvuz
      @drzpicuanemluvuz 4 года назад

      Polish Afrikaner That’s not true. I have only met about 3 christian czechs. We really are atheist as fuck.

    • @andrzejdobrowolski9523
      @andrzejdobrowolski9523 4 года назад

      @@drzpicuanemluvuz Funny thing : We Poles are very religious but we love You and Slovaks the most from all Slavic nations.

    • @drzpicuanemluvuz
      @drzpicuanemluvuz 4 года назад

      BR BCH aw that’s actually really sweet.

  • @zajimavevideo3678
    @zajimavevideo3678 4 года назад +8

    Im czech!:)

  • @Kapralreza
    @Kapralreza 4 года назад +1

    Moc hezky řečeno, krasný video. Přeji hodně štěstí v další tvorbě :)

  • @LaszloVondracsek
    @LaszloVondracsek 6 лет назад +4

    Hlouposti! All of them they are generally the same! Greetings from Romania where exists an important Czecho-Slovak minority. Here we have remained together, between us there are no differencies!

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад +1

      Thats great to hear :)

    • @richardhruskoci1227
      @richardhruskoci1227 4 года назад +1

      Czechs are better than slovak, a to som Slovák hej

    • @drzpicuanemluvuz
      @drzpicuanemluvuz 4 года назад +1

      Richard Hruškoci Náhodou Slováci jsou hrozně fajn podle mě. Myslim si že jsme stejný.

    • @LaszloVondracsek
      @LaszloVondracsek 4 года назад

      @@richardhruskoci1227 Proc Cesi by byli lepsi nez Slovaci, nebo naopak? Jsou STEJNI! Napul jsem Cech ( i trosicku Slovak), napul Madar a mohu rici ze nevidim mezi nimi zadny rozdil. Mozna je slovenska hrdost silnejsi...ale dokonce je citit ze je stejna krev.

  • @javiermarcialcespedesberne8575
    @javiermarcialcespedesberne8575 3 года назад +3

    Los mejores y más cordiales Saludos desde puente piedra, lima, Perú, ojalá que puedas venir nuevamente en algún momento a mi país y que disfrutes mucho de todo por aquí, con la familia y los amigos, felicidades por tus vídeos...

  • @MiguelSoBe
    @MiguelSoBe 7 лет назад +1

    Great description of the differences between those two countries, best of luck with your brand new channel!

  • @Aggoenix
    @Aggoenix 3 года назад +1

    Its easy. Czechs are by nature closer to Germany and Austria. They have more northwestern spirit, more reserved, but handy and disciplined when we want to. While Slovaks tend to have more of this southeastern spirit, closer to Hungary or Russia. More spontaneous, warm blooded, relation oriented.

    • @peternagy-im4be
      @peternagy-im4be 3 года назад

      Mutually intelligible language?

    • @Aggoenix
      @Aggoenix 3 года назад

      @@peternagy-im4be Sure, Czech and Slovak are more like dialects. Its more like Austrian and German German or British and American English. You can write all the works in Slovak and study university in Czechia.

    • @slavkopolskiperun5358
      @slavkopolskiperun5358 3 года назад

      Czechs are more gypsies, slovaks are more hungarians

    • @LukasHylsky
      @LukasHylsky 3 года назад

      @@slavkopolskiperun5358 😂 doesn’t make sense what you just wrote

    • @slavkopolskiperun5358
      @slavkopolskiperun5358 3 года назад

      @@LukasHylsky On the street, in one town in Czechia:видео.html

  • @Sakura-zu4rz
    @Sakura-zu4rz 4 года назад

    I have a frustrating experience. Not knowing where to begin or hitting a plateau can feel demoralizing and make it hard to hit the books and study like you know you should…Having friends from other cultures makes me more creative. In fresh ways about space and how people create their own world and environment. It is best way to connect between creative thinking and cross-cultural relationships

  • @honzakublajchan2109
    @honzakublajchan2109 7 месяцев назад

    you got it wrong, Slovaks had a kingdom, it was called Hungary and founder's name is LadiSLAV. Study bit of history. They just spoke Hungarian in Budapest university. Same as Czechs spoke German and Latin in Prague Uni.

  • @zeroceiling
    @zeroceiling 6 лет назад +2

    It is interesting that in World War II..Czechs were the ones occupied by the Germans while Slovakia became a German Ally...

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад +1

      Yeah. We did turn it around though when we organized an uprising against Germany. Didn't quite work out but we clearly demonstrated that we didn't agree with German politics.

    • @zeroceiling
      @zeroceiling 6 лет назад +1

      BoundaryLess ...Sorry, I didnt see your response. Are you indicating that Slovaks initiated an uprising or that the Czechs did?
      Because most people consider Hydrich's assasination in Prague to be the initiation of Czech resistance...with the town of Lidice being the first victim. Is this what you are refering to, or is it an action Slovakia took that I am not aware of?

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад +1

      @@zeroceiling Czeck Slovak National Uprising, you will find some interesting articles about it in the internet. It was initiated in 1944 in Banska Bystrica..

    • @zeroceiling
      @zeroceiling 6 лет назад

      BoundaryLess Thank's...I will hop on and find more details..

    • @emolasker
      @emolasker 6 лет назад

      Yes we were a German ally. All result of Munich betrayal in 1938 - a bit of practical solution and a bit of cowardice of UK and France. Before the Germans attacked the Soviet Union, the Slovak state had been recognized by USSR. In the end, we needed to survive - also a bit of practical solution and a bit of a cowardice. BTW President Benes (Check Nationality) had submitted to the Munich treaty and then fled to the UK. He was a coward as well. If Tiso (President of the Slovak State) should have been executed after WWII then for sure Benes should have been hanged in the first row. But he was not. Politics. Despite all written - Checks and Slovaks have good relationships, many families are mixed. Our nations probably had the calmest divorce in the new age history.

  • @JB-kj4uq
    @JB-kj4uq 6 лет назад +2

    To be honest,just take an the hotels I have been to in Bratislava and Prague as an example... I could feel that Bratislava's was more funny,interesting, and welcoming. Prague's was more serious

  • @akospurzsa8368
    @akospurzsa8368 18 дней назад

    So basically Slovakia is more feminine whereas the Czech Republic is more masculine.

  • @thetortoise2017
    @thetortoise2017 7 лет назад +22


  • @panhradu
    @panhradu 6 лет назад +21

    Hlavní rozdíl vidím v tom, že Slováci jsou převážně Slované, kdežto Češi jsou napůl Germáni, ačkoliv to místní slovanofilové nepřipouští. Bohužel pro ně, genetika v tomto aspektu hovoří jasně, když už nechápou, jak rozhodující vliv má na tyto veci geografická poloha. To, že je v součásnosti čeština více Slovanská, než germánská, je způsobeno především krátkou historickou epizodkou národního obrození, které nemělo žádnou logickou autoritu, ale bylo pouze traumatickou opoziční reakcí na útlak ze strany tehdy mocnějších germánskýh národů.
    Jinými slovy, Slováci kulturně patří spíš na východ (například zmíněný konzervatismus), kdežto Češi jsou tak trochu odsouzeni nikdy nepatřit nikam a přitom všude. České dějiny jsou protkané nekonečným dialogem o tom, kam vlastně patříme. V současnosti zde převládá názor, že jsme Slované, ale to je víc než cokoliv jiného pouze pozůstatek výše zmíněného národního obrození a poté půlstoletí vymývání mozku Rusy.

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад +1

      Zaujimavy nazor. Vysvetlovalo by to preco su aj podla studii Cesi blizsi Nemcom ako Slovakom. Je k tejto teme literature/clanky?

    • @jakubadamec4701
      @jakubadamec4701 6 лет назад +11

      No nevim vole.... Češi maj keltsko-germansko-slovanskou krev. Je to kus od kusu, někdo tu má víc slovanský rysy jinej keltský jinej germanský. Český národní obrození probíhalo v etapách a každá z nich měla svou vůdčí osobu (Palacký, Jungmann atd). Tvůj názor vyzněl tak, že vlastně obrození byla blbost. No tak kamo sorry, ale naši největší zabijáci sou z tohodle období, když nepočítám český krále a obrozence - Hus, Komenský, Žižka atd... Čechy patří na západ, vždyť jsme vládli celé Svaté říši římské skoro 100 let. Morava je už orientovaná na východ. Su Moravák, takže vím o čem mluvím. A chachaři na severu sou zase zblblý polakama, taky se s něma furt v historii rezali. Spíš mne vadí, že se furt mluví o Česko-Slovenskejch bratrech a sestrach. Jako sorry slovaci, ale co máte vy spolecnyho s náma sou max. západní Slováci kolem Bratislavy a hlavně Nitry. Lidi z těchhle oblasti maj stejný rysy i chování s Valachama a lidma ze Slovácka. Jinak těch spolecnejch věci máme prd!! Takže moc nechápu, proč se furt říká, že sme bratři?

    • @panhradu
      @panhradu 6 лет назад +3

      No v podstatě v otázce půsodu potvrzuješ to, co jsem napsal. Prostě nejsme slované, jsme mix, to byla má pointa. K těm keltům bych ještě přidal nezanedbatelný podíl krve z jihu. Udajně máme dokonce nějaké to procento z Mongolska.
      Proč jsou to zabijáci? Protože nám to do zblbnutí opakovali ve škole? Všeobecně se u nás šíří názor, že to byla v zásadě dobrá věc, ale už se nikdo neptá, jak to dopadlo na tu germánskou část populace, což byli také češi. Pro mě osobně je národní obrození věc v zásadě neutrální. Národní identita se utváří tisíciletí a ne tak, že populaci naočkuješ během nějakého obrození. To Česko-Slovenské bratrství je mimochodem součástí stejného očkování, neboli propagandy. Prostě epizoda v tisíciletém přetlačování se o toto území mezi Germány a Slovany. Kdyby jsme dnes mluvili nějakou ochočenou verzí Němčiny, mělo by to stejnou národnostní (lokace,kultůra, krev,...) legitimitu jako to, že mluvíme Česky. Víc než cokoliv jiného to vnímám jako boj o moc. Obyčejným lidem je zpravidla jedno jakým jazykem mluví, dokud nepříjde nějaký chytrolín a říká jim jak je to "správně" a kdo jsou. Tito chytrolíni jsou pro mě jen nástroje mocenského boje.
      Btw. Má kořeny se táhnou napůl z Rakouska a napůl z Polska. Aby mě někdo neosočil, že straním Germánům. :D

    • @jakubadamec4701
      @jakubadamec4701 6 лет назад +3

      Nevim, fakt nesohlasím!!! Český nárorodní obrození bylo hnutí lidí většinou z vesnic. A kdvy tě slyšel Havliček, Dobrovskej, Jungman, Palackej, Tyl, Smetana takhle o nich mluvit, tak ti daj asi přes hubu....Kdybys měl čistokrevný český kořeny, mluvíš jinak

    • @panhradu
      @panhradu 6 лет назад +1

      Co jsou čistokrevný kořeny?

  • @Ogeroigres
    @Ogeroigres 7 лет назад +13

    Kudos for using Czechia, smart girl. :)

  • @patricie_kesy
    @patricie_kesy 7 лет назад +21

    Praha je trošku špatné srovnávání. Ani moji vrstevníci, co zažili Československo, tak nerozumí Slovensky. Oni tam prostě tolik Slovenskou Tv nesledovali, jako na Moravě. Moc mě mrzí, že díky digitální Tv již nechytneme SK TV. Jinak v Praze nerozumí ani nám z Moravy. Když jsem tam čtyři roky žila, bylo to občas úsměvné. PS: souhlas s tím, že nemáme rádi Czechia. Je to kravina, kterou někdo z politiků vymyslel, aniž by se zeptal lidí, co na to říkají. Neznám nikoho, komu by se to líbilo.

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  7 лет назад +1

      +Patricie Kesy zaujimave, vobec som netusila ze aj v ramci Ceska su take velke jazykove rozdiely :)

    • @matejvavra6617
      @matejvavra6617 7 лет назад +6

      Tady nejde o to jestli se ti něco líbí nebo ne!! Czechia není žádná kravina kterou vymysleli politici. Czechia je plnohodnotné zeměpisné jméno naší vlasti, nejstarší písemná zmínka je z roku 1569. Pokud alespoň dokážeš přečíst souvislý text tak si to to nastuduj.

    • @junkiesgummies
      @junkiesgummies 7 лет назад +2

      Jsou, Česká Republika se dělí na Čechy (odkud pocházím), Moravu a Slezsko (které má spíš blíže k Polsku) všude je trošku jiná nářečí.
      Slovenština je řeč která má s češtinou opravdu mnoho společného avšak i mnoho rozdílů a ty nejsou pouze v řeči ale i v trošku odlišné mentalitě obou národů, je to zřejmé jelikož já jako Čech mám trošku jinou mentalitu nežli kupříkladu Moravák a ještě více odlišnou co se Slováků týče.
      Opravdu nelze házet celou Českou Republiku ani Slovensko do jednoho pytle, já se cítím jako doma v Čechách.
      Na Moravě a na Slovensku spíše jako na návštěvě u sousedů.

    • @patricie_kesy
      @patricie_kesy 7 лет назад +5

      Teď jsi se ukázal jako inteligent. Už věta "Pokud alespoň dokážeš přečíst souvislý text.." o tobě vypovídá hodně. A jestli sem chceš tahat rok 1569, můžeme se začít bavit o Velké Moravě. Možná si zajdi k psychologovi, třeba ti od té zapšklosti pomůže.

    • @junkiesgummies
      @junkiesgummies 7 лет назад +1

      Netuším vůbec co Vaším komentářem sledujete. Na shledanou.

  • @christopherhecko7234
    @christopherhecko7234 4 года назад +4

    As half Czech I don't like this video. Each person is different from others, so it's completely wrong standing and generalizing Czech people are cold, introverted or similar to germans... As it's unfair as well saying that Slovaks are more humble or more extroverted. Everyone has own opinion, but for me Czechs and Slovaks are too similar and I don't like seeing people building cultural barriers which even don't exist...either in Cezch Republic or in Slovakia there are more friendly people and those who are colder. Stop making a nationality issue.

  • @emosaurik
    @emosaurik 5 лет назад +2

    Pokud jde o jazyk, záleží na tom, kde se člověk nachází. Já žiji na jižní Moravě a slovensky rozumím bez větších problémů. Je to zřejmě i tím, že mám část rodiny na Slovensku (jako většina lidí tady). Pokud ovšem mluvíte s někým z Čech, může to pro něj být méně srozumitelné. Ale je to spíš tím, že je to dál. To samé platí u Slezska, kde víc rozumí polštině. Je to prostě o tom, ke kterému státu to má člověk blíže.

  • @rkss2014
    @rkss2014 7 лет назад +13


  • @bonosbones
    @bonosbones 5 лет назад

    Djakujem! Thank you for the video, I know many Slovak people but it took me a while to start understanding them. Thanks to your video it is a lot clearer now. 👍

  • @ally990xx
    @ally990xx 5 лет назад +11

    I'm Bohemian and I'm trying to learn more about what happened to us 🤣

    • @colec.6477
      @colec.6477 5 лет назад

      Lmao same. Jak se máš from Texas.

  • @micsim_0437
    @micsim_0437 6 лет назад +5

    Bliat 🇷🇺🇷🇸🇧🇬🇭🇷🇵🇱🇸🇰🇨🇿🇧🇦🇧🇾🇭🇷🇲🇰🇸🇮🇺🇦Dis is powerful💪

  • @ValerieHalla-no1else
    @ValerieHalla-no1else 5 лет назад +1

    I'm 35 and believed my whole life that I was mostly Czech, and was very proud of my Czech heritage. Recently my sister took a DNA test, and it turns out we are more Irish than anything??? My grandparents as far as I knew were Czech, they spoke the language, and had very thick Czech accents. How the hell did that happen? Any insight anyone? Sorry for the neverending comment. I'm totally not having a midlife crisis over here or anything. Promise 😐

    • @Shrooms-gud4ya
      @Shrooms-gud4ya 5 лет назад

      Just curious are such DNA/heritage tests expensive? Because wanted to take one for LOL's to see who/what am I. I'm Polish, like my parents and grandparents, but everyone tells me I'm....Romanian (-_- .....WTF)

    • @ValerieHalla-no1else
      @ValerieHalla-no1else 5 лет назад

      @@Shrooms-gud4ya the most popular ones are "23 and me" & " ancestry" they are both around $100.00. they do have sales and I've seen them as low as $60.00. I would research them both because each one has cool features that make for a different user experience. Oh yeah and use at your own risk. You may not like what you find. Lol take care

    • @toxicwaste2794
      @toxicwaste2794 4 года назад

      Was it a myheritage dna test? The irish results can actually be old celtic dna. Celts lived in central/ eastern europe

    • @naqiszhalia9334
      @naqiszhalia9334 4 года назад

      Czech Republic is Slavic country by culture and language but before Slavic tribes we had Celtic tribes here, these Celtic tribes later moved more to West. And we are in the Central Europe, there were many trade roads, so people got mixed up a lot. It is a possible that you might have some Celtic/Irish roots or it wasnt proper DNA test, i always prefer going with papers, going to books, do my family tree this way. But its different than testing DNA itself.

    • @Arianeria
      @Arianeria 2 года назад

      @@naqiszhalia9334 Those Celtic tribes did not move more west, they assimilated with Slavs thats why Czechs when they take DNA tests have usualy some 20 percent of Celtic blood in them and then we go big percentage of Slavic, less percentage of Germanic and some lesser admixtures.

  • @JaroTomik
    @JaroTomik 7 лет назад +35

    Slovensko... Láska moja...

    • @lpsvisek5380
      @lpsvisek5380 5 лет назад +4

      ČESKO je lepší

    • @slavicdrill3211
      @slavicdrill3211 5 лет назад

      Little thing.Im polish and Laska in polish means A Hot Girl😂this was funny to me as my friend was talking with me in slovak and me in polish and i though he was talking about his Crush😂

    • @drzpicuanemluvuz
      @drzpicuanemluvuz 4 года назад +1

      Lps visek Hraješ si s LPS, nemáš právo na názor.

  • @HouseCzechowski
    @HouseCzechowski 6 лет назад +20

    "Slovak are still conservative" thats sounds very negative from your point. Might it is nothing wrong to be conservative? Polish pepole has no problem to be conservative. I think Slovakian has much more closer mentaly to Polish than to Czech pepole.
    Be a conservative it is caring about Identy :). Czech Pepole during ages slowly lossing own identy. I think that Slovakia are on good way :)

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад +5

      It wasn't really ment negative.. honestly I think there is no good or bad when talking about cultures. Just different values and beliefs. As long as you don't hurt anyone of course...

    • @emolasker
      @emolasker 6 лет назад

      Wlasnie. Správne si to vystihol.

    • @jangobo8716
      @jangobo8716 5 лет назад

      Can I ask why did you few times write pepole instead people?

    • @bukelos2804
      @bukelos2804 4 года назад

      Proč myslíš, že Češi ztrácejí svoji identitu? :D Kvůli naší nepříliš viditelné a rozhodné vládě? Nebo jsi zažil nějaké osobní střety s vymytými, liberálními mozky, kterých je nejvíc v Praze? Takovéto kecy jsou a budou... jen kecy. Tak nekecej Ronalde.

  • @ukaszdabrowski5204
    @ukaszdabrowski5204 6 лет назад +4

    Greetings from Poland! :)

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад +1

      Greetings back! :)

    • @ukaszdabrowski5204
      @ukaszdabrowski5204 6 лет назад +1

      BoundaryLess Thanks, can you make some movie about Poland and Slovakia? I have many friends in your country :)

  • @PiscotV
    @PiscotV 4 года назад +1

    Musím říct že raňajky byl můj velký problém, když jsem to slyšel poprvé. Druhá věc byla, když jsem se dozvěděl jak se řekne slovensky 'žízeň'. A třetí, když jsem se dozvěděl že 'žízeň', se slovensky píše s přehlasovaným 'ä' (a současně s tím, že slovenština má přehlásky). :-D

    • @LaszloVondracsek
      @LaszloVondracsek 3 года назад

      No, "smad" , opravdu je zizen, je to trosicku rozdil, ale "ranajky".... jestlize vis co to znamena "rano", hned ti dojde co to je "ranajky".

  • @lixus7050
    @lixus7050 3 года назад +1

    My mum is from Slovakia and my dad is from Czechia

  • @bezbotek
    @bezbotek 6 лет назад +12

    Posledních dvacet let nutili čeští režíséři všechny slovenské herce v českých filmech a seriálech mluvit česky. Ale filmy a seriály, co se točí posledních pár let už tím netrpí. Tam už jsou stále častěji slovenští herci, kteří v celém filmu mluví jak jim zobák narostl.

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад +1

      Veru. Ja telku velmi nepozeram ale ked som obcas doma a bezia ceske programi tak vela hercov hovori v Slovencine.

    • @sushi2922
      @sushi2922 5 лет назад

      BoundaryLess co to meleš jestli je nějaký slovák v české filmu tak buď mluvi česky nebo když mluví slovensky tak je předabovaný do češtiny

  • @mdkane1921
    @mdkane1921 5 лет назад +1

    it´s maybe few differences between Prague and Slovakia...but both countries have less differences than any other nations in this world ;-)

  • @lowybite_1519
    @lowybite_1519 7 лет назад +91

    Slovenský dabingy zní u většiny filmů a seriálů příšerně :D

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  7 лет назад +13

      LowyBite _ dabingy zneju celkovo vzdy hrozne 😂

    • @knuckle-sandwichmma681
      @knuckle-sandwichmma681 7 лет назад +6

      Tvoja gramatika vyzerá príšerne

    • @rkss2014
      @rkss2014 7 лет назад +11

      Prave naopak Cestina znie hrozne u serialou a preto vecinou serialy co hraju na Dome a sleduju to Ceši su Sk Dabing

    • @haffik
      @haffik 7 лет назад +11

      Bez ohľadu na to, či som Slovák, alebo Čech, tak nesúhlasím so seriálmi. Jeden za všetky - Frasier. Česká verzia sa nedá pozerať, tá naša je perfektne nadabovaná (pozeral som EN/SK/CZ).

    • @ZOZO-go6jd
      @ZOZO-go6jd 7 лет назад +8

      to není pravda co třeba simpsonovi ? I samotní tvůrci seriálu veřejně prohlásily že český dabing je jeden z těch nejlepších a mě slovenský dabing v seriálech moc nesedí a neznám jediného čecha který by se na seriali koukal výhradně ve slovenštině. Dde si na takovouhle pitomost ,kterou si napsal, přišel ?

  • @Serystra
    @Serystra 6 лет назад +5

    Czechia 🇨🇿❤💪

  • @slavicdrill3211
    @slavicdrill3211 5 лет назад

    1 funny polish szkuać drogi means like to search the way in slovak it means fuck drugs😂

  • @lukatepes9788
    @lukatepes9788 6 лет назад

    Slovenians are also very German (or Austrian) our mentality is also quite German and our country is constantly mistaken for Austria. Some Slovenians might not like to admit that, but it's true. And Slovenia is also the richest country in "former eastern Europe" even richer than Czechia :P (I still love Czechia though XD) (and Slovakia). And Slovenian is very difficult for anyone to understand as far as I know. So many slavic speakers barely understand us at all, probably because our words are so different and weird (as what I've heard) and our pronunciation is strange. We pronounce our Vs like Us and our Ls like Us sometimes too XD. And we have 3 "E" and two "O" sounds, which are quite distinct and mean different things if not used correctly (they have these sounds in Germanic languages too XD). And you just have to remember which E and O sounds to use because for some reason we don't write them because we're quite silly. When lots of Slovenians go to Croatia for holiday, they just speak English because if we spoke Slovenian, they probably wouldn't understand us at all. ...oh well `~`.

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад

      Wow. I didn't know that. I never understood though why our two nations have such similar names even though we don't share much history/culture (besides being Slavs).

    • @lukatepes9788
      @lukatepes9788 6 лет назад

      @@PetraBotekova Yeah that's true XD. I personally don't understand Slovak really, but I have an easier time understanding Czech because a lot of the words are more similar. The only thing I can think of that Slovak is more similar to Slovenian is in counting; like in Czech 4 is čtyři whilst in Slovak it's štyri. A bit like the Slovenian 4 štiri.
      Slovak: Jeden dva tri štyri päť šesť sedem osem deväť desať.
      Slovenian: Ena dve tri štiri pet šest sedem osem devet deset pronounced: (ena dvê tri štiri pêt šêst sêdem ôsem devêt desêt)
      Ê= *ea* r
      Ô= t *al* k (British Engish)
      I love Slovakia by the way XD

    • @letecmig
      @letecmig 3 года назад

      "Slovenia is also the richest country in "former eastern Europe" even richer than Czechia :P" ....2 years old comment..... and not true any more. Be careful about what you boast about next time;)

  • @Ondrus21
    @Ondrus21 6 лет назад +2

    Kde, že je ta Čechie? Nějak jí nemůžu najít.

  • @karolinadolna8388
    @karolinadolna8388 3 года назад +1

    můžou z nás prosím lidi přestat dělat němce? to že máme blíž k německé kultuře než slovanské je sračka, to je to samé jak kdybych já řekla že vy maté blíž k maďarům..jsme slované s nějakými německými vlivy ale furt jsme slované

  • @inkoin7024
    @inkoin7024 5 лет назад +5

    Nesúhlasím s tým, že Slovensko bolo stále pod ostatnými štátmi, čo napríklad Velká Morava alebo Samove královstvo ?

  • @slavicdrill3211
    @slavicdrill3211 5 лет назад +4

    Bec of my friend like 40% of my playlist now is DMS,Gleb,Samey etc...
    Im polish and at the begining slovak was kinda weird to me,but as i listened more and more i just got full into it.I love your Music!And I understand like 70% of slovak if i speak with someone.You should do Video about similarities between Poland and Slovakia.I think we are just more similar than we think.

  • @reformedcatholic457
    @reformedcatholic457 5 лет назад

    Czech are more atheist/agnostic in a statistic it said many people said "I don't know" about 24%.

  • @craftah
    @craftah 3 года назад +2

    Not true, it doesnt matter where someone is from. You cant just say someone's mentality is that just because of their nationality.

    • @tyunpeters3170
      @tyunpeters3170 2 года назад

      I knew someone would have this opinion. Trust me, Brazilians and Chinese have a different average mentality.
      As an example, the Pew Research Center polled different nations for their opinions on a range of moral issues. The poll results show different attitudes between countries towards certain behaviors.

    • @craftah
      @craftah 2 года назад

      @@tyunpeters3170 i met so many people I know what I'm saying. Even if most are different still there's millions who are like me for example

  • @rubelhasan4157
    @rubelhasan4157 3 года назад +1

    I love czechia

  • @annaheviankova9904
    @annaheviankova9904 4 года назад +1

    Maybe it is sad, but i never see a film from Slovakia 🙈 i am Czech 🇨🇿

    • @Ender_Nether
      @Ender_Nether 4 года назад

      Pretože sa to u vás nevysiela
      V mojej lokalite sú aj české aj slovenské kanály

  • @redsamson0023
    @redsamson0023 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you for this video! I live in the U.S., and I have a side of my family that originally came from Northern Switzerland, and have a cousin who married another American with Czech roots, and I find the similarities quite interesting. In Texas, people from three countries (Chechia, German Speaking Countries and Poland) settled in communities together and today are monolingual English speakers. Still, I’m glad I get to learn about that.

  • @zdrastvutye
    @zdrastvutye 3 года назад

    i remember a fellow studen with name kabelac who claimed to be from cssr but later i have read about ion tiriac who was from romania. "zbor" is an indigenous romanian word not similar to any word meaning the same in any other language

  • @slavicdrill3211
    @slavicdrill3211 5 лет назад +1

    Do u like Poland?

    • @richardhruskoci1227
      @richardhruskoci1227 4 года назад +1

      Poland is the third forgotten brother

    • @slavicdrill3211
      @slavicdrill3211 4 года назад

      @Poljski Perun Slavko fuck stereotypes.Every country has some.

  • @timelapse5391
    @timelapse5391 6 лет назад +1

    Im new here i am From Slovakia and will subscribe😜🇸🇰

  • @miroslavaroberts8265
    @miroslavaroberts8265 4 года назад

    I don’t know where you got the number from, but it is definitely not 90% of atheists in CZ... around 30% still belong to Christian church and around 10% other religions.

  • @segoeprint1303
    @segoeprint1303 7 лет назад +5

    Dobrý video, je mi líto že ti v Praze nerozuměli ale věř mi jde to i naopak. "Snídaně vole" mě zabilo xD

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  7 лет назад +1

      Segoe Print haha to verim :)) krasny den z Bratislavy!

  • @lovelypolishperson5566
    @lovelypolishperson5566 4 года назад +3

    That Czech receptionist would probably understand Polish because breakfast is called "śniadanie", almost like in Czech.

    • @saiien2
      @saiien2 4 года назад +2

      I work as receptionist in one Prague hotel and I understand Polish pretty well not just "śniadanie". If he speaks more slowly than usual I undestrand like 70%. And the rest I usualy know what he means even I don't understand a certain word.

  • @alwantamalus3709
    @alwantamalus3709 5 лет назад

    It's sad Czechoslovakia doesn't exist anymore... From algerian point of view Slovakia and Czech Republic are same, you can live in one single country. why Swiss German and Swiss French live in one country without problems??

  • @penelopka15
    @penelopka15 Год назад

    Do you speak Slovakian And do you speak czech yes or no 🇨🇿🇸🇰

  • @aswler
    @aswler 6 лет назад

    How did you learn the great English pronounciation?

  • @notv_internetuser3789
    @notv_internetuser3789 4 года назад

    90% of Czechs are NOT atheists, 72% of them are secular and only 39% of them within that percentage are atheists. Both Czechia and Slovakia are Catholic Christian countries, the reason the former is secular but the latter is religious is because the Czechs were conquered by Catholic Austrians and were forced to renounce Hussism (Protestant reformism) and embrace the Catholic Church. Ever since the end of World War I in which Czechoslovakia gained its independence from the Austrians, many Czechs started to depart from the Catholic Church viewing it as an instrument of German imperialism. Ever since the fall of Communist rule, the Catholic Church and unfortunately the Hussite church have declined deeply due to Czech nationalisation but also urbanisation and industrialisation in which people have less time for God but more important things like wealth and health. Nevertheless evangelical Christianity is making a comeback and before you know it may become a greater replacement of the Catholic Church.

  • @hedvika0077
    @hedvika0077 7 лет назад +9

    Slováci jsou prosadivější ve světě. V UK koupíte výrobky s návodem přeloženým i do Slovenčiny, nikdy do Češtiny. Slováci žijící, v Praze mají silné rodinné vazby, otec je hlavou rodiny, někdy příliš agresivní. Jsou katolíci a jsou agresivnější, bezprostřednější hysteričtější, velice milují svojí rodinu a přátele. Jsou sexuálně náruživí se sklony k promiskuitě přestože chodí pravidelně do kostela.

    • @Rimmsy100
      @Rimmsy100 6 лет назад +6

      :D ta posledni veta me dostala...

    • @temeraf.8667
      @temeraf.8667 6 лет назад


    • @helisekk
      @helisekk 6 лет назад +3

      spíš se jen snaží prosadit, ale nedaří se jim. Slovensko ve světě není vůbec známé. Za dobu co jsme odděleni nestačili udělat nic velkolepého. Neříkám, že česko zná každý (mám zkušenost že často v jinych kontinentech taky neví o česku), ale velká část světa zná Prahu, nevadí že jim 'czech republic' nic neříká. Znají a většinou i milují Prahu, a Praha je naše😊

    • @temeraf.8667
      @temeraf.8667 6 лет назад +8

      heli sek, to je sice pravda, že Češi jsou známější než Slováci, ale podle mě mají Slováci lepší chování.

    • @hedvika0077
      @hedvika0077 6 лет назад +1

      heli sek Prahu znají, i když ne vždycky vědí kde to je. Ti vzdělanější vědí, že Praha byla mezi prvními centry vzdělanosti středověku.

  • @masterlovoda715
    @masterlovoda715 6 лет назад +21

    Tak Češi mají blíž k Němcům a Slováci zase k Madarům :D

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  6 лет назад +3

      Nieco na tom bude 😉

    • @tomachristopher2584
      @tomachristopher2584 6 лет назад +12

      Lenže maďarska DNA je 95% slovanská a Maďari brali zvyky od nás napr. na Veľkú noc šibu a polievaju ako my. My nemáme blízko k ním, my sme čistý slovansky narod narozdiel od Čechov ktorý sú viac "zblížení" s Nemcami.

    • @Alex-ve7tn
      @Alex-ve7tn 6 лет назад +3

      @@tomachristopher2584 A nemci nemajú so Slovanmi nič.

    • @Alex-ve7tn
      @Alex-ve7tn 6 лет назад

      @@prod.pedroicyy4630 Jou haha že 40% 😂😂

    • @cheezyballzzz4207
      @cheezyballzzz4207 6 лет назад +1

      Teraz práveže jedine co nám tu po maďaroch ostalo sú dobre recepti na trdelník :D ja keby som mal vyjadriť ku situácii CZ vs SK tak Slováci niesu lepší aj keď som zo Slovenska sme si rovný :D a keby mi tu niekto išiel nadávať že Česi sú lespi kovli dabingom tak už sa teším ako zase pôjdete vy Česi do tatier a budme to mat novy český cintorín xd

  • @ItalianIrishguy
    @ItalianIrishguy 5 лет назад +7

    Long live the people of Europe, from your American cousin! :)

    • @renato6090
      @renato6090 4 года назад

      Grandissimo :) i’m italian and slovak and when i’ll be able to i want to go one year in high scool in the US.

  • @thyshiaalen5698
    @thyshiaalen5698 3 года назад

    More than culture differences trust plays a major role in Business .. relationship

  • @elemental3826
    @elemental3826 5 лет назад +2


  • @mattball7074
    @mattball7074 7 лет назад +3

    Well said, confirmed my experience with czechs and slovaks ahaha

    • @PetraBotekova
      @PetraBotekova  7 лет назад +2

      Haha really glad you liked it :)

    • @mattball7074
      @mattball7074 6 лет назад +1

      11 months late on this reply but I think slovaks are funnier 😃 --> i guess more relationship oriented!

  • @alexlola4723
    @alexlola4723 3 года назад +1

    i will never speak english in czechia, it's weird, no, no way 😂😂 in the birth certificate i have czechoslovakia as a country of birth, it is my right to speak slovak in czechia 😂😂... it is possible that the reception was not czech, foreigners often work at receptions in prague

    • @LaszloVondracsek
      @LaszloVondracsek 10 месяцев назад

      Jak se v Česku domluvíte anglicky, když jste Slovák? To by se mi zdálo nejsměšnější, nemyslitelné!🙃

    • @alexlola4723
      @alexlola4723 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@LaszloVondracsekak mi "čech" nerozumie mohla by som skúsiť aj maďarsky ale to tiež nemyslím že by malo zmysel... ja som v phe doma, ako som pisala - narodila som sa v československu, to mám aj v rodnom liste - je mojím "právom" rozprávať v čechách slovensky... ale so situáciou keď mi "čech" na recepcii nerozumel som sa stretla mnohokrát - pretože to jednoducho nebol čech... cudzinec žijúci v čechách sa naučí česky, ale so slovenčinou si už neporadí - tam uz buď ja musím mluvit česky - alebo anglicky... nikde inde ako v hoteli by ma "čech" nedonútil rozprávať anglicky - práve preto že by to bolo absurdné a smiešne a nemysliteľné...

    • @LaszloVondracsek
      @LaszloVondracsek 10 месяцев назад

      @@alexlola4723 Ano, skutečně, pokud je na recepci někdo, kdo se sotva naučil česky, rozhodně si ve slovenštině neporadí. I naopak! Zdravím z Rumunska, kde je významná česko-slovenská komunita!
      P.S. Mezi námi každý komunikujeme jazykem, který známe lépe, ani nevnímáme, jestli někdo mluví česky nebo slovensky!

  • @benuherka8709
    @benuherka8709 3 года назад +1

    Then there are Moravians

  • @-russian--boy-8303
    @-russian--boy-8303 7 лет назад

    WOW :D Super video! 😊

  • @F1GradPrixMontenegro
    @F1GradPrixMontenegro 6 лет назад

    Where you bought dress?

  • @viktordelrey2824
    @viktordelrey2824 7 лет назад +1

    i think its pretty accurate

  • @thevoicestoldmetoagain4627
    @thevoicestoldmetoagain4627 4 года назад

    I dont know which id belong to. Czech or Slav. Im an American. But i have ancestors from Czechoslovakia AND Yugoslavia. Both countries dont exist anymore.

  • @marekbeno1173
    @marekbeno1173 6 лет назад

    "Not that long ago" it's been a 100 years

  • @matejpetrus8857
    @matejpetrus8857 4 года назад +5

    povedz guľôčka v jamôčke XD

  • @majstter7420
    @majstter7420 2 года назад

    To posledné sa mi príliš nepozdáva, možno v Prahe vo firmách to tak je, ale Česi vo všeobecnosti majú ďaleko od nemeckej mentality. Rovnako sú uvolnení ako aj my väčšinou aspon podla mojich skúseností.

  • @whyamihere832
    @whyamihere832 4 года назад

    I'll Choose Slovakia

  • @sarahel4156
    @sarahel4156 7 лет назад +11

    Kdo je taky z česka??😀😀

  • @akrospos
    @akrospos 4 года назад +1

    You so young to understand haw was in 1980.that was one country .The Czech Republik looking for west ,like was b/fore 1938..They are belong too Germany. Slovakia and Czech Republik is no the brother and the Sister`s.

  • @chippy3668
    @chippy3668 4 года назад +2

    Off topic but who thinks the Czech Republic and Slovakia should reunite into Czechoslovakia again!