"Fixing" The Phantom Menace with Three Character Changes

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @thorskywalker
    @thorskywalker  5 лет назад +185

    Special thanks to Rigamonti & Star Commander for providing artwork for the thumbnail and within the video.

    • @Armoless
      @Armoless 5 лет назад +1

      @@darthrevan7710 Your mom is a talented individual!

    • @armoroftruth3166
      @armoroftruth3166 5 лет назад +3

      You should write scripts for star wars movies👍😎

    • @sc_art5408
      @sc_art5408 5 лет назад +1

      Congratulations to Argobot for making the thumbnail! It was definitely better suited.

    • @thestarwarsguy1821
      @thestarwarsguy1821 5 лет назад +1

      Midicholorians are a manifestation in the narrative of how the Jedi Order have strayed from their faith and have boiled the Force and ones worthiness to weild down to science and numbers. They're important to the failure of the Jedi, that's why they stay, and that's why they are absent in the original Trilogy, because the remaining Jedi have rightfully abandoned their reliance upon them. Remember Anakin cited to Qui-Gon that he heard Yoda talking about Midicholorians, even though us the viewer had only heard Qui-Gon mention them at that point in the narrative, but it's at that moment we see that Qui-Gon was just playing the system to get his own way. He knew finding Anakin was the will of the force without a Midicholorian count, but he knew the council wouldn't accept that.

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  5 лет назад +2

      I've argued before that the only reason Qui-Gon even cares about Anakin's midi-chlorian count is he'll use it as a way to prove to the council that Anakin is the chosen one.

  • @ranekeisenkralle8265
    @ranekeisenkralle8265 5 лет назад +684

    Jar Jar as a disgraced warrior? That would work for me. Overall i like your suggestions. I think they would indeed have made for an improvement. But yes, hindsight is always 20/20

    • @Tolbat
      @Tolbat 5 лет назад +4

      like 79 and view 7999

    • @RokuroCarisu
      @RokuroCarisu 5 лет назад +9

      According to expanded universe, he did enlist for the Gungan army at one point, but soon got kicked out because he sucked as a soldier.

    • @davincent98
      @davincent98 5 лет назад +2

      But looking back, it's still a bit fuzzy

    • @MrChickennugget360
      @MrChickennugget360 5 лет назад +10

      the prequels suck- but not becase they don't have potential. there is a good story that could have come out of the script had been worked on more before they started filming. The problem was Lucas did not focus enough on the writing.

    • @IWoSITheDirector
      @IWoSITheDirector 5 лет назад +8

      You know, I think it would be topped off by having be a sort of drunken master archetype. Have it seem like the way he wins his fights is by accident, but have his competence showcased when things get too serious.

  • @worldtreesagas
    @worldtreesagas 5 лет назад +415

    I actually love all of this, including the concept for why the separatists form. Bravo!

    • @blvp2145
      @blvp2145 5 лет назад +3

      I agree.

    • @alvarodiaz2221
      @alvarodiaz2221 5 лет назад +14

      this could even be used to explain a conflict in the terrible sequel trilogy. Instead of having a first order rising up from nowhere, they could be easily explained as remnant forces of the fallen empire that people of the rimworlds actually follow and support because they are the only ones that bring them order and protection from outside menaces, while the new republic is highly inefficient and has no reach over those worlds. Instead of we nazis now, it would be the people following the lesser of two evils because the republic is just not there for them.

    • @nightmareTomek
      @nightmareTomek 5 лет назад


  • @DarkLordArmanus
    @DarkLordArmanus 5 лет назад +46

    I think the change in attitude with Anakin in AOTC could have very easily been summed up with a couple of lines in the scene on Tatooine where he’s telling Padme about what he did to the sand people.
    Something like “I kept trying to get Obi Wan the jedi to rescue my mother and the rest of the slaves, but the wouldn’t. They didn’t care, and now she’s dead, and I couldn’t save her.”
    That would have very neatly shown how his altruism led to where he was and laid more groundwork for his eventual fall.

  • @spiderxand
    @spiderxand 5 лет назад +289

    I enjoyed your take. Especially about Jar-Jar. And I agree with the age shift for Anakin. Plus removing the date scenes is a good call, too. Padme is being hunted. And they have Meet the Parents, SW style? I hope you flesh out further characters. Padme being one of them.

    • @GeneralBlackNorway
      @GeneralBlackNorway 5 лет назад +17

      Also Padmé should become the Queen not by election, but by the death of her parents at the ("secretly") hands of the Trade Federation in the beginning of the movie. This way she can really relate to Anakin when his mom died in the next movie. Also she could be frustrated by the new "Queen" (or maybe a different title that was democratically elected?) that had force her out of power, so that Anakin could relate to her. This way they would not be polar opposites in politics (him an authoritarian and her a liberal democrat, instead they are both more authoritarian). Though I'd keep a little bit of their Romance scenes, broken up by another assassination attempt where Anakin saves her life(again). Before him saving her (the second time) she is not really interested in him but after there's a change in her character and they are more in tune. If done right it could work. I don't think falling in love under pure stress is such a good idea, there should be at least some romance in there as a foundation to make it believable. Their relationship should be a bit awkward at first like the movie starts, then after he saves her the first time he becomes more confident and playful, she stops him and it becomes more formal again, before going to Naboo where they become more casual as she vents her frustrations and they are more casual, then second assassination, then they become more romantic before the conversation where she brings up their duties (just done better, she likes him, but the reality of their situation prevents them) then the go to Tatooine and they become closer again. Then they go save Obi-Wan, get captured and she expresses her falling in love and regrets not acting on it earlier, maybe she says she wishes they had run off on their own as she thinks they are about to die.

    • @AnthonyGillisAuthor
      @AnthonyGillisAuthor 5 лет назад +2

      Agreed. I always had the impression that Lucas turning Anakin from a young man to a little boy was a fairly late decision. It ran against everything hinted at in the original trilogy, and some elements of the Anakin/Padme relationship seemed 'off', as if originally written for an older him.

  • @devonwilliamson1730
    @devonwilliamson1730 5 лет назад +129

    I like your ideas for Anakin and his relationship with Padme. This would make AOTC much better as well.

  • @superjoint3419
    @superjoint3419 5 лет назад +137

    I saw once a fan-edit that fixed most of my problems with TPM by removing 98% or Jar-Jar footage and making a few other changes.
    Once you remove all the crap gags the character of Jar-Jar becomes actually quite compelling and sympathetic : the poor dude was just minding his business in the forest and suddenly he gets dragged into a dangerous adventure where he risks his life being almost eaten by a giant fish and then blasted to death by droids (again,all the crap gags in the battle scene were removed and the Duel of Fates was one continuous long fight, which was way more enjoyable). The poor fella didn't ask for any of this, but tried his best to help, like working on fixing Anakin's pod racer (the stupid gag is cut so all you see is Jar-Jar patiently and carefully working with a screw driver to fix the pod engine and help these 2 ungrateful assholes who ruined his peaceful walk in the Naboo forest).
    In the end Jar-Jar saves the day by bringing the populations of Naboo's humans and Gungans together, proving that he cares about his people (who treated him like crap) and also about the other inhabitants of his planet (of which he probably knows next to nothing). Do we humans give a shit about any other living species on our planet other than ourselves ? Fuck no ! But Jar-Jar does: he cares about the planet as a whole.
    So Jar-Jar can be seen as being caring, tolerant, open-minded and even brave (he risked being shot on sight when returning to the underwater city: once banished you cannot return, usually under penalty of death right ? at least that's what I assumed 'cuz Gungans don't fuck around seeing as they banish you just for being a bit clumsy).
    All you need to do in order to make Jar-Jar amiable is to remove him from the movie almost entirely, and I'm not even being ironic.
    Jar-Jar is a misunderstood hero and unfortunately his naive kindness made him an easy prey for the evil manipulations of a certain power-hungry politician...
    Another reason to hate Disney is that they removed all fan-edits from youtube: that's when I decided not to pay for any of their crap movies and crap EA video-games (that's an even worse mess than the movies imo). Anyway, cool channel dude !

    • @robbhays8077
      @robbhays8077 5 лет назад +11

      Agreed. A few careful edits were all that were needed to fix TPM and ROTS. AOTC needs a complete rewrite, IMO. The best fan edit I saw of AOTC basically removed all dialogue between Anakin and Padme. It almost worked, funnily enough.

    • @GregoryMatous
      @GregoryMatous 5 лет назад +19

      You captured the essence of what Jar-Jar was supposed to be -- a naive character who was caught up in something he didn't fully comprehend. A rube in a way, but goodhearted, who ends up being hated by everyone (including the fans as it turns out!).

    • @TTEchidna
      @TTEchidna 5 лет назад +8

      @@GregoryMatous He's the equivalent of 3PO and R2 in ANH. But by being just one character, he causes a lot of issues... and George put too many poop jokes in with him. I guarantee that the cut he watched where he says "I may have gone too far in a few places" had at least two more poop jokes for Jar Jar.

    • @lugie
      @lugie 5 лет назад +11

      You are wrong, jar jar is a sith lord, he was there on purpose.

    • @Alias_Anybody
      @Alias_Anybody 5 лет назад +2

      AOTC would need partially new CGI and a few redubs.

  • @robtheranger
    @robtheranger 5 лет назад +19

    I think you have described the movie that many were expecting, setting up the series that was hoped for. Maybe a supposed death of Maul at the end of AOTC to fit in with what we got in TCW

  • @Lennis01
    @Lennis01 5 лет назад +20

    I would like to add Dooku as a disillusioned Jedi master. His leaving the order is kinda a big deal later on, so it is important to introduce his character early.

    • @Paulafan5
      @Paulafan5 5 лет назад +6

      @Greg Elchert I thought Sifo-Dyas should have been Grievious (ie that's what's left of Sifo in Grievious. A proto-Vader, if you will). He's not seen in the movies, only mentioned so it could have worked and made more sense as to why he could kill Jedi.

  • @AGS363
    @AGS363 5 лет назад +508

    But would Jar Jar still be a secret Sith Lord in your version?

    • @itsthemumu8585
      @itsthemumu8585 5 лет назад +24

      AGS363 with the change he made to the character, I don’t think it’s necessary as long as the current character arc he has remains

    • @EchthelionII
      @EchthelionII 5 лет назад +10

      Please no.

    • @KamisamanoOtaku
      @KamisamanoOtaku 5 лет назад +94

      Darth Jar Jar is *always* necessary. Frankly, it alone would save the prequel trilogy for me. Not make it epic, but save it. ;)

    • @Bundeskaiser
      @Bundeskaiser 5 лет назад +22

      I don't think he would, but I think he should.
      This is the theory I like the most out of all movie theories and it makes perfect sense as well and it would also be one of the greatest plot twists in movie history. The only issue is that this would break the rule of 2. With Plagueis, Sidious and Maul there would already be the trio of overthrown (killed) master, new master and new apprentice. Wouldn't be easy to work around that.
      I don't like the Jar Jar ark which is suggested here and prefer the Darth Jar Jar version. The only thing I would change about him in Episode I is a bit less of the slapstick. He should still disguise as an idiot but not overact like he did in the movie.

    • @davidthewhale7556
      @davidthewhale7556 5 лет назад +3

      No that theory is dumb

  • @arivaldhagel2394
    @arivaldhagel2394 5 лет назад +56

    Change for Anakin and for Jar Jar is great. Maul... I also like what happened to him in Clone Wars, but it can still happen, although not by splitting him in two but perhaps by simple Sith Rivalry.

    • @itsthemumu8585
      @itsthemumu8585 5 лет назад +1

      Arivald Ha'gel I loved what Belated Media did with Maul in his “what if Star Wars Episode ____ was good” series where he has his hypothetical prequel trilogy

    • @arivaldhagel2394
      @arivaldhagel2394 5 лет назад +1

      I will check that video! Thanks!

    • @turk58guy
      @turk58guy 5 лет назад +7

      Idk what happens in the video you reference but I feel like to get the clone wars to still happen while not "killing" Darth maul in episode 1 would be to have the battle of fates move outside, maybe within a viewing range of the droid battlefield. This would allow qui gon to still die and give maul a reason to want to escape after he realizes that the battle is lost. This doesn't make obi wan lose either and give obi wan a chance to injury maul without killing him. Maul would then recieve his slice in episode 2 by count dooku after he realizes he is being replaced by him. This would help flesh out count dooku's skill and character so he's not so flat either. Maul would then descend to madness of his hatred of the sith and obi wan because he was thought to be too weak because he fled Naboo after losing his fight to obi wan

    • @jamestolbert1856
      @jamestolbert1856 5 месяцев назад

      I prefer the rivalry between Obi Wan and Maul better

  • @noelcrenshaw7969
    @noelcrenshaw7969 5 лет назад +100

    Yea, definitely gonna need you to do the other two. It's what the force demands.

    • @BobTheTesaurus
      @BobTheTesaurus 5 лет назад +5

      the Force does not demand, it vaguely requests

    • @bucketboy8461
      @bucketboy8461 5 лет назад +8

      The force doesn’t demand or vaguely request... it breaths heavily on the person until they get so creeped out they do it.

  • @goombathegrey2664
    @goombathegrey2664 5 лет назад +74

    I enjoy and like the prequels as is but I like your modifications on focusing on character dynamics between Maul, Anakin, and Kenobi. I also like the idea of Anakins age being in his teens versus being a child. I also like the tension and strain caused by Jin not being able to fear Anakins mother that would have played a more direct part in Anakins path to the dark side. Good good let the theories flow through you.

  • @darklord884
    @darklord884 5 лет назад +20

    This is fun and I hope you'll do more of these. I always love fanfictions and alternate takes on movies or scenes and this type in particular, when you explore how a movie could be done differently, maybe better, fascinates me.

  • @hiaimrandom4629
    @hiaimrandom4629 5 лет назад +13

    All of your videos are well thought out and great, but goddamn this rewrite might be my favorite star wars analysis you've done yet. Everything in this just makes sense, and could easily be seen as a damn fine movie. Love the Anakin & Obi-Wan/Maul dynamic, and I think having him be the big bad Sith instead of Dooku would be a wonderful idea. Keep up the good work.

    • @EchthelionII
      @EchthelionII 5 лет назад +3

      But keep Dooku, you cant deny the fans Count Dooku.

    • @hiaimrandom4629
      @hiaimrandom4629 5 лет назад +1

      @@EchthelionII Yeah, I'd have dooku kind of work like Ventress, as a dark jedi assassin but way more powerful. He would still have connections w sidious, and would compete with Maul to see who's the true Sith, but if it were me I'd keep maul as the big bad that sidious betrays in episode 3.

  • @docholliday9058
    @docholliday9058 5 лет назад +6

    "Quigon, what does the test say about his Midi-chlorians?"

  • @c71score
    @c71score 5 лет назад +14

    Great concepts. Especially Jar Jar. It would make him more like Chewbacca, and gungans more like underwater wookies. I always thought Chewy was good, yet subtle, comic relief. This could work with Jar Jar. More videos like this one, please.

  • @TheIfifi
    @TheIfifi 5 лет назад +90

    This was great. I was going to hate your idea of Jar Jar... but that was actually pretty good.
    Damn they were all really good, Anakin too was epic.
    I would love to see this done for 2 and 3. As well as the sequels.
    Hell, throw in the originals too id that isnt considered too heretical.
    No. Man one of your best videos yet.

    • @itsthemumu8585
      @itsthemumu8585 5 лет назад +3

      TheIfifi that’s the only change he’s gonna make to episode IV lol

    • @TheIfifi
      @TheIfifi 5 лет назад +6

      @@itsthemumu8585 The OT isnt flawless.. imagine there are many small fixes you can make. Killing Tarkin was a mistake imo, for example.

    • @EchthelionII
      @EchthelionII 5 лет назад +1

      I agree, but it had to be done, because they didn't know it was going to be one of the biggest movies in cinema history. Tarkin was a great character and one of my favorites, and it's not only because Peter Cushing played him.

    • @itsthemumu8585
      @itsthemumu8585 5 лет назад +1

      Isaiah Albers not only that, but we should be grateful they didn’t kill off Vader too.

    • @TheIfifi
      @TheIfifi 5 лет назад +1

      @@itsthemumu8585 I understand, but just like Thor I also have the great gift of hindsight, so I am only saying this could be very interesting for the OT as well.
      ANd yeah, I just woke up. I'm not sitting here ready to reply everyone within a minute ;P

  • @thechairman74
    @thechairman74 5 лет назад +37

    Sounds about right to me. Most people who have done TPM changes tend to make AS older, don't kill DM and at least make JJB less annoying if not outright eliminating him which is the easy thing. And also swap Alderaan for Naboo.

    • @BensBrickDesigns
      @BensBrickDesigns 5 лет назад +11

      Swapping Alderaan for Naboo is a great idea. Only issue I could see with that is then Padme (from Alderaan let's say) gives birth to twins, one of whom is hidden? still on Alderaan?

    • @itsthemumu8585
      @itsthemumu8585 5 лет назад +13

      Ben's Brick Designs I never thought swapping Naboo for Alderaan was that great of an idea. I like the worldbuilding that Naboo put into Star Wars, and like you said, hiding her child on the very planet she’s from? Not the greatest idea

    • @kriptonite981
      @kriptonite981 5 лет назад +6

      Plus Naboo is Palpatine's homeworld. Not a great hiding spot for a force sensitive baby

    • @EchthelionII
      @EchthelionII 5 лет назад +2

      I'm sorry but I don't see Sidious destroying his homeworld, no matter how much he hates it, it also produces plasma, the reason for the Trade Federation's blockade.

    • @TTEchidna
      @TTEchidna 5 лет назад

      @@kriptonite981 The Jedi somehow missed Sheev. Then again, Hego *didn't*...

  • @widgren87
    @widgren87 5 лет назад +48

    I will they sound good but there is one thing I would change, that being Maul defeating Obi-Wan. I do believe that a fight between them were Obi-Wan wins by severely wounding if not maiming or crippling Maul thus setting the stage for their long lasting feud. Also I do believe that Obi-Wan should be wounded as well (physically that is) making it a much closer and personal battle for him and Maul.
    This could also lead to Palpatine casting Maul aside thus fuelling Mauls hate and setting up his appearance in the Clone Wars as well as more of a nemesis for Obi-Wan.
    Even with all this Mauls impact on Anakin is not to be overlooked as Maul is in many ways (more so going by your ideas in the video for Anakin) his dark reflection, either could have been in the others place thus creating another point of contention...
    Rant aside it was a fun video :-)

    • @G360LIVE
      @G360LIVE 5 лет назад +2

      If Obi-Wan beats Maul in their first duel, that would be making the same mistake as Rey beating Kylo in TFA.

    • @EchthelionII
      @EchthelionII 5 лет назад

      But Maul was certain he had won, Obi-wan was hanging 5 feet below him in a near bottomless pit, how was he supposed to know he was going to leap over him and bisect him?

    • @ians2777
      @ians2777 5 лет назад +5

      Maul can't really "win". The only way for the fight to go would be to wound Maul and/or block his path while Obi Wan escapes. Not that Maul was 100% blind evil killer, but it's unlikely Obi Wan would be left alive if beaten.

    • @G360LIVE
      @G360LIVE 5 лет назад +7

      The fight plays out as normal. Maul Force pushes Obi-Wan into the pit. Thinking that Obi-Wan is gone (because, you know, how would Maul know that there's something for Obi-Wan to hang onto), Maul turns and heads up to find the queen. Seeing that the battle droids are broken, and he's far outnumbered, Maul sneaks away to his ship and leaves Naboo. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan pulls himself out of the hole he was shoved into and mourns for Qui-Gon. Problem solved. Maul wins the fight, and Obi-Wan has a personal reason to pursue Qui-Gon's killer. :)

    • @bragnir
      @bragnir 5 лет назад +5

      @@G360LIVE There is one difference, though... Kylo hadn't just fought a freaking Jedi Master while being a Sith Assassin (not even an apprentice, ergo a lot of stuff was kept from him). He took a bolt to the, then fought a freaking unmasked trooper and a scavenger whose prior melee feats involve getting herself through brawls with a quarterstaff.
      In contrast, Obi Wan is a Jedi apprentice trained since proper age and preparing for his rank of Knight, Maul has just fought a battle of attrition where he had to take a Jedi Master first, then that Jedi apprentice (who is of similar age and technically comparable rank) in single duels. Maul's style is terrible for long fights, too... By when Obi Wan jumped him, he was already coming down from his dark side fueled rage- terrible timing for the Sith.

  • @thechairman74
    @thechairman74 5 лет назад +77

    Other change would be a better meeting between Jar Jar and the Jedi. Still have them sneak down to the planet, either Naboo or Alderaan. JJB is disgraced, yet still fighting. He's leading a rag tag guerilla squad against the separatist army. Reason why he's disgraced is because he disobeyed orders and got involved, whereas the Gungans are officially neutral in the conflict. The Jedi save his life, he owes them the same debt and agrees to help them. But he's actually competent.

    • @reeseolsen4052
      @reeseolsen4052 5 лет назад +5

      I personally really like this, Jar Jar is disgraced but still has some willing to back him up. Maybe make him and Captain Tarpals serve as a parallel to how Anakin and Obi-wan are in the Clone Wars with Jar Jar being less by the books and willing to bend the rules, leading into how he was disgraced, while Tarpals is more by the books and though both were good friends he isn't going to go against his orders. Maybe sprinkle Jar Jar's clumsiness in as a history of bad luck that he has learned to roll with which is why he operates more loose to compensate.

    • @medleyshift1325
      @medleyshift1325 5 лет назад

      I like your thoughts, but if we stick to the smallest possible nudges then we could just have a captured (and therefore disgraced) Jar Jar rescued by the good graces of Qui Gon, subtly showing that obi wan may be greener than he appears, again setting up the brother relationship in the 2nd movie and also pushing back the age for jedi training to make 15 year old ani again only a few years too late. We then continue on with perhaps a discussion in passing about the gungans and jar jar not being happy about the neutrality ect. This keeps the pacing of the movie and flow going to avoid a casino free the horses scene we don't need.

  • @ryanmccarthy7572
    @ryanmccarthy7572 5 лет назад +17

    The Anakin changes were 100% needed. Every time I watch the Phantom Menace now I cringe of how Padme is kind of smiting on a 8ish year old slave kid. I always thought Anakin needed to be a little bit older in the Phantom Menace that way the time go between 1 and 2 shouldn’t feel like an entirety.
    The Attack of the Clones and TLJ are the worst movies in the series for many people because they failed at this whole “timing” situation. We see Anakin as a kid then the next time we see him he’s an adult. TLJ was bad because they literally made it happen within 5 seconds or a minute... whatever from the TFA.
    I don’t know if they were doing it on purpose to NOT be like the original trilogy, but they should’ve kept the timeline for the original trilogy. After each movie let a couple years go by, the audience will get it also if you leave a few years in between the movies it allows authors to come up with some cool stories talking about training, or battles, raids, genocide, etc.

    • @6sols988
      @6sols988 5 лет назад

      Ryan McCarthy attack of the clones ain’t the greatest but it still has iconic moments dooku vs Anakin obi wan Nd Dooku vs yoda jango fett among others the only thing iconic abt tlj was how shitty it was😂😂😂

  • @troglodytezero1697
    @troglodytezero1697 5 лет назад +11

    Some of your points are interesting, the outer rim planets not getting the support also setting up favoritism would have been simple and understandable. I am not a fan of the Maul setup I prefer the Darth Plagueis book setup. Excellent book.

  • @jameswhite8345
    @jameswhite8345 5 лет назад +2

    That actually made for a story that makes alot more sense thanks for your thoughts

  • @ignitetheinferno1858
    @ignitetheinferno1858 5 лет назад +3

    My 3 character changes:
    1. Jar-Jar was actually a spy meant to keep an eye on the Naboo.
    2. Padme is actually a slave on Tatooine while Anakin was the free one while both being similar in ages.
    3. Qui-Gon is actually a Jedi master who is used as part of the Jedi Trials. So Obi-wan is with him so he can basically judge him, similar to the guy who judges your driving performance during your driving test.
    I'd also make the midichlorians part of a rift that's grown in the Jedi Order. You'd have two parties as it were. Those who focus strictly on the energy aspect of the Force while there are those Jedi who are more focused on the scientific aspect of the Force, thus using the midichlorians as, while important, has driven the Jedi apart by making many of them focus more on the mechanics of the Force than simply using it.

  • @MrVinman711
    @MrVinman711 5 лет назад +26

    Good thoughts. Thanks. I always thought that Padme should have been the aggressor in her relationship. It made more sense to me that he was seduced a bit by her and then by the dark side.

    • @danieldosso2455
      @danieldosso2455 5 лет назад

      Yes! Especially as Obi-Wan is all like "Don't trust the Senate" to Anakin in Ep2

    • @EchthelionII
      @EchthelionII 5 лет назад +1


    • @ryanaegis3544
      @ryanaegis3544 5 лет назад +2

      Padme, Queen of a planet, and later one of the most influential Senators in the Republic, chasing and seducing Anakin, the slave boy? That does not fit her persona at all. And you say it cearly when you say "seduced"; its like you want to give Anakin some excuse and pass some if not all the blame to Padme. But Padme was the one who through it all fought to stay good, fought to stop the war, fought to reveal corruption in the political goings on. Anakin fell to the dark side and she refused to follow. It was his fall. Not hers.

    • @MrVinman711
      @MrVinman711 5 лет назад +2

      @@ryanaegis3544 Valid points.

  • @jtszabo1691
    @jtszabo1691 5 лет назад +6

    I love those ideas, my friend said the same thing about Anakin a few years ago. Make him older and not a goody two shoes

  • @shade419
    @shade419 5 лет назад +37

    Okay, Jar Jar as a disgraced warrior is something I'd love to see, and then him fighting Maul and having him, even briefly on the back foot would be PERFECT

    • @captain_dsz6049
      @captain_dsz6049 5 лет назад +3

      It would also help establish how jarjar is the key aka secret sith, although only downsideto all of this is no brilliant performance by sir christopher lee as count douku/darthtyrannus r.i.p. unless he ends up staying a jedi and having a prominent role that way? But yes everything he has suggested is miles above story wise, although i dont know how they could execute the end scene with maul getting aeay seeing as how he would stay to dinish the job as palpatine ordered him to kill both jedi/ capture the queen to force the treaty signing

    • @shade419
      @shade419 5 лет назад +3

      @@captain_dsz6049 The sense I get of the changes, including to Maul is that it would imbue him with a lot more agency. More of a proper and fledged out Sith Warrior instead of what we got, which was basically a slave in the guise of a Padawan. That changed Maul would likely have far more freedom in executing his orders, including being able to recognize that "I can't win here, better to escape and try again." As for Dooku, yeah that would cause some complications, but I contend that given how during the Empire Expanded Universe, Palpatine used fallen Jedi as hunters and inquisitors, there'd still be space for Dooku, but not as an apprentice (which, to be honest felt kind of weird to me). He'd make more sense as a fallen Jedi operating with a greater degree of freedom.

  • @casperzulimdeswarte-schutt8369
    @casperzulimdeswarte-schutt8369 5 лет назад +3

    Well done! I really like the changes. I would make one more slight change: I would start C3PO as a protocol droid at the court of Amidala, cought up in the flight from Naboo and I would put R2D2 as a friend and co-worker of Anakin working for Watto since slaves and droids have a similar social status. This would make the encouter of the two droids Munch more likely as in the original.

  • @AncientGreenDragon
    @AncientGreenDragon 5 лет назад +4

    Oh please continue this series. I can’t wait for your episode 2 and 3 version.

  • @F5Metal
    @F5Metal 5 лет назад +10

    Heath Ledger would have been an excellent Anakin Skywalker.

    • @AtomicF0x
      @AtomicF0x 5 лет назад +3

      ...Wow. You may be onto something. Not hating on Hayden Christensen, but now that I think about it, Heath Ledger does seem to resemble an older Jake Lloyd better. It also helps to think of Ledger's performance in movies like 'A Knight's Tale' as an example of his capabilities when playing a hero. lol, He was already experienced being a knight! Just imagine what it would have been like if he had been a *_Jedi_* Knight. Ah, what could have been...

    • @mielipuolisiili7240
      @mielipuolisiili7240 5 лет назад +3

      Well, everyone wanted to know how Anakin got his scar anyways, so...

    • @F5Metal
      @F5Metal 5 лет назад +2

      DuskyLore Jake Lloyd shouldn't have been Anakin anyways, they should have started off with a teenage Anakin. That would have made more considering he was "too old" to be trained, Jake Lloyd wasn't that old and Ledger and Portman would have had much better chemistry considering they were similar in age. The only thing now that needs changing is the terrible dialogue.

  • @alih122
    @alih122 5 лет назад +11

    Your arguments to me are tired.
    1. Anakin being younger and being separated from his mother had a big emotional impact for me. In fact the stupid part of the video is that you had a problem that they had Anakin be a pure hearted individual you wanted to see more signs of his corruption in Phantom Menace. I would add it makes it more tragic seeing how cold the jedi are towards a 9 year old boy who is worried about his mother who is a slave on another planet. I think Attack of the Clones does a fine job in explaining his change in demeanor.
    2.I am a huge fan of Darth Maul but people like you obviously don't get it. The point of the prequels and the saga is to point out their is only one villain and everyone is a dispensable and replaceable henchman and that is Palpatine. It enhances Palpatine that he is not beholden to any particular apprentice and everyone is dispensable to him.
    3. I like Jar Jar the way he is. I like the fact that the films show a good hearted buffoon like Jar Jar should have not been given responsibility he could not handle and his lack of good judgement had dire consequences.

    • @kwameadu0075
      @kwameadu0075 5 лет назад +5

      Great comment. I agree wholeheartedly. Story wise these are the choices that had to be made. Anakin had to be that young and innocent so people could see what happens when a child is kept from being raised in a family. That is why Yoda and ObiWan decide on having Luke and Leia raised by a mom and dad and not as Jedis.

    • @kwameadu0075
      @kwameadu0075 5 лет назад +3

      There is one villain in the prequels: Palpatine. The villains being expendable sets up the final conflict in Return of the Jedi nicely. We know as viewers that Vader in his state is not what the Emperor wants and he too is expendable. Builds some nice tension when watching all 6.

    • @kwameadu0075
      @kwameadu0075 5 лет назад +4

      Jar Jar was fine. People pretend like annoying side characters are unheard of in Star Wars. He like, midicholorians tie in nicely to theme of TPM. The midicholorians are microscopic, seemingly insignificant creatures. But without them, people could not be force sensitive. So in the same way it is those on the periphery, the so-called nobodies like Jar Jar and Anakin who are also important despite their low status in society. It is because of them and this 14 year old queen that Naboo is saved in the end.

  • @adiadiadi333
    @adiadiadi333 5 лет назад +7

    Phantom menace should have started with the death of darth plaguesis.

    • @Drums_of_Liberation
      @Drums_of_Liberation 5 лет назад +2

      So basically the end of Phantom Menace? Best re-read the Darth Plagueis novel because he was very much alive during the events of Phantom Menace.

  • @donovanjrichards
    @donovanjrichards 5 лет назад +1

    The age shift would work for Anakin but really think about it. Anakin has always been a bit self-centered. He boasted about being the only human being able to podrace, being the first to see all the star systems, etc. Sure, he wanted to free himself and his mother but he also wanted to become a Jedi and immediately jumped the gun when he realized Qui-Gon was one.
    Minus the other off-screen developments, I can see that Anakin turn into the one we see in AotC.

  • @UltraDonny5000
    @UltraDonny5000 5 лет назад +3

    I always thought making Naboo be Alderaan would have been such a minor but drastic change it could have redeemed much of the prequels failures

  • @miragewizard
    @miragewizard 2 года назад

    Great suggestions! I like how you turn the Shmi Skywalker death into a plot moment in which Anakin begins to blame the Jedi for her death. Love leaving out the midichlorians, Anakin as the Chosen One, and the whole tension shift between the Core worlds and the Outer Rim worlds. All excellent suggestions. I would also go so far as to leave out the Neimoidians and the Gungans and the whole Prophecy as well. Love keeping Maul throughout the Prequels instead of trying to reinvent a new bad guy - Dooku and Jango for II, and Dooku and General Grievous for III. Very, very deft suggestion there to have Maul say something to Anakin about showing him a "different way." Very good!
    In my own personal remake of The Phantom Menace, I would go a step further and explain Anakin's fall as beginning in the 2nd half of the first movie, and continuing on through the next two. But I have the first movie starting off in a high period and then Chancellor Vallorum gets assassinated, mirroring Nov 22, 1963 and JFK, and how that event started to throw the galaxy into a turmoil that would end with Palpatine holding the reins by the end of the 3rd movie. Anakin and Padme would develop a more natural, organic relationship. At first, she pursues him - she works as a mechanic (good at fixing things) and asks him to pose as her boyfriend so that she can evade a Toydarian who finds out how good of a mechanic she is - and he slowly comes around and 'rescues' her by taking her to dinner. The dinner scene establishes more of who she is and their differences - he's the aristocrat while she came from an orphanage on Naboo. She finds out that he's at the top of the leaderboard as far as star pilots, and he asks her to fix his ship. Only later does she find out that he's a Jedi, and it starts a fight. But they come around and make up before the end of movie #1.

  • @Iguana5k
    @Iguana5k 5 лет назад +4

    So you tecnically replace jar jar with that gungan general guy he is teamed up with in the battle of naboo in the original version.
    And since maul survives hes gonna replace count doku in the next movie.

    • @captain_dsz6049
      @captain_dsz6049 5 лет назад

      Nuuuuu we need sir christopher lee (r.i.p.) even as a jedi still/ leader of separtists as he did legendary performances

    • @Paulafan5
      @Paulafan5 5 лет назад

      Maul needed to die in episode 1 (and stay dead). Clone Wars should have come up with their own villain, not bring back Maul. But he did need more backstory or character in episode 1.

  • @OmegaPaladin144
    @OmegaPaladin144 5 лет назад +1

    One of my suggestions for AOTC would be to have Anakin and Padme visit Palpatine's estate. (Palpatine is a wealthy senator for a planet with nobility, he's going to have a villa) This would set up the good and bad influences on Anakin. This gives time for Palpatine to lay out arguments / show that he is winning over Anakin to his cause. Give Anakin's conversion more depth - he believes Palpatine needs power to free slaves and deal with Hutts.
    That way, when he goes Dark Side, it feels like less like a spur of the moment decision or flipping completely evil like a light switch. This also lets Ian Mcdiarmid and Natalie Portman have a dramatic argument - order vs freedom, Republic vs future Empire.

  • @worldwanderer91
    @worldwanderer91 5 лет назад +20

    Damn, I wanted Jar Jar to be a secret Sith Lord

  • @bryanmiller4355
    @bryanmiller4355 5 лет назад

    Excellent Changes!!
    I'd only add a couple of things: Anakin & Smee don't live on Tattooine. Have the Pod Racing take place on Geonosis. Slave labor involved in the droid factory, which gives a good tie in to secretly making his own droid (C3PO). Swap out the "Gladiator" type entertainment for Pod Racing. Together, with all of the other changes recommended by Thor, it'd be a lot better and wouldn't setup so many issues with ANH.
    You'd also have the added benefit of setting up Anakin's rage kill in AotC. Smee can still die in captivity, victim of some factory accident, setting Anakin's rage off, and sending him back to destroy an entire hive of Geonosians, his former slavers and non-humans.

  • @DrewPicklesTheDark
    @DrewPicklesTheDark 5 лет назад +3

    Very good take, a lot better than most "Fixing the prequels" I look forward to the next!

  • @larkermouse
    @larkermouse 5 лет назад

    The Jar Jar change makes a lot of sense. I thought of something similar a while back. Have his backstory be something like, he owed a life debt to someone and then didn't save them when he could have. That's how he gets disgraced as a warrior. This way, when he owes the life debt to Qui-Gon, and Boss Nass finds out about it, it's a reference to his backstory.
    With the above video in mind, it would be even better to have him owe the debt to Obi-Wan, and then come and save him at the end, thus redeeming himself, and also providing a way for Obi-Wan to not get killed by Maul, while also not killing Maul.

  • @vladboch
    @vladboch 5 лет назад +5

    Midichlorians should absolutely be there. A smart fan gets the point.

    • @Paulafan5
      @Paulafan5 5 лет назад

      And what if the Jedi are wrong about what they truly mean? Wouldn't be the first time the Jedi were mistaken. What if it's a by-product of force sensitivity, not a "power meter"? It's like exhaust from a car, not the RPMs it can generate.

    • @vladboch
      @vladboch 5 лет назад

      @@Paulafan5 I believe, midichlorians are a good way of describing, why one person is Force sensitive, and other isn't. And how can we forget the tragedy of Darth Plagius The Wise, where midichlorians play essential role.

    • @bugraegebaydar9409
      @bugraegebaydar9409 5 лет назад

      @@vladboch space wizards don't need no explanation

    • @vladboch
      @vladboch 5 лет назад

      @@bugraegebaydar9409 Jedi and Sith are so much more than just space wizards.

    • @bugraegebaydar9409
      @bugraegebaydar9409 5 лет назад

      ... after the prequels

  • @darken2417
    @darken2417 5 лет назад +1

    1. I like normal Jar Jar. He serves as a means to deepen the world as he serves as an example of mental illness in the Star Wars Universe. "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
    2. Anakin should be aged up but only slightly to maintain a reverse Romeo-Juliet feel. His quick development could have been mitigated with having episode one split into two movies with the second being his training or such. I love the prequels and can't get enough. (Even this one.)
    3. Trade routes and disputes may not have the punch you would desire but its immersive. Trade Federation only wants peace. Outerrim separatism can be and probably was a secondary factor in the Confederacy however.

  • @joenesvick7043
    @joenesvick7043 5 лет назад +4

    Ani got so much hate for acting like a 9 year old boy when the actor was 9 🤣. Kids love Jar Jar, won’t someone please just think of the children? Think Ani and Pad have a bad age gap, my grandparents were 10 years apart
    Darth Maul would be defeated and not killed, lol and then you mention The Clone Wars & Rebels (that’s basically how it happened). George Lucas said Midichlorians were in his original treatment and he just couldn’t find a plausible way to insert them. Granted he had a cowriter for episode 5 & 6, the same writer who wrote Solo by the way (and George gave Leigh Brackett credit for Empire, despite her draft not matching the film). Of course George had a cowriter on Attack of the Clones, and that’s the weakest of his six. So how would one fix The Last Jedi?

  • @capacamaru
    @capacamaru 5 лет назад +1

    My solutions for the Phantom Menace:
    Delete Jar Jar's jokes and dialogue. Have him be a mute exile who redeems himself in the battle.
    Delete Anakin's 'dialogue' during the final battle. Why does he treat a space battle as a joke, when he took a race seriously? Have him show some talent rather than do everything by accident. Have him communicate with the other pilots, who give him helpful advice on flying in space.

  • @NicVegas
    @NicVegas 5 лет назад +4

    Great ideas! I like the prequels, but I think if they had used some of those ideas you mentioned instead, I would love them. The anakin/padme love story plot alone would have been so much better had it gone the way you described and actually felt natural and not awkwardly forced (no pun intended) 😂

  • @okrajoe
    @okrajoe 5 лет назад +2

    Step 1: Make Jar Jar invisible and mute. Step 2: Make Anakin a 25-year old at opening of the movie. Step 3: Make Padme grittier and rougher around the edges. Awww, heck -- just make Padme like Leia, Anakin like Luke, and Jar Jar like Han.

  • @Armoless
    @Armoless 5 лет назад +7

    What a lovely sprind da- Thor Skywalker video! Quick! To the computer!

    • @splashnskillz37
      @splashnskillz37 5 лет назад +1


    • @Armoless
      @Armoless 5 лет назад

      @@splashnskillz37 Right.. Right.. Quick to the other computer I do my drawing on!

    • @splashnskillz37
      @splashnskillz37 5 лет назад

      @@Armoless you draw on a computer????, How TF you are able to

    • @Armoless
      @Armoless 5 лет назад

      @@splashnskillz37 With my sorceres ways! I have a fairly decent Wacom drawing Tablet I use. Best purchase I ever made :)

    • @sc_art5408
      @sc_art5408 5 лет назад

      Congratulations on making the thumbnail man!

  • @jrtien
    @jrtien 5 лет назад

    All excellent ideas for the movie. The one thing I would want to se happen later that we never saw, but I think was going to happen: Jar Jar revealed to be Palpatines Sith Lord. That plot twist with the addition of your changes would have made the story so awesome.

  • @uaenruotel
    @uaenruotel 5 лет назад +17

    the problem with the prequels is that it was written and directed by an out of practice legend. During the original trilogy he had input from many people on how to improve his story and ideas but after 16 years of not directing he had passed into legend and was extremely out of practice. Expectations were sky high and noone wanted to challenge a living legend's ideas.

    • @Drums_of_Liberation
      @Drums_of_Liberation 5 лет назад

      You do realize Lucas didn't direct Empire or Jedi right? Hell he had pretty limited involvement in those films compared to ANH.

    • @redforest9269
      @redforest9269 5 лет назад

      @@Drums_of_Liberation "the problem with the *prequels*"

  • @TheJadeFist
    @TheJadeFist 5 лет назад +1

    As bad as it sounds, I kinda would have liked to seen Padme be more of a temptation for Anakin, using the force to persuade her into being with him. Obiwan might later ask him or question to himself if he had been manipulating her with the force, something that Jedi code would greatly frown upon. Show him gradually starting to use the force more and more to get what he wants, show him making it big at the casino, and so on. He could have a big falling out with the Jedi order, saying how he still felt as if he were a slave living by their code and that by using his power in the force, he finally felt freedom.

  • @francisco4benites
    @francisco4benites 5 лет назад +3

    Anakin couldn't be the same age cuz the jedi wouldn't let him in if he was that old his age was acceptable but being a teen means he is pretty much untrainable

  • @Tolbat
    @Tolbat 5 лет назад +1

    I think you nailed it, that's pretty much what I would have liked. in the Clone Wars Dooku wouldn't be needed and Maul would meet his end in the final moments. Thus Palpy has a open spot for him to "fall into".

    • @Tolbat
      @Tolbat 5 лет назад

      View 7999

  • @EntertainmentMan132
    @EntertainmentMan132 5 лет назад +4

    "I do enjoy the prequels just as they are, though honestly I wish they'd been a bit better" - I agree.

  • @FedoraDog13
    @FedoraDog13 5 лет назад

    Great ideas, including the Jar Jar change, which was better than the standard "cut him out completely" argument. Reading you title, I felt that no amount of character changes could really help without a story change. Then you used Maul to switch the focus of the political plot, and magic happened! Three character changes and that specific story change would not only improve TPM, but the entire prequel trilogy. Bravo!

  • @Obi-Wan_Kenobi
    @Obi-Wan_Kenobi 5 лет назад +4

    Hold up fam. You can make all the changes you want, just make sure I still soundly defeat Maul. I don't need to kill him or cut him in half. I need that win. It establishes my character, my power and is extremely important for my arc. It was killing Maul that transitioned me from the student to the master, the role I fulfilled to the rest of the Star Wars movies.

    • @Alias_Anybody
      @Alias_Anybody 5 лет назад

      I fully agree, Ben.

    • @grav4706
      @grav4706 5 лет назад

      Naw, it was Quigin dying that propelled Obi into the master role, especially since he takes over Anakin's training

  • @gregdennison5753
    @gregdennison5753 5 лет назад

    I've had to pause at 2:23 to say while I understand your point about Anakin going from perfectly good natured to arrogant and egotistical, I still think those extremes were necessary. Anakin as a slave thought he was just a small insignificant blip on the cosmic radar while trained Padawan and chosen one Anakin had been led to believe that he was important. So important that when it came down to it, Anakin had truely believed that his decisions were above the Jedi council and that they were holding him back from his ability to bring balance to the force.
    Yes, it's the old "the Jedi turned Anakin in to Vader" argument, but I truely believe that this is what happens to children when too much pressure is placed upon them. They are told they are amazing so they believe they are better than others. They are pushed to achieve so they will climb over others to do so.
    Anakin just lacked modesty. He could never see himself as part of something because the Jedi led him to believe he was different to everyone else.
    Luke had modesty, but it seems that is what destroyed him in the end.

  • @Pizzatime42008
    @Pizzatime42008 5 лет назад +2

    Please make a part 2! This was awesome!

  • @Aquila476
    @Aquila476 4 года назад +1

    I think there should have been a scene where qui gon and kenobi introduced anakin whith the force properly where he would keep failing to lift a small object but after some encouragement and wise words from both jedi he lifts it up

  • @sludgemuffin2447
    @sludgemuffin2447 5 лет назад +4

    If they ever remake the prequels they should use these ideas!

  • @glennpeterson4048
    @glennpeterson4048 5 лет назад

    I like that, especially the Darth Maul angle. One other thing: not only make Anakin & Padme more comparable in age, but also give her (grandparents maybe?) a slave background. If they're comparable in social background then he would look at her as someone "who made it" and so he would latch on to her even more, but she would also remember him more as "Shmi and Anakin used to be my family". As the story progresses, it could have been played as: she's a political prodigy and has to fight the Senate establishment; he's a Force prodigy and has to fight the Jedi establishment. A common opponent would make their secret marriage more believable as it would partially an act of rebellion against the establishment and ultimately more tragic: he gives up on the Jedi; she doesn't give up on the Republic. Their relationship was a weak point in the story and they seemed to be together because the plot needed them to be, rather than coming organically from their characters.

  • @killgriffinnow
    @killgriffinnow 5 лет назад +32

    I’d give TPM a 7/10. Sure it had Jar Jar and “Now this is pod racing!” Anakin, but it also created the Republic, the droid army, Darth Maul, Qui-Gonn Jinn, the Jedi Council, Coruscant as we know it, which are all things we now love today. I’d give AOTC a 6/10 mostly for the annoyingly overextended romance scenes. TFA and TLJ in comparison get a 1/10 because they both destroyed everything that made SW great in the first place.

    • @EchthelionII
      @EchthelionII 5 лет назад +9

      I think you're being too kind to the Last Jedi.

    • @TTEchidna
      @TTEchidna 5 лет назад +5

      @@EchthelionII Anyone who rates it as if it's a real Star Wars movie is being too kind to it.

    • @EchthelionII
      @EchthelionII 5 лет назад +1

      @@TTEchidna Good point.

    • @goodmind4940
      @goodmind4940 5 лет назад

      Coruscant was created by Zahn

    • @EchthelionII
      @EchthelionII 5 лет назад

      @@goodmind4940 *gasps* WHAT!?!?!?

  • @niche0boven
    @niche0boven 5 лет назад +1

    Very nice AU ideas. I agree the midchlorians are a bit of inner lore that doesn't seem to have any other point except being higher than Yoda. 1- I'm surprised anyone or everyone would know other people's counts, beyond maybe their own, their padawan's, and maybe a close friend. Making numbers public will surely lead to bragging, ego, shaming, etc. I think Lucas was going to do more philosophical and end their journies in the sequel trilogy with a big bow including 'why,' but we know that didn't happen.
    Since Maul became Obi-Wan's biggest rival, I'm fine with him more clearly surviving. But I think it should have still been a clear Jedi victory, as Maul stayed out of sight for an extended period. Maybe Maul lost his sword hand and saber, to give physical proof and recovery time necessity. Not sure Maul works as a rival for Anakin I don't think he's reflective enough to hate Maul as Obi-Wan fights against. (now if Maul killed Shmi after they left, that might work) Maul has a good arc once they finally gave them a meaningful ending in Rebels. Aside from 1 arm instead of 2 legs, Maul is pretty good as is.
    Making Anakin older just confirms that he's already in the teen brat. No way should he be trained if that old. It also means that he is seriously unable to have internalized Mom's rules. And rebellious slave at 15 is more likely to have serious damage to tongue or feet. In canon he was too young to have internalized slave caution and sneakiness and too old to learn jedi balance at 9. if he escaped later he would have been forced by owners to self-control in far more brutal situations than the Temple. Slaves must control their emotions more. I don't think you can shift his age by more than a year. He missed the optimum windows to learn control in either culture. I just can't see him found at fifteen and still be undisciplined.
    Changing Jar-Jar would be brilliant. I don't know why SW keeps thinking you have to add kid friendly things. Jar-jar, Ewoks, bb8, and porgs did nothing that whining farmboys didn't do better. (Mini-wookies should not have been played as cute or a joke. They should have been an offshoot that Chewy could talk to, like some lost tribe that got smaller due to resources on the moon) Making him a klutzy warrior seeking redemption is great. It would really make the finest moment to face Maul. And give possible or actual death emotional weight.
    While these are only three areas they have wide implications, some too far for me. So summary: no counting very agree, tiny change Maul known alive but Kenobi rival as canon, tiny change Ani age 10, Jar-Jar drunken/fallen warrior great.

  • @killgriffinnow
    @killgriffinnow 5 лет назад +21

    3:50 ain’t true: Lucas created the midichlprians when he wrote A New Hope, he just didn’t implement them until TPM.

    • @GregoryMatous
      @GregoryMatous 5 лет назад +8

      Quite right, its based on the mitochondria which are the powerhouses of the cells and convert fuel into energy. Its part of what makes things alive. The film unfortunately didn't explain this so people thought it was magic bacteria.

    • @makutas-v261
      @makutas-v261 5 лет назад +1

      You are here! :D

    • @SquizmWizzerd
      @SquizmWizzerd 5 лет назад

      the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

  • @Lliam043
    @Lliam043 5 лет назад

    Effing brilliant, and for being so simple.The prequels really seemed to have no mind for the larger picture they were trying to paint. They just weren't cohesive in and of themselves and end up coming across as tacked on. The characters weren't compelling, the inter-character relationships weren't compelling, the characters motivations weren't compelling or believable. Rather than being some great tragedy with characters anyone really cares about, it was like whoever was writing it didn't have a clue about how to pull it all off. 100% better story explained in ten minutes.

  • @galacticfederationambassad4063
    @galacticfederationambassad4063 5 лет назад +8

    Dark knight did the downfall of the hero better

  • @WhoWouldWantThisName
    @WhoWouldWantThisName 5 лет назад

    BRAVO! Well done sir. This is all very much what I likely would do differently as well, though I am also well aware of the hindsight 20/20 thing being an immense advantage that Lucas never had.
    I think I would have made Anikin 11 or 12 and Padme maybe 13. Enough to separate them maturity wise in the beginning yet also close enough that in just a few years time they would essentially both be teens of the same generation. I do think the reasons for the Separatist movement and Clone War were largely as you presented it. The trade routes, etc. were more just details of how the outer rim was neglected and even the mid rim was something of a red headed step child to the core worlds. The larger changes I think would greatly benefit the story. Such as Jar Jar and the handling of Maul. I like your approach to both and I too would have had Qui-Gon actually do his best to free Shmi as well, but I think would have had it be some other factor causing a conflict by removing Shmi from her place in life there causing the Jedi Council to see it as imprudent to do so and Yoda instructs Qui-Gon that she must be returned due to will of the force and how her being freed would trigger a chain of events that would be against the will of the force and the best interest of the galaxy at large. Well, something like that. It would still leave Qui-Gon unhappy and at odds with the Council and Anakin angry with all of them over it as well. Of course given what George did with Maul in TCW, I'm sure he would agree with the changes made regarding him in TPM. I also think I would have made it even a bit clearer that Palpatine was orchestrating events in the lives of others all along to serve his agenda and I would have hinted at this Plagueis character just a touch, just one line.
    I would love to hear you do one of these on AOTC, and other films as well.

  • @thedoruk6324
    @thedoruk6324 5 лет назад +26

    You're great Thor!
    I would add Sidious' master/death to franchise :)
    (Anything's better than MaRey Sue)

    • @alesiasredruby1511
      @alesiasredruby1511 5 лет назад +8

      ANYTHING is better then MaRey Sue?
      Not to be down-hearted or anything, but I wouldn't be too sure. It could always get worse.

    • @thedoruk6324
      @thedoruk6324 5 лет назад +8

      @@alesiasredruby1511 Yes, we could get an even ultra mega maRey sue... which we did(!) :(

    • @sc_art5408
      @sc_art5408 5 лет назад +2

      Adding Plagueis, you say? Fascinating idea!

    • @thedoruk6324
      @thedoruk6324 5 лет назад +1

      @@sc_art5408 Exactly. His conversation and death by his apprantice palpatine would make the movie oscar-worthy.

    • @Tolbat
      @Tolbat 5 лет назад +2

      Yes that would make great background on Sidious

  • @KingHauken
    @KingHauken 5 лет назад

    I really like these ideas. Usually I encounter videos on the subject that are quite out there in their own way, but I believe this one to be a solid revision of the prequels.

  • @BensBrickDesigns
    @BensBrickDesigns 5 лет назад +6

    I like the Jar Jar idea so much better than "he's a secret Sith Lord" or whatever garbage is floating around. I could totally see him being a drunken master, disgraced, shunned, looking for a way to redemption and finding it through these noble Jedi. And it could still lead to him being a Senator in Ep. 2 and would make even more sense.

  • @jamesknapp64
    @jamesknapp64 5 лет назад

    Similar to the changes ive championed for a while namely
    1. Jar Jar was a revolutionary who wants partnership with the Naboo. He still is kicked out for being clumsy but that is just the excuse Boss Nass uses.
    2. Padme is 16 and the Queens daughter but top handmadian
    3. Anakin is 13-16 instead
    4. There is no Medichorians but Quin Gon still thinks Anakin is the chosen one.

  • @MrMillennium
    @MrMillennium 5 лет назад +6

    Hello there.

  • @thedeathwatcher6571
    @thedeathwatcher6571 5 лет назад +1

    I loved your version. But I think some changes connect it more to originals:
    1. Naboo is Alderaan, because we need to know more about Alderaan that will be destroyed. Amidala still is queen of Alderaan, Captain Panaka changes to Captain Antilles, pilot Ric Olie changes to Gravin Dervis (Red Leader in a new hope, because in a deleted scene, he said that he met anakin and he was a good pilot)
    2. While now, the change of Naboo to Alderaan, changes Gungans to Mon Calamari's. Their relationship were like the Gungans in the movie. They live in a underwater city named Mon Cala instead of Otoh Gunga Jar Jar changes to young Gial Ackbar who is a brave and a great warrior. He fights maul in Tatooine like in your version. At the end, the peace between the Alderaanian people and Mon Calamari's is a step forward to the birth of rebellion.
    3. Qui-gon and Obi-Wan are a same person. In early drafts of Phantom Menace, it was just Obi-Wan. A wise and junior jedi knight who wears a black robes. This thing explains everything Ben said on OT, like his first meeting with Anakin and about his master, who is yoda on this version.
    4. Replace R2-D2 with C-3PO. Artoo was built by Anakin and C-3PO is a Alderaanian royal butler droid who is for Antilles and works in Alderaan Royal house, and the firing at the ship happens after escaping Tatooine.
    Everything else are like what you said, like Anakin's character, maul's fate and character and.... just erase Watto and changes it with Jabba the Hutt who is the master of Shmi and Anakin and when Obi-Wan saves Anakin, his arguement and hate for the Jedi's start. Also, about mauls revenge, It is for this reason, Maul was a Zabrak born on Iridonia. The Jedi thought there was a disturbance in the force on the village where Maul was, they thought it was the dark side and the Jedi’s judgement were clouded and massacred the village with Maul’s family. Maul survived. It’s revealed that Palpatine clouded the Jedi’s mind.

    • @jerome96114
      @jerome96114 5 лет назад +1

      I get a lot of your changes from a dramatical standpoint, but feel like they make the universe MUCH too "small", if you sense what I mean.

    • @thedeathwatcher6571
      @thedeathwatcher6571 5 лет назад

      @@jerome96114 I think you mean that because if this happened, there wouldn't be many of characters we saw and you feel just these characters are in star wars universe and on that way, you say universe is small.

    • @thedeathwatcher6571
      @thedeathwatcher6571 5 лет назад

      @@jerome96114 If you mean that, we had many questions even after the end of OT and we hoped the Prequels answer them. It answered many of them but not all of them. If you see Phantom Menace, there is no important story details to connect it to OT. Just Anakin is in Tatooine and see Obi-Wan and Padmè. That's all. But, now we rid of annoying characters and story details to tell a good new one and I must say, this is just the episode 1

  • @macmcleod1188
    @macmcleod1188 5 лет назад +4

    Reveal Jar Jar as the phantom menace near the end of the movie. That fixes just about everything. The clues are *all* there in the movie.

    • @jakeaurod
      @jakeaurod 5 лет назад +1

      Maybe the Gungans and Humans have different thoughts on separatism, which could be a cause of division and the spark for a potential civil war on Naboo. This could explain why Jar-Jar was outcast, because he disagreed with the majority, but also give him a possible motivation to turn on the Queen and Jedi at some point. He could turn on them as either a spy who had been deceiving them from the beginning or as a legit hero/Lancer/Paladin with his own ethical imperatives for himself and/or his people.
      The civil war could then be the goal of Palpatine. As senator, it would place hims front and center as one who could try resolve the conflict, instead of obtuse machinations to become chancellor. It would also be a microcosm separatism caused by cultural divisions in the Empire instead of abstract trade disputes, although economics could figure in if some of the Gungans or Humans were slaves of the other. Perhaps the Droid Army might merely be brought in at the last minute by Dooku to try to win the conflict for one of the sides, similar to how Clones were brought in at the last minute in Episode II. But they could be defeated by not just the Protagonists but with assistance from Palpatine and some core world defense forces, which makes him look like a savior and obvious pick for Chancellor and gives them an early inkling of the need for a Republic Army.
      Or did you mean the theory that Jar Jar is a Sith Lord?

    • @macmcleod1188
      @macmcleod1188 5 лет назад +2

      @@jakeaurod I mean the rendering of Jar Jar lurking in the background mouthing the same words that the actors are saying in the foreground in three critical scenes, the rendering of Jar Jar using drunken gods martial arts, ... so yes.. jar jar being a sith lord and the intended phantom menace (just acting the fool same as yoda) which was lost when the huge racism scandal blew up over him and he turned out to be unpopular with the franchise customers (because none of us had a clue until nearly 10 years later even tho it was on the screen all the time) which made Lucas balk and drop that storyline. (I agree it's canon that Jar Jar *is* not the phantom menace. I think it's reasonable that Jar Jar *was* the intended phantom menace tho.)
      And Jar Jar as a Dark Force puppet master who predated and survived the rule of 2 and who was as old as Yoda made a lot of sense and would have fixed just about everything.

    • @Drums_of_Liberation
      @Drums_of_Liberation 5 лет назад

      Get that Darth Jar Jar bullshit out of here. There were no clues to anything. That's just some bullshit fan theory made to justify Jar Jar's existence.

  • @drsheev7413
    @drsheev7413 5 лет назад

    I have some ideas on how episode 7, if the changes were implemented, would fix up some of the story: 1. Rey is not a scavenger, but instead a surviving Padawan from Luke’s Jedi order. This would make her using a mind trick on a stormtrooper and using a lightsaber against a trained force user more reasonable. 2. Finn is not a stormtrooper, but a resistance spy who’s been infiltrating the first order ranks by orders from Leia, I imagine for some years as well, sorta like the resistance equivalent of a fulcrum agent from rebels and now needs to get to the resistance due to the urgent information needing to be delivered. 3. Take away starkiller base completely so we have more focus on finding Luke Skywalker, which will give us more backstory on him, his Jedi order and Kylo Ren. 4. More screen time with Luke, instead of Rey just finding Luke and going to hand the lightsaber to him, Rey will land on the planet, unbeknownst to her Kylo Ren has also come to Ach-to in which he surprise attacks Rey, they have a duel, Kylo overpowers Rey and when he goes to finish her of, Anakins lightsaber is abruptly pulled towards a mechanical hand which is revealed to be Luke Skywalker. Luke tells Rey to run to safety, Kylo and Luke then have a duel, Kylo Ren being incredibly bloodlusted by his hatred for Luke. Luke defeats kylo but spares his life, he apologises to kylo for what happened, kylo is speechless by Luke’s words, then out of nowhere, he musters up a large amount of his power and in a sudden outburst force-pushes Luke into a rock without warning and escapes to go let snoke he has found Luke. Luke tells Rey they have to leave, Ren knows where they are and the first order will be coming. They go to leave for another planet where Luke thinks they’ll be safe and will then commence to complete Rey’s training.

  • @Niiiiith
    @Niiiiith 5 лет назад +12

    It’s no longer the worst Star Wars movie at least

  • @grinningchicken
    @grinningchicken 5 лет назад +1

    I have been lobbying for an age shift in Anakin for a while and also that he initially has a rivalry with Padme thinking shes a privileged house slave while hes a conscripted Jockey. The whole North/South divide would be exacerbated when shes not just a house slave but a queen.

  • @jaysway9251
    @jaysway9251 5 лет назад +4

    Jar Jar is the key to all of this

    • @muznick
      @muznick 5 лет назад

      Because he's a funnier character than we've had before.

  • @Indylimburg
    @Indylimburg 5 лет назад +1

    Quigon and Obiwan are sent to investigate the disappearance of young force sensitives in the Outer Rim. Anakin is kidnapped by Darth Maul. Quigon gets a phone call and tells the Phantom Menace on the other end that he has a "Particular set of skills" and that "I will hunt you down and I will kill you." Obiwan and Quigon follow Maul back to Naboo to rescue Anakin. Meanwhile Maul and Sidious have begun planting seeds of the Darkside in Anakin. The finale remains basically the same.

  • @Spongebrain97
    @Spongebrain97 5 лет назад +13

    Dude imagine if George didnt direct the PT and had tons of people helping him instead of yes men, how amazing the movies would've been. That's why I dont like them because of the wasted potential

    • @gpcovenant
      @gpcovenant 5 лет назад +3

      Creepy Closet Lucas asked Spielberg, Ridley Scott and Ron Howard all to direct the movie. They are turned him down saying it should be him to do it.
      There is also the rumor that Spielberg did in effect direct Ep3.
      But yeah Lucas needed more people that were willing or allowed to challenge him to help refine his vision. Cause it needed refinement not to be scratched, a lesson Disney LF is severely suffering from.

    • @jadennova
      @jadennova 5 лет назад

      Please don't a Goof. You're the reason Star Wars is in the shitter.

    • @Spongebrain97
      @Spongebrain97 5 лет назад +1

      @@jadennova nah it's your fault

    • @Spongebrain97
      @Spongebrain97 5 лет назад

      @Greg Elchert yeah but with the orginal trilogy he still had other people directing the movies even after he quit the DGA. Theres a RUclips video called how star wars was saved in the edit which pretty much proves my point. Geroge essentially wanted to make the original movie more complicated than it was and you can definitely see why the prequels are the way they are

  • @ryanaegis3544
    @ryanaegis3544 5 лет назад

    Yes to everything about Anakin and Padme. The Clone Wars animated series did a great job showing the galactic politics, and helping us see that there wasn't a good and bad side, but simply Palpatine manipulating everyone in his quest for power. The Jedi order was too idealistic and letter of the law to be anything more than puppets serving what they thought was the Republic. And a rebellious Jedi leading the Separatist Confederate Systems gave the obedient Jedi all the incentive they needed to fight against them.
    I think Jar Jar being a normal Gungan, even a leader at some level, could be good if done right. Another commenter told a Jar Jar story where he is a leader of a small gungan rebel faction, fighting the Trade Federation despite being told not to by the gungan government. That is gold. Jar Jar taking on a Sith... if he actually got close enough before being force pushed away, he would be dead. At most, I think he would attempt to attack or dive on Maul only to be force chocked and thrown against a tree or rock. That would give the split second Quigon would need, while also keeping Jar Jar alive.
    Where I fundamentally disagree is with fleshing out Maul. Yes, it is good nowadays not every villain is pure evil, and that they are often relatable; it makes us sympathize with them. But Maul IS pure evil. He is a Sith, and as such is one of the two most powerful evil people in the galaxy. Humanizing him, sympathizing with him, just makes him seem less scary. No one wants an emotional Sith.
    If you want some more juxtaposition, I prefer the relationship between Obi and Satine vs. Anakin and Padme. The idea of going against your own desires because you believe it is right versus justifying your desires because you believe they are wrong but want to follow them anyways is very relatable and compelling. It is this difference, combined with Anakin's realization that he and the supposedly omniscient Jedi are pawns in a much bigger scheme, that makes him ultimately turn against the Jedi.

  • @DaleESkywalker
    @DaleESkywalker 5 лет назад +4

    Hello there

  • @sheaballard3022
    @sheaballard3022 5 лет назад +1

    Great ideas! I especially like the one about Maul and Anakin being parallel characters in the way you described.

  • @CKr14
    @CKr14 5 лет назад +5


  • @xdanman1175
    @xdanman1175 5 лет назад

    I had an idea about the villains for the prequels. They are hinted at/introduced at the end of each subsequent movie. Maul stays the same but his character is fleshed out more in the movie. Qui Gon dies and before the funeral we see a very disgruntled and young Dooku storm out of the Jedi temple hinting at his turn to the dark side. In attack of the clones after the battle of geonosis there is a lone jedi master who infiltrated the catacombs but is struck down by an unknown figure and then we see Grievous’ hand grab the lightsaber. And then possibly in revenge of the sith hint at Boba Fett by having the emperor suggest to Vader that they have a young bounty hunter on their side. Things like this would be cool because the prequels did have a lot of throw away villains who weren’t introduced properly.

  • @Thedreamlandfire
    @Thedreamlandfire 5 лет назад +3

    All these ideas for someone else’s franchise. Make your own franchise already and stop trying to “fix” Star Wars. It’s fine just the way it is. No wonder George sold the company to Disney. People like you felt like they had a say in his own vision. I feel like the people who are dissatisfied with everything Star Wars puts out but still follow the franchise no matter what , probably don’t understand the heart and soul of what it’s really about and probably like it for very shallow/nostalgic reasons.

    • @GregoryMatous
      @GregoryMatous 5 лет назад

      Actually Thor understands it pretty well. But you're right: the great majority of fans understand SW on a superficial level. I was one of these people for a long time so I understand many people's shortsighted view.

  • @DanH34
    @DanH34 5 лет назад

    10/10, would watch.
    Probably the best 'alternate history' of the prequels I've come across.
    I'd add that I think that the Siege of Naboo should be at the behest of the Republic, either using their own forces or the Trade Federation as a (barely disguised) proxy. It eventually transpires that Palpatine is working in the background (at the head of an organised and existing conspiracy which he later betrays and seizes control of) to not only cause the disaffection in the Outer Rim, but also to push the Republic into aggressive military action against the restive systems. All with the purpose of destabilising the existing regime to enable his eventual takeover.

  • @masterrserch3971
    @masterrserch3971 5 лет назад +4


    • @DaleESkywalker
      @DaleESkywalker 5 лет назад +3

      Well done!

    • @thorskywalker
      @thorskywalker  5 лет назад +5

      Back to form I see. Impressive... most impressive

    • @Armoless
      @Armoless 5 лет назад +2

      Must have upped the ram in his pc ;)

    • @masterrserch3971
      @masterrserch3971 5 лет назад +3

      @@Armoless haha,,nope, used my work cell phone for this one, nice new phone, not bogged down with all the CRAP on my personal 4 year old phone hahaha

    • @Armoless
      @Armoless 5 лет назад +2

      ;) Well all the same good to have you in first again despite forgetting you're supposed to say "Now"

  • @dackhornbold1728
    @dackhornbold1728 5 лет назад +1

    1. Make Qui-Gon more of a disillusioned Jedi who sees Anakin as the Chosen One and regains his faith and purpose.
    2. Make Obi-Wan a former Padawan of Qui-Gon who has exceeded him in every way but still has a soft spot for the lapsed Jedi. Everything is easy for him and he never had to struggle to achieve greatness so the coming failure mentoring Anakin is devastating to him. He is also refined and attractive to Padme who has a crush on him.
    3. Make Anakin about 15 with a chip on his shoulder already, confident, headstrong and pragmatic, but still naive and susceptible to Padme's charms and flirtations.
    4. Leave Padme the same but let her be more refined, idealistic, cunning, and seductive. She isn't evil, but she is used to living with all the political intrigue and duplicity of a royal court. It is second nature to her and she is still learning how to use her feminine gifts to best effect.
    5. Let Maul have some personal hatred of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan for having let someone he loved die for the greater good. So he gets his revenge by killing Qui-Gon and battles to a draw with Obi-Wan, who has to leave in order to save Anakin.

  • @rawbeartoe_AK
    @rawbeartoe_AK 5 лет назад

    One thing, in the book, adapted from the movie, the force guided Anakin on what to shoot at in the droid control ship. It was not an accident. You have very valid points and I believe they would have made a good movie better.

  • @RokuroCarisu
    @RokuroCarisu 5 лет назад +2

    Qui Gon: "What does the scouter say about his midiclorian level?"
    Obi Wan: "It's over TEN THOUSAND!!!"

  • @vakonightsbane9044
    @vakonightsbane9044 5 лет назад

    This is not only hindsight being 20/20 but also not having a bunch of sicophants tell you that all of your decisions are the best ever. Your insights are well thought out and good.

  • @HeyyBrey
    @HeyyBrey 5 лет назад +1

    Fantastic video!! I love all the ideas!

  • @joelt2002
    @joelt2002 5 лет назад +2

    I always thought since the movie was released it could have been a decent stand along movie. You have some of the better characters of the prequels found ther Qui'gon and Darth Maul. The two things that should have been cut were the Pod Racing scene (was of 10 minute of the movie) and Jar Jar (obviously). Had those been removed from the movie it would be considered one of the best star wars movies.
    Even then it had no place being a part of the prequel trilogy. Prequels should have started with Attack of the Clones (which I found much worse than Phantom Menace), followed by the Clone Wars, and ending with Revenge of the Sith. What little setup it provided to the Clone wars could have easily been covered with the new movie setup.
    I like the Anakin changes for both movies. Darth Maul I liked as a nameless menacing force. He didn't really need a back story, people demanded one because he was so cool. Him not dying would pose a story problem as the Jedi would have hunted him down when a known sith killed one of their Jedi Masters. Sidious evaded capture because they didn't know he existed. Darth Maul was distinct.
    The Trade Federation and the separatist should have been driven by their fear of the Sith taken over and their loss of voice within the Senate. Trade Federation was betrayed by Sidious, it made no sense that they continued to work with him. Count Dooku should have been a dark Jedi, not a sith. So his plea to Obi'wan should have been legitimate, as he he thought the only way to defeat the Sith was by the dark side of the force.

  • @OdintheGermanShepherd
    @OdintheGermanShepherd 5 лет назад

    Awesome ideas, as always!!

  • @jonathanowen9917
    @jonathanowen9917 5 лет назад

    The changes you suggest would make a different, but much better, Episode I. I would still include the prophecy and have it be a divisive topic amongst the Jedi.
    An older Anakin should bring about a similar skepticism by Yoda, which foreshadows his later reluctance to train Luke, especially after what befalls Anakin.
    The disgraced warrior seeking to redeem himself would be a great storyline for JarJar and an interesting parallel to Dooku. JarJar could be someone attempting to defend and reform the Republic from within while Dooku abandons all hope of staving the decay and chooses to separate himself from all the corruption and keep the flame of hope alive from outside the Republic. He, along with a small cadre of other separatist Jedi, would establish a light order temple on an Outer World planet. Dooku would ultimately be the victim of betrayal by Palatine, who, for his own ends, would only pretend to back the separatist movement before ultimately helping to crush it.
    Maul suffered greatly from the dearth of dialogue in Episode I. Establishing the character with a more extended role in Episode I and II would be a good thing.

  • @sleeperawaken36
    @sleeperawaken36 5 лет назад

    Love all of this. Have had a lot of discussions with similar ideas, about needing an older Anakin in Phantom, closer to padme's age, with a darker countenance about him... I was thinking just no Jar Jar, but I like your idea better, maybe inject fish out of water humor in some fashion similar to Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy, rather than just thr goofiness we get. Love the idea how to both create deeper character development with Maul, while using that same development to strike a cord with Anakin, as well as using that same thread as a basis for the separatist. Nicely done :) Yes, I liked the prequels as well, but it does bother me the issues that were easily solvable. I like your solutions :)

  • @nicholas3585
    @nicholas3585 5 лет назад +1

    Awesome!!! I love how you focus on character development rather than odd twists of fate. I agree with you totally on the prequels. I love them, but I wish they had been better.

  • @7in779
    @7in779 5 лет назад +2

    The role you envision for Maul is so much more interesting and satisfying than what he eventually became: a character brought back to life in soap opera fashion who was better left in pieces and in peace.